Oasis RCIE LabGuide ST03242020v5
Oasis RCIE LabGuide ST03242020v5
Oasis RCIE LabGuide ST03242020v5
Jump1 Credentials:
Username: demo@rubrik.lab
Password: Welcome10!
Rubrik Credentials:
Username: admin
Password: Welcome10!Rubrik
Oasis Labs are a Virtual Lab resource for functional demonstration of Rubrik CDM Solutions.
The labs are designed for validation and learning and are not designed for large scale data
storage or bandwidth requirements.
Workflow for Virtual labs using this guide will differ depending on the Lab Name. Your lab
access instructions will refer to the type of lab you have
Rubrik Confidential 1
Project Oasis Virtual Labs - Foundations Lab Guide Rubrik 5.1.1 ................................................... 1
Lab Documentation Conventions ................................................................................................... 5
Lab Portal Controls .......................................................................................................................... 6
Lab Execution Plan for: Foundations: Unconfigured/Configured/Active Lab Selection ................ 7
Lab Steps ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Protection ................................................................................................................................... 9
Recovery.................................................................................................................................... 10
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 11
Section 1: Dashboard Walkthrough .............................................................................................. 12
Summary Dashboard................................................................................................................. 14
Monitoring Dashboard .............................................................................................................. 16
Section 2: Cluster Settings........................................................................................................... 17
Task 2a: Cluster Settings - Configure Cluster Time Zone & Security Banner ............................ 19
Task 2b: Cluster Settings - Data Sources ................................................................................... 21
Task 2c: Cluster Settings - Add a LDAP Server for domain login integration ............................ 22
Task 2d: Cluster Settings - Add a vCenter Server...................................................................... 27
Task 2e: Cluster Settings - Configure Guest Host authentication. Optional: automatic install
of the Rubrik Backup Service (RBS) for Windows Host............................................................. 29
Task 2f: Optional: Cluster Settings - Bootstrap the Second Rubrik and setup Replication ...... 30
Task 2g: Cluster Settings - Replication Setup ............................................................................ 34
Task 2h: Cluster Settings - NFS Archive Location ..................................................................... 36
Task 2i: SMB Security ............................................................................................................... 37
Section 3: SLA Domain Choices and Configure Examples ............................................................. 40
Task 3a: Create an SLA Domain ................................................................................................ 41
Task 3b: Create an Advanced SLA Domain ............................................................................... 44
Section 4: Apply SLA Domain Choices to protect objects ............................................................. 47
Task 4a: Apply SLA Domains to a VMware Virtual Machines ................................................... 48
Task 4b: Setup Hosts and Apply SLA Domains to Hyper-V Virtual Machines (VMs for this
Functionality are not on by default. Use the Console Portal to start Hyper-V1 and Hyper-V2
servers)...................................................................................................................................... 50
Task 4c: Apply an SLA Domain to NAS Share and Fileset.......................................................... 53
Task 4d: Setup Host, Fileset and SLA Domain for NAS Direct Archive aka NAS Passthrough . 59
Rubrik Confidential 2
Task 4e: Apply an SLA Domain to a SQL Server Database ........................................................ 66
Task 4f: Oracle Data Protection on Managed Volumes ............................................................ 69
Task 4f-1 Backup Oracle Database on Managed Volumes ..................................................... 70
Task 4g: Oracle Data Base Fully Automated Backup Solution .................................................. 80
4g-1: Install Rubrik Oracle Backup Service................................................................................ 81
4g-2: Register Oracle Server to enable auto-discovery ............................................................ 84
4g-3: Protect Oracle Server(s) using SLA “Demo1Hr”............................................................... 87
Section 5: Recovery ...................................................................................................................... 89
Task 5a: VMware Recovery ....................................................................................................... 90
Task 5a-1: VMware Recovery Live Mount ................................................................................ 91
Task 5a-2: VM Recovery Live Mount – Virtual Disk .................................................................. 95
Task 5b: Hyper-V Recovery (optional) ................................................................................... 103
Task 5b-1: Hyper-V Recovery Live Mount .............................................................................. 103
Task 5c: NAS Share File Recovery .......................................................................................... 107
Task 5d: NAS Direct Archive File Recovery ............................................................................ 110
Task 5e: SQLServer Recovery - Live Mount............................................................................ 112
Task 5f Oracle Recovery on Managed Volumes Restore Database ........................................ 118
Task 5f-1: Oracle Recovery on Managed Volumes Restore Database ................................... 118
Task 5f-2: Repurpose Copy of Database for Test/Dev ............................................................ 126
Task 5g: Oracle Recovery, Fully Automated Solution ............................................................ 138
Task 5g-2: Oracle Self-Service Test and Development with Mount ...................................... 139
Task 5g-2a: Select point-in-time for creating the copy .......................................................... 140
Task 5g-2b: Mount copy to secondary Oracle Server ............................................................. 144
Task 5g-2c: Verify copy is accessible from Oracle .................................................................. 145
Task 5g-2d: Unmount copy .................................................................................................... 147
Task 5g-3: Oracle Secondary Reporting Environment with Export....................................... 149
Task 5g-3a: Select point-in-time for creating the copy .......................................................... 149
Task 5g-3b: Export snapshot to secondary Oracle Server ...................................................... 152
Task 5g-3c: Verify copy is exported on target storage and accessible ................................... 153
Task 5g-4: Oracle Instant Recovery from Database Corruption with Instantly Recover ........ 155
Task 5g-4a: Simulate database instant down scenario........................................................... 156
Task 5g-4b: Select snapshot to recovery ................................................................................ 158
Task 5g-4c: Verify database service is restored on Production Server................................... 161
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Section 6 Reporting ..................................................................................................................... 164
Task 6a: Envision ..................................................................................................................... 164
Appendix I. Windows Server Rubrik Backup Service setup. ...................................................... 168
Appendix II. Lab Infrastructure Specifics ............................................................................... 170
Update History ............................................................................................................................ 171
Rubrik Confidential 4
Lab Documentation Conventions
Convention Description Example
Highlighted Text Navigation of Menu Items SLA Domains > Local Domains
Rubrik Confidential 5
Lab Portal Controls
Screen Resolution
VM Console Access
Rubrik Confidential 6
Lab Execution Plan for: Foundations: Unconfigured/Configured/Active
Lab Selection
This lab is available in Three Initialization States:
• Unconfigured. Primary Rubrik system (demo1) requires cluster setup. It has been
Bootstrapped. Rubrik system (demo2) has not been bootstrapped. Rubrik system
(demo2) is used for replication. Bootstrapping and setting up replication are optional.
• Configured. Primary Rubrik system (demo1) and Rubrik system (demo2) have been
setup with the initial cluster configuration. No SLAs have been assigned.
