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IDNO:- 0339/12

1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................................3
2. LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................................4
2.1 General Earth Fills Dam Embankment dams.....................................................................................4
2.1.1 Embankment Dam Failure..............................................................................................................4
2.1.2 Loading Conditions for Embankment Dams...................................................................................5
2.2 Seepage Analysis...................................................................................................................................6
2.2.1 Seepage Analysis of Embankment Dam.........................................................................................6
2.3.2 Purpose of Seepage in Earthen Dam...............................................................................................7
2.3.3. Mohr Coulomb Model...................................................................................................................7
2.3 Slope Stability Analysis.........................................................................................................................8
2.3.1 Limit Equilibrium Methods for Stability Analysis..........................................................................8
2.3.2 Finite Element Method (FEM)........................................................................................................8
2.3.3 Review of Embankment Dam.........................................................................................................9
2.3.4 Plaxis Finite Element Program.......................................................................................................9
3. MATERIAL AND METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................10
3.1 General Background of the Study Area...........................................................................................10
3.1.1 Location........................................................................................................................................10
3.1.2 Climate.........................................................................................................................................10
3.1.3 Geology........................................................................................................................................10
3.2 Methodology.......................................................................................................................................11
3.2.1 Materials/Tools and equipment required.......................................................................................11
3.2.2 Data Input Parameters Cohesion C [kPa];.....................................................................................11
3.2.3 Primary Data Collection...............................................................................................................12
3.2.4 Secondary Data.............................................................................................................................12
3.2.5 Modelling approach......................................................................................................................12
3.2.6 Model Selection and setup............................................................................................................13
4 Results and Discussions..........................................................................................................................14

1 Introduction

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An earthen embankment dam is a structure with a complex geometry and expected to remain stable under
all conditions. Stability related issues of built in slopes are common challenges to both professional
researchers and engineers. Failure of the earthen dam may be caused by change in resulting stress by
rainfall, variation in ground water table, sudden change in water level of the reservoir or seismic event,
occurring individually or in combination.

In case of earthen dam holding reservoir water, the knowledge of water flow inside embankment is
extremely important to estimate the seepage loss inside the water storage dam. In the present study, the
quantity of water flowing through the pores of the soil and its influences on the shear strength is of great
concern in stability of slopes. To predict the stability of a dam at any stage, a stability analysis under
static load for steady-seepage and transient-state seepage has been performed.

(USACE, 2004) ensuring the stability of the dam against slope failure, seepage and stress deformation is
an essential component for the design. Besides stability, the dam also must be able to exhibit satisfactory
serviceability where the dam should be able to perform the intended function throughout the service life.
However, the safety and performance of embankment dams must be controlled during the construction,
during the first impoundment and during long-term operation

Degahmadaw embankment dam constructed by Somali region water bureau, to alleviate the food
shortage problems of the drought affected area of the Degahmadaw woreda and throughout using
irrigation project, to promote and encourage sustainable agricultural crop production. The dam was built
for irrigating 250 ha of command area. In order to have sustainable utilization of the dam it’s important to
assess the stability of dam against slope and seepage failure are essential components for the design of
earth fill dam in order to perform the intended 2 function throughout the service life.

Therefore, this study aims to assess the seepage & slope stability analysis of the Degahmadaw earth dam
using FEM based plaxis 2D software, to identify the existed water leakage problem and to give insights of
dam instability issues and ultimately to propose helpful reclamation measure.

This paper are taken into account the stability and seepage analysis of the embankment dam which is
analyzed using ANSYS 11.0 software and the results of analysis have been verified with (GEOSLOPE
2007) software. In other hand, some parameters such as flood conditions, permeability, slopes, soil
parameters, and load conditions are taken to study their effects on the seepage and slope stability.

