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Exercises: e WN J:J

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Exercises 7
Read the situations and write sentences. Use the following verbs in the present perfect:

. break fall go up grow 1mprove lose

1 Tom is looking for his key. He can't find it. Tom .....h.~? . Lo~ t. .b ~s..... k~ .:.
2 Lisa can't walk and her leg is in plaster. Lisa .................... ..... ............................................ .
3 Last week the bus fare was £1 .80 . Now it is £2. The bus fa re ........................................ .............. ..
4 M aria's English wasn't very good. Now it is better. Her English .............................................................. .
5 Dan didn 't have a beard before. Now he has a beard. Dan ........ ..... ...................................... .
6 This morning I was expecting a letter. Now I have it. The letter ..... . ....................... . ....... ............. ..
7 The temperature was 20 degrees. Now it is only 12. The ............. .................................................................. ..

Put in been or gone.

1 James is on holiday. He's ..gone . to Italy.
2 Hello! I've just ........... ... to the shops. I've bought lots of things.
3 A lice isn't here at the moment. She's ..... .......... ............................ to the shop to get a newspaper.
4 Tom has ..................................... out. He'll be back in about an hour.
5 'Are you going to the bank?' 'No, I've already ..... . ....................... ..... to the bank.'

- Complete B's sentences. Make sentences from the words in brackets.


1 Would you like something to eat? No, th anks. .1..\~ j~st. h~ ..W..nQ1..~.
(I I just I have I lunch)
2 Do you know where Julia is? Yes, .................................. ........................................................ .........................
(I I just I see I her)
3 What time is David leaving?
(he I already I leave)
4 What's in the newspaper today? I don't know. .. ............................................................. ................................
(I I not I read I it yet)
5 Is Sue com ing to the cinema with us? No, ....... .. .......... ......
(she I already I see I the film)
6 Are your friends here yet? Yes, ........................................................................................................................ ~
(they I just I arrive)
7 What does Tim think about your plan ?
(we I not I tell I him y et)

Read the situations and write sentences with just, already or yet.
1 After lunch you go to see a fri end at her house. She says, 'Would you like somethi ng to eat?'
You say: No thank you. . 1:.v.e J~.s.t.. .n~ wn<J:J...... . (have lunch)
2 joe goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the ca ller says, 'Can I speak to joe?'
You say: I'm afraid .... ........... .... .... ................................. .. . . ...................... .......... ......... .................. .................................... ..... . (go out)
3 You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your
plat e away. You say: Wait a minute! ................ ..... . .. ................. . (not I finish)
4 You plan to eat at a restaurant tonight. You phoned to reserve a table. Later your friend says,
'Shall I phone to reserve a table?' You say: N o, ............ ............ ... ...................... ........... .... ....... ................. ...... . (do it)
5 You know that a friend of yours is looking for a place t o live. Perhaps she has been successfu l.
Ask her. You say: .. ....... ............ . ................... .. ..................... ...... ................ ... .... ... . ......... ? (find)
6 You are still thinking about where to go for your holiday. A friend asks, 'Where are you going
for your holid ay?' You say: ...................... ... . ........ ..................... . ........................ ..... .... ........... .... . (not I decide)
7 Linda went shopp ing, but a few minutes ago she returned. Somebody asks, 'I s Li nda still out
shoppi ng?' You say: N o, .... ....................... ..... .. ....... ... . . ..... ................ . (come back)

You ask people about things they have done. Write questions with ever.
1 (ride I horse?) .. .H~Y.~... H9.0 .. ever..r.~Y1. ~. rw.r.~.~.?. .. . .... ..... .. .... . . ..... . . . . . . .. ... ................... .. ....................... ..
2 (be I California?) Have ....... ... ..... ............. .. .. ......... ..... ...................... ...... .............. ..... .......................... ..
3 (run I marathon?) .... ........... ....... ..................... .
4 (speak I famous person?) ............................................ ............................................................................................... ...... ............... ..
5 (most beautiful place I visit?) Whafs ............................................................................................... ......... ............................ ..

