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Detailed Lesson Plan

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School TINA ELEMENTARY Level Grade 3

Teacher Ms. Ney C. Lobo Learning Area Science
DETAILED Teaching Dates and December 17, 2020
Quarter Fourth
LESSON PLAN Time 10:30am-12:00nn

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of ways of sorting plants and
animals as well as describe them as living or non-living things based on
their observable properties.

B. Performance The learners should be able to recognize and practice proper handling of
Standards keeping animals and plants healthy.

C. Learning A. The learners should be able to describe animals and plants in their
Competencies/ immediate surroundings.
Objectives B. The learners should be able to identify the parts and functions of
animals and plants.

1. Unpacked The learners should be able to classify plants and animals based on some
Competency observable characteristics.


A. Topic: Animals and Plants: Parts, Functions and Importance To Humans
B. Science Ideas The physical environment where we live is non-living the waters, land
and air. An organism is a complete, individual living thing. They do
things to maintain life which called life processes.
Life Process or Characteristics of Living Things
 Growing or increasing in size according to its kind
 Responding or reacting to stimuli /surroundings
 Producing more individuals of their own kind or reproduction
 Obtaining energy from food, air and other sources
 Releasing wastes surrounding
Animals have parts that enable them to live in various places. The
animals around us provide services for us to survive. Food,
transportation, medicine, clothes recreation, even protection are
provided to us..
The common plants that we see around us are seed plants. These plants
have roots, stems, leaves, fruits and seeds. Plants provide us food,
medicine, materials for clothing, shelter, boat, furniture, resin, dyes and
many more. Plants protect the environment from erosion by providing
cover to the ground.

C. Science Processes Observing, identifying, describing

D. Value Focus Proper care of plants and animals
E. Materials Video presentation showing the importance of animals to us and why do
we need plants in our life, puzzle pieces of the different animals and
plants that is important in human beings daily life.
F. References Bilbao, Purita P., Shirley R. Jusayan, Lourdes N. Morano, Lea C. Tingson.
Teaching Science In The Elementary Grades: Volume 1 (Chemistry and
Biology). 10B Boston, Cubao, Quezon City, 1111 Metro Manila: Lorimar
Publishing, 2017. Print.
Other Learning Resources https://www.slideshare.net/lorren0207/types-of-lesson-plan


A. Engage
1. Drill Unscramble the words below. After identifying them, say best word to
describe it and where you can see it.


2. Review Four Pics One Word
Four pictures will be flashed on the screen and the learners will guess the
mystery word by studying how are they related.

B. Explore
IV. 1. Motivation What is your favourite plant/animal? How do you take care of them? Do
you know what will happen to know if they are forgotten and ignored?

2. Presentation Now watch the video and find out what are the importance of animals to
us and why do we need plants.
Note: Video clip can be downloaded. The following are the links of the
3. Pre- Activity Divide the class into 5 groups. Remind them the standards in performing
a group activity. Let them recall the acronym of GROUPS.
Get along
Respect others
On task
Use quiet voices
Stay in your group
4. Activity Proper Distribute the envelope containing the puzzle pieces. Tell the class to
arrange the puzzle pieces so that they can form an image. Identify what
is the image and state its function/importance in our everyday lives.
Then, accomplish the worksheet. Assign one group member to be the
*see attached worksheet.
C. Explain
1. Group Reporting After all groups have done performing the activity, let them post their
work on the board. Ask one volunteer from the class to describe the
image and its function/importance in our daily lives.
2. Discussion Based on the activity 1, what are the common parts of the domesticated
animals like a dog and its characteristics that enable them to live on
1. Head- there is eyes, ears, nose and mouth. It is connected
to the body by a neck.
2. Body- it is covered by a hair. The end of the body has a
tail. The male external reproductive parts are found in the
belly area.
3. Legs- Attached to the body are two front legs and two
hind legs for movement. The feet have toes that are
covered by thick horn.
What are the common parts of the fish and its characteristics that enable
them to live on water?
1. Head- in the head are the eyes, mouth, nostrils and gill cover.
2. Body and tail- the body may or may not be covered by scales.
The fins are found in the upper side and lower side of the
body, and at the tail. Its slender body and fins enable the fish
too swim.
Based on the activity 2, what are the parts of the plants?
Roots- it anchor the plants to the ground. These also absorb water and
minerals from the soil. Plants either have taproot system or a fibrous root
1. Stems- it supports the leaves, flowers and fruits. These also
transport food, minerals and water to other parts of the plant.
Some stems are woody while others are herbaceous or soft.
2. Leaves- it is generally green, expanded and attached to a stem by
a petiole. A simple leaf has stalk, base, margin and tip. It has
veins that may run parallel to the midrib or netted. Leaves have
different shapes, size and arrangement on the stem and may have
other colours such as violet, yellow, red, pink and orange. The
main function of the leaf is to produce food, the process is known
as photosynthesis.
3. Flowers- are mainly for plant reproduction and attached to the
stem by pedicel. The outermost part is sepal while the second
layer is the petals and the reproductive parts of the flower are the
stamen (male) and the pistil(female).
4. Fruits- it comes from the flowers. Some are fleshy or dry.
5. Seeds- are attached inside the middle layer of the fruit. These
germinate to produce new plants.