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2.1 General Earth Fills Dam Embankment dams
Embankment dams are made of natural materials excavated or obtained in the surrounding area. They can
be homogeneous, but the most usual structures consist of distinct zones of materials with different
characteristics. There are two main types of embankment dams i.e. earth fill and rock fill dams depending
on the materials used on the embankment (Antonia, 2013). Earth fill dams are the most common type of
dam, principally because their construction involves the use of materials from required excavation and the
use of locally available natural materials requiring a minimum of processing. Using large quantities of
required excavation and locally available borrow are positive economic factors related to an earth fill dam
(stephenes, 2010).

2.1.1 Embankment Dam Failure

A number of factors have been identified as causes of dam failure (Punmia & Lal, 1992) attributed 40%
of failures to Hydraulic, 30% to seepage while structural failure carried the remaining 30%.

Hydraulic Failures; Above 40% of embankment dam failures are hydraulic failures due to the reason
from the uncontrolled flow of water over and adjacent to the embankment lead to the erosive action of
water on the embankment slopes. Embankment dam are not normally designed to be overtopped and
therefore are particularly susceptible to erosion.

Seepage Failures; More than 30% of embankment dam failures are due to seepage. Seepage always
occurs in earth dams. It does not harm for stability if it is with in the design limits or controlled in
velocity and quantity. Seepage occurs through the body of earthen embankment and its foundation.

Structural Failures; About 25% to 30% of failure is attributed to structural failure, which is mainly due
to shear failure causing slide along the slopes. Structural failures involve the separation (rupture) of the
embankment materials and/or its foundation.

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2.1.2 Loading Conditions for Embankment Dams
The stability of the upstream and downstream slopes of the dam embankment is analyzed for the most
critical or severe loading conditions that may occur during the life of the dam (USACE, 2003).
End of Construction; in this stage, where excess pore water pressure is present because the soil has not
had time to drain since being loaded in compression and shear. Generally, this represents un-drained
conditions for low permeability embankment and/or foundation soils.

Sudden Drawdown; When the water level at a dam drops, the stabilizing force due to the weight of the
water is removed. If the dam material has a low permeability and the water level drops quickly, then
excess pore pressures will be slow to dissipate that is causes reduced stability in the slope.

Flood Loading; This case applies when the reservoir stage rises above normal storage behind the dam.
This load case can include the steady seepage condition when pore water pressures from seepage fully
develop and pore-water pressures due to shear dissipates.

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2.2 Seepage Analysis
2.2.1 Seepage Analysis of Embankment Dam
One of the basic requirements for design of earth fill dams is to ensure safety against internal erosion,
piping, instability of the downstream slope and development of excessive pore pressures in the dam
(Corps of engineer, 2004).Excessive seepage in any type of a dam is one of the root causes that
destabilize the dam structure and thereby bring economic disaster. The assumptions made in two-
dimensional seepage analysis in a soil includes the natural soil foundation of the earth dam are
incompressible porous media, the seeping water flows under a hydraulic gradient.

One of the most important problems in designing the levee section is to control seepage of water.
Seepage analysis at ANSYS software has been done based on thermal methods, it made possible due to
the existence of the analogy between the equations of seepage flow and the equations of the heat
diffusion. Mass and continuity equation seepage model are as below

∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂p
Kx [ +
∂x ∂y
Ky] [ +
∂y ∂z
∂z ] [
+q=μ ₛ
∂x ]


In which: Kx, Ky, Kz are permeability coefficient at x,y,z direction respectively.

Q is Discharge (for source/sink). :

P = Fluid head. :

μ ₛ = Reservoir capacity.
Thermal-steady continuity condition, at ANSYS software is as below

∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂T
∂x [
Kx +
∂x ∂y ] [
Ky +
∂y ∂z
∂z] [
+ ρQ= ρc
∂t ]


In which: T: is the temperature, 𝝆 is the mass density, c: is the specific thermal coefficient,

and :Kx, Ky, Kz is thermal conductivity. Thermal index at different x,y,z are density at thermal resource.
In this comparison, 𝝆 is substitute with T at Thermal equation, μ ₛ is substitute to 𝝆c & q is similar with Q

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2.3.2 Purpose of Seepage in Earthen Dam
Dams must be designed and maintained to safely control seepage & Seepage analyses are carried out for
the following reason.

