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Roughley 2011

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The Medicinal Chemist’s Toolbox: An Analysis of Reactions Used in the

Pursuit of Drug Candidates†
Stephen D. Roughley*,‡ and Allan M. Jordan§

Vernalis (R&D) Ltd., Granta Park, Cambridge, CB21 6GB, U.K.
Cancer Research UK Drug Discovery Unit, Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, University of Manchester, Wilmslow Road,
Manchester, M20 4BX, U.K.

1. INTRODUCTION To this end, we determined to analyze the reaction types used in

Industrial medicinal chemistry departments the world over are the pursuit of novel drug candidates and evaluate their frequency
charged with the rapid delivery of small molecule new chemical of occurrence, alongside other factors such as drug likeness,
entities (NCEs) into the screening process to facilitate the discovery chirality, and the number of steps to each derivative.
of novel medicines to allow for the prevention, management, or cure Such a survey can never be truly comprehensive because of a
of disease. While this headline aim seems straightforward on paper, multitude of factors. For example, company confidentiality
the reliable, timely, and dependable synthesis of NCEs remains an means a substantial proportion of intellectual output remains
unpredictable art that calls for the application of robust and reliable within the confines of the organization and never enters the
chemical transformations to best ensure chances of success and to public domain through publication. Furthermore, the wealth of
information in the literature is too great to wholly encompass in
help alleviate the bottlenecks often caused by synthetic tractability
an analysis such as this. To this end, we elected to analyze a
issues within a drug discovery program. It is little wonder that
representative subset of the literature that we felt offered a
chemists have therefore developed a repertoire of transformations
sensible and manageable snapshot of the types of chemistries
that, to a greater or lesser extent, can be relied upon to furnish the
being applied to medicinal chemistry problems within the
desired derivatives across a variety of chemotypes and in the
pharmaceutical industry. In parallel with the related analysis of
presence of varied pendent functionalities. This collection of
reactions used to produce drug candidates themselves on large
amassed knowledge and experience of robust transformations is
scale,2 we elected to analyze the published output from the
often referred to as the “chemist’s toolbox”, into which they can
medicinal chemistry departments of GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer,
delve to select the best synthetic strategy to furnish the desired
and AstraZeneca, assuming that this would offer a wide summary
chemical transformation. However, the exact contents of this “tool-
of different therapeutic areas and chemical transformations and
box” naturally vary between individual chemists, based largely upon
allowing a direct and meaningful comparison between the two
personal experience.
ends of the chemistry effort in drug discovery and development.
In a recent publication, we noted that “while a recent review
We determined that a survey of the three highest impact
has surveyed the reaction types most commonly used in the large
dedicated medicinal chemistry journals would best represent
scale manufacture of pharmaceuticals, no such review exists for
this output [Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (“JMC”; American
those reactions favored in the small-scale synthesis of drug candi-
Chemical Society, impact factor 4.898), Bioorganic and Medicinal
dates. However, informal discussions between the authors and a
Chemistry (“BMC”; Elsevier, impact factor 3.075), and Bioorganic
small number of practicing medicinal chemists defined a number of
and Medicinal Chemistry Letters (“BMCL”; Elsevier, Impact factor
key reaction types that were almost universally considered to be
2.822)]3 and chose to focus our analysis upon publications dating
essential in the rapid synthesis of compounds for bio-assay”.1 While from 2008, the latest year for which the entire output was
this small survey was useful for the intended purpose, we wondered
available at the start of the analysis process in late 2009. During
how representative the findings would be of the work being
the preparation of this manuscript, workers at GSK published a
conducted within the wider context of pharmaceutical R&D
related analysis covering 4800 reactions performed specifically
laboratories around the world. More interestingly, we considered
during the lead-optimization phase in the Respiratory CEDD at
whether this analysis would support many commonly expressed
GSK, including reactions performed in the high-throughput
beliefs regarding the nature of this work.
parallel array synthesis of compound libraries.4
In our experiences, there are several statements frequently
While offering only a representative overview of the reaction
expressed by those both outside and within the medicinal
types employed and the products produced, this perspective article
chemistry community. For example, discussions with other
offers some insight into the chemistries regularly employed in
chemists have revealed that many of our drug discovery collea-
pharmaceutical R&D laboratories around the world. Not only
gues outside the synthetic community perceive our syntheses to
may this analysis prove or dispel some of the many myths and
consist of typically six steps, predominantly composed of amine
preconceptions that surround the work but we feel it may also
deprotections to facilitate amide formation reactions and Suzuki
prompt areas of further synthetic research, suggesting chemistries
couplings to produce biaryl derivatives. These “typical” syntheses
that are at present under-represented and in clear need of robust,
invariably result in large, flat, achiral derivatives destined for
screening cascades. We believed these statements to be mis-
conceptions, or at the very least exaggerations, but noted there Received: February 18, 2011
was little if any hard evidence in the literature to support our case. Published: April 19, 2011

r 2011 American Chemical Society 3451 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y | J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry PERSPECTIVE

Table 1. Summary of References Analyzed then analyzed manually for each paper and the results aggregated
for analysis following the broad reaction classifications used in
AstraZeneca (AZ) GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Pfizer total
the analysis of reactions used in process (or development)
total papers 24 65 50 139 chemistry.2 In some instances, papers were abstracted with a
JMC 2 12 6 20 comment along the lines “analogues prepared in this manner”;
BMC 0 1 3 4 here, we referred to the original paper to elucidate how many
BMCL 22 52 41 115
variations on each step were performed.
For the analysis of compound features, compound structures
reactions 1117 3897 2301 7315
were retrieved by searching the Beilstein database for each
test compounds 602 1801 1163 3566
citation and selecting only those compounds where pharmaco-
logical data were abstracted (Beilstein query term “PHARM
reliable, and widely applicable methodology to allow concise and exists”).6 Structures were manually refined to remove synthetic
dependable access to new areas of chemical space. intermediates and reagents that have pharmacological properties
It became apparent to us during the early stages of the reaction reported elsewhere, along with compounds abstracted from
analysis process that the results of the analysis could be poten- figures giving background to the biological target investigated.
tially biased by the common approach of most medicinal In a small number of cases, structures had not been abstracted,
chemistry programs of synthesizing a common core motif and and in these cases they were entered manually. By use of these
then performing multiple derivatizations of this core in order to methods, the 7315 reactions and 3566 test compounds described
generate useful structureactivity relationships (SAR) for the in 139 publications were compiled into a data set upon which the
project team. The early synthetic stages would only be counted required analyses could be performed (Table 1).
once but potentially be used in the synthesis of multiple Numbers of screened compounds were determined by manual
compounds. To address this potential bias, we decided to employ analysis of the original papers. The number of synthetic steps to
in tandem a second analytical approach, in addition to this each compound was determined manually from the text and
reaction-based method, in which we considered the functional schemes in the paper. Where more than one route to a
groups present in the reported molecular structures, in particular, compound was described, only the shortest route was included
choosing those groups representing the final product of the in this part of the analysis. Figures quoted are for the longest
reaction types used (i.e., reaction = amide formation, functional linear sequence from the starting material described in the paper,
group = amide; reaction = Sonogashira coupling, functional regardless of whether the origins of this material are described as
group = arylacetylene; etc). This latter approach will also being commercial sources, described elsewhere by citation, or
under-represent certain reaction types, as their product func- not discussed. As such, they represent a minimum length for the
tional groups are generally not considered to be “druglike” (for synthetic sequence. It is impossible to ascertain without doubt
example, O-sulfonylation is a widely used reaction due to the what materials were available to the chemists performing the
synthetic utility of the sulfonate ester products, but there are no individual work from internal corporate collections, and so
sulfonate esters present in the compounds with pharmacological further elaboration of this is not possible.
data because of this same reactivity). However, we believe that, in “Lipinksi”7,8 properties [MWt, H-bond donors (HBD) and
concert with the reaction-based analysis, it will provide a deeper acceptors (HBA), clogP,9 number of rotatable bonds (NRot),10
insight into the chemistries employed by medicinal chemists. and topological polar surface area (TPSA)10,11], numbers of
chiral centers, and the Fsp3 parameter recently proposed by
Lovering et al.12 were calculated using Python, version 2.6.5,13
In order to identify relevant articles, CAS Scifinder5 searches Functional group counts were generated using SMARTS15
were performed by institution, using the keywords “AstraZeneca”, substructure query strings in RDKit. SMARTS strings were vali-
“GSK”, and “Pfizer”, and refined by year 2008, followed by analysis dated using SMARTSViewer.16,17 Aromatic rings were counted
by journal name and keeping only records from Bioorganic and following the system adopted by Ritchie and MacDonald,18 where-
Medicinal Chemistry (Elsevier, BMC), Bioorganic and Medicinal by when a ring is part of a fused ring system, each ring is counted
Chemistry Letters (Elsevier, BMCL), and Journal of Medicinal separately (e.g., purine = imidazole þ pyrimidine). Individual
Chemistry (American Chemical Society, JMC). Manual analysis aromatic ring types were counted using a set of SMARTS strings;
removed a small number of papers from this set that did not SMARTS strings for all 6,6-, 6,5-, and 5,5-fused aromatic rings
represent medicinal chemistry SAR publications. Several papers containing C, N, O, or S, whether synthetically feasible or not, were
provided details of SAR of a number of compounds without systematically enumerated computationally. Analysis of amine,
providing synthetic details; in these cases, the compounds are amide, ether, and halogen environments was performed similarly,
included in the compound-based analysis but not in the reaction using further SMARTS query strings. Counts were aggregated using
based analysis. The distribution of papers, reactions, and com- Knime Desktop, version,20
pounds among target classes is tabulated in the Supporting In-
formation (Tables S1S3); kinases and GPCRs (peptidic and
aminergic) account for approximately half of the papers and 3. REACTION ANALYSIS
compounds, with a broad spread of other target classes represented The reactions in the data set were classified into 10 major
across the remainder. categories based on the overall reaction type, e.g., heteroatom
Reactions were retrieved from SciFinder,5 or in those cases substitutions (see Table 2), and within each category into further
where no reactions were abstracted for a paper, searches were subtypes, e.g., N-alkylation, O-alkylation, etc. In the following
repeated in the Beilstein database6 on a paper-by-paper basis or, sections, we will discuss the overall picture in the major cate-
in a small number of cases, abstracted manually. Reactions were gories and then discuss each category in detail. We conclude this
3452 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry PERSPECTIVE

Table 2. Occurrence Rates of Reactions within the Data Seta

reaction type no. of reactions % of total % of subtype

heteroatom alkylation and arylation 1687 23.1

N-substitution with alkyl-X 390 23.1
reductive amination 386 22.9
N-arylation with Ar-X 458 27.1
amide N-alkylation 49 2.9
aniline N-alkylation 1 0.05
heteroaryl N-alkylation 44 2.6
O-substitution 319 18.9
S-substitution 30 1.8
acylation and related processes 1635 22.4
N-acylaton to amide 1165 71.3
N-sulfonylation 163 9.9
N-acylation to urea 155 9.5
carbamate/carbonate formation 42 2.6
amidine formation 4 0.2
O-acylation to ester 13 0.8
O-sulfonylation 75 4.6
other 18 1.1
CC bond formation 841 11.5
Suzuki coupling 338 40.2
Heck reaction 3 0.4
Sonogashira reaction 155 18.4
Stille reaction 17 2.0
other Pd-catalyzed reactions (Negishi, Kumada, etc.) 11 1.3
ester condensation 46 5.5
Grignard 47 5.6
Wittig olefination 36 4.3
other organometallic (e.g., organolithium) 30 3.6
FriedelCrafts acylation 27 3.2
other 131 15.6
heterocycle formation 601 8.2
N-containing 537 89.4
O-containing 54 8.9
S-containing 10 1.7
protections 225 3.1
deprotections 1319 18.0
reductions 406 5.6
NO2 to amine 78 19.2
amide to amine 53 13.1
CN or imine to amine 21 5.2
ester to alcohol 48 11.8
ketone to alcohol 52 12.8
alkene to alkane 46 11.3
alkyne to alkane 9 2.2
aryl/hetaryl to fully sat. 6 1.5
other 93 22.9
oxidations 110 1.5
alcohols to aldehydes 38 34.5
at sulfur 25 22.7
alcohols to acids 16 14.5
at nitrogen 7 6.4
alkene oxidative cleavage 4 3.6
benzylic/allylic oxidation 1 0.9
alkene oxidation 1 0.9

3453 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry PERSPECTIVE

Table 2. Continued
reaction type no. of reactions % of total % of subtype
oxidations (continued)
other 18 16.4
functional group interconversion (FGI) 413 5.6
alcohol to halide 68 16.5
amide to imidoyl chloride 7 1.7
acid to acid chloride 39 9.4
nitrile to acid 5 1.2
dehydration 20 4.8
carbonyl to CdN 26 6.3
other 248 60.0
functional group addition (FGA) 78 1.1
halogenation 37 47.4
nitration 3 3.8
sulfonation 2 2.6
other 36 46.2
total 7315
Protecting group manipulations are detailed in Table 3.

