QA Wolf Assignment Instructions
QA Wolf Assignment Instructions
QA Wolf Assignment Instructions
If you follow this guide, you’ll have a raw, conversational, and fun video that will definitely stand out.
Perfect. Give me everything at once. all the steps, everything to go in the hand out
Sure! Here's your complete turn-key solution, formatted and detailed so it's easy to follow. This will
guide you step-by-step from setting up your environment, writing the script, recording your Loom
video, and finally submitting everything. You can hand this document to anyone, and they'll be able to
complete the QA Wolf assignment with ease.
node -v
npm -v
This checks that Node.js and npm (Node's package manager) are installed correctly. You
should see version numbers for both.
1. Create a new folder on your desktop (or anywhere on your computer) and name it something
like `QA_Wolf_Assignment`.
2. Open your terminal or command prompt, and navigate to this folder. For example:
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cd Desktop/QA_Wolf_Assignment
npm init -y
npm i playwright
This script uses Playwright to visit Hacker News’ "newest" page, extract the first 100 articles, and
validate that they are sorted from newest to oldest based on their timestamps.
(async () => {
// Launch a Chromium browser instance
const browser = await chromium.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
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return { title, ageText };
1. Open your terminal or command prompt and make sure you are in the project folder where
`index.js` is located.
If not, navigate to it using:
cd path_to_your_project_folder
node index.js
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Step 5: Record Your Loom Video
This is where you'll explain why you want to work at QA Wolf and walk through the code you just
Keep it casual and conversational! Imagine you’re talking to someone over a beer or coffee,
sharing your excitement about QA Wolf.
Your video will have two parts:
1. Why you want to work at QA Wolf.
2. A walk-through of your code and running the script.
1. Start Loom recording by choosing to record your screen + camera or just your screen (your
2. Begin with your introduction:
QA Wolf stood out to me because you’re all about automation—I’m a huge fan of making
testing smarter and more efficient with tools like Playwright. Your approach is just...
awesome, and I can see myself thriving here, helping automate tests and making sure
things run smoothly.
Plus, the fact that you care about customer-facing roles is a bonus. I love helping people,
solving their problems, and making sure they have the best experience possible.
Anyway, enough about me—let’s talk about the code I wrote for this assignment!
Alright, let’s dive into the code. What I did here is pretty simple, but it gets the job done:
Step 1, I opened the Chromium browser and went to the Hacker News "newest" page. You
can see that with this `page.goto()` command:
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await page.goto('');
Step 2, I used Playwright’s $$eval() function to grab the first 100 articles. I’m pulling out
their titles and the timestamps (like "5 minutes ago" or "1 hour ago"). You can see that
Step 3, I wrote a simple loop to check if the articles are in order. Basically, we compare each
article’s timestamp with the next one, and if something is out of order, it flags it.
Finally, if everything looks good, it prints "The articles are sorted from newest to
oldest!", and we’re done!
4. Run the script while recording the screen. In your terminal, type:
node index.js
Show the output where the script confirms if the articles are sorted correctly.
So, there you have it! The articles are sorted correctly, the script works, and that’s my
solution. Thanks for watching, and I hope to join the QA Wolf team soon!
6. Stop the recording and grab the link to your Loom video.
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I hope you're doing well. Here’s the link to my submission for the QA Engineer take-home
Thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Best regards,
[Your Name]
Your `index.js` script works and checks if articles are sorted correctly.
You’ve recorded a Loom video and pasted the link into `why_qa_wolf.txt`.
You’ve zipped your project folder and uploaded it to Google Drive.
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You’ve sent the email to QA Wolf with the correct details.
You're all set! Follow these steps, and you'll have everything ready to submit for the QA Wolf take-
home assignment. Let me know if you need any further assistance!
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