Complete B's answers. Some sentences are positive and some negative. Use these verbs:
be be eat happen have have meet play read see try

1 What's Mark's sister like? I've no idea. I \e n~v.~ .. met her.
2 Is everything going well? Yes, we .. h.~v~n~t- bAA...... any problems so far.
3 Are you hungry? Yes. I .................................. ......................................... much today.
4 Can you play chess? Yes, but ....... .. .. for ages.
5 Are you enjoying your holiday? Yes, it's the best holiday . ..... . ... .. .. ................... for a
long time.
6 What's that book like? I don't know. .. .......................................... .......................... it.
7 Is Brussels an interesting place? I've no idea. there.
8 I hear your car broke down Yes, it's the second time ....
again yesterday. this month.
9 Do you like caviar? I don't know. .. .................................................................... it.
10 Mike was late for work again today. Again? He
lat e every day this week.
11 Who's that woman by the door? I don't know. .. ............................................................ her before.

Write four sentences about yourself. Use I haven't and choose from the boxes.

used a computer travelled by bus eaten any fruit

been to the cinema read a book lost anything
this week
2 ..... .... . ......................................... . for ages
3 ............................. ..................................... .. SinCe ...

4 ............................................................................................................................................................................. .... ................... ........... .. this year

5 ...................................................................................................................................................... ..

Read the situations and write sentences as shown in the example.

1 jack is driving a car, but he's very nervous and not sure w hat to do.
You ask: .. .. .H.~Y.e HO.(A....~r.~Y.~Y.I... c&... QA.r.... P.~fo.r~.?.................................................................................................... ........................ .
He says: .....No.). tn.~~.... ~?......t.h ~.. fir.~t. @. ~ !.~v~. clt:~v.~n ...~ . CQ-.f.... ......... .......... .. ...... . . ..... . ... ..... ... .. ................ .
2 Ben is playing t ennis. He's not good at it and he doesn't know the rules.
You ask: Have ....................... .. . ..................... .... . ..... .... ......... .
He says: No, this is the first ..... ................. .... .... ... . .... . .... .. ......... .. . ........ ...................... ........................... ..
3 Sue is ridin g a horse. She doesn't look very confident or comfortab le.
You ask: .... .. . ...... .... . .............. ..... ......... ............ .... . .. ........................ . ... . ....................... . .... ... . .................... . . ........................
She says: .
4 M aria is in Japan . She has j ust arrived and it's very new for her.
Yo u ask: ............................................................................... .... .......................................................................................................................................... ..
She says: ...... .... . .......................... .......... ................................. .............................. ............ ................. .... .. .... ......... .... . .. .........................

What have these people been doing or what has been happening?

CD earlier
noij earlier

They .... ~Y.~....~e:e:~·:t ?.h.O..P..P.Lr\9..~ ................................................... She ............................................................................................................... ..

w earlier (1)
earlier now

They .......................................................................................................... H e ............... ......................................... ................ ................ ......... ... ..

Write a question for each situation.

1 You m eet Paul as he is leaving the swim ming pool.
You ask: (you I swim ?) .....H.q._y~_ .~9-~....~-~.... ?.kY~ m.mg ?. .. .................................................................... .......................... .
2 You have just arrived to m eet a friend w ho is w ait ing f or y ou .
You ask: (you I wa it I lo ng?) .......................... .................................... .................................................................................. ..
3 You m eet a fri end in the st reet . His face and hands are very dirt y.
You ask: (w hat I you I do?) .. .... ........... .... ... .. . .. .... ...........................................................
4 A fri end of yours is now working in a shop. You want t o know how lo ng.
You ask: (how long I yo u I work I there?) .................................................................................. ............................ ....................... ..
5 A fri end t ells you about hi s j o b- he sells m o bile phones. You want t o know how lo ng.
You ask: (how long I you I sell I m obile phones?) .............. ................................................................................... .

Read the situations and complete the sentences.

