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LG Bauxite - Alumina Recovery

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Hydrometallurgy 191 (2020) 105184

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The leachability of a ternary CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 slag produced from smelting- T

reduction of low-grade bauxite for alumina recovery

Fabian Imanasa Azofa, , Michail Vafeiasb, Dimitrios Paniasb, Jafar Safariana
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Trondheim, Norway
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Athens, Greece


Keywords: A combination of smelting-reduction of bauxite and leaching treatment of the produced slag for alumina re-
Low-grade bauxite covery is known as the Pedersen process. The process is considered to be more sustainable for producing me-
Smelting-reduction tallurgical-grade alumina than the Bayer process as it does not produce bauxite residue (red mud), which is one
Aluminate slag of the most abundant industrial byproducts in the world. In this work, the leachability of a ternary CaO-Al2O3-
SiO2 slag produced from smelting-reduction of low-grade bauxite has been studied. The obtained calcium alu-
Leaching residue
minate-slag consists of Ca12Al14O33 and CaAl2O4 phases with minor amounts of complex oxide phases. A
leaching series have been carried out at different temperatures, Na2O(carbonate):Na2O(caustic) concentration ratios.
The composition of solids and leaching liquors were analyzed for measuring the recovery of the aluminum and
silicon. The results show that the highest aluminum extraction extent in the current study is 46.7%, which is
achieved at a temperature of 75 °C, 1 atm, in 60 g/L Na2O(carbonate) solution, in 30 min of leaching time. A passive
calcium-containing layer at the slag's surface acts as a mass transfer barrier for the reactants and products of the
leaching reactions, making their diffusion the rate-limiting step. A high concentration of Na2O(caustic) may de-
crease the aluminum extraction of the slag as a result of insufficient carbonate anions in the system, where the
dissolved aluminum reacts with the calcium cations and produce 3CaO·Al2O3·6H2O phase.

1. Introduction et al., 2018). Thus, the Pedersen process eliminates the red mud pro-
blem as encountered in the Bayer process.
Excessive production of bauxite residue (red mud), which is esti- The amount of the red mud produced in the Bayer process is posi-
mated 150 million tonnes annually in 2017 (Tsesmelis, 2017) becomes tively related to the mass concentration of iron-bearing phases in the
one of the major concerns amongst alumina producers. The severe ac- bauxite, which is evident as the composition of the red mud is domi-
cidents on red mud dams occurred during the last decades (Norway's nated by iron oxide phases (Safarian and Kolbeinsen, 2016a). In alu-
Norsk Hydro apologises for spills in Brazil river_2018.pdf WWW mina industries, bauxite with relatively low Al2O3/SiO2 mass ratio is
Document, 2018; Outrage as plant bosses acquitted over fatal toxic spill considered as low-grade bauxite. Meanwhile, bauxite with low Al2O3/
in Hungary WWW Document, 2016) boosted many research projects on Fe2O3 mass ratios can be regarded as low-grade bauxite as well (Blake
red mud valorization worldwide. However, according to recent litera- et al., 1966). Although from a technical point of view bauxites with low
ture (Azof et al., 2018), none of them have been scaled up to com- Al2O3/Fe2O3 mass ratios can be treated with the Bayer process, how-
mercial production due to economic reasons and particular challenges. ever, from an economic point of view their treatment is unfavorably
In 1927, a Norwegian metallurgist named Harald Pedersen (1927) had facing additionally the challenge of disposal of vast amounts of red mud
patented a process for manufacturing aluminum hydroxide from fer- produced as mentioned earlier. On the contrary, the Pedersen process
ruginous bauxite that was based on the combination of both pyro- and seemed to be more advantageous for the treatment of low-grade
hydrometallurgical processes. The schematic flow sheet of the original bauxites. A relationship between the content of alumina and iron oxides
Pedersen process is shown in Fig. 1. The process produces pig iron, in a typical bauxite and laterite deposit is reconstructed from Nielsen
metallurgical-grade alumina, and an inert leaching residue called grey (1978) in Fig. 2, which shows that the Pedersen process is suitable for
mud, which can be used in the agriculture industry as a fertilizer or soil all grades of deposit in the particular compositions.
improver, and one of rare earth elements potential resource (Vafeias Furthermore, Smith (2009) states that bauxite with an Al2O3/SiO2

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: fabian.i.azof@ntnu.no (F.I. Azof).

Received 20 April 2019; Received in revised form 20 September 2019; Accepted 17 October 2019
Available online 28 October 2019
0304-386X/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
F.I. Azof, et al. Hydrometallurgy 191 (2020) 105184

ENSUREAL project (www.ensureal.com) that was based on the same

process, where the two universities were also involved. Most of the
authors' previous studies (Azof et al., 2018; Safarian, 2018a, 2018b;
Safarian and Kolbeinsen, 2016a, 2016b; Sellaeg et al., 2017) focused on
the pyro-metallurgical part, especially in the smelting-reduction process
of low-grade bauxite ores. Our several studies (Azof et al., 2017, 2019a,
2019b) in the hydro-metallurgical part of the Pedersen process were
mainly focused on the leaching characteristics of synthetic CaO-Al2O3
slags. In the meantime, there has been limited information provided
from the literature regarding the leaching characteristics of ternary
CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 slag produced from the smelting-reduction of bauxite,
as well as the physicochemical characteristics of residue (grey mud)
generated from the leaching process. Therefore, in the current work, we
study the leachability of a calcium aluminum silicate slag in different
leaching conditions (e.g., temperature, Na2CO3-NaOH concentration of
the leaching solution) for alumina recovery and investigate the che-
mical properties and morphology of grey mud.