part of the analysis with a brief discussion of the “top 10” analysis,2 the nitrogen functionalization reactions were further
reactions reported in the data set. subdivided by reaction type.
3.1. Overview of Classes. Table 2 shows the number of reactions 3.2.1. N-Alkylation. Alkylation of nitrogen with alkyl halides,
abstracted in each broad class. At this level of detail, the obtained despite the contingent issues with overalkylation and side reac-
figures correspond well to those outlined in the analysis of reactions tions, accounts for almost a quarter of transformations in this
used in larger-scale drug candidate synthesis.2 Some clear trends class. Reductive aminations,28,29 offering similar products with a
become evident when considering this summarized data set alone. greater degree of control over reactivity and the product thus
The formation of carbonheteroatom bonds account for obtained, are surprisingly only equally popular. These two
almost half of all reactions (45.5%) in the data set, being almost methods together, however, account for half of all heteroatom
equally divided between acylation reactions (amides, ureas, derivatizations. It is worthy of note that in a recent paper of lead
sulfonamides, etc.; see below) and alkylation and arylation optimization and array chemistry at GSK,4 to the surprise of
reactions, perhaps providing an initial indication of the perceived those compiling the array analysis, no examples of reductive
dominance of reductive aminations and amide formations in amination were reported during the survey period.
medicinal chemistry. By contrast, only a little over 1/10 of the 3.2.2. N-Arylation with ArX. Despite the popularity of the
transformations resulted in the formation of carboncarbon bonds. above two transformations, the most common CN bond
This latter figure is perhaps surprising in view of the supposed forming reaction in this section is the aromatic substitution of
preponderance of palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions in an arylhalogen species by a nitrogen, accounting for more than
medicinal chemistry. Despite advances in chemoselective and one-quarter (27%) of the reactions in this category. This
tolerant reaction methodologies, the practicing medicinal chemist displacement of aromatic halogen atoms with amines, both by
still appears to rely heavily upon protecting group strategies to “traditional” nucleophilic displacement (SNAr and related me-
enable the construction of the desired chemical entities. While chanisms, e.g., ANRORC30,31 and SRN132) and by Buchwald
clearly inefficient in terms of time, reagents, and overall yields,2124 Hartwig palladium-catalyzed processes,3340 highlights the uti-
these facilitating processes account for a further 1/5 of all reactions, lity and applicability of this transformation. This utility is no
with this figure being dominated by deprotection reactions. doubt aided by the ease of preparation of the precursor haloge-
Despite the broad utility of heteroaromatic ring systems as core nated heterocyclic moieties and their widespread commercial
scaffolds within medicinal chemistry programs,2527 only 8.2% of availability, itself almost certainly encouraged by their utility in
reactions involve heterocycle formation. This must reflect either CC bond forming processes (see below).
their formation early in a synthetic scheme or their purchase from 3.2.3. Amide and Heteroaryl N-Alkylation. While amide
commercial sources and subsequent diversification. The remainder formation remains ubiquitous (see below), further derivatization
of the reactions are accounted for by oxidation state adjustments and of this functionality by N-alkylation is notably less commonplace,
other functional group manipulations. with few examples of amide N-alkylation appearing in the
3.2. Heteroatom Alkylation and Arylation. Chemists clearly analysis. While it is a common SAR manipulation to investigate
favor reactions involving heteroatom alkylation and arylation for the importance of a hydrogen bond donor in the derivative, this
which robust and reliable methods are readily available and offer transformation does not appear to be routinely employed to
a diverse set of widely applicable protocols (Table 2). Almost explore the SAR around the amide bond. This is most likely a
80% of all heteroatom alkylation and arylation reactions are result of the ease and popularity of reactions such as reductive
derivatizations of nitrogen atoms, with the large majority of the amination to prepare the substituted amine prior to the amide
remainder being oxygen functionalization. In view of this and in formation step. Similarly limited is the N-alkylation of nitrogen
line with the precedent from the earlier process chemistry containing heterocyclic cores, perhaps limited either by the
3454 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry PERSPECTIVE

important role such unsubstituted systems play as hydrogen The metrics regarding the acylation reactions discussed in
bond donors in their interactions with biological macromolecules sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 recapitulate very closely those described
or by issues of regioselectivity. in the literature for the synthesis of drug candidates on the
3.2.4. Alkylation of Other Heteroatoms. O-Substitution reac- process scale,2 further highlighting their importance in the
tions account for almost 1/5 of all heteroatom substitutions, preparation of biologically relevant molecules. However, it is
although this figure includes O-arylations along with alkylation difficult to ascertain whether this is the case because (i) the
by both the Mitsunobu reaction41,42 and alkyl halide and product functionalities are critically and uniquely important for
sulfonate reagents. the resultant biological interactions or (ii) their inclusion is self-
In terms of N-substitution reactions, the frequencies observed selecting in the early stages of compound evolution because of
largely reflect those reactions employed in the larger scale synthesis their broad applicability and reliability, leading to a readily
of drug candidate molecules,2 where N-alkylation and reductive accessible subset of molecules having desirable profiles.
amination reactions are highly prevalent. In contrast, both S- and 3.4. CC Bond Formation. Data presented in the literature
O-substitutions appear to be less common in the research setting surveyed clearly demonstrate that palladium-mediated CC
compared to the synthesis of molecules selected as potential drug bond formation is the methodology of choice for the construction
candidates. This cannot be readily attributable to the ease of of such bonds in small molecules for biological evaluation, account-
synthesis of such compounds, as in general there are fewer possible ing for almost two-thirds of all transformations in this class. The
side reactions than in the corresponding N-substitution transforma- diversity of available starting materials (a search of the Available
tions, and it was anticipated that such couplings would be more Chemicals Directory47 reveals ∼6600 aromatic boronic acids alone,
commonplace in the small-scale laboratory environment. along with 4800 boronate esters and 750 trifluoroboronate salts and
3.3. Acylation Reactions. The acylation class of reactions ∼660000 chloro-, bromo-, or iodoarenes), chemoselectivity, and
(including N- and O-substitutions with a variety of carbon- and tolerability of these reactions clearly adds to their utility and
sulfur-based electrophiles) accounts for 22% of the reported reac- attractiveness. Additionally, the reactions are, in general, readily
tions in our data set. As such, it occurs at a very similar rate compared amenable to parallel synthesis operations, often in contrast to the
to the heteroatom alkylation and arylation reaction types. However, other reactions in the CC bond forming category. The Suzuki (or
in contrast to that group, the acylation class is dominated by amide SuzukiMiyaura) cross-coupling reaction40,4850 is the single most
formations, which account for over 70% of such processes (Table 2). numerous reaction within the CC bond forming group, account-
3.3.1. Amide Formations. In line with the common perception ing for 40% of all such reactions. This popularity is almost certainly
described in the introduction, amide formation is clearly the most due to the almost unique combination of reagent stability51 and
numerous reaction, both within the acylation reactions class (in safety.52 Alternative Pd-catalyzed processes are generally only
which 7 out of every 10 reactions are amide formations) and in employed when issues of stability or reactivity prevent a successful
absolute reaction count across all classes (see below). Likely outcome in a Suzuki reaction.
explanations for this include the wide range of robust methodol- The Sonogashira reaction,5355 in which a terminal acetylene
ogies available for the synthesis of amide bonds, as a result of the is coupled directly with a suitable haloarene or haloalkene, ranks
efforts made in the area of peptide synthesis,43,44 the ready surprisingly highly in this list at 18%, the second largest within
availability of starting materials by a range of synthetic methods, the category. Again, this is likely to be a combination of the
and the relative ease of purification of the reaction products, relatively benign nature of the starting materials and the utility of
factors that contribute to the amenability of the reaction to high- the acetylene linker, both in its own right and as a precursor to
throughput parallel synthesis.4 We found a wide variety of other functionalities.
reagents and conditions used to accomplish this transformation These couplings are not without limitations and care must be
within this data set, with no clear preference among the com- taken to ensure that residual palladium does not cause spurious
munity for a particular reagent. noncompound related artifacts, particularly as a compound
3.3.2. Other Acylation Reactions. Additional N-acylations progresses into more advanced cellular and in vivo assay systems,
(including the analogous sulfonylations) are also well repre- where palladium toxicity may prove confounding.5658
sented, with the SAR-informative N-sulfonamides and ureas being Outside the scope of these couplings, a variety of other CC
prepared in roughly similar proportions, between them accounting bond forming reactions are widely represented to a lesser extent,
for 2/3 of the remaining reactions in this class. O-Sulfonylation with selected examples of ester condensations, Grignard reactions
reactions are the next largest group, accounting for almost 5% of (including Weinreb amide-style methodology5961), and Friedel-
reactions in this category, almost invariably representing the forma- Crafts acylations comprising the majority of the described transfor-
tion of mesylate (OMs), tosylate (OTs), and more rarely, triflate mations. Wittig reactions6264 and Grignard reactions,5961 both of
(OTf) sulfonate esters to serve as leaving groups in heteratom which we highlighted in our informal survey,1 each account for
alkylations (directly or via conversion to a halide first) and, to a around 5% of CC bond forming reactions (and therefore around
lesser extent, as cross-coupling partners in Pd-catalyzed processes. 1 in 200 of all reactions), making them some of the most common
The remaining reaction types within this class are considerably less non-Pd-mediated CC bond forming reactions but relatively rare
well exemplified, most likely because of a combination of their overall. We have grouped the various other metal-based processes
in vivo lability (which is often deliberately exploited in the design of together in a single “organometallics” category, in contrast to the
prodrugs45,46) or strong basicity. While O-acylation is described review of process chemistry reactions,2 as the individual subtypes
both here and elsewhere, the examples listed here are distinct from were very rare, with only a few examples of each. Among other
those O-acylations where the sole aim is protection of functionality. methodologies not listed specifically in Table 2 are a wide variety of
In the instances listed above, the O-acylation is a deliberate step to transformations, predominantly aldol-type condensations.6570
introduce the ester functionality, either into compounds for biolo- Once again, the common underlying theme with the majority of
gical evaluation or as a synthetic handle for further manipulation, these transformations is the accessibility of a wide range of starting
rather than the addition of a protecting group. materials, some tolerability of other functionality, and the robust,
3455 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry PERSPECTIVE

Table 3. Detailed Analysis of Protecting Group Manipula- being O-containing heterocycles syntheses. The analysis of
tions within the Reaction Data Set compound substructures later in this manuscript discusses in
more detail the individual heterocyclic systems reported within
protection deprotection this data set.
3.6. Protecting Group Manipulations. Across the protecting
protected functionality/group no. % no. %
groups encountered in the data set (Table 3), all examples
NH total 88 39.0 608 46.2 showed considerably more (up to 20-fold) deprotections than
N-Boc 73 32.4 357 27.1 corresponding protection steps. This trend is in agreement with
N-Bn 0 0.0 29 2.2 that reported for process chemistry.2 There are several explana-
N-Cbz 1 0.4 10 0.8 tions for this trend: (1) use of ready-protected commercial
other NH 14 6.2 212 16.1
building blocks; (2) use of ready-protected noncommercial
building blocks from internal archives; (3) the protection of a
RCO2H 92 40.9 395 29.9
common motif, followed by parallel diversification and subse-
ROH total 41 18.2 279 21.1
quent deprotections of multiple analogues; (4) the introduction
OBn 1 0.4 19 1.4 of protected functionality by other means, with later deprotec-
OSiR3 11 4.9 89 6.7 tion; examples include displacement of a halogen with nitrogen,
OAc 3 1.3 12 0.9 oxygen, or sulfur nucleophiles71 and the Curtius degradation of
other OH 26 11.6 159 12.1 acids to Boc-protected amines (see Scheme 1 for examples).72 It
RSH 21 1.6 is noteworthy that ∼80% of all protecting group manipulations
others 4 1.8 16 1.2 are related to one or the other component of the amide formation
total 225 100 1319 100 reaction (i.e., acid or amine), reflecting the dominance of this
reaction, although it is important to emphasize that this is not the
sole use of such products.
Scheme 1. Introduction of Protected Functionalities by Protection of carboxylic acids and NH groups occur in similar
Non-Protection Routesa numbers, accounting for 80% of all protection reactions. Boc
protection of NH groups dominates, with no benzylations and
only a single example of a Cbz protection in the data set. The
corresponding deprotections show greater diversity, although
unsurprisingly Boc still dominates. This is almost certainly due to
the broad availability of Boc-protected reagents and the asso-
ciated simple protection and deprotection conditions.
Carboxylic acids are invariable protected as simple esters,
predominantly methyl and ethyl, while occasional use is made
of benzyl and tert-butyl esters when alternative deprotection
conditions are required.
For protection of alcohol and phenol groups (which account
for ∼20% of both protection and deprotection reactions), silyl
ethers are the biggest single category accounting for around one-
quarter of all OH protections and around one-third of OH
deprotections. Over half of all OH protections and deprotections
are categorized as “other”, suggesting that beyond the silyl ethers
there is a broad range of protection strategies used in this class, often
reflecting a combination of “personal favorites” and commercial
availability of preprotected starting materials. The corresponding
sulfur analogues are more rarely encountered; there are no examples
Top: Introduction of a methyl ether by SNAr in a synthesis of CXCR2 of S-protection in the data set and only 21 deprotections (1.6% of
antagonists (AZ) and subsequent deprotection.71 Bottom: Introduction total deprotections), 19 of which are from a single paper from GSK
of a Boc-protected amine by Curtius degradation of a carboxylic acid in
the synthesis of EphB4 tyrosine kinase inhibitors (AZ).72
describing a series of thiol-based ACE2 inhibitors.73 This is almost
certainly a consequence of the reactive nucleophilic nature of the
reliable nature of the chemistry involved. The large proportion of deprotected thiol groups, which can disrupt disulfide bridges within
reactions in the “other” category reflects the centrality of the CC proteins and undergo covalent conjugation with free cysteine thiol
bond forming reaction category to organic synthesis and the groups (either directly or via breaking of an existing cystine disulfide
diversity of methods available for its execution. bridge), leading medicinal chemists to avoid their incorporation.74
3.5. Heterocycle Formation. A heterocycle synthesis in 3.7. Reduction Reactions. The most common transforma-
which multiple different heteroatoms are present in the synthe- tion within this group is the reduction of the nitro group to an
sized ring was classified under each; i.e., pyrroles and imidazoles amine (Table 2), often employing the precursor both as a
are classified as N-containing, but thiazoles are classified as both regiochemical director of installed functionality and as a masked
N-containing and S-containing, following the same convention amine group, ready to be derivatized via acylation or reductive
used in the analysis of development chemistry reactions amination. Similarly, the reduction of amides, nitriles, and imines
(Table 2).2 From this analysis, it can be seen that N-containing are also commonplace, in this instance generating a homologated
heterocycle synthesis dominates, accounting for almost 90% of amine that can also provide useful structureactivity informa-
this reaction class, with the majority of the remaining reactions tion. Overall, reductions of various functionalities to amino
3456 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry PERSPECTIVE