1 lt's raining. The ra in st arted t wo hours ago.
lt .. ).?.. l?.~n rW.Lng ..... fo r two hours.
2 W e are waiting fo r the bus. We started wa iting 20 mi nutes ago.
W e ..................... ........ ................... .... . ... .. ............... .... .. for 20 minutes.
3 I'm lea rni ng Spanish. I start ed classes in December.
I ................... .............. ......................................... .......................................... ...... ....................................... since December.
4 Jess ica is working in a supermarket. She started w orking t here on 18 Jan uary.
.... ................ ..... ................... ...................... ... ... ......... .... ............. since 18 January.
5 Our fri ends always spend t heir holidays in It aly. They started going t here years ago.
.... .......................... ................................... ... . . ....................... ... . ................................................... for years.

Put the verb into the present continuous (I am -ing) or present perfect continuous
(I have been - ing).
1 ..... M~-~ ..h<AS J?.~.. --~.Y.\4-lg... (M aria I learn) English for two years.
2 Hello, Tom. . ....... .. .......... _ .. . . .... ........... ....... (I I look) for you. Where have you been ?
3 Why ......................... ............................................................................ (you I look) at me like t hat? St op it !
4 Linda is a t eacher. .. ............................................................................................ (she I t each) for t en years.
5 ...... . .. . ...... . . . . . .............. (I I th in k) about w hat you said and I've deci ded t o take
you r advice.
6 'Is Paul on holiday t his week?' 'N o, .................... ...... ........................ ............ ........... ............ (he I work) .'
7 Sarah is very ti red . ....................... ....... .............................. . .. ................................ (she I work) very hard recently.

Read the situation and complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets.
1 Tom started reading a book two hours ago. He is still reading it and now he is on page 53 .
.H~ . n~ ..P..~Y.1.. x-.~9 - ... for two hours. (read)
H~ h_0::?. r.~---· 53 pages so far. (read)
2 Rachel is from Australia. She is travelling round Europe at the moment. She began her trip three
months ago.
She ........ .... ................................................................. .... ............. ................................................................. for three months. (travel)
.. . . .. ... . ...... ..... .......... ........ . ...... . .......... ........... ....... . ...... ... . . ........ ........................................ six countries so far. (visit)

3 Patrick is a tennis player. He began playing tennis when he was ten years old. This year he won
the national championship again- for the fourth time.
.. . ...... ....... . ........................................ .. . . .... .... the national championship four times. (win)
.... ..... . . ...... . ........ . ...................... ........ ..... . .... . . . ............................................... since he was ten. (play)

4 When they left college, Lisa and Sue started making films together. They still make films.
They ..... . ...... ...................... . ...... ......... .... . . . .. . . . . ..... ............ films since they left college. (make)
... ...... . .. ........... ........................................ ..... .. .... .... ..... ..... . . .. .. .. .. . ...... five films since they left college. (make)

For each situation, ask a question using the words in brackets.

1 You have a fri end who is learning Arabic. You ask:
(how long I learn I Arabic?) ..... H9~.. JP.rg ...b.0:-v.~ . !:1q~ .. P..~r,l ....~Y.1.0.9.... A.r.0.:b.~?.. ......... ...... ................ .................... .
2 You have just arrived to meet a friend. She is waiting for you. You ask:
(wait I long?) Have ................................... ...... . ................................................................................................... ..
3 You see somebody fishing by the river. You ask:
(catch I any fish ?) ...
4 Some friends of yours are having a party next week. You ask:
(how many people I invite?)
5 A friend of yours is a teacher. You ask:
(how long I teach?) . ............ ... ... .. .
6 You meet somebody who is a writer. You ask:
(how many books I write?) ....................... ...... .. ... .... . ...... . ..... . . ........ ... ........ ............... ...... ... ........ .. ....................... ..
(how long I write I books?) ...... .. ..... . .... . . ... . ..... ... ..... . . ........................................................................................... . ...... .. .... .
7 A friend of yours is saving money to go on a world trip . You ask:
(how long I save?) .............................................................................................................................................. ............................. ..... .... .................... ..
(how much money I save?) ...................... ........... ......................................................................................................... ............. ...................... .