2. Theoretical calculation

In the literature (Azof et al., 2018), the smelting-reduction process,

which uses a mixture of lime, coke, and bauxite ore with CaO/Al2O3
Fig. 1. A schematic flow sheet of the original Pedersen process. molar ratios of 1.0–1.7 as the feed material, produces a calcium alu-
minate slag that contains leachable phases in a sodium carbonate so-
lution. The known leachable phases are CaAl2O4 (denoted as CA) and
Ca12Al14O33 (denoted as C12A7) (Azof et al., 2017; Blake et al., 1966;
Lundquist and Leitch, 1963a, 1963b). However, other calcium-alu-
minum-silicate phases, i.e., CaAl2SiO6 (denoted as CAS), Ca2Al2SiO7
(denoted as C2AS), may also coexist in the slag depending on the nature
of silicon content of the bauxite ore.
The leaching reactions of CA and C12A7 phase in Na2CO3 solution
and their Gibbs energy change values at room temperature can be
written as follows (Azof et al., 2017; Blake et al., 1966; Lundquist and
Leitch, 1963a, 1963b):
CaAl2O4(s) + Na2CO3(aq) = 2NaAlO2(aq) + CaCO3(s)
ΔG°25°C = ‐53.6 kJ/molCaAl2 O4 (1)

Ca12Al14 O33(s) + 12Na2CO3(aq) + 5H2 O(l)

= 14NaAlO2(aq) + 12CaCO3(s) + 10NaOH(aq)
ΔG°25°C = ‐745.2 kJ/molCa12Al14 O33 (2)
Both Reactions (1) and (2) show that the formation of NaAlO2
aqueous phase is favorable at room temperature. By using HSC™ v.9
equilibrium compositions module, we calculate the thermo-chemical
equilibrium of CA and C12A7 leaching reactions at different tempera-
Fig. 2. The relationship between the content of alumina and iron oxide in a tures. The result is shown in Fig. 4. The amount of input and list of
bauxite and laterite deposit, as was reconstructed after Nielsen (1978). output species used in the calculation are enclosed as a supplementary
material of the article. The selection is based on the possible phases that
mass ratio < 6.25 or with a reactive silica content higher than 8 wt% is may form in an aqueous solution that consists of Al–O–H–Ca–C–Na
regarded as low-grade one, and is considered uneconomic for the Bayer element according to the software's database.
process. This typical bauxite is not favorable for both the Bayer and the As seen in Fig. 4, CA and C12A7 have a negligible amount in the
Pedersen process due to the silicon-bearing phases that may dilute into equilibrium condition at the respected range of temperatures, which
the solution during the digestion that needs a further desilication indicates that the phases are leachable in solution. The solid product of
treatment. Table 1 shows the chemical composition of bauxites that the leaching reactions in equilibrium, CaCO3, has a constant amount
were taken from several locations in the world. regardless of the temperature.
Moreover, Fig. 3 shows the distribution of bauxites based on Al2O3/
SiO2 and Al2O3/Fe2O3 mass ratios that correspond to the bauxite ores in 3. Experimental
Table 1. In Fig. 3, we only consider the ratio between three major
compounds, which are Al2O3, SiO2, Fe2O3, and do not include TiO2 as it In this section, we describe the materials preparation, character-
has a relatively low concentration; < 4 wt%. ization of the samples, and leaching equipment and process parameters.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) through
research domain 5-Materials and Society in SFI-metal production and 3.1. Slag preparation
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) have initiated and
started preliminary work on reviving the Pedersen process. The The main material used in the current study is a slag that was
European Union under Horizon 2020 program also has launched produced by a smelting-reduction process of a mixture of bauxite, coke,

F.I. Azof, et al. Hydrometallurgy 191 (2020) 105184

Table 1
Chemical composition of bauxites at several locations in the world.
No Country, location Reference Composition (wt%)

Al2O3 SiO2 Fe2O3 TiO2 LOI

1 Greece, Parnassos-Ghiona (Laskou et al., 2005) 62.5 2.1 19.5 2.9 13.0
2 Former Soviet Union, Severouraisk (Hudson et al., 2000) 58.0 6.7 15.9 2.6 16.9
3 France, Southern Districts (Hudson et al., 2000) 55.8 4.5 22.1 2.8 14.8
4 Former Yugoslavia, Mostar (Hudson et al., 2000) 54.2 4.1 22.1 2.8 16.9
5 Indonesia, Bintan (Hudson et al., 2000) 53.3 3.9 12.1 1.6 29.1
6 Iran, Sar-Faryab (Zarasvandi et al., 2010) 52.5 6.4 19.7 3.3 18.1
7 Brazil, Trombetas (Hudson et al., 2000) 51.8 5.1 13.9 1.2 28.0
8 Hungary, Halimba (Hudson et al., 2000) 50.4 6.4 22.8 2.8 17.6
9 Guinea, Friguia (Hudson et al., 2000) 49.5 6.2 14.3 1.6 28.4
10 Jamaica, Clarendon (Hudson et al., 2000) 49.0 2.7 18.0 2.4 28.0
11 India, Orissa (Hudson et al., 2000) 47.7 2.8 23.2 1.1 25.1
12 China, Guangxi (Liu et al., 2009) 54.8 6.4 18.9 NA NA
13 Guyana, Mackenzie (Hudson et al., 2000) 59.2 4.9 2.9 2.4 30.5
14 Surinam, Onverdacht (Hudson et al., 2000) 59.1 4.3 3.1 2.5 31.0
15 Australia, Weipa (Hudson et al., 2000) 58.8 4.6 7.0 2.5 27.2
16 Guinea, Boke (Hudson et al., 2000) 56.5 1.5 8.0 3.7 30.3
17 Surinam, Moengo (Hudson et al., 2000) 53.8 4.2 10.4 2.8 28.8
18 China, Guizhou (Liu et al., 2009) 65.7 9.0 5.5 NA NA
19 China, Shanxi (Liu et al., 2009) 62.3 11.6 5.8 NA NA
20 China, Henan (Liu et al., 2009) 65.3 11.8 3.4 NA NA
21 China, Shandong (Liu et al., 2009) 55.5 15.8 8.8 NA NA
22 United States, Arkansas (Hudson et al., 2000) 51.3 11.3 6.6 2.2 28.6
23 Australia, Darling Range (Hudson et al., 2000) 36.9 26.4 16.4 1.1 19.2
24 Iran, Kanisheeteh (Calagari and Abedini, 2007) 33.9 25.8 27.3 3.9 9.2
25 Indonesia low-grade, Bintan (Kusrini et al., 2018) 35.5 33.7 29.7 1.1 NA