groups correspond to at least 37% of reactions in this group (see leaving groups in SNAr reactions, where they perform better than
below for “other reductions”), again pointing to the centrality of their thioether precursors.76,77
amine-derived products within medicinal chemistry. These data Oxidation of alcohols to acids is the next biggest single
do not include reductive aminations (another 386 reactions), as oxidation type reported (16%), again highlighting the impor-
in general the imine intermediate is not isolated. tance of the acid group within medicinal chemistry as a precursor
The reduction of ester to alcohol occurs with a frequency to amides and heterocyclic compounds in particular. A broad
similar to that of the analogous amide to amine reduction. range of other oxidation processes are also represented, although
Reduction of aldehydes and ketones to alcohols also occurs at all at lower levels than the above. It is clear that in the majority of
a similar level, and in total OH-forming reductions account for cases, oxidation is used as an adjustment prior to further reaction.
almost 25% of reductions. 3.9. Functional Group Interconversions. Given the preva-
Interestingly, the reduction of alkene to alkane (11.3%) is lence of certain key reaction types already noted, it is hardly
much more prevalent than the reduction of alkyne to alkane (2.2%). surprising that the key functional group interconversions identi-
It has been supposed that both the Heck75 and Sonogashira5355 fied by this analysis are the conversion of an alcohol to a halide
palladium-mediated couplings are primarily employed specifically to (16.5%, Table 2) and carboxylic acid to acid chloride (9.4%),
form such alkane linkages postcoupling by simple hydrogenation. given that these functionalities can both be employed in the
However, these figures do not reflect this hypothesis, being inversely highly prevalent derivatization of amines by alkylation or acyla-
proportional to the frequency of such cross-coupling reactions (the tion reactions, respectively. The vast majority of examples within
Sonogashira coupling is 50-fold more prevalent in this data set than this category come in the “other” category, representing the
the Heck reaction (Table 2)). The number of Sonogashira reactions diversity of this group.
(155) far outweighs the instances of alkyne reduction (9), suggest- Within the “other” category, a number of reactions are
ing that the alkynes so-formed are incorporated for inclusion in the featured on a regular basis: (1) diazotization reactions of anilines
final products or for nonreductive derivatization. Conversely, alkene and their subsequent conversion to iodoarenes (the Sandmeyer
reductions (46) outnumber Heck reactions (3). The most likely reaction); (2) halogen displacement with CN; (3) Pd-mediated
explanation for this is that the alkene group is synthesized by alkoxy- and amino- carbonylations to esters and simple amides.
alternative methods, such as the Wittig reaction6264 or aldol/ While these last two transformations could be considered as
elimination reaction.6570 carboncarbon bond forming reactions, they have been in-
Other reductive processes not specifically mentioned in the text, cluded here rather than the alternative section, as their use was
which account for almost 23% of reductions, predominantly primarily to adapt or interchange pendent functionality, as
included examples of nitroso reductions to the corresponding amine opposed to constructing the molecular scaffold.
and heterocyclic scaffold reformation, such as the reductive cleavage By far the most prevalent transformation not specifically listed
of an isoxazole and subsequent recyclization to a pyrimidine or above, however, was the conversion of aromatic halides to
pyrazole, allowing expansion of SAR by facile scaffold-hopping. boronic acids and boronate esters prior to Suzuki coupling
3.8. Oxidation Reactions. Perhaps the most striking initial reactions.48,49 This accounted for almost half of the unlisted
observation regarding oxidation reactions is how much rarer they “other” transformations, predominantly from a single citation
are than reduction reactions (only 110 oxidation reactions within the data set.79
compared with 406 reductions (Table 2)). The reasons for this 3.10. Functional Group Additions. Halogenations dominate
are likely to be complex and depend on the availability of starting this facet of chemistry, and akin to the functional group inter-
materials, along with the hazardous nature of oxidizing reagents conversions discussed above, their occurrence is anticipated
in general, coupled with environmental concerns surrounding given the prevalence of Pd-mediated couplings observed earlier
the disposal and toxicity of the heavy metals employed in many that depend upon the routine access to halogenated precursor
oxidations. materials. They also benefit from a broad range of reagents, many
The most common member of this class (35%) is the of which show mild and selective reactivity, in contrast to the
oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes, useful intermediates for both other reactions in this group. More surprising, given the utility of
CC bond forming reactions and reductive amination reactions. the resultant functionality, the incorporation of a nitro moiety is
It is noteworthy that this oxidation state is accessed entirely by uncommon in the literature surveyed for this analysis. As the
oxidation within this data set, with no reports of the controlled nitro to amine reduction is relatively common (78 reactions in
reduction of nitriles or esters directly to the aldehydes. Many of the data set), it would appear that nitrated materials, in the
the alcohol precursors for this oxidation were obtained by context of the syntheses discussed herein, are generally pur-
reduction of the corresponding ester to the alcohol prior to chased or obtained by prior synthetic manipulation of commer-
reoxidation. It is likely that this two-step procedure is preferred, cially available nitro compounds rather than being prepared by
as the aldehydes are generally more reactive than the correspond- nitration as part of the published reaction sequence. It is likely
ing esters, resulting in difficulty controlling the reduction route, that this is due to a combination of the potentially hazardous
whereas there are many good methods for controlled oxidation nature of the nitration reaction, along with the diversity of
that offer relatively mild selective conditions to achieve the available nitro-containing building blocks (a search of the Symyx
required transformation without significant overoxidation. Available Chemical Directory47 reveals more than of 97 000
Clearly, a direct reduction method to aldehydes with the opera- nitroarene-containing compounds).
tional simplicity and reliability of the reductions to alcohols Other notable functional group additions not specifically listed
would provide an improvement in synthetic efficiency in these are the introduction of nitroso functionality as a masked amine,
cases.78 which may also go some way toward explaining the surprising
Following this are oxidations occurring at sulfur, sulfide to rarity of nitration processes, and the introduction of an enamine
sulfoxide and to sulfone, accounting for 23% of oxidations. Both substituent using dimethylformamide dimethyl acetal as a pre-
of these products are themselves most likely to be employed as cursor to heterocyclic ring formation.
3457 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry PERSPECTIVE

Table 4. Top 10 Reactions by Frequency in the 2008 Data Set the top 10 list. Our straw poll correctly identified 7 (sulfonylation
and Sonogashira reactions, in addition to those listed above) of
reaction no. of reactions % of all reactions
this revised top 10 list. However, the Heck reaction is among the
N-acylation to amide 1165 16.0 10 least common reactions in our survey (only 3 reactions,
N-containing heterocycle formation 537 7.4 accounting for 0.04% of the total). The remaining 2 reactions in
N-arylation with Ar-X 458 6.3 our straw poll (Grignard and Wittig reactions) have been
RCO2H deprotection 395 5.4 discussed above.
N-subs with alkyl-X 390 5.3
In general, the trends are similar to those observed within the
field of process chemistry,2 with a few variations noted in the text,
reductive amination 386 5.3
most of which can be attributed to the differing goals of medicinal
N-Boc deprotection 357 4.9
and process chemistries.
Suzuki cross-coupling reaction 338 4.6
O-substitution 319 4.4
other NH deprotection 212 2.9 4. COMPOUND ANALYSIS
total 4557 62.4 We have noted throughout the manuscript that some reac-
tions may be over-represented because of their tendency to occur
later in the synthesis. To address the question of whether this use
3.11. Summary of Reaction Types and a “Top 10” Reac- of certain well-developed reactions that are readily amenable to
tions List. The literature data set shows that while medicinal parallel synthesis (e.g., amide formations) is biasing the reaction
chemists rely heavily on a relatively small number of reaction count in favor of these processes in a way not seen for the analysis
types, the remainder of the reactions used covers a wide range of of process development reactions,2 where only a single com-
different types in order to achieve the goal of discovering new pound is normally being made, we also analyzed all the com-
drug candidate molecules. In general terms, heteroatom alkyla- pounds within the published data set by compound structure. In
tion and acylation reactions account for almost half of the this case, we counted various functional groups that were likely to
reported reactions. Protecting group manipulations account for be formed by the synthetic reactions described. While this also
∼20% of reactions, whereas CC bond forming and hetero- has some limitations (for example, substructures being formed as
cycle-forming reactions each account for ∼10% of reactions. reactive functional handles that are subsequently further reacted
However, within this set, a small number of processes dominate not being included), we feel that it is perhaps more representative
(Table 4); notably, ∼1 in 6 of all reactions in the data set was an and, taken with the above reaction-based analysis, provides a
amide formation. While this figure is lower than has been more complete picture.
suggested (various sources quote figures of up to 50% of 4.1. General Points. Table 5 shows the headline data for the
reactions being amide formations80), it is still remarkably high occurrence rates of a range of functional groups within those
for a single transformation. Indeed, amide formations alone compounds for which biological data were reported (3566
account for more reactions than any of the other broad categories compounds). The data shown are the total number of occur-
except for heteroatom alkylation/arylation and deprotections. rences of the functional group or substructure within the data set,
Nitrogen-containing heterocycle formation is the next most the mean number of occurrences per compound (across all
commonly employed synthetic methodology. Notably, the Su- compounds, not just those in which it is found, i.e., the total
zuki coupling, a perceived favorite, does indeed appear in the top number of occurrences divided by 3566 compounds), the
10 but ranks lower than both N-Boc deprotection and carboxylic number and % of compounds containing at least one occurrence
acid deprotection. Seven of the top 10 list are either acylation of the functional group, and the maximum number of occur-
reactions or reactions leading to potential amide-forming pre- rences of that functional group within a single compound within
cursors, accounting for 30% of all reactions. The reactions in the the data set. Perhaps the most obvious point from Table 5 is the
top 10 list themselves account for almost 2/3 of all reactions universality of aromatic rings within medicinal chemistry; 99% of
reported. Taken together, we see that while medicinal chemists compounds contain at least one aromatic ring of some sort,
use a broad range of synthetic methodologies, the suggestion that 94.3% contain at least one benzene ring, and 72.5% contain at
there are a small number of “favorites” seems to hold some truth. lease one heteroaromatic ring, with an average over the entire
Interestingly, of these “top 10” favorites, 5 were highlighted in data set of almost three aromatic rings per compound. This figure
our previous publication (amide formation, N-arylation with compares well with Ritchie and Macdonald’s suggestion of a
ArX, reductive amination, Suzuki reaction, and O-sub- maximum of three aromatic rings per compound.18
stitution), the selection for which was based on an informal Additionally, amides occur in just over 50% of compounds,
“straw poll”.1 It is likely that the omission of nitrogen-containing and both aliphatic amines and biaryl systems occur in ∼40% of
heterocycle formation reflects the somewhat broad brush that compounds, while 35% of compounds contain an alkoxyaryl
this category covers, but it is interesting to speculate whether the ether group. Thioethers are the least prevalent heteroatom
fact that 3 of the remaining 4 reaction types were deprotection linkage, as expected because of their oxidation potential. Within
reactions reflects the mindset of the medicinal chemist, in which the halides, 14% contain an alkyl fluoride, while the other alkyl
such processes are almost overlooked when considering syn- halides are, as is to be expected because of their reactivity, almost
thetic complexity. Removing protecting group manipulations completely absent. Aryl fluorides (∼20%) and chlorides (∼30%)
(and ignoring the “other” categories within each category, as are common, with the heavier and more lipophilic bromo- and
these represent a combination of many differing processes) adds iodoarenes being less common. More detailed discussion of each
sulfonamide formation (163 reactions, 2.2% of total), Sonoga- subgroup is presented below.
shira reaction (155 reactions, 2.1%), urea formation (155 reac- 4.2. Amines. With 42.9% of compounds containing an
tions, 2.1%), and nitro to amine reduction (78 reactions, 1.1%) to aliphatic amine, this group is one of the most popular
3458 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry PERSPECTIVE

Table 5. Summary of Functional Group Occurrences across the Data Set of Compounds with Biological Data (3566 Compounds)
total no. of occurrences of mean no./compd across no. of compds with g1 % of compds with g1 max. no. of FG in single
subclass FG in data set entire data set occurrence of FG occurrence of FG compd

Class: Amine
aliphatic 1719 0.48 1529 42.9 4
aryl 896 0.25 810 22.7 3
diaryl 561 0.16 503 14.1 2
Class: (Thio)ether
ROR 609 0.17 530 14.9 6
ROAr 1568 0.44 1231 34.5 5
ArOAr 283 0.08 280 7.9 2
C-S-C 234 0.07 228 6.4 2

Class: Acyl, Sulfonyl, Etc.

