Applied Mathematical Modelling: Junli Liu, Tailei Zhang
Applied Mathematical Modelling: Junli Liu, Tailei Zhang
Applied Mathematical Modelling: Junli Liu, Tailei Zhang
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this paper, a nonautonomous SIRS epidemic model with density dependent birth rate is
Received 15 November 2008 proposed and studied. Threshold conditions for the permanence and extinction of the dis-
Received in revised form 1 June 2009 ease are established. Some new threshold values of integral form are obtained. We prove
Accepted 22 July 2009
that the disease is permanent if R0 > 0, and extinct if R1 6 0 or R2 < 0. For the periodic
Available online 28 July 2009
and almost periodic cases, these threshold conditions act as sharp threshold values for
the permanence and extinction of the disease. Global asymptotic stability of periodic
solution for the periodic system is derived. Some examples are given to illustrate the main
Nonautonomous SIRS model
Density dependent birth rate
results of this paper.
Permanence Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
In modeling the spread of infectious disease through the population, it is usually assumed that the total population size is
constant. More recent studies consider an epidemic model with density dependent birth and death rates to describe disease
transmission in population (see [1–5] etc.). In order to make the model more realistic, Yoshida and Hara [6] proposed the
following SIR model
> dt ¼ NðthÞ ðl þ ð1 aÞ K ÞS þ ðb a K ÞN;
dS rN rN
< dI bSIðthÞ
¼ NðthÞ ðl þ ð1 aÞ rN
ÞI cI;
¼ cI ðl þ ð1 aÞ K ÞR:
In this model, the birth and death rates are assumed as density dependent, incubation time during which the infectious
agents develop in the vector are incorporated. And also it was assumed that the total number of the population is governed
by a logistic equation. Stability of an endemic equilibrium is investigated in terms of the basic reproduction number.
The nonautonomous phenomenon is so prevalent in the real life that many epidemiological problems can be modeled by
nonautonomous systems of nonlinear differential equations [7–18], which should be more realistic than autonomous
differential equations. One case is the spread of infectious childhood diseases, where it has been argued that the school sys-
tem induces a time-heterogeneity in the per capita infection rate because of the interruption of the infections chain during
vacations or the inclusion of new individuals at the beginning of each school year [19].
* Corresponding author. Present address: School of Science, Xi’an Polytechnic University, Xi’an 710048, PR China.
E-mail address: (J. Liu).
0307-904X/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
J. Liu, T. Zhang / Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (2010) 866–877 867
For any solution ðSðtÞ; IðtÞ; RðtÞÞ of system (1.2), the initial value is given by
Sð0Þ > 0; Ið0Þ > 0; Rð0Þ P 0: ð2:1Þ
For convenience, we first give some definitions with respect to persistence, permanence and extinction for the infective I in
system (1.2).
If lim inf t!1 IðtÞ > 0, then we say that the infective I are strongly persistent.
If there are positive constants v 1 , v 2 such that
v 1 6 lim inf IðtÞ 6 lim sup IðtÞ 6 v 2 ;
t!1 t!1
Z tþx3 Z tþx4
lim inf rðsÞds > 0; lim inf ds > 0:
t!1 t t!1 t KðsÞ
(a) There is a constant M > 0 such that for any positive solution zðtÞ of (2.2), lim supt!1 zðtÞ 6 M.
(b) There exist positive constants m and M such that for any positive solution zðtÞ of (2.2),
m < lim inf zðtÞ 6 lim sup zðtÞ < M:
t!1 t!1
Since for our model pðtÞ ¼ rðtÞ, qðtÞ ¼ KðtÞ
, then the following result is true.
J. Liu, T. Zhang / Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (2010) 866–877 869
Lemma 2.2. Suppose that assumptions ðH1 Þ, ðH2 Þ hold. Then any solution ðSðtÞ; IðtÞ; RðtÞÞ of system (1.2) with initial condition
(2.1) is nonnegative and uniformly bounded on ½0; þ1Þ.
In this section, we will discuss the permanence and extinction of the disease in system (1.2), and give sufficient conditions
that guarantee the permanence and extinction of the disease.