and lime from our previous study (Azof et al., 2018). The mixture was 3.2. Characterization of materials
melted in an induction furnace at 1650 °C for one hour, then slowly
cooled down to the room temperature. The iron oxide and other oxides 3.2.1. Characterization of solids
in the bauxite were reduced to some extent and yield pig iron. On the We used non-destructive X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) SPECTRO
other hand, the solidified oxides that mainly comprises of CaO–A- XEPOS™ to measure the chemical composition of the grey mud pro-
l2O3–SiO2 compound is the slag. The composition of bauxite and slag duced from the leaching treatment. The Backscattered Electron (BSE)
are presented in Table 2. The slag was pulverized by a RETSCH™ ring images and the multi-point Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) of
mill for 30 s in 700 rpm, which gives D50 73.6 μm for the particle size, as both the slag and grey mud were performed by using Hitachi SU6600™
measured by a laser particle analyzer after 2 min of ultrasound vibra- Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Moreover, an X-ray elemental
tion. mapping of the grey mud's cross section was carried out using JEOL
JXA- 8500F Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA) with Wavelength
Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (WDS). For mineralogy phase

Fig. 3. Distribution of bauxite ores that is based on

Al2O3/SiO2 and Al2O3/Fe2O3 mass ratios. The ores in
the green, gold, and white-colored areas indicate
that they have relatively high Al2O3/SiO2 and Al2O3/
Fe2O3, low Al2O3/Fe2O3, and low Al2O3/SiO2 mass
ratios, respectively. (For interpretation of the refer-
ences to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

F.I. Azof, et al. Hydrometallurgy 191 (2020) 105184

Fig. 4. The thermochemical simulation of the equilibrium amount of species in an aqueous solution at a temperature at 25–100 °C and 1 atm that corresponds to: (a)
the leaching reaction of CA, (b) the leaching reaction of C12A7 phases.

Table 2
The composition of low-grade bauxite and slag.
Materials Constituents (wt%)

Al2O3 CaO SiO2 TiO2 Fe2O3 MgO

Bauxite 65.4 4.4 4.1 3.2 22.7 0.2

Slag 46.1 48.1 2.3 1.8 0.9 0.5

identification, we used Bruker D8 A25 DaVinci™ X-ray Diffractometer

(XRD) with CuKα radiation, 10 to 75 deg. diffraction angle, 0.01 deg.
step size, and 2.5 deg. for both primary and secondary soller slits.

3.2.2. Analysis of liquor samples

The liquor samples of the pregnant liquid solution (PLS) were taken
after separating the solid and liquid by using an ashless grade of
quantitative filter paper. Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission
Spectrometry (ICP-OES) was used to measure the concentration of
aluminum and silicon of the PLS for observing the recovery of alu-
minum and silicon from the slag after the leaching treatment.

3.3. Leaching setup and process parameters

Fig. 5. A schematic of the leaching setup. Legend: 1. Heating element; 2.
Inconel-based reactor; 3. Impeller; 4. Thermocouple; 5. Condenser; 6.
The leaching treatment was performed inside a Parr 4563 mini re- Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).
actor, which is an Inconel alloys-based vessel with 600 mL capacity that
is resistant to chemical attack. The reactor was heated through a con-
85:15, 75:25, and 50:50. By this definition, a leaching solution with 0
duction heating. It has a lid that is made of Teflon, which is fitted with a
wt%Na2O(caustic) means that the solution contains 60 g/L of
condenser for condensing the water vapors that allows the pressure
Na2O(carbonate) (denoted as 100 wt% Na2O(carbonate)) and has no
inside of the reactor remained in ambient pressure, and at the same
Na2O(caustic). Also, using the same definition, a leaching solution with
time keeps the liquid-solid (L/S) weight ratio of the system relatively
50 wt%Na2O(caustic) means that the solution consists of 30 g/L of
constant. The temperature was measured with a Pt thermocouple and
Na2O(caustic) and Na2O(carbonate) each. The L/S mass ratio was kept at
the stirring was performed through a mechanical stirrer. The thermo-
20:1, and the leaching temperature variations, pressure, and leaching
couple, stirrer, and heater were connected to Parr 4841, a
time were 45, 60, 75 °C, 1 atm, and 30 min, respectively.
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), to set and measure the necessi-
tate parameters during the leaching treatment. A schematic of the
leaching setup is shown in Fig. 5.
4. Results and discussion
The leaching solution used in this study has a constant concentra-
tion of 60 g/L Na2O, which was made by mixing distilled water, Na2CO3
This section shows the results and discussion about the character-
powder and NaOH pellet with 99.8 wt% and 99.0 wt% purity, respec-
ization of the slag before and after the leaching treatment, slag's
tively. The dissolved Na2CO3 and NaOH give an extent of Na2O con-
leachability in different temperatures and concentration ratios of
centration of the solution that can be denoted as Na2O(carbonate) and
Na2O(carbonate): Na2O(caustic), and characteristics of the grey mud.
Na2O(caustic), respectively. Moreover, the concentration mass ratio of
Na2O(carbonate) to Na2O(caustic) in the solution was varied from 100:0,