Put the verb into the more suitable form, present perfect simple (I have done) or continuous
(I have been doing) .
1 Where have you been? ... H~ye __ yq~--- ~ ~Y.1 . P~~g . (you I play) tennis?
2 Look! .................................. ........ (somebody I break) that window.
3 You look tired. ........................................... . ..... (you I work) hard?
4 ' ...... .... .......... ....... . .... ....... (you I ever I work) in a factory ?' 'No, never.'
5 'Liz is away on holiday.' 'Is she ? Where ... .... . . ..... . .... (she I go) ?'
6 My brother is an actor. .... .... .. ......................................................................... (he I appear) in severa l films.
7 'Sorry I'm late.' 'That's all right. .. ............................................................................................. (I I not I wa it) long.'
8 'I s .1t st1 'll ra1n1ng. . ?' . 'N o, ........ .......... .. ........ . . ....... ... . .... .. . .... ('1t I stop ) . I

9 ........... ... .... ......... ................................... (I I lose) my phone. . ........ ..................................................................................... (you I see)
it anywhere?
10 ..................................................... .................................. (I I read) the book you lent me, but
........................................................................................... (I I not I finish) it yet. it's very interesting.
11 ....................................................................................... (I I read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back now.
12 This is a very o ld book. ..... ......................................... ... (I I have) it since I was a chi ld .

Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.
1 Ben is a friend of mine. I know him very well. ... Q~ .................. ...................................... ..... ..... ..................
2 Ben is a frie nd of mine. I know him for a long time. l lve, kY\o~n him ...................
3 Sarah and Ad am are married since Ju ly. .............. ...... . . ......... . .
4 The wea ther is awful. lt's raining again. . .................... . .... .... ..................... . ....... ...............
5 The weather is awful. lt's raining all day. .............. ............................................................................................. ..
6 I like your house. How long are you living there? ......... ..... .... . ............ ..
7 Gary is wo rking in a shop for the last few months. .. ... .... ... ..... . .............. .
8 I don't know Tom well. We've only met a few times. .......... ... ...... . ...........................
9 I gave up drinking coffee. I don't drink it for a yea r. .. .. ...... ... ...................... ...... ............................................................ ..
10 Thafs a very old bike. How long do you have it? .. .... . . ............... ..... .. .. ...................................................

Read the situations and write questions from the words in brackets.
1 A friend tells you that Paul is in hospital. You ask him:
(how long I be I in hospital?) ... HO.N ..lp.ng hCA-? ....P.@.~.. b~n .~ ... h9.?.PW? ........................ .................................. .
2 You meet a woman who tells you that she teaches English. You ask her:
(how long I teach I English?) .......... ... . ...... . . ....... . ...... . ..... .......... ..
3 You know that j ane is a good friend of Katherine's. You ask jane:
(how long I know I Katherine?) ...................... .. ... ...... . .... ....................... ... ...................................................... .
4 Your friend's brother went to Australia some time ago and he's still there. You ask your friend:
(how long I be I in Australia?) ......... ... ....... . ... ... . ......... .......... . ... .. ........... ..
5 Tom always wears the same jacket. lt's a very old jacket. You ask him:
(how long I have I that jacket?) . .................... . .... . ..... ............. . . ...... ................... .............................
6 Yo u are talking to a friend about joe. joe now works at the airport. You ask your frie nd:
(how long I work I at the airport?) ...... ..... .... .... . . . . ......... .. ..... ... . ........ ... ...... ...................... ... ..
7 A friend of yours is having guitar lessons. You ask him:
(how long I have I guitar lessons?) .................
8 You meet somebody on a plane. She says that she lives in Chi cago. You ask her:
(always I live I in Chicago?) .... .. .. ................... .. ................................................................. ...................................................................