Let N ðtÞ ¼ SðtÞ þ IðtÞ þ RðtÞ with initial value N ð0Þ ¼ Sð0Þ þ Ið0Þ þ Rð0Þ, then N ðtÞ is a solution of Eq. (2.2). Then system
(1.2) becomes
8 dIðtÞ
> ¼ bðtÞðN ðtÞ IðtÞ RðtÞÞIðtÞ ðlðtÞ þ cðtÞÞIðtÞ;
< dt
¼ cðtÞIðtÞ ðlðtÞ þ dðtÞÞRðtÞ; ð3:1Þ
: dN ðtÞ ¼ rðtÞð1 N ðtÞÞN ðtÞ:
dt KðtÞ
Denote function
bðt; uÞ ¼ bðtÞu ðlðtÞ þ cðtÞÞ
and z ðtÞ be some fixed solution of equation (2.2) with initial value z ð0Þ > 0 and pðtÞ ¼ rðtÞ, qðtÞ ¼ KðtÞ
. Then we first give the
permanence theorem.
Theorem 3.1. Suppose that assumptions, ðH1 Þ, ðH2 Þ hold. Then the following results are equivalent for system (3.1).
Proof 1. Firstly, we prove that the number R0 is independent of the choice of z ðtÞ. In fact, Lemma 2.1 implies that for any
> 0 small enough and any solution zðtÞ of equation (2.2) with initial value zð0Þ > 0, there exists a T > 0 such that as t P T,
z ðtÞ 6 zðtÞ 6 z ðtÞ þ ; z ðtÞ P m:
bðt; z ðtÞ Þ 6 bðt; zðtÞÞ 6 bðt; z ðtÞ þ Þ:
For t P T, we obtain
Z tþk
lim inf bðs; z ðsÞ þ Þds 6 R0 þ ka:
t!1 t
Z tþk
lim inf bðs; z ðsÞ Þds P R0 ka:
t!1 t
We now prove ðcÞ ) ðaÞ: By assumptions ðH1 Þ, ðH2 Þ and (3.3), we can choose small enough positive constants 1 , 2 , then
there exist T 1 > 0 and g1 > 0 satisfying
Z tþx2
cðhÞ1 ðlðhÞ þ dðhÞÞ2 dh < g1 ; ð3:4Þ
Z tþk
bðs; N ðsÞ k1 2 Þds > g1 ð3:5Þ
870 J. Liu, T. Zhang / Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (2010) 866–877
for any solution of (3.1). Suppose that (3.7) is not true, then there exist a solution ðIðtÞ; RðtÞ; N ðtÞÞ of (3.1) and T 2 > T 1 such
that IðtÞ 6 1 for all t P T 2 .
If RðtÞ P 2 for all t P T 2 , then from the second equation of system (3.1), we have
Z t Z t
RðtÞ RðT 2 Þ ¼ cðhÞIðhÞ ðlðhÞ þ dðhÞÞRðhÞdh 6 cðhÞ1 ðlðhÞ þ dðhÞÞ2 dh
T2 T2
for all t P T 2 . By (3.4), it follows that RðtÞ ! 1 as t ! 1. This is a contradiction. Hence, there is a s1 P T 2 such that
Rðs1 Þ < 2 . In the following, we will prove
RðtÞ 6 2 þ cx2 1 ð3:8Þ
for all t P s1 . If it is not true, then there is a s2 > s1 satisfying Rðs2 Þ > 2 þ cx2 1 . Hence, there must be a s3 2 ðs1 ; s2 Þ such
that Rðs3 Þ ¼ 2 and RðtÞ > 2 for all t 2 ðs3 ; s2 Þ. Choose an integer p P 0 such that s2 2 ½s3 þ p x2 ; s3 þ ðp þ 1Þx2 Þ. Integrating
the second equation of system (3.1) from s3 to s2 , and using (3.4), we obtain
Z s2 Z s2
2 þ cx2 1 < Rðs2 Þ ¼ Rðs3 Þ þ cðhÞIðhÞ ðlðhÞ þ dðhÞÞRðhÞdh 6 2 þ cðhÞ1 ðlðhÞ þ dðhÞÞ2 dh
s3 s3
j¼p Z s3 þjx2
X Z s2
¼ 2 þ cðhÞ1 ðlðhÞ þ dðhÞÞ2 dh þ cðhÞ1 ðlðhÞ þ dðhÞÞ2 dh
j¼1 s3 þðj1Þx2 s3 þpx2
Z s2 Z s2
6 2 þ cðhÞ1 ðlðhÞ þ dðhÞÞ2 dh 6 2 þ cðhÞ1 dh 6 2 þ cx2 1 :
s3 þpx2 s3 þpx2
This is a contradiction. Hence, (3.8) is valid. From this, we conclude that there exists a T 3 > T 2 such that (3.8) is true for all
t P T3.
