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MDS User Course

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Version 11.4/11.

Module 15
Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1
User Training Manual
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Session 1....................................................................... 2
Glossary of Terms...........................................................................................2
Must Know Points...................................................................................2
Session 2....................................................................... 6
Must Know Points...................................................................................6
MDS in PDMS: Basic Concepts of a Support.........................................7
Session 3..................................................................... 10
Entering the MDS Application......................................................................10
Must Know Points.................................................................................10
Entering PDMS.....................................................................................11
Starting the Application.........................................................................11
MDS Application Pre Requisites...........................................................11
Session 4..................................................................... 14
The MDS Application Menus........................................................................14
Must Know Points.................................................................................14
The MDS Application Menus................................................................15
Settings Menu.......................................................................................15
Utilities Menu.........................................................................................16
Create Menu.........................................................................................17
Modify Menu..........................................................................................18
Delete Menu..........................................................................................19
The MDS Application Icons...................................................................19
Session 5..................................................................... 22
Multi Discipline Support Application Defaults............................................22
Must Know Points.................................................................................22
Session 6..................................................................... 28
Creation of a Multi Discipline Support........................................................28
Must Know Points.................................................................................28
Creation of a Multi Discipline Support...................................................29
MDS AutoNaming.................................................................................31
Initial Creation.......................................................................................32

MDS 4.1.1 Training Manual Contents-i


Adding other elements to the support...................................................34

Template Selection...............................................................................36
Creation by Cursor................................................................................38
Adding a Packing Piece........................................................................40
Creation by Clearance..........................................................................42
Creation by Dimensions........................................................................43
Creation Options...................................................................................47
Finishing the support creation...............................................................60
Summary of the Creation of a Multi Discipline Support........................61
Session 7..................................................................... 64
Modification of a Support..............................................................................64
Must Know Points.................................................................................64
Modifying a support...............................................................................65
Session 8..................................................................... 68
Deleting a Support.........................................................................................68
Must Know Points.................................................................................68
Deleting a Support................................................................................69
Session 9..................................................................... 72
Locking a Support.........................................................................................72
Must Know Points.................................................................................72
Locking a Support.................................................................................73
Locking a support..................................................................................74
Unlocking a support..............................................................................74
Session 10...................................................................76
Creation of a Cable Rack Support................................................................76
Must Know Points.................................................................................76
Creation of a Cable Rack Support........................................................77
Initial Creation.......................................................................................78
Session 11...................................................................80
Creation of a HVAC Support.........................................................................80
Must Know Points.................................................................................80
Creation of a HVAC Support.................................................................81
Initial Creation.......................................................................................82
Session 12...................................................................84
Creation of a General Support......................................................................84

Contents-ii MDS 4.1.1 Training Manual


Must Know Points.................................................................................84

Creation of a General Support (Ancillaries)..........................................85
Initial Creation.......................................................................................89
Session 13...................................................................92
Creation of a Trunnion Support...................................................................92
Must Know Points.................................................................................92
Creation of a Trunnion Support.............................................................93
Initial Creation.......................................................................................95
Creation on a straight piece of pipe......................................................96
Creation on an elbow............................................................................99
Creation on a Reducer........................................................................103
Creation on a Tee...............................................................................107
Session 14..................................................................112
Creating a Fixed Hanger.............................................................................112
Must Know Points...............................................................................112
Creating a Fixed Hanger.....................................................................113
Initial Creation.....................................................................................116
Creation Options.................................................................................119
Modify Hanger Options.......................................................................120
Session 15..................................................................126
Creating a Variable Hanger.........................................................................126
Must Know Points...............................................................................126
Creating a Variable Hanger................................................................127
Initial Creation.....................................................................................130
Creation Options.................................................................................133
Modify Hanger Options.......................................................................134
Session 16..................................................................140
Fixed/Variable Hanger Creation Modes.....................................................140
Must Know Points...............................................................................140
Create and Modify Mode.....................................................................141
Create Once Mode..............................................................................142
Multi Create Mode...............................................................................142
Session 17..................................................................144
Creation of a Special...................................................................................144
Must Know Points...............................................................................144
When is a support a special................................................................145

MDS 4.1.1 Training Manual Contents-iii


Creating a Special...............................................................................145
Creation of Support Atta’s only (Includes Copy Project Special utility)
Creation of MDS Special from ‘Copy Project Special’ icon................148
Creation of MDS Special SCTNS from ‘Copy Section’ icon...............153
Creation from Existing MDS Supports................................................154
Session 18..................................................................156
Copying a Support.......................................................................................156
Must Know Points...............................................................................156
Copying a Support..............................................................................157
Session 19..................................................................160
Modifying a Support Name.........................................................................160
Must Know Points...............................................................................160
Modifying a Support Name.................................................................161
Session 20..................................................................164
Reloading and Updating of the MDS Application Defaults.....................164
Must Know Points...............................................................................164
Load All Defaults.................................................................................167
Load Selected Defaults.......................................................................169
Set User Parameters to Default for Current Element.........................171
Set Non User Parameters to Default for Current Element.................172
Set Non User Parameters to Default for all supports.........................173
Session 21..................................................................176
MDS Wizard..................................................................................................176
Must Know Points...............................................................................176
Session 22..................................................................180
MDS Reports................................................................................................180
Must Know Points...............................................................................180
Output Format.....................................................................................182
Report Output......................................................................................182
Main Report Filter................................................................................182
Output Report Name – Description.....................................................183
Column Heading Number – Title........................................................183
Sorting and Totalling...........................................................................183
Extra Run Time Filter..........................................................................183
Control Menu.......................................................................................184

Contents-iv MDS 4.1.1 Training Manual


Control > Reload Default Reports.......................................................184

Control > Close..............................................................................................184
Report Menu..................................................................................................184
Report > Column Headings…........................................................................184
Report > User Defined…...............................................................................186
Session 23..................................................................190
Miscellaneous Utilities................................................................................190
Must Know Points...............................................................................190
Utilities Menu.......................................................................................191
Utilities > Add Support/s......................................................................191
All below CE........................................................................................191
Reorder Branch Atta’s.........................................................................192
Utilities > Clear Dimensions/Tags.......................................................192
Modify Menu........................................................................................192
Ancillary Type…..................................................................................192
Drawing Comment…...........................................................................192
Drawing Comment…...........................................................................193
Align Guide to Support........................................................................193
Associate Pad with Shoe....................................................................193
Session 24..................................................................194
MDS Drawing Production............................................................................194
Must Know Points...............................................................................194
Entering The MDS Drawing Production Application...........................195
Session 25..................................................................200
MDS Manuals................................................................................................200
Must Know Points...............................................................................200
Accessing the MDS manuals..............................................................201

MDS 4.1.1 Training Manual Contents-v

1 Intentionally Blank

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 1

Glossary of Terms

2 Session 1
Glossary of Terms
The discipline of supports brings together other disciplines and the terms used to
describe the same item often leads to confusion. This section tries to explain some of
the common terms used. If you find that a term that you use personally is not
included please inform you instructor who will include it in future courses.

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Understand the terminology used by MDS and different disciplines.

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 The terminology used by MDS and other disciplines.

2 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Glossary of Terms

Ancillary Used to describe an attachment on a line, this could be a

shoe, u-bolt, etc.
Atta This is the VPD type for an attachment on a line.
Base Support This is a support consisting a piece of pipe welded or
clamped to the line. See Dummy Leg, Dummy Extension
and Trunnion.
Cradle A wrap around the pipe to protect the line, often used in
conjunction with shoe
Datum Atta A term used by MDS to describe the first line added to the
Dummy Leg This is a support consisting a piece of pipe welded or
clamped to the line. See Base Support, Dummy Extension
and Trunnion.
Dummy Extension This is a support consisting a piece of pipe welded or
clamped to the line. See Base Support, Dummy Leg and
Fixed Hangers A support consisting an attachment to the line, for instance
a clamp, a hanger rod and a connection to the steelwork.
The vertical height of the hanger in not flexible and is a
fixed length. This is similar to a variable hanger support
without a variable effort spring.
Framework A configuration of steelwork supporting one or more lines.
Framework Template A term used by MDS to describe the available
configurations of steelwork.
General Supports A single support with no associated support steelwork. For
instance a u-bolt attached to a main structural member on a
pipe rack.
Hanger Templates A term used by MDS to describe the available
configurations of fixed and variable hangers.
Repad A reinforcing pad often used with other support types such
as trunnions, shoes etc.
Special Support A configuration of steelwork that is not available in the
configuration of steelwork supplied with MDS.
Sref Atta A term used by MDS to describe the steelwork reference
atta used to store the reference to the steelwork standard
Trunnion This is a support consisting a piece of pipe welded or
clamped to the line. See Base Support, Dummy Leg and
Dummy Extension.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 3

Glossary of Terms

Variable Hangers A support consisting an attachment to the line, for instance

a clamp, a hanger rod, a variable effort spring, and a
connection to the steelwork. The vertical height of the
hanger in flexible and is a variable length dependant on
the movement of the line. This is similar to a fixed hanger
support with a variable effort spring.
Vessel Supports Support used to support line that attach to a vessel.
Wear Pad A wrap around the pipe to protect the line, often used in
conjunction with shoe

4 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Glossary of Terms

3 Intentionally Blank

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 5

Glossary of Terms

4 Session 2
The Multi Discipline Supports (MDS) application is used to create modify and delete
the various types of support required during the design stages of a project. MDS is
based on an engineering standard that is configured the projects requirements.

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Understand how MDS recognises what a support consists off and how the
design elements are named.
 Explain the basic concepts of MDS

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 Understanding of the basic hierarchy and what elements can be created.
 How to navigate around the database.

6 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Glossary of Terms

MDS in PDMS: Basic Concepts of a Support

Framework Support

/M D S -D E S IG N -S IT E /M D S -D E S IG N -S IT E -S U P P O R T S /M D S /T E M P L A T E S


/M D S -D E S IG N -P IP E S /M D S -D E S IG N -S IT E -S U P P /M D S /F R A M E S /F T 0 9

/6 " -A 1 5 0 -F G -0 0 8 /6 " -A 1 5 0 -F G -0 0 9 /ft0 9 - 1 /F T 0 9 /3


/6 " -A 1 5 0 -F G -0 0 8 /B 1 /6 " -A 1 5 0 -F G -0 0 9 /B 1 /ft0 9 -1 /M A I N /F T 0 9 /3 -F R M W 1


/ft0 9 -1 /D A T U M /ft0 9 -1 .1 /ft0 9 -1 -V 1 ft0 9 -1 - B A R - 1 /F T 0 9 /3 -V 1 /F T 0 9 /3 -B A R - 1
(1 0 0 x 1 0 0 x 1 0 R S A ) (1 0 0 x 1 0 0 x 1 0 R S A ) (1 0 0 x 1 0 0 x 1 0 R S A ) (1 0 0 x 1 0 0 x 1 0 R S A )


/ft0 9 -1 /S R E F /ft0 9 -1 .V 2 /ft0 9 -1 -B A R - 2 /F T 0 9 /3 -V 2
(1 0 0 x 1 0 0 x 1 0 R S A ) (1 0 0 x 1 0 0 x 1 0 R S A ) (1 0 0 x 1 0 0 x 1 0 R S A )

The design hierarchy for a framework type support is shown in the preceding
diagram. In principle, each support owns a structure (if the supports contains
steelwork members) and at least two attachment (atta’s) elements. If the support has
more than one design element on the support each pipe will have an atta placed
within its hierarchy. The shaded boxes are the project design databases, and the
unshaded boxes on the right are the /MDS/TEMPLATES database which stores the
available configurations for the project.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 7

Glossary of Terms

Hanger Support (Fixed and Variable)


/M D S -D E S IG N -S IT E /M D S /H A N G E R S

/M D S -D E S IG N -P IP E S /M D S /F H 0 1

/6 " -A 1 5 0 -F G -0 0 8 /M D S /F H 0 1 /1 0 0

/6 " -A 1 5 0 -F G -0 0 8 /B 1 /A -F H 0 1 -1 /R E S T /A -F H 0 1 -1 /H 1

/A -F H 0 1 - 1 /A -F H 0 1 -1 /H 1




The design hierarchy for hanger type support is shown in the preceding diagram. In
principle, each support owns a rest element stored under the selected pipe with hang
elements containing the hanger components. This is referenced to the atta in the
pipe and a fitting within the steelwork member. The shaded boxes are the project
design databases, and the UN shaded boxes on the right are the /MDS/HANGERS
database which stores the available configurations for the project.