• Active. Primary Rubrik system (demo1) and Rubrik system (demo2) has been setup with
the initial cluster configuration. An SLA (Demo1Hr) has been assigned to VMware
Virtual Machines, SQL Server Databases, Oracle Databases and NAS Shares. A Fileset is
defined to back up files from a NAS Source. Replication from Rubrik (demo1) to Rubrik
(demo2) has been configured. An NFS Archive is configured. Some lab runtime should
be allowed to establish backup history before using the lab (recommend >2 hours)
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Lab Steps
The following table describes what section of the lab guide is required depending on the Lab
Selection; Unconfigured, Configured, Active
Unconfigured Configured Active Time to complete
2a. Cluster Settings - N/A N/A 5 Minutes
Configure Cluster
Time Zone & Security
2b: Cluster Settings - N/A N/A 5 Minutes
Data Sources
2c: Cluster Settings - N/A N/A 5 Minutes
Add a LDAP Server
for domain login
2d: Cluster Settings - N/A N/A 2 Minutes
Add a vCenter Server
2e: Cluster Settings - N/A N/A 5 Minutes
Configure Guest Host
Optional: automatic
install of the Rubrik
Backup Service (RBS)
for Windows Host
2f. Optional: NA NA 60 Minutes
Bootstrap and Setup (continue working on
the Second System demo1 while
for Replication bootstrapping)
2g: Cluster Settings - N/A N/A 5 Minutes
Replication Setup
2h: Cluster Settings -
NFS Archive Location
2i: SMB Security N/A N/A 5 Minutes
Rubrik Confidential 8
Unconfigured Configured Active Time to complete
SLA Domain Choices SLA Domain Choices N/A
and Configure and Configure
Examples Examples
3a: Create an SLA 3a: Create an SLA N/A 10 Minutes
Domain Domain
3b: Create an 3b: Create an N/A 10 Minutes
Advanced SLA Advanced SLA Domain
Apply SLA Domain Apply SLA Domain N/A
Choices to protect Choices to protect
objects objects
4a: Apply SLA 4a: Apply SLA N/A 5 Minutes Configure
Domains to a Domains to a VMware
VMware Virtual Virtual Machines
4b: Setup Hosts and 4b: Setup Hosts and N/A 15 Minutes
Apply SLA Domains Apply SLA Domains to
to Hyper-V Virtual Hyper-V Virtual
Machines -OPTIONAL Machines -OPTIONAL
4c: Apply an SLA 4c: Apply an SLA N/A 5 Minutes
Domain to NAS Share Domain to NAS Share
and Fileset and Fileset
4d: Setup Host, 4d: Setup Host, N/A 5 Minutes
Fileset and SLA Fileset and SLA
Domain for NAS Domain for NAS Direct
Direct Archive aka Archive aka NAS
NAS Passthrough Passthrough
4e: Apply an SLA 4e: Apply an SLA N/A 10 Minutes
Domain to a SQL Domain to a SQL
Server Database Server Database
4f: Oracle Data 4f: Oracle Data 4f: Oracle Data 15 Minutes Configure
Protection on Protection on Protection on ~ 15 Minutes for
Managed Volumes - Managed Volumes - Managed Volumes Snapshot to
Note: shutdown existing
OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Oracle Fully Automated SLAs
4g: Oracle Database 4g: Oracle Database N/A 10 Minutes Configure
Fully Automated Fully Automated
Backup Solution Backup Solution
Rubrik Confidential 9
Unconfigured Configured Active Time to complete
5a: VMware 5a: VMware 5a: VMware 10 Minutes
Recovery Recovery Recovery
5b: Hyper-V 5b: Hyper-V 5b: Hyper-V 10 Minutes
Recovery (optional) Recovery (optional) Recovery (optional) Hyper-V Servers must
be turned on in the
lab portal
5c: NAS Share File 5c: NAS Share File 5c: NAS Share File 5 Minutes
Recovery Recovery Recovery
5d: NAS Direct 5d: NAS Direct 5d: NAS Direct 15 Minutes
Archive File Recovery Archive File Recovery Archive File Recovery nas2 server must be
turned on in lab
5e: SQLServer 5e: SQLServer 5e: SQLServer 5 Minutes Configure
Recovery - Live Recovery - Live Recovery - Live ~ 15 Minutes for
Mount Mount Mount Snapshot to
5f-1: Oracle 5f: Oracle Recovery 5f: Oracle Recovery 30 Minutes to take
Recovery on on Managed on Managed first snapshot
Managed Volumes Volumes Volumes Oracle servers must
be turned on in lab
5g: Oracle Recovery, 5g: Oracle Recovery, 5g: Oracle Recovery, 10 Minutes Configure
Fully Automated Fully Automated Fully Automated ~ 15 Minutes for
Solution Solution Solution Snapshot to
Rubrik Confidential 10
<Return to Lab Steps Setup>
<Return to Lab Steps Protection>
<Return to Lab Steps Recovery>
Rubrik’s simple user interface is built on a RESTful API-driven framework with an HTML5 web
user interface (UI).
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Section 1: Dashboard Walkthrough
<Return to Lab Steps Setup>
<Return to Lab Steps Protection>
<Return to Introduction>
In this task you become familiar with the layout of the Rubrik Dashboard.
1. To start the lab environment, click on the link in the emailed Rubrik Lab invitation or get
access information from your lab facilitator.
2. You may be presented with more than one Virtual Machine. Click on the VM named
Jump1 in the portal interface.
When Credentials are needed in the lab, you can use the “Keys” Icon in the interface to
copy/paste credentials into the Console.
4. From the Windows desktop, launch the Chrome browser labeled “Rubrik
Infrastructure”. The Rubrik UI login screen is presented.
5. At the top of the browser window you will find a series of bookmarks. Click on the
Rubrik bookmark to launch the Rubrik UI (if not already presented).
a. Username: admin
b. Password: Welcome10!Rubrik
c. Leave “Domain or Domain Display Name Blank” admin is the default local name
and password.
The key Icon in the interface can be used to cut and paste Usernames and Passwords.
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Note: If the Rubrik UI Default Dashboard says “1 Needs Attention” wait a few minutes until the
status changes to “1 Healthy Node”. Refresh the browser if necessary.
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8. Once authenticated, the Rubrik UI will default to the Dashboard Summary page.
Summary Dashboard
Rubrik Confidential 14
5. Live Mounts and Cloud Displays the current number of Live Mounts and
Mounts Cloud Mounts for the local Rubrik cluster
6. Selected protected For the selected type of protected object, the
object: Overview card provides the number of objects
• vSphere VMs that are protected and the number of objects
• vCD vApps that are unprotected.
• Hyper-V VMs
• Linux & Unix Hosts
• Windows Hosts
• NAS Shares
• SQL Server DBs
• Oracle DBs
• Managed Volumes
• EC2 Instances
7. SLA Domains Provides the total number of protected objects
for the three local SLA Domains with the most
protected objects.
8. Capacity The System doughnut graph is a graphical
representation of total storage based on
snapshot storage usage and available storage.
The Rubrik cluster available storage percentage
is provided in the middle of the donut graph.
Mouse hover events reveal storage usage and
capacity details. This view also link to the System
Capacity report.
Rubrik Confidential 15
Monitoring Dashboard
1. Review the Monitoring -> Completed Dashboard. NOTE: For Unconfigured and
Configured Labs, these pages will be empty initially. The following is screenshot is for
the Completed page, also review the In Progress, Failed and Scheduled Pages. Filters
on the right side allow selection of Task Types. Recovery, Backup, Archival, Replication
and Instantiate.
Rubrik Confidential 16
Section 2: Cluster Settings
<Return to Introduction>
In this task you will perform several typical setup items to connect to the local
infrastructure. This step can be skipped in a Pre-Configured Lab.
Task 2a: Cluster Settings - Configure Cluster Time Zone & Security Banner
Task 2b: Cluster Settings - Data Sources
Task 2c: Add a LDAP Server for domain login integration
Task 2d: Add a vCenter Server
Task 2e: Configure Guest Host authentication and automatic install of the Rubrik Backup Service
(RBS) for Windows Host
Task 2f: Bootstrap a Replication Cluster Optional Task
Task 2g: Replication Setup
Task 2h: Archive Location NFS
Task 2i: SMB Security
The following Gear Menus are used for the following setup task. For Task 2e, use the Chrome
bookmark first, then the menu.
Rubrik Confidential 17
In this task you will perform several typical setup items to connect to the local
infrastructure. This step can be skipped in a Pre-Configured Lab.
Rubrik Confidential 18
Task 2a: Cluster Settings - Configure Cluster Time Zone & Security
<Return to Lab Steps Setup>
1. Using the Gear->System Configuration->Cluster Settings Menu, set the Time Zone &
Security Banner Settings for the Cluster.
2. Click the drop-down menu in the Cluster Time Zone section and then select
Americas/Los Angeles. All other servers in the lab are set to this Time Zone. Type in
“Palo Alto” and select Palo Alto, CA for the cluster location. Hit Update. Note: This
setting required because all other lab resources are set to this timezone.
The Rubrik cluster provides the ability to display a custom advisement that must be
acknowledged before login is permitted. For example, this might be the text of an authorized-
use agreement.
The Rubrik cluster also allows setting top and bottom banners on every page of the web UI.
Rubrik Confidential 19
The login-advisement text can be entered either as plain text or using HTML tags.
The Cluster Settings page of the UI has the following security-related settings:
2. Using the pull down select the Top and Bottom Banner Color
3. Type Any Message for the Top and Bottom banner color Text.
4. Select Update to save the changes. The system prompts to confirm. Log out and Log back
in or Refresh the Browser page to the cluster to add the admin user to see the changes.
Rubrik Confidential 20
Task 2b: Cluster Settings - Data Sources
<Return to Lab Steps Setup>
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Task 2c: Cluster Settings - Add a LDAP Server for domain login
<Return to Lab Steps Setup>
This task adds a domain for username authentication and role assignment. This example
integrates with the Microsoft AD LDAP Model. Rubrik supports the LDAP standard for
connecting to multiple LDAP sources.
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5. For Server 1 -> IP or Hostname type: ad1.rubrik.lab (or just rubrik.lab) and Port: 389
(default LDAP port), select Next.
6. Select Add. (for this example, the RSA SecurID Server is not used in this lab)
7. Go back to the Users and Groups menu selection and Select Grant Authorization
Rubrik Confidential 24
9. In the Search by Name form, type demo, and select the demo user. Select Continue
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10. Manage Role, Select the Administrator Role and select Assign
Rubrik Confidential 26
Task 2d: Cluster Settings - Add a vCenter Server
<Return to Lab Steps Setup>
2. The Virtual Infrastructure page appears. Click the + icon to add. The Add vCenter
dialog box appears.
