P. Oliva, J. Leonard1 and J. F. Laurent
P. Oliva, J. Leonard1 and J. F. Laurent
P. Oliva, J. Leonard1 and J. F. Laurent
1. fi-NitOH),
To obtain pure nickel hydroxide, NHs proves to be a much better
precipitating reactant than strong alkali. Merlin’s method [ 121 consists of
adding an excess of ammonia to a nickel salt solution; on boiling, P-Ni(OH)z
precipitates slowly from the Ni( II) hexaammine solution thus obtained. A par-
ticularly pure nickel hydroxide has also been prepared by Fievet and Figlarz
[13, 141 via a two-step reaction: (i) precipitation of an a-type turbostratic
hydroxide from ammonia and a nickel solution, (ii) hydrothermal treatment
of this turbostratic hydroxide.
p-Hydroxide obtained by the latter method consists of hexagonal, plate-
like, submicronic particles (Fig. l(a)). Selected area electron diffraction
indicates that such hexagonal platelets are monocrystals lying on the (001)
plane (Fig. l(b)).
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. fl-Ni(OH)z particles obtained by hydrothermal growth of an aqueous suspension of
a turbostratic nickel hydroxide. (a) Electron microscopy; (b) selected area electron dif-
fraction by one particle of sample (a).
Crystal structure
@Ni(OH), crystallizes in the hexagonal system (P&zl-D33d) common
to several halogenides (CdIz type) and to other hydroxides M(OH)z (M = Ca,
Mg, Fe, Co, Mn, Cd). The unit cell parameters are a = 3.126 A and c = 4.605
A [ASTM, 14 - 1171.
The structure can be described as an hexagonal close-packed structure
of hydroxyl ions (AB oxygen packing) with Ni(II) occupying octahedral
interstices one plane out of two. It can also be visualized as a layered struc-
ture, each layer consisting of an hexagonal planar arrangement of Ni(I1) ions
with an octahedral coordination of oxygen, three oxygen atoms lying above
the nickel plane, three lying below. The layers are stacked up along the c
axis. By analogy with the structure of Mg(OH)z and Ca(OH)z the O-H bond
is thought to be parallel to the c axis [ 181.
As evidenced by IR there is no hydrogen bonding between the OH
groups of two adjacent layers [ 191.
3’ Co Kal ,o
20 30 40
The lines around 8.5 and 4.25 A displayed on the X-ray spectra are the
first and second order diffraction maxima corresponding to the regular
stacking of Ni(OH), layers along the c axis.
The asymmetric hk0 bands are explained by the randomisation of the
layers, c remaining constant. In his model McEwen assumes a very large
delocalization of water molecules in the intercalar layer. Le Bihan [33]
.theorized a model assuming an hexagonal quasi-close-packed arrangement of
intercalar water molecules, and interpreted the randomisation of the layers
(4 (b)
Fig. 4. Turbostratic nickel hydroxide. (a) Electron microscopy; (b) selected area electron
Thermal stability
The thermal decomposition of nickel hydroxide with reference to the
thermal decomposition of well-crystallized Ni(OH)2 has been studied by
Dennstedt [26] and Figlarz [ 341. Finely divided /I-Ni(OH), loses adsorbed
water below 160 “C. Hydrothermally grown &Ni(OH), with no adsorbed
water does not exhibit this water loss and begins to dehydrate above 200 “C.
By constrast OL hydroxides (and particularly the turbostratic form) exhibit
a weight loss of 30% below 150 “C, corresponding to water evolution. Most
of this water is adsorbed water, but a part of it undoubtedly comes from the
intercalar,layers of the turbostratic structure.
This conclusion arises from the fact that after a thermal treatment at
150 “C the turbostratic structure is still observed by X-ray diffraction and IR
spectroscopy, but the interplanar distance between two Ni(OH)s layers is
lowered from 8.5 A to 7 W. This variation is fully reversible by rehydration
[34(b)], and thermoanalysis suggests that the - 7 A stacked structure would
correspond to the presence of monomolecular intersheet water layers.
Elimination of these intercalar water molecules and dehydroxylation of the
hydroxide sheets then proceed in one single step for temperatures slightly
higher than 200 “C, i.e., in the same temperature range as fl-Ni(OH), . This
confirms that intercalar water molecules of the turbostratic structure are
hydrogen bonded to OH groups.
NMR and impedance measurements [ 231 support thermal decomposi- .
tion results. First, ‘H NMR studies show unequivocally the existence of two
types of protons:
- one, associated with a broad absorption line, remains unchanged
when temperature is increased; it corresponds to Ni(I1) hydroxyl ions or to
“bonded” inter-sheetwater.
-the other, a narrow absorption line, disappears with increasing tem-
perature and corresponds to adsorbed or “mobile” intersheet water.