F.I. Azof, et al. Hydrometallurgy 191 (2020) 105184

Fig. 6. BSE cross-sectional images of the slag in (a) 500× magnification and (b) 2000× magnification.

4.1. Characteristics of the slag C12A7 phase. While the secondary phase is a calcium-alumina-silica-
titanate bearing phase that was not detected on our previous XRD re-
As seen previously in Table 2, the slag primarily consists of CaO, sults, which is likely due to its low amount.
Al2O3, and relatively low concentration of SiO2, TiO2, and Fe2O3. Based
on our previous X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis of the slag (Azof et al., 4.2. Leachability of the slag
2018), the slag is dominated by C12A7 phase, while minor phases are CA
and Ca5Al6O14 (denoted as 5CaO·3Al2O3 or C5A3). Fig. 6(a) and (b) The subsection of leachability of the slag covers the aluminum and
show the BSE cross-sectional image of the slag in 500× and 2000× silicon recoveries based on the leaching series that was carried out.
magnification, respectively. Also, it includes a thermodynamic perspective of the effect of different
In Fig. 6(b), there are only two distinct phases that can be identified Na2O(carbonate): Na2O(caustic) concentration ratios to the aluminum re-
clearly, which can be denoted as a primary and secondary phase. The covery.
primary and secondary notations used in this study referring to their
relative amount of each phase, which means that the primary phase is
4.2.1. Aluminum and silicon extraction
considered as a phase that has a higher amount compared to the sec-
A ternary CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 phase diagram is shown in Fig. 7. It is
ondary one. Moreover, Table 3 gives the EDS point analysis that cor-
shown the area of preferred slag compositions that are easily soluble in
responds to the numbers in Fig. 6(a). As seen, the primary phase con-
sodium carbonate solutions (green area) according to Blake et al.
sists of calcium and aluminum with 39.7 and 31.8 wt% on average,
(1966). The calcium aluminate phases that are present in this area are
respectively, with no available result on Si and Ti element. However,
only the CA as well as C12A7. Moreover, two red dotted lines have been
later in a result of the WDS and X-ray mapping elements of the cross-
drawn inside the green area representing the optimum slag composi-
section of grey mud using EPMA, we can see that Si and Ti also present
tions according to the Company, Norsk Aluminium (1944a,b). The line
in a low concentration on the primary phase. This small variance of
located closer to the CaO-SiO2 axis represents a calcium aluminate slag
elemental composition results may happen due to the different char-
with high silica content (> 10%) while the other represents a calcium
acterization techniques applied.
aluminate slag with low silica content (< 10%). Finally, a yellow point
Furthermore, the secondary phase consists of 39.1 wt% Ca, 23.8 wt
shows the position of the studied slag in the ternary phase diagram after
% Al, 3.7 wt% Si, and 3.4 wt% Ti, on average. The average of Ca/Al
its normalization. For the normalization the lime reacted with TiO2 was
mass ratio of primary and secondary phase is 1.2 and 1.6, respectively.
subtracted from the total CaO content of the slag assuming the forma-
Based on the similarity of Ca/Al mass ratio between primary and C12A7
tion of CaO·TiO2 phase.
(Ca/Al mass = 1.3), we may conclude that the primary phase is the
As is seen, the composition of studied slag is located in the green
area with the leachable slags and very close to the area of C12A7 phase,
Table 3 even though it is not located on one of the red lines showing the op-
The composition of the slag under different EDS points. timum compositions according to the Norsk Aluminium patent. An in-
Phase Location Elements (wt%)
vestigation about the optimum leach composition as claimed by the
patent was reported elsewhere (Fursman et al., 1968).
Ca Al Si Ti O Ca/Al mass ratio Regarding the leachability of the slag, concentrations of Al and Si in
the PLS after series of leaching are shown in Fig. 8. The results show
Primary Point 1 43.1 28.1 NA NA 28.8 1.5
that leaching solutions with 100 wt%Na2O(carbonate) produce 5.4–5.7 g/
Point 2 38.1 31.5 NA NA 30.4 1.2
Point 3 39.4 32.9 NA NA 27.7 1.2 L of aluminum in the PLS. Whereas, lower concentrations of aluminum
Point 4 39.0 32.1 NA NA 28.9 1.2 between 2.3 and 4.1 g/L are produced from solutions with 50 wt%
Point 5 39.8 33.3 NA NA 26.9 1.2 Na2O(caustic) at any studied temperatures. Furthermore, silicon con-
Point 6 38.6 32.9 NA NA 28.5 1.2
centration in the PLS is ranging from 0.1–0.2 g/L. As shown in the
Average 39.7 31.8 NA NA 28.5 1.2
Secondary Point 7 36.6 25.1 3.7 3.4 31.2 1.5 figure, the higher aluminum concentration of the solution is, the higher
Point 8 39.6 22.6 4.1 3.6 30.1 1.8 concentration of silicon will be. It is also worth to note, the aluminum
Point 9 37.9 24.2 3.8 3.6 30.5 1.6 and silicon concentrations from solutions that were treated at 60 and
Point 10 41.4 21.8 4.2 3.6 29.0 1.9 75 °C show similar results. We may suggest that for energy consumption
Point 11 39.4 23.4 3.7 3.6 29.9 1.7
and aluminum yield considerations in the current study, leaching at
Point 12 39.9 25.8 2.7 2.3 29.3 1.5
Average 39.1 23.8 3.7 3.4 30.0 1.6 60 °C is preferable than leaching at 75 °C.
In addition, the aluminum and silicon extraction of the slag after a

