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Environmental Photochemistry: Is Iron Oxide (Hematite) An Active Photocatalyst? A Comparative Study: A-Fe20,, Zno, Ti02

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Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry, 48 (1989) 161 - 169 161




W. M. Keck Lnboratories, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
(Received December 6, 1988)


The photocatalytic activity of a-Fe203 colloids is compared to the

activities of colloids and suspensions of ZnO and TiOz. The formation of
H,O, is investigated and the oxidation of organic molecules is studied
with high sensitivity. While ZnO and TiOz are found to be quite active
photocatalysts in the formation of hydrogen peroxide and in the degrada-
tion of chlorinated hydrocarbon molecules, only negligible photocatalytic
activity is found for ar-FezOs. Upper limits of quantum yields for several
photoreactions of a-FezOJ are given.

1. Introduction

Photocatalytic reactions promoted by aqueous suspensions of colloidal

metal oxides have .been the subject of an abundant number of recent inves-
tigations (e.g. see ref. 1). Iron oxide, an n-type semiconductor with a band-
gap of 2.2 eV, has been studied extensively for use in solar photoelectrolysis
cells [2, 33. Leland and Bard [43 recently studied the photoelectrochemical
properties of colloids and particles of different forms of iron oxide. They
found cx-Fe,O,, the most stable polymorph, to be the most effective catalyst
for the photo-oxidation of sulfite (ref. 4 extensively reviews further publica-
tions on the photoelectrochemical properties of iron oxide). Frank and
Bard [5] investigated the photocatalytic oxidation of cyanide and sulfite
at several semiconductor powders. They found TiOz to be an active photo-
catalyst for cyanide oxidation, while no oxidation was seen for cw-Fe,O,.
Cunningham et al. [63 obtained evidence for the photocatalytic formation
of OH’ radicals in illuminated suspensions of cu-FeOOH. Pronounced dif-
ferences in the activities of two Fe*Os samples were found when Pichat

‘Present address: Institut fiir Solarenergieforschung, Sokelantstr. 5, D-3000 Han-

nover 1, F.R.G.

lOlO-6030/89/$3.50 0 Elsevier Sequoia/Printed in The Netherlands


and coworkers examined the photocatalytic behavior of various semicon-

ductor oxide powders dispersed in oxalic acid solutions 171. The photo-
catalytic activity of a-FezO, (hematite) has also been studied by several
authors in the context of the dissolution of solid oxide phases [S, 91. Stra-
me1 and Thomas [lo] studied the photochemistry of iron oxide colloids
but were unsuccessful in promoting chemical reactions by irradiating into
the Fe*Os absorption band. Ferric oxides and oxyhydroxides (a-Fe,O,,
Fe304, cu-FeOOH, y-FeOOH) are ubiquitous constituents of the aqueous
environment and have also been identified as components of airborne
particles [ 111. Their potential importance in the photocatalytic transforma-
tion of sulfur compounds in the aqueous atmospheric environment has
been evaluated by Hoffmann and coworkers [ 121.
In the work described below, the photocatalytic activity of cY-FezO,
colloids is compared to the activities of ZnO and TiOz. The formation of
Hz02 is investigated and the oxidation of organic molecules is studied with
high sensitivity.

2. Experimental details

2.1. Materials
Transparent o-FezOs colloids were prepared by the controlled hydro-
lysis of FeCl, which was followed by membrane dialysis until the residual
Cl- concentration was below 10m5 M. Particle diameters were found to be
between 3 and 20 nm. Details of the synthesis and characterization of this
catalyst have been described elsewhere 1121. Titanium dioxide (bandgap
energy, 3.2 eV) [ 131 was obtained from Degussa (P25); it had a BET surface
area of 50 + 15 m2 g-l and an average particle diameter of 30 nm. Zinc
oxide (bandgap energy, 3.4 eV) [13] was u.s.p. grade from Baker. Suspen-
sions were freshly prepared by sonication (< 60 s in Bransonic 5200 cleaning
bath). The concentrations employed resulted in an absorption of more
than 95% of the incident photons at 330 nm. Chloroacetic acid (MCB)
contained about 2 mol.% of Cl- as detected by ion chromatography (HPIC).
All chemicals were of reagent grade and used without further purification.
The water employed in all preparations was purified by a Mill&Q/R0 system
with an attached ORGANEX-Q unit (p > 18 MLn cm).