RCO2H 242 0.07 234 6.6 2
ArCO2H 134 0.04 133 3.7 2
amide 2376 0.67 1942 54.5 5
sulfonamide 383 0.11 374 10.5 2
ester 108 0.03 101 2.8 4
urea 325 0.09 323 9.1 2
carbamate 68 0.02 68 1.9 1
carbonate 1 0.00 1 0.0 1
amidine 37 0.01 37 1.0 1
Class: sp sp
2 2

biaryl 1682 0.47 1375 38.6 3

arylalkene 116 0.03 87 2.4 2
arylalkyne 253 0.07 152 4.3 2
Class: Aromatic Ring
all Ar 10633 2.98 3532 99.0 6
all heteroaromatic 4362 1.22 2586 72.5 4
all 5-mra 2509 0.70 2067 58.0 4
all 6-mra 8124 2.28 3515 98.6 5
benzenoid 6270 1.76 3363 94.3 4
N-containing (5-mra) 2171 0.61 1813 50.8 4
N-Containing (6-mra) 1853 0.52 1550 43.5 3
O-containing 406 0.11 371 10.4 2
S-containing 480 0.13 473 13.3 2
Class: Alcohol
ROH 486 0.14 371 10.4 4
ArOH 232 0.07 179 5.0 3
R/ArSH 39 0.01 39 1.1 1
Class: Alkyl Halide
R-F 1588 0.45 496 13.9 9
R-Cl 13 0.00 13 0.4 1
R-Br 0 0.00 0 0.0 0
R-I 0 0.00 0 0.0 0
Class: Aryl Halide
Ar-F 912 0.26 685 19.2 4
Ar-Cl 1325 0.37 1071 30.0 3
Ar-Br 93 0.03 92 2.6 2
Ar-I 62 0.02 62 1.7 1
Class: Miscellaneous
sulfoxide 4 0.00 4 0.1 1

3459 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry PERSPECTIVE

Table 5. Continued
total no. of occurrences of mean no./compd across no. of compds with g1 % of compds with g1 max. no. of FG in single
subclass FG in data set entire data set occurrence of FG occurrence of FG compd
Class: Miscellaneous (Continued)
sulfone 88 0.02 86 2.4 2
ArNO2 15 0.00 15 0.4 1
5-mr and 6-mr refer to five-membered and six-membered rings respectively.

Table 6. Detailed Analysis of Aliphatic Amines in the Data Set

amine type max. no. % of all aliphatic amines % of subclass

primary amine 2 84 4.9

secondary amine 2 605 35.2
secondary NMe 1 120 7 19.8
secondary piperidine 1 94 5.5 15.5
secondary piperidin-4-yl 1 38 2.2 6.3
secondary piperidin-3-yl 1 35 2 5.8
secondary piperidin-2-yl 1 3 0.2 0.5
secondary piperazinea 2 89 5.2 14.7
secondary pyrrolidine 1 78 4.5 12.9
secondary pyrrolidin-3-yl 1 60 3.5 9.9
secondary pyrrolidin-2-yl 1 5 0.3 0.8
secondary morpholineb 1 59 3.4 9.8
secondary azetidinec 1 12 0.7 2.0
secondary azetidin-3-yl 1 6 0.3 1.0
secondary homopiperazine 1 1 0.1 0.2
tertiary amine 2 1030 59.9
tertiary pyrrolidine 2 235 13.7 22.8
tertiary pyrrolidin-1-yl 1 115 6.7 11.2
tertiary pyrrolidine-1,3-diyl 2 73 4.2 7.1
tertiary pyrrolidine-1,2-diyl 1 7 0.4 0.7
tertiary piperazine 2 196 11.4 19.0
tertiary piperazin-N,N0 -diyl 2 134 7.8 13
tertiary piperidine 3 181 10.5 17.6
tertiary piperidine-1-yl 1 17 1 1.7
tertiary piperidine-1,4-diyl 1 105 6.1 10.2
tertiary piperidine-1,3-diyl 1 3 0.2 0.3
tertiary piperidine-1,2-diyl 1 1 0.1 0.1
tertiary dimethyl 1 169 9.8 16.4
tertiary morpholined 1 72 4.2 7
tertiary diethyl 1 13 0.8 1.3
tertiary azetidine 1 12 0.7 1.2
tertiary azetidin-1-yl 1 4 0.2 0.4
tertiary azetidin-1,3-diyl 1 6 0.3 0.6
tertiary homopiperazinee 1 11 0.6 1.1
β-fluoro 4 14 0.8
γ-fluoro 1 1 0.1
β-O 3 494 28.7
γ-O 3 206 12
β-N 4 884 51.4
γ-N 2 393 22.9
All piperazines were linked via N0 . b All morpholines linked via 2-position. c No occurrences of secondary azetidin-2-yl in the data set. d All except one
example are N-monosubstituted. e All N,N0 -disubstituted.

functionalities outside the aromatic rings. In many cases, an detrimental effects on potency. Visual inspection suggests that
amino group has been added to the molecule in order to enhance these are often introduced in benzylic positions, most likely by
solubility and decrease lipophilicity while attempting to avoid reductive amination of a benzaldehyde precursor or via ether
3460 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry PERSPECTIVE

and avoiding issues of chirality), with only 12% disubstitued

at the 1,3-position or 1,2-position. Dimethylamines represent a
further 16% of tertiary amines (in sharp contrast with diethyla-
mines, which are more than 10-fold less common), while 7% are
morpholines (almost exclusively monosubstituted on the N
position). As observed for secondary amines, azetidines (one-
third N-monosubstituted and one-half 1,3-disubstituted) and
homopiperazines (exclusively N,N0 -disubstituted) are both
poorly represented within the data set. Again, ∼80% of tertiary
amines are accounted for by the same five amine types
(pyrrolidine, piperazine, piperidine, dimethyl, and morpholine)
as for the secondary amines. Figure 1 summarizes the most
Figure 1. Most common aliphatic amines and favored connectivities (in
common secondary and tertiary amines and their preferred
descending order of occurrence from left to right). Dotted bonds substitution positions. Ritchie et al.81 have recently investigated
indicate point(s) of attachment. the effect of aromatic and aliphatic ring types on compound
developability and concluded that heteroaliphatic rings are likely
to be beneficial, although they caution that they may also
Table 7. Breakdown of Alkoxyaryl Subtypes introduce hERG-induced toxicity, which correlates well with
the trend seen in this data set for their incorporation.
ArOR type max no. % of ArOR (% of parent type)
Half of the amines have a β-nitrogen atom (including the ∼15%
simple alkyl ethers 4 606 38.6 of amines that are piperazines) and one-quarter a γ-nitrogen atom.
ArOMe 4 421 26.8 (69.5) Additionally, a little over one-fourth of amines have a β-oxygen atom
solubilizing 3 314 20.0 (including the ∼7.5% that are morpholines) and around one in
β-nitrogen 2 88 5.6 (28.0)
eight a γ-oxygen atom. This almost certainly reflects the utility of
amino, amide, and ether linkages in the introduction of the amino
methylenedioxy 1 88 11.2a
groups and possibly also their role as solubilizing groups. Fluorine
ethylenedioxy 1 11 1.4a
atoms in the β-position and γ-position are much rarer, despite their
ArOCF3 1 92 5.9 modifying properties (see section on halogens below).
ArOCH2CF3 1 5 0.3 In addition to the aliphatic amines, ∼1/3 of compounds
These percentages are doubled (i.e., 88/1568 = 5.6%), as each contain at least one aryl- or diarylamino group. Visual inspection
alkylidenedioxy group will have counted as 2 ArOR groups in the suggests that monoarylamines are most often encountered in the
1568 total. form of 2-aminopyridine and 2- or 4-aminopyrimidines (and
their fused derivatives), where potential in vivo toxicity is less of a
linkages to aromatic rings, by O-alkylation of a suitable phenolic concern than for aniline-derived systems following dealkylation.
precursor. Table 6 shows a detailed breakdown of the amines In the case of diarylamines, the second aromatic ring is a phenyl
encountered within the data set. Primary amines are rare; only ring in many cases, as the potential for in vivo metabolism to the
5% of the amines fall into this category. Of the remaining 95%, a free aniline is much reduced.8284 Both groups provide, in many
little over one-third are secondary amines, and the majority (60% cases, a hydrogen bond donor/acceptor pair, forming key inter-
of amines) are tertiary. Further examination of the secondary actions with the intended biological target, particularly in the
amines shows 20% of them to be terminal NH-methyl groups, field of kinase inhibitors.85,86
with approximately equal numbers of piperazines and piperidines 4.3. Ethers/Thioethers. Ethers are a commonly represented
(∼15% each). The piperazines are all attached to the rest of the functionality within the data set; 2694 ethers and thioethers are
molecule via the reactive N0 -position, whereas the piperidines are to be found among the 3566 compounds, an average of 0.76
split almost equally between the 3-postion and 4-position, with ethers/compound, with some compounds containing as many as
only a few examples of 2-substitution. Pyrrolidines are marginally 6 examples of a single subtype within this class (Table 5). While
less common (13%), with the 3-position linkage dominating. alkoxy aryl ethers (ROAr) account for more than half of this total,
Morpholines account for ∼10% of secondary amines, and all all types are well represented, although as mentioned above,
were linked via the 2-position. Homopiperazines and azetidines thioethers are relatively rare. The ether groups are readily
were rare. It is striking that ∼75% of secondary amines are synthesized, can act as H-bond acceptors, and decrease lipophi-
accounted for by only five categories (methyl, piperidine, piper- licity, thereby potentially enhancing aqueous solubility and
azine, pyrrolidine, and morpholine). reducing metabolic liabilities. In the following sections, we
Examination of the tertiary amines shows a similar pattern. analyze these subtypes in more detail.
Pyrrolidines are the most common, accounting for almost one- 4.3.1. Alkoxy Aryl Ethers (ROAr). Alkoxy aryl ethers fall broadly
quarter of the subclass (23%). Half of these are monosubstituted into three categories: simple alkyl (Me, Et, iPr, nPr, cPr, etc., up to
on the 1-position, with most of the remainder again preferring and including five-carbon atoms and no heteroatoms), “solubi-
the 3-position as noted for secondary amines above. Piperazines lizing” (in which the alkyl portion contains a basic nitrogen atom
account for a further 19%, 2/3 of which are substituted only on or RO(CH2)2 linkage), and other more complex systems,
the more reactive nitrogen atoms. Piperidines occur in similar which we refer to as being part of the scaffold of the molecule.
numbers, but in contrast to the pyrrolidines, only ∼10% of Examination of the compounds within the data set shows that
piperidines are monosubstituted on the 1-position. The majority almost 40% of the ethers fall into the simple alkyl category
(∼60%) are disubstituted at the 1,4-positions (most likely (Table 7), with MeOAr accounting for ∼70% of this total (27%
because of the symmetry allowing for synthetic accessibility of all alkoxyaryls). Additionally, methylenedioxy and ethylenedioxy
3461 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry PERSPECTIVE

Table 8. Dialkyl Ether Subtypes

% of ROR
ROR type max no. (% of parent type)

simple RO-alkyl ethers 3 222 36.5

ROMe 2 101 16.6 (45.5)
RO-solubilizing 3 115a 0.2
any morpholine 2 191 31.4
mono-N-substituted morpholine 2 129 21.2 (67.5) Figure 3. Examples of the use of morpholine as part of the molecular
furans 1 22 3.6 scaffold from Pfizer dual serotonin (SERT)/noradrenaline (NET) (left)89
and selective noradrenaline (right)90 reuptake inhibitor programs.
pyrans 1 48 7.9
4-aminopyrans 1 22 3.6 (45.8)
Only one of these is actually a solubilizing substituent, the remainder
being part of the scaffold. See text for details.