8 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Glossary of Terms

General Support (Ancillary)


/M D S -D E S IG N -S IT E

/M D S -D E S IG N -P IP E S

/6 " -A 1 5 0 -F G -0 0 8

/6 " -A 1 5 0 -F G -0 0 8 /B 1

/A -A T 0 1

The design hierarchy for a general support type support is shown in the preceding
diagram. In principle, each support owns an atta stored under the selected pipe

Trunnion Support

/M D S -D E S IG N -S IT E

/M D S -D E S IG N -P IP E S

/6 " -A 1 5 0 -F G -0 0 8

/6 " -A 1 5 0 -F G -0 0 8 /B 1 /6 " -A 1 5 0 -F G -0 0 8 /P S 1 0 0

/P S 1 0 0 /N O T E 1 /P S 1 0 0 /N O T E 2

/P S 1 0 0 /M A K E U P /P S 1 0 0 . 1

/P S 1 0 0 /N O T E 3 /P S 1 0 0

The design hierarchy for a trunnion support type support is shown in the preceding
diagram. In principle, each support is a branch created within the selected pipe. The
branch will contain atta elements that are notes, a makeup piece to change the bore
and any non-tube lengths if applicable and the trunnion members such as base

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 9

Glossary of Terms

Session 3
Entering the MDS Application
This session explains how to enter the MDS Application

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Enter the PDMS training project
 Enter the MDS Application
 Understand the contents and Loading process of the MDS Application Default
 Understand the MDS Application Default Settings Form

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to enter the PDMS training project
 How to enter the MDS Application
 Understand the Defaults files and the Loading process for the MDS Application

10 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Glossary of Terms

Entering PDMS

Your training instructor will explain how to enter PDMS and allocate you with a
training support username and password.

Starting the Application

The MDS application is started from within the Design module. From the top menu
bar open the menu Design and click Multi Discipline Supports … and the application
will load.

MDS Application Pre Requisites

The Multi Discipline Supports application will be entered, and as long as three pre
requisites for entering the application are met.
The MDS design templates site - /MDS/TEMPLATES exists in the current MDB
The MDS application specification - /MDS exists in the current MDB
Valid piping, HVAC or Cable Rack zones exist.
By default MDS will locate the respective zones by the purpose attribute of piping
zones being set to PIPE, HVAC zones set to HVAC and cable tray zones being set to
TRAY. You will unable to enter the MDS application if there is nothing to support.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 11

Glossary of Terms

The recognition of how MDS finds the respective zones is controlled via the DES-
SUPP-ID default file. Please refer to the MDS Administration Guide for more
The first message to appear in the bottom left hand corner of the main application
window should be:

‘Loading Multi Discipline Supports Application… ‘

MDS will now load the forms and menus for use by the application.

The second message to appear in the bottom left hand corner of the main application
window will be:

‘Loading MDS Defaults. Please Wait… ‘

MDS will then load the data contained in the MDS default files. The location of these
default files is contained in the environment variable {Proj code}DFLTS, for example
MDTDFLTS for the MDS training MDT project.

On completion of the data loading, a zone has to be selected so that MDS knows
where to create any structures that are required. The form for selecting the default
creation zone is displayed to the support designer for this purpose as shown below.

After the support designer has selected the zone the MDS application has been

12 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

5 Intentionally Blank

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 13

Glossary of Terms

Session 4
The MDS Application Menus
This session explains the MDS Application menus

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Understand the location position and whereabouts of the MDS application

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to locate the different part of the MDS application

14 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Glossary of Terms

The MDS Application Menus

This section explains the menus available with the MDS application.

Settings Menu

Defaults ►Application….
Access to application default form
MDS AutoNaming…
Access to MDS Auto Naming facility.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 15

Glossary of Terms

Utilities Menu

MDS Reports…
Access to the MDS reporting facility.
Add Support/s ►Explicit… & All below CE & All
Access to utility to add supports to the graphical view/s.
MDS Wizard…
Access to MDS Wizard.
Reorder Branch Attars
Access to utility to reorder the atta’s within a branch
Clear Dimensions/Tags
Access to a utility that clears the graphical display of all dimensions and tags

16 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Glossary of Terms

Create Menu

Access to main creation forms Multi Discipline Supports… to Vessels…

Copy Support…
Access to copy support form.
Trunnion Branch…
Access to create trunnion branch form.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 17

Glossary of Terms

Modify Menu

Ancillary Type…
Access to modify the ancillary type.
Drawing Comment…
Access to modify the drawing comment.
Access to modify a support.
Support Name…
Access to modify a support name.
Align Guide to Support
Access to align a guide with a support.
Lock/Unlock Support…
Access to the lock/unlock support form.
Associate Pad with Shoe
Access to associate a pad with a shoe.

18 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Glossary of Terms

Delete Menu

Access to the delete support form.

The MDS Application Icons

Although all menus supplied with MDS are available from the main bar menu, a
series of shortcuts in the form of icons are displayed on the top right of the main

1 5 9 13 17 21
3 7 11 15 19

4 8 12 16 20
2 6 10 14 18 22

1. Multi Discipline Frameworks.

2. General Ancillaries.
3. Cable Tray Frameworks.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 19

Glossary of Terms

4. HVAC Frameworks.
5. Anchors.
6. Fixed Hangers.
7. Variable Hangers.
8. Constant Hangers. (Future).
9. Guides and Stops.
10. Slip Units.
11. Specials.
12. Springs.
13. Trunnions.
14. Vessel Supports.
15. Copy Support.
16. Modify Support.
17. Delete Support.
18. Lock/Unlock Support.
19. Application Defaults.
20. MDS Wizard.
21. MDS Reports.
22. MDS Manuals.

20 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

6 Intentionally Blank

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 21

Glossary of Terms

Session 5
Multi Discipline Support Application
This session explains the settings and uses of the MDS application defaults.

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Understand the MDS Application Default Settings Form

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How the MDS application uses the defaults

22 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Glossary of Terms

When MDS is entered the MDS support designer loads a series of defaults for use.
Some of these defaults are settable by the support designer for his session. This
section explains these settings, what they are used for and if the support designer
can set them for the PDMS session.
The MDS Application Defaults form may be invoked either from the MDS Application
main menu toolbar icon or from the MDS Application main menu option shown below.

This will display the MDS applications default form as shown below.

2 14
3 15
5 16
9 18
10 19

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 23

Glossary of Terms

1. Creation Zone, the support designer may modify the current setting of the zone where all
structures will be created.
2. Pipe Clearance, this is value used by the application when creating frameworks using a clearance


Note: the extremities of the

support are determined by the
geometry of the atta and not
the pipe O.D.

3. Maximum Pipe Slope, this is the value used when checking if a pipe is horizontal, this value may
be decreased but not incresed above a 1/10 slope.



Max = 1/10

4. Steelwork Overlap, this is the value used when overlapping steelwork when creating frameworks.

24 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Glossary of Terms


5. Maximum Packing Distance, when a pipe is placed on a support this value is used to check that
the distance between the steelwork and the botton of ancillary is not exceeded.


6. Maximum Packing Overlap, when a pipe is placed on a support this value is used to check that the
negative distance between the steelwork and the bottom of ancillary is not exceeded.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 25

Glossary of Terms


7. Maximum Trunnion Length, when creating trunnion types TT01 to TT03 this value is used to check
that the maxiumum length is not exceeded. Standards from TT04 and above have their own
setting for each standard.
8. Maximum Pivot Angle, this value is used to check that the angle between the horizontal hanger
and a sloping pipe is not exceeded.


9. User Warning Angle, if this value is exceeded and the maximum piviot angle is not the support
designer will be given a warrning message.
10. Minimum Rod Length, the support designer may not set a rod length that is less than this value.
This is only for standard SP02. When using the FH and VH standards it will use the value set in
the manufactures catalogue.
11. Maximum pipe angle, this is used to stop the addition of pipes to a framework that is not within the
angle specified from the axes of the datum pipe.

26 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Glossary of Terms






12. Special Number Prefix, A special may be identified by a special number other than its name, this
value sets the prefix used.
13. Special Number Unique, A special may be identified by a special number other than its name, this
value determines if this number is unique throughout the project or if it can be used again.
14. Transport prefix, if when producing a support drawing the support name starts with this value the
drawing will have a note added as defined in item 16 to each view title.
15. When a support is being used, a special drawing level is used to make graphical aids appear this
value is used when re displaying the elements to the drawlist.
16. This contains the text used in item 14.
17. This can be used when identifying fixed tube piping.
18. When creating joints, this values detmines if the support designer can create joint geomery or not.
19. When modifying a support this detmines if a message is used when MDS deletes the joints.
20. This is used as the value when checking joint eccentricity.
21. When this button is selected the default file DES-SUPP-DEFS is loading overriding any user
modified values.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 27

Session 6
Creation of a Multi Discipline Support
This session explains how to create a Multi Discipline Support

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to create a Multi Discipline Support
 Know the functionality of the available options on the Multi Discipline Support
 Understand the MDS Integrity Checker form

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to create a Multi Discipline Support to include PIPES, HVAC ducting and
 Understand how to change the ancillary supports content and the design of a
Multi Discipline Support

Please note that the creation of Vessel Supports (piping supported from vessels)
follow the same process as Multi Discipline Supports.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 28

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support may be invoked either from the MDS
Application main menu toolbar icon or from the MDS Application main menu option
shown below.

The Multi Discipline Frameworks form will be shown thus.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 29

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The support designer must then complete the following in order to continue with the
support creation.
Support name.
This can be completed manually by entering the new support name in the text gadget
or the support designer can use the MDS AutoNaming facility.

30 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

MDS AutoNaming

MDS AutoNaming is a project wide facility enabling multiple support designers to

create supports. The default file DES-SUPP-NAMES is selected by default on entry
to the application. Support designer may select different default files to use.
Note! MDS does not allow the use of a full stop within it name. This is because
subsequent atta are named by MDS as <Support Name>. Integer.
To modify select or query the default file being used select the Settings>MDS
AutoNaming… menu pick from the main bar menu or right click on the MDS Auto
Name button on the Multi Discipline Supports form. Either of these will display the
following form.
The support designer can then select a new default file if required or reset the index
being used.

The format of the name in made up of a prefix, index number and a suffix if required.
The prefix and suffix may be a text string or VPD expression enabling the use of
attributes etc to be used in the support name.
Note! The details of how MDS AutoNaming is configured are covered in the MDS
Administration course.

The support designer may also reselect the creation zone he requires the structure to
be created within if a structure is created for the selected support type.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 31

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The support designer can view and browse through the available standards by
selecting the View… button.

After the support designer has completed the name and selection of the standard to
use he selects the OK button to display the standards creation form.

Initial Creation

This example uses XFT09 named A-FT09-1.

The following form will then be displayed to the support designer.

32 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Before proceeding with the creation of the support, ensure that all of the Pipes,
HVAC and Cable Racks to be supported, and any Steelwork and/or Panels the
support is to be attached to, are shown in the graphical view.
The first element to be supported on the MDS framework MUST be a PIPE, and it will
become the DATUM Atta. This is an application term that is used to identify the first
pipe added to the support.
Click the ‘Create datum support atta’ button and identify the length of PIPE to be
supported from the graphical view, i.e. select pipe /6”-A150-1002
On successfully identifying a PIPE, the Ancillary Selection form will be displayed.

The list of available ancillaries displayed in this form is controlled by: -

 The available ancillaries for the project as listed in the default file DES-
 The bore of the identified pipe in this case 150mm.
 The material code of the identified pipe is this case CS (Carbon Steel).
 The insulation thickness in this case 0.
Select the type, XAT01 - Pipe Shoe for N.B. 3/4” to 20” and click the OK button
The shoe will now be created at the previous component of the selected pipe length
or the pipe branch head, complete with a graphical tag of ‘Datum’
The datum atta will be created and named /A-FT09-1/DATUM, together with the
associated support reference Atta, / A-FT09-1/SREF. This SREF atta is the link to
the stand used and size of steelwork.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 33

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The ‘Create datum support atta’ button is now deactivated as the datum atta has
been created.
The shoe now needs to be correctly positioned along the selected length of pipe, by
either entering a precise measurement and clicking the ‘Distance’ button, or by
selecting one of the ‘Through’ positioning commands.

Adding other elements to the support

The framework may now have more Pipes, HVAC and/or Cable Tray elements added
as required, by selecting an appropriate icon on the creation form. These are the first
three icons in the option section of the form.

34 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Any elements added here will be automatically aligned with the ‘Datum Atta’.
For this example add the following:
Add the Pipe named /6”-C150-1003 (Select the Pipe length adjacent to the ‘Datum
Atta’ already created.
Select the same equivalent Pipe Shoe for Stainless Steel pipe, i.e. ‘XAT06’, from the
Ancillary Selections form and click the OK button.
The pipe shoe atta will be created and named /A-FT09-1.1 in the owning pipe

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 35

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Add the HVAC element named /HVAC-1 to the support. Notice how the support atta
is represented by a temporary ‘lollipop’ symbol, and is automatically created and
named /A-FT09-1.2 in the owning HVAC branch.
Add the Rack element, Cable Tray named /TRAY-2 to the support. Notice how the
support atta is represented by a temporary ‘lollipop’ symbol, and is automatically
created and named /A-FT09-1.3 in the owning Cable Tray (Pipe) branch.
The HVAC and Rack (Cable Tray) supports are temporarily represented by the
‘lollipop’ symbol, because the fixings to the support steelwork are regarded as
supplied by the HVAC and/or the Cable Tray contractor.

When the support creation is completed the ‘lollipop’ symbol/s will disappear.

Template Selection

Now that all of the ancillary supports have been created, the framework support
steelwork size may be selected from the available list. This list will be displayed on
the form as shown below when you select the ‘Choose Steelwork Template’ icon.

36 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 37

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Creation by Cursor

For this exercise select the third option of ‘100x100x12 Angle, Internally Welded’,
Create the support by selecting the Create by ‘Cursor’ option’ - Two steel sections
will be identified for this support
The prompt ‘Identify element to support from’ will appear in the bottom left hand
corner of the MDS Application main menu form.

First identify the steel section running parallel to, above and to the left of the Datum
Second identify the steel section running parallel to, above and to the right of the
Datum support.
The support framework will now be generated and the Dimensions on the form will be
calculated and filled in.
Select the forth icon to create a cross bar for the HVAC and Cable Tray members of
the support. Select the lollipops and then select the escape button to create the cross

38 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Click on the OK button of the MDS Framework creation form, and the Support
Integrity Check form will be displayed as shown below.

The four (4) warnings shown in the Support Integrity Check form are referring to
MAXIMUM allowable section lengths defined in the Framework Template
/MDS/FT09/3 SCTN elements, /MDS/FT09/3-V1, /MDS/FT09/3-V2 and
/MDS/FT09/3-BAR Design Parameter attribute ‘Desparam’.
The one (1) Message shown is referring to ‘Packing distance’ between the pipe
support ATTA /A-FT09-1.1 and the pipe support cross bar SCTN /A-FT09-1-BAR-1.
Warnings and Messages allow the support designer to continue by clicking the OK
button or return to the MDS Framework creation form via the Cancel button. Any
Warnings or Messages that compromise the integrity of the support should be
rectified in order for the support to be considered as complete. However the support

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 39

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

designer has the option in this case to exit the support creation form and return at a
later date to modify the support.
If ANY Errors are shown then the OK button is deactivated, and the support is
considered to be incomplete. Therefore the support designer is forced to click the
Cancel button and return to the MDS Framework creation form to rectify the reported
errors before being allowed to exit the creation form.
Return to the MDS Framework creation form to rectify the message referring to the
‘Packing distance’ by selecting the Cancel button.
The pipe support atta /A-FT09-1 can be supported either directly on the support
cross bar by modifying the pipe shoe dimensions or by creating a Packer to support
the pipe shoe with its existing dimensions.

To maintain the pipe shoe dimensions a Packer will be created on this support.

Adding a Packing Piece

To add a Packer, click on the ‘Add Packer’ icon and the prompt ‘Identify the Support
Atta to Add Packing Piece to’ appears in the bottom left hand corner of the main
form. Identify the ATTA /A-FT09-1.1 and the ‘Packing Piece’ form will be displayed.

40 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support







Clicking on the form OK button completes the Packing Piece, and clicking on the
MDS Framework form also completes the support. Notice how the Support Integrity
Check form Packing Piece message has changed.

Click the Integrity Check form OK button to complete the creation of the support or
click the Cancel button and return to the MDS Framework creation form.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 41

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Further design changes may be made to the support by selecting any of the available
options on the MDS Framework form.

There are two other methods of creating the MDS Framework apart from by ‘Cursor’,
i.e. ‘Clearance’ and ‘Dimensions’

Creation by Clearance

 Select the Clearance option from the list of Framework Creation methods
 Identify the SCTN above and running at right angles to the pipes etc. to be
 The application will now generate the support and calculate the dimensions of
the support utilising the identified SCTN
 The clearance values between the vertical support sections of the support and
the pipes being supported are obtained from the Pipe Clearance field in the
MDS Application Defaults form

42 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support


Creation by Dimensions

This method may be used to create the framework support when the structural
steelwork is not yet in the PDMS model, enabling the pipe support designer to
proceed with the creation of supports
Enter the required dimensions into the MDS Framework form, e.g..
Dimension 1 = 1340
Dimension 2 = 570
Dimension 3 = 1070
Dimension 4 = 1070
By clicking the View… button a drawing of the current support type is displayed,
showing the location of all of the dimensions etc. or you may use the show/hide
framework dimensions icon to graphically display the required dimensions.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 43

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

44 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Select the “create by dimensions” icon and the framework will be generated to the
dimensions entered.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 45

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Changing the size of the required steelwork section will regenerate the framework in
the selected material size utilising the dimensions shown on the form, i.e. the support
framework design will be automatically regenerated in the selected size of material
as if the ‘Create by Dimensions’ option had been selected.
The support may now be modified using the various icons available to the support
designer. Any icons that are not required by the particular standard will be
deactivated (greyed out). The next section will explain the uses of the icons available.

46 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Creation Options

The icons and options, which appear on each support type, is dependant on its
usage and orientation, therefore not all icons and options appear on every support

Icon Number

1 2 3 4

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

39 40 41 42 43 44 45

The icons marked in italic and bold are

new icons at MDS version 4

Icon Number 1 – Choose Steelwork Template – This icon displays the template
selection form and enables the support designer to change the steelwork size and/or
configuration. If the support exists with the VPD database the support will be
regenerated using the dimensions stored on the main creation form.

Icon Number 2 – Create by Cursor – This icon prompts the support designer to
identify design elements in order to calculate the dimension required to generate the
support. If the support exists with the VPD database the support will be regenerated
using the dimensions calculated and stored on the main creation form.

Icon Number 3 – Create by Dimensions – This icon generate the support using the
dimensions stored on the main creation form. If the support exists with the VPD

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 47

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

database the support will be regenerated using the dimensions stored in the main
creation form.

Icon Number 4 – Create by Clearance – This icon prompts the support designer to
identify design elements in order to calculate the dimension required to generate the
support. The clearance value used is stored on the MDS Application defaults form.
The application will calculate the dimensions required by using the geometry of all
the atta’s owned by the support. If the support exists with the VPD database the
support will be regenerated using the dimensions calculated and stored on the main
creation form.
Icon Number 5 and 6 – Reverse Dimensions – Using this icon modifies the
dimensions stored in the form. If dimension 2 if offset i.e. not half of dimension 1 it
will adjust the dimension to offset the support in the opposite direction. This will be
only on supports that are appropriate. The two sketches below show an example of
what happens when an FT09 has dimensions 1,2 reversed and dimensions 3,4

Dimensions 1 and 2 Reversed

48 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Dimensions 3 and 4 Reversed

Icon Number 7 8 and 9 - Add Pipe/HVAC and Tray – This icon enables the support
designer to identify a pipe, HVAC and tray element to be added to the support. If the
support designer identifies a pipe then the application will scan through all the
available standards and present to the support designer only those applicable to the
identified pipe. The application uses the material of the pipe against the standard, the
bore and insulation thickness as filters.
Icon Number 10 – Add Cross Bar – For those supports that enable the creation of a
cross bar the support designer is prompted to identify the atta already supported by
the support to have an additional cross bar created.

Icon Number 11 – Mirror Frame – This icon will mirror the framework perpendicular
to the datum atta direction.

Before Mirror

After Mirror

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 49

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon Number 12 – Rotate Frame – This icon will rotate the framework about the
datum atta. The example being used XFT09 is not suitable for the rotate functionality
so the examples below use XFT03.

Before Rotate

After Rotate

Icon Number 13 – Align Support – When the support designer is creating a support
he may position the datum atta through a piece of steelwork but the exact position of
the support along a piece of tube may not be calculable until the framework has been

50 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

created. This functionality enables the support designer to select a position on the
support using the EDG (Event Driven Graphics) facility and then another point
anywhere in the design. The application will then calculate the direction and position
to move the support. In more cases that not the user will identify the element origin to
use for repositioning, please make sure that the EDG selection is set to Element
Snap in this case.

Icon Number 14 – Modify Section – If the selects templates allows for the
modification of an individual section the application will display the modify section
start/end form from the Beams and Columns Application. The support designer will
be presented with a message asking him if he is sure he wants to continue and
modify the section. Any modifications completed with this icon will be overwritten
when the support is regenerated by the application.

Icon Number 15 - Add Packer. - This enables the support designer to add packing
pieces to support atta’s that are not sitting directly on the steelwork.

Icon Number 16 - Delete Packer - This will enable the support designer to delete a
packer already added to the support framework.

Icon Number 17 – Rotate All Atta’s – This enable all atta’s on the support by a
specified angle.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 51

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon Number 18 – Rotate Atta – This enables an individual atta to be rotated.

Icon Number 19 – Modify Datum Atta – This enables the support designer to
declare another atta on the support to be used as the datum. This is only necessary
when the datum atta is to be deleted from the support.

Icon Number 20 – Reference Bedplates – This can be used to reference the

support to previously created bedplates.

52 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon Number 21 – Associate Atta – When a pipe is added to a support via the atta
created in the branch an associate is made between the first cross bar and the atta.
This is used by the integrity checker to check if the atta is being supported and how
far it is away from its supporting steelwork. When the creates a cross bar the support
designer identifies an atta, in some cases two atta are required to be associated with
a secondary cross bar. If the support designer does not identify the second atta then
the integrity checked will stop the support designer from existing the support because
it is to far away from the first cross bar. This is used to associate any atta that is not
identified on the initial creation of a cross bar.

Icon Number 22 – View Associations - This will colour code the graphical display
so that the support designer can view the current associations to check that they
have been defined correctly. When the support designer first initialises this
functionality the first cross bar and its associated atta are coloured. The support
designer then can select another cross bar with the cursor and its associated atta will
be coloured. The support designer enters escape to exit.

Icon Number 23 – Flip Field Weld – When a field weld is required on one end of a
section, for example XFT07 a post, the application selects the longest section from
the centreline of the pipe to the end of the section. In some cases this field weld is
required at the other end, in this case this icon can be used to move the field weld.

Icon Number 24 – Modify Atta – The support designer is asked to select which atta
he wants to modify and the following form is displayed.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 53

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

If the selected ancillary has any of the support designer modifiable dimensions then
the form will display them for modification. As can be seen the above example is
displaying the height and length as modifiable properties. Both of these values may
be manually changed, but only within the maximum and minimum limits.

Clicking on the ‘Set Parameters to Default’ button will set the ‘Height’ and ‘Length’
values to the default values.
The ‘Set Height to Steel/Bedplate’ button is a graphical method of defining the
‘Height’ value of the support, but only within the maximum and minimum values
described above.
Clicking on the ‘Modify Ancillary Type…’ button will display the same ‘Ancillary
Selection’ blocking form used when the support was first created. The ancillary type
may now be reselected from the available list as required. Click the OK button to
change the ancillary type or click the Cancel button to maintain the existing ancillary
type and dimensions.

Icon 25 – Delete Atta – Then enables the support designer to identify an atta to
delete from the support. This will also rename the support atta’s that are left in the
correct order.

Icon 26 – Nudge Support – This enable the support designer to nudge the whole
support including all atta’s a specified distance either upstream or downstream.

Icon 27 – Spooling – This enables the support designer to spool the steelwork for
erection purposes. The spool number is depicted on the MDS drawing along side the
part number. I.e. 5(2) designates part number 5 belongs to spool 2.

54 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon 28 – Set Section Material – When the support designer first creates the
framework if the material of each section is set it will be copied to the support. This
enables the support designer to reselect the material form support within the design

Icon Number 29 – Copy Like – This enables the support designer to identify a
support of the same type and the dimension used for the identified support will be
copied to the new support.

Icon Number 30 – View Standard – This will display the standards plot file.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 55

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon Number 31- Create Connections - The framework connectivity can be

maintained to the main steelwork by the addition of joints. After the framework has
been positioned correctly select the create connection button on the support form
and the necessary nodes will be created automatically. The support designer will
then be presented with the modify joints form where he can select the required joints
and settings.

56 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon Number 32- Modify Connections – If the connections to the main steelwork
exist then the joint specification form will be displayed with the current joint type

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 57

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon Number 33 – Delete Connections - The framework connectivity can be

removed by deleing the existing joints.

Icon Number 34- Force Connections – In some circumstances the pline found to
use, as the connected pline is incorrect. The application selects the nearest pline and
sometimes it find the pline running is space at the intersection of the centreline and
web edge of an I section. If this is the case the support designer can identify the pline
required with the cursor. This will happen infrequently.

Icon Number 35 – Show/Hide Framework Dimensions – This will graphically

display a set of dimension required by the selected standard. If no dimensions are
set on the form it will use a default set of dimensions. These are useful when a
support designer is new to the application.

Icon Number 36 – Centre on Support – This will centre the support datum atta to
the centre of the graphical view but will not change the scale.

Icon Number 37 – ADP Drawlist – This icon enable the support designer to add
elements to the MDS drawing. Each drawing will contain the structural steel, all pipes
and any connected steel by default. This extra draw list may be used to add items of
interest to the drawing.

58 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon Number 38 – Modify ADP Location Position – When a location plan is

created on the MDS a drawing the origin of the datum atta is used to locate the
support to the nearest columns. This position may be modified to any point in the
design database by using the EDG (Event Driven Graphics) sub system.

Icon Number 39 – Trimmer Required – This sets a logical flag at the support
structure element to record the fact that a trimmer is required to be added to the main
structural steel. A report is provided that will list all supports requiring trimmer steel to
be added. If the support is connected to steelwork the support designer will not be
allowed to set the trimmer required flag.

Icon Number 40 – Set Ancillary Material – This enables the support designer to set
the material of the ancillaries. By default the material is set when the support
designer creates the ancillary and would not be normally modified.

Icon Number 41 – Copy Ancillary – This enables the support designer to copy an
existing ancillary, the new ancillary will be created in the same branch. It will be
rotated by 90 degrees.

Icon Number 42 – Nudge Ancillaries – This enables the support designer to nudge
one or more ancillaries independent of the supporting structure.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 59

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon Number 43 – Set Trunnion Length – This will only be active for the trunnion
standards. This enables the support designer to select a design element to calculate
the trunnion length required. It will check that the calculated length does not exceed
the minimum or maximum values for the standards being created.

Icon Number 44 – Set Trunnion Material - This will only be active for the trunnion
standards. This will scan the current MDB for a specification that has a purpose
attribute set to TRUN. If it finds one it will only display the material stored in this
specification, if not it will scan all specifications for tube material. The parent pipe
material will be indicated on the selection form.

Icon Number 45 – Add Notes - This enables the support designer to add notes to
the MDS drawing, the support designer selects the member of the support he
requires to add a note to. He then completes the text required. By default it will use
the origin of the selected member to point the leader line to. The support designer
may modify this origin position.

60 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Finishing the support creation

After changing the pipe support design by using any of the icon buttons shown on the
MDS Framework form, click on the OK button to display the Support Integrity
Checker form, and if the support design is acceptable, click on the OK button to
complete the support.
The Support Integrity Check form may display Errors, Warnings and Messages.
 Checks to see if the maximum packing distance has been exceeded, as per
the maximum packing distance value on the Application Default form.
 Checks to see if any of the support attachments are NOT positioned along the
length of the associated cross bar.
 Checks to see if any of the dimensions values associated with the support
ancillaries i.e. shoes. Do not exceed the values defined in the default file
(DES-SUPP-PARS) in the Project Default directory.
 Checks to see if any reference used within the MDS application, i.e. Bedplate
reference no longer exists.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 61

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

 Maximum length of steelwork is not to be exceeded. In the design template
database each SCTN member has an allowable maximum length, which
should not be exceeded.
 These are issued for information purpose only

Summary of the Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The typical framework example used in this exercise, FT09 is just one of many
support types available in this application.
The basic principles for every support follow similar guidelines.
 Select standard support type from menu or icons.
 Enter name of support.
 Create datum attachment and select ancillary type.
 Set distance/position of datum attachment.
 Add other Pipe(s) etc. to be supported
 Choose steelwork size from available list.
 Create by the required creation method.
 Add Cross Bar(s) for other Pipes etc.
 Use any miscellaneous option required.
 Select packing if required or Modify the Atta/Ancillary support
 Select OK and check the Support Integrity Checker.

62 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support


Create supports to the following standards

XFT03 – L Bracket

XFT07 - Post

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 63

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

XFT14 – Cantilever Bracket

This completes the section on Creation and Modification of a Multi Discipline


64 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 7
Modification of a Support
This session explains how to modify a support

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to modify a support
 Know the functionality of the available options to modify a support

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to modify a Support

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 65

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Modifying a support

To modify a support either select the icon from the toolbar or select the option
Modify>Support... from the MDS Application main menu.

The Modify Support form will be displayed as shown below.

There are three methods of selecting the support to be modified.

1. Typing the Support Name directly into the name text gadget

66 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

2. Clicking on the ‘Identify By Cursor’ button will request the support designer to
‘Identify the support to modify’ from the graphical display, and automatically
add the Support Name to the text gadget.
3. Clicking on the ‘CE’ button will automatically add the Support Name to the text
gadget, as long as the current element is a support.

When a valid support name has been entered into the Modify Support form click on
the ‘Apply’ button. This will display the same form as used to create the support, with
all the option and text gadgets (Dimensions etc.) correctly displayed on the form to
reflect the current support design
The principle of using the same form for Creating and Modifying a Support is
generally applied throughout the MDS Application
The methodology of modifying a support follows the same principles as when a
support is created
Any changes made to the support via the modification form may be discarded by
clicking the ‘Cancel’ button, and the support will be regenerated to its original
configuration, dimensions and size etc. as when the modification process was first
If during the modification process a support ATTA, pipe shoe etc., is deleted from the
support (icon number 25), the ‘Cancel’ button on the modification form will be
deactivated, and the regeneration of the support to its original design will NOT be
possible. Warning messages, shown below, are issued to the screen for the support
designer to Confirm if the ATTA deletion is required. If the ‘YES’ button is clicked on
BOTH forms, then the support ATTA will be deleted and the ‘Cancel’ button

First ‘Confirm’ Warning Message

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 67

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Second ‘Confirm’ Warning Message (Modify mode only)

The process to modifying a support is the same as the creation, where all available
options can be used to modify the support.

Note! It is imperative that users do not delete supports elements from the command
line. Any support element that is deleted will corrupt the support and cause the
application to fail.

68 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 8
Deleting a Support
This session explains how to delete a support

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to delete support
 Know the functionality of the available delete options

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 Understand the philosophy of deleting a support.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 69

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Deleting a Support

To delete a support either select the icon from the toolbar or select the option
Delete>Support... from the MDS Application main menu.

The Delete Support form will be displayed as shown below.

There are three methods of selecting the support to be modified.

1. Typing the Support Name directly into the name text gadget
2. Clicking on the ‘Identify By Cursor’ button will request the support designer
to ‘Identify the support to modify’ from the graphical display, and
automatically add the Support Name to the text gadget.
3. Clicking on the ‘CE’ button will automatically add the Support Name to the
text gadget, as long as the current element is a support.
When a valid support name has been entered into the Delete Support form click on
the ‘Apply’ button. This will display the ‘Confirm’ Warning Message shown below.
Either click the ‘YES’ button to delete the support or the ‘NO’ button NOT to delete
the support.

70 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The application will delete all members of a support.

If the support designer tries to use the standard delete menu an error message will
be issued if a support is found.

If a support has an associated support for example if you delete a shoe that has an
associated guide, the application will prompt the user to inform that the guide will be
deleted as well. The user is given the option to cancel the operation.

Note! It is vital that a user does not delete a component of a support from the
command line, this will cause the corruption of the support and MDS may not be able
to recognise the support.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 71

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

7 Intentionally Blank

72 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 9
Locking a Support
This session explains how to lock a support

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to lock support
 Know the functionality of the available lock options

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 Understand the philosophy of locking a support.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 73

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Locking a Support

To lock a support either select the icon from the toolbar or select the option
Modify>Lock/Unlock Support... from the MDS Application main menu.

The Lock/Unlock Support form will be displayed as shown below.

There are three methods of selecting the support to be locked/unlocked.

1. Typing the Support Name directly into the name text gadget
2. Clicking on the ‘Identify By Cursor’ button will request the support designer
to ‘Identify the support to modify’ from the graphical display, and
automatically add the Support Name to the text gadget.

74 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

3. Clicking on the ‘CE’ button will automatically add the Support Name to the
text gadget, as long as the current element is a support.
When a valid support name has been entered into the Lock/Unlock Support form
click on the ‘Apply’ button.

Locking a support
If the support is currently unlocked the application will display the ‘Confirm’ Warning
Message shown below. Either click the ‘YES’ button to lock the support or the ‘NO’
button to cancel the request.

Unlocking a support
If the support is currently locked the application will display the ‘Confirm’ Warning
Message shown below. Either click the ‘YES’ button to unlock the support or the ‘NO’
button to cancel the request.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 75

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

8 Intentionally Blank

76 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 10
Creation of a Cable Rack Support
This session explains how to create a Cable Rack Support

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to create a Cable Rack Support
 Know the functionality of the available options on the Cable Rack Support form
 Understand the MDS Integrity Checker form

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to create a Cable Rack Support
 Understand how to change the ancillary supports content and the design of a
Cable Rack Support

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 77

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Creation of a Cable Rack Support

Creation of a Cable Rack Support may be invoked either from the MDS Application
main menu toolbar icon or from the MDS Application main menu option shown below.

The Cable Rack Frameworks form will be shown thus.

78 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The support designer must then complete the following in order to continue with the
support creation.
Support name.
This can be completed manually by entering the new support name in the text gadget
The support designer may also use the MDS Auto Naming functionality as explained
the Multi Discipline support section of this document.
The support designer may also reselect the creation zone he requires the structure to
be created within if a structure is created for the selected support type.
The support designer can view and browse through the available standards by
selecting the View… button.
After the support designer has completed the name and selection of the standard to
use he selects the OK button to display the standards creation form.

Initial Creation

The procedure and the form for creating a Cable Rack Support are basically the
same as when creating a Multi Discipline Support

Before proceeding with the creation of the support, ensure that all of the Cable Racks
to be supported, and any Steelwork and/or Panels the support is to be attached to,
are shown in the graphical view.
The ONLY elements that are to be supported on a Cable Rack framework are Cable
Trays/Racks, currently defined as PIPE elements in PDMS.
A cable tray PIPE is identified in the MDS application by
1. The PUPRPOSE attribute of the owning ZONE, which MUST be set to
TRAY, and
2. The Cable Tray Specification has a PURPOSE attribute, which MUST also
be set to TRAY.
The first Cable Tray identified to be supported will become the DATUM Atta.
Click the ‘Create datum support atta’ button
Identify the straight length of cable tray to be supported from the graphical view
On successfully identifying a Cable Tray straight (FTUB) a temporary ‘lollipop’
symbol will appear at the end of the FTUB element. This symbol is only shown for
ease of identification when creating or modifying a Cable Tray support.
There are NO ancillary supports available on Cable Tray supports. This is because
the fixings to the support steel framework are regarded as being supplied by the
Cable Tray contractor.
When the support creation is completed the ‘lollipop’ symbol(s) will disappear.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 79

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The Cable Tray support may be modified etc. in the same way as a Multi Discipline
The Support Integrity Check form will be displayed when the OK button is clicked.

80 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

9 Session 11
Creation of a HVAC Support
This session explains how to create a HVAC Support

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to create a HVAC Support
 Know the functionality of the available options on the HVAC Support form
 Understand the MDS Integrity Checker form

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to create a HVAC Support
 Understand how to change the ancillary supports content and the design of a
HVAC Support

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 81

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Creation of a HVAC Support

Creation of a HVAC Support may be invoked either from the MDS Application main
menu toolbar icon or from the MDS Application main menu option shown below.

The HVAC Frameworks form will be shown thus.

The support designer must then complete the following in order to continue with the
support creation.
Support name.
This can be completed manually by entering the new support name in the text gadget

82 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The support designer may also use the MDS Auto Naming functionality as explained
the Multi Discipline support section of this document.
The support designer may also reselect the creation zone he requires the structure to
be created within if a structure is created for the selected support type.
The support designer can view and browse through the available standards by
selecting the View… button.
After the support designer has completed the name and selection of the standard to
use he selects the OK button to display the standards creation form.

Initial Creation

The procedure and the form for creating a HVAC Support are basically the same as
when creating a Multi Discipline Support

Before proceeding with the creation of the support, ensure that all of the HVAC to be
supported, and any Steelwork and/or Panels the support is to be attached to, are
shown in the graphical view.
The ONLY elements that are to be supported on a HVAC framework are HVAC
elements, currently defined as PIPE or the soft type HVAC elements in PDMS.
A HVAC PIPE/HVAC element is identified in the MDS application by
1. The PUPRPOSE attribute of the owning ZONE, which MUST be set to
HVAC, and
2. The HVAC Specification has a PURPOSE attribute, which MUST also be
set to HVAC.
The first HVAC element identified to be supported will become the DATUM Atta.
Click the ‘Create datum support atta’ button
Identify the straight length of HVAC to be supported from the graphical view
On successfully identifying a HVAC straight (FTUB) a temporary ‘lollipop’ symbol will
appear at the end of the FTUB element. This symbol is only shown for ease of
identification when creating or modifying a HVAC support.
There are NO ancillary supports available on HVAC supports. This is because the
fixings to the support steel framework are regarded as being supplied by the HVAC
When the support creation is completed the ‘lollipop’ symbol(s) will disappear.
The HVAC may be modified etc. in the same way as a Multi Discipline Support.
The Support Integrity Check form will be displayed when the OK button is clicked.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 83

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

84 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 12
Creation of a General Support
This session explains how to create a General Support. A General Support is a
support on one line with no associated steelwork. For instance a u-bolt on a line
positioned on a piece of main steelwork belonging to a pipe rack.

NOTE! This section is the same for the creation of

 Anchors
 Guide and Stops
 Slip Units
 Springs

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to create a General Support
 Know the functionality of the available options on the General Support form
 Understand the MDS Integrity Checker form

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to create a General Support
 Understand how to change a General Support.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 85

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Creation of a General Support (Ancillaries)

Creation of a General Support may be invoked either from the MDS Application main
menu toolbar icon or from the MDS Application main menu option shown below.

The General Support form will be shown thus.

86 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 87

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

For Anchors

For Guides and Stops

88 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

For Slip Units

For Springs

The support designer must then complete the following in order to continue with the
support creation.
Support name.
This can be completed manually by entering the new support name in the text gadget
The support designer may also use the MDS Auto Naming functionality as explained
the Multi Discipline support section of this document.
The support designer may also reselect the creation zone he requires the structure to
be created within if a structure is created for the selected support type.
The support designer can view and browse through the available standards by
selecting the View… button.
After the support designer has completed the name and selection of the standard to
use he selects the OK button to display the standards creation form.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 89

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Initial Creation
This example uses XAT01 named A-AT01-1.
The following form will then be displayed to the support designer.

The procedure and the form for creating a General Support are basically the same as
when creating a Multi Discipline Support

Before proceeding with the creation of the support, ensure that all of the design
elements to be supported, and any Steelwork and/or Panels the support is to be
attached to, are shown in the graphical view.
The elements that are to be supported on a General Support are dependant on the
support standard selected.
Click the ‘Create datum support atta’ button
Identify the straight length of pipe to be supported from the graphical view
The selected standard will then be created on the identified line.
The positioning and modification of the General Support is the same as explained in
the Multi Discipline Supports section of this document.

90 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The General Support may be modified etc. in the same way as a Multi Discipline
The Support Integrity Check form will be displayed when the OK button is clicked.


Create supports to the following standards

XAT03 - General Support

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 91

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

XAN02 - Anchor Support

XGT01 - Guide Support

This completes the section on General Support creation.

92 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 13
Creation of a Trunnion Support
This session explains how to create a Trunnion Support

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to create a Trunnion Support
 Know the functionality of the available options on the Trunnion Support form
 Understand the MDS Integrity Checker form

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to create a Trunnion Support
 Understand how to change the Trunnion Support

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 93

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Creation of a Trunnion Support

Creation of a Trunnion Support may be invoked either from the MDS Application
main menu toolbar icon or from the MDS Application main menu option shown below.

The Trunnion form will be shown thus.

94 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The support designer must then complete the following in order to continue with the
support creation.
Support name.
This can be completed manually by entering the new support name in the text gadget
or the support designer can use the MDS AutoNaming facility.
The support designer may also use the MDS Auto Naming functionality as explained
the Multi Discipline support section of this document.

The support designer may also reselect the creation zone he requires the structure to
be created within if a structure is created for the selected support type.

The support designer can view and browse through the available standards by
selecting the View… button.

After the support designer has completed the name and selection of the standard to
use he selects the OK button to display the standards creation form.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 95

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Initial Creation

This example uses XTT04 named A-TT04-1.

The following form will then be displayed to the support designer.

Dependant of the type of trunnion being created the support designer may create the
trunnion on a straight piece of pipe, an elbow, a tee or a reducer.

96 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Creation on a straight piece of pipe

The support designer selects the “create on tube” icon from the creation form and is
asked to identify a piece of tube. The application will check the identified tube for
material compatibility and bore availability of the selected standards. Any insulation
on the tube is ignored.
If the material and bore are compatible the application will create the trunnion by
placing a set on tee in the main line. A branch is connected to the tee that contains
the components of the support. The application will scan the main line specification
for a set on tee of equal bore to the main line. If the application cannot find a suitable
tee an error as shown below is displayed.

The rules used to select a suitable tee is an skey of TESO with an equal bore to the
main line
The application will then prompt the support designer to identify an element so that it
may calculate the length of trunnion required. The types of element that may be
identified are

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 97

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

If the calculated length exceeds the minimum/maximum of the standard then the
length will be set to its minimum/maximum length.
If the support designer does not want to identify a design element as listed above
then he can select the escape key and the maximum length will be used.
The application will then scan the current MDB for a specification that has a purpose
attribute set to TRUN. If it finds one it will only display the material stored in this
specification, if not it will scan all specifications for tube material. The parent pipe
material will be indicated on the selection form.

The selected material will then be used for the trunnion. If the main pipe is insulated
all insulation is removed from the trunnion branch automatically.
When a trunnion is deleted the branch and connecting set on tee will be deleted.
After the initial creation the support form should look like the following.

98 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Notice that the creation icons have been deactivated now the trunnion has been
The initial distance used is the arrive diameter of the tee divided by two + 100mm
The support designer may then use the available options for positioning the support.
Members of the support are listed in the member list option gadget; in this case there
is only one member of a base plate. Its dimensions are listed below this gadget and
in this case the minimum and maximum of the base plate the same i.e. width = 225,
therefore the gadget has been deactivated.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 99

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The calculated length has been completed and the support designer may change the
length by entering the new value in the gadget, again if the minimum or maximum is
exceeded the application with set the length to either the minimum or maximum.
The main bore is displayed on the form along with the available trunnion bores. If the
support designer selects a different bore the trunnion will be rebuilt with the new
The options available for the standard will be active. An explanation of the action of
the available icons can be found in the Multi Discipline Support section of this

Creation on an elbow

The support designer selects the “create on elbow” icon from the creation form and is
asked to identify an elbow. The application will check the identified elbow for material
compatibility and bore availability of the selected standards. Any insulation on the
elbow is ignored. It will also check that the elbow has a suitable connection point
(P3). If not the application will scan the main line specification for suitable elbow and
if found replace the specification reference. The rules that the application uses are
shown below.



P2 P0
P3 is at the same position as p1 but in opposite direction
P3 is the same bore as p1
The new elbow must exist within the main line specification

If the elbow is required to be flipped because the flow of the branch is the opposite
way to the diagram the application will perform this automatically.
If the material, bore and elbow are compatible the application will create the trunnion.
A branch is connected to the elbow that contains the components of the support. If
the application cannot find a suitable elbow an error as shown below is displayed.

100 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The application will then prompt the support designer to identify an element so that it
may calculate the length of trunnion required. The types of element that may be
identified are
If the calculated length exceeds the minimum/maximum of the standard then the
length will be set to its minimum/maximum length.
If the support designer does not want to identify a design element as listed above
then he can select the escape key and the maximum length will be used.
The application will then scan the current MDB for a specification that has a purpose
attribute set to TRUN. If it finds one it will only display the material stored in this
specification, if not it will scan all specifications for tube material. The parent pipe
material will be indicated on the selection form.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 101

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The selected material will then be used for the trunnion. If the main pipe is insulated
all insulation is removed from the trunnion branch automatically.
When a trunnion is deleted the branch will be deleted and the connection reference
to the elbow removed.
After the initial creation the support form should look like the following.

102 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Notice that the creation icons have been deactivated now the trunnion has been
The distance will be set to 0 and deactivated as the trunnion position is located on
the elbow and cannot be moved.
Members of the support are listed in the member list option gadget; in this case there
is only one member of a base plate. Its dimensions are listed below this gadget and
in this case the minimum and maximum of the base plate the same i.e. width = 500,
therefore the gadget has been deactivated.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 103

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The calculated length has been completed and the support designer may change the
length by entering the new value in the gadget, again if the minimum or maximum is
exceeded the application with set the length to either the minimum or maximum.
The main bore is displayed on the form along with the available trunnion bores. If the
support designer selects a different bore the trunnion will be rebuilt with the new
The options available for the standard will be active. An explanation of the action of
the available icons can be found in the Multi Discipline Support section of this

Creation on a Reducer

The support designer selects the “create on reducer” icon from the creation form and
is asked to identify a reducer. The application will check the identified reducer for
material compatibility and bore availability of the selected standards. Any insulation
on the reducer is ignored. It will also check that the reducer has a suitable connection
point (P3). If not the application will scan the main line specification for suitable
reducer and if found replace the specification reference. The rules that the
application uses are shown below.



P3 is at intersection of P0 and P2 and orientated down

P3 and P2 must be the same bore

P9 must exist and pint in the direction of the reducer flat side, this is so that
Isodraft can orientate the reducer correctly.

If the material, bore and reducer are compatible the application will create the
trunnion. A branch is connected to the reducer that contains the components of the
support. If the application cannot find a suitable reducer an error as shown below is

104 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The application will then prompt the support designer to identify an element so that it
may calculate the length of trunnion required. The types of element that may be
identified are

If the calculated length exceeds the minimum/maximum of the standard then the
length will be set to its minimum/maximum length.
If the support designer does not want to identify a design element as listed above
then he can select the escape key and the maximum length will be used.
The application will then scan the current MDB for a specification that has a purpose
attribute set to TRUN. If it finds one it will only display the material stored in this
specification, if not it will scan all specifications for tube material. The parent pipe
material will be indicated on the selection form.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 105

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The selected material will then be used for the trunnion. If the main pipe is insulated
all insulation is removed from the trunnion branch automatically.
After the initial creation the support form should look like the following.
When a trunnion is deleted the branch will be deleted and the connection reference
to the reducer removed.
After the initial creation the support form should look like the following.

106 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Notice that the creation icons have been deactivated now the trunnion has been
The distance will be set to 0 and deactivated as the trunnion position is located on
the reducer and cannot be moved.
Members of the support are listed in the member list option gadget; in this case there
is only one member of a base plate. Its dimensions are listed below this gadget and
in this case the minimum and maximum of the base plate the same i.e. width = 500,
therefore the gadget has been deactivated.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 107

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The calculated length has been completed and the support designer may change the
length by entering the new value in the gadget, again if the minimum or maximum is
exceeded the application with set the length to either the minimum or maximum.
The main bore is displayed on the form along with the available trunnion bores. If the
support designer selects a different bore the trunnion will be rebuilt with the new
The options available for the standard will be active. An explanation of the action of
the available icons can be found in the Multi Discipline Support section of this

Creation on a Tee

The support designer selects the “create on tee” icon from the creation form and is
asked to identify a tee. The application will check the identified tee for material
compatibility and bore availability of the selected standards. Any insulation on the tee
is ignored. Because the support branch will need to be connected to the tee the
application will replace the tee with a cross so it may use the CRFA (connection
reference array) rather than the cref (connection reference) available at tees.
Therefore the application will scan the main line specification for suitable cross and if
found replace the existing tee with a cross. The rules that the application uses are
shown below.


P1 P0 P2

P4 P4

Considers when selecting arrive, leave, P0 & P3 bores for equal tee, for non-
equal tee P1, P2, & P3, P4
P4 must be at the same position as P0
P0 must have the same bore P1
MDS will duplicate orientation and direction of original tee. MDS will handle direction
of trunnion from p4
Therefore in order that MDS can create a trunnion on a tee, the main line
specification must have an equivalent set off cross elements as tees.

108 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

If the material, bore and cross are compatible the application will create the trunnion.
A branch is connected to the cross that contains the components of the support. If
the application cannot find a suitable cross an error as shown below is displayed.

The application will then prompt the support designer to identify an element so that it
may calculate the length of trunnion required. The types of element that may be
identified are
If the calculated length exceeds the minimum/maximum of the standard then the
length will be set to its minimum/maximum length.
If the support designer does not want to identify a design element as listed above
then he can select the escape key and the maximum length will be used.
The application will then scan the current MDB for a specification that has a purpose
attribute set to TRUN. If it finds one it will only display the material stored in this
specification, if not it will scan all specifications for tube material. The parent pipe
material will be indicated on the selection form.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 109

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The selected material will then be used for the trunnion. If the main pipe is insulated
all insulation is removed from the trunnion branch automatically.
When a trunnion is deleted the branch will be deleted and the cross replaced with the
original tee specification reference.
After the initial creation the support form should look like the following.

110 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Notice that the creation icons have been deactivated now the trunnion has been
The distance will be set to 0 and deactivated as the trunnion position is located on
the cross and cannot be moved.
Members of the support are listed in the member list option gadget; in this case there
is only one member of a base plate. Its dimensions are listed below this gadget and
in this case the minimum and maximum of the base plate the same i.e. width = 500,
therefore the gadget has been deactivated.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 111

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The calculated length has been completed and the support designer may change the
length by entering the new value in the gadget, again if the minimum or maximum is
exceeded the application with set the length to either the minimum or maximum.
The main bore is displayed on the form along with the available trunnion bores. If the
support designer selects a different bore the trunnion will be rebuilt with the new
The options available for the standard will be active. An explanation of the action of
the available icons can be found in the Multi Discipline Support section of this

112 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 14
Creating a Fixed Hanger
This session explains how to create a fixed hanger

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to create a fixed hanger support
 Know the functionality of the available options

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 Understand the philosophy of creating a fixed hanger support.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 113

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Creating a Fixed Hanger

To create a fixed hanger support either select the icon from the toolbar or select the
option Create> Fixed Hanger... from the MDS Application main menu.

The hangers will be created as a rest, owned by the pipe being supported. These
rest elements will contain one or more hang elements dependent on the
configuration. These hang elements will contain the individual components of a
hanger. VPD soft types have been used in the configurations supplied.
The hanger head reference will point to the atta created on the pipe and the tail
reference to a fitting created in the steelwork member.
The Fixed Hanger form will be displayed as shown below.

114 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

This will initially show all fixed hanger configurations available to the support
The support designer must then complete the following in order to continue with the
support creation.
Support name.
This can be completed manually by entering the new support name in the text gadget
The support designer may also use the MDS Auto Naming functionality as explained
the Multi Discipline support section of this document.
The support designer may also reselect the creation zone he requires the structure to
be created within if a structure is created for the selected support type.
The support designer can view and browse through the available standards by
selecting the View… button or View Config… button which will shown the selected
configuration in a graphical view window.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 115

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The list of available standards presented to the support designer can be filtered
before the support designer makes a selection. This is achieved by selecting one of
the filter buttons at the bottom of the form.

116 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Filters for
1. Single Hanger connected to the bottom of a Single Beam
2. Single Hanger connected the top of a Double Channel Beam
3. Two hangers connected to One/Two Beams
4. Two hangers connected to One/Two Double Channel Beam
5. Two hangers connected to a Single Beam and to a Double Channel Beam **
6. Single hanger connected to an offset Beam **
7. Single hanger connected to a Pipe **
8. Bottom of Pipe Supports
9. Show all hanger types availabe for the selected pipe
10. Show all fixed hanger types
The filters marked with ** in italic are not available at this release of MDS.

The use of filters for selecting a configuration is recommended as the support

designer is presented with the list of available standards before continuing with the
creation process. If filters are not used then the support designer may be rejected
from creating a fixed hanger well into the creation process because it is not suitable
for the pipe and steelwork member selected.

Initial Creation

This example uses a fixed hanger called named A-FH01-1.

Select the first filter “Single Hanger connected to the bottom of a Single Beam “ and
identify a pipe and steelwork member. The application will then use the bore and
insulation of the identified pipe and the type of steelwork member identified to
remove the incompatible hanger configurations from the available list.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 117

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The form should now look like the following

Notice that the available configurations have been reduced to 16 from 54 and the
selection data has been added to the form for the support designer’s information.
The support designer can now select the OK gadget and the hanger will be created
because the application stores the identified pipe and steelwork member.
While the hanger is being created a check will be performed to see that the hanger
can be fitted in between the pipe and steelwork member, if not a message will be
displayed to the support designer asking him to confirm the continuation of the

118 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

If the support designer selects YES then the hanger will be created using the
minimum lengths of the rods. If No the support designer will be asked to select
another steelwork members. If none are available the support designer can select the
escape key, which will delete the support.
If no problems are found or the support designer accepts the creation of the support
the application will then display the fixed hanger form as follows.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 119

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

If the pipe and identified steelwork are parallel then the positioning tools will be active
and available to the support designer, if not the positioning tools will be deactivated.

Creation Options

The icons and options, which appear on each support type, is dependant on its
usage and orientation, therefore not all icons and options appear on every support

Icon Number

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Icon Number 17 – Rotate All Hanger Elements – This enable all hanger elements
to be rotated by a specified angle. Some components like a pipe clamp cannot be
rotated and the application will only rotate applicable components of the hanger.

120 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon Number 18 – Rotate a Hanger Element – This enables an individual

component of the hanger to be rotated by a specified angle. There are some hanger
members when rotated that require adjacent members to be rotated. The application
will handle these automatically.

Icon Number 24 – Modify Hanger – This will enables the support designer to modify
the hanger using the following form

Modify Hanger Options





Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 121

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon A – Set Equal Rod Lengths – If two rods are available in the hanger
configurations the support designer may modify the lengths to make the two rod
lengths different. This icon enables the support designer to set the rod lengths the

Icon B – See variable hanger creation

Icon C – Set Equal Rod Lengths – This is the same as icon A and will be active if
there are two hanger elements in the configuration.

Icon D – See variable hanger creation

Icon E – Modify Hanger Configuration – This enables the support designer to

modify the configuration to another type. The initial hanger selection form is filtered
and the support designer selects the new configuration required.

Icon F – Change to Variable Hanger – This enables the support designer to modify
the configuration to a variable hanger. The initial variable hanger selection form is
filtered and the support designer selects the new configuration required.

Icon G – Change Rod Size – This enables the support designer to modify the rod
diameter from that of the original configuration. The support designer will be
presented with the following form from which he selects the new size and clicks on
the OK button.

122 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The available rod sizes at each diameter are controlled via an MDS default file.

Icon H - Change Channel Assembly Span – When the configuration has a channel
assembly this icon enables the support designer to modify the span.

Icon J - Change Channel Assembly Height - When the configuration has a

channel assembly this icon enables the support designer to modify the height.

Icon Number 30 – View Standard – This will display the standards plot file.

Icon Number 35 – Show/Hide Hanger Dimensions – This will graphically display a

set of dimension of the selected configuration. It will also display the TOS elevation,
centreline elevation and overall length.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 123

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon Number 36 – Centre on Support – This will centre the support datum atta to
the centre of the graphical view but will not change the scale.

Icon Number 37 – ADP Drawlist – This icon enables the support designer to add
elements to the MDS drawing. Each drawing will contain the hanger, pipe and any
connected steel by default. This extra draw list may be used to add items of interest
to the drawing.

124 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon Number 45 – Add Notes - This enables the support designer to add notes to
the MDS drawing, the support designer selects the member of the support he
requires to add a note to. He then completes the text required. By default of will use
the origin of the selected member to point the leader line to. The support designer
may modify this origin position.

Icon Number 46 – Reconnect to another beam - This enables the support designer
to reselect the beam that the hanger is connected to. A check is made to see if the
new beam is suitable and if so the fitting is removed from the existing beam and
added to the new beam.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 125

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

10 Intentionally Blank

126 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 15
Creating a Variable Hanger
This session explains how to create a variable hanger

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to create a variable hanger support
 Know the functionality of the available options

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 Understand the philosophy of creating a variable hanger support.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 127

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Creating a Variable Hanger

To create a variable hanger support either select the icon from the toolbar or select
the option Create> Variable Hanger... from the MDS Application main menu.

The hangers will be created as a rest, owned by the pipe being supported. These
rest elements will contain one or more hang elements dependent on the
configuration. These hang elements will contain the individual components of a
hanger. VPD soft types have been used in the configurations supplied.
The hanger head reference will point to the atta created on the pipe and the tail
reference to a fitting created in the steelwork member.
The Variable Hanger form will be displayed as shown below.

128 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

This will initially show all variable hanger configurations available to the support
The support designer must then complete the following in order to continue with the
support creation.
Support name.
This can be completed manually by entering the new support name in the text gadget
The support designer may also use the MDS Auto Naming functionality as explained
the Multi Discipline support section of this document.
The support designer may also reselect the creation zone he requires the structure to
be created within if a structure is created for the selected support type.
The support designer can view and browse through the available standards by
selecting the View… button or View Config… button which will shown the selected
configuration in a graphical view window.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 129

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The list of available standards presented to the support designer can be filtered
before the support designer makes a selection. This is achieved by selecting one of
the filter buttons at the bottom of the form.

130 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Filters for
11. Single Hanger connected to the bottom of a Single Beam
12. Single Hanger connected the top of a Double Channel Beam
13. Two hangers connected to One/Two Beams
14. Two hangers connected to One/Two Double Channel Beam
15. Two hangers connected to a Single Beam and to a Double Channel Beam **
16. Single hanger connected to an offset Beam **
17. Single hanger connected to a Pipe **
18. Bottom of Pipe Supports
19. Show all hanger types availabe for the selected pipe
20. Show all varaible hanger types
The filters marked with ** in italic are not available at this release of MDS.

The use of filters for selecting a configuration is recommended as the support

designer is presented with the list of available standards before continuing with the
creation process. If filters are not used then the support designer may be rejected
from creating a variable hanger well into the creation process because it is not
suitable for the pipe and steelwork member selected.

Initial Creation

This example uses a variable hanger called named A-VH01-1.

Select the first filter “Single Hanger connected to the bottom of a Single Beam “ and
identify a pipe and steelwork member. The application will then use the bore and
insulation of the identified pipe and the type of steelwork member identified to
remove the incompatible hanger configurations from the available list.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 131

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The form should now look like the following

Notice that the available configurations have been reduced to 24 from 114 and the
selection data has been added to the form for the support designer’s information.
The support designer can now select the OK gadget and the hanger will be created
because the application stores the identified pipe and steelwork member.
While the hanger is being created a check will be performed to see that the hanger
can be fitted in between the pipe and steelwork member, if not a message will be
displayed to the support designer asking him to confirm the continuation of the

132 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

If the support designer selects YES then the hanger will be created using the
minimum lengths of the rods. If No the support designer will be asked to select
another steelwork members. If none are available the support designer can select the
escape key, which will delete the support.
If no problems are found or the support designer accepts the creation of the support
the application will then display the fixed hanger form as follows.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 133

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

If the pipe and identified steelwork are parallel then the positioning tools will be active
and available to the support designer, if not the positioning tools will be deactivated.

Creation Options

The icons and options, which appear on each support type, is dependant on its
usage and orientation, therefore not all icons and options appear on every support

Icon Number

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Icon Number 17 – Rotate All Hanger Elements – This enable all hanger elements
to be rotated by a specified angle. Some components like a pipe clamp cannot be
rotated and the application will only rotate applicable components of the hanger.

134 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon Number 18 – Rotate a Hanger Element – This enables an individual

component of the hanger to be rotated by a specified angle. There are some hanger
members when rotated that require adjacent members to be rotated. The application
will handle these automatically.

Icon Number 24 – Modify Hanger – This will enables the support designer to modify
the hanger using the following form

Modify Hanger Options





Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 135

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon A – Set Equal Rod Lengths – If two rods are available in the hanger
configurations the support designer may modify the lengths to make the two rod
lengths different. This icon enables the support designer to set the rod lengths the

Icon B – Change Spring Type – This allows the support designer to change the
spring type, there may be more than one spring size available at the bore selected.

Icon C – Set Equal Rod Lengths – This is the same as icon A and will be active if
there are two hanger elements in the configuration.

Icon D – Change Spring Type – This is the same as icon B and will be active if
there are two hanger elements in the configuration.

Icon E – Modify Hanger Configuration – This enables the support designer to

modify the configuration to another type. The initial hanger selection form is filtered
and the support designer selects the new configuration required.

Icon F – Change to Fixed Hanger – This enables the support designer to modify the
configuration to a fixed hanger. The initial fixed hanger selection form is filtered and
the support designer selects the new configuration required.

Icon G – Change Rod Size – This enables the support designer to modify the rod
diameter from that of the original configuration. The support designer will be
presented with the following form from which he selects the new size and clicks on
the OK button.

136 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The available rod sizes at each diameter are controlled via an MDS default file.

Icon H - Change Channel Assembly Span – When the configuration has a channel
assembly this icon enables the support designer to modify the span.

Icon J - Change Channel Assembly Height - When the configuration has a

channel assembly this icon enables the support designer to modify the height.

Icon Number 30 – View Standard – This will display the standards plot file.

Icon Number 35 – Show/Hide Hanger Dimensions – This will graphically display a

set of dimension of the selected configuration. It will also display the TOS elevation,
centreline elevation and overall length.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 137

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon Number 36 – Centre on Support – This will centre the support datum atta to
the centre of the graphical view but will not change the scale.

Icon Number 37 – ADP Drawlist – This icon enables the support designer to add
elements to the MDS drawing. Each drawing will contain the hanger, pipe and any
connected steel by default. This extra draw list may be used to add items of interest
to the drawing.

138 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Icon Number 45 – Add Notes - This enables the support designer to add notes to
the MDS drawing, the support designer selects the member of the support he
requires to add a note to. He then completes the text required. By default of will use
the origin of the selected member to point the leader line to. The support designer
may modify this origin position.

Icon Number 46 – Reconnect to another beam - This enables the support designer
to reselect the beam that the hanger is connected to. A check is made to see if the
new beam is suitable and if so the fitting is removed from the existing beam and
added to the new beam.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 139

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

11 Intentionally Blank

140 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 16
Fixed/Variable Hanger Creation Modes
This session explains the different creation modes for fixed and variable hangers.

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to create a fixed or variable hanger with the different creation modes
 Know the functionality of the creation modes

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to create fixed and variable hangers with the different creation modes.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 141

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support


There are three different modes of creation mode when creating fixed and variable
hangers. These are
Create and Modify (default)
Create once
Multi Create
The mode of creation can be selected by using the options menu available on the
fixed and variable configurations form.

Create and Modify Mode

The previous sections explain the creation of fixed and variable hangers using the
Create and Modify mode. This is where the support designer selects the name,
configuration required and clicks the OK button, the hanger is created and the fixed
or variable form is displayed.

142 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Create Once Mode

This mode enables the support designer to create a hanger and return to the original
fixed or variable form in order to continue and create another hanger.

Multi Create Mode

This mode enables the support designer to continuously create hangers by

identifying a pipe and steelwork member.









Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 143

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

12 Intentionally Blank

144 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 17
Creation of a Special
This session explains how to create a special

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to create a special
 Know the functionality of the available options to create a special

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to create a special

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 145

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

When is a support a special

A special support is a support that does not conform to an available framework
template shapes or the support is a different steelwork size from those available to
the support designer.

Creating a Special

To create a special support either select the icon from the toolbar or select the option
Create> Special... from the MDS Application main menu.

A special is a framework support that has a configuration of steelwork not available in

any of the standards available within the MDS application. A special can be created
in two ways, the first with support atta’s only and the second from existing MDS
support or a combination of existing MDS supports.
The special support form will be displayed as shown below.

146 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The support designer must then complete the following in order to continue with the
support creation.
Support name.
This can be completed manually by entering the new support name in the text gadget
The support designer may also use the MDS Auto Naming functionality as explained
the Multi Discipline support section of this document.
Special support number, this can either be unique or not and is determined by the
setting on the MDS Application Default form.
The special support type of, Multi Discipline Support, HVAC Support or Rack
Creation type of Support Atta’s only or from existing MDS Supports.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 147

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Creation of Support Atta’s only (Includes Copy Project

After the support designer has completed the form he selects the OK button to
display the following form.

The support designer then creates all the support atta’s on the pipes etc he wishes to
support with this special support. All options available are explained in the Multi
Discipline Supports section of this document.
Upon finishing the support the support designer can select the OK button, where a
message will be displayed within the Integrity Checker form informing the support
designer that a structure has been created and the steelwork members and joints
etc…can be created manually in the PDMS Beams & Columns application.

148 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Alternatively, from the same ‘Create Supports Attas Only’ form shown previously,
users also have the option of creating all or some of the MDS Special Support
structure steelwork members automatically by clicking the ‘Copy Project Special’
icon. The procedure to do this is described below.