Username: demo@rubrik.lab
Password: Welcome10!
The Rubrik cluster tests the connection and saves vCenter connection.
7. Select Virtual Machines -> vSphere VMs from the menu on the left. Verify that
four VMs from the VMware environment have been discovered.
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Task 2e: Cluster Settings - Configure Guest Host authentication.
Optional: automatic install of the Rubrik Backup Service (RBS) for
Windows Host
<Return to Lab Steps Setup>
Providing the credentials of a local administrator account on the guest meets this requirement.
1. Using the Gear-> Application Configuration -> Guest OS Settings Menu, select the + icon
to add icon to add a Credential.
Rubrik Confidential 29
4. Optional. RBS on VMs are necessary for Fileset Definitions for that host. RBS is not
required on VMware VM Systems. vSphere snapshot and VSS provider calls will make a
crash consistent copy without the Auto Setting of the Backup. Select Connector Setting
and change the Rubrik Connector Deployment to Automatic, click Update
Rubrik Confidential 30
Task 2f: Optional: Cluster Settings - Bootstrap the Second Rubrik and
setup Replication
<Return to Lab Steps Setup>
This lab contains two Rubrik Appliances. One appliance is preconfigured. It has been
bootstrapped with a management IP of Chrome contains a link on the Bookmark
Bar for the 1st Rubrik Appliance.
One appliance is not configured and needs to be bootstrapped. This can be a standalone
operation or the Rubrik can be used to setup Replication between two Rubrik systems.
1. Find the Console with named “esx_util_demo2-u”. If Not Running, Hit the Power on
Button. It will take a couple of minutes for the host to start.
2. Using the browser login to the standalone ESX host., with credentials,
3. Find the only virtual machine running on this host and open a console. At the Rubrik
login prompt, login.
Username: admin
Password: rubrik
5. At the Rubrik CLI prompt, type “cluster bootstrap”. The User Configuration section
7. In Password, type a secure password for the admin account and press Enter.
Recommend using Welcome10!Rubrik as the admin account password to stay
consistent in the lab.
Note: The password entered in this step replaces the temporary password for the admin
account. If you change the password, Retain the new password in a secure location.
8. In Re-enter Password, retype the password and press Enter from the previous step.
Rubrik Confidential 31
1. In Cluster name, type a name for the Rubrik Appliance. Rubrik identifies itself using this
name, in the Rubrik web UI and with other Rubrik clusters. Chose a name like “demo2”
and press Enter.
4. In NTP Servers, type a comma-separated list of NTP servers. Take the default value,
pool.ntp.org, the virtual cluster of timeservers provide for public use by the NTP Pool
Project, and press Enter.
6. In Management Subnet Mask, type the subnet mask for the management network.
Type and press Enter.
8. Enable Software Encryption (requires KMIP Server). Take the default (n), enter.
9. In Management IP, type the IP address assigned to the management network interface
of Rubrik Edge. Type and Press Enter.
10. The “Proceed?” (y,n) [y] prompt is presented, press Enter or “y” to continue.
The bootstrap process continues. (this can take 10 to 20 minutes).
Bootstrap and system setup are complete. The system requires Registration.
Rubrik Confidential 32
11. Select 1 to use the login and password for registration. Please use
sedemo@rubrik.com/Oasis20! as the registration credentials.
12. Using the Chrome Browser login to the Bootstrapped Rubrik System using the
Management IP Address:
13. Login to the Rubrik system using the credentials that was setup during Bootstrap.
Username: admin
Password: Welcome10!Rubrik
Click I Agree to accept the EULA. Enter the support Portal Email. Insert these by using the Keys
function in the lab interface. If you did not register in the console the Register Rubrik Cluster
Dialog is presented. Please use sedemo@rubrik.com/Oasis20! as the registration credentials
Task 2a: Cluster Settings - Configure Cluster Time Zone & Security Banner
Task 2c: Add a LDAP Server for domain login integration
Task 2h: SMB Integration
Rubrik Confidential 33
Task 2g: Cluster Settings - Replication Setup
<Return to Lab Steps Setup>
A Rubrik cluster can replicate data to other Rubrik clusters. To use a Rubrik cluster as a
replication target, the source Rubrik cluster must be provided with information about the
A Rubrik cluster can have multiple target Rubrik clusters. An SLA Domain on the Rubrik cluster
can be set up to use any of one of the available targets.
After at least one target Rubrik cluster is successfully set up, the source Rubrik cluster makes
replication policy settings available for local SLA Domains.
1. Login in to the web UI on the Rubrik Cluster at or select the Bookmark named
Rubrik on the Chrome Bookmarks Bar.
2. From the Settings menu, select Gear -> System Configuration -> Replication Targets.
3. Click the + add icon. The Add Remote Cluster dialog is shown.
5. Enter the Target Cluster IP Address you used during the Bootstrap process:
6. Enter the login credentials: “admin”. Use the password you used in the Bootstrap
process in Section H. “Welcome10!Rubrik” . Use the Key icon on the interface to paste
7. Select Add.
Rubrik Confidential 34
After a successful test, the source Rubrik cluster adds the replication relationship.
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Task 2h: Cluster Settings - NFS Archive Location
<Return to Lab Steps Setup>
1. From the top of the UI, click on the settings icon. Referred in this document as “Gear”
2. Select the menu Gear -> System Configuration -> Archival Locations
4. The Add Archival Location window opens. By default, the Archival type is set to Amazon
S3. The lab environment utilizes an NFS server, so the Archival Type will need to be
changed to NFS. Complete the Add Archival Location using the following:
a. Archival Type: click the dropdown menu icon and select NFS.
b. Host Name: nas1.rubrik.lab
c. Export Directory: /mnt/archive
d. Destination Folder Name: myarchive
The Archival Location Name is constructed for you as “NFS:<destination folder name>”
Rubrik Confidential 36
5. Select Add in the lower right corner.
Enabling secure SMB connections provides end-to-end encryption for all data transmitted over
SMB. The encryption uses the AES-CCM algorithm. Enabling secure SMB connections enables
SMB support for live mounts of SQL Server, Hyper-V, and managed volume snapshots.
1. From the top of the UI, click on the settings Gear icon. Referred in this document as
2. Select the menu Gear -> System Configuration -> SMB Security
3. The SMB Security page appears. Click the + add icon. The Add SMB Domain dialog box
appears. Complete the Add SMB Domain with the following:
Rubrik Confidential 37
a. Domain (FQDN): rubrik.lab
b. Username: demo@rubrik.lab
c. Password: Welcome10!
d. Domain Controllers (Fully Qualified Hostnames): ad1.rubrik.lab
4. The Result Page is displayed. Select the SMB Security Configuration button to Enable
SMB Security on this domain.
5. Select the Check Box for Enforce SMB Security. Read the dialog content. In this lab
SQL Servers, Hyper-V Servers and Windows VMS have been added to the rubrik.lab
domain. Select Update to Enable the option.
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Section 3: SLA Domain Choices and Configure Examples
<Return to Lab Steps Protection>
<Return to Introduction>
The SLA Domain unifies data protection policies under a single policy engine. It provides a
configurable set of policies that can be applied to all objects protected by Rubrik, whether
groups of virtual machines, applications, or hosts to achieve specific data protection objectives.
The SLA Domains feature represents an easy-to-configure container for data protection policies.
The following table provides an overview of those policies.
Policy Description
Snapshot and backup frequency and Directs the Rubrik cluster when to create
retention point-in-time snapshots and backups of data
sources and how long to keep the data.
Rubrik provides Gold, Silver, and Bronze default SLA Domains that are ready for immediate use.
Custom SLA Domains can be quickly and easily created to meet the data protection and
retention requirements of different groups of virtual machines, applications, and file system
Rubrik Confidential 40
Task 3a: Create an SLA Domain
<Return to Lab Steps Protection>
1. If you are not already logged in to the Rubrik UI, login using the local admin or the
domain credentials:
The Keys Icon on the lab pull down menu will access the stored credentials.
2. Navigate to SLA Domains > Local Domains in the left menu (or use the Dashboard Link),
from top center side of the screen.
Local Domain - an SLA Domain that is created on the local Rubrik cluster.
Remote Domain - an SLA Domain that was created on a Rubrik cluster other than
the local Rubrik cluster. Remote SLA Domains appear on a local Rubrik cluster when
the local Rubrik cluster is a replication target.