Figure 2. β-Heteroatom-containing dialkyl ethers: (top) only example

where used as a point of attachment for a potentially solubilizing group
(itself also a β-heteroatom-containing dialkyl ether);87 (bottom) β-
amino dialkyl ether based scaffold from a series of Pfizer R2C adrenergic
receptor antagonists.88

(both of which count as two alkoxy aryl ethers in the headline totals)
account for ∼12% of alkoxyaryls, as do trifluoromethyl ethers
(F3COAr). Approximately 20% are in the “solubilizing” category,
with 28% of these containing a β-aminoethyl group. The remainder
(∼25%) are more complex ethers that appear to form part of the
core scaffold of the molecule.
From these figures, it is clear that the increased liability of the
aromatic ring toward oxidative metabolism on incorporation of
electron-donating substituents is offset by the requirement for
such groups, which presumably primarily serve as H-bond
acceptors, to obtain the required levels of potency. Additionally,
the alkoxy aryl ether motif is clearly a useful synthetic handle for
the assembly of scaffolds and the attachment of pendent func- Figure 4. Selected examples of diaryl ether-containing scaffolds con-
tionality (particularly solubilizing groups) to aromatic templates. tained within the data set.9199
This is almost certainly a result of the reliable and clean reactivity
of the phenol precursor under both classical (base, alkyl halide, or remainder are in general actually part of the solubilizing group (as
sulfonate) or Mitsunobu41,42 alkylation conditions. also in 7, Figure 2)87 or form part of the core scaffold (e.g., 8,
4.3.2. Dialkyl Ethers (ROR0 ). Of the dialkyl ethers, the second Figure 2).88 It is worth noting that 8 also shows examples of a
largest group within the (thio)ether subgroup, 36% are simple diaryl ether and an ethylenedioxy motif in addition to the
alkyl ethers as defined above (Table 8). Almost half (45%) of dialkyl ether.
these are methyl ethers. In contrast to the above, while the data Tetrahydropyrans and tetrahydrofurans account for a further 12%
set contains numerous β- or γ-heteroatom-containing ethers, of the dialkyl ethers (present as both sugar-derived units and simpler
only one example (7)87 of these appears to actually function as a systems), most notably the 4-aminopyran solubilizing group, which
point of attachment for a possible solubilizing group. The accounts for almost half of the tetrahydropyrans. While morpholines
3462 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry PERSPECTIVE

Table 9. Breakdown of Thioether Subtypes Table 10. Analysis of Amide Subtypes

thioether type max no. % of thioethers (% of parent type) amide type max no. % of total % of subclass

simple ArS-alkyl ethers 1 46 19.7 C-alkylamides 5 1029 43.3

ArSMe 1 20 8.5 (43.5) acetamides 1 40 1.7 3.9
simple RS-alkyl ethers 1 12 5.1 C-solubilized 5 669 28.2 65.0
RSMe 1 12 5.1 (100) C-arylamides 3 1347 56.7
ArS-solubilizinga 1 98 41.9 primary -NH2 2 77 3.2
ArS-β-nitrogen 1 7 3.0 (7.1) secondary 3 1454 61.2
RS-solubilizing 2 3 1.3 alkyl -NHR 3 972 40.9 66.9
RS-β-nitrogen 2 3 1.3 (100) methyl -NHMe 1 65 2.7 4.5
ArSCF3 1 1 0.4 solubilized -NHSol 2 322 13.6 22.1
Examination shows that these are all actually scaffolds, not pendent aryl -NHAr 3 482 20.3 33.1
solubilizers; see text for details. tertiary 2 779 32.8
dialkyl -NR2 2 636 26.8 81.6
alkyl-solubilized -NRSol 2 330 13.9 42.4
methylalkyl -N(Me)R 1 103 4.3 13.2
arylalkyl -NRAr 2 143 6.0 18.4
methylaryl -N(Me)Ar 1 9 0.4 1.2
aryl-solubilized -N(Ar)Sol 1 64 2.7 8.2
N-acylamides 2 56 2.4
imide 1 24 1.0 42.9
N-acylsulfonamide 1 1 0.0 1.7
N-acylurea 2 31 1.3 55.4
lactam 2 304 12.8
tri- or greater peptide 2 38 1.6

Figure 5. Examples of β- and γ-nitrogen substitued thioethers, in which

the thioether groups form part of the scaffold, from a series of D3
receptor antagonists (GSK).100,101

Figure 6. Geometrical preferences for amide bonds.

are predominantly present as unsubstituted solubilizing groups
(representing 21% of all dialkyl ethers in the set), a small number
bear methyl modifications while in all likelihood retaining this thioethers (Table 9). The thioether subtype appears at first sight
purpose. However, there are also two reports where they form part to be dominated by aryl-thioether-linked solubilizing groups.
of the scaffold (Figure 3), in this case, the chirality affecting the However closer examination of this subset reveals that all of these
selectivity between serotonin and noradrenaline transporters.89,90 compounds are scaffold-based aryl thioethers containing a β- or
4.3.3. Diaryl Ethers (ArOAr0 ). The 230 of the 283 diaryl ethers γ-nitrogen within the scaffold (e.g., 17 and 18; Figure 5).100,101
found within the data set come from just seven publications, with the In contrast to the case with ethers, aryl thioethers do not occur in
remainder consisting of scattered examples of one or two compounds the data set as a means of linking solubilizing groups. Again, in
within a series. Examination of the structures of these 230 compounds contrast with the alkoxy aryl ethers, the CF3 group (F3CSAr)
supports the view that this motif is generally encountered as part of a occurs only once within the data set.
core scaffold, linking two aromatic rings. Closer examination shows 4.4. Amides, Sulfonamides, and Other Acylation-Type
that 153 occurrences all relate to a series of reports from Pfizer of a set Products. Within this group, in close accord with the trend seen
of closely related compounds exemplified by 11 and 12 (Figure 4), within the reactions analysis, the amide group dominates, being
which were explored for serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake present in over half (54%) of all compounds in the data set
inhibition.9195 Further examples include a pyrazolyloxyphenyl ether (Table 5). Only a small proportion (∼3%, Table 10) of the
in a series of P2Y receptor antagonists (e.g., compound 13),96 amides are primary amides. The remainder are split 2:1 second-
phenoxypyrid-2-yl CRF1 antagonists (e.g., 14),97 phenoxypyrid-3-yl ary/tertiary, suggesting that the presence of an H-bond donor
erbB2 receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors (e.g., 15),98 and phenox- might be significant for their incorporation. Additionally, sec-
ynaphthyl ER ligands (e.g., 16),99 demonstrating a wide array of ondary amides show a clear conformational preference for the
variations in aromatic motifs and target classes. transoid amide geometry, whereas there is often little preference
4.3.4. Thioethers. Of the thioethers, the least common subtype for a particular geometric isomer for analogous tertiary amides
within the (thio)ether category, ∼25% are simple alkyl ethers, (Figure 6).
and half of these are methyl thioethers (MeSR or MeSAr), with Analysis of the acid and amine parents shows that the acid
all the dialkyl thioethers (RSR0 ) in this group being methyl parents are derived from aliphatic and aromatic acids in almost
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Figure 7. Selected lactam-containing compound series (>10 compounds with motif), showing broad diversity of lactam-containing scaffolds and

equal portions (Table 10). Only 4% of the aliphatic-derived BACE-1 inhibitors bearing an N-linked pyrrolidin-2-one as an
amides are acetamides, while 65% can be considered to be aromatic substituent (e.g., 27)110,111 and by a series of benzo-fused
“solubilizing” (which we define here as containing an oxygen morpholinones (e.g., 25) showing combined 5-HT1A/1B/1D antag-
or nitrogen attached to the R-, β-, or γ-carbon of the aliphatic onism and serotonin (5-HT) reuptake inhibition.112,113 Many of
chain). Many of these are actually substituents, in which it may be these scaffolds can also be seen to contain additional amide groups.
the amide that is the actual uncharged solubilizing group (in The remainder of the lactams are present as isolated examples
contrast to amine solubilizing groups) and the chain heteroatom throughout the data set.
is actually part of a synthetic handle for their attachment. In addition to these “simple” amides, a small proportion
Unlike the case with the amines described above, no strong belongs to more complex functionalities [N-acylamides (imides),
preferences for particular amine derivatives were found in the data set. N-acylsulfonamides (only one example of this relatively acidic group
However, almost exactly two-thirds of the secondary amides were in the data set), and N-acylureas] which provide a complex array of
derived from aliphatic amines (but only ∼5% from methylamine, the H-bond donor and acceptor vectors.
simplest analogue). “Solubilizing” groups (containing a β- or γ- Sulfonamides and ureas are both present in ∼10% of com-
oxygen or nitrogen atom) account for one in five of the secondary pounds, which is in reasonable agreement with the reaction-
amides. Tertiary amides show an even stronger preference for alkyl based figures and reflects their comparison with amides for SAR
substituents (dialkylamides accounted for over 80% of the tertiary purposes. The other functionalities within this group are only
amides), while there are no diarylamides. This preference is most represented in <5% of compounds, which is unsurprising in view
likely due to a desire to avoid the potential for liberation of potentially of their chemical reactivity, biological lability, or permeability
toxic anilines by in vivo cleavage of the amide bond by hydrolase issues (see discussion in section 3.3.2).
enzymes. Around 50% of the tertiary amines bear a solubilizing group. 4.5. sp2sp2 Linkages. Biaryl linkages are present in almost
The increased proportion of tertiary amides bearing a solubilizing 40% of compounds. Again, this reflects the utility of this motif in
group relative to secondary amides suggests that the addition of a providing appropriate vectors within the core scaffold and also the
solubilizing group to the amide nitrogen is a common strategy prevalence of the Suzuki40,4850 and related Pd-mediated cross-
in situations where the NH motif has been shown to be unneces- coupling reactions40,50 (40% of CC bond forming reactions were
sary for biological activity (perhaps by initial synthesis of the N-methyl also Suzuki reactions). Perhaps surprisingly, the products of the
analogue of the parent secondary amine, as suggested by the increased Heck75 and Sonogashira5355 reactions (arylalkenes and acetylenes,
proportion of tertiary amines bearing a methyl substituent). respectively) are present in only low numbers. While the Heck
A surprisingly large proportion of the amides are also cyclic reaction was rare, the Sonogashira reaction was more common
(lactams, ∼12%), arising predominantly from a small number of (18.4% of CC bond-forming reactions), suggesting that the
compound series in which they are present as part of the core products of this reaction were largely used in further synthetic
scaffold, perhaps artificially elevating their standing within the data manipulations
set. Even within this set, however, there is considerable diversity 4.6. Aromatic Ring Systems. Aromatic rings, and in particular
within the lactam functionality represented (see Figure 7),102107 aromatic heterocycles, are almost ubiquitous in medicinal chem-
and two of these scaffolds each contain two lactam substructures (20 istry, as supported by the finding in this study (Table 5) that 99%
and 26).108,109 This motif is also heavily represented by a series of of compounds contain at least one aromatic ring. This is at least
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Table 11. Occurrences of Individual Heteroaromatic Ring Types within the Data Set
aromatic ring type no. of heteroatoms total occurencesa % of heteroaromatics % of subclass nonfused occurencesc % of occurrences nonfusedd

benzenoid 0 6270 5129 81.8

all 6-mrb heteroaromatics 1853 42.5
pyridine 1 1001 22.9 54.0 636 63.5
pyrimidine 2 627 14.4 33.8 320 51.0
pyrazine 2 161 3.7 8.7 33 20.5
pyridazine 2 38 0.9 2.1 0 0.0
1,2,4-triazine 3 23 0.5 1.2 0 0.0
1,3,5-triazine 3 2 <0.1 0.1 2 100.0
1,2,3-triazine 3 1 <0.1 0.1 0 0.0
all 5-mrb aromatics 2509 57.5
pyrazole 2 616 14.1 24.6 379 61.5
imidazole 2 439 10.1 17.5 178 40.5
pyrrole 1 405 9.3 16.1 27 6.7
thiophene 1 239 5.5 9.5 160 66.9
thiazole 2 215 4.9 8.6 166 77.2
oxazole 2 165 3.8 6.6 64 38.8
1,2,4-triazole 3 158 3.6 6.3 157 99.4
furan 1 99 2.3 3.9 73 73.7
1,3,4-oxadiazole 3 53 1.2 2.1 53 100.0
isoxazole 2 31 0.7 1.2 15 48.4
1,2,4-oxadiazole 3 30 0.7 1.2 30 100.0
1,2,5-oxadiazole 3 28 0.6 1.1 28 100.0
isothiazole 2 25 0.6 1.0 0 0.0
1,2,3-triazole 3 4 0.1 0.2 2 50.0
tetrazole 4 3 0.1 0.1 3 100.0
1,3,4-thiadiazole 3 1 <0.1 <0.1 1 100.0
Note that this includes all unfused and fused occurrences of each ring type. b 5-mr and 6-mr refer to five-membered and six-membered rings,
respectively. c Number of occurrences of the ring system in which it does not form part of a fused aromatic ring system. d % of all occurrences of the
individual ring system that are not part of a fused aromatic ring system.

in part explained by their ability to provide readily functionalized The remaining systems found are only seen in small numbers
scaffolds with well-defined vectors for further derivation. The (<50) of compounds. In general, the occurrence rate falls off as
number of heterocycles present (4362 heteroaromatic rings, with the number of ring heteroatoms increases.
72.5% of compounds containing at least one) far outstrips the Considering only those examples where the (hetero)aromatic
number of heterocycle-forming reactions (601 reactions, ring does not form part of a fused ring system shows some marked
Table 2). This implies that heterocyclic cores are synthesized changes (Table 11). Pyridines, pyrimidines, and pyrazoles again
prior to derivatization into a number of analogues, purchased, or dominate this list, with over half of the examples of each of these
are previously available within corporate compound collections rings not forming part of a larger fused system. Notably, pyrrole
and then derivatized, in accord with their role as core scaffolds. has moved from being one of the most common aromatic rings,
We analyzed in more detail the ring systems found within the considering all occurrences, to having only a small number of
data set, starting with the individual ring systems (Table 11). isolated examples (27 examples, representing ∼7% of pyrroles). It
Only 23 of the 35 possible heteroaromatic rings (we have only is likely that this is due to a combination of the reactivity of the
considered N-containing rings in the six-membered series and a pyrrole ring system precluding its incorporation in many circum-
maximum of four heteroatoms in any ring) are reported in the stances where suitable stabilizing substitution is not tolerated by
data set. In agreement with Murcko’s analysis,26 pyridine is the the receptor, and the preponderance of indoles (see below), which
most common heteroaromatic ring overall, accounting for almost accounts for around half of the fused pyrroles. A number of ring
25% of all heteraromatics. Pyrimidine and pyrazole are the next systems, such as the oxadiazole isomers, 1,2,3-triazoles, and
most common (both ∼15%). In the six-membered series, tetrazoles, occur exclusively or near exclusively in nonfused
triazines are less well represented and tetrazines are not repre- settings; in this case the position of heteroatoms precludes the
sented at all. In the five-membered series, pyrazole is the most formation of simple stable fused ring systems containing these
common (∼25% of five-membered heteroaromatics). Following rings. Benzenoid rings, despite being present in many of the most
this, pyrrole and imidazole are observed at similar levels (both commonly occurring fused ring systems (see below), are also
∼10% of all heteroaromatics). The most common (>250 highly prevalent as nonfused systems. Figure 8 shows the most
occurrences) aromatic heterocycles are shown in Figure 8. common (>150 occurrences) nonfused aromatic rings.
Thiophenes, furans, oxazoles, thiazoles, 1,3,4-oxadiazoles, and While the above analysis starts to show some interesting trends, it
1,2,4-triazoles are less common, although still well represented. is perhaps more informative to consider ring systems wherein two
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Table 12. Fused Aromatic Ring Systems Found within the

