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Elementary 2

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Additional exercises

present cont inuous (I'm working) and present simple (I work) Unit s 3-8

Com p let e t he sent ences.

Doyou. oft en go....

Please be quiet. (you/ often/go) to the (you/ cook)?
.I’m working. (|/work). cinema?

now. Goodbye! Can I take this umbrella?

What's this word? How

(l/ not/ watch) TV very much. (we/ look) for
the museum. (you/ pronounce) it?

W hich is right?
1 ' Arc you speaking / Do you speak English?' 'Yes, a little.' (Do you speak right)
2 Sometimes we're going / we go away at weekends.
3 It's a nice day today. The sun is shin in g / sh in es.
4 (You meet Kate in the street.) Hello, Kate. Where are you going / do you go?
5 How often are you going / do you go on holiday?
6 Emily is a writer. She's writing / She writes books for children.
7 I'm never reading / 1never read newspapers.
8 ‘Where are M ark and Laura?' 'They're watching / They watch TV in the living room.'
9 Helen is in her office. She's talking / She talks to somebody.
10 W hat tim e are you usually having / do you usually have dinner?
11 Joe isn’t at hom e at the m om ent. He's visiting / He visits some friends.
12 'Would you like some tea?' 'No. t hank you. I'm not drinking / 1don't drink tea.'

Addit ional exercises

was/ were and past simple (I worked / did you work? etc.) Unit s 10-12

Complete the sentences. Use one word only.

1 I got up early an d had a shower.
2 Tom was tired last night, so h e to bed early.
3 I ...............................................this key on the floor. Is it yours?
4 Kate got married when sh e................................................23.
5 Helen is learning to drive. Sh e................................................ her first lesson yesterday.
6 Tve got a new job.' 'Yes, I know. D avid ...............................................me.'
7 'Where did you buy that book?' 'It was a present. A m y ................................................it to me.'
8 W e ...............................................hungry, so we had something to eat.
9 'Did you enjoy the film?' 'Yes, I ................................................ it was very good.'
10 'Did And y com e to your party?' 'No, w e ...............................................him, but he didn't come.'

Look at the questions and Joe's answers. Write sentences about Joe when he was a child.

r JS\ Joe
When you were a child ...
Were you tall? No. \ jew a en t t a \ l ...
Did you like school? Yes. He.liked.schopL.
Were you good at sport? Yes. H e.................................
Did you play football? Yes.
Did you work hard at school? No.
Did you have a lot of friends? Yes.
Did you have a bike? No.
^ Were you a quiet child?^ No.

Com p let e t he quest ions.

. Djd yo u .h ave a nice holiday? Yes, it was great, thanks.

Wheredid.youjp ? To Amsterdam .
........................................................there? Five days.
.........................................Amsterdam ? Yes, very much.
? I have friends in Amsterdam , so I stayed with them.
........................................................good? Yes, it was warm and sunny.
........................................................ back? Yesterday.

Put t he verb in t he right f orm (posit ive, negat ive or quest ion).
It was a good party. L& njpyed it. (I / enjoy)
' Pid yp u d p the shopping?' (you / do) 'N o , [d id n 't .h ave...... time.' (I / have)
'Did you phone Adam?' 'No, I'm afraid ..........................................................................................' (I / forget)
I like your new watch. W h ere it? (you / get)
I saw Lucy at the party, b u t .........................................................................................to her. (I / speak)
a : ........................................................................................a nice weekend? (you / have)
b: Yes, I went to stay with some friends o f mine.
Paul wasn't well yesterday, so ........................................................................................to work, (he / go)
'Is M ary here?' 'Yes,.........................................................................................five minutes ago.' (she / arrive)
9 W h ere.........................................................................................before he moved here? (Robert / live)
10 The restaurant wasn't expensive..................................................................................very much, (the meal / cost)

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