 To estimate the amount of seepage flow that may pass through an embankment or foundation.
 To obtain the distribution of pore water pressure.
 To ensure that the seepage line does not intersect the d/s face because, it causes the softening or
sloughing of the d/s slope.

Nowadays, various numerical analysis using computer programs are widely used to model a variety of
seepage flow conditions in embankment dams and groundwater movement. various software used in the
analysis of embankment dams like PLAXIS, SEEP/W, ANSYS, PDEase2D, SVFLUX & etc. (PS ,M.A,&
Balan, T.A, 2014

2.3.3. Mohr Coulomb Model

To simulate the behavior of soil, PLAXIS 2D software supports various models like Linear elastic model,
Mohr Coulomb model, jointed rock model, hardening soil model, soft soil model and soft soil creep
model. Mohr Coulomb is a well-known model used as a first approximation of soil behavior. The model
involves five parameters, those are Young’s .In, and the dilatancy angle,Modulus, E, Poisson’s Ratio,
ʋ, cohesion, c, friction angle, addition to these parameters the horizontal and vertical coefficient of
permeability, saturated and unsaturated unit weights are also used as an important input parameter.

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2.3 Slope Stability Analysis
2.3.1 Limit Equilibrium Methods for Stability Analysis
Limit equilibrium analysis methods have been used in geotechnical engineering for many years to assess
the stability of earthen slopes. Currently, most slope stability analyses involve LE analysis due to its
simplicity and accuracy. These methods consist of cutting the slope into fine slices and applying
appropriate equilibrium equations (equilibrium of the forces and/or moments). According to the
assumptions made on the efforts between the slices and the equilibrium equations considered, many
alternatives were proposed, such as the Bishop and Fellenius methods. In most cases, they are shown to
give similar results. For example, Duncan (1996) reported that the difference between various methods
was less than 6%. For this study, Oasys Slope, a limit equilibrium slope stability analysis program, was
used. This offers a number of methods but, for each analysis, the Bishop method was applied for ease of
comparison with the FE analysis

2.3.2 Finite Element Method (FEM)

The finite element method is a tool to model non-linear stress-strain behavior of materials and understand
the stability based on deformations. Forces and stresses are calculated in these nodal points according to
specified material constitutive model. The assembly of all the elements is usually called a "mesh" or a
"grid". In finite element analyses, the type, and size of elements play an important role in order to achieve
accurate results. Finite element analyses of slope stability problems, to obtain a factor of safety, “strength
reduction method” is commonly used. The main difference between FEM and LEM is that LEM utilizes
the statics of force and moment equilibrium, whereas FEM uses stress strain relationship. LEM has been
the primary method used in estimating the stability of slope for decades. However, due to some of the
shortcomings of LEM, the FEM is a great tool to model nonlinear stress-strain behavior of materials and
understand the stability based on deformations (toromanovic et al, 2006). The FEM is more versatile and
lead good approximation in stability analysis than that of most widely used LEM (Abdlah, 1999). Table 1
Description of LEM and FEM Slope analysis method Limit equilibrium method Finite element method
Analysis principle slice method, equilibrium of force and moments & simple theory. FEM, maintain force
equilibrium condition and constitutive equations. Data input Cohesion & friction angle Constitutive
model data Analysis result Safety factor, no displacement and stress, assumptions for failure surface
Deformed mesh, stress distribution, safety factor & displacement