F.I. Azof, et al. Hydrometallurgy 191 (2020) 105184

Fig. 7. A ternary CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 phase diagram. A yellow dotted-circle indicating the composition of current slag, a red dash-line showing an optimum leach
composition according to Norsk Aluminum Co. at low and high-silica content, and a light green area showing a composition that may form leachable phases. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

series of leaching experiments is shown in Fig. 9(a) and (b), respec- means that the available Na2O(carbonate) in the solution is decreasing.
tively. The highest aluminum extraction extent in the current study is The availability of Na2O(carbonate) is necessary to proceed with the
46.7%, which is achieved at a temperature of 75 °C and 1 atm in 100% leaching reactions. Also, we find that the leaching at a high Na2O(caustic)
Na2O(carbonate) solution. While the lowest one is 18.9% that is attained concentration generates grey mud that contains aluminum hydrated
at 45 °C in 50:50 of Na2O(carbonate):Na2O(caustic) concentration. phase that results in loss of aluminum in the PLS, which will be dis-
In Fig. 9(a), it is evident that the increasing of Na2O(caustic) con- cussed further in Section 4.3.2, which is on the phase of grey mud.
centration ratio leads to the decreasing of aluminum extraction extent. Moreover, it seems that the differences in temperature give a mild effect
The phenomena are apparent, as the increasing ratio of Na2O(caustic) on the extent of aluminum extraction. As the leaching time is

Fig. 8. Aluminum and silicon concentrations in the PLS obtained from different leaching conditions.

F.I. Azof, et al. Hydrometallurgy 191 (2020) 105184

Fig. 9. (a) Aluminum and (b) silicon extraction extent of the leaching of slag. The leaching temperature and pressure are 45, 60, and 75 °C at 1 atm, and the leaching
time is 30 min in 60 g/L Na2O solution with different concentration of Na2O(caustic).

considerably short (30 min), further experiments with varying more Second, the Pedersen original patent uses two or more counter-
parameters (e.g., leaching time, stirring rate, particle size, L/S, etc.) are current leaching steps, where an excess of slag is charged to the first
necessary to have a better understanding of the leaching kinetics of the leachate to lower the SiO2 content in the final solution. Also, the filtrate
slag. from the CO2 precipitation stage that contains a high concentration of
On the other hand, as seen in Fig. 9(b), the silicon dissolution in the Na2CO3 is charged to the second or final extraction stage, which allows
PLS substantially increases as the Na2O(caustic) concentration ratio in- the ratio of free Na2CO3 over the calcium aluminate is maintained. On
creases up to 25%, and then it decreases significantly together with the the other hand, in the current study, we performed a single leaching
aluminum dissolution as the Na2O(carbonate):Na2O(caustic) concentration stage experiment in a relatively shorter leaching time compared to the
ratio is 50:50. It is confirmed in the literature (Fursman et al., 1968) original patent.
that the excessiveness of Na2O(caustic) concentration increases the silicon Third, according to Fursman et al. (1968), the Na2O(caustic) con-
dissolution into the PLS, which is in agreement with the result at 15 and centration of the leachate shall be controlled as if it excessive then the
25% of Na2O(caustic) concentration. However, the mechanism of de- silicon dissolution increases, and when it is too low, the Al2O3·H2O
creasing the extent of silicon dissolution at 50:50 precipitates and become lost in the grey mud. They claimed that in-
Na2O(carbonate):Na2O(caustic) is unclear. We suggest that it is likely due to troducing CO2 gas during the leaching would be necessitated to control
the decreasing rate of the main leaching reactions as the silicon in the the Na2O(caustic) or OH−
(aq) level, as shown in the Reaction (3).
PLS originates from the depolymerized slag that contains silicon im-
CO2(g) + 2OH‐(aq) = CO32‐(aq) + H2 O(l)
purity. The leaching mechanism is discussed later in Section 4.3.1.
ΔG 25
Furthermore, similar to the aluminum extraction, we find that the o = ‐55.9 kJ/molCO2 (3)
leaching temperature gives a modest effect to the silicon dissolution as
well. A low leaching temperature is more favorable than a high one to The leaching reaction between C12A7 in the slag with Na2CO3
minimize the silicon dissolution in the PLS, which is in agreement with generates NaOH. Therefore, they control the Na2O(caustic) concentration
the original Pedersen patent where Pedersen used moderate tempera- during the leaching so that the Na2O(caustic) of the solution is within the
tures for the digestion (Pedersen, 1927). prescribed “limit” and, subsequently, use the produced CO32− (aq) to react
with the remaining C12A7 phase. Fursman et al. used a leaching solution
that consists of 26 g/L of Na2O(carbonate). On the contrary, we did not
4.2.2. Effect of the sodium hydroxide concentration introduce CO2 gas into the solution during the leaching as we used
In the original Pedersen (1927) process, it was stated that a “free Na2CO3 concentration three times higher than they did. As seen in the
sodium hydroxide” is needed to prevent the dissolution of silicon during Reaction (3), the use of CO2 gas generates CO32− (aq) in the solution, which
the leaching, and if a larger proportion of “free sodium hydroxide” is means more of free-Na2CO3 is available in the system and may accel-
used the alumina dissolution decreased. The latter claim is in agree- erate the production of CaCO3-layer at the surface of slag. The CaCO3
ment with the current results, considering the alumina dissolution de- layer at the slag's surface is not beneficial to the aluminum extraction
creases as the Na2O(caustic) increases. However, in the current result, we extent that is later will be discussed in Section 4.3.
could not observe the effect of “free sodium hydroxide” on the pre- The effect of sodium hydroxide concentration on the alumina dis-
vention or reduction of the silicon dissolution as the first sentence of the solution can be explained from a thermodynamic perspective. The
claim stated. Even though as small as 12 g/L of Na2O(caustic) was added Gibbs energy change of Reaction (2) can be written as in Eq. (4).
to the solution, the silicon extraction extent increases by approximately
10%, on average. ΔG2 = ΔG2° + RT × ln K eq (4)
The discrepancy between the Pedersen patent and the current result
where △G2 and △G°2 are the change of Gibbs energy in Reaction (2) at
might have resulted from the different digestion's concentration, the
non–standard and standard condition, respectively. R, T, and Keq are the
method applied, and the phase of calcium aluminate used, which can be
gas constant, temperature, and equilibrium constant, respectively. The
described as following:
equilibrium constant can be defined by the molar activities (a) ratio
First, in the original Pedersen process, the aqueous solvent is a di-
between product and reactant of the coexisting phases, which is shown
lute solution that consists of 18–23 g/L Na2O(carbonate) in which the
in Eq. (5).
amount of “free sodium hydroxide” is about 10 wt% of the amount of
total carbonate. Whereas, in the current study, we use up to 60 g/L (aNaAlO2 )14 × (aNaOH )10
Na2O(carbonate), and the addition of NaOH is larger than the Pedersen, K eq =
(aNa2CO3 )12 × (aH2O )5 (5)
which is amounted from 13 to 75 wt% of the total carbonate.