Complete B's answers to A's questions.

1 Paul is in hospital, isn't he ? Yes, he .. ho..s
. .... ..be,e,n
..... .. .... ·m hosp1·tal smce
· Mon d ay.
2 Do you see Ann very often? No, I h ~y_~\.. s ~ . her for three months.
3 Is Amy married? Yes, she ...... ......................... married for ten years.
4 Are you wait ing for me? Yes, I . ........................... ........................................... for the last half hour.
5 You know Mel, don't yo u? Yes, we ...................................................... each other a long time.
6 Do you sti ll play tennis? No, I . ........... ...... .. ................ . . .... . .. tennis for years.
7 Is joe watching TV? Yes, he ......................... ................................ ...................... TV all eveni ng.
8 Do you watch TV a lot? No, I ............................................................................................. ............... TV for ages.
9 Do you have a headache? Yes, I .. . a headache all morning.
10 Adrian is never ill, is he? No, he .. ill since I've known him.
11 Are you feeling ill ? Yes, I ...................................................................................................... ill all day.
12 Sue li ves in Berlin, doesn't she? Yes, she ........................ ....... ................................ .................. in Berlin for the
last few years.
13 Do you go to the cinema a lot? No, I .. ........................ ... . ..... ........................... .. to the cinema for ages.
14 Would you like to go to N ew Yes, I ... . .. ..... . .. ..... ...... . . . .............. ....... .. .. to go to New York.
York one day? .I (use always I want)

Write for or since.
1 lt 's been ra1n1ng
. . smce lunc ht"1me.
2 Sarah has lived in Paris .................. ...... 1995.
3 Paul has lived in Brazil ...... ....... __ ten years.
. d o f wa 1t1ng.
4 I' m t1re .. w eve been s1tt1ng . . here __ .... ..... ... ... an hour.

5 Kevin has been looking for a job .................................. he left school.

6 I haven't been to a party ............ ... .......... ages.
7 I won der where joe is. I haven't seen him last week.
8 jane is away. She's been away .................. Friday.
9 The wea ther is dry. lt hasn't rained .. ........ .... ... .. .. a few weeks.

Write questions with how Long and when.

1 it's raining.
(how long?) .. How lQ_ Ylg....h<A-s .i-t ~-~_ .. r<Airl.lK\g..? .... .... . ....... . .... . ..... . .............................................
(when?) . ____ wn
~Y.' ... 4U....i&... ?..W.X.t... .r.W.4J.g. ~ ........ ....................................................................................................... ............ . .......................
2 Kate is learning Japanese.
(how long I learn?) ................ ... .... ....... _______ ......... ..... ....... ........ .. .. ..... ....................... ........... ..................... . ................................. .
(when I start?) ... . .... ___ .. ..... . ........ . . ..................... . ....... . ........ ..... ............ . ......
3 I know Simon.
(how long I you I know?) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... .
(when I you I first I meet?) . ... .. .................... . . ............................. ..............................................................................................
4 Rebecca and David are married.
(how long?) ... .. . ...... . .................. . . .. .. .... .................. . .. . ....................... ..... . ................................ .. ...................... ................................. ..
(when?) . .... ..... . ...... . ..... . ... ...... ... .............................. .... . . ..... ..... ... .................... ............ ........................................... ....... .

Read the situations and complete the sentences.

1 It ' s ra~nmg.
· · 1t ' s b een ra1n1ng
· · ·
s~nce l unc h t1me.
· sw..rted.. r<Airtrnn3-
It ........................................... .. at l unc ht.1me.
2 Ann and jess are friends. They first met years ago. They've ... J .r.JQ.NY\ ... ~... .9~.~ --- fu~........ years.
3 Mark is ill. He became ill on Sunday. He has ...................................................................................................................... Sunday.
4 Mark is ill. He became ill a few days ago. He has ______ ...................................................................... a few days.
5 Sarah is married. She's been married for a year. She got ................................................................................... .
6 You have a headache. lt started when you woke up.
I've ................................................................................................................ I woke up.
7 Sue has been in Italy for the last three weeks.
She went .......... __ ..................
8 You're working in a hotel. You started si x months ago.
I've .................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................... ·

Write B's sentences using the words in brackets.