For t P T 3 , integrating the first equation in (3.1) from T 3 to t, we have
Z t
IðtÞ P IðT 3 Þ exp bðs; N ðsÞ k1 2 Þds :
From (3.5), we have that lim supt!1 IðtÞ ¼ 1. This contradicts with the boundedness of IðtÞ. From this contradiction, we fi-
nally conclude that lim supt!1 IðtÞ > 1 .
Secondly, we will prove that there is a constant v 1 > 0 such that
lim inf IðtÞ P v 1 : ð3:9Þ
From (3.4)–(3.6) and (H2 ), we have that there exist T P T 1 , P > 0 and g > 0 such that
Z tþa
cðhÞ1 ðlðhÞ þ dðhÞÞ2 dh < M; ð3:10Þ
Z tþa
bðs; N ðsÞ k1 2 Þds > g ð3:11Þ
for any a0 2 ½0; PÞ. From (3.7), for any t 0 P 0, we claim that it is impossible that IðtÞ 6 1 for all t P t0 . For this claim, we will
discuss the following two possibilities.
Finally, we will show that IðtÞ P 1 eðcþdÞðK 0 þ2ÞP ,v 1 as t is large enough. Clearly, we only need to consider case ðiiÞ. Let t1
and t 2 be sufficiently large such that
Iðt 1 Þ ¼ Iðt 2 Þ ¼ 1 ;
IðtÞ < 1 for all t 2 ðt1 ; t 2 Þ:
J. Liu, T. Zhang / Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (2010) 866–877 871
If t2 t 1 6 ðK 0 þ 2ÞP, then
_ ¼ bðtÞðN ðtÞ IðtÞ RðtÞÞIðtÞ ðlðtÞ þ cðtÞÞIðtÞ P ðc þ dÞIðtÞ and Iðt1 Þ ¼ 1 ;
which implies IðtÞ P 1 eðcþdÞðK 0 þ2ÞP for all t 2 ½t1 ; t2 .
If t2 t 1 > ðK 0 þ 2ÞP, then it is clear that IðtÞ P 1 eðcþdÞðK 0 þ2ÞP for all t 2 ½t1 ; t1 þ ðK 0 þ 2ÞP.
If RðtÞ P 2 for all t 2 ½t1 ; t1 þ P, then
Z t 1 þP Z t 1 þP
Rðt 1 þ PÞ ¼ Rðt 1 Þ þ cðhÞIðhÞ ðlðhÞ þ dðhÞÞRðhÞdh 6 M þ cðhÞ1 ðlðhÞ þ dðhÞÞ2 dh < 0: ð3:13Þ
t1 t1
This is a contradiction. Hence, there is a t 2 ½t 1 ; t 1 þ P such that RðtÞ < 2 . From (3.8), we can obtain
RðtÞ 6 2 þ cx2 1 for all t 2 ½ t; t 2 : ð3:14Þ
Obviously, as t 2 ½t 1 ; t 1 þ 2P,
Remark 3.1. If in system (1.2), bðtÞ, bðtÞ, lðtÞ, rðtÞ, dðtÞ, KðtÞ > 0 and cðtÞ are replaced by nonnegative constants, then system
(1.2) becomes an autonomous SIRS system. The basic reproduction number of the resulting system is given by
R0 ¼ :
It is easy to verify that if R0 > 1, the corresponding autonomous system of system (1.2) has one positive equilibrium which is
globally asymptotically stable, and thus the disease is permanent.
It is obvious that if lim inf t!1 ½bðtÞN ðtÞ ðlðtÞ þ cðtÞÞ > 0; then the infective I is permanent.
Now, we are about to give the extinction theorem for system (3.1).
Theorem 3.2. Suppose that assumptions ðH1 Þ; ðH2 Þ hold. If there is a constant k > 0 such that
Z tþk
R1 ¼ lim sup ½bðhÞN ðhÞ ðlðhÞ þ cðhÞÞdh 6 0 ð3:16Þ
t!1 t
Z t
R2 ¼ lim sup ½bðhÞN ðhÞ ðlðhÞ þ cðhÞÞdh < 0 ð3:17Þ
t!1 t 0
Proof 2. From assumption (H2 ), we can choose g > 0 small enough and T 1 > 0 large enough such that
Z tþx1
bðhÞdh P g
for all t P T 1 .
872 J. Liu, T. Zhang / Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (2010) 866–877
n o
kg 1
For any constant 0 < < 1, we set 0 ¼ min 2x1 ; 2 g > 0. If (3.16) holds, then there exists T 2 P T 1 such that
Z tþk
bðhÞN ðhÞ ðlðhÞ þ cðhÞÞdh 6 0
2 x1
for all t P T 2 . Choose an integer n0 satisfying k
6 n0 < 2xk 1 þ 1. Set k0 ¼ n0 k, then
Z tþk0 Z tþn0 k Z tþ2x1
bðhÞN ðhÞ ðlðhÞ þ cðhÞÞ bðhÞdh 6 bðhÞN ðhÞ ðlðhÞ þ cðhÞÞdh bðhÞdh 6 n0 0 2g
t t t
6 g, g0 < 0: ð3:18Þ
From (3.1), we obtain
I0 ðtÞ ¼ bðtÞðN ðtÞ IðtÞ RðtÞÞIðtÞ ðlðtÞ þ cðtÞÞIðtÞ 6 bðtÞðN ðtÞ IðtÞÞIðtÞ ðlðtÞ þ cðtÞÞIðtÞ: ð3:19Þ
If IðtÞ P for all t P T 2 , then from (3.19), we obtain
Z t
IðtÞ 6 IðT 2 Þ exp ½bðsÞN ðsÞ ðlðsÞ þ cðsÞÞ bðsÞds: ð3:20Þ
From (3.18), it follows that IðtÞ ! 0 as t ! 1. This is a contradiction with IðtÞ P . Hence, there must be a t 1 P T 2 such that
Iðt1 Þ < . Let NðÞ ¼ suptPT 2 fjbðtÞN ðtÞ ðlðtÞ þ cðtÞÞj þ bðtÞg, then NðÞ is bounded for each 2 ð0; 1Þ. We claim that
IðtÞ 6 expðNðÞk0 Þ ð3:21Þ
for all t P t 1 . Otherwise, then there exists a t2 > t1 , such that Iðt 2 Þ > expðNðÞk0 Þ. Hence, there exists a t3 2 ðt 1 ; t2 Þ such that
Iðt3 Þ ¼ and IðtÞ > for all t 2 ðt3 ; t2 Þ. Let p be a nonnegative integer such that t 2 2 ðt3 þ pk0 ; t3 þ ðp þ 1Þk0 , then from (3.18)
and (3.19), we have
Z t2
expðNðÞk0 Þ < Iðt2 Þ 6 Iðt3 Þ exp bðtÞN ðtÞ ðlðtÞ þ cðtÞÞ bðtÞdt 6 epg0 expðNðÞk0 Þ 6 expðNðÞk0 Þ;
which leads to a contradiction. Hence, inequality (3.21) holds. Furthermore, since can be arbitrarily small, we conclude that
IðtÞ ! 0 as t ! 1. Suppose that (3.17) holds. Then there exist d > 0 and T 0 > 0 such that
Z t
bðhÞN ðhÞ ðlðhÞ þ cðhÞÞdh < d ð3:22Þ
t 0
for all t P T 0 . From (3.22), IðtÞ ! 0 as t ! 1. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.2. h
Remark 3.2. For the corresponding autonomous system of system (3.1), the conditions (3.16) and (3.17) reduces to
bK bK
R0 ¼ 6 1 and R0 ¼ < 1;
lþc lþc
respectively. If R0 6 1, the corresponding autonomous system has one disease-free equilibrium, which is globally asymptot-
ically stable, i.e., the disease will go to extinct when R0 6 1.
Also it is easy to proof that if lim supt!1 ½bðtÞN ðtÞ ðlðtÞ þ cðtÞÞ < 0; then the infective I go extinct.
4. Some corollaries
In this section, we will give some corollaries according to the results in Theorems 3.1 and 3.2.
Corollary 4.1. Suppose that assumptions, (H1 ), (H2 ) hold, then the following results are true.
Z t
lim sup bðs; K M Þds < 0;
t!1 t 0
Corollary 4.2. Suppose that assumptions (H1 ), (H2 ) hold, then the disease is permanent if R01 > 1, and the disease is extinct if
R 01 6 1, where
ðbz Þ0 ðbz Þ0
R01 ¼ ; R01 ¼ :
ðl þ cÞ 0 ðl þ cÞ0
Z tþk1 Z tþk2
ðbz Þ0 ¼ lim inf bðsÞz ðsÞds; ðbz Þ0 ¼ lim sup bðsÞz ðsÞds;
t!1 t t!1 t
Z tþk2 Z tþk1
ðl þ cÞ0 ¼ lim inf ðlðsÞ þ cðsÞÞds; ðl þ cÞ0 ¼ lim sup ðlðsÞ þ cðsÞÞds:
t!1 t t!1 t
z ðtÞ be some fixed solution of equation (2.2) with initial value z ð0Þ > 0, k i > 0 ði ¼ 1; 2Þ are some constants.
Corollary 4.3. Suppose that assumptions (H1 ), (H2 ) hold, then the disease is permanent if R 02 > 1, and the disease is extinct if
R 02 6 1, where
ðbz Þ0 ðbz Þ0
R02 ¼ ; R02 ¼ :
ðl þ cÞ 0 ðl þ cÞ0
Z t Z
1 1 t
ðbz Þ0 ¼ lim inf bðs þ sÞz ðs þ sÞds; ðbz Þ0 ¼ lim sup bðsÞz ðsÞds;
t;s!1 0 t t!1 t 0
1 t 1 t
ðl þ cÞ0 ¼ lim inf ðlðsÞ þ cðsÞÞds; ðl þ cÞ0 ¼ lim sup ðlðs þ sÞ þ cðs þ sÞÞds:
t!1 t 0 t;s!1 t 0
z ðtÞ be some fixed solution of equation (2.2) with initial value z ð0Þ > 0.
Corollary 4.4. When system (3.1) is x-periodic and assumptions (H1 ), (H2 ) hold, then the infective I are permanent provided that
ðbz Þ
R03 ¼ > 1;
ðl þ cÞ
and the disease is extinct if R03 6 1. Here, z ðtÞ is the globally uniformly attractive nonnegative x-periodic solution of equation
Corollary 4.5. When system (3.1) is almost periodic and assumptions (H1 ), (H2 ) hold, then the infective I are permanent provided
mðbz Þ
R04 ¼ > 1;
mðl þ cÞ
and the disease is extinct if R04 6 1. Here, z ðtÞ is the globally uniformly attractive nonnegative almost periodic solution of equation
When system (3.1) reduces to x-periodic system, i.e., rðtÞ, KðtÞ > 0, bðtÞ, lðtÞ, rðtÞ, cðtÞ, and dðtÞ are all nonnegative con-
tinuous periodic function with period x > 0, we also have the global stability results.
Theorem 4.1. For x-periodic system (3.1), we assume that (H1 ), (H2 ) hold. If the following conditions ðiÞ and ðiiÞ hold, then there
is one positive x-periodic solution, which is globally asymptotically stable.
(i) R03 ¼ lbzþc > 1,
(ii) if there are positive constants qi , K i ði ¼ 1; 2Þ and di ði ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4Þ and nonnegative integrable functions ai ðtÞ ði ¼ 1; 2Þ
defined on ½0; 1Þ, satisfying d1 6 d4 , d3 6 d2 and s ai ðsÞds P K i þ qi ðt sÞ for all t P s P 0: And also
d2 cðtÞ d1 bðtÞ < a1 ðtÞ;
d4 bðtÞ d3 ðlðtÞ þ dðtÞÞ < a2 ðtÞ;
hold for all t P 0. Here, z is the globally uniformly attractive nonnegative x-periodic solution of equation (2.2).
874 J. Liu, T. Zhang / Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (2010) 866–877
Proof 3. From ðiÞ, we see infective are permanent, then by (3.1) and Lemma 2.1, we conclude RðtÞ and NðtÞ are also perma-
nent. Hence, from [26,27], we know system (3.1) has one positive x-periodic solution. Suppose ðI ðtÞ; R ðtÞ; N ðtÞÞ is the x-
periodic solution. Let IðtÞ; RðtÞ; NðtÞ be a positive solution of (3.1). From Lemma 2.1, we obtain NðtÞ ! N ðtÞ as t ! 1, and
there are positive constants r1 and r 2 such that
for all t P 0: Since NðtÞ ! N ðtÞ as t ! 1; by the properties of function ai ðtÞ, it is not hard to prove that VðtÞ ! 0 as t ! 1.
That shows IðtÞ ! I ðtÞ, RðtÞ ! R ðtÞ as t ! 1; i.e., ðIðtÞ; RðtÞ; NðtÞÞ is globally asymptotically stable. The proof is complete. h
5. Numerical simulations
In this section, we will give some examples to verify our theoretical results. We will consider a simplified nonautonomous
SIRS model given by
8 dS
> dt
¼ bðtÞSI lðtÞS þ ðbðtÞ KðtÞ
ÞN þ dR;
< dI
¼ bðtÞSI lðtÞI cðtÞI;
> dR
¼ cðtÞI ðlðtÞ þ dÞR:
: dt
NðtÞ ¼ SðtÞ þ IðtÞ þ RðtÞ:
Corresponding auxiliary system is
dz z
¼ rz 1 : ð5:2Þ
dt KðtÞ
In system (5.1), let bðtÞ ¼ 1 þ 0:5 sinð2ptÞ, bðtÞ ¼ 0:6 þ 0:5 sinðptÞ, cðtÞ ¼ 0:5 þ 0:3 sinðptÞ, d ¼ 0:2, r ¼ 0:4,
lðtÞ ¼ 0:6 þ 0:5 sinð2ptÞ and KðtÞ ¼ 2þsinð
ptÞ. It is easy to verify that assumptions (H1 ), (H2 ) hold. Thus from Lemma 2.1, we
see that system (5.2) has a globally asymptotically stable positive periodic solution z ðtÞ with period 2, given by
e 0
z ðtÞ ¼ Rt Rx ;
1 rðxÞ rðsÞds
þ 0 KðxÞ
e 0 dx
where z0 ¼ R e 0 R x 1 . By (3.2), we obtain R0 ¼ 3:792 > 0. Then by Theorem 3.1, the disease of system (5.1) is permanent.
2 rðxÞ rðsÞds
e 0 dx
0 KðxÞ
Direct computation gives R03 ¼ 2:72 > 1, if we choose d1 ¼ d3 ¼ d4 ¼ 1, d2 ¼ 53, qi ¼ K i ¼ 1; i ¼ 1; 2, and ai ðtÞ ¼ 1 for all t P 0,
i ¼ 1; 2, then s ai ðsÞds P K i þ qi ðt sÞ for all t P s P 0: It is easy to verify that the first equation in (4.1) does not hold true.
Using the program ode45 of Matlab for solving, the numerical simulation shows that system (5.1) has a unique 2-periodic
solution which is globally asymptotically stable (see Fig. 1), although the condition (4.1) is not true. This may imply that
sometimes the condition ðiiÞ in Theorem 4.1 is redundant, and R03 > 1 alone is sufficient for the globally asymptotically sta-
bility of the periodic solution. But if we let bðtÞ ¼ 0:2 þ 0:1 sinðptÞ, and fix the other parameter values as those in Fig. 1, also
the assumptions (H1 ), (H2 ) hold true, then from (3.16), we have R1 ¼ 0:2 < 0; and from Corollary 4.1 we obtain that
R03 ¼ 10=11 < 1, thus from Theorem 3.2 and Corollary 4.4, the disease of system (5.1) is extinct, corresponding simulations
are depicted in Fig.2.
For childhood diseases, a child becomes infected after contact with another infective. This contact rate fluctuates with the
seasons and can be approximated in several ways. We choose the transmission rate, bðtÞ ¼ b0 ð1 þ g cosð2ptÞÞ; where b0 is the
baseline transmission parameter, 0 6 g < 1 measures the amplitude of the seasonal variation in transmission. We take the
parameters in system (1.2) as follows:
J. Liu, T. Zhang / Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (2010) 866–877 875
b0 ¼ 44; lðtÞ ¼ rðtÞ ¼ 0:00013; bðtÞ ¼ 0:00026; KðtÞ ¼ 10; dðtÞ ¼ 1:8; cðtÞ ¼ 36:
Clearly, for any g 2 ½0; 1Þ, the assumptions (H1 ), (H2 ) hold for system (1.2), and note that we can choose the constants xi ¼ 1
ði ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4Þ in (H2 ). Again we use the program ode45 of Matlab for obtaining numerical simulations that can be seen in
Fig. 3 ðg ¼ 0:1Þ and 4 ðg ¼ 0:36Þ. Although system (1.2) is 1-periodic, 2-periodic solution can be found (see Fig. 4).
0.5 R(t) 2
1.5 2.5
I(t) 1 1.5
0 0.5 1 S(t)
0 20 40 60
Fig. 1. The left figure gives the graphes of S, I, R as functions of time for system (5.1). The right figure gives the ðS; I; RÞ phase-space plot of system (5.1). Here,
R0 ¼ 3:792 > 0, and the disease is permanent. System (5.1) has a periodic solution.
4.5 S(t)
4 0.25
3.5 0.2
3 0.15
2.5 0.1
2 0.05
1.5 0
1 0.8
0.6 5
0.5 0.4 4
I(t) R(t) 0.2 3
0 I(t) 2 S(t)
0 20 40 60 1
Fig. 2. The left figure gives the graphes of S, I, R as functions of time for system (5.1). The right figure gives the ðS; I; RÞ phase-space plot of system (5.1). Here,
R1 ¼ 0:2 < 0, and the disease is extinct.
1−Periodic Solution
0.9 S(t)
0 5 10 15 20
Fig. 3. The existence of a 1-periodic solution of system (1.2) with initial condition (0.56, 0.04, 0.4).
876 J. Liu, T. Zhang / Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (2010) 866–877
2−Periodic Solution
0.9 S(t)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 4. The existence of a 2-periodic solution of system (1.2) with initial condition (0.56, 0.04, 0.4).
6. Conclusions
Classical epidemic models with density dependent birth rate are studied in the situation where all coefficients depend on
time. For these nonautonomous systems threshold conditions for the permanence of the infection and for the extinction of
the disease are established. The condition for permanence has the form of a lim inf condition for some time-dependent net
infection rate while the condition for extinction assumes the form of a lim sup condition. Hence, in the general case the main
result are not threshold criteria in a strict sense. However, in the periodic and almost periodic cases, the conditions merge
into a sharp threshold criterion and a reproduction number can be defined. Also for the periodic system, global stability of
periodic solution is obtained.
We construct two examples to indicate our main results. In the first example which consider the case that the disease is
permanent, and there is a unique periodic solution which is globally asymptotically stable. We have also shown that when
the contact rate changes, the disease dies out. In the second example, we suppose that the rate of contact bðtÞ is a seasonally
forced function, we have shown that as the amplitude of the seasonal variation in transmission g varies, both 1-periodic
solution and 2-periodic solution can occur, even though system (1.2) is 1-periodic.
It will be interesting to consider the global stability of the model, this seems to be a difficult problem since the model is
nonautonomous. We leave this for future investigations.
J. Liu’s research was partially supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of People’s Republic of China (Grant
No. 10701062). T. Zhang’s research was supported by the Scientific Research Programmes of Colleges in Xinjiang (XJED-
U2008S10). We would like to thank the editor and referees for their careful reading and valuable comments which led to
an improvement of our original manuscript.
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