2.2. Apparatus
Illumination apparatus and actinometry have been described elsewhere
[ 141. Typically a volume of 2 ml suspension was illuminated with the
collimated beam of an Osram XBO 450 W lamp through a 300 nm UV
cut-off and an IR filter. The incident photon flux between 300 and 400 nm
was 1% 5 X lop3 M hu min-’ . Reaction temperatures were between 25 and
30 “C.
Hydrogen peroxide concentrations were determined by an enzymatic
and a polarographic method. Details have been described elsewhere 1143.

HPIC was performed with a Dionex 202Oi instrument (column, AS4A with
AG4 pre-column; eluant, 0.005 M Na,B&; flow rate, 2.0 ml min-’ ; detec-
tion, suppressed conductivity; sample volume, 50 ~1). Chloride concentra-
tions were also determined using a chloride sensitive electrode (Orion 9417).
In a typical illumination experiment 25 - 50 ~1 aliquots were taken, diluted
in 2500 ~1 of water (in the case of the Fez03 colloid, 0.5 mM NaOH was
used to precipitate the colloid) and subsequently analyzed by HPIC. The
degradation of volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons was monitored by gas
chromatography (HP 5880A Level Four instrument; column, 12 m HP-I,
isothermal at 35 “C; carrier gas, nitrogen at 1 ml min- ’ ; electron capture
detector (300 “C)). Typically, 10 ~1 of the headspace of the aqueous sample
solutions were injected.

3. Results and discussion

Metal oxide semiconductor particles such as Fe203, ZnO, and TiOz

behave as short-circuited electrochemical cells where both cathodic and
anodic electron transfer occur on the same particle. Excitation of the metal
oxide (MO) particle with light (hv > E,,,) leads to the formation of an
electron-hole pair:
MO+hv- Mote& + h$)
While electron donors such as acetate fill the photogenerated valence band
the remaining conduction band electrons can reduce oxygen to yield hy-
drogen peroxide
e,,-++O,+H+- +H,O,
The formation of HzOz in illuminated aqueous suspensions of ZnO,
TiOz, and desert sand has been studied previously [14]. It has been shown
that during the initial phase the rate production of H,O, is given by

d’;to2’ = (#. - &[H202]) d[h;;abs

where &, is the quantum yield for H202 formation, @I is the quantum yield
for H202 degradation, and d[hV] abs/dt is the photon flux (141. A steady
state concentration of H202, [H202], = #0/+1, is reached because H202
itself accepts or donates electrons and is degraded.
No hydrogen peroxide is found when aerated suspensions of cu-Fe203
colloids or powders are illuminated with intense light (X > 300 nm). The
upper limit for the quantum yield for H202 formation is calculated to be
#,, < lows, considering the amount of photons absorbed and the detection
limits of the methods used. The experimental conditions were comparable

to the experiments with the other oxides and were varied as follows: [CY-
Fe203] = (5 X 10p4)-(1 X 10m3) M; electron donor, [isopropanol] = 1 M or
[acetate] = 10 mM; [O,] = (2.3 X 10S4) - (1.3 X 10w3) M; pH 2 - 5; ionic
strength I = lo- 3 - lo-* M (KCl).
The different behavior of the three oxides can be explained if one
takes into account the redox potentials of the conduction band electrons
and of individual electron transfer reactions. While at pH 2 the redox potential
of the conduction band for bulk ZnO and Ti02 electrodes have been re-
ported to be Ecb = 0.0 V and Ecb = + 0.05 V respectively, the corresponding
value for cy-Fe203 is Ecb = +0.3 V [ 133. The redox potential of photo-
generated conduction band electrons in small particles may be somewhat
more negative (by about 0.1 V) than the redox potential of the conduction
band for bulk electrodes because of characteristic size effects [ 15, 161.
On the other hand, in homogeneous solution a value of E* = -0.15 V
(at pH 2) has been given for the reduction of oxygen [ 171:
e,,- + O2 + H+ + HO;
This value may be more positive when dioxygen is chemically bound to
the surface. It is obvious that the reduction of O2 by a conduction band
electron is most endothermic (AG” = -0.45 V or + 44 kJ mol-‘) in the case
of ar-Fe203. Hence, it is not surprising that the oxygen molecule is not
photoreduced on a-Fez03 particles.