Creation of MDS Special from ‘Copy Project Special’ icon

There are only two options available on the ‘Create Supports Attas Only‘ form
affecting the creation of steelwork members from a Project Special MDS Support
Template, and they are controlled by the two icons shown below:

‘Copy Project Special’ and ‘Copy Section’

Clicking the ‘Copy project Special option, invokes the form shown below, and allows
the user to copy a MDS SPECIAL support template from the discipline of the current
support’s DATUM Atta, i.e. Multi Discipline Support for PIPES, Cable Tray Support
for TRAYS or HVAC Support for HVAC, from the MDS project special structural
templates stored in the ZONES named as shown below. These zone names are
mandatory in MDS:-

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 149

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

If the discipline ZONE exists, in this case /MDS/SPECIALS/PIPE, the STRU elements in
the zone will be displayed as shown in the form below. Otherwise the user will be informed
that the zone /MDS/SPECIALS/PIPE does not exist and the ‘Copy Project Special’
operation is aborted. If the zone exists but NO STRU elements exist in the zone, an empty
list on the form will be displayed.

The user selects the required project special and by clicking the OK button copies the
members from under the project special template to the current MDS special support
structure. The structure origin of a MDS support is always at the P9 of the DATUM atta of
the current MDS support being created, and the copied members will be positioned
relative to the structure origin position.

Shown above is a typical view of the selected and predefined MDS Special structure (for
PIPES) created by the ‘Copy Project Special’ option described above.

150 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Users may now use the standard PDMS Beams & Columns application to add any
new members required on the support, modify and/or delete any of the existing
structure members etc… to complete the design of the MDS Support required.
Users who have write access to the database zones owned by the site
/MDS/SPECIALS, can create their own MDS Project Special structural templates in
the discipline specific zones for use by users of the MDS application in the PDMS
The idea of the MDS project special templates, is for users to create a MDS special
support with some SCTN members very quickly and if necessary complete the
design of the MDS support in the standard PDMS Beams & Columns application.

Creation of HVAC Support from ‘Copy Project Special’ icon

There are several predefined MDS Project Special HVAC templates supplied at this
release to compliment the existing standard MDS HVAC templates available

‘Copy Project Special’

Clicking this icon when a MDS HVAC Special support is being created will invoke a
form, shown below, displaying the list of available HVAC project special supports.
The generated list is dependent on whether the HVAC STRT component to be
supported is insulated or not, and the setting at the uda :MDSRange of the STRU
element at each of the MDS HVAC project special templates:

The MDS HVAC project special templates STRU elements displayed in the form
shown are considered suitable for supporting HVAC STRT elements which are

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 151

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The display list of template STRU elements suitable for the identified HVAC STRT element
to be supported is controlled by the STRU template udas :MDSRange and :MDSHV.
The controlling attribute which determines whether the HVAC project special is allowed to
support INSULATED and/or UNINSULATED HVAC STRT elements is the uda
:MDSRange stored at the STRU elements (MDS Project Special Supports) in the HVAC
 If the :MDSRange uda at the STRU element is set to ‘1’, then the MDS Project
Special template will only be allowed on INSULATED HVAC STRT elements.
 If the :MDSRange uda at the STRU element is set to ‘0’, then the MDS Project
Special template will only be allowed on UNINSULATED HVAC STRT elements.
 If the :MDSRange uda at the STRU element is set to ‘2’ or <’any other value’,
except ‘0’ or ‘1’> or left at the default off <unset>, then the MDS Project Special
template will be allowed on both INSULATED and UNINSULATED HVAC STRT
The uda :MDSHV controls whether the HVAC project special is allowed to support HVAC
 If the :MDSHV uda at the STRU element is set to ‘HORI’, then the MDS Project
Special template will only be allowed on HORIZONTAL HVAC STRT elements.
 If the :MDSHV uda at the STRU element is set to ‘VERT’, then the MDS Project
Special template will only be allowed on VERTICAL HVAC STRT elements.
 If the :MDSHV uda at the STRU element is set to ‘BOTH’, then the MDS Project
Special template will be allowed on both HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL HVAC
STRT elements.
The controlling attribute which determines whether the INSULATION thickness, on the
HVAC STRT being supported, is considered in the build calculations in the design of the
MDS support is the uda :MDSCheck. This uda is also stored at the STRU elements (MDS
Project Special Supports) in the HVAC zone named /MDS/SPECIALS/HVAC
 If the :MDSCheck uda is set to TRUE, the INSULATION thickness, if any exists, on
the HVAC STRT element being supported will be INCLUDED, i.e. taken into
account, in the support build calculations of the MDS support.
 If the :MDSCheck uda is set to FALSE, the INSULATION thickness, if any exists,
on the HVAC STRT element being supported will be EXCLUDED, i.e. ignored and
NOT taken into account, in the support build calculations of the MDS support.

All of the MDS HVAC Project Special Support templates MUST be built based on an
HVAC STRT duct size of 500mm wide x 500mm high. The reason for this is so that the
SCTN (SUBS, EXTR or VERT) members of the project special structure are moved and
positioned automatically in a one time ONLY operation when the template is selected or
the OK button is clicked, to suit the size of HVAC STRT being supported.

152 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The way the SCTN lengths and/or positions are controlled is by the values of two
udas defined at the relevant SCTN elements in the Project Special template
The two udas used at SCTN, SUBS, EXTR and VERT elements are :MDSConfigA
and MDSConfigB.
For example the STRU /MDS/SPECIALS/HVAC/1 contains a FRMW with 7<seven>
SCTN members. Shown below are the uda settings for SCTNS 1 and 6 only:
:MDSConfigA false,,,\true,0.5\true,0.5
:MDSConfigB unset
:MDSConfigA true,W,0.5,WIDTH\,\true,1
:MDSConfigB unset

500 x 500 Project Design Adjusted to

Special Template 500 x 300 Actual
Default HVAC HVAC Duct Size
SCTN 6 Duct Size SCTN 6


MDS Project Special Structural Template MDS Project Special Support copied from the template
/MDS/SPECIALS/HVAC1 configured to suit the /MDS/SPECIALS/HVAC1 and automatically adjusted
DEFAULT 500mm wide x 500mm high HVAC to suit the ACTUAL 500mm wide x 300mm high
ducting size. HVAC ducting size

Now lets consider the uda settings for SCTN 1 = /MDS/SPECIALS/HVAC/1-BAR-1

and interpret what they mean.
:MDSConfigA false,,,\true,0.5\true,0.5
<see below> 1 2 3
The values in this attribute are delimited into 3 values by the backslash ‘\’ character
and further delimited by the comma ‘,’ character, e.g.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 153

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

1. false,,,
a), b), c), d)
a) false = Element will NOT be repositioned
b) <blank> = a) above is ‘false’, so not applicable
c) <blank> = a) above is ‘false’, so not applicable
d) <blank> = a) above is ‘false’, so not applicable
2. true,0.5
a), b)
a) true = Element POSS (SCTN start position) needs to be repositioned
b) 0.5 = ½(half) the difference between the default size of the HVAC
duct (500mm) and the actual size of the HVAC duct (500mm)
3. true,0.5
a), b)
a) true = Element POSE (SCTN end position) needs to be repositioned
b) 0.5 = ½(half) the difference between the default size of the HVAC
duct (500mm) and the actual size of the HVAC duct (300mm)
:MDSConfigB unset
No action will be taken as the uda value is unset.
This value will only be set with values of a similar type to those attributed to :MDSConfigA
when the element needs to be moved in more than one direction.
Now lets consider the uda settings for SCTN 6 = /MDS/SPECIALS/HVAC/1-V1 and
interpret what they mean.
:MDSConfigA true,W,0.5,WIDTH\,\true,1
<see below> 4 5 6
The values in this attribute are delimited into 3 values by the backslash ‘\’ character and
further delimited by the comma ‘,’ character, e.g.
4. true,W,0.5,WIDTH
a), b), c), d)
a) true = Element will be repositioned
b) W = The direction in which the element will be moved
c) 0.5 = Move the element 0.5 x WIDTH <value in d) below>
difference between the ACTUAL width and the DEFAULT width of
d) WIDTH = WIDTH or HEIGHT of HVAC STRT element to be
considered in c) above

154 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

5. ,
a), b)
a) <blank> = not applicable
b) <blank> = not applicable
6. true,1
a) , b)
a) true = Element POSE (SCTN end position) needs to be
b) 1 = 1 x difference between the default size of the HVAC duct
(500mm) and the actual size of the HVAC duct (300mm)
:MDSConfigB unset
No action will be taken as the uda value is unset.
This value will only be set with values of a similar type to those attributed to
:MDSConfigA when the element needs to be moved in more than one direction.
IMPORTANT NOTE: At this release the udas :MDSConfigA and :MDSConfigB are
ONLY considered when copying an MDS HVAC Project Special Template.

Creation of MDS Special SCTNS from ‘Copy Section’ icon

The icon shown below allows users to copy any SCTN member from the current
MDS Special support, on all MDS Special supports and not just those created via the
‘Copy Project Special’ option.

‘Copy Section’
Clicking this icon prompts the user to ‘Identify section to copy’. On selection of a
SCTN member of the current MDS Special support the user is advised that the
‘Identified section has been copied & moved up 300mm and named </supportname-
Users may copy as many SCTNS as required, and if necessary use the standard
PDMS Beams & Columns application to complete the design of the MDS Special

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 155

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Creation from Existing MDS Supports

After the support designer has completed the form he selects the OK button to display the
following form.

The support designer then identifies the existing supports he wishes to modify into a
special support and adds it to the list of supports. A minimum of one support must be
selected. By default the first support identifies will have its datum atta used as the datum
atta of the special. This can be modified by selected the support from the list and clicking
on the “Use Selected Support as Master”.
When the support designer is satisfied that all the support required are added he selects
the OK button. This will then reconfigure the design database to include all selected
supports into one support. All support atta’s and steelwork will be renamed using the
special support name.
BEWARE! - Creating a Special Support ’From Existing MDS Supports’ is a ONE off
operation. Once the procedure has been completed, it cannot be reversed from within the
MDS application. Therefore if there is any doubt about combining the existing MDS
Supports into a Special Support, click the NO button to cancel the process.

156 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Intentionally Blank

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 157

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 18
Copying a Support
This session explains how to copy a support

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to copy a support
 Know the functionality of the copy support facility

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to copy a support

158 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Copying a Support

NOTE! This functionality is not available for hangers or trunnions. This is because the
application completes various checks while creating the support. That may be by
passed by copying. It is easier to create a new support from scratch.
To copy a support either select the icon from the toolbar or select the option Create>
Special... from the MDS Application main menu.

The support designer will be presented with the following form.

The support designer has to complete.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 159

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The support to be copied of which there are three methods of selecting the support to
be copied.
1. Typing the Support Name directly into the name text gadget
2. Clicking on the ‘Identify By Cursor’ button will request the support designer to
‘Identify the support to modify’ from the graphical display, and automatically
add the Support Name to the text gadget.
3. Clicking on the ‘CE’ button will automatically add the Support Name to the text
gadget, as long as the current element is a support.
The number of copies required.
The distance to move each copy.

When these have been entered into the Copy Support form click on the ‘Apply’
button. This will the copy each support one at a time, confirm to the support designer
that he wishes to retain the copied support and then display the support renaming
form so that the support designer can enter a new name.
The following shows the procedure used to copy support /A-COPY-1 twice 1000mm
along the pipe.

Note! If you are coping a framework with multiple pipes and different slopes MDS
does not alter the elevations of any steelwork members. To adjust these and make
sure the support is correct you must modify the support and make any changes

160 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

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Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 161

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 19
Modifying a Support Name
This session explains how to create a modify a support name

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to modify a support name
 Know the functionality of the modify support name options

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to modify a support name

162 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Modifying a Support Name

To modify the name of a support select the Modify > Support Name…option from the
MDS Application main menu.

The Modify Support name form will be displayed as shown below.

The support designer has to complete.

The support to be renamed of which there are three methods of selecting the
1. Typing the Support Name directly into the name text gadget
2. Clicking on the ‘Identify By Cursor’ button will request the support designer to
‘Identify the support to modify’ from the graphical display, and automatically
add the Support Name to the text gadget.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 163

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

3. Clicking on the ‘CE’ button will automatically add the Support Name to the text
gadget, as long as the current element is a support.
The new name of the support.
This can be completed manually by entering the new support name in the text gadget
The support designer may also use the MDS Auto Naming functionality as explained
the Multi Discipline support section of this document.

When these have been entered into the Modify Support Name form click on the
‘Apply’ button. This will then rename all members of the support with the new name.

164 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

14 Intentionally Blank

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 165

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 20
Reloading and Updating of the MDS
Application Defaults
This session explains how to reload and update the defaults being used by MDS.

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to reload all of the dimension defaults
 Know how to reload specific support type dimension defaults
 Know the functionality of the design dimensions update options

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 Understand the consequences reloading the dimension defaults.
 Understand the consequences of the three available options for updating the
design dimension defaults

166 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

There is an option in the MDS Application available to assist support designers to

update and modify the dimensions of any existing MDS supports to reflect the
dimensions stored and/or modified in the MDS Application Defaults file, ‘DES-SUPP-
The ‘Dimension Defaults’ form shown below may be invoked by selecting the option,
‘Settings>Defaults>Dimensions…’ from the MDS Application main menu.

The Dimension Defaults form will be displayed as shown below.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 167

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

168 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Load All Defaults

The ‘Load all Defaults’ button will reread the dimensional default contents of the MDS
Application Defaults file, ‘DES-SUPP-PARS’. Clicking this option will display a
Confirm form as shown below.

