Unit-2: The Role of Diagramming in System Investigation
Unit-2: The Role of Diagramming in System Investigation
Unit-2: The Role of Diagramming in System Investigation
Data flow diagrams illustrate how data is processed by a system in terms of inputs and outputs. Data flow
diagrams can be used to provide a clear representation of any business function. The technique starts with an overall
picture of the business and continues by analyzing each of the functional areas of interest. This analysis can be
carried out to precisely the level of detail required. The technique exploits a method called top-down expansion to
conduct the analysis in a targeted way.
As the name suggests, Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is an illustration that explicates the passage of information in a
process. A DFD can be easily drawn using simple symbols. Additionally, complicated processes can be easily
automated by creating DFDs using easy-to-use, free downloadable diagramming tools.
There are some symbols that are used in the drawing of business process diagrams (data flow diagrams). These are
now explained, together with the rules that apply to them.
The process shape represents a task that handles data within the application. The task may process the data or
perform an action based on the data.
Multiple Process
The multiple process shape is used to present a collection of sub processes. The multiple process can be broken
down into its sub processes in another DFD.
External Entity
The external entity shape is used to represent any entity outside the application that interacts with the application via
an entry point.
Data Flow
The data flow shape represents data movement within the application. The direction of the data movement is
represented by the arrow.
Data Store
The data store shape is used to represent locations where data is stored. Data stores do not modify the data, they
only store data.
Privilege Boundary
The privilege boundary shape is used to represent the change of privilege levels as the data flows through the
Firstly, draw and name a single process box that represents the entire system.
Next, identify and add the external entities that communicate directly with the process box. Do this by considering
origin and destination of the resource flows and data flows.
Finally, add the resource flows and data flows to the diagram.
In drawing the context diagram you should only be concerned with the most important information flows. These
will be concerned with issues such as: how orders are received and checked, with providing good customer service
and with the paying of invoices. Remember that no business process diagram is the definitive solution - there is no
absolute right or wrong.
There are only five symbols that are used in the drawing of business process diagrams (data flow diagrams). These
are now explained, together with the rules that apply to them.
This diagram represents a banking process, which maintains customer accounts. In this example, customers can
withdraw or deposit cash, request information about their account or update their account details. The five different
symbols used in this example represent the full set of symbols required to draw any business process diagram.
External Entity
An external entity is a source or destination of a data flow which is outside the area of study. Only those entities
which originate or receive data are represented on a business process diagram. The symbol used is an oval
containing a meaningful and unique identifier.
A process shows a transformation or manipulation of data flows within the system. The symbol used is a rectangular
box which contains 3 descriptive elements:
Firstly an identification number appears in the upper left hand corner. This is allocated arbitrarily at the top level and
serves as a unique reference.
Secondly, a location appears to the right of the identifier and describes where in the system the process takes place.
This may, for example, be a department or a piece of hardware. Finally, a descriptive title is placed in the centre of
the box. This should be a simple imperative sentence with a specific verb, for example 'maintain customer records'
or 'find driver'.
Data Flow
A data flow shows the flow of information from its source to its destination. A data flow is represented by a line,
with arrowheads showing the direction of flow. Information always flows to or from a process and may be written,
verbal or electronic. Each data flow may be referenced by the processes or data stores at its head and tail, or by a
description of its contents.
Data Store
A data store is a holding place for information within the system:
It is represented by an open ended narrow rectangle.
Data stores may be long-term files such as sales ledgers, or may be short-term accumulations: for example batches
of documents that are waiting to be processed. Each data store should be given a reference followed by an arbitrary
Resource Flow
A resource flow shows the flow of any physical material from its source to its destination. For this reason they are
sometimes referred to as physical flows. The physical material in question should be given a meaningful name.
Resource flows are usually restricted to early, high-level diagrams and are used when a description of the physical
flow of materials is considered to be important to help the analysis.
Example of a so called "performance seeking control flow diagram" A control flow diagram can
consist of a subdivision to show sequential steps, with if-then-else conditions, repetition, and/or
case conditions. Suitably annotated geometrical figures are used to represent operations, data, or
equipment, and arrows are used to indicate the sequential flow from one to another.
2) A data island is a data store, such as on a PDA or other computing device, that has non-
existent or limited external connectivity. This limits the ability of the user
to synchronize with or copy the data to other devices. Though new data can be added to the
system, the ability to move that data elsewhere is impractical or impossible. Data islands, in
general, contain a very huge set of data relative to its small physical space that it occupies.
The connectivity here does not necessarily imply a hardware interface. For example, it may
be a result of poorly written system interface software. A data island is a subset of entities
that are connected to each other via relationships, but that are independent of other entities
within the same data store.
Influence Diagrams:-
This simple influence diagram depicts a variable describing the situation, a decision "What do
we do?", a chance variable "What's the outcome?", and our final valuation "How do we like it?".
These four node types are the building blocks of decision problems. The influence diagram
gives a high-level conceptual view on which the analyst may build a detailed quantitative model.
This type of diagram is used to explore why a given event happened or why a certain class of
events tends to occur. It is not intended to predict behaviour, but may be used to develop a
list of factors to bear in mind when considering comparable circumstances in the future. It is
also useful for finding out why something went wrong or keeps recurring, e.g. through a
causal loop, so that steps can be taken to prevent its recurrence. It can be derived from an
influence diagram or developed anew.
