Ecotron: A Starter Model With Refinement
Ecotron: A Starter Model With Refinement
Ecotron: A Starter Model With Refinement
A starter model with refinement
Shake flask sizes
The Ecotron shaker is designed for mi- Penta-Drive 25 mL – 5000 mL
crobial applications and users who want The patented, high-performance Penta
quality and performance with an excellent drive unit is at the heart of many INFORS HT Suitable for
price-performance ratio. The shaking shakers. The highlight of the drive is its microbials
table is used like a shaker tray, and can be ingenious dynamic mass-balancing system,
directly equipped with clamps, test tube which ensures whisper-quiet, vibration-free High-performance
racks or our famous Sticky Stuff. A cooling operation. Penta-Drive
system for the Ecotron is available on
request. Comfortable Cooling (optional)
All the parameters associated with your
Two-tier stacking option culture are constantly on display, thanks Compatibility
The practical design and compact dimen- to the big, bright lights of the LED display. With INFORS HT clamps, test
sions of the incubator shaker make it ideal You can follow your process from across tube holders, microtitre plates
for use in even the smallest of laboratories. the laboratory. The intuitive menu naviga- and Sticky Stuff.
It can be operated stacked in two units tion adds convenience.
and as a single device, it even fits on a
laboratory bench.