a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Disposal onto land generally pollutes groundwater, and may reach
surface water when groundwater eventually discharges into surface water. Disposal
from an off-site treatment plant for groundwater recharge to control encroachment
of seawater in coastal areas is a form of reuse.
Answer: c
Explanation: LPED stands for Low pressure effluent distribution. Effluent may be
discharged more evenly across the disposal area by pump or dose loading. It also
eliminates the chance of disposal surges that may occur during periods of high
household use.
a) Deep well
b) Injection well
c) Sink well
d) Bore well
Answer: b
Explanation: An injection well is a device that places fluid deep underground into
porous rock formations, such as sandstone or limestone, or into or below the
shallow soil layer. The fluid may be chemicals mixed with water, wastewater, etc.
4. Waste water is injected into the ground between impermeable layers of rocks to
avoid polluting fresh water supplies.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: In waste water disposal, treated waste water is injected into the
ground between impermeable layers of rocks to avoid polluting fresh water
supplies or adversely affecting the quality of receiving waters.
5. _________ is the controlled application of waste water onto the land surface to
achieve a specified level of treatment.
a) Water treatment
b) Wastewater treatment
c) Land treatment
d) Soil treatment
Answer: c
Explanation: The controlled application of waste water onto the land surface to
achieve a specified level of treatment through natural physical, chemical, and
biological processes within the plant soil-water matrix is called land treatment.
6. Which type of treatment methods are used for municipal and industrial
a) Slow rate
b) Rapid infiltration
c) Overflow
d) Main stream
View Answer
Explanation: Slow Rate (SR) systems are the predominant form of land treatment
for municipal and industrial waste-water. Such a technology incorporates waste-
water treatment, water reuse, crop utilization of nutrients and waste-water disposal.
a) Soil adsorption
b) Bacterial oxidation
c) Filtration
d) Chemical immobilization
Answer: c
8. How are the traces of organic compounds removed from the soil?
a) Denitrification
b) Soil filtration
c) Precipitation
d) Sorption
Answer: d
b) Suspended solids
c) Metals
d) Phosphorus
Answer: d
a) Rapid infiltration
b) Infiltration
c) Slow rate
d) Over flow
Answer: a
Explanation: Rapid infiltration (RI) is the most intensive of all land treatment
method. To shallow infiltration or spreading basins high hydraulic and organic
loadings are applied intermittently.
11. Which one of the following is the basic indicator of river health?
a) BOD
b) COD
c) DO
d) ThOD
Answer: c
Explanation: The amount of dissolved Oxygen (DO) in water is one of the most
commonly used indicators of a river health. Below 4 or 5 mg/l, the life forms that
survive are reduced.
12. What is the minimum amount of DO required for the life survival of aquatic
a) 10 mg/l
b) 5 mg/l
c) 2 mg/l
d) 1 mg/l
Answer: c
Explanation: As DO drops below 4 or 5 mg/L the forms of life that can survive
begin to be reduced. A minimum of about 2.0 mg/L of dissolved oxygen is
required to maintain higher life forms.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: Oxygen demanding wastes remove DO. Plants add DO during the
day but remove it at night. Respiration of organisms removes oxygen. Temperature
is reduced in summer which inturn reduces flow.
14. In the concept of self purification of natural streams, complete the following
phrase. Solution to pollution is _________
a) Control
b) Dilution
c) Reuse
d) Recycle
Answer: b
Explanation: Waste water disposal practices are based on the premise that “the
solution to pollution is dilution”. In this method relatively small quantities of waste
are discharged into large bodies of water.
a) Gas transfer
b) Dilution
c) Filtration
d) Re-suspension
Answer: a
Explanation: The transfer of gases into and out of water is an important part of the
natural purification process. Gas transfer is accomplished by the replenishment of
oxygen lost to bacterial degradation of organic waste.
16. On which of the following does the self purification process does not depend?
a) Volume
b) Flow rate
c) Temperature
d) Aquatic species
Answer: d
Explanation: The speed and completeness of the self purification process depend
upon many factors like volume, flow rate, the turbulence of flow, variation in
sunlight, etc. Aquatic species are affected by polluted streams.
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Flowing water bodies like streams, canals and rivers can recover
rapidly from degradable, oxygen demanding wastes and excess heat through a
combination of dilution and bacterial decay.
a) Increases
b) Depletes
c) Maintains
d) Improves
Answer: b
Answer: a
Explanation: To control the discharge of pollutants so that the water quality is not
degraded to an unacceptable extent below the natural background level is the
objective of water quality management.
20. The impact of pollution depends upon nature of the pollutants and the
a) Toxic contaminants
b) Season
c) Contaminants
d) Characteristics of river
Answer: d
Explanation: The impact of pollution depends upon nature of the pollutants and the
characteristics of the river like discharge and speed of flowing water, depth of the
river, type of bottom, surrounding vegetation, etc.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
a) More
b) Less
c) Equal to
d) Similar
Answer: b
Explanation: Water and waste water differ only in the way that solids
concentration will be more in waste water. Straining the finer particles in water
treatment is called filtration and is towards the biological action of bacteria on the
trickling filter to remove organic solids.
24. Unit operations are the ______ operations to remove the impurities.
a) Physical
b) Chemical
c) Biological
d) Biochemical
Answer: a
Explanation: The physical operations to remove the impurities present in the water
and waste water are called unit operations where as the unit processes are the
chemical and biological conversion on the status of the impurities that they will be
converted to a form that can be easily separated.
25. What did the structures use to prevent floating matter that enters into pumps
and pumping systems?
a) Aeration units
b) Screens
c) Grit chamber
d) Bioreactor
Answer: b
Explanation: Screens are in use from the intake structure where they prevent the
floating matter enters into the pumping units, and fine and coarse screens are in use
to treat waste water to prevent the entry of floating wastes and coarse solids into
the treatment.
a) Coagulation
b) Flocculation
c) Sedimentation
d) Filtration
Answer: c
27. What is the removal of fine particle sand dissolved solids called?
a) Filtration
b) Sedimