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Sale Agreement Full Compressed

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THIS AGREEMENT TO SALE is made at [City], on this ________ day of

______________, ____________.

Mr. / Mrs. ________________________________ /o. __________________________
Muslim, adult holding CNIC No. ____________________ Resident of ________________
____________, hereinafter called as SELLER.

Mr. / Mrs. _____________________________ /o. ___________________________
Muslim, adult holding CNIC No. ____________________ Resident of ________________
____________, hereinafter shall be called as PURCHASER.

WHEREAS the Seller abovenamed is owner and in possessed of a ___________________

_______________________________________________________________ measuring
_______________ sq. ft/sq. yds hereinafter called the SAID PROPERTY.

AND WHEREAS the said SELLER agree to sell and the PURCHASER abovenamed agrees to
purchase the said property for a lump sum sale consideration of Rs. _______________/-
(Rupees ____________________________________________________________ only)
on the terms, conditions, hereinafter appearing:-

Seller: ____________________________ Purchaser: ______________________

Contd……. P/2

1. That the “SELLER” has this day received a sum of Rs. ______________________
(Rupees _________________________________________________________________
only) through Cash / Pay Order No. ___________________________________________
Cheque No. _____________________________________________________________
from the aforesaid PURCHASER as a FULL AND FINAL sale consideration and receipt
whereof the said SELLER do hereby fully admit and acknowledge and passed the
separate receipt and SELLER will execute the Sale Deed / General Power of Attorney or
Transfer statement in favor of PURCHASER or his / her nominees and handed over the
vacant peace full possession of the said property alongwith all documents.

2. That the SELLER hereby agrees and undertake to clear all the dues of K.D.A.,
K.M.C., K.E.S.C., Karachi Gas Company, Water Tax, Property Tax, Society / Company
Dues, Telephone bills (if any) and other dues if any in respect of the said property, as
SELLER’S own cost and expenses up to date.

3. That the expenses of Sale Deed, Stamp Duty, Registration Charges, Mutation
Charges, Legal Fees etc. and the other expenses if any, shall be borne and paid by the

4. That this agreement is IRREVOCABLE and the time prescribed above for
completion of the transaction is the essence of this contract.

5. That the SELLER agrees to keep the PURCHASER secured, harmless and
indemnified against all loses and claims made or preferred any one with respect to the
said property.

6. That both SELLER and PURCHASER hereby undertakes to abide by the terms and
conditions of this agreement of sale.

7. __________________________________________________________________

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set and subscribed their
respective hand at [City], the day, month and the year first above mentioned.


1. _____________________________ SELLER:__________________________

Name: _________________________ Name:___________________________

CNIC No. _______________________ CNIC No. _________________________

R/o. ___________________________

2. ______________________________ PURCHASER: ______________________

Name: __________________________ Name:___________________________

CNIC No. ________________________ CNIC No. _________________________

R/o. ____________________________

Received from ___________________________________________________________,

holding CNIC No. _________________________ Resident of ______________________
________________________________________________________________, [City]
PURCHASER a sum of Rs. __________________/- (Rupees ________________________
______________________________________ only) in Cash / through Cheque / Pay
Order No. _____________________________ dated _____________________ drawn
on ____________________________________________________________ [City]
being the FINAL PAYMENT towards the total sale consideration of Rs. ______________
(Rupees ________________________________________________________________
only) in respect of Immovable Property _______________________________________
___________________________________________________________ , [City] as per
agreement dated _____________________.

SELLER: ____________________________
Name: ____________________________
S/o. ____________________________
CNIC No. ____________________________

WITNESS ONE: ____________________________

Name: ____________________________
S/o. ____________________________
CNIC No. ____________________________

WITNESS TWO: ____________________________

Name: ____________________________
S/o. ____________________________
CNIC No. ____________________________

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