Some Diseases Characteristic of Modern Civilization : Review
Some Diseases Characteristic of Modern Civilization : Review
Some Diseases Characteristic of Modern Civilization : Review
Occasional Review
British Medical Journal, 1973, 1, 274-278 reported to be present in one-third of all necropsies on patients
over the age of 20.3 Cancer of the large bowel is, after bronchial
A number of diseases of major importance are characteristic of carcinoma, the most common cause of death from cancer. It has
modern Western civilization. These diseases are rare or un- been estimated that over 46,000 people would die from this form
known in communities who have deviated little from their of cancer in the United States and that over 76,000 new cases
traditional way of life, and a rise in their frequency follows would be recorded in 1972.4 Ulcerative colitis has been reported
adoption of Western customs. Available evidence suggests that to have a prevalence of about 80 per 100,000 population in
all these diseases were rare or uncommon even in the Western Britain.'
world a century ago and that they are rare or unknown in
undomesticated animals. Some appear or increase in frequency
within a few years of exposure to a new environmental factor,
others not until several decades later. The diseases to be con- COMMON VENOUS DISORDERS
sidered in this connexion are listed below, with indications of Varicose veins have been estimated to effect 10-17% of all
their prevalence and importance as causes of death and mor- adults.6-' According to Alexander,10 over half of all urbanized
bidity in Britain and the U.S.A., countries which represent the Western people would develop varicose veins if they lived long
type of civilization with which these diseases are most closely enough. Deep vein thrombosis is believed to occur in 20-30% of
associated. all surgical patients and in over 40% of those undergoing major
surgery.1' 12 Pulmonary embolism is responsible for over 2,500
deaths a year in Britain"' and is believed to occur to some extent
Diseases in the Western World in half of all the patients who develop ileofemoral thrombosis."
Haemorrhoids are believed to be present to some degree in
NON-INFECTIVE DISEASES OF THE LARGE BOWEL nearly half of all people over the age of 50.
Appendicitis is one of the commonest abdominal emergencies.
It has been estimated that over 300,000 appendices are removed
yearly in the United States. Diverticular disease is the commonest DISEASES ASSOCIATED WITH CHOLESTEROL METABOLISM
disorder of the large bowel and has been reported to be present
in over a third of subjects over the age of 40 and in up to two- These include coronary heart disease, which is the commonest
thirds of those over 80 years of age.1 2 Benign tumours have been gall stones, which are found at over 10% of
cause of death, and
all necropsies."5
Based on the Crookshank lecture delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons
of England on 19 May 1972 by invitation of the Faculty of Radiologists.
the veins in the leg against abdominal pressures. When the Obesity and Diabetes
valves have become incompetent a cough imnpulse readily
detected when standing is not transmitted in the squatting Cleave attributes the association between various diseases of
position. modem civilization to different aspects of the two complement-
Haemorrhoids.-It has been postulated that haemorrhoids are ary results of refining carbohydrate foods-excess consumption
also the result of transmitted intra-abdominal pressures. The of energy in the form of sugar and refined starch on the one hand
observation that the frequency of haemorrhoids in developing and fibre depletion on the other.32 70 He attributes obesity to
countries always appears to rise before that of varicose veins or overconsumption of refined carbohydrate foods, and diabetes to
deep vein thrombosis could be explained on the grounds that the overconsumption as well as the increased rate of absorption of
haemorrhoidal veins lack the initial protection afforded to the these foods which results when concentrated starch and sugar
leg veins both by their valves and by their occlusion when are consumed. In these circumstances, he argues, the pancreas
squatting.3 0 is inevitably overloaded, with consequent pathological changes
in some people. This could explain why the incidence of diabetes
rises with the years during which the pancreas is subjected to
this unnatural strain.
Obesity is primarily a disease of modem Westem man and
Hiatus Hernia and Faecal Arrest is rare, particularly in rural situations, in developing countries.
The close epidemiological relationship between hiatus hernia It is the commonest form of malnutrition in the West and known
and a low-residue diet could well be accounted for by the raised to be associated with many of the diseases referred to here.
intra-abdominal pressures consequent on such a diet. Con-
strictive clothing and adiposity have been considered to be
causes of increased intra-abdominal pressures contributing to Conclusion
hiatus hernia, but these must cause insignificant pressure change
compared with straining at stool. The close association geographically, chronologically, and in
individual patients between many diseases characteristic of
modem Western civilization could be explained on the basis of
a deficiency of undigested fibre, in particular cereal fibre, in food.
This supposition is a modification of the original hypothesis of
Diseases associated with Cholesterol Metabolism Cleave, whose work was the main stimiulus which initiated the
studies and considerations outlined above. His emphasis is
placed on the potential dangers of excess sugar consumption,
The geographical distribution of ischaemic heart disease is very whereas the complementary result of carbohydrate refining-
similar to that of diverticular disease. The former has been fibre depletion-has been emphasized here. I endorse Sir
observed often without the latter, but not the reverse. Once Richard Doll's assessment of this work in his foreword to
again a common causative factor linking not only these diseases Diabetes, Coronary Thrombosis and the Saccharine Disease by
but also other diseases of economic development must be sought. Cleave et al.32 Referring to the possibility that the predictions
Trowell,72 73 who drew attention to the close geographical made may be proved correct, he affirmed that "If only a small
relationship between intake of dietary fibre, serum cholesterol, part of them do, the authors will have made a bigger contribu-
and ischaemic heart disease, reinterpreted certain dietary experi- tion to medicine than most university departments or medical
ments planned for different purposes to show that serum research units make in the course of a generation."
cholesterol levels rose or fell while diminishing or increasing the It is, of course, not suggested that in any of the diseases dis-
amount of fibre consumed. Communities such as the Masai in cussed fibre deficiency is a sole causative factor, merely that it
East Africa, who adapted to a low fibre diet from time im- may be one important factor. The associations between these
memorial, are exceptions. These people metabolize their choles- diseases may be more or less close according to the part played
terol differently.74 The mechanisms whereby dietary fibre in- by lack of fibre in the aetiology of each. Any hypothesis postu-
fluences serum cholesterol levels are open to question, but there lated to explain these diseases will be inadequate unless it
is evidence that more bile acids are excreted in the large stools accounts for (a) their geographical distribution, (b) their chrono-
characteristic of an unrefined diet.75 Reabsorption of bile acids logical emergence, and (c) their interrelationship.
is thus reduced. Moreover, it seems likely that absorption of If these observations can be further substantiated it may not
ingested cholesterol is reduced in the presence of a high fibre be an exaggeration to predict that a return to a high-residue diet
content in the faeces.76 could have an effect on the health of Western nations as bene-
It is, of course, admitted that many other factors almost cer- ficial as would be the elimination of cigarette smoking.
tainly contribute to the development of ischaemic heart disease.
It is merely suggested that a fibre-depleted diet may be an I wish to express my gratitude to Miss Ella Wright for her
important factor which has been overlooked. help in preparing the text and to the many doctors in mission
and other rural hospitals in Africa and elsewhere whose co-oper-
ation in epidemiological studies has been invaluable.
Gall-bladder disease is not known to occur geographically in the
absence of gall stones and the two are closely associated clinic- 1 Parks, T. G., Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1968, 61, 932.
2 Hughes, L. E., Gut, 1969, 10, 336.
ally. Cholesterol stones, the most frequent variety in the Western 3Arminski, T. C., and McLean, D. W., Diseases of the Colon and Rectum,
world, are in part dependent on the ratio of cholesterol to bile 1964, 7, 249.
4 Silverberg, E., and Holleb, A. I., Ca-A Cancer3'ournalfor Clinicians, 1972,
acids in the bile. It may well be that alterations in cholesterol 22, 2.
metabolism associated with changes in dietary fibre are among 5 De Dombal, F. T., British Medical Journal, 1971, 1, 649.
6 De Takatas, C., and Quint, M., Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, 1930,
the factors that influence gall-stone formation. 50, 545.
It has been suggested that both ischaemic heart disease32 77 7 Dodd, H., and Cockett, F. B., Pathology and Surgery of the Veins of the
and gall-bladder disease78 may be causally related to sugar intake. Lower Limb. Edinburgh, Livingstone, 1956.
8 Martin, P., Lynn, P. B., Dible, J. H., and Aird, J., Peripheral Vascular
In this context Cleave's brilliant conception of an inverse rela- Disorders. Edinburgh, Livingstone, 1956.
tion between consumption of fibre on the one hand and of 9Davis, L., (editor), Christopher's Textbook of Surgery, 9th edn. Philadel-
phia, Saunders, 1968.
refined starch and sugar on the other is highly relevant.'2 Alexander, C. J., Medical JIournal of Australia, 1972, 1, 215.
11Kakkar, V. V., Howe, C. T., Nicolaides, A. N., Renney, J. T. G., and 48 Burkitt, D. P., Lancet, 1969, 2, 1229.
Clarke, M. B., American Journal of Surgery, 1970, 120, 527. "9 Antar, M. A., Ohlson, M. A., and Hodges, R. E., American Journal of
12 Lambie, J. M., et al., British Medical Journal, 1970, 2, 142. Clinical Nutrition, 1964, 14, 169.
13 General Register Office, Statistical Review of England and Wales, Part 1, 50 Robertson, J., Nature, 1972, 238, 290.
51 Kent-Jones, D. W., and Amos, A. J., Modern Cereal Chemistry, 6th edn.,
Tables Medical. London, H.M.S.O., 1969.
4 Mavor, G. E., British Medical ,ournal, 1969, 4, 680. p. 185. London, Food Trade Press, 1967.
16 Farooki, M. A., Pakistan Medical Forum, 1971, 6, 27. 53
Lubbe, A. M., South African Medical Journal, 1971, 45, 1289.
West, K. M., in Diabetes Mellitus, ed. S. S. Fajans and K. E. Sussman. 58 Walker, A. R. P., South African Medical Journal, 1947, 21, 590.
New York, American Diabetes Association, 1972. 6' Walker, A. R. P., South African MedicalJournal, 1971, 45, 377.
17 Zeppa, R., and Polk, H. C., Journal of the Florida Medical Association, 65 Cleave, T. L., and Campbell, G. D., British Medical,Journal, 1968, 1, 579,
1971, 58, 26. 6 Burkitt, D. P., Walker, A. R. P., and Painter, N. S., Lancet 1972, 2,
18 Polk, H. C., personal communication, 1972. 1408.
19 Castranova, S., personal communication, 1972. 57 Painter, N. S., Almeida, A. Z., and Colebourne, K. W., British Medical
2PPainter, N. S., and Burkitt, D. P., British Medical journal, 1971, 2, 450. Journal, 1972, 2, 137.
2" Bremner, C. G., and Ackerman, L. V., Cancer, 1970, 26, 991. 68 Painter, N. S., Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1964,
" Kyle, J., Adesola, A. O., Tinckler, L. F., and de Beaux, J., Scandinavian 34, 98.
Journal of Gastroenterology, 1967, 2, 77. 59 Painter, N. S., American Journal of Digestive Diseases, 1967, 12, 222.
" Burkitt, D. P., British.Journal of Surgery, 1971, 58, 695. '° Painter, Proceedings of the RoyaT Society of Medicine, 1970, 63, 144.
61 Hodgson,N.J.,S.,British
" Short, A. R., British Journal of Surgery, 1920, 8, 171. journal of Surgery, 1972, 59, 315.
2 Aries, V., Crowther, J., Drasar, B. S., Hill, M. J., and Williams, R. E. O.,
*6 Burkitt, D. P., Cancer, 1971, 28, 3.
36 Burkitt, D. P., Lancet, 1970, 2, 1237. Gut, 1969, 10, 334.
27 Trowell, H. C., Non-infective Diseases in Africa. London, Arnold, 1960. " Hill, M. J., et al., Lancet, 1971, 1, 95.
" Billinghurst, J. R., and Welchman, J. M., British Medical3Journal, 1966, 1 Qettle, A. G., in Tumours of the Alimentary Tracts in Africans, Monograph
211. 25, p. 97. Bethseda, National Cancer Institute, 1967.
2" Gelfand, M., The Sick African, 3rd edn., Johannesburg: Juta, 1967. 5 Wynder, E. L., and Shigematsu, T., Cancer, 1967, 20, 1520.
31 Burkitt, D. P., MedicalMedical_Journal,
30 Burkitt, D. P., British 1972, 2, 556. "' Bockus, H. L., Tachdjian, V., Ferguson, L. K., Mouhran, Y., and Cham-
Annual, 1972. Bristol Wright. berlain, C., GastroenteroloSy, 1961, 41, 225.
"2 Cleave, T. L., Campbell, G. D., and Painter, N. S., Diabetes, Coronary 67 Cleveland, J. C., Litvac, S. F., and Cole, J. W., Cancer Research, 1957, 27,
Thrombosis and the Saccharine Disease, 2nd edn. Bristol, Wright, 1969. 708.
"3 Trowell, H. C., personal communication, 1972. *8 Navarrete, A., and Spjut, H. J., Cancer, 1967, 20, 1466.
" Wilson, L. B., Annals of Surgery, 1912, 56, 809. '" Morson, B. C., and Bussey, H. J. R., Current Problems in Surgery,
"6 Sinclair, H., inJust Consequences, ed. R. Waller. Tonbridge, Knight, 1971. Chicago, Year Book Publishers, 1970.
"6 Boland, F. K., Annals of Surgery, 1942, 115, 939. 70 Cleave, T. L., Journal of the Royal Navy Medical Service, 1956, 42, 55.
71 Halpem, A., et al., Angiology, 1960, 2, 426.
'7 Boyce, F. F., Annals of Surgery, 1951, 133, 631.
8 Kocour, E. J., AmericanJournal of Surgery, 1937, 37, 430. 72 Trowell, H., American3Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1972, 25, 926.
"9 Steiner, P. E., Cancer: Race and Geography. Baltimore, Williams and 73 Trowell, H., European Journal of Clinical and Biological Research, 1972, 17,
Wilkins, 1954. 345.
40 Quinland,W. S., and Cuff, J. R., Archives of Pathology, 1940, 30, 393. 74 Mann, G. V., Spoerry, A., Gray, M., and Jarashow, D., American Journal
41 Helwig, E. B., Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, 1947, 84, 36. of Etidemiology, 1972, 95, 26.
42 Burch, C. E., personal communication, 1971. 7 Antonis, A., and Bersohn, I., American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1962,
43 Bremner, C. G., South African Journal of Surgery, 1971, 9, 127. 11, 142
" Seftel, H. C., Dew, M. C., and Bersohn, I., South African Medical 76 Heaton, K. W., Bile Acids in Health and Disease. Edinburgh, Living-
Journal, 1970, 44, 8. stone, 1972.
"Goldberg, M. D., et al., South African Medical,Journal, 1969, 43, 733. 77 Yudkin, J., British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 1971, 5, 665.
£6 Bremner, C. G., personal communication, 1971. 78 Heaton, K. W., personal communication, 1972.
47 Stemme , . N., personal communication, 1971.
Contemporary Themes
Role of the School Eye Clinic in Modern Ophthalmology
British Medical Journal, 1973, 1, 278-280 also fit in with a unified health service administration
structure and be better placed to indicate, evaluate, and
Summary control future developments towards the prevention of
Routine sight tests for children at intervals throughout
their school career are clearly important; three-quarters
of those referred to the school eye clinics in this area had Introduction
some ocular defect. It is probably no longer necessary for
myopic schoolchildren to be treated by a consultant School eye clinics are an integral part of the medical services
ophthalmologist after their initial examination. provided for schoolchildren and yet the way they are run has
Forty-five per cent. of children referred to the school hardly changed since their inception in 1910. The role of these
eye clinics in this area were found to have squint and/or clinics in the overall picture of the ophthalmic services probably
hypermetropic/anisometropic/astigmatic refractive er- varies from area to area.
rors. Priority should be given to this group because of the The high birth rates in Northamptonshire draw attention to
association of amblyopia with these conditions. Their the medical problems of children, putting pressures on the re-
treatment requires closer association with the hospital sources (not least in manpower) available to deal with them.
ophthalmic department, perhaps even complete unity. In the new town of Corby, as in other new towns, a high pro-
Transfer of children at present seen in the school eye portion of the population is in the preschool and school age
clinic to a hospital-based "children's eye clinic" would groups. This is reflected in the patients seen in the hospital and
local authority ophthalmic clinics where problems of refractive
errors, squint, and amblyopia predominate. It became neces-
Kettering General and Northampton General Hospitals sary to review the organization of the school eye clinic to decide
R. M. INGRAM, M.A., D.M., Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon on priorities. This gave a chance to review the place of this