Advanced and Multivariate Statistical Methods: Practical Application and Interpretation
Advanced and Multivariate Statistical Methods: Practical Application and Interpretation
Advanced and Multivariate Statistical Methods: Practical Application and Interpretation
Statistical Methods
Practical Application and Interpretation
Sixth Edition
• Multiple regression
o Identifies the best combination of predictor variables (IVs) of a single DV
o Appropriate research situation involves several quantitative IVs and one
quantitative DV
• Path analysis
o Utilizes multiple applications of multiple regression in order to estimate causal
relationships (direct and indirect) among several variables and to test the
acceptability of a causal model hypothesized by the researcher
o A complex analytical technique, due to the fact that there are numerous and
subsequent multiple regressions being conducted, all of which contribute to the
development and testing of the model
• t Test
o Most basic group comparison test; used to analyze significant differences
between two group means
o Appropriate when the IV is defined by having two categories and the DV is
• Discriminant analysis
o Sometimes seen as the reverse of MANOVA
o Attempts to identify a combination of quantitative IVs that best predicts group
membership as defined by a single DV that has two or more categories
• Logistic regression
o Similar to discriminate analysis in that both identify a set of IVs that best predicts
group membership
o However, logistic regression is appropriate in situations where the DV is a
dichotomous variable