Ais CH - 3
Ais CH - 3
Ais CH - 3
A data flow is the movement of data among processes, stores, sources, and destinations. Data
that pass between data stores and a source or destination must go through a data transformation
process. Data flows are labeled to show what data is flowing. The only exception is data flow
between a process and a data store, such as data flow G in Figure 3-3, because the data flow is
usually obvious. In data flow G, data from the accounts receivable file is retrieved, updated, and
stored back in the file. Other data flows in Figure 3-3 are B (customer payment), D (remittance
data), E (deposit), and I (receivables data).
If two or more data flows move together, a single line is used. For example, data flow B
(customer payment) consists of a payment and remittance data. Process 1.0 (process payment)
splits them and sends them in different directions. The remittance data (D) is used to update
accounts receivable records, and the payment (E) is deposited in the bank. If the data flow
separately, two lines are used. For example, Figure 3-4 shows two lines because customer
inquiries (L) do not always accompany a payment (B). If represented by the same data flow, the
separate elements and their different purposes are obscured, and the DFD is more difficult to
Processes represent the transformation of data. Figure 3-3 shows that process payment (C) splits
the customer payment into the remittance data and the check, which is deposited in the bank. The
update receivables process (F) uses remittance (D) and accounts receivable (H) data to update
receivable records and send receivables data to the credit manager.
Figure 3.3 data flow diagram of customer payment process
A data store is a repository of data. DFDs do not show the physical storage medium (such as a
server or paper) used to store the data. Data stores (H) are represented by horizontal lines, with
the name of the file written inside the lines.
Subdividing the DFD
DFDs are subdivided into successively lower levels to provide ever-increasing amounts of detail,
because few systems can be fully diagrammed on one sheet of paper. Also, users have differing
needs, and a variety of levels can better satisfy differing requirements. The highest-level DFD is
referred to as a context diagram because it provides the reader with a summary-level view of a
system. It depicts a data processing system and the entities that are the sources and destinations
of system inputs and outputs. The payroll processing system receives time card data from
different departments and employee data from human resources. The system processes these data
and produces (1) tax reports and payments for governmental agencies, (2) employee paychecks,
(3) a payroll check deposited in the payroll account at the bank, and (4) payroll information for
Ashton used the description of S&S’s payroll processing procedures in Table 3-1 to decompose
the context diagram into successively lower levels, each with an increasing amount of detail.
Figure 3.4 context diagram for payroll processing
Ashton exploded his context diagram and created the Level 0 DFD (called Level 0 because there
are zero meaningful decimal points—1.0, 2.0, etc.) shown in Figure 3-6. Notice that some data
inputs and outputs have been excluded from this DFD. For example, in process.2.0, the data
inflows and outflows that are not related to an external entity or to another process are not
depicted (tax tables and payroll register). These data flows are internal to the “pay employees”
activity and are shown on the next DFD level.
Ashton exploded process 2.0 (pay employees) to create a Level 1 DFD (it has one meaningful
decimal place—2.1, 2.2, etc.).
Figure 3.5 level 0 DFD for payroll processing
3.1.2 Flowcharts
A flowchart is a pictorial, analytical technique used to describe some aspect of an information
system in a clear, concise, and logical manner. Flowcharts record how business processes are
performed and how documents flow through the organization. They are also used to analyze how
to improve business processes and document flows. Most flowcharts are drawn using a software
program such as Visio, Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. Flowcharts use a standard set of symbols to
describe pictorially the transaction processing procedures a company uses and the flow of data
through a system. Flowcharting symbols are divided into four categories, as shown in Figure 3-8:
1. Input/output symbols show input to or output from a system.
2. Processing symbols show data processing, either electronically or by hand.
3. Storage symbols show where data is stored.
4. Flow and miscellaneous symbols indicate the flow of data, where flowcharts begin or end,
where decisions are made, and how to add explanatory notes to flowcharts.
General guidelines for preparing good flowcharts
1. Understand the system. Develop this understanding by interviewing users, developers,
and management or having them complete a questionnaire; by reading a narrative
description of the system; or by walking through system transactions.
2. Identify the entities to be flowcharted. Identify departments, job functions, and external
parties. Identify business processes, documents, data flows, and data processing
3. Organize flowchart. Design the flowchart so that data flows from top to bottom and from
left to right. Where appropriate, ensure that all procedures and processes are in proper
order. Show where documents or processes originate, where data is processed, and where
data is stored and sent. Show the final disposition of all documents to prevent loose ends
that leave the reader dangling. Show data entered into or retrieved from a database as
passing through a processing operation (a computer program) first. In document
flowcharts, divide the flowchart into columns with labels.
4. Clearly label all symbols. Write a description of the source, input, process, output, or
destination inside the symbol. Use arrowheads on all flow lines.
5. Page connectors. If a flowchart cannot fit on a single page, clearly number the pages and
use off-page connectors to move from one page to another. Where desired, on-page
connectors can be used to avoid excess flow lines and to produce a neat-looking page.
Clearly label all connectors to avoid confusion.
6. Draw a rough sketch of the flowchart. Be more concerned with capturing content than
with making a perfect drawing. Few systems can be flowcharted in a single draft. Review
it with the people familiar with the system. Make sure all uses of flowcharting
conventions are consistent.
7. Draw a final copy of the flowchart. Place the flowchart name, date, and preparer’s name
on each page.
Types of Flowcharts Document flowcharts
Document flowcharts were developed to illustrate the flow of documents and data among areas
of responsibility within an organization. They trace a document from its cradle to its grave,
showing where each document originates, its distribution, its purpose, its disposition, and
everything that happens as it f lows through the system.
Figure 3.6 common flow charting symbols
A special type of flowchart, called an internal control flowchart, is used to describe, analyze,
and evaluate internal controls. They are used to identify system weaknesses or inefficiencies,
such as inadequate communication flows, insufficient segregation of duties, unnecessary
complexity in document flows, or procedures responsible for causing wasteful delays. Until he
automates the other parts of S&S, Ashton decides to process payroll manually.
Figure 3.7 Document Flow Chart of payroll processing System flowchart
A system flowchart depicts the relationships among system input, processing, storage, and
output. The sales processing flowchart in Figure 3-8 represents Ashton’s proposal to capture
sales data using state-of-the-art sales terminals. The terminals will capture and edit the sales data
and print a customer receipt. The terminals periodically send all sales data to corporate
headquarters so that the accounts receivable, inventory, and sales/marketing databases and the
general ledger can be updated. Management and other users can access the files at any time by
using an inquiry processing system. System flowcharts are used to describe data flows and
procedures within AIS.
Figure 3.8 System Flowcharts of Sales Processing
Figure 3.9 Relationships between System and Program Flowcharts