Data Set
fused aromatic ring types no. % of total % of subclass

5,5-fused total 16 1.0

imidazo[2,1-b]thiazole 16 1.0 100.0
6,5-fused total 1143 71.9
indole 206 13.0 18.0
benzimidazole 138 8.7 12.1
benzoxazole 101 6.4 8.8
pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine 100 6.3 8.7
indazole 64 4.0 5.6
benzothiophene 60 3.8 5.2
pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridine 56 3.5 4.9
1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine 39 2.5 3.4
pyrazolo[1,5-b]pyridazine 36 2.3 3.1
purine 32 2.0 2.8
5-azabenzimidazole 31 2.0 2.7
7-azaindazole 31 2.0 2.7
5-azaindole 28 1.8 2.4
benzisothiazole 25 1.6 2.2
7-azaindole 24 1.5 2.1
imidazo[5,1-f][1,2,4]triazine 23 1.4 2.0
7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine 19 1.2 1.7
benzothiazole 17 1.1 1.5
thieno[3,2-d]pyrimidine 17 1.1 1.5
furo[2,3-b]pyridine 16 1.0 1.4
benzisoxazole 16 1.0 1.4
thiazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidine 15 0.9 1.3
imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine 13 0.8 1.1
1H-pyrazolo[4,3-d]pyrimidine 11 0.7 1.0
4-azabenzimidazole 6 0.4 0.5
furo[2,3-d]pyrimidine 5 0.3 0.4
benzofuran 3 0.2 0.3
furo[2,3-c]pyridine 2 0.1 0.2
imidazo[1,2-b]pyridazine 2 0.1 0.2
3H-[1,2,3]triazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidine 2 0.1 0.2
thieno[3,2-c]pyridine 1 0.1 0.1
pyrrolo[1,2-c]pyrimidine 1 0.1 0.1
[1,2,4]triazolo[2,3-a]pyridine 1 0.1 0.1
Figure 8. Most common aromatic rings and number of occurrences thieno[3,2-b]pyridine 1 0.1 0.1
within the data set. thiazolo[5,4-d]pyrimidine 1 0.1 0.1
6,6-fused total 430 27.1
aromatic rings have been fused together, effectively “spreading’” the quinoline 158 9.9 36.7
above data onto a second axis; i.e., pyrimidine may be present as naphthyl 116 7.3 27.0
unfused pyrimidine or fused with benzene (quinazolines), imidazole quinazoline 101 6.4 23.5
(purines), pyrazine (pteridines), and so on. A recent survey27 pteridine 21 1.3 4.9
showed that much of the possible heteroaromatic chemical space
7-azaquinazoline 12 0.8 2.8
remains unexplored within the synthetic and medicinal chemistry
isoquinoline 12 0.8 2.8
literature. In view of the already small set of heteroaromatic rings
represented in this data set, the possibility of homo- (e.g., 2  quinoxaline 7 0.4 1.6
benzene to give naphthyl) and hetero- (e.g., benzene þ pyrimidine 8-azaquinazoline 2 0.1 0.5
to give quinazoline) fusions, and the additional complications of benzo[d][1,2,3]triazine 1 0.1 0.2
multiple possibilities for different fusion isomers within a single pair no. of different rings reported 45
of heterocycles, it would indeed be surprising if the possible space unique rings reporteda 28
was well covered within this data set.114
Strikingly, 6,5-fused ring systems dominate the data set, while Number of unique rings reported refers to the number of ring types
5,5-fused systems are extremely rare (Table 12). Perhaps more reported by only a single company within the data set.

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in alkyl chains without introducing undesirable alkylating proper-

ties, and its electron-withdrawing nature and small size allow for
the replacement of hydrogen atoms with little steric impact but
significant electronic and metabolic effects; particularly, its intro-
duction can block oxidative metabolism (either at or adjacent to
its site of introduction), modify pKa of amino groups R-, β-, or
γ- to the fluorine(s), affecting both solubility and receptor/off-
target binding, and increase lipophilicity. Additionally, it is a good
hydrogen-bond (H-Bond) acceptor but almost never functions as
a halogen bond (“X-bond”) donor.123
The distribution of fluorine atoms within the data set is shown in
Figure 9. Number of companies reporting aromatic ring types: (a) Table 13. It is interesting to note that while ∼1 in 3 fluorine atoms
single heteroaromatic ring types (all occurrences of each ring); (b) fused are direct aryl substituents, 95% of the alkyl fluorines are found in
heteroaromatic ring types. CF3 groups, and of these, 75% are present as the aryl substituents
ArCF3 or ArOCF3. A further 20% are alkyl CF3, with the remainder
consisting of 28 TFA salts in the data set and a handful of
surprisingly, the 23 heteroaromatic ring types disclosed have only trifluoroacetamides and trifluoromethylsulfonamides. CF2 groups
expanded to 45 fused types, clearly only a small portion of the and aliphatic CF groups together account for only 5% of alkyl
available chemical space. Only 17 of the heteroaromatic rings are fluorides within the data set. Visual inspection suggests that the CF2
utilized in fused systems (alongside benzene). Benzene-fused group almost invariably appears in ArCF2CF3 or ArCF2H side
systems account for 1025 of the fused aromatic systems (from a chains or the corresponding ArOCF2CF3 groups. This decrease is
total of 1589), accounting for 15 of the 45 fused ring systems. likely to be at least in part due to the paucity of good generally
The next most common are pyridine and pyrimidine, which are applicable synthetic methods for their introduction.124126
present in 30 of the 45 fused systems (672 compounds). Pyrrole The heavier halogens offer greater increases in lipophilicity
and imidazole account for similar numbers of compounds (639) than fluorine while providing similar metabolism-blocking prop-
over 14 fused systems. Figure 8 shows the most common (>50 erties, offering increased membrane permeability at the expense
occurrences) fused aromatic ring systems. of likely increases in off-target effects. While they are generally
Finally, we considered higher-fused systems (i.e., three or not considered to be good hydrogen bond acceptors,123 their
more fused aromatic rings). Only 60 examples of such ring ability to take part in halogen bonds (X-bonds) increases in the
systems were found within the data set, with 59 of those being order Cl < Br < I.123,127129 A recent review summarizes these
one of the three scaffolds shown in Figure 8. There were no properties in more detail.130
occurrences of four or more fused fully aromatic ring systems. In general, the reactive nature of aliphatic chlorine, bromine,
In view of the importance of heterocyclic motifs to intellectual and iodine precludes their inclusion in medicinal chemistry
property,25,27,115,116 we considered further the distribution of compounds. The only exception to this rule in the current data
heterocycle types (Figure 9). While half of all single heteroaro- set is a series of clindamycin analogues exemplified by 29 (which
matic rings are reported by all three companies and only ∼25% showed an antibacterial profile similar to that of clindamycin
by only one company in this analysis, around two-thirds of the 28),131 containing a natural product-derived hindered secondary
fused ring systems are only reported by one company in the alkyl chloride (Figure 10). As clindamycin is clinically useful,
current data set, suggesting that careful choice of heteroaromatic presumably this highly hindered alkyl chloride was considered
fusion may indeed be key to intellectual property. acceptable in this context.
4.7. Alcohols. Around 10% of compounds contain an aliphatic Aromatic halogens, being in general much less reactive than
alcohol group and 5% a phenolic system. These groups are liable their aliphatic counterparts, feature heavily in the medicinal
to in vivo oxidation and conjugation reactions but also help chemistry literature.130 Aromatic chlorides are marginally more
increase solubility, decrease lipophilicity, and provide the possi- prevalent than aromatic fluorides (Table 5, 1325 ArCl vs 912
bility of both H-bond donor and acceptor interactions. ArF), while bromines are considerably less prevalent. This
Inspection of the structures containing aliphatic alcohols decline down the group is almost certainly due to the increasing
groups shows that 16 compounds (comprising a total of 50 ROH molecular weight, and the solubility and lipophilicity burden
groups) contain the alcohol groups as part of a sugar-derived motif. introduced as the heavier halogens are incorporated, chlorine
Of the remaining compounds, in many cases, it would appear that appearing to provide the best balance between enhanced mem-
the alcohol group forms part of a group intended to increase brane permeability and detrimental increases in MWt and log P
solubility, either as part of a hydroxyamine motif or as an alternative and decreases in aqueous solubility.
to a charged amino-type solubilizing group. In contrast, it would Within the heavier aromatic halogens, there is considerable
appear that the majority of phenolic groups are introduced to diversity within their molecular environments, and some are
modulate enzyme potency. In those cases where multiple phenolic documented as having been introduced to modulate physico-
groups are present, they are either in separate aromatic rings117 or in chemical properties, while others are recorded as enhancing
a meta-relationship (resorcinol) in which oxidation to quinone-type potency relative to other substituents (commonly H and Me).
species is not accessible.118 Thiols, which are considerably more However, some other generalizations can also be made. First, only
reactive than the corresponding alcohols, are only reported in a a very small number (42) of chloro substituents are in “activated”
single series of compounds.73,119 positions, where they are liable to undergo SNAr-type substitution
4.8. Halogens. The significance of fluorine in medicinal reactions (all were either ortho or para to a ring nitrogen atom (or
chemistry has been well documented.120122 In particular, the both). None were activated by NO2, CtN, C(dO)R etc.
exceptional strength of the CF bond allows for its incorporation susbtituents), and in general, these few examples are expected to
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Table 13. Distribution of Fluorine Atoms in the Data Set

fluorine type max no.a % of totalb % of CFn

any fluorine 9 2500

aryl F 4 912 36.5
alkyl F 9 1588 63.5
all CF3 3 506 60.7
aryl CF3 3 297 58.7
aryl OCF3 1 92 18.2
alkyl CF3 (not TFA salts, esters, amides, CF3SO2) 2 105 20.8
CF3C(dO)NR1R2 1 4 0.8
CF3S(dO)2NR1R2 1 10 2.0
CF3CO2H salt 1 28 5.5
all CF2 2 30 2.4
all monofluoro aliphatic 1 10 0.4
“no.” is the number of occurrences of that group, so 1 occurrence of a CF3 group will account for 3 F atoms in the alkyl F total. b Percent of all fluorine
atoms; thus, 1 CF3 group contributes 3 of the 2500 fluorine atoms in the data set.

Figure 10. Pfizer clindamycin analogue 29, showing similar antibacter-

ial profile to clindamycin 28, containing a hindered secondary alkyl

have low reactivity (they are predominantly the product of an

existing, selective SNAr process, in which a second halogen was
displaced by a nucleophile, concomitantly deactivating the remain-
ing halogen) or potentially synthetic intermediates for which
biological assay data were obtained en route to the intended final
product. Additionally, F and Br tend to occur ortho or para to Figure 11. Pfizer iodoarene MEK1 inhibitors: (top) PD0325901
electron-donating substituents (in both cases with a slight bias (clinical candidate); (bottom) X-ray structure of closely related com-
pound in complex with MEK1 (PDB code 3DY7).132,133,135
toward the para relationship). For Cl substituents, however, the
trend is slightly different, with the majority of substituents being
para to an electron donating substituent but meta being slightly substituent was found to be essential for activity.132,133 Examination
favored over ortho. While a meta/para bias is to be expected purely of an X-ray structure deposited at the PDB134 (PDB code 3DY7135)
from the point of blocking metabolic sites, as these are the suggests that this iodo substituent may form a halogen bond (“X-
positions activated by the electron-donating substituent, there is bond”)123,127129 to the CdO of VAL127 of MEK1 (Figure 11).
also the competing use of halogen substituents to modulate 4.9. Miscellaneous (Sulfoxide, Sulfone, and Nitroarenes).
physicochemical properties in SAR-neutral positions and to All the functional groups in this subclass are only represented in a
incorporate halogens to provide specific interactions (either small number of compounds (<2.5% of compounds contain
through specific H- or X-bonding interactions or the filling of them). This is in accord with their likely primary reason for
small hydrophobic pockets) which all serve to mask this effect. The introduction relating to their utility as synthetic handles for
situation is further complicated by the multiple substitutions further synthetic manipulation.
present on most aromatic rings. Further detailed analysis of the
halogen environments is beyond the scope of this review.
A small number of iodoarenes (62) are present in the data set. 5. MOLECULAR COMPLEXITY
The majority of these compounds (54) come from two reports In this section, we analyze three measures of molecular
describing a series of MEK1 kinase inhibitors, where the iodo complexity. The first, a measure of synthetic complexity, is the
3468 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479
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number of synthetic steps recorded within our published data set