3.1. Photocataly tic oxidation

Oxidation of organic or inorganic molecules by photogenerated holes
or via intermediate OH’ radicals can occur after the photogenerated con-
duction band electrons have reacted with oxygen (Ti02, ZnO) [14] or
with ferric ions [8,9]. It has been shown that the presence of oxygen is
necessary for photocatalytic oxidations to occur [14] or to prevent the
reductive dissolution of ac-Fe203 particles via [8, 91
D + {cx-Fe203}(Fe3+) + hv - {a-Fez031 + D+ + Fe::
In the present study chloroacetate was chosen as electron donor because its
disappearance as well as the formation of its degradation product, chloride,
can be detected with accuracy and high sensitivity by HPIC. Over the pH
range of this study (pH 5 - 8) the molecule is negatively charged (pK, = 2.9)
and is adsorbed to the positively charged particle surfaces, since pH <
pH,,, (pH of zero point of charge) [18].
Millimolar concentrations of chloroacetate are degraded with the
concomitant formation of chloride ions in a 1 :l ratio when aqueous sus-
pensions containing ZnO (Fig. l(a)) or Ti02 (Fig. l(b)) particles are irra-
diated with UV light. Although the detailed mechanism of such photo-
catalytic oxidations is still unknown, it has been shown that photocatalytic
oxidations of various chlorinated hydrocarbons proceed to complete degra-
dation with quantitative formation of carbonate, chloride, and protons
[ 19,201, e.g.

0 Chloride
A Cl-Acetate
0 chloride A Cl-Acetate

(a) Illumination Time / hours (b) Illumination Time / min

A Cl-Acetate
0 Chloride

0 _ e

-“.200- Illumination.Time / hours

Fig. 1. Photocatalytic degradation of chloroacetate with concomitant formation of
chloride in aqueous suspensions of metal oxides. (a) 2 x lo-’ M ZnO powder, pH 8,
air, UV light (300 - 400. nm) with I = 5 x 10m3 M hv min-‘; (b) 6.3 x 10m3 M TiOz
(P25) powder, pH 5, air, UV light; (c) 1 x low3 M a-Fe203 colloid, pH 5, air, full lamp

CH2ClC02- + +02 + H,O - 2HCO,- + Cl- + 2H+

From the slope of the plots (Figs. l(a) and l(b)) and the actinometry of
the experiment, quantum yields of degradation are calculated to be about
3% for TiOz and 0.1% for ZnO.
Figure l(c) shows that ilIumination of ar-Fe,O, colloid in the presence
of chloroacetate and oxygen does not lead to the release of chloride ions
or to a degradation of the organic acid. An upper limit for the quantum
yield of degradation of + < 10v6 can be calculated from the amount of
light absorbed.after 7 h of illumination (X > 300 nm) and the lack of chlo-
ride detection by HPIC.
Figure 2 shows how chloroform is degraded when a suspension of
TiOz particles is illuminated with UV light. The initial quantum yield is
found to be 2% in agreement with similar experiments by Pruden and Ollis
[ 211. The reaction stoichiometry
2CHC1, + O2 + 2H20 - 2C02 + 6H+ + 6Cl-
has been confirmed by measuring the chloride production rate [21], the
formation of carbonate [21, 221, the rate of hydroxide consumption at
constant pH [ 221, and the depletion of oxygen 1221. Under the same

1 .oo

2 0.60

-5 0.40

i! 0.20 +
0 ++
60 120 IO
llluninatim Time / rnh

Fig. 2. Photocatalytic degradation of chloroform in the presence of aqueous TiOz powder

(P25, 6.3 x 10m3 M, pH 5, air).

experimental conditions, chloroform is not degraded (quantum yield as

determined by GC headspace technique $J< 0.1%) and no chloride is formed
when a-Fez 0s colloids are used instead of TiO*_
Chloral (CClsCH(OH),) is a molecule carrying a hydrophilic group
which facilitates adsorption to the particle surfaces; however, no photo-
degradation (4 < 0.1%) of this molecule is found when a-Fe30s colloids
are illuminated with UV light at pH 2.6 ([CCl,CH(OH),] = 10m4 M).
The absence of photocatalytic activity of a-Fe,Os in the oxidation of
such molecules as chloroform, chloroacetic acid, and chloral cannot be
explained in terms of the redox potential of the valence band. This oxida-
tion potential is sufficiently positive, i.e. Evb = +2.5 V (at pH 2), to oxidize
water yielding OH’ radicals (E” = 2.47 V) [23]. The OH’ radicals in turn are
known to oxidize all of the above organic molecules. It must be concluded
that neither the oxidizing power of a valence band hole nor the intermediate
OH’ radical is available at the surface of an cu-Fe203 particle after light
excitation. Kennedy and Frese proposed that two optical absorption pro-
cesses occur in ferric oxide, one of which leads to a second type of hole,
similar to an Fe4+ species, of relatively low oxidizing power 121. It appears
that effective relaxation channels for the excited state are available in the
Fe,O, material studied here, thus leading to the formation of holes in such
deep traps.
Our experimental observation that organic molecules such as acetate,
chloral or CHCls are not oxidized on cu-FezOsparticles does not contradict
other reports on the photocatalytic activity of this material [5, 7 - 9, 24,
251. There are reports on the photocatalytic oxidation of sulfite 191, thiols
1241, and iodide [25]. Note, however, that these molecules are much better
reducing agents that react easily with ferric ions in the dark [26 - 281.
Light excitation in these cases helps to overcome relatively small activation
energies. In fact, Waite et al. [24] preferred to term the reaction with
thiols “photoassisted”, as they observed substantial dark reaction rates.
Other “photocatalytic” reactions involve such electron donors as
oxalate or citrate that are also strong complexing agents, ie. they form
Photocatalytic activity of iron oxide particles