4. The Create SLA Domain window is displayed use the following to complete the form:
SLA Domain Name: Demo1Hr
5. Service Level Agreement -> Snapshot -> Take Snapshots: In this example and based on
the short-term nature of this lab exercise, choose a minimum of taking a Snapshot every
1 hour. 1 Take/Keep pair is required, others are optional.
6. For this lab, use the default settings for the Snapshot Window.
7. Select Configure Remote Settings and continue to create the SLA Domain.
Rubrik Confidential 41
8. Move the Archival Slider to the “On” position (changes from grey to blue).
9. Specify Retention on Brik as 30 days. You can drag the slider until it is close to 30 days
and then use the arrow keys to make small adjustments.
10. Archive Location (requires completion of Section 2, Task 2f). Select NFS option from the
Archival Location drop down menu. Note that the Archive name is appended to the NFS
option in the pull-down list. Selecting Enable instant Archive will demonstrate archiving
during this lab session.
11. Replication (requires completion of Section 2, Task 2f). ALTERNATIVE, SKIP THIS STEP IF
DOMAIN LATER. Turn on Replication and using the pulldown bar select the configured
replication target. Set the slider to some non-zero value or 10 days. Press the
Create button.
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12. Verify the new local SLA domain is displayed.
Rubrik Confidential 43
Task 3b: Create an Advanced SLA Domain
<Return to Lab Steps Protection>
In this lab, create an SLA Domain named DemoDaily with the following requirements:
1. Log onto Rubrik UI, navigate to SLA Domains > Local Domains, click the sign on the top
right side of the screen.
2. On the Create SLA Domain screen, click on the Advanced Configuration button to enable
Advanced settings.
Rubrik Confidential 44
4. Enter the following values into the dialog, Press the Create button to create the SLA.
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5. Verify the new DemoDaily local SLA Domain is created.
Rubrik Confidential 46
Section 4: Apply SLA Domain Choices to protect objects
<Return to Lab Steps Protection>
<Return to Introduction>
*VMs for this functionality are turned off (default). Refer to the "Powering-Up Default off VMs
and Shutting Down Running VMs" section to Power-On VMs if this functionality is desired.
Rubrik Confidential 47
Task 4a: Apply SLA Domains to a VMware Virtual Machines
<Return to Lab Steps Protection>
Rather than manually create a policy and applying per workload, an SLA Policy may be applied
at a broader level - such as the folder, host, cluster, etc. - or granularly (per object) to achieve
specific data protection objectives.
To apply an SLA Domain to a single VMware Virtual Machine, perform the following steps:
1. In the web UI, on the left-side menu, click Virtual Machines > vSphere VMs. The
vSphere VMs page appears, with the VMs tab selected.
Rubrik Confidential 48
5. Click Submit. The VM status updates to reflect it is protected by the selected SLA
NOTE: System Scheduling and completing the first full snapshot takes approximately 20
minutes. Continue the lab work. The snapshot will be used in the recover section.
Rubrik Confidential 49
Task 4b: Setup Hosts and Apply SLA Domains to Hyper-V Virtual
Machines (VMs for this Functionality are not on by default. Use the
Console Portal to start Hyper-V1 and Hyper-V2 servers)
<Return to Lab Steps Protection>
This lab uses Hyper-V Manager installed on the Jump1 VM as the primary Hyper-V management
1. Open the Hyper-V Manager Application and validate that the Hyper-V Servers “hyper-
v1.rubrik.lab and hyper-v2.rubrik.lab” are operational. If the Hyper-V Servers are
started, but not listed in the interface, use Hyper-V Manager to connect to the two
2. In the web UI, on the left-side menu, click Virtual Machines > Hyper-V VMs. The Hyper-
V page appears, select the Hosts and Clusters tab.
Rubrik Confidential 50
4. Enter the names of the two Hyper-V hosts separated by a comma: hyper-v1.rubrik.lab,
5. Select one or both listed Hyper-V servers and examine the Virtual Machines hosted by
the Hyper-V Servers.
Rubrik Confidential 51
6. Manage Protection: Select the VMs tab and select the Win2016-hvm1 VM..
8. Click Submit. The VM status updates to reflect it is protected by the selected SLA
NOTE: System Scheduling and completing the first full snapshot takes approximately 20
minutes. Continue the lab work. The snapshot will be used in the recover section.
Rubrik Confidential 52
Task 4c: Apply an SLA Domain to NAS Share and Fileset
<Return to Lab Steps Protection>
In this module you will assign an SLA to a NAS Server / NAS Share (NFS) and define a Fileset to
1. Select the Servers & Apps -> NAS Shares from the left Rubrik Menu.
Rubrik Confidential 53
5. Select the listed host nas1.rubrik.lab using the radio button. Hit Next.
6. Select NFS, and as the NFS Path, enter /mnt/demospace and Select Finish.
7. The following path shows as connected. Next step is adding a NAS Share Fileset.
Rubrik Confidential 54
A fileset defines a set of files and folders on a Linux host, a Windows host, or a NAS share. The
Rubrik cluster interprets a fileset based on the values provided in the Include, Exclude, and
Do Not Exclude fields. The Rubrik cluster applies a set of rules to the values provided in these
fields and permits several types of values to be added to the fields. The Rubrik cluster uses
the filesets that are assigned to a host or share to determine which data to manage and
8. Select Filesets from the top left corner horizontal menu, and select Add Fileset
9. This rule applied to this Fileset will save all PDF files in the NFS Share. In this example
the Fileset is named UserGuides. Enter the values for Fileset name and include rules
shown in the screen capture below and click Add in the bottom right corner.
Rubrik Confidential 55
Rubrik Confidential 56
10. Select Shares from the top left-hand horizontal menu and select the checkbox next to
the share name /mnt/demospace.
11. Select the Fileset name that was added in step 9. Select Next.
12. Select the Demo1Hr SLA (or other SLA Domain) and select Finish.
Rubrik Confidential 57
Rubrik Confidential 58
Task 4d: Setup Host, Fileset and SLA Domain for NAS Direct Archive aka
NAS Passthrough
<Return to Lab Steps Protection>
The goal of this lab is to setup a new NAS host containing source files to be protected. The
target will be directed to the NAS Archive setup in section 2G. The Direct Archive Feature will
be enabled that allows instance snapshots to a secondary NAS system with the indexing, search
and fast recovery capabilities of the Rubrik.
1. Select the Servers & Apps -> NAS Shares from the Rubrik Menu. Select Add NAS Share.
Rubrik Confidential 59
3. In the IP or Hostname Field type: nas2.rubrik.lab select Add. (Note: the nas2 VM is not
turned on by default. Use the Console interface to start this VM if necessary.
Rubrik Confidential 60
5. Select the Filesets Tab
Rubrik Confidential 61
7. Define the Fileset
8. Select Add
9. Using the Search Function at the top of the UI, find the Share, searching for /mnt/direct
and select the search results
Rubrik Confidential 62
11. Select the new share: Direct and select Next.
Rubrik Confidential 63
12. In the Manage Protection Dialog, Select the + to add a new SLA. A new SLA is required
that uses the NFS:myarchive location setup in section 2g.
13. Create SLA Domain. Type in a name: DirectSLA, set Take and Keep Snapshot
parameters and select Remote Settings.
Rubrik Confidential 64
14. Create SLA Domain (continued). Turn on the Archival function, with the pull down
select NFS:myarchive, select Create.
15. Select the SLA just created, DirectSLA and Check the Direct Archive Box. Select Finish
Rubrik Confidential 65
Task 4e: Apply an SLA Domain to a SQL Server Database
<Return to Lab Steps Protection>
16. Select the Servers & Apps -> Windows Host from the Rubrik Menu. Select Add
Windows Host. (Note: The Rubrik Backup Service has been installed on this Windows
Server to save lab time, to review this process, please refer to Appendix I).
17. Type sql-s1.rubrik.lab and select Add. The connect host is displayed.
Rubrik Confidential 66
18. Select the Servers & Apps -> SQL Server DBs from the Rubrik Menu.
Rubrik Confidential 67
21. Select Manage Protection from the upper right part of the screen.
22. Apply the appropriate SLA to the Database, Demo1Hr is the suggested SLA to use.
Notice the log backup frequency and log backup retention. Then, click Submit.
Rubrik Confidential 68
Task 4f: Oracle Data Protection on Managed Volumes
This is an optional, advanced workflow for Oracle protection, work with your Rubrik professional
to determine if this workflow is appropriate else use the Task 4g: Oracle Recovery, Fully
Automated Solution in this lab.
Depending on Lab type, the Oracle VMs might not be turned on in this lab, check the Console
interface and turn on ora12c-prod and ora12c-dev VMs if necessary.