F.I. Azof, et al. Hydrometallurgy 191 (2020) 105184

If Keq were higher than one, then the △G2 tends to positive values the formed layer has a higher concentration of Ca and C than that of the
and reaction would move favorably to the left. Likewise, if Keq were unreacted slag. This indicates the layer is a calcium carbonate-con-
lower than one, then the △G2 tends to negative values and reaction taining phase. Also, a small fraction of silicon, titanium, and magne-
would move to the right. The molar activity of an aqueous species is a sium elements are detected on the layer as supported by the WDS result
function of the molar activity coefficient and concentration of the in Table 4. It is important to note here that the area of the secondary
species in the system. Moreover, according to the Le Chatelier principle, phase, which is noticeable on the figure from its high concentration of
if any system at equilibrium is disturbed by changing a parameter af- silicon, titanium, and magnesium, also co-exists with the calcium car-
fecting it (e.g., concentration) the position of equilibrium moves to bonate on the formed layer. This suggests that the secondary phase is a
counteract the change. In other words, the position of equilibrium non-leachable phase that remains in its solid phase after the leaching, in
would be changed by manipulating the concentration of, for instance, which eventually in equilibrium with the calcium carbonate produced
the Na2O(caustic). The addition of Na2O(caustic) concentration in the from the leaching reaction.
system would shift the equilibrium to the left side of reaction as the Keq According to the observations above, we propose a leaching me-
value increases, and then decrease the dissolution of alumina to some chanism of a calcium aluminate slag that has both leachable and non-
extent. Another result and discussion on the high Na2O(caustic) con- leachable phases, which is shown schematically in Fig. 11.
centration effects on the aluminum extraction based on the phases The leaching mechanism can be divided to three main stages:
obtained on the grey mud will be discussed in the Section 4.3.2.
(a) The initial stage. The slag consists of a leachable C12A7 phase
4.3. Characteristics of the grey mud (shown as number 1) and non-leachable Ca-Al-Si-Ti bearing phase
(shown as number 2). At this stage, the leaching reactions occur at
Results of the BSE cross-section, phase identification, and mor- the surface of slag particles between the leachable phase and the
phology of the grey mud are presented and discussed in the current sodium carbonate solution. In a solid/liquid reaction, a boundary
section. layer is created between the interfaces of the surface with the bulk
fluid. The boundary layer is the layer of medium that is not very
4.3.1. Cross-section analysis of the grey mud mobile due to solvent molecules are bound to the surface, and
The BSE cross-sectional image of the grey mud obtained after the layers of solvent molecules near the surface tend to associate with
leaching treatment of the slag with 100% Na2O(carbonate) solution at surface and near-surface molecules (Free, 2013). That is to say, it is
45 °C is shown in Fig. 10(a). Next to the figure, an X-ray mapping of essential for the leaching reactions to start by transporting the ionic
several elements of the slag is shown. Subsequently, a normalized WDS species (CO32−, Na+) through the bulk fluid towards to adjacent of
point analysis is presented in Table 4. As seen, the grey mud consists of the surface of the slag and subsequently followed by diffusing the
an unreacted slag and a layer that is relatively uniform covering the ions through the boundary layer. Furthermore, the products of the
unreacted slag's surface. Similar to the unleached slag in Fig. 6, the leaching reaction are CaCO3 (shown as number 3), NaAlO2, and
unreacted slag also consists of the primary and secondary phases. The NaOH. As shown in the WDS result in Table 4, it is confirmed that
primary phase is indicated as the C12A7 phase, and consists of 46.9 wt% the C12A7 phase contains small impurities, e.g., SiO2. We suggest
CaO and 52.0 wt% Al2O3, on average, with a small number of im- that the impurities are small (submicron) intrusions of the sec-
purities, i.e., SiO2, MgO, TiO2. Meanwhile, the secondary phase consists ondary phase in the primary one that is difficult to observe by SEM.
of 44.1 wt% CaO, 41.0 wt% Al2O3, 9.4 wt% SiO2, 4.9 wt% TiO2, on Also, we propose that as the leachable phases digested, the im-
average. Moreover, the calcium-containing layer has 50.4 wt% CaO on purities are “liberated” from the phase, and therefore, dissolved in
average, and relatively low Al2O3, SiO2, TiO2, which is 0.5, 0.2, and the pregnant liquid solution as aqueous phases.
0.4 wt% on average, respectively. (b) The CaCO3 growth stage. According to the leaching Reactions (1)
Furthermore, the X-ray mapping element in Fig. 10(b) shows that and (2), the CaCO3 is the only solid product produced from the

