Modeling of Optimal Screw Jack Design
Modeling of Optimal Screw Jack Design
Modeling of Optimal Screw Jack Design
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R.Senthilkumar, P.Ramesh, 3P.Velmurugan,
Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Krishnaswamy college of Engineering, Annamalai University,
Annamalainagar,Tamilnadu Cuddalore, Tamilnadu,
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Abstract- The aim of this paper is modelling of optimal screw jack products invariably at a lower cost, with the attendant benefits
design using VBA Programming in AutoCAD package software. of faster development of different variants of the product or
Today’s demand grows need of good design and quality product model. CAD helps the designer to quickly visualize the
with short span of time to achieve a better product. The software product and its component subassemblies and parts. This
development in the digital world is a vital role to satisfy a
number of demands, in this regard author considers CAD
reduces the time required to synthesize, analyse and document
software to develop design of screw jack. The application the design. The result is not only lower design cost but also
software having the instruction as per the developer but it not shorter product development times. Design errors are reduced
meets the user. When the user handles that software, they need a by the in-built accuracy of calculations and checks available in
long time span to complete a 3D modelling with complicated the system. These factors lead to improvement in the quality
design. In AutoCAD, the programming languages are embedded and accuracy of design.
through macros to design our needs as programming language.
They are lisp programming, Auto lisp programming, dialogue II. IMPLEMENTATION OF CAD
control language programming and visual basic programming.
In this paper design of screw jack using visual Basic aide
programming language embedded with AutoCAD is developed.
AutoCAD has evolved from DOS – Based, command –
The Visual Basic language software is user friendly and it is line driven program to a full – fledged windows application. A
windows application. The development of dialogue boxes and computer aided design package used for drafting of
coding for the designs are very easy to debugging than the other Engineering, Civil, and Electrical drawings. AutoCAD is one
language in AutoCAD. Basically, the design of 3D modelling of the successful application programs. Learning AutoCAD
carries a huge space to save the process and also inconvenient to means learning the speed, ease with which your drawings can
transfer from one system to another system configuration. The be prepared and modified using a particular program in the
programming language occupy little space and also easy to computer. The most important factor involved in this
transfer via a small memory disc to other system configuration. computer to store many programs or drawings, to editing the
The development of modelling, 2d design and other
parameter are easy to explore simultaneously through dialogue
existing drawing, to backup the drawings with other device
boxes of proposed software. This software having the code to do like Floppy Diskette, Compact Disc, etc., and handle large
for optimization of screw jack modelling , when click required amount of Engineering data. AutoCAD offers a
command buttons in the dialogue box. The step by step of the comprehensive selection of 2D & 3D drawings.
statement in this software is executed to process the parameter. If The various design – related tasks which are performed by
anyone of the parameter is not satisfy, it will carry out the a modern computer-aided design system can be grouped into
optimization without knowledge of user to produce exact design four functional areas:
parameters and give good design. In future this kind of software 1. Geometric modelling
development helps the researchers and scholars to get quick and 2. Engineering analysis
precision design or any data.
3. Design review and evaluation
4. Automated drafting
Keywords-Macros; VBA; Form designer; Modules; Design;
Optimization and Modelling.
These four areas correspond to the final phases in Shigley’s
general design process. Engineering analysis corresponds to
I. INTRODUCTION phase 4, dealing with analysis and optimisation. Design
review and evaluation is the fifth step in the general design
The integration of computers into the product design and procedure. Automated drafting involves a procedure for
development process has benefited engineering industry in converting the design image data residing in computer
several ways. The computer can store and handle engineering memory into a hard-copy document. It represents and
data accurately and consistently in the various stages of important method for presentation (phase 6) of the design.
design, development and manufacturing like conceptual The following four sections explore each of these four CAD
design of systems, analysis, component design, functions.
documentation, process planning & manufacturing.
The computer aided design and computer aided III. VISUAL BASIC APPLICATION
manufacturing results in better and consistently good quality
> (V ) 4 W @
x VBA runs in-process with AutoCAD. This translates to
very fast program execution. The maximum shear stress,Wmax= 1 2 2
x Dialogue construction is quick and effective. This allows 2
developers to prototype applications and quickly receive Design for nut, the bearing pressure
feedback on designs. (Pb) = W
x Projects can be stand alone or imbedded in drawings. 2
>(d )
(d c ) n
This choice allows developers great flexibility in the 4
distribution of their applications. W
The shear stress in the screw, W(screw) =
S .n.d c .t
A. Macros Dialogue Box
The tearing strength of nut,
The Macros dialogue box allows to run, delete, and
create new macros, and provides access to the VBA project W=
(D1 ) 2 (d o ) 2 V t @ (5)
The crushing of the collar of the nut,
B. VBA Manager S
W= [(D2)2 – (D1)2] Vc (6)
The VBA Manager allows to manage the projects. It can 4
create, delete, embed, or extract projects. Also view which Design for handle and cup, D3 = 1.75 d0
projects, if any, are embedded in an open drawing. The pressure conditions,
x P1 W ª ( R 3 ) ( R 4 ) º
C. Vbaide 3 3
T2 =
3 « 2» (7)
¬ (R 3 ) (R 4 ) ¼
The VBA Interactive Development Environment. This 2
application allows you to edit the code and forms in the
The critical load, Wcr=Ac x Vy ª Vy ªLº º
project, or copy code and forms from other projects. It also
«1 « » »
«¬ 4C S E ¬ k ¼ »¼
allows to set references to other application Object Models. 2
using Auto CAD embedded visual basic aide. The procedure modelling design of screw jack is obtained directly in the
of software development as follows AutoCAD screen through the link of VBA command manager
i. Link of VBA run mode. The view of modelling also prepared to represent
ii. Form designer the view direction to plot for the use. It is shown in fig 5.7
iii. Modules
A Design
It is “an iterative decision – making activity to produce the
plans by which resources are converted, preferably, optimally,
into systems or devices to meet human needs”.
B Optimization Figure 2: Design Condition
The fig .1 shows design of screw jack dialogue box
and it is used to link the problem parameter. After selecting
appropriate data to the each and every section of this dialogue
box, click one of the command buttons to execute. Say
modelling / 2D design / parameter / view / and definition.
Figure 6 : View Of Dialogue Box
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[2] NK. Mehta “Machine tool design and numerical control” Tata
McGraw-Hill Pulishing company Ltd., New Delhi. 1998