Managed volumes are a generic data source that enable users to backup arbitrary data on a
Rubrik cluster. Managed volume snapshots can make use of the full range of Rubrik protection
features, including data deduplication and secure SMB Live Mounts. This is an advanced dba
use case for more complex Oracle RMAN and Rubrik integration. Starting at Rubrik 5.0, Rubrik
supports Fully Automated, SLA defined solution for Oracle Backup. This section is here.
Rubrik integrates with Oracle RMAN workflow to automate data protection, replication, and
copy data management for Oracle database. In the following labs, we will step through
processes for using Rubrik policy driven data management platform to backup, restore Oracle
database, as well as repurpose copy of database for test/dev usage.
Rubrik Confidential 69
Task 4f-1 Backup Oracle Database on Managed Volumes
Rubrik integrates with RMAN to coordinate data protection for Oracle database. While the
backup operation is executed with your preferred RMAN workflow, Rubrik manages the
lifecycle of the backups via user defined policy.
If desired, DBAs can send full backups to Rubrik. However, Oracle does support block change
tracking for incremental backups.
To provide the same incremental-forever benefit to other Rubrik datasets, we support and
recommend the use of an advanced RMAN capability called Incremental Merge. With this
feature, users can take an initial full backup and subsequent incremental backups. Then, on a
rolling basis, they can update the full backup with a previously taken incremental.
The process rolls the image backup forward to the point in time when the level 1 incremental
was created. During restore and recovery of the database, RMAN can restore from this
incrementally updated copy and apply changes from the redo log. This delivers the same results
as restoring the database from a full backup taken at the time of the most recently applied
incremental level 1 backup. This strategy minimizes time required for database recovery.
In this lab we will walk-through the steps for backing up an Oracle database.
Rubrik supports Oracle backup with Managed Volume – a NFS mount point exposed to Oracle
Server in a read-only format. The first step for configuring Oracle database backup on Rubrik is
to create the Manage Volume(s).
Rubrik Confidential 70
Step 1: Create Managed Volume(s) on Rubrik
Step 2: Assign SLA to Manage Volume Protection
Step 3: Mount Managed Volume(s) on Linux Host
Step 4: Perform Rubrik Coordinated RMAN Backup
Step 5: Verify Snapshot Created on Rubik
Log onto Rubrik UI, navigate to Servers & Apps > Managed Volumes, click on Add Volume from
top right side of the screen.
Populate fields for Volume Name, Provisioned Size (GB), and Number of Channels as the
followings, then click on Add.
Rubrik Confidential 71
Click on ORCL to explore configuration of the volume.
On the Overview Pane, click on View button next to Channel. You may need to refresh the
screen if the Channel View button is not showing.
Rubrik Confidential 72
Copy and save IP Address, Path, and ManagedVolume ID from this screen.
Channel IP:
Rubrik Confidential 73
Channel Path: /mnt/managedvolume/eee5d05a_channel0
Manage Volume ID: ManagedVolume:::2e1ce9e9-1389-4452-b798-
Once managed volume(s) is created, you can assign Rubrik SLA policy to manage retention,
replication and cloud archival of the dataset.
Rubrik Confidential 74
When creating an SLA for managed volumes note that the SLA does not control the frequency
and timing of the backup. That is controlled by the RMAN script on the Oracle host.
The SLA retention should be set to the retention requirements of the business.
For this lab, use the default “Silver” SLA that’s already created or create a new one. The Silver
policy is set to take snapshot every 12 hours. There may be archive logs added to the backup
during the day and since the base frequency is less than the frequency of the RMAN backups
(database plus separate archive log backups) the last snapshot for the period which is 12 hours
will be retained. That last snapshot will then have the database and the archive log backups
from the last 12 hours. Select SLA Silver and click Finish.
You have successfully configured the managed volume on Rubrik. The following Steps 3 and 4
should be performed on the Oracle server.
Rubrik Confidential 75
Step 3: Mount Managed Volume(s) on Linux Host
Once the managed volume(s) are created and configured on Rubrik. It is ready to be presented
to Oracle Server as NFS mount point.
SSH to the Oracle Server “Ora-Prod” by using Putty or Bitvize utility on “Jump1”, log in as root
Username: root
Password: Welcome10!
Run /scripts/mount-vol.sh to mount the managed volume as NFS mount, using the [Channel IP]
and [Channel Path] recorded from Step 1.
cd /scripts
./mount-vol.sh [Channel IP] [Channel Path]
Rubrik integrates with RMAN to provide backup protection for Oracle database with the
concept of managed volume. Before writing to the managed volume, a begin_snapshot ReST
API call to Rubrik is needed to make the managed volume available as read/write volume for
RMAN to use as a backup destination. Once the backup is completed, an end_snapshot call will
put the managed volume back to read-only. From that point, Rubrik preserves the data
immutably, and the snapshot is catalogued.
Rubrik Confidential 76
Step 1: Create Managed Volume(s) on Rubrik
Step 2: Assign SLA to Manage Volume Protection
Step 3: Mount Managed Volume(s) on Linux Host
Step 4: Perform Rubrik Coordinated RMAN Backup
Step 5: Verify Snapshot Created on Rubik
The RMAN backup will be run by the oracle Linux user. That is the user that has the correct
privileges to connect to the database.
This is important - the backup will not work if you do not change to the oracle user. You do this
by using the su - oracle command.
su - oracle
Make sure the database is open before running the backup scripts.
Rubrik Confidential 77
Start Rubrik coordinated RMAN backup by sending the begin snapshot command, then run the
RMAN backup script.
cd /scripts
./begin-snap.sh [CHANNEL IP] [MANAGE VOLUME ID]
The “incr-backup.sh” RMAN backup script takes about 3 minutes to run. When RMAN backup
completed, you should see messages like the following.
Notify Rubrik RMAN backup is done by sending the end snapshot command. This will return the
managed volume to its read-only state.
The command should return a JSON object with information about the managed volume. It
should not return any errors.
Rubrik Confidential 78
Step 5: Verify Snapshot Created on Rubik
You should be able to see the newly created snapshot on Rubrik UI, explore files in the
On Rubrik UI, navigate to Servers & Apps > Managed Volumes, select ORCL.
The green dot next to the date indicates snapshot(s) are available on that day. You may click on
a green dot to explore available snapshots. (update-picture)
Rubrik Confidential 79
Task 4g: Oracle Data Base Fully Automated Backup Solution
<Return to Lab Steps Protection>
Use the Rubrik fully automated backup solution to back up, recover, and manage Oracle
With Rubrik Backup Service (RBS) software installed each Oracle host and Oracle RAC cluster
node is auto discovered and all Oracle databases are protected. Based on the SLA Domain
assigned, the Rubrik cluster obtains Oracle database snapshots and manages the storage,
replication, archiving, and retention of those snapshots.
Scenario: Your company purchased a new Rubrik Cloud Data Management System. You are
tasked to create a data protection solution for your company’s Oracle database environment.
Solution: Rubrik 5.0 introduced full integrated support for Oracle databases. Install the Rubrik
Oracle Backup Service on the Oracle Server(s), map the business SLA to Rubrik policy-driven SLA
Domain. Rubrik will automatically discover the databases, backup, replicate, and archive the
database according to policies defined in the SLA Domain.
Rubrik Confidential 80
4g-1: Install Rubrik Oracle Backup Service
Step-1: Install Rubrik Oracle Backup Service
Step-2: Register Oracle Server to enable auto-discovery
Step-3: Protect Oracle Server(s) using SLA Demo1Hr
1. Log onto Rubrik UI, navigate to Servers & Apps > Oracle DBs, click on the rpm link to
download Rubrik Oracle Backup Service for CentOS.
2. Once the download is completed. Run cmd to launch a Command Prompt window, copy
the rpm file to Oracle production Server “ora12c-prod.rubrik.lab” by entering
Rubrik Confidential 81
3. When prompt, type in password Welcome10! for root user, then hit Enter. This will copy
the rpm file to the “/demo” folder on ora12c-prod.rubrik.lab.
Once the copy is completed, we are ready to install the rpm package on the Oracle server. Let’s
switch to the Oracle Server environment.
4. Use the Portal Console Controls or from the Jumpbox, run “PuTTy” to launch the PuTTy
window. Type ora12c-prod.rubrik.lab (or use the Saved Sessions in PuTTy) and click on
the Open button.
Rubrik Confidential 82
5. Log in with the following:
username: root
password: Welcome10!