Furthermore, whereas the conductivity of turbostratic hydroxides is
around 10e5 R-l cm- l at room temperature, it falls to below lo-’ Sl-l
cm-l (at the same temperature) once samples have been heated at 100 “C or
dehydrated under high vacuum.
The “7” denomination was first given by Glemser [36] to a compound
exhibiting a large intersheet distance and a high oxidation state obtained by
a C
(a (A)
-z%O 2.82 21.15
Ko.23NiOl.a 2.82 19.12
KoS14Ni02 - zH20 2.82 21.15
K0.14NiO2 2.82 19.15
“7-NiOOH” [ 361 2.82 20.65
Crystallographic discussion
All reported r-NiOOH phases correspond to layer structures and rhom-
bohedral cells, which can be described as NiO, sheets having an octahedral
nickel ion environment.
K+ and Na+ ions, protons, and water molecules are intercalated between
the slabs.
It is interesting to relate this result to the numerous studies which have
been devoted to anhydrous alkali layer oxides A,MOs [37, 43, 441, and
which show that in the rhombohedral symmetry only two types of oxygen
packing can be found: ABCABC or ABBCCA. While in the former, alkali
ions are inserted in octahedral environments, in the latter alkali ions exhibit
a trigonal prismatic surrounding (Fig. 5). Bityutskii found an octahedral
environment for potassium in Ke.,NiO,_s and a trigonal prismatic one for
K0.14Ni02, and indicated that the diffraction patterns of Kc_i4Ni02 and
-y-NiOOH are very close.
In addition, the crystal structure determination of Na,,ss(H20),,s7Ni02
has undoubtedly led to the assumption of an ABBCCA oxygen packing for the
atoms belonging to the NiOs slabs [41] ; Na’ ions and oxygen atoms belong-
ing to water molecules are in trigonal prisms. Braconnier and Delmas found
that the X-ray diffraction pattern of -y-NiOOH obtained by hydrolysis of
NaNiOs is very similar to those recorded for anhydrous alkali layer oxides
(A,MOs) exhibiting an ABBCCA oxygen packing [ 451. Thus all the available
data seem to corroborate the hypothesis of an ABBCCA oxygen packing for
0 (B)
0 (6)
M (C)
M (C)
0 (A)
0 IA)
A Ib)
A (bh (cl
0 (0
M I4
0 IB)
A Ia
0 (A)
M 0
0 (0
A 0)
0 (6) 0 (8)
0 (A) 0 (A)
Fig. 5. Structure of layer oxides with rhombohedral lattices. ABCABC and ABBCCA oxy-
gen packings.
The overall redox reaction P-Ni(OH)z + r-NiOOH which is obse
under strong oxidation conditions in an electrochemical cell thus suppc:
transition from the AB oxygen packing of fl-Ni(OH), to the ABBCC
oxygen packing of r-NiOOH. Upon oxidation of fl-Ni(OH),, &NiOOI
which has the same AB packing, is first obtained. Further oxidation to
NiOOH implies that electrons are removed from Ni3+ ions (giving Ni*+)
protons from the intersheet space. At the same time water is intercalatc
protons are exchanged by alkali ions, and a sheet glide occurs, which is
trated in Fig. 6. In consequence of this structural rearrangement the in1
sheet distance increases (c P-NiOOH = 4.85 8, -+ c/3 y-NiOOH > 7 A). ’
minimum difference in the intersheet distance between both phases COI
sponds approximately to the size of a water molecule [28].
A-0 +C
c B
Fig. 6. Transition between AB and ABBCCA oxygen packing by gliding of the seca
third sheets.
The transitions which can take place in the nickel electrode can
summarized, as previously shown by the Bode diagram: (l), (2) (3).
cu-Ni(OH)z r_NiOOH + H+ + e-
Reactions (l), (2) and (3) can now be discussed on a strictly structural
Inevitably, this raises the question of why -y-NiOOH does not form directly
from P-Ni(OH), upon oxidation. It can reasonably be assumed that it is
mainly a matter of kinetics and steric hindrance. While the oxidation of fl-
Ni(OH), to P-NiOOH only implies the removal of one proton and one elec-
tron, with no other structural change except a slight cell parameter variation,
the oxidation to r-NiOOH requires the intercalation of Ha0 molecules, the
exchange of protons and alkali ions, and a sheet glide. As a consequence a
higher energy barrier exists and fl-NiOOH is first obtained, y phases appearing
ultimately upon overcharge or ageing in KOH.
This reaction scheme is corroborated by the fact that y-type oxy-hydro-
xides are formed directly from a-Ni(OH), since, in this case, the intersheet
distance is already expanded and there is no need to intercalate additional
1. Thermodynamic properties
Since the pioneering work of Conway [ 541 who first established that
the potential of charged nickel hydroxide electrodes is well above the revers-
ible oxygen potential, and who derived (from e.m.f. decay measurements)
the first trustworthy results concerning the thermodynamic properties of Ni
hydroxides, considerable progress has been achieved in the field.
