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Basketball Signals

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Disqualifying foul 

is a kind of foul described to be can call a violation. Also, if a player has stopped

shocking and outstandingly bad since it involves dribbling and moves their pivot foot – this is also
excessive physical contact or violence. The result of considered a traveling (or walking) violation.
such a foul is immediate ejection.
Double Dribble (Illegal Dribble) – A dribbling violation
Unsportsmanlike foul is when a player fouls another occurs when a player stops dribbling and then attempts
with no intention to play the ball. The player who to dribble again or if a player attempts to dribble the ball
committed the unsportsmanlike foul will be charged with with 2 hands.
a personal foul, while the player who is fouled will shoot
Carrying is a violation in the game of basketball. It
two free throws. Usually, unsportsmanlike fouls are
occurs when the dribbling player continues to dribble
called in case of a hard foul, which could cause an injury
after allowing the ball to come to rest in one or both
or if the defensive player contacts the opponent from
hands. Carrying is similar to a double dribble because
the player momentarily stops dribbling and then resumes
Technical foul can be defined as any form of foul which dribbling.
does not involve physical contact. A technical foul is
Three-Second: An offensive player shall not remain for
generally characterized by unsportsmanlike behavior and
more than three seconds in that part of his free throw
can be assessed in many situations at the referee’s
discretion, disrespectful or lewd gestures, intentionally
delaying the game, substituting into a game at an Five Second- When a player holds the ball for five
inappropriate time. seconds and does not shoot, pass or dribble while being
closely guarded by an opposing player.
Double foul occurs in basketball when two opposing
players foul each other at the same time. The two Eight Second- when a team inbounds the ball on their
personal fouls will then offset each other, with the backcourt, they have 8secs to cross the midcourt line.
offense retaining possession of the ball. However, if
there is a double foul while no team is in possession of 24 Second- there’s a shot clock that resets every time a
the ball, then there is a jump ball at center court. new team touches the ball. If the shot clock runs out and
the ball hasn’t hit the rim, then it’s result in a turnover.
Holding - Similar to a hand check foul, but is generally
called when a player grabs another player and holds on Backcourt Violation- once an offensive team has taken
to prevent them from moving. the ball completely past midcourt and into the frontcourt,
they are no longer allowed to enter backcourt. Any part
Blocking - A blocking foul is called when one player of ball or player touches the midcourt line deemed to be
uses their body to prevent the movement of another a violation.
player. This is often called when the defensive player is
trying to draw a charge, but does not have their feet set Kicking the ball or striking it with any part of the leg is
or initiates the contact. a violation when it is an intentional act.
The ball accidentally striking the foot, the leg or fist is
Pushing Foul – A “Pushing Foul” occurs when a not a violation. A player may not use any part of his leg
defender pushes an offensive player or bumps into the to intentionally move or secure the ball.
body of an offensive player Cancel score/Cancel play: This is one of those
Hand Check - A hand check foul is called when a player basketball referees’ signals to disallow the preceding
uses their hands to impede or slow the movement of basket or play.
another player. This is usually called on the defensive Shot Clock Reset – The shot clock will reset to 14
player covering the player with the ball on the perimeter. seconds in three scenarios: after an offensive rebound of
Charging - Charging is called on the player with the ball a missed field goal or free throw that hit the rim; after a
when they run into a player that already has position. If loose ball foul is called on the defensive team
the defensive player doesn't have position or is moving, immediately following a missed field goal or free throw
then generally the official will call blocking on the that hit the rim.
defender. Out of bounds- The area of a basketball court outside the
Illegal Use of Hands Foul – This is a foul called when a boundary lines. It is also a call made by referees when
defender slaps, hacks, or smacks an offensive player the ball or player crosses a boundary line.
with the ball. Jump Ball- The jump ball is used to begin games and, in
Elbowing – It is a violation for a player to swing the the professional game, when the ball is possessed by two
elbows excessively opposing players at the same time. A re-toss is necessary
if the ball contacts the floor without being touched by at
When a defensive player makes illegal physical contact least one of the jumpers.
with the shooter while he is shooting the ball, it's
a shooting foul. Shooting fouls always result in free Substitution in basketball is when one player on the
throws for the other team regardless if the team is in a court is replaced by another player from the bench.
penalty situation. Players that are substituted into the game must be on the
team roster and the active list.
Non-Shooting Fouls: If an offensive player is fouled
while not in the act of shooting the ball, the ball stays in Time-out- a brief interruption in the period of play
possession with the team that the foul was committed on. during which the clock is stopped. Teams use time-outs
to rest players, make substitutions and plan strategies
Traveling (also called Walking or Walk) – If a ball
handler takes too many steps while dribbling the referee
Beckoning in- is a type of gesture intended to beckon or
call-over someone or something. It is usually translated
into "come her.

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