# su - oracle
$ export ORACLE_SID=orcl
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL > startup
SQL> exit
$ exit (to root)
Rubrik Confidential 83
8. Install rpm package with the following command:
9. Repeat 4d-1 (no Database to Startup Skip Step #7) to install Rubrik Oracle Backup
Service on ora12c-dev.rubrik.lab
Switch back to Rubrik UI, navigate to Servers & Apps > Oracle DBs, click on Add Hosts/Nodes,
Rubrik Confidential 84
Rubrik Confidential 85
1. On the Add Hosts/Nodes window, enter the following value in field IPs or Hostnames
(Use comma to separate) ora12c-prod, ora12c-dev
2. Leave the Oracle User (required if dba user is not “oracle”) blank, then click on the Add
3. Validate that the two Oracle Servers are registered. Auto-discover has automatically
discover the number of database nodes and databases running on the Servers.
Rubrik Confidential 86
4g-3: Protect Oracle Server(s) using SLA “Demo1Hr”
Step-1: Install Rubrik Oracle Backup Service
Step-2: Register Oracle Server to enable auto-discovery
Step-3: Protect Oracle Server(s) using SLA Demo1Hr
1. Select All DBs view and check the box next to database “orcl”. Then click Manage
Protection button.
2. Select the newly created SLA Domain Demo1Hr from the list of available SLA Domains.
Continue to configure archive log backup by filling the following fields
3. Click on the Submit button to finish configuring protection for database orcl.
Rubrik Confidential 87
The orcl database is now protected according to policies defined in SLA Domain Demo1Hr.
Rubrik will start for the first full database backup, as well as the backup of the archive log every
15 minutes.
Note: It will take 3 to 5 minutes to schedule and start the first snapshot. This will
take about 20 minutes for full backup, log backup and indexing to complete to get a valid
recovery point. Continue with the next protection step, the goal is for the Oracle Snapshot to
be ready for the Recovery portion of the lab.
Rubrik Confidential 88
Section 5: Recovery
<Return to Lab Steps Protection>
<Return to Introduction>
With Google-like search, Rubrik eliminates the file search complexity inherent in legacy
solutions by introducing consumer-grade file search that delivers query results instantly. As the
user types the query, Rubrik expedites the query by displaying suggested search results with
auto-complete functionality. The user can instantly locate specific versions of files across time
and locations for all VMs, applications, and file systems - no matter where the data resides (on-
premises or in the cloud).
*VMs for this functionality are turned off (default). To Enable Recovery Functions, these VMs
were turned on in Section 4.
Rubrik Confidential 89
Task 5a: VMware Recovery
<Return to Lab Steps Recovery>
Recovery Time Objective - defines how long it takes to recover data, which can be a
single file or a complete data center. This is sometimes referred to as “how long can
you afford to have a system offline?”.
Instant Recovery - replaces the source virtual machine with a fully functional point-in-
time copy. The Rubrik cluster powers off and renames the source virtual machine and
assigns the name of the source virtual machine to the recovered virtual machine. The
recovered virtual machine is then powered on and the recovered virtual machine is
connected to the source network. The Rubrik cluster is the datastore for the recovered
virtual machine until it is Storage vMotioned to another datastore.
Live Mount - creates a new virtual machine from a point-in-time copy of the source
virtual machine. The recovered virtual machine uses the Rubrik cluster as its
datastore until it is Storage vMotioned to another datastore. The Rubrik cluster
assigns a new name to the recovered virtual machine and powers it up. The source
virtual machine runs in parallel.
Export - creates a new virtual machine from a point-in-time copy of the source virtual
machine. The datastore of the selected VM is the datastore for the recovered virtual
machine. The Rubrik cluster assigns a new name to the recovered virtual machine
and powers it up.
Recover Files - Recovering folders and files for download Recover folders and files
from one of the virtual machine snapshots in a VM snapshot and download them
through a web browser or recovering folders and files to overwrite originals.
Rubrik Confidential 90
Task 5a-1: VMware Recovery Live Mount
<Return to Lab Steps Recovery>
1. Using the left menu select Virtual Machines –> VMware VMs. Find the Win2016-vm1
VM or use the Search Function to find the VM.
3. Select Mount Virtual Machine. The Mount Snapshot dialog box appears.
Rubrik Confidential 91
4. Select the esx1.rubrik.lab ESXi Server for the Live Mount, review the option defaults and
select Finish.
Rubrik Confidential 92
The Rubrik cluster mounts the snapshot on the selected ESXi host with a new name and powers
up the virtual machine. During the process, messages about the status appear in the
Notifications page. The Rubrik cluster records the result of the task in the Activity Log.
6. Locate your Windows 2016 VM machine and wait for its Status to change to Powered
On. This may take about a minute to appear.
7. Open a new tab in the web browser and navigate to the vSphere Web Client URL.
Note: Chrome does not save Flash Settings. As an alternative please use
https://vc1.rubrik.lab/ui to use the HTML5 client.
9. Locate and review the Live Mounted system within vSphere. On the Summary page of
the VM, scroll down until you locate the Related Objects pane. Notice the Storage on
which the VM is running. It is recommended to Storage vMotion the VM files to primary
storage if it is desired to keep the VM running long-term. Is this sentence correct?
Rubrik Confidential 93
10. OPTIONAL: Switch back to the Rubrik UI, Live Mounts > vSphere VMs. Locate your
Windows VM machine and click the Ellipsis Menu (...). Click Unmount and then
Unmount again once the dialog appears.
The Rubrik cluster sets the protection state of the Live Mount recovered virtual
machine to Do Not Protect. To protect the new virtual machine, add it to an SLA
Domain, or remove the individual assignment of Do Not Protect to permit it to inherit
With Rubrik, you can. Build isolated environments and leverage the Live Mount
feature to instantiate identical environments in moments. You can also test an
application upgrade, failure scenario, or other use cases using your backup storage.
When you are done, you simply throw it away.
Rubrik Confidential 94
Task 5a-2: VM Recovery Live Mount – Virtual Disk
<Return to Lab Steps Recovery>
Rubrik Confidential 95
3. Select Virtual Disk and select the smaller 2GB Virtual disk, hit Next.
Rubrik Confidential 96
4. For Mount Snapshot select the Win10-vm1 Virtual Machine and hit Finish.
5. On the left-side menu, click Live Mounts > vSphere VMs. Review the status of the
Mounted Virtual Disk
Rubrik Confidential 97
6. Go back to the vSphere tab (or re-login) in the Chrome Browser. Select the Win10-vm1
Virtual machine and open a console type of your choice.
7. Login to the Win10-vm1 (Windows 10 Enterprise Virtual Machine) using the Password:
Welcome10!. It may be necessary to find the CTRL-Alt-Delete function of the console
to get a login prompt.
8. Open Windows File Explorer and find the vol2 E: drive that is mounted, browse the
logos directory to see the files Live Mounted from Win2016-vm1 to Win10-vm1. NOTE:
It may require a Rescan of the Disk, using the Computer Management / Disk
Management Function of the Windows Operating system to see the new drive.
Rubrik Confidential 98
Rubrik Confidential 99
Task 5a-3: VM File Recovery
2. Type in a search string: rubrik_5. Note: Rubrik runs File Indexing Processes as post-
snapshot task. If all snapshots have the “File browse not available” symbol (!) file
browsing will not yet be available. Skip this lab task and come back when File Indexing is
done for that snapshot.
5. The Activities window shows the progress of preparing the file for download.
6. Use the Activity Log and click on the Download link entry in the log to get download
dialog. Download the file to the local system: Jump1.
1. Using the left menu select Virtual Machines –> Hyper-V VMs or find the Win2016-hvm1
VM or use the Search Function to find the VM.
2. Select a Day and Time of a Valid Snapshot and Open the Ellipsis Menu (...)
4. Select the Hyper-V Server to mount the VM. Choose the current Hyper-V Server or like
in this example choose another Hyper-V Server: hyper-v1.rubrik.lab. Select Mount
6. Using the Hyper-V manager on the Desktop, review and (optionally) attach the Network
Connection, Connect and login to the Live Mounted Hyper-V VM. After attaching the
Network, DHCP will assign an IP address. Connect using the local Administrator idrt
name Welcome10! Password.
In this section use the file search capability to find files and recovery them from a NAS
Share/Defined Fileset
1. On the left-side menu, click NAS Shares. Using the Search by File Name form, type
Rubrik or use the Search Field to search for /mnt/demospace
2. Select one of the Files that match the key word search.
1. Using the Rubrik Search Function, find the /mnt/direct FileShare and select the share.
2. Select a Snapshot on the Calendar and use the File Search Function, using vdb as the
search string.
/<YR><MM><DD><HR><MIN><SEC>/vdb_1_1.dir/vdb2_1.dir/vdb_f<File Number>.file
/<YR><MM><DD><HR><MIN><SEC>/vdb_1_2.dir/vdb2_2.dir vdb_f<File Number>.file
This section includes new ideas and methods that take database recovery to another level. We
will introduce you to the SQL Live Mount feature.