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2.3.3 Review of Embankment Dam
Stability analysis of an earthen embankment dam has been done using manually and using computer
aided software. “There are a lot of methods and approaches to evaluate and analysis the stability of
slopes, among those methods; the most used are limit equilibrium method (LEM) and finite element
method (FEM). The finite element method is a very effective and versatile numerical tool,” (Abdlah,
1999). (.A/Rahman, 2012) has study on slope stability analysis and road safety evaluation using limit
equilibrium method and finite element method PLAXIS 2D software. Finally, he concludes that “the limit
equilibrium method overestimated the factor of safety as compared to the finite element method”.
(Abramson et al, 2002) he studies that a finite element approach has advantages in the analysis of slope
stability problems over traditional LEM in the absence of assumptions for shape or location of the failure
surface, slice side forces, and their direction. Complex slope configurations and soil deposits can be
applied in FEM, to model virtually all types of mechanisms in two or three dimensions. They also
concluded that FEM could not adequately reflect the significance when some tension cracks were
modeled at different locations. In conclusion, geotechnical analysis using FEM has the benefit in
presenting more detail information of slope stability regarding the stress state in the soil. However, the
uncertainties in slope stability need to be emphasized to obtain valid analysis (Abramson et al, 2002).

2.3.4 Plaxis Finite Element Program

According to (burd, 1999) the initiation of the PLAXIS Finite Element Program was held at Delft
University of Technology Netherland by Pieter Vermeer in 1974. PLAXIS is described as a finite element
package for geotechnical analysis that can utilize both 2D and 3D analyses in determining the stability,
deformation slopes & also different advantage; Ability to study with excess pore-pressure phenomena.
Excess pore pressures are computed during plastic calculations in un drained soil. Better insight into soil-
structure interaction. It can reproduce advanced constitutive soil models for simulation of non-linear
behavior. 8 It uses more advanced material models; Mohr-Coulomb model, hardening-soil model, jointed
rock model and soft soil model.

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3.1 General Background of the Study Area
3.1.1 Location
Geography and Access of Degahmadaw Micro Earthen Dam irrigation project is administratively located
in the Degahmadaw Woreda, Jarar zone of the Somali Regional State. The proposed project area is
located about 140 km South of Degahbur town. The proposed geographical position of the selected Dam
axis is 600m, the catchment area of 175 Km2 and the average altitude 1590m above mean see level. An
area Potentially Irrigated is 100 Ha and 250 Ha as gross Command. The area is free from any tectonic and
seismic activity or risk. The dam site is located in Degahmadaw woreda, which locates in the south west
of the Degahbur town.

3.1.2 Climate
Data based observation shows that the total annual rainfall ranges between 372.1 to 650.2 mm and the
mean total annual rainfall is 616.5 mm (23 years data). The main rainy season (GU’) that starts in early
march, extends up to mid of June that accounts for 60% of the total annual rainfall and Hagaa rainy
season that starts in early September, extends up to end of November that accounts for 40% of the total
annual rainfall. The monthly mean maximum temperature ranges between 26.0°c in July and 37.9°c in
Feb. The monthly mean minimum temperature ranges between 3.5°c December and 13.4°c in April. The
mean annual maximum and minimum temperature is 29.7°c and 34.3°c respectively (SEIFU, 2010).

3.1.3 Geology
According (Coppock, 1994) the geology of the whole system is basement complex and soils developed on
Precambrian basement complex. Rock formations bulk of Precambrian rock of Eastern Ethiopia is
separated by repeatedly reactivated deformational zone into two distinct terrains that contrasting logical
formation. Geologically, the area comprises two logic units these are basement rock and quaternary
deposition. The basement rocks covered around the project area includes gneiss, feldspathic gneiss,
biotitic gneiss, granodiorite, amphibolite and quartzite. The dominant rock around the project area is
gneiss and feldspathic gneiss.

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3.2 Methodology
For any Seminar paper, identifying clear and efficient methodology is essential for the effectiveness of
the study not only from time budget point of view, but also from the quality of the paper result. The
methodology includes data collection from different institutions such as Ministry of water resources.
After collecting the necessary data for the paper, filling of missed data and checking the consistency of
the data have been made. The methodology of this study has aim to assess seepage analysis and slope
stability regarding to performance of Degahmadaw earth fill dam by using the PLAXIS 2D Software.