1. In constructing such a diagram you normally begin at the factor/event to be explained and
work backwards. A diagram should include more than one such end factor only if
contributory factors were related, and explaining both events is important.
2. It is not necessary to put blobs around phrases, although if it improves clarity you can.
Boxes, with their activity sequence diagram implications, are best avoided.
3. It helps in checking a draft to ensure that each individual relationship makes sense. If the
meaning is not obvious then be more specific or insert any necessary intermediate
4. Take care not to combine two factors into one e.g. battery is flat and car won’t start. This
can prevent your identifying differences in their causes or consequences, and therefore
potential points of intervention.
5. This type of diagram does not distinguish between necessary and/or sufficient causes (for
example, in the figure above, Event aaa and Event bbb may both be necessary if Event
ccc is to occur; or either may be sufficient to cause Event ccc). If the distinction is
important for your purpose you will need to annotate your diagram to indicate this.
6. It is not essential to indicate a system boundary on a multiple-cause diagram, particularly
if it has been developed from an influence diagram that already has one. Drawing such a
diagram may well, however, develop your ideas about where to draw a boundary and so
identify a system of interest.
7. It is important to remember that this diagram type, while superficially resembling an
influence diagram, is different in that the words at either end of an arrow represent events
that may happen or values that may change. In an influence diagram these words
represent components of a system e.g. people or sub-systems.
Unit 4
OD Interventions
The demands on local government are constantly changing, driven by user expectations
and government initiatives particularly the new Local Government Bill, the sub regional review,
the neighborhoods agenda, CPA/CAA and efficiency targets. To date the Council has responded
well to this continuous change agenda, maintaining its position as a 4 star authority. The pace of
change nationally is now increasing and to respond Councils, and their public sector partners, has
to develop different solutions to meet these complex needs. Innovative thinking and new ways of
working will keep successful Councils at the cutting edge. In addition there are significant local
drivers for change that must influence organizational development and effectiveness. These
The Organizational Development Strategy provides a coherent framework for our corporate
improvement activity. A broad approach to organizational development has been taken ensuring
that we consider whole Council improvement and not just individual service or personal
development within the Council. Eight themes or activity areas have been identified as a
framework for the Council’s Organizational Development strategy. Our strategy also recognizes
that we are not starting from scratch; the Council has successfully implemented major change
programmes as part of its organizational development and continuous improvement activity.
Accordingly, this strategy pulls together work previously identified, work in progress as well as
supporting the development of future improvement actions.
Organizational Development Strategy is concerned with making the entire organization fit for
purpose. The National Pay and Workforce Strategy (2005) define organizational development as:
Key Objectives
To increase customer satisfaction and improve the overall wellbeing of those working
for, or with, the Council.
To ensure that Blackburn with Darwin Council, its partners and the wider sub region can
respond effectively to future challenges.
Organizational Development Themes
The following themes have been included to reflect our local change agenda and ensure we
maintain focus on priority improvement areas that make a difference to organisational
effectiveness and partnership working:
Culture Change Program – create a new vision and set of organizational values to
support the organization in moving to a transformational approach to change
management and service improvement.
Effective People Management – the key to translating priorities and objectives into
reality and central to the Council’s performance management regime.
Guiding Principles
We will follow and adhere to agreed guiding principles throughout the development and
implementation of the organizational development improvement programmed:
All improvement actions must support the achievement of Council priorities, the
Performance Agreement and the medium term Financial Strategy.
The Chief Executive has overall responsibility for co-coordinating the development and
implementation of the strategy and organizational development improvement programmes via
the Organizational Development Steering Group. The Leader of the Council will maintain an
overview of organizational development activity through regular progress reports.
The strategy will continue to evolve and reflect the Council’s objectives and continuous
change program. Quarterly monitoring reports covering all Organizational Development theme
areas will be prepared and presented to the Organizational Development Steering Group so that it
can monitor progress on overall improvement actions. In addition, it is proposed that the Policy
and Review Scrutiny Committee nominate and set up a cross party task group to monitor
delivery of improvement actions and outcomes. There will be an annual review to ensure the
strategy continues to reflect Council priorities including any external and internal drivers for
change. The Organizational Development Steering Group may also commission or receive
reports on specific organizational development theme issues or improvement actions.
In today's highly turbulent business environment, 'change' has become an inevitable part
of life. Organizations that do not change when needed or are not sensitive to the need for change
do not survive long. The revolution in the form of IT is reshaping the core competencies needed
in a knowledge environment. Organizations, in order to be successful, need to place a high
priority on proactively and systematic understanding of organizational issues and on responding
to current and future external customer needs. Workforce mobility and diversity are creating new
employee needs along with new expectations about the work culture, and these needs, too, have
to be systematically understood and responded to. HR leaders are challenged to become effective
strategic partners in the creation of world class learning culture.
Indian organizations are no exception to these compulsions. Today, they face numerous
challenges and complexities, operating, as they do, in a highly volatile political and economic
environment. For decades, the Indian mindset that has governed Indian organizations is less
systems-driven and more people and relationship-oriented. With the opening up of the economy,
standing up to global competition with borrowed technologies & insecure and relationship-
driven employees, organizations need to bring in change rapidly; and hence the acute need for
O.D. in Indian organizations.