Fig. 10. Image of the cross-section of grey mud obtained: (a) BSE of grey mud, and (b) X-ray mapping of several elements after the leaching treatment of the slag in
100%Na2O(carbonate) solution, at 45 °C and 1 atm in 30 min.

F.I. Azof, et al. Hydrometallurgy 191 (2020) 105184

Table 4
A normalized WDS point analysis.
Points CaO (wt%) Al2O3 (wt%) SiO2 (wt%) MgO (wt%) P2O5 (wt%) TiO2 (wt%) MnO (wt%) FeO (wt%) CO2a(wt%)

1–3 46.9 52.0 0.2 0.2 2 × 10−2 0.6 NA 2 × 10−2 NA

4–6 44.1 41.0 9.4 0.5 1 × 10−2 4.9 4 × 10−2 3 × 10−2 NA
7–9 50.4 0.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 48.3

Where CO2 in carbonate phase.

Fig. 11. The leaching mechanism of a slag that consists of three stages; the initial, the CaCO3 growth, and the slow diffusion stages. Legend: 1. Leachable mayenite
phase; 2. Unleachable Ca-Al-Si-Ti bearing phase; 3. CaCO3; 4. Unreacted slag.

leaching. It nucleates and grows on a substrate, which is the surface that theoretically consists of 26.9 wt% Al2O3. The precipitation of the
of the slag. The CaCO3 grows uniformly and forms a passive layer. phase causes loss of alumina during the leaching. The high content of
Due to the formation of this passive layer, the Na2CO3 concentra- Na2O(caustic) appears to be the main reason why the hydrogarnet phase
tion may decrease gradually from the outer surface of the layer until precipitates, which is in agreement with the result from literature
the surface of the unreacted slag. On the other hand, the unleached (Lundquist and Leitch, 1963a, 1963b). The literature stated that as the
phase remains in its solid phase, as the phase does not react with carbonate ion concentration in the solution increased from 0 to 100%,
the Na2CO3. the amount of 3CaO·Al2O3·6H2O precipitated showed a corresponding
(c) The slow diffusion stage. The Na2CO3 diffuses slowly through the decrease, and CaCO3 was precipitated instead. In other words, if the
layer, as the medium is relatively dense. However, we can see in leaching system has a high Na2O(carbonate) concentration of the total
Fig. 9 that the layer has some visible cracks that may allow the alkali, wherein this study is higher than 85%, then the CaCO3 is fa-
Na2CO3 propagate to the core. If there is no new crack-path nor vorably precipitated instead of 3CaO·Al2O3·6H2O phase. The carbonate
pores formed during the leaching, thus, in the end, we may assume anions in the solution react with the calcium cations from the depoly-
that there is a stage when Na2CO3 does not suffice for the leaching merization of the calcium aluminate slag. Likewise, if the number of
reaction on the surface of the unreacted slag (shown as number 4). carbonate anions is insufficient, then the dissolved aluminum species
When this stage happens then, the leaching extent progresses reacts with the calcium cations and produce 3CaO·Al2O3·6H2O.
slowly, and the amount of mass transfer from the unreacted slag to Moreover, Table 5 shows the XRF analysis of the grey mud produced
the pregnant liquid solution is negligible. from 45, 60, and 75 °C leaching temperature in 100% Na2O(carbonate)
solution. The composition is shown after a loss on ignition (LOI) test by
heating the grey mud inside a muffle furnace at 950 °C, air atmosphere,
4.3.2. Phases of the grey mud
for about one hour. The tests resulted in 21.2 wt% of mass losses on
The XRD results of the grey mud in Fig. 12 confirms the calcium-
average, which is due to the decomposition of CaCO3 to CaO and
containing layer is the CaCO3 phase that is either in the form of calcite
CO2(g). The primary phase of the grey mud is CaO and then followed by
or vaterite. We do not observe the peaks of vaterite on the grey mud
a relatively low amount of Al2O3 (7 ± 1 wt%).
obtained from Na2O(caustic)-addition solution. We suggest that the for-
mation of vaterite or calcite are affected by the Na2O(caustic) con-
centration of the system, i.e., pH., which is in agreement with the lit- 4.3.3. Morphology of the grey mud
erature (Söhnel and Mullin, 1982). Moreover, the remaining peaks are The morphology of different grey muds has been investigated and is
C12A7 and C5A3 as the unleached slag. The formation of CaCO3 on the shown in Fig. 13. Fig. 13(a) and (b) show the morphology of grey mud
slag's surface gives valuable information on the leaching behavior of the (hereafter named GM-A) produced from 100% Na2O(carbonate) solution
slag. The passive layer of CaCO3 does not react with the leaching agent at 45 °C and 1 atm in 1000× and 3000× magnification, respectively.
Na2CO3, which slows the leaching Reactions (1) and (2) to occur as Meanwhile, Fig. 12(c) and (d) are the morphology of other grey mud
mentioned in the previous section; hence we may say that the reaction (hereafter named GM-B) produced from 50:50 concentration ratio of
is diffusion rate limiting. Na2O(carbonate):Na2O(caustic) solution in 1000× and 2000× magnifica-
Another interesting observation from the XRD result is the pre- tion, respectively.
cipitation of Ca3Al2(OH)12 (denoted as 3CaO·Al2O3·6H2O) phase in the The GM-A consists of calcite and vaterite crystals. A calcite crystal
residue obtained from the leaching solution that contains 25 to 50% has a cubical shape, whereas vaterite has a spherical one (Ni and
Na2O(caustic). The 3CaO·Al2O3·6H2O phase is a hydrogarnet solid phase Ratner, 2008; Wang et al., 2013). Vaterite is the least stable

F.I. Azof, et al. Hydrometallurgy 191 (2020) 105184

Fig. 12. XRD patterns of the grey muds obtained from the leaching treatment of the slag in 60 g/L Na2O, at 45 °C, 1 atm, in 30 min under different concentration
ratios of Na2O(carbonate):Na2O(caustic); (a) 50:50, (b) 75:25, (c) 85:15, (d) 100:0.

Table 5 (1987).
The XRF analysis of grey mud after an LOI test. On the other hand, the GM-B consists of calcite, and a fibrous-like
Constituents Leaching temperature
shape, which incorporates and forming a network structure to other
grains. The fibrous-like shape does not resemble the morphology of any
45 °C (wt%) 60 °C (wt%) 75 °C (wt%) un-hydrated CaCO3 polymorphs, i.e., vaterite, aragonite, and calcite.
Also, the fibrous-like shape does not resemble a morphology of typical
CaO 64.0 57.9 63.8
Al2O3 7.8 5.9 5.9
hydrogarnet crystal, which is an octahedral according to the literature
SiO2 2.2 1.8 1.7 (Kyritsis et al., 2009). However, an observation of the interaction be-
TiO2 2.9 3.1 3.1 tween kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4) and portlandite (Ca(OH)2) solution
Na2O 2.2 2.1 2.1 made by Donchev et al. (Donchev et al., 2010) showed that fine-needle
Fe2O3 1.0 1.3 1.5
and fibrous-like products could be interconnected with hydrogarnet
MgO 0.6 0.5 0.5
P2O5 0.1 4.2 × 10−2 1.1 × 10−2 crystals. They have assumed that the fibrous-like product is a mixture of
V2O5 4.3 × 10−2 3.5 × 10−2 3.3 × 10−2 primarily formed gehlenite hydrate (2CaO·Al2O3·SiO2·8H2O), hydro-
Cr2O3 5.9 × 10−2 5.3 × 10−2 5.9 × 10−2 garnet, and calcium-silicate-hydrate gel. Thus, it is very likely that the
MnO 6.4 × 10−2 6.5 × 10−2 6.4 × 10−2 fibrous-like shape of the GM-B in the current study is a calcium-silicate-
LOI 17.7 25.9 19.9
hydrate phase that incorporates the hydrogarnet crystals.

thermodynamic form of CaCO3 compared to other polymorphs (e.g.,

5. Conclusion
aragonite and calcite) (Ni and Ratner, 2008). However, the polymorphs
could exist at the same time depending on the condition and kinetics of
The leaching treatment of a ternary CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 slag produced
the transformation (Dickinson and McGrath, 2004). In an aqueous so-
from smelting-reduction of low-grade bauxite was carried out at 45, 60,
lution, vaterite can transform to aragonite in 60 min at 60 °C and to
and 75 °C and 1 atm in 30 min with different proportion Na2O(carbonate)
calcite in 24 h at room temperature as demonstrated by Ogino et al.
and Na2O(caustic) with a fixed liquid-solid ratio 20 mL/g and

F.I. Azof, et al. Hydrometallurgy 191 (2020) 105184

Fig. 13. BSE images of the morphology of the grey mud obtained after leaching of the slag in the 100% Na2O(carbonate) solution at 45 °C in 30 min, in (a) 1000× and
(b) 3000× magnification. Meanwhile, (c) and (d) are BSE images of grey mud obtained after leaching of the slag in the 50:50 Na2O(carbonate):Na2O(caustic) solution in
1000 and 2000× magnification, respectively.

concentration of 60 g/L Na2O. The leaching characteristics can be no. 237738). The School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering,
summarized as follows: NTUA, is acknowledged for the use of leaching reactor, ICP-OES, and
XRF analyzer. The scientific support from the ENSUREAL Horizon 2020
(1) The leaching reaction of calcium-aluminate phases in a sodium project is also acknowledged.
carbonate solution is fast and temperature gives mild effect to the
aluminum extraction in the first 30 min of the reaction. Appendix A. Supplementary data
(2) The addition of Na2O(caustic) in the solution decreases the aluminum
dissolution of the slag, while it increases the silicon dissolution into Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
the pregnant liquid solution. doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2019.105184.
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