3.2.1 Materials/Tools and equipment required

In this seminar paper serving instrument (total station), Digital camera, Residential Documents (Such as
design, construction, and operational), Geological and soil survey data etc. was used.

3.2.2 Data Input Parameters Cohesion C [kPa];

Cohesion; is the force that holds together molecules or like particles within a soil. Cohesion, c, is usually
determined in the laboratory from the direct Shear and triaxial tests.

Friction Angle; Angle of internal friction for a given soil is the angle of the shear stress and normal
effective stresses plot at which shear failure occurs. Angle of internal friction, ϕ, is determined in the
laboratory by the direct shear tests. The angle of friction of a rock mass can be also found from the rock
mass rating formula expressed as follows; ϕ = 0.5*RMR + 5…………………………………..…3.1
(where, RMR is rock mass rating)

Poisson Ratio [ν]; the ratio of lateral or transverse strain to the longitudinal strain

−Lateral strain
υ= …………………………………………………………………………….3.2
Axial strain

Young's Modulus (E, kPa); PLAXIS uses the young’s modulus as the basic stiffness modulus in the
elastic and the Mohr Coulomb model. Laboratory tests that used to estimate the soil modulus are the
triaxial unconsolidated undrained compression or triaxial consolidated undrained compression tests. The
most common field tests include standard penetration test (SPT), the plate load test, cone penetration test

and the pressure meter test. E= ……………..…………………………………………….. 3.3
Where E is Young’s Modulus,  is the stress and ԑ is the strain

Dilatancy (Ψ); Dilatancy is the volume change observed in granular materials when they are subjected to
shear deformations (VERRUIT, 2012) .For non-cohesive soils (sand and gravel) with the angle of internal
friction ϕ > 30° & the value of dilatancy angle is estimated as; ψ = φ – 30………………………….3.4

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The dilation angle is found from the above empirical questions or from the plot of volumetric strain
versus axial strain. Permeability; Plaxis- 2D Software distinguishes between a horizontal permeability
(Kx) and a vertical permeability (Ky) because in some types of soil like peat, there can be a significant

difference between horizontal and vertical permeability. K= ………………………………..……
3.5 Where: Q is the volume of water flow through the soil per unit time, A is the cross-sectional area of
the soil, k is coefficient of permeability (m/s) and i is the hydraulic gradient.

Unit Weight γ; Unit weight is determined in the laboratory by measuring the weight and volume of a soil
sample obtained from the field. Measuring unit weight of soil directly in the field might be done by sand
cone test.

Arc-GIS; Geographic Information System “GIS” is a computer system for capturing, managing,
integrating, manipulating, analyzing and displaying data which is spatially referenced to the Earth. For
this research ARC GIS is used describe and delineate the study area.

AutoCAD; is a commercial software application for 2D and 3D computer-aided design (CAD) and
drafting-available since 1982. AutoCAD is one such program and it main claim to fame is that it is
relatively easy to use, it is very comprehensive in its ability to create 2D and some 3D drawings, and it is
very popular.

3.2.3 Primary Data Collection

Dam site visiting and visual inspection about the current condition of the dam.
Interviewing the beneficiaries and operator about the past condition of the dam.
Identify the main problem of the dam supporting with pictures using digital camera.

3.2.4 Secondary Data

Manuals guidelines, standards for the design and analysis of embankment dam.
Essential input data for the Plaxis-2D Software such as; Geometrical design of the dam,
Geotechnical parameters of the embankment, foundation materials from laboratory testing,
Geological reports, maps of the dam site and reservoir interfaces.

3.2.5 Modelling approach

According to (Bahru M. , 2014) process of modeling leads to the journey of discovery a way of learning
something new about the complex behavior of our physical world. It is a process that can help us
understand highly complex, real physical process so that we can exercise our engineering judgment with
increased confidence.