Take Note: the flowers, fruits and seeds are characteristic features of
flowering plants.

D. Elaborate
1. Generalization What have you learned today? Make a paragraph about it.
2. Application Ask:
What do you think will happen if we will continue to use the animals
and plants around us without taking care of them?
Do you think they will continue to feed or help us if we continue to
benefit ourselves without us helping them to be better/grow?
How will you show your care and gratitude for them?
E. Evaluate Put a if the sentence shows taking good care of an animal or if

____1. Angel walks her dog every afternoon around their house.
____2. Fe lets her cat sleep outside their house without any roof.
____3. Maria builds a birdhouse in their garden.
____4. Ana hits her dog for sleeping in his favourite chair.
____5. Carmela brings her rabbit to a veterinarian for a check up.
IV. Assignment List down at least 5 ways that you can do at home to help animals and
plants be preserved.
Sample Worksheet
Activity Number: 1 Date:

Parts of Animals and their Functions and the Importance of Animals to Humans


What are the parts of animals and their functions?

What is the importance of animals to humans?

Step 1: Recall animals found in your homes, backyard or farm. They are called domesticated animals. List at
least 5 domesticated animals. Record your prior knowledge in the following table:

Name of domesticated animal External parts of the body Function of the part

Step 2: Each group is assigned a topic for library research. There are so many animals that you can find in the
farm, forest, river, fishpond and in the sea. List ten animals that are very important to us and how we should
take care of them. Include also the pets that are found in your homes. Write your answer on the table below.

Animals that are important to us Importance of the animal Ways to take care of the animal

Assignation of topics:

Group 1- House Pets

Group 2- Farm Animals

Group 3- Animals in the Forest

Group 4- Animals in the river and fishpond

Group 5- Animals in the Sea

Group Number and Topic:

Group Members:
Activity Number: 2 Date:

What makes a Plant?

What to do:

Step 1: State two major problems about plants that you would like to answer.

Step 2: Bring the following materials by group. Use real object or specimens. When specimens listed are
not available, find others with similar feature. Look into materials in each group to find clues to the
problems you identified in Step 1.

a. Group 1- Potted plants such as gumamela, mayana, grass, orchid, and rose. (your plant
must have the basic parts such as roots, stems, leaves and flower.). Other plants may be
brought to school or you may utilize plants in the school yard or hedges but DO NOT
uproot or PICK any of the parts.
b. Group 2- Roots: Roots: uprooted grass, orchid, pandan, carrot, radish, sweet potato,
cassava, ube, singkamas, pictures of bakhaw (mangrove tree) and narra.
c. Group 3- leaves of santan,sweet potato, saluyot and beans that are attached on the stem,
other leaves that have different sizes and shapes such as papaya, lemon grass, malunggay,
onionbuld and kataka-taka.
Stems: rhizome of ginger, potato tuber, ampalaya, or any vine, Bermuda grass,
strawberry and kangkong.
d. Group 4- flowers: squash, papaya, gumamela and others.
e. Group 5- Fruits: tomato, avocado,dry bean pod or any fruit in season.
Seeds: rice, corn, mahogany, narra and others.

Prepared by:

Ney C. Lobo


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