An Overview On Bored Cast in Situ Concre
An Overview On Bored Cast in Situ Concre
An Overview On Bored Cast in Situ Concre
Pile foundation is the stable foundation among various types of foundation which has very high
vertical compression, uplift and lateral load carrying capacity. Pile foundation can carry higher loads
as compared to spread footings. Based on types of pile i.e. displaced or replaced it has different
technique(method) of installation. For installation of replaced pile, the method is selected based on
soil strata, site condition, availability of machinery and tools. For loose to medium dense soil strata
commonly used method for construction of pile are DMC (direct mud circulation), RMD (reverse
mud circulation), dry boarding. Out of this DMC by means of tyre mounted rig machine (TMR) and
dry boring by means of hydraulic rig machine is used.
In present study the procedure for construction of bored in-situ pile (Replaced pile) is discussed and
various challenges associated with piling work and their solution are explained based on site knowgde
and field experience. The comparison between TMR and hydraulic rig machine in terms of efficiency,
fuel consumption, time, quality of work, and ease of work is also discussed. This study is a help to
new learners, planning of piling project which is associated with piling work. It also helps to estimate
the various stakeholders, difficulties and challenges in construction of bored in situ pile concrete pile.
Keyword: Displaced Pile, Replaced Pile, DMC, TMR, Hydraulic Rig Machine.
Piles are columnar elements in a foundation which serves/fulfil the function of transferring load from
superstructure through weak compressible strata or through water, to stiffer or more compact and less
compressible soils or to rock. It may require to carry(withstand) uplift loads when used to support tall
structures subjected to overturning forces from winds or waves. Piles used in marine structures are
subjected to lateral loads from the impact of berthing ships and from waves. Combinations of vertical
and horizontal loads are carried where piles are used to support retaining walls, bridge piers and
abutments, and machinery foundations. A pile is basically a long cylinder of a strong material such as
concrete that is inserted into the ground to act as a steady support for structures built above it.
Pile foundations are used in the following situations:
1. When there is a layer of weak soil at the surface. This layer cannot support the weight of the
building, so the loads of the building have to bypass this layer and be transferred to the layer
of stronger soil or rock that is below the weak layer.
2. When a building has very heavy, concentrated loads, such as in a high-rise structure, bridge,
or water tank.
3. When load is horizontal, vertical compression and vertical uplift (tensile) acting on
Types of Pile
In this paper the piles are classified based on the diameter of pile as per IS 2911. 1. Small pile and 2.
Large pile. Pile having diameter up to 600mm is known as small pile and greater than 600mm is
known as large pile. IS code also recommended that the minimum diameter of pile is 450mm.
Construction Stages
1. Drilling Stage
To create the cavity or hole in the soil strata of required dimeter which is equal to pile diameter
drilling is implemented with suitable method. To stabilize the borehole, three methods can be
used: I). Dry pile construction. II). Wet pile construction III). Cased pile construction (To drill the
borehole, casings are used to maintain open the borehole). The next step is the construction of the
pile: firstly, the reinforcing cage is lowered into the hole and then concrete is cast. Each of these
methods have their own areas and applicability based of the soil strata and availability of drilling
tools and machinery.
I) Dry Excavation The construction process consists of drilling the pile, removing loose
material from the borehole, placing the reinforcement cage, and concreting the shaft. This
method is used where the soil is stable, stabilisation operations can be avoided. In this
method no need to use any stabilizing material. The detail of this method as shown in
fig.1. (a)
II) Excavation with Drilling Fluids When the bore hole is not stable and there is chance of
collapse of borehole due to loosen cohesionless soil strata below the water table (When
drilling through loose soil or very soft clay below the water table), special bentonite or
polymer slurries are used to stabilise the borehole walls. The greater specific weight of
bentonite slurry compared to water and its capacity to create a waterproof layer over the
borehole walls, these slurries, when applied for more than at least 1m above the water
table, help make the shaft watertight, preventing the walls from collapsing. The drilling
slurry, whether it is bentonite or polymer based, is produced on site using specific high
turbulence mixing plants. The quantities of bentonite or polymer are used to prepare the
slurry is bentonite 30-70 kg per 1,000 litres water (an approximate water to bentonite
ratio is 1:15 to 1:30) and that of polymer 0.5-3 kg per 1,000 litres water It is important to
have a constant supply of slurry on site in case its level suddenly drops, should workers
encounter cohesionless, particularly loose soil or underground cavities. The slurry must
have certain rheological characteristics, such as density, viscosity and sand. The detail of
this method as shown in fig.1. (b)
III) Excavation Without Drilling Fluid If drilling fluids cannot be used, boreholes can be
supported by temporary casings. As the temporary casing can be driven into the ground
using the rotary head of the drilling rig (up to 15-20 m) or a hydraulic vibratory hammer
connected to a service crane. As a general rule, the techniques described above are not
effective at depths greater than 20 m and the temporary casing can only be driven using a
special piece of hydraulic equipment called “casing oscillator”.