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3.2.6 Model Selection and setup
Nowadays numerous finite element method-based softwares are implemented to evaluate performance of
embankment dams, natural engineering slopes, groundwater flow. In order to achieve the objectives of
this study, finite element method based on Plaxis-2D software will be employed. This model is selected
up on its easiness of its application, ability to solve complicated geometries, loadings, and material
properties when compared with other applications

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4 Results and Discussions
A detailed slope stability analysis and assessment of the original Degehmadaw Earth Embankment Dam
failure in Somali region was attempted in this paper. A 59 m long, 8 m high zone earth filled embankment
was being constructed from 2017 to 2018 from a Somali Regional Water Authority to regulate flows in
the River of dakhato in Degahmadaw. Its reservoir capacity was 15 million m3 and the watertight element
was Rolled Clay Core with an upstream extension of boot shaped and shoulders of compacted mudstone
with horizontal drainage layers of crushed limestone about 4 metres apart and a cut-off grout curtain
(Davey and Eccles, 1983). However, at the beginning of June 2018, a 40 m length of the upstream
shoulder of the embankment dam slipped some 4 m and failed. At the time of the failure, embankment
construction was virtually complete with the dam approaching its maximum height of 8m. The failure
surface passed through the boot shaped rolled clay core and a relatively thin layer of surface clay in the
foundation of the dam. Vol. 18 [2013], Bund. Z 6055 By using and applying advanced geotechnical
engineering analysis tools and modelling techniques the Degahmadaw Earth Embankment Dam, which is
considered a particular geotechnical structure, was analyzed in this paper. In this detailed slope stability
analyses, the total and effective stress state soil properties / parameters were used, and the most critical
slip circle centre according to Fellenius - Jumikis method was initially determined. Subsequently, the
Degahmadaw Earth Embankment Dam and its foundation was analysed and examined against failure by
slope instability. Considerations of loading conditions which may result to instability for all likely
combinations of reservoir and tailwater levels, seepage conditions, both after and during construction
were made, and hence three construction and / or loading conditions were examined in particular:

• The right after Construction Condition [Loading case (a)],

• The Steady Seepage Condition [Loading case (b)], and

• The Rapid Drawdown Condition in the reservoir [Loading case (c)]

In this context, the slope stability at the three above mentioned discrete loading cases of the Degahmadaw
Earth Embankment Dam was analyzed and presented, and certain valuable conclusions concerning the
overall stability conditions of the Earth Embankment Dam during its original construction were deduced
in this seminar paper. In addition, for comparison reasons, a Slope Stability Analysis of the Degahmadaw
Earth Embankment Dam during loading case (a) using Taylor’s curves was performed. Furthermore, the
Shear Strength Reduction (S.S.R.) Analysis Method, based on the Finite Element Analysis technique
(F.E.A.), was executed, for purposes of verification of the Global Slope Stability Analysis of the whole
Degahmadaw Earth Embankment Dam for the Loading case (a), i.e. right after construction condition of
the Dam but prior to its filling with water, which proved that the results between the Shear Strength

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Reduction (S.S.R.) Analysis Method and the Limit Equilibrium Analysis Method (LEM) based on the
method of slices are comparable and similar. From these detailed slope stability analysis results, the
reasons as to why the Degahmadaw Earth Embankment Dam failed during its original construction
became obvious. According to the detailed slope stability analysis results, the following conclusions can
be deduced when considering the three examined construction and / or loading conditions

The slope stability analysis is performed by applying the limit equilibrium analysis (LEA) method in
order to determine the factor of safety (FoS) only for the downstream embankment slope (using
SLOPE/W software, GeoStudio 2007). The FoS values are obtained only for the sliding slope stability
considering the downstream slope

After Revetment Design the conditions are satisfied for the soil samples at high flood level and rapid
drawdown conditions. For all cases, the safety factors are above the recommended value. These values
have ensured the shear strength of soil along with the protection of river embankment. The soil having
better safety factors are assumed to be more protective from erosion. After the design, the number of
layers at rapid drawdown has been found to be greater in quantity than high flood level condition. But in
practice, rarely rapid drawdown condition is considered, so the number of layers used is minimum.

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