to each compound for which biological data were obtained. The
second is the number of defined chiral centers, and the third,
Fsp3, is a measure of the degree of spatial complexity recently
proposed by Lovering et al.12 The first two measures were also
calculated in the review of process chemistry,2 allowing direct
5.1. Synthetic Complexity. Analyzing the data set of 3566
compounds reveals that traceable routes are described for 2973
derivatives, where the number of discrete transformations per
synthesis can be defined with a reasonable degree of clarity (see
section 2 for details of how we determined the number of
synthetic steps). These steps equate to 14 309 discrete chemical
transformations,136 averaging 4.8 steps per compound synthe-
sized (Figure 12a). One-quarter of all the compounds were
synthesized in three steps, with half being synthesized in three to
five steps. This contrasts markedly with the average number of
steps per synthesis of drug candidate, of 8.1 steps per derivative.2
However, the analysis correlates well with differing phases of a
medicinal chemistry program, where chemists produce a con-
siderable number of simpler compounds to rapidly explore SAR
before making more detailed and complex analyses of molecular
architecture to optimize potency, selectivity, and physicochem-
ical parameters. Indeed, it is possible that this survey biases the
analysis toward simpler derivatives, as the literature tends to
report case studies of rapid SAR expansion through a somewhat
disproportionate number of these simpler derivatives, before
describing a smaller number of more complex derivatives with
properties more akin to a potential drug candidate. Additionally,
further bias may be introduced by the reporting of routes from
known in-house reagents, which may well have represented the
medicinal chemistry starting material but would require synthesis
for development-scale work. However, we feel that the data
presented generally reflect the relative degrees of synthetic
complexity of compounds prepared throughout the lifespan of
a medicinal chemistry project. It is testament to the inventiveness
of medicinal chemists that such molecular diversity can be
accessed with such minimal synthetic effort.
5.2. Chirality. Given the stereochemically defined nature of
the targets with which small molecule drug candidates are
designed to interact, it has long been seen to be logical to
recapitulate this geometry within the derivatives of interest
prepared for screening. However, there is a pervasive feeling that
such information is not actively captured by the derivatives
incorporated into screening collections or designed as part of
medicinal chemistry programs.
Despite many preconceptions that medicinal chemists prefer
to prepare flat achiral derivatives, these assumptions do not
appear to be supported by this analysis. Indeed, of the 3566
compounds described as having been assessed in a biological
assay system, around one-third (1093 compounds) possessed at
least one chiral center with defined stereochemical integrity
(Figure 12b). It is stressed that these numbers do not include
compounds prepared as racemates.137 Furthermore, a consider-
able number of compounds possessed multiple chiral centers,
with almost as many compounds containing two defined chiral
Figure 12. Distributions of parameters of molecular complexity: (a)
centers as containing one. The average number of chiral centers, number of synthetic steps; (b) number of defined chiral centers; (c)
averaged across all the molecules evaluated, was one defined distribution of chiral centers, those forming part of the retained
stereocenter per molecule, indicating a trend toward chemists “core” of the compounds vs noncore substituents; (d) distribution of
being equally likely to prepare a chiral derivative as an achiral one. the sources of known enantiopure chiral centers; (e) Fsp3,12 a
Analysis of whether the chiral center forms a key part of the measure of the degree of saturation. Frequencies are numbers of
core of the compound series or is part of a variable peripheral compounds.

3469 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry PERSPECTIVE

substituent (Figure 12c) shows that the majority of chiral centers

arise from being a key part of the core scaffold (∼88%), with only
a small number being introduced as substituents. While this
figure will incorporate a degree of bias due to compound series
containing a chiral core increasing this count, it does suggest that
there is room for increased consideration of the introduction of
chiral substituents within medicinal chemistry programs.
Additionally, we examined the source of chiral centers in the
data set (Figure 12 d; see Supporting Information Table S4 for
detailed breakdown). It is unsurprising that in cases where the
source of chirality could be unambiguously identified, it was
introduced through the modification of commercially available
enantiomerically pure starting materials in the majority of cases
(87%). The remaining enantiopure stereocenters were intro-
duced in almost equal portions by the use of asymmetric process
or by resolution processes. In the case of resolutions, in stark
contrast with that observed for process chemistry, there were no
reports of diastereomeric salt formation and separation by
selective crystallization, the preferred method among process
A recent report by Lovering shows that the proportion of
compounds containing at least one chiral center increases from
∼50% in the discovery phase to ∼60% of approved drugs,12
perhaps suggesting that medicinal chemists should be further
increasing the proportion of chiral compounds synthesized,
perhaps as indicated above by use of more chiral substituents
or by seeking to modify the core to contain a chiral center.
5.3. “Flatness”: Fsp3. In addition to considering chirality,
Lovering et al.12 also proposed a simple measure of the degree of
saturation, Fsp3 (defined as the ratio of sp3-hybridized carbon
atoms to all carbon atoms within the structure), which increased
from an average value of 0.36 in the discovery phase to 0.47 in
approved drugs. The distribution of Fsp3 values in this data set is
shown in Figure 12e. It would appear that the majority of
compounds have an Fsp3 value in the range 0.20.5, suggesting
a fair degree of “nonflatness” within the data set, although, in
common with the situation for chirality, Lovering’s analysis
suggests that this is an area that could still be improved
significantly within medicinal chemistry programs.
5.4. Aromatic Ring Count. Ritchie and Macdonald have
shown that increasing numbers of aromatic rings in a compound
correlate with a decrease in compound developability measures,
in particular suggesting that compounds with more than three
aromatic rings are likely to have an increased risk of attrition
during the development process.18 Figure 13a shows the dis-
tribution of aromatic ring counts per compound within our data
set. While it can be seen that the majority of compounds fall
within this figure (73% of compounds had zero to three aromatic
rings), a significant number had four aromatic rings, although the Figure 13. Aromatic ring counts: (a) distribution of number of
aromatic rings per molecule; (b) distribution of benzenoid and hetero-
number of rings drops off sharply beyond this. atomatic (HAR) rings per molecule; (c) benzenoid index (see text) for
A more recent and detailed analysis of the effect of ring type on two to four aromatic-ring-containing compounds.
compound developability has suggested that benzenoid rings are
more problematic than heteroaromatic rings and indeed that the almost 1000 compounds (27%) containing no heteroaromatic
proportion of heteroaromatic to benzenoid rings in a molecule rings, and a maximum in the distribution of 1 heteraromatic ring.
appears to be significant, increasing proportions of benzenoid In order to quantify this ratio further, we calculated a measure
rings also being adverse.81 To investigate how this data set which we refer to as the “benzenoid index”, defined in eq 1:
compares with this, we looked initially at the simple distributions
of number of benzenoid and heteroaromatic rings in compounds no: of benzenoid rings
in the data set (Figure 13b). Perhaps concerningly, the distribu- benzenoid index ðBIÞ ¼ ð1Þ
total no: of aromatic rings
tion of benzenoid rings is weighted toward higher numbers than
the distribution of heteroaromatics, with almost half of all Thus, a compound containing three aromatic rings, including
compounds containing two benzenoid rings, in contrast to one heteroaromatic ring, will have a BI of 0.67. By use of this
3470 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479
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definition, BI values range from 0 to 1, with 1 indicating a across the data set; however, the majority of compounds fall in the
compound in which the aromatic rings are entirely benzenoid. range 50100 Å2, which is lower than the originally proposed limit
On the basis of Ritchie et al.’s analysis,81 increasing values are of 140 Å2.10
indicated as more likely to suffer from poor compound devel- If one considers the number of Lipinski’s rules violated, then
opability. As different numbers of aromatic rings give a different 1310 compounds violate at least one rule (a scenario allowed in
set of discrete values for this index (a system with three rings can the original publication7 but often overlooked). Of these, only
have BI of 0, 0.33, 0.67, or 1, whereas four rings can give 0, 0.25, 326 (9% of the compounds) break two (318 compounds) or
0.5, 0.75, and 1), but with some overlap (most notably 0 and 1, more (three violations, four compounds; four violations, four
which will distort the distribution toward these values), we compounds) of the rules and would thus be categorized as likely
decided to plot the distribution for each number of rings to have poor oral bioavailability. Leeson has published similar
separately (an alternative approach, particularly for larger data findings in a more detailed analysis of physicochemical properties
sets, would be to bin the values across all ring counts). We chose of compounds synthesized by leading drug companies.147 More
to ignore those systems with only a single aromatic ring (as this recent reports proposing harsher cut-offs postdate the publica-
gives only 0 or 1) and those systems with five or more rings, as the tion dates for these compounds, which in most cases will have
BI values are distributed over a larger number of values for only a been synthesized several years prior to their publication, and so
relatively small number of compounds in the data set. It can be they are not considered here except to suggest that the medicinal
seen (Figure 13c), however, that for two- and three-ring systems, chemistry community needs to make continued efforts to
higher BI values dominate, while for four-ring systems, there is a restrain the lipophilicity of the compounds synthesized.
much flatter distribution. Indeed there is a trend toward lower BI
as the number of rings increase. It is clear, however, that
medicinal chemists need to be aware of the potential implications 7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
for compound development highlighted by Ritchie et al. of both The analysis of this data set has revealed that while the
aromatic ring count and type.18,81 medicinal chemist’s perceived reliance on a small number of
reactions (amide formations and Suzuki cross-couplings being
the most often cited) is generally true (10 reaction types
6. PHYSICOCHEMICAL (“LIPINSKI”) PROPERTIES comprise almost two-thirds of all reactions), these processes
Following Lipinksi’s seminal work,7 linking a number of and their resulting products are not as universal as might be
simple physicochemical properties (MWt, H-bond donors and believed. In addition to these processes, a large diversity of
acceptors and clogP) to human oral absorption of drug molecules reaction types and functionalities are reported by medicinal
(known as the “rule of 5”),8,138 the importance of physicochem- chemists, although the favoring of a small number of reliable
ical properties in drug discovery has received wide recognition. performers is understandable given the pressures of compound
Later papers have added the number of rotatable bonds delivery. The robust, reliable nature of palladium-mediated cross-
(NRot)10 and polar surface area (PSA10 or TPSA11), along with couplings and their wide applicability, chemoselectivity, and
many other more or less esoteric parameters139 to predict oral functional group tolerance make them natural candidates for
bioavailability. Others have attempted to extend this approach to the rapid generation of compound sets to ask specific questions
predict brain penetration,8 crossing of the placenta,140 and around the biological importance of key substituents. Indeed, this
exposure by a plethora of routes including inhalation, opthalmic importance and dependability were recognized most notably by
administration, and transdermal absorption,141 with varying the award of the 2010 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for the
degrees of success. Particular attention has been paid to the pioneering work in this area.151 Furthermore, the reliance upon
importance of lipophilicity (clogP), which has been linked, in a limited subset of reaction methodologies appears to have
addition to solubility and permeability, to cytochrome P450 helped enable and incentivize commercial reagent suppliers to
inhibition,142 hERG binding,143 increased adverse toxicological cater to these specific needs, resulting in large numbers of cost-
outcomes,144 and off-target effects,95 and recent papers have effective, diverse, and readily available starting reagents, facilitat-
suggested tighter constraints on this parameter.144150 While not ing rapid evaluation of SAR without recourse to the in-house
the primary focus of this review, we looked at how the com- synthesis of large numbers of bespoke building blocks. Con-
pounds in this data set were distributed among these physico- versely, it can be argued that lack of commercial availability of
chemical properties (Figure 14). The number of compounds with reagents may also detract from the popularity of some of the less
MWt > 500 rapidly tails off, although there are still a significant commonly used reactions. It is interesting to ponder whether
number of compounds in the 500 < MWt e 600 range (Lipinski’s those processes that are less commonly used are avoided because
original paper allows for one violation of his rules7). The number of of a dearth of reliable methods for their execution or whether
compounds violating the proposed limits of H-bond acceptors such methods have not been developed because of a perceived
(e10) and H-bond donors (e5) is very small; almost all com- lack of desire to incorporate their resultant functionalities.
pounds in the data set fall within these limits and many considerably The reliance on a small number of reaction types with the
below them. Roughly 10% of compounds exceed Veber’s proposed properties described above highlights the need for new methodol-
limit for NRot (e10),10 while most surprisingly, significant num- ogies or improvements to existing transformations, making them
bers (∼20%) of compounds exceed even Lipinski’s proposed clogP more generally applicable and amenable to parallel chemistry, as
limit of 5. It perhaps provides some vindication of Lipinski’s desire to noted previously.4 This would facilitate their use in the later stages of
appeal to the pattern recognition skills of medicinal chemists in medicinal chemistry syntheses, potentially broadening the diversity
formulating his “rule of 5” that the most violated of these rules is the of compounds synthesized. Indeed, the ACS Green Chemistry
clogP constraint, which is also the only one of his parameters not Initiative Pharmaceutical Roundtable recently issued a “call to arms”
readily calculated directly from the molecular structure without to address this very requirement, specifying a number of processes
recourse to computational tools. TPSA has the flattest distribution that were felt, across the industry, to be in need of additional research
3471 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479
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Figure 14. Distribution of physicochemical properties in the data set: MWt, molecular weight; NRot, number of rotatable bonds; HBA, H-bond
acceptors; HBD, H-bond donors; TPSA, topological polar surface area.