1 Do you often go on holiday?
B: No, .... ..1 J!.~Y.e.?:\,t .h~----~.. JlQ.~ ...fur.. five years.
2 A: Do you often see Laura?
B: No, I .............. ....... __ ................... ................................................ ................ about a month.
3 A: Do you often go to the cinem a?
B: No, .......... ... . .................................................................................................. a long time.
4 A: Do you often eat in resta urants ?
B: No, ......................................................................................................................................... ages.

Now write B's answers again. This time use lt's ... since .. . .
5 (1) .... N Q.).... i&~?. .. _fi_,y~ .. ~~.?. .. s.~ <:& .. !...h%....Cb. ...Y1 Q.~ .·.............................. ...................................................................................... ..
6 (2} No, its .............. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ... .
7 (3) N 0 I . ......... ............. . .......... .......................... ....... .......... . .. . . .... ..... .. ................. .................................................................. ................................. .............. ..

8 (4) ... . ......... ... .. ................. . . ' . ....... . .. ..... . ..... . .......... .... ..... ......... ....... ............... '

Exercises -_ 13
Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect where possible.
Otherwise use the past simple.
The office is empty now.
GJ (go) home.

I can't get in.

1 .... lq?t . (lose) my

I meant to call you last night,

but I Helen
(forget) . (go) to Egypt for a holiday, but
she's back home in England now.

Yes, I ....... . Can you help us? Our car

(have) a headache, but I'm
fine now.

Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.
1 Did you hear about Sue? She's given up her job. Ok ... . ........ ...... _ .................................... .
2 My mother has grown up in Italy. .... .gr~ . .. ...... . ... .. ............................... ....... .
3 How many poems has William Shakespeare written? ............................................................ ............................... .
4 Ow! I've cut my finger. lt's bleeding. ........ ......... ............ ...............................................
5 Drugs have become a big problem everywhere. . ... . . .. . ..... ............................. .
6 Who has invented paper? ....... .. .. ..... . . ..... ...................................
7 Where have you been born? .................... .... .. ..... . . . ...... _...........................
8 Ellie isn't at home. She's gone shoppi ng. ................... . .... ......................................
9 Albert Einstein has been the scientist who .................... ............ ....... .. ... ..... ..
has developed the theory of relativity. ....... ... ....... .. ........ .. . ........................ .

Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
1 lt stoPP eeL
.......... ...... · · f or a w h'l1 e, b ut now ·1t 's rammg
ra1n1ng · · agam. · 1 I st op )
2 The town where I live is very different now. . .l.t h.~~ ...~.@.9~ ..... a lot. (it I change)
3 I studied German at schoo l, but ......... ..... .... .... . .. ..... ............. most of it now. (I I forget)
4 The police . three people, but later they let them go. (arrest)
5 What do you think of my English? Do you think ? (it I improve)
6 A: Are you still reading the paper?
s: No, ... . .............. with it. You can have it. (I I finish)
7 _....... for a job as a tourist guide, but I wasn 't successful. (I I apply)
8 Where's my bike? ..... . .. . ..... outside the house, but it's not there now. (it I be)
9 Quick! We need to ca ll an ambulance. . .. .. . ...... . .... .. ... an accident. (there I be)
10 A: Have you heard about Ben? .................... .... ................ his arm. (he I break)
B: Rea lly? How .. .. .... . .... ... ..... ? (that I happen)
A: . . . .. ... . ..... . ... off a ladder. (he I fall)

Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.
1 I've lost my key. I can,t find it anywhere. . . 0-'S........... .......... .................. ......... ....... .......... ...................... ...
2 Have you eaten a lot of sweets when you were a child? ..Di4...W?.~... ~--·· ············ ·... ....
3 I've bought a new car. You must come and see it.
4 I've bought a new ca r last week.
5 Where have you been yesterday evening?
6 Lucy has left school in 1999.
7 I'm looking for Mike. Have you seen him?
8 'Have you been to Paris?, 'Yes, many times.'
9 l,m very hungry. I haven,t eaten much today.
10 When has this book been published?

Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use the present perfect or past simple.
1 (it I not I rain I this week) . lt . h ~?..n.\...r~.~ ~-~? ....W.~ , ....................... .... . ...... ............... ... .... . .. ..... .
2 (the weather I be I cold I recently) The weather ................................................................ ..... ... ......................................................
3 (it I cold I last week) lt ........ ..... . .......... ........ .. ....... .... .. . ...................... ..................... ........ .......... .........................................................
4 (I I not I read I a newspaper yesterday) I . . .......... ........ .. .. ................ .. . ...................
5 (I I not I read I a newspaper today) ......... ... . . .. . ................... . . . .... .. . . ....... . . ...... .. ... . . ..
6 (Emily I earn I a lot of money I this year) ................................ .................... ......... ................................... .............. . .
7 (she I not I earn I so much I last year) ................. ..................................................... ........................................... ........................
8 (you I have I a holiday recently?) .......... ....... ............................. . . . ........ ... ..... .. ..................................... ...

Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
1 'Whafs Madrid like?, 'I don,t know. ..... J... h.Q--Y.~nl ..P.e&n..... (I I not I be) there. '
2 When . ... .............. ...... .. . ...................... ... (I I get) home last night, ............................... ....................... (I I be)
very tired and ..... .............. (I I go) straight to bed.
3 A: ........... ... .................................... ...... (you I see) Lisa recently?
B: Yes, ... ............ ..... ..... .. ........... ...... .... .. (I I saw) her a few days ago.
4 l,m tired. ... .... . . ... ......... .. . .................. .... (1 I not I sleep) well last night.
5 The bu s drivers were on strike last week. .. (there I be) no buses.
6 Mr Lee . ........ (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then ........................................ (he I give)
it up. Now he works as a gardener.
7 Mary lives in Dublin. .... ...... .... .. ....... .................. . ............ . (she I live) there all her life.
8 A: ... . .. ................ ..... ................... (you I go) to the cinema last night?
B: Yes, but ........ ....... .................. . ..... (it I be) a mistake. The film .......... (be) awful.
9 My grandfather .. ....... ........ ... .. ... ............... (die) before I was born. . .... ............................................. ..
(1 I never I meet) him.
10 I don't know Karen's husband. .. .......................................................................... (I I never I meet) him.
11 Ifs nearly lunchtime, and .. .. .. ..... ........... ... .. ...... ...... . (I I not I see) Martin all morning.
I wonder where he is.
12 'Where do you live?, 'In Boston.'
'How long ................................................................................. . (you I live) there?' 'Five years.'
'Where .. ....... ... .. ....... . . . . .. ..... ...... . . (you I live) before that?' 'I n Chicago.,
'And how long ...... ........... ... .. . . .... . ........... .. .... . (you I live) in Chicago?' 'Two years.'

Write sentences about yourself using the ideas in brackets.

(something you haven't done today) .... ..1. ~.QvV:~Y1. .i:.....~n CM1H ...fr.tA.~...t9~................... .. .. ......... ........ .

2 (something you haven,t done today) .... .... ... . ....... ... .... . ... ..... .... ............. ..
3 (something you didn,t do yesterday) .... . ..... . ............ .. . . . ... ......... .. .. .. .............
4 (something you did yesterday evening) ............ ... ................. .. . .......................... ..... . . ................ ....... ..... .. ............... ..
5 (something you haven't done recently) ......................................................................................................................................................
6 (something you've done a lot recently) .... ..... .. . ...... . .. . . ..... . . ...... .. . ....... ............ .. ...................... .

_.Additional exercises 2- 4 (pages 303- 04) , 14- 15 (pages 310- 11) 29

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