Material Quantum yield System studied Reference

cy-FezOs 0.027 at 350 nm Fe(I1) production in the presence of sulfite 9

&FeZOs 1ooa Sulfite oxidation 4
y-Fez03 60a 4
6-FeOOH 148 4
fl-FeOOH 11a 4
y-FeOOH 124a 4
&FeOOH 6a 4
rrr-Fe203 38 Oxidation of oxalate 4
r-Fe203 41a 4
6-FeOOH 11a 4
&FeOOH 108 4
y-FeOOH 298 4
a-FeOOH 6a 4
Fe203 Active Oxidation of oxalate 7
a-FeOOH 0.8b Oxidation of iodide by laser photolysis 25
a-FeOOH (3 x 10-s) - (2 x 10-s) Formation of salicylate by oxidation of benzoate 6
a-Fe203 Enhanced dissolution of (Y-Fe203 in the presence of thiols 24

7-203 3 x 1o-s Dissolution with citrate 8

a-Fe2 03 No activity Oxidation of polyacrylic acid, formation of CO2 10
a-Fe203 No activity Oxidation of cyanide 5
a-Fe2 03 No activity Oxidation of chloroacetate, chloroform and chloral This work
a-Fe203 No activity Formation of H202 This work

aRelative quantum yields calculated from pseudo-first-order rate constants given in Table 1 of ref. 4.
bThe authors of ref. 4, however, find equal yields of iodide oxidation in the presence and the absence of cr-Fe203.

inner sphere complexes with ferric ions in homogeneous solution. Pichat

and coworkers studied the oxidation of oxalate on (uncharacterized) FezOS
specimens [ 71. Oxalate is known to be an excellent complexing agent which
may dissolve iron oxide under formation of the ferritrioxalate complex
129, 301.
It is conceivable that the photoactive species is a monomolecular iron
complex rather than an ar-Fe,O, particle. Faust and Hoffmann [9] showed
that while the quantum efficiency of the surface complexes between iron-
(III) and sulfur(IV) is high, light absorption is dominated by the cx-FezOs
particles, which are less active. Baxendale and Bridge [31] found that the
quantum yield for the photo-oxidation of formate in the presence of Fe3+
decreases as the Fe3+ concentration is increased. They concluded that
polymolecular species were formed which were less reactive.

3.2. Is iron oxide an actiue photocatalyst?

Clearly, the answer will depend on the system studied. While TiOa
and ZnO appear to be active photo-oxidation catalysts with virtually any
electron donor [ 1,14,19 - 211, cu-Fe203 particles appear to react only
with a select set of molecules (i.e., with strong reducing agents, that already
react in the dark, and with multidentate ligands). Table 1 summarizes
quantum yields for photocatalytic reactions of iron oxide particles obtained
from the literature and from this work. In the majority of the studies strong-
ly binding and reducing agents were used as electron donors. While sulfite
or oxalate were found to be effectively oxidized, other electron donors
such as citrate, benzoate or cyanide did show only little or no activity.
Except for sulfite, oxalate and iodide (see, however, footnote b, Table
l), very low quantum yields (( 3 X 10-s) - (5 X 10m5)) were reported for the
other molecules. It appears questionable whether such low quantum yields
are relevant to environmental processes involving the oxidation of organic
molecules since the rate of reaction is proportional to the product of @
times the concentration of the semiconductor which is also low. The present
study did not detect any photocatalytic activity of cr-FezOs particles 4 4
lo-$ _. .10S3 (experimental resolution) in the oxidation of “normal” organic
molecules (i.e. molecules, that are not particularly strong reducing or com-
plexing agents).


We wish to thank Professor Rudi van Eldik for communicating his

recent work to us prior to publication [ 281.


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