IV) Excavation with Casing Support Segmental casing is used as a temporary or permanent
support for a bored piling system with deeper unstable soil conditions. It is utilised during
the drilling stage and can be installed and extracted by using a drilling rig or an oscillator
attached to a rig, service crane or power pack. A large casing driving plate is fitted under
the rotary to couple the first 1.5 m-casing section. The soil therein is removed by means
of boring tools such as an auger or drilling buckets. The sections are joined using
mechanical joints until the desired length is achieved. During the concreting stage casings
are withdrawn in segments, extracted by the piling rig and or oscillator. Segmental casing.
Fig.1. Various constriction stages for different method
V) method can be applied to foundation piles, secant pile and contiguous retaining walls.
Casing drilling is recommended in soils with rocks or boulders which tend to displace the
kelly bar from the drilling axis, and thus cause serious damage to them. There are two
type of casings: a). Temporary Casing: Temporary casing is used to retain the sides of the
borehole only long enough for the fluid concrete to be placed. The temporary casing
remains in place until the concrete has been poured to a level sufficient to withstand
ground and groundwater pressures. The casing is removed after the concrete is placed. b).
Permanent Casing: The use of permanent casing is implied by its name; the casing
remains and becomes a permanent part of the foundation. An example of the use of
permanent casing is when a drilled shaft is to be installed through water and the
protruding portion of the casing is used as a form. The detail of this method as shown in
fig.1. (c)
Quality Control
The quality control of bored in situ cast piling can be achieved by proper planning, using checklist,
skilled and experience manpower during the construction. For any construction work quality is the
soul and key parameter for the success of the work. The following checklist are taken in practice for
better quality control. It can be modified as per site condition, client requirement, technical details.
1. Checklist for geometrical detail of bore hole
2. Checklist for bore hole
3. Checklist for cage fabrication
4. Checklist for concreting
By considering above basic point the checklist was prepared and strictly followed as per design
standards and method of statement.
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance is the process of identifying or deciding on all the quality requirements for a
project. It also includes identifying existing quality documents that are relevant to the quality
requirements of the project, and making them available for use. QA is critical to the overall success of
any construction project. Traditionally, the QA process is manual, involving a lot of paperwork,
which becomes a hindrance to completing QA, resulting in a lot of QA being done retrospectively.
There is always some risk involved in any construction project, and Quality Assurance is essential in
preventing problems with a build and reducing risk. If quality issues are only identified after an
activity has been completed, the result is re-work and programme delays. When quality issues aren’t
identified at all during the build, it can lead to painful defect-liability periods, or buildings that fail
years after practical completion. QA focuses on the procedures that the construction company has
implemented to ensure that the design meets quality standards, and ensure the highest industry
standards are applied every step of the way.
To assure the quality of bored in situ cast piling, the pile integrity test is performed after construction
of pile. The pile integrity test gives an idea about continuity, uniformity in terms of size and strength
and crack in the pile.
Load Test
Load test on piles are conducted on completion of 28 days after casting of piles. Two types of tests
namely initial and routine tests, for each type of loading viz, vertical, horizontal (lateral) and pull out
are performed on piles
i. Initial Load Test on Piles
This test is performed to confirm the design load calculation and to provide guidelines for setting up
the limits of acceptance for routine tests. It also gives an idea of the suitability of piling system. this
test is conducted on pile which is not used for structure and it is constructed only for testing purpose.
Initial test on piles are to be carried out at one or more locations depending on the number of piles are
required. load applied for the initial load test is 2.5 times the calculated design load. Loading for
initial testis conducted as per Appendix ‘A’ Clause 6.3 of IS 2011 Part IV. The number of initial load
tests may select depending upon the nature of sub-strata, number of piles and past experience at site
are as a). for small size project (for piles less than 1000 numbers), a minimum of two tests. b). For
large size project (for piles more than 1000 numbers), a minimum of two test for first 1000 piles and
additional one for every additional 1000 piles.
ii. Routine Load Test on Piles
This test is conducted on the pile which is constructed for structure purpose. Selection of piles for
routine test is done based on number of piles required subjected to maximum of 0.5% of total number
of piles required. The number of tests may be increased to 2% depending on the nature and type of
structure. The test load applied is 1.5 times the estimated safe load of pile. The detail of test procedure
is given in IS 2911 Part IV. This test will be performed a). To ensure the safe load capacity of piles. b)
detection of any unusual performance contrary to the findings of the initial test. The detail about load
test for each type of loading are given in table 2.
Based on the case study some points are concluded are as follow
For better efficiency, quality control and speedy construction hydraulic rig machines are
better choice.
For low budget project and a sufficient availability of water at site then, tyre mounted rig
machines are better choice.
Best tools utilization as per subsoil condition gives better results of production.