Reversible potentials have been measured for pn/pm and cll/y systems
over a wide range of KOH concentrations and for various states of charge.
Ageing of nickel hydroxide electrodes has also given rise to a number of
recent papers by Bramham [ 561, Prikryl [ 571 and Barnard [ 241.
but an important contribution of his work was to establish that both (Yand p
systems can exist in a wide variety of forms associated, respectively, with the
potential ranges 0.392 - 0.440 V and 0.443 - 0.470 V, which confirms elec-
trochemically the great variations observed in the structure and the texture
of both systems.
As seen above, it was found that those potentials were independent of
the degree of oxidation of the nickel cation over an appreciable range of
Fig. 7. Evolution from the a/‘y to the on/pm system. Voltammetric sweeps of electro-
chemically precipitated (Yphases in a sintered nickel electrode. 8N KOH; potential sweep
0.1 mV s-l ; Ref. Hg/HgO. Curve 1 -: cycle 1, al/y system; curve 2 -L -: cycle 3,
fi phase with low charge/discharge potentials; curve 3 . . .: cycle 65, typical fi phase.
(i) Change from the a/r system (curve 1) to a phase system with peak
shape characteristics of p phases but lower charge and discharge potentials
(curve 2). This step could be identified with the production of Barnard’s
[24] “deactivated” (Yphase in the discharged state. It may be added that the
same phenomenon exists in the charged condition.
(ii) Progressive increase of the charge/discharge potentials with corre-
sponding decrease of the chargeability (curve 3). This second step is a slow
one, and the charge potential finally remains lower than that reached upon
cycling with chemically precipitated fl-Ni(OH), . This transformation can be
associated with point (c).
(c) Order/disorder phenomena in the p-Ni(OH),/NiOOH system, which
have been studied voltammetrically on chemically precipitated hydroxides.
Depending on ageing, state of charge, and rate of charge, the discharge
potential of the phase may vary over a range of 40 mV (cf. Fig. 8).
0.4 E(V)
Fig. 8. Influence of the state of charge on the discharge potential of fl NOE; cathodic
voltammetric sweeps are recorded after galvanostatic charges at the C/5 rate in 5.2N
KOH. -:3hcharge;---:7hcharge;...: peaks of pm and y obtained after pro-
longed ageing. (Potential sweep 0.1 mV s-l ; ref. Hg/HgO.)
mAh g’N~(ll)
3 ia k KOH
Fig. 9. Influence of the KOH concentration upon the capacity of fl NOE. Discharges are
run at the C/5 rate. -: After 1.4 C overcharge (C/5 rate); - - -: after 4.8 C overcharge
(C/10 rate).
The case of LP
Lithium nickelate is the only phase obtained upon oxidation in pure
LiOH electrolytes. Penetration of Li” in the crystal lattice is interpreted as an
exchange reaction between Li+ and protons, and Guliamov [81] brought
theoretical support to this hypothesis.
Lithium nickelate displays a low potential discharge peak and exhibits
a poor reversibility, especially at low temperatures [ 821. The discharge takes
place through a homogeneous reaction within a single solid phase, as shown
both on the X-ray diagrams (the structure of lithium nickelate remains ap-
parent, and no Ni(OH)2 is noticed until almost the end of discharge) and by
the shape of the discharge curve [82]. Due to the absence of y-phase, the
capacities of the electrodes remain low in pure LiOH. Thus lithium must be
used with extreme caution since, depending on experimental conditions, it
can either improve or poison NOE operation. In KOH solutions containing
lithium as an additive, capacity increases with the addition of LiOH up to
an atomic ratio Li/Ni = 0.06, and decreases beyond this point. The maximum
capacity is displaced towards higher values of the Li/Ni ratio with increasing
temperatures [ 831. At low Li+ concentrations, p and y phases are formed,
whereas lithium nickelate is obtained at higher Li+ contents.
All three phases have been obtained simultaneously in 7N KOH-1N
LiOH upon moderate overcharge, and characterized by their three voltam-
metric peaks [ 651 . Lithium nickelate discharges at a potential 50 mV lower
than the y phase. Its formation proceeds with a decrease in the apparent
degree of oxidation of nickel in the charged electrode [ 831 and an increase
in the discharged electrode [ 741. The rate of formation of lithium nickelate
is also increased with the total OH- concentration of the electrolyte.
The intersheet distance of lithium nickelate, c/3 = 4.7 A with respect to
hexagonal axes [ 841, is considerably smaller than that of y-NiOOH, and the
general observation (particularly true in the case of pocket plates) that the
addition of LiOH to KOH improves NOE longevity may well find its origin
in a mechanical swelling limitation. The beneficial effect of lithium against
NOE poisoning by iron (or ferrate ions) can (all the same) be interpreted on
the same basis, i.e., the impossibility of large radius species penetrating the
crystal lattice.