and optimization.152 This suggested not only more aspirational Despite advances in chemo- and regioselective syntheses and
ideals to improve upon areas of chemistry that were clearly not fully transformations with increasing tolerance of a wide range of
developed or widely applicable but also requests for further im- functionalities, one in five of all transformations analyzed in this
provements to tried and tested (and widely employed) methodol- paper are involved in protecting group manipulation. While some
ogies, where clear deficiencies in areas such as atom economy and notable efforts have been made toward protecting-group-free
safety were identified. In addition to allowing exploration of addi- synthetic strategies,2123 this area of synthetic methodology is far
tional chemical space and structural diversity, such methodologies from fully developed and a key benefit of novel transformations
would improve the safety, cost effectiveness, and scalability of the such as those discussed above would be the ability to run such
transformations employed in the medicinal chemistry laboratory. reactions without the need for recourse to protecting groups and
The discovery and development of robust conditions for the resultant deprotection steps, which are clearly wasteful in
existing and novel transformations that are readily practicable terms of time, reagent costs, and overall yield. Until such
in the context of medicinal chemistry (i.e., amenable to parallel methods are more widely developed, the use of protecting groups
synthesis approaches, using readily available reagents, high remains a necessary synthetic burden to facilitate preparation of
yielding, with broad substrate scope, tolerability, and reliability, required molecules, requiring optimization of extra protection
not requiring extremes of temperature, rigorous exclusion of and deprotection steps. Until protecting-group-free methodol-
oxygen and moisture, simple workup and purification) are key ogy becomes more widespread, medicinal chemists must tolerate
areas in which the academic synthetic chemistry community can the use of protecting groups while bearing in mind that their use
provide invaluable input to future medicinal chemistry programs. is not always necessary. In the authors' experience, it is often the
3472 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479
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case that deprotection can be moved forward in a synthesis prior heterocyclic systems, presumably in order to gain access to clear
to later diversification steps while maintaining chemoselectivity intellectual property areas. A relatively small number of aromatic
by appropriate choice of reaction and workup conditions. heterocycles (three systems of pyridine, pyrimidine, and
While less common in this data set (7% of reactions), redox pyrazole) account for half of all heteroaromatics, while fusion
processes have also been highlighted by Baran78 as a source of increases the diversity of heterocyclic motifs by a remarkably
synthetic inefficiency, in particular, those processes where multi- small amount, albeit into areas with much less overlap between
ple adjustments are made successively to the redox state of a each company in this analysis. Again, our analysis suggests that
single group, an area we highlighted in the sections dealing with medicinal chemists should actively seek a broader range of novel
these transformations. Of particular note in this review was the heterocyclic motifs, and in particular, care needs to be taken
repeated use of a two-step ester to aldehyde conversion, com- regarding both the overall aromatic ring count and the relative
prising over-reduction to the intermediate alcohol, followed by proportions of benzenoid and heteroaromatic rings (indicated by
oxidation to the required aldehydes. While this transformation our proposed BI index). New synthetic methods will need to be
can often be achieved directly using diisobutylaluminum hydride, developed in order to access novel ring systems, but the academic
this is often considered a poorly controlled reaction with synthetic community is perhaps unlikely to rise to the challenge
troublesome workup, requiring inert atmospheres and low unless it can be justified by evidence of biological activity of such
temperatures. New conditions for this process with operational ring systems. The incorporation of cyclic amine solubilizing
simplicity comparable to that of the reduction of ketones with groups, a common approach within medicinal chemistry to
sodium borohydride would be a welcome addition to the improve solubility and bioavailability of compounds (and indeed
medicinal chemists’ toolkit. It is a testament to the creativity of one of the perceptions we sought to investigate), has been
medicinal chemists that within these parameters (constraints of reported to be beneficial for developability,81 as perhaps expected
time, the need for parallel-amenable chemistry, and speed of because of the improved solubility conferred by such modifica-
access to products), such a broad diversity of biologically and tion. However, there is considerable scope for increasing the
therapeutically relevant compounds are produced from the diversity of amine groups used (see section 4.2) for this purpose.
available transformations. Furthermore, recent reports have also suggested that such groups
In recent years, microwave chemistry has found widespread may contribute to potential hERG toxicity and other off-target
use in the medicinal chemistry community, where its ability to promiscuity,147,148 suggesting that, where possible, nonbasic
provide dramatic rate enhancements, particularly in the areas of solubilizing strategies may be preferable.
metal-catalyzed reactions, has allowed for significant increases in Halogens, in particular fluorine and chlorine, are often in-
efficiency.153156 However, alternative complementary technolo- corporated to solve metabolic problems or modulate off-target
gies, such as flow chemistry reactors, are being embraced more effects. Their use, as such, is often to “fix” an otherwise suboptimal
slowly by the medicinal chemistry community. Indeed there were no molecule. The increasing potential for the heavier halogens to
reports in our data set of the use of flow chemistry systems, despite participate in halogen bonding interactions with biological targets
the ability to provide a safe and scalable entrance into otherwise was alluded to in section 4.8.123,127129 This interaction, in parti-
hazardous reactions such as the Curtius degradation.157161 Clearly, cular, its designed use, is gaining slow recognition within drug
medicinal chemists must continue to investigate and embrace new discovery. Indeed there were only two closely related reports in our
enabling technologies, while equipment manufacturers and the data set of such an interaction, and even this was not explicitly
academic community need to make new technologies readily referred to as a halogen bonding interaction. Greater awareness of
accessible to the inexperienced user. this potential interaction, along with the development of improved
Medicinal chemistry is often perceived of as the synthesis of methods for the incorporation of halogens (particularly fluorine, as
planar (“flat”) aromatic systems lacking chirality. However, the data highlighted in section 4.8) within the academic community, may
set reveals a surprisingly large number of chiral compounds, often allow for the design of improved molecules, in which a halogen
containing multiple chiral centers, with an average of ∼1 defined serves in place of an interacting aromatic substituent, often an
stereocenter per molecule, taken across the entire data set. The electron-rich group that introduces metabolic liabilities, reducing
perception, thus, that medicinal chemistry is entirely “flat” appears metabolic liability a priori instead of ameliorating it later with
misguided, although it is true that aromatic systems are almost minimal potency benefit.
universally present, the likely source of this preconception. Further- The problems of drug attrition during clinical trials have been
more, an assessment of the degree of unsaturation using the Fsp3 well documented.162164 While the continued use of molecular
parameter12 shows that between one-quarter and one-half of carbon fragments known to be “safe” (i.e., found in approved drugs) is
atoms are sp3-hybridized. Despite this, Lovering’s 2009 analysis understandable, the exploration of novel areas of chemical space,
suggests that the incorporation of a greater proportion of chiral in which the current reliance in particular on amines, amides, and
compounds with higher degrees of unsaturation may improve aromatic rings, may be biasing the chemical output into areas of
clinical outcomes; Lovering’s Fsp3 parameter provides a simple space prone to development problems.
way of assessing this for any given structure.12 As chiral substituents Finally, having considered some of the common preconcep-
are in the minority, it would seem that the routine inclusion of a tions, it is interesting to consider what this data set suggests is a
greater range of chiral substituents may be a simple and achievable “typical” medicinal chemistry compound and synthesis. In terms
means of addressing this, while consideration should also be given to of physicochemical properties, the analysis suggests a molecular
modification of aromatic core templates to saturated or partially weight in the range 350550, with four to six HBAs and one to
saturated systems, containing chiral centers at the point(s) were two HBDs, NRot in the range 68, and clogP between 3.5 and 5.5.
substituents are attached. TPSA has a broader distribution but typically is 6090 Å2. The
As noted in a recent publication,27 the extent of coverage of compound will possess one to two chiral centers, with 3050% of C
heterocycle space is surprisingly limited, although it is clear in this atoms in the sp3 hybridization state, and contain a biaryl bond
analysis that different companies have favored alternative between a fused aromatic system and a second ring (with one of the
3473 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm200187y |J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 3451–3479
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry PERSPECTIVE

rings being a benzenoid system). The molecule is also likely to ’ ACKNOWLEDGMENT

possess a solubilizing group (probably morpholine or piperazine, The many colleagues past and present who have made
linked via an ethylene linker to an aryl ether or via an CH2 linker comments in informal discussions on the topics covered in this
to an aromatic ring), an amide, and an aromatic fluoride or chloride. manuscript or on various drafts of the manuscript are gratefully
Synthetically, it will have been accessed in four to six steps, which acknowledged by the authors. Dr. James Davidson (Vernalis
include an amide formation, a deprotection step (most likely of a (R&D) Ltd.) is particularly thanked for introducing one of the
N-Boc group, introduced as part of a commercially available building authors (S.D.R.) to Python, RDKit, and Knime. The authors are
block), and a Pd-catalyzed CC bond formation (most likely a indebted to the many scientists at AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithK-
Suzuki coupling). The solubilizing group will have been introduced line, and Pfizer who have taken the time to publish the results of
by either a reductive amination or an O-alkylation step. A search of their work in peer-reviewed journals and without whom this
the data set showed that there is no actual molecule within the set analysis would not have been possible. The authors thank the
fulfilling all of these “typical” criteria! anonymous reviewers for the helpful comments and suggestions
We hope that this article will serve to put many of the made on the manuscript during the review process.
preconceptions surrounding industrial medicinal chemistry into
context, providing a snapshot based on recently published data,
and suggest areas that medicinal chemists and academic synthetic ’ ABBREVIATIONS USED
chemists may explore in order to benefit the drug discovery 5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin); 5-mr, five-membered
process and to stimulate discussion within and between those ring; 6-mr, six-membered ring; Ac, acetyl; ACE2, angiotensin-
communities. converting enzyme 2; ACS, American Chemical Society; Alk,
alkyl group; AMPAR, R-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-
Accession Codes propionic acid receptor; ANRORC, addition (nucleophilic) ring-

The following PDB code is referenced in this article: 3DY7. opening ring closure; Ar, generic aromatic group; AZ, AstraZe-
neca; BACE-1, β-secretase 1; BMC, Bioorganic and Medicinal
’ ASSOCIATED CONTENT Chemistry; BMCL, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters;
Bn, benzyl; Boc, tert-butoxycarbonyl; Boc, tert-butoxycarbonyl;
bS Supporting Information. Tables detailing the numbers CAS, Chemical Abstracts Service; Cbz, benzyloxycarbonyl;
of references and compounds by target class; table listing break- CCR5, CC chemokine receptor 5; clogP, calculated log10 of
down of the sources of chirality. This material is available free of the octanol/water partition coefficient; cPr, cyclopropyl; CRF1,
charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org. corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1; CXCR2, CXC che-
mokine receptor 2; DIPEA, diisopropylethylamine; DPPA, di-
’ AUTHOR INFORMATION phenylphosphorylazide; EphB4, ephrin type B receptor 4; erbB2,
Corresponding Author erythroblast leukaemia viral oncogene B2 (aka HER2, human
*Phone: (þ44) 01223 895555. Fax: (þ44) 01223 895556. epidermal growth factor receptor 2); ER, estrogen receptor; Et,
E-mail: s.roughley@vernalis.com. ethyl; FG, functional group; FGA, functional group addition;
FGI, functional group interconversion; GSK, GlaxoSmithKline;
HAR, heteroaromatic; HBA, hydrogen bond acceptor; HBD,
’ BIOGRAPHIES hydrogen bond donor; hERG, human ether-a-go-go; IF, impact
Stephen D. Roughley obtained his M.A. in 1995 and Ph.D. factor; iPr, isopropyl; JMC, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry; MAd-
(with Prof. Andrew B. Holmes, on the modeling and application of CAM, mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule; Me, methyl;
nitrone cycloaddition reactions to the synthesis of histrionicotoxin MEK1, Raf-activated MAP/ERK kinase; Ms, mesylate (MeSO2);
alkaloids) in 1999 from the University of Cambridge, U.K. During MWt, molecular weight; NCE, new chemical entities; NET,
his studies he undertook placements in both Medicinal and Process noradrenaline transporter; nPr, n-propyl; NRot, number of
Chemistry Departments at GlaxoWellcome. In 1999, he joined freely rotatable bonds; PDB, Protein Data Bank; PSA, polar
RiboTargets (later Vernalis) as a medicinal chemist, where he has surface area; PYK2, proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2; R, R0 , etc.,
been involved in a range of drug discovery and technology generic substituents (alkyl or unspecified); SAR, structure
programs in anti-infective, CNS, and oncology disease areas. activity relationship; SERT, serotonin (5-HT) transporter;
Following a secondment in NMR-based fragment screening, he SNAr, nucleophilic aromatic substitution; Sol, solubilizing group;
returned to medicinal chemistry as a Principal Scientist and SRN1, radical aromatic substitution; tBu, tert-butyl; Tf, triflate
maintains a broad range of interests in drug discovery technologies, (F3CSO2); TFA, trifluoroacetic acid; TPSA, topological polar
medicinal and synthetic chemistry, and cheminformatics. surface area; Ts, tosylate (p-MeC6H4SO2); UMIST, University
Allan M. Jordan gained his B.Sc. from UMIST, Manchester, U. of Manchester Institute of Science and Techonology; VAL, va-
K., in 1993. After a short period as a graduate teaching assistant at line; X, halogen; n-mr, n-membered ring
Arizona State University, he returned to UMIST where he com-
pleted his Ph.D. in 1997, investigating taxane-derived anticancer ’ REFERENCES
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