SQL Live Mount feature aligns with the core simplicity of the Rubrik platform. SQL Live Mount
leverages Rubrik’s robust Atlas file system and has algorithms around promoting active blocks
into flash for performance.
A SQL Live Mount creates a new database from a point-in-time copy of the source database.
The Rubrik cluster provides a Samba share of the new database directly from the Rubrik cluster
storage layer.
A Live Mount database can be attached to an SQL Server instance on any Windows Server host
that is running the Rubrik Backup Service. Transmissions between the Rubrik cluster and the
host of the Live Mount are secured by end-to-end encryption.
Using Live Mount to access a copy of a database can significantly reduce the RTO for the
Use Live Mount to create a new database from a point-in-time copy of a source database.
1. On the left-side menu, click Servers & Apps > SQL Server DBs.
On the Recovery Points card, select a day that has a green dot.
The green dot indicates that at least one successful snapshot was created on that day.
While Rubrik always sends incremental backups of SQL Server databases, the green
dot indicates the synthetically created Full to match the assigned policy. The points in
time between Fulls are offered for databases in Full Recovery mode via automatically
rolling transaction logs. Restoring to a Full (aka blue dot) will be somewhat faster than
choosing a point in time in between Fulls due to the time savings of not rolling
transaction logs.
To select a snapshot, move the slider to a snapshot indicator or click the snapshot indicator dot.
The selected time icon changes.
To select a recovery point other than a snapshot time, move the slider to choose that time. The
time appears in the time field and the selected time icon changes. Alternatively, type a specific
time into the time field.
6. Open the Ellipsis Menu (...) and select Mount. The Mount Database dialog box appears:
8. In Name, select a SQL Server instance. Alternatively, enter the name of an instance in
the search field.
The Rubrik cluster shares the Live Mount over the SMB/CIFS protocol and sets the protection
state of the new virtual machine to Do Not Protect to ensure the Rubrik cluster does not
backup data stored on itself. The Rubrik cluster then mounts the share to the specified
Windows Server host and attaches the Live Mount database to the specified SQL Server
instance. To view the SQL Live Mount:
11. On the left-side menu of the web UI, click Live Mounts > SQL Server DBs. The SQL
Server DB Live Mounts page appears. Wait until the Status changes to Available. This
may take approximately one minute.
13. Click on the RDP Icon labelled: MS SQLServer. The system logins you in.
14. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is pinned to the Task Bar (left of Chrome).
17. In the left-hand column, expand the instance name > Databases.
The Live Mounted Database is listed. Minimize the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
and disconnect from the RDP Session.
19. On the left-side menu of the web UI, click Live Mounts > SQL Server DBs.
The SQL Server DB Live Mounts page appears.
20. Open the Ellipsis Menu (...) next to the entry for your Live Mount database.
The Rubrik cluster detaches the database from the SQL Server instance and unmounts the share
from the Windows Server host.
This is an optional, advanced workflow for Oracle protection, work with your Rubrik professional
to determine if this workflow is appropriate else use the Task 5g: Oracle Recovery, Fully
Automated Solution in this lab.
Rubrik fully integrated with Oracle RMAN to support the RMAN restore workflow. Simply use
your preferred RMAN workflow for restoring spfile (parameter), controlfile, datafiles, the entire
database or to the database of particular point in time.
Before restoring the database, select the snapshot to restore from Rubrik, export the snapshot
as a live mount.
Click on the ellipse circle on the far right of the screen, select View Channels from the popup
Copy and save the IP Address and the Path information from the Channel Details window.
Channel IP:
Channel Path: /mnt/managedvolume/c90d81fe_channel0
In this step, you will mount the NFS volume exported by Rubrik. This NFS mount point contains
the RMAN backup set you will be using to restore.
Run /scripts/mount-restore.sh to mount the managed volume as NFS mount, passing in the
Channel IP and Path information saved in Step 1.
cd /scripts
./mount-restore.sh [Channel IP] [Channel Path]
In this step, just run your regular RMAN restore script to restore the database. We will use the
sample RMAN scripts included in the lab.
This is important - the backup will not work if you do not change to the oracle user. You do this
by using the su - oracle command.
su - oracle
The restore operation takes about 3 minutes to run. You should see a message like the
With the database successfully restored and recovered, you may remove the live mount on
Step 1: Export Snapshot to Restore from Rubrik
Step 2: Mount Managed Volume(s) on Linux Host
Step 3: Restore Database
Step 4: Remove Live Mount from Rubrik
First unmount the NFS volume from the Oracle Server. This operation needs to be executed as
“root”. Switch user to “root” if needed, by running the following commands:
su - oracle
Login with password “Welcome10!”, and unmount the restore volume by typing:
umount /mnt/rubrik/restore/
Close the SSH session. Switch to Rubrik UI, navigate to Live Mounts > Manage Volumes, select
the Live Mount.
Click on the ellipse circle on the far right of the screen, select Unmount from the popup menu.
In many scenarios, DBAs need to create copy of production database for different purpose,
such as test/dev, reporting, or performing database maintenance tasks.
In this lab, we will walk-through the steps for repurposing a copy of the production database for
development usage.
Note: There is a wrapper script: /scripts/all_oracle.sh This script executes all dev repurposing
functions. This script can be reviewed and used, or all the following steps can be executed
manually. A script named /scripts/ddb.sh will delete the created “dev” instance so that all
steps can be executed.
Depending on the business needs, first you should determine which snapshot to use for the
repurpose copy.
Navigate to Live Mounts > Manage Volumes to see the exported snapshot.
Click on the ellipse circle on the far right of the screen, select View Channels from the popup
Copy and save the IP Address and the Path information from the Channel Details window.
Channel IP:
Channel Path: /mnt/managedvolume/c90d81fe_channel0
In this step, you will mount the snapshot as NFS mount point to be used as the source for
creating the repurpose copy.
Step 1: Export Snapshot to Restore from Rubrik
Step 2: Mount Volume(s) Exported on Linux Host
Step 3: Create "dev" Copy using RMAN and NID
Step 4: Verify Database Copy is Functional
SSH to Ora-Dev by launching the Ora-Dev shortcut on the desktop of “Jump1”, log in as root
Username: root
Password: Welcome10!
Run /scripts/mount-copy.sh to mount the managed volume as NFS mount, pass in the Channel
IP and Path information saved in Step 1.
cd /scripts
./mount-copy.sh [Channel IP] [Channel Path]
In this lab, you will deploy a copy of the production database to “dev” using the backup created
in Lab I.
The remaining steps will be run by the oracle Linux user. That is the user that has the correct
privileges to connect to the database. Switch user to oracle.
su - oracle
Create a new database “dev” in nomount mode using “pfile-dev”. Run /scripts/connect.sh to
launch SQLPlus. First make some new directories where the dev datafiles will reside
mkdir /u01/app/oracle/oradata
mkdir /u01/app/oracle/oradata/dev
cd /scripts/
SQL> @/scripts/create-dev.sql
SQL> exit
ls -al /mnt/rubrik/copy/cf_*
find the file beginning with “cf_”, and record the path of the control file
Example: /mnt/rubrik/copy/cf_D-ORCL_id-2826656379_rrtfaobo
# sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> startup mount
SQL> exit
Create a clone of production database, rename to “dev” using RMAN by running “restore-
copy.sh” passing in the [Path of the Control File]. This may take about 3 minutes to complete.
cd /scripts/
./restore-copy.sh /mnt/rubrik/copy/cf_D-ORCL_id-2826656379_rrtfaobo
Oracle does not stop the recovery at the last available archive log in the database backup sets
as per the restored control file. Instead it keeps on requesting for the "next available archive
log sequence" number. However, there is no additional log to apply. The database is already in
consistent state. Hence the recovery is in fact successful.
Shutdown and restart database in mount mode before running NID. Run /scripts/connect.sh to
launch SQLPlus.
cd /scripts/
export ORACLE_SID=dev
nid target=/ DBNAME=dev
Now we are ready to make the final changes in pfile (see “/scripts/pfile-dev1”). Run
/scripts/connect.sh to launch SQLPlus.
cd /scripts/
SQL> @/scripts/rename-dev.sql
Rubrik Live Mount support for Oracle database delivers self-service instant recovery and clones,
enabling DBAs and developers to provision test and development in just a few clicks without
impacting production environments. Once an SLA policy is mapped to business SLAs, Oracle
databases will be automatically protected, replicated, and archived. This eliminates the
traditional, time-consuming process of building and maintaining scripts.
