Exploring Landsat8
Exploring Landsat8
Exploring Landsat8
Exploring Landsat 8
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Exploring Landsat 8
Tri Dev Acharya, Graduate Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon,
South Korea
Intae Yang, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, South Korea
OLI data to create radiometrically and geometrically enable better characterization of land cover state and
calibrated, terrain-corrected 16-bit Level 1 data products. condition.
Data collected by the instruments onboard the satellite, are
Table 1. Processing parameter for Landsat 8 standard available to download at no charge from GloVis,
data products (USGS, 2013) EarthExplorer, or via the LandsatLook Viewer within 24
Product Type Level 1T (terrain corrected) hours of reception (USGS, 2013). Approximate scene size
Data type 16-bit unsigned integer is 170 km north-south by 183 km east-west (106 mi by
Output format GeoTIFF 114 mi) and have a large file size of about 1 GB
Pixel size 15 meters/30 meters/100 meters compressed.
Map UTM (Polar Stereographic for Landsat 8 data products are consistent with the all standard
projection Antarctica) Level-1 (orthorectified) data products created using
Datum WGS 84 Landsat 1 to Landsat 7 data. It consists of quantized and
Orientation North-up (map) calibrated scaled Digital Numbers (DN) representing
Resampling Cubic convolution multispectral image data acquired by both the Operational
Accuracy OLI: 12 meters circular error, 90 % Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS).
confidence The products are delivered as 16-bit unsigned integer
format (scaled to 55,000 grey levels), and can be rescaled
TIRS: 41 meters circular error, 90 %
to the Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance and/or
radiance using radiometric rescaling coefficients provided
in the product metadata file (MTL file). The MTL file also
On March 18, 2013, the first images were taken with both
contains the thermal constants needed to convert TIRS
the Operational Land Imager (OLI) and the Thermal
data to the at-satellite brightness temperature.
Infrared Sensor (TIRS) onboard the Landsat Data
Continuity Mission (LDCM) spacecraft. The Landsat 8
The level of detail (spatial resolution) is often the most
satellite images the entire Earth every 16 days in an 8-day
interesting aspect of viewing a satellite image, but less
offset from Landsat 7. It promises to produce images at a
appreciated is how changes in irradiative energy reflected
significantly higher rate than Landsat 7 (up to 400 scenes
by different surface materials are used to identify features
per day). Both sensors provide improved signal-to-noise
of interest. Landsat 8 provides continuity to the previous
(SNR) radiometric performance quantized over a 12-bit
sensors and also with its addition of new multispectral and
dynamic range. Improved signal to noise performance
thermal bands enables additional analysis in future.
Table 2. Landsat 8 bands properties and applications
Landsat 8 Band Band Name Wavelength Resolution Applications
Sensors (µm) (m)
1 Coastal / Aerosol 0.433-0.453 Coastal and Aerosol studies
Bathymetric mapping, distinguishing soil from
2 Blue vegetation and deciduous from coniferous
0.450-0.515 vegetation
Emphasizes peak vegetation, which is useful for
3 Green
0.525-0.600 assessing plant vigour
4 Red 0.630-0.680 30 Discriminates vegetation slopes
Near Infrared
Imager 5 Emphasizes biomass content and shorelines
(NIR) 0845.-0.885
Short-wave Discriminates moisture content of soil and
Infrared (SWIR) 1 1.560-1.660 vegetation; penetrates thin clouds
Short-wave Improved moisture content of soil and vegetation
Infrared (SWIR) 2 2.100-2.300 and thin cloud penetration
8 Panchromatic 0.500-0.680 15 Sharper image definition
9 Cirrus 1.360 -1.390 30 Improved detection of cirrus cloud contamination
Thermal Long-wave 10.30 –
10 Thermal mapping and estimated soil moisture
Infrared Infrared (LWIR) 1 11.30
Sensor Long-wave Improved thermal mapping and estimated soil
(TIRS) Infrared (LWIR) 2 11.50-12.50 moisture
BQA Quality assessments for every pixel in the scene
* TIRS bands are acquired at 100 meter resolution, but are resampled to 30 meter in delivered data product.
pixel values in these two bands are minimal (Yale Imagery data for the study were acquired from the United
University, 2013). States Geological Survey (USGS) website using its online
interface, the GLOVIS (http://glovis.usgs.gov/). The data
4. APPLICATION were acquired as zipped Georeferenced Tagged Image File
Format (GeoTIFF) representing systematically terrain
A. Study Scene corrected data (L1T). The properties and the natural color
The study scene is North East part of South Korea. It image and quality assessment band of scene are as shown
consists mostly of Gangwon province and some part of in table 4 and Fig. 2.
Gyeonggi, Chungcheongbuk and Gyeongsangbuk
provinces. It also includes DMZ boarder and small part of The software used for processing and information
North Korea. extraction are ArcGIS 10.2 (ESRI, 2013) and ENVI 5.1
(EVIS, 2013). Both of the software support Landsat
B. Data set and methodology metadata file.
Fig. 2. Scene from path 34 and row 115 a. Natural color composite (432); b. Quality Assessment Band
Fig. 7. Band compositions: (a) 7 6 4; (b) 5 4 3; (c) 6 5 2; (d) 7 6 5; (e) 5 6 2; (f) 5 6 4; (g) 7 5 3; (h) 6 5 4; (i) 10 7 3
Beside band combination, ratios and indices are also very [4] USGS (2013), United States Geological Survey,
important for studying the earth surface, which could Landsat 8: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet
reveal more detail and accurate detection for scientific 2013–3060, http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2013/3060/ (last
studies. date accessed: 25 November, 2014)
[5] USGS (2014), United States Geological Survey,
6. CONCLUSION Landsat 8 Quality Assessment Band,
Landsat program has been providing space-based php (last date accessed: 28 November, 2014)
moderate-resolution land remote sensing data continuously [6] Wu, J., Wang, D., & Bauer, M. E. (2005). Image-
since four decades. The acquired imageries are the used in based atmospheric correction of QuickBird imagery
many different applications in the field of agriculture, of Minnesota cropland. Remote Sensing of
forestry, geology, regional planning, education, mapping, Environment, 99(3), 315-325.
and global landuse/cover change. With the launch of [7] Wulder, M. A., Masek, J. G., Cohen, W. B.,
Landsat 8, the legacy has been forwarded to future. Loveland, T. R., & Woodcock, C. E. (2012).
Opening the archive: How free data has enabled the
Landsat 8 has improved its features as well as introduced science and monitoring promise of Landsat. Remote
new bands for more accurate studies in broader fields. It Sensing of Environment, 122, 2-10.
offers more combinations with more narrow classification. [8] Yale University (2013), Yale Guide to Landsat 8
Yet, more has to be explores about Landsat 8, scientific Image Processing,
research as well as whole mankind will be benefited with http://www.yale.edu/ceo/Documentation/Landsat%
its improved imagery archives. 208%20image%20processing.pdf (last date
accessed: 2 December, 2014)