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Safety Cable
A positive safeguard for air hose connections

"King" Safety Cable helps you meet today's safety standards

• Hose-to-hose or hose-to-rigid outlet styles available

• Low cost answer to eliminating injuries caused by broken air hose connections
• Highly resistant to rust and corrosion
• Easy installation and removal - no tools needed
• Custom lengths available
• Another genuine Dixon product manufactured in the U.S.A.

When a pressurized air The cables can be used

hose becomes acciden- in hose to hose installa-
tally uncoupled, or a tions, as well as hose to
hose failure occurs, the rigid outlet, or tool.
quick exhaust of air
causes the hose assem- On hose to hose
bly to whip violently, applications the King
Correct Installation creating a potentially Safety Cable should be
King Safety Cable installed in the extended position dangerous situation. installed on the hose
(no slack).
portion of the assembly
King Safety Cables in a fully extended
prevent hose whip in position. When used on
the event of the acci- hose to rigid outlet, or
dental separation of a tool, the spring loaded
coupling or clamp end should be over the
device. The steel cables hose, while the choker
span the hose fittings to end is installed on the
provide standby safety outlet, or tool. King
for the hose. Spring- Safety Cable should
loaded loops in the always be installed in a
cable ends are easily fully extended position.
opened to pass over the
couplings and provide a
Incorrect Installation
King Safety Cable is not installed in the extended position
firm grip on the hose.
(too much slack).
Style WSR - hose-to-tool service Hose
Dixon's couplings and
retention devices are
Hose End Tool End
designed to work safely for
Max. Working their intended use. The
Part # Hose I.D. Length Pressure selection of the proper hose,
size coupling and retention
1/8" WSR1 1/2" - 1-1/4" 20-1/4" 200 devices, and the proper
3/16" WSR3 1/2" - 2" 28" 200 application of the coupling to
the hose are of the utmost
1/4" WSR2 1-1/2" - 3" 38" 200
importance. Users must
3/8" WSR4 4" 44" 200 consider the size, tempera-
ture, application, media,
Style W - hose-to-hose service pressure and the hose and
coupling manufacturer's
recommendations when
selecting the proper hose
Hose End Hose End assembly components.
Dixon recommends that all
Max. Working hose assemblies be tested
Part # Hose I.D. Length Pressure in accordance with the
PSI Rubber Manufacturers
1/8" WB1 1/2" - 1-1/4" 20-1/4" 200 Association's recommenda-
3/16" WB3 1/2" - 2" 28" 200 tions and be inspected
1/4" WA2 1-1/2" - 3" 38-1/4" 200 regularly (before each use),
to ensure that they are not
3/8" WA4 4" 44" 200
damaged or become loose.
Note: Cables are shipped with safety restraint labels attached. Labels are not pictured. Where safety devices are
integral to the coupling, they
"King" Safety Cable Options must be working and
utilized. The use of supple-
mentary safety devices,
such as safety clips and
"King Cable" safety cables,
WB1C are recommended. If any
problem is detected,
WB1 with safety couplings must be removed
WSR1E clip and lanyard from service immediately.
WSR1 with Stainless
Steel marine eye Please take advantage of
Dixon’s highly trained staff
Max. Working for consultation and training.
Cable Do not hesitate in contacting
Part # Description Pressure
size us for recommendations on
the proper selection and
1/8" WSR1C WSR1 with safety clip and lanyard used to lock Air King couplings 200 application of the fittings and
1/8" WB1C WB1 with safety clip and lanyard used to lock Air King couplings 200 accessories offered in our
1/8" WSR1E WSR1 with Stainless Steel safety marine eye used to connect safety 200 catalog.
cable to a bolt on tool
We strongly recommend that
1/4" WA2B WA2 with Bronze/Copper ferrule for special environmental conditions 200 distributors, and end users,
1/8" WB1SS WB1 made with Stainless Steel cable and springs with Bronze/Copper 200 make use of Dixon’s
ferrule for special environmental conditions Engineering services for
recommendations for
* Custom options available. Consult factory for details. special, or, critical applica-
Dixon Valve & Coupling Co. Dixon can be contacted at
800 High Street 1-800-355-1991.
Chestertown, MD 21620
Fax: 800.283.4966

© 2003 DVCC Printed in the USA KSC803-1P10M

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