There are 4 labs in this lab guide that walks through Scenarios and challenges DBA faces in
Oracle database lifecycle management, and steps through Solutions using Rubrik features.
Given the dependency between the labs, walkthrough the labs following the recommended
sequences below.
• 5g-1: Data Protection with Policy-Driven SLA Domain. This step is done in Section 4, Task
4G. This lab sets up the ongoing Backup for the Oracle database. Please return to this
section if this lab has not been done. This is the pre-requisite for the rest of the labs.
• 5g-2: Self-Service Test and Development with Mount. This recovery lab demonstrates
using the Mount feature to deploy a test/dev environment. Lab can be executed
repeatedly. Lab I need to be executed before running this lab.
• 5g-3: Secondary Reporting Environment with Export. This recovery lab demonstrates
using the Export feature to deploy a permanent secondary environment. This lab makes
permanent change to the lab environment and is to be executed once only.
• 5g-4: Instant Recovery from Database Corruption with Instantly Recover. This recovery
lab demonstrates using the Instantly Recover feature to recover a production
environment. This lab makes change to the production environment. You will not be
able to execute the other labs after this lab is run. Lab I need to be executed before
running this lab.
Scenario: The support team received customer complaint on slow response time when
performing certain operations on the Web site. DBA team suspects that might be caused by the
index changes a couple days ago. DBA team needs access to production-like data in order verify
impacts of the index changes.
Solution: The Oracle Production Server is protected by Rubrik Cloud Data Management system.
One of the new features introduced in Rubrik 5.0 is Mount, which allows you to instantly deploy
clones of database to run on the Rubrik Cluster. That would allow the DBA team to test the
impacts of index changes on production-like dataset without impacting performance of the
production environment. Since the clone is created based on snapshot of an existing backup on
the Rubrik Cluster, deploying this additional test/dev database is almost instant, with no
additional storage requirement.
From Rubrik UI, navigate to Servers and Apps > Oracle DBs, Select All DBs view, click on “orcl”
link to bring up the Recovery Points calendar view.
1. Select ora12c-dev from the list. This is an Oracle Server where to run the test/dev
database instance. Click on the Mount button to deploy a clone of the production
database onto the ora12c-dev.
This operation may take about 10 minutes to completed in the lab. Check the Activity View at
the bottom of the screen to see progress of the operation.
1. Use the Portal Console Controls or from the Jumpbox, run “PuTTy” to launch the PuTTy
window. Type ora12c-dev.rubrik.lab and click on the Open button.
username: oracle
password: oracle
After the team is done with testing the index changes, the copy is unmounted to release any
resources use on the Rubrik Cluster.
1. On Rubrik UI, navigate to Live Mounts > Oracle DBs, click on the Ellipsis Menu (…) and
select Unmount.
This operation may take about 2 minutes to complete in the lab environment.
Scenario: Business unit complains about slow performance of online operation when some
reporting jobs are running. Upper management decided to create a secondary Oracle
environment for running reporting jobs only. The task is to deploy a clone of the production
Oracle database for reporting use.
Solution: The Oracle Production database is protected by Rubrik Cloud Data Management
system. The Export feature to mount a point-in-time snapshot of production database to any
target storage, and mount that onto an Oracle Server for permanent reporting use.
1. From Rubrik UI, navigate to Servers and Apps > Oracle DBs, Select All DBs view, click on
“orcl” link to bring up the Recovery Points calendar view.
2. On the Recovery Points Window, a green dot next to a date indicates there are recovery
points available on that day.
1. Select “ora12c-dev” from the list. This is an Oracle Server where to run the reporting
database instance. Click on the “Export” button to deploy a clone of the production
database onto the target storage and mount on ora12c-dev.
2. This operation may take about 10 minutes to completed in the lab. Once it’s completed,
you can verify the database exported on “ora12c-dev”.
1. Use the Portal Console Controls or from the Jumpbox, run “PuTTy” to launch the PuTTy
window. type ora12c-dev.rubrik.lab and click on the Open button.
username: oracle
password: oracle
Scenario: You’re notified the Oracle Production database service is down for some reason.
Further investigation showed the database is corrupted. You need to restore service to the
users as soon as possible.
Solution: The Oracle Production Server is protected by Rubrik 5.0 Cloud Data Management
system. A new feature introduced in Rubrik 5.0 is Instantly Recover, which allows you to take a
snapshot of latest backup images and restore it onto the Production Oracle Server. Since the
snapshot creation operation is meta-data only operation, database will be running off the
Rubrik Cluster, the recovery operation can be instantaneous. Service to users can be restored
with minimum down time.
1. Use the Portal Console Controls or from the Jumpbox, run “PuTTy” to launch the PuTTy
window. type ora12c-prod.rubrik.lab and click on the Open button.
username: oracle
password: oracle
1. Switch back to Rubrik UI, navigate to Snapshot Retention, select the on “orcl” database
to bring up the Recovery Points calendar view. It will take a few minutes for the orcl
object to appear in the Snapshot Retention UI. Contact the instructor if it doesn’t
2. On the Recovery Points Window, a green dot next to a date indicates there are recovery
points available on that day.
This operation may take about 10 minutes to complete in the lab environment.
1. Use the Portal Console Controls or from the Jumpbox, run “PuTTy” to launch the PuTTy
window. Type ora12c-prod.rubrik.lab and click on the Open button.
username: oracle
password: oracle
Note: This lab will produce limited history to examine in reports. The purpose of this Section is
to get an understanding of the extend of reporting available.
It is important to stay informed and laser-focused on the horizon ahead when protecting your
critical data.
Rubrik Envision provides a compass view of your cluster by unlocking fast, actionable insights
across a multi-cloud environment for business intelligence at scale. Envision delivers analytics
on data management, compliance, and capacity utilization across your entire infrastructure -
on-premises, at the edge, and in the cloud. You can instantly create and share rich data
visualizations and customized reports to drive your operational efficiencies. You can even build
your own dashboards, enable self-service access, and create custom reporting workflows with a
responsive, HTML5-based interface and an API-first architecture.
While Envision focuses on custom reporting that is also useful for day to day management, the
System, Activities, and Notifications screens provide information specifically useful for day to
day management.
● Reports Summary
● Reports Gallery
In the Reports Summary you can view or create individual reports in the Daily Protection Tasks
by Status, SLA Compliance, Local Snapshot Storage, System Capacity, or Weekly Protection
Tasks by SLA Domain sections. Let’s explore that section:
1. In the Rubrik UI, in the left-hand pane, select Reports > Summary.
The Protection Tasks Details page appears.
2. Scroll down to System Capacity and you will notice: On Brik, Available Storage,
Archived, Average Daily Growth, Across All Replicas, and Estimated Runway.
3. Scroll back up to Daily Protection Tasks by Status and click View Report.
5. Type “Win to search for all objects that have been protected with the word “Win” in it.
6. Now clear the Search Window, and filter by Object Type and select the NAS Fileset
Domain to view.
8. Click the Create Report button in the right-side top corner. The Create Report dialog
appears where you can create your own Custom Report.
9. Click the Create Report button in the right-side top corner. The Create Report dialog
appears where you can create your own Custom Report.
1. Under the heading No Windows hosts available, click the Rubrik Backup Service
Highlighted Link in step 1. This will download the Zipped Package in Chrome’s download
2. Open the RubrikBackupService.zip file and extract it to the download folder or some
other location. (do not run it from within the Zip archive).
5. Locate and right click on the Rubrik Backup Service and select Properties.
6. Select the Log On tab and then click the This Account radio button.
Username: demo@rubrik.lab
Password: Welcome10!
Confirm password: Welcome10!
8. Click Apply.
9. At the confirmation screens click OK.
10. Restart the Service
Update History
Version Date Comment
5.1.1-8049 3/18/2020 5.1 Release and lab guide refesh
5.0.3-p5-2548 (rev8) 1/30/2020 5.0.3 Upgrade
5.0.1-1280 (rev7) 7/16/2019 Oracle 12c on Managed Volumes added mkdir
5.0.1-1280 (rev6) 6/13/2019 Oracle 12c on Managed Volumes
5.0.1-1280 (rev5) 5/1/2019 General guide corrections
5.0.1-1280 (rev4) 4/30/2019 Added Sections for SMB Security, Hyper-V and Direct
NAS. Setup labs for Default On/Off VMs and instructions
to start specific VMs for desired functionality
5.0.0-p1-827 (rev3) 2/25/2019 Document Corrections
5.0.0-p1-827 (rev2) 2/21/2019 Document Corrections
5.0.0-p1-827 (rev1) 2/19/2019 Oasis Lab First Release using Rubrik 5.0 GA1 Release