Clicking the YES button will reload and update the dimensional defaults for the MDS
Application, to reflect the current data stored in the DES-SUPP-PARS default file.
The warning prompt ‘Loading MDS Defaults, Please Wait…’ is shown in the bottom
left hand corner of the graphical view.

When the dimensional defaults have been reloaded an additional message is

appended to the ‘Session Log’ list, to inform the support designer of the
action/update performed, as shown below.

Note! This is the same as leaving PDMS and re-entering PDMS and MDS

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 169

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Note! No dimensional changes to the actual DESIGN of the existing MDS support
ancillaries etc. will have been made by reloading the dimensional defaults.

170 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The consequences of reloading the dimensional defaults and any changes in these
defaults will only be implemented when a MDS ancillary etc. is ‘Processed’ via this
form, a new support is created or an existing support ancillary etc. is modified via the
MDS Application.

Load Selected Defaults

The ‘Load Selected Defaults’ button will only reload the dimensional default contents
of the MDS Application Defaults file, ‘DES-SUPP-PARS’ applicable to the selected
elements on the form shown below.

The ‘Standard Support Type’ option is a single choice list gadget, which means that
only one selection can be highlighted for dimensional defaults update.
The ‘Standard Name’ option is a multiple choice list gadget, which means more than
one selection is allowed to be highlighted for the dimensional defaults update. The
‘names’ displayed here can be either the core MDS application support types or the
project names. This can be selected by using the “View Project Codes” toggle.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 171

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Clicking the ‘Load Selected Defaults’ button will immediately reload and update the
dimensional defaults for the selected support types of the MDS Application, to reflect
the current data stored in the DES-SUPP-PARS default file.

NOTE: No Support Integrity Check form, Warning Message or Confirm form is issued
to the support designer.
The warning prompt ‘Loading Defaults for General, Please Wait…’ is shown in the
bottom left hand corner of the graphical view.
Followed by the prompts ‘Loading AT01 <size>’, for all of the pipe sizes stored in the
default file against the ‘Standard Name’ type ‘AT01’
When the selected dimensional defaults have been reloaded, additional messages
are appended for all of the affected pipe sizes to the ‘Session Log’ list, to inform the
support designer of the action/update performed, as shown below.

No dimensional changes to the actual DESIGN of the existing MDS support

ancillaries etc. will have been made by reloading the selected element types
dimensional defaults.

The consequences of reloading the dimensional defaults of the selected types and
any changes in these defaults will only be implemented when a MDS ancillary etc. is
‘Processed’ via this form, a new support is created or an existing support ancillary
etc. is modified via the MDS Application.

Set User Parameters to Default for Current Element

172 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Clicking the ‘Process’ button for this option will update the Design Parameters of the
current element, nominated as the ‘Support designer Editable Parameters’ in the
‘DES-SUPP-PARS’ default file, for the support type of the current element.

The update of the ‘Support designer Parameters’ to the default settings defined in the
MDS Application Defaults file ‘DES-SUPP-PARS’ and loaded into PDMS, may
change the Design geometry and dimensions of the selected MDS Support Atta and
should be used with extreme care, with support designers being aware of the
consequences of performing the update action.

The update will only proceed if the Current Element is a MDS Support Atta.
This action performs exactly the same action as the option ‘Set Parameters to
Default’ on the ‘Modify Ancillary’ form shown below, which may be invoked either via
an owning MDS Framework Support form by clicking the modify atta icon or via the
modification form of an independent MDS Ancillary Support type.

Both of the methods shown above will append a message to the ‘Session Log’ on the
Dimensions Default form, stating that the Design Dimensions for the specific MDS
support Atta have been Set to Default

NOTE: No Support Integrity Check form, Warning Message or Confirm form is issued
to the support designer when the ‘Process’ button on the Dimensions Default form is

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 173

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Set Non User Parameters to Default for Current Element

Clicking the ‘Process’ button for this option will update the Design Parameters of the
current element, not nominated as the ‘Support designer Parameters’ in the ‘DES-
SUPP-PARS’ default file, for the support type of the current element.

The update of the ‘Non User Parameters’ to the default settings defined in the MDS
Application Defaults file ‘DES-SUPP-PARS’ and loaded into PDMS, may change the
Design geometry and dimensions of the selected MDS Support Atta and should be
used with extreme care, with support designers being aware of the consequences of
performing the update action.
The update will only proceed if the Current Element is a MDS Support Atta.
Performing this update will automatically append a message to the ‘Session Log’ on
the Dimensions Default form, as shown below, stating that the non-user parameters
for the selected MDS Support Atta have been set.
NOTE: No Support Integrity Check form, Warning Message or Confirm form is issued
to the support designer when the ‘Process’ button on the Dimensions Default form is

174 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Set Non User Parameters to Default for all supports

Clicking the ‘Process’ button for this option will display the Confirm form shown below

Clicking the YES button will immediately update the Design Parameters, nominated
as the ‘Non User Parameters’ in the ‘DES-SUPP-PARS’ default file, of ALL of the
MDS Support Atta’s found in the current MDB.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This update ‘Process’ may take a considerable amount time.
This is dependant on the number of MDS Support Atta’s in the current MDB, so
The update of the ‘Non User Parameters’ to the default settings defined in the MDS
Application Defaults file ‘DES-SUPP-PARS’ and loaded into PDMS, may change the
Design geometry and dimensions of ALL of the MDS Support Atta’s and should be
used with extreme care, with support designers being aware of the consequences of
performing the update action.
Performing this update will automatically append a list of messages to the ‘Session
Log’ on the Dimensions Default form, as shown below, stating that the non user
parameters for each individual MDS Support Atta have been set.
NOTE: No Support Integrity Check form is issued to the support designer when the
‘Process’ button on the Dimensions Default form is clicked.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 175

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

NOTE! As previously highlighted the execution of these options should be applied

with extreme care and the support designer should have total understanding of the
consequences of these options.

176 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

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Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 177

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 21
MDS Wizard
This session explains how to use the MDS Wizard

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to use the MDS Wizard
 Know the functionality of the use the MDS Wizard

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to use the MDS Wizard

178 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

To use the MDS Wizard select the icon from the toolbar or select the option Utilities >
MDS Wizard... from the MDS Application main menu.

The support designer will be presented with the following form.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 179

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The MDS wizard is a utility supplied to assist the support designer to identify quickly,
the pipes, HVAC and trays that are in the vicinity of the working element, which may
require supporting.
Select the icon at the top left of the form and the support designer then may select a
steelwork section or a piece of tube as the working element. This example uses a
piece of steelwork.

When the working element has been identified in the graphical view, an outline of a
box will be displayed, as a graphical aid, depicting the ‘Reach’ value, e.g. 1000,
which the MDS wizard utility will use. The size of the box will adopt the length of the
identified element, with the height and width approximately twice the reach value plus
the element size.
The support designer can select if pipes, steelwork or equipment is to be added to
the view.
Selecting the second icon will cause the wizard to search within the reach box and
add all the elements found to the graphical view as shown below.

180 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 181

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 22
MDS Reports
This session explains how to use the MDS Reporting tool

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to use the MDS reporting tool.
 Know the functionality of the MDS Reporting tool.

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to use the MDS Reporting Tool

182 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

To use the MDS Reporting Tool select the icon from the toolbar or select the option
Utilities > MDS Reports... from the MDS Application main menu.

The support designer will be presented with the following form.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 183

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Output Format
The support designer may produce the output to the screen, a text file or a comma
separated variable (csv) file.

Report Output
These are the elements type the report will collect to produce the report. This cannot
be modified by the support designer on this form.

This option enables the support designer to show or hide the report heading.

Main Report Filter

This is the filter used to collect the elements to be collected when the report is run.
This expression has been defined to make sure all and only MDS supports are
collected. The support designer cannot modify this.

184 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Output Report Name – Description

These are the name of the reports available to the support designer along with a brief
description. The availability of reports is controlled via the reports default file MDS-
REPORT-DEFS. The support designer may not modify the reports from this form.

Column Heading Number – Title

These are the names of the heading that belongs to this report. The definition of the
heading available with this report is controlled via the reports default file MDS-
REPORT-HEADINGS. The support designer may not modify the reports from this

This is the name of the element that the support designer would like to report on.

Sorting and Totalling

The enables the support designer to sort and total the output of the reports. The
support designer is presented with the following form when this button is clicked.

Extra Run Time Filter

This enables the support designer to add an expression that is used as an extra run
time file when the report is ran. This may be for instance to find all supports in a
particular area.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 185

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Control Menu

Control > Reload Default Reports

This will reload the reports from the default files DES-REPORT-DEFS and DES-

Control > Close

Closes the form

Report Menu

Report > Column Headings…

This will display a form as shown below so that the support designer can see the
heading being used in the selected support.

186 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 187

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Report > User Defined…

This will display a form so that the support designer can create a report using the
column defined by selecting the toggle gadget next to the heading description.

In order for the support designer to save the report to the default file select the
Control > Save as Default Report… menu selection

188 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

The action of saving this report will make this report available to support designers of
the project. Access to this file should only be given to those that should have the
ability to save project reports.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 189

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support


Select some of the reports available and produce a few reports to make yourself
familiar with what sort of output is available.

190 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

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Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 191

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 23
Miscellaneous Utilities
This session explains how to use the Miscellaneous tools provide with MDS

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to use the miscellaneous tools.

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to use the miscellaneous tools.

192 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

There are several miscellaneous tools provide with MDS as explained below.

Utilities Menu

Utilities > Add Support/s

This will enable the support designer to add support to the graphical display.

Enable the support designer to explicit name a support to add the drawlist.

All below CE
Add the support found below the current element to the drawlist.

Add all the supports found in the current MDB to the drawlist.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 193

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Reorder Branch Atta’s

This will reorder all MDS atta’s within a branch in physical order.

Utilities > Clear Dimensions/Tags

This will clear all dimensions and tags added to the graphical display in case they
have not been removed in some unforeseen circumstance.

Modify Menu

Ancillary Type…
This enables the support designer to modify the ancillary type of a support atta. This
is available for general supports only, to modify an ancillary on a framework you must
modify the support.

Drawing Comment…
This enables the support designer to add a general comment that will be added the
MDS ADP drawing.

194 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Drawing Comment…
This enables the support designer to add a general comment that will be added the
MDS ADP drawing.

Align Guide to Support

This enables the support designer to align a guide with its associated shoe. The
application should perform this action automatically but in the case of a misalignment
this facility is available.

Associate Pad with Shoe

This enables the support designer to associate a pad with a shoe. The application
should perform this action automatically but in the case of a non-association this
facility is available.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 195

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Session 24
MDS Drawing Production
This session explains how to create a drawing of an MDS Support.

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to use the MDS Drawing Production tool.
 Know the functionality of the MDS Reporting tool.

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to use the MDS Drawing Production tool.

196 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support


The MDS Drawing Production provided uses the VPD Area Based Application to
produce drawing. This technology uses pre-defined areas, a classification and a
template in order to produce a drawing. The template has associated tasks, which
perform action on the drawings. These actions can be for instance dimensions,
tagging etc.

MDS is supplied with an overlay application for ABA to produce drawings of MDS


Entering The MDS Drawing Production Application

In order to access the MDS Drawing Production Application the support designer
must select the Automatic Drawing Production Application from the Draft menu as
shown below.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 197

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

This will load the application and display the Drawing Selection form in order for the
support designer to select a working drawing. This form may be dismissed at this
The support designer may then select the Create > MDS Drawing… menu selection
which will present the following form.

The support designer must then select the following.

 Drawing Registry – This lists all available drawing registries that the support
designer may write to. This is where the drawings will be created.
 Frameworks – This is a list of all framework supports found in the current
MDB. The support designer can select multiple supports or use the “Select All
Frameworks” option.

198 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

 Hangers – This is a list of all hanger supports found in the current MDB. The
support designer can select multiple supports or use the “Select All Hangers”
 ABA Template – This is a list of all ABA templates found in the current MDB.

When this has been done the support designer can select the Apply button to
produce the drawings.
A message will be output to the screen when the drawing process has been

In order to browse the completed drawings select the “Existing Drawings…” button.
The support designer will then have the first found drawing added the graphical
display and a list of drawing available so he can select the required drawing.

In order to maintain a better cosmetic layout to the MDS drawings some basic rules
are adhered to by the application. These are: -

All labels will be positioned along the top and right hand size of each view.
All dimensions will be positioned along the bottom and left hand size of each view.
On processing the view direction if the application calculates it to be up, west and
south it will change the view direction to down (plan), east and north respectively.
This will only be active on orthogonal view and non-orthogonal view will not be

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 199

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

End of Document

200 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

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Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 201

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

18 Session 25
MDS Manuals
This session explains how to access the MDS manual set

At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Know how to access the MDS manuals

Must Know Points

It is important to understand the following points about MDS.
 How to access the MDS manuals

202 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Accessing the MDS manuals

To access the MDS Manuals select the icon from the toolbar as shown below.

The application will then start up Internet Explorer and display the selection menu for
the MDS manuals provided.

Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1 203

Creation of a Multi Discipline Support

Selecting a manual (underlined) will display the manual is pdf format.

Please note that Acrobat Reader will need to be installed on the local machine in
order to read pdf format. This can be obtained from the following site free of charge.

204 Module 15 Multi Discipline Supports 4.1.1

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