Determinants of Occlusion
Determinants of Occlusion
Determinants of Occlusion
1- Function
( mastication, phonetics, arch stability ).
2- Appearance (esthetics).
• Centric relation:
• Most retruded physiologic relation of
the mandible to the maxilla to, and
from which, the individual can make
lateral movements.
• Rearmost, uppermost, and midmost
position of the condyle in the glenoid
• Maximum intercuspation:
• Maximum occlusion of teeth regardless
of the condylar position
• Centric occluding relation:
• Coincidence of the MI and CR
• Vertical dimension of occlusion
• Vertical height of the lower third of face
when teeth are in contact
• Joint restriction.
Intra Capsular
• Dental examination
- Mobility
- Widening of period. Space.
- Osteosclerosis
- Hyper cementosis
• TMJ Imaging
• Principle(1): Neuromuscular harmony depends on
structural harmony between the occlusion and the
tempromandibular joints .
• Principle(2): Determination of the correct physiologic
jaw relationship must always be determined before we
can determine the correct alignment and occlusal
relationship of the teeth. i.e. the teeth must fit into
harmony of jaw relationship-not vice versa.
• That is why we mount casts in centric relation on an
articulator ,so we can see the correct mandible to
maxilla relationship regardless of how the dental arch
align.(teeth alignment )
Primary requirements for successful occlusal therapy
5 Key Curve of Spee
1. Molar inter-arch relationship:
1-The MB cusp of upper 6 should occlude
in the groove between M & MB cusps of lower 6.
Tight contacts
There should be tight contact
between adjacent teeth.
Curve of Spee
A normal occlusal plane should be
Cusp fossa pattern of occlusion
3- The occlusal forces are along the long axis of teeth: less tipping.
6- lesser wear of the cusp tips; because the cusps make their contact with
their ridges not their tips.
There are 3 recognized occlusal concepts that describe the manner in
which teeth should & should not contact in the various
functional & excursive positions of the mandible:
02 Pulpitis
01 Tooth wear
History Taking
Clinical Examination
1- Muscle examination
Clinical Examination
2- Maximal inter-incisal distance
a. Maximum comfortable mouth opening.
b. Maximum mouth opening.
c. Examining for lateral movement of the mandible.
Clinical Examination
3- T.M.J
TMJ dysfunction:
- Joint sounds
- Joint restrictions
Our Target (selective
adjustment treatment)
From 3 to 4 contact points on
1 molars.
Posterior Survival of
Anterior General tooth-borne &
masticatory Phonetics implant-borne
esthetics function health prosthesis.
Occlusion influences the ability of an individual
To chew & swallow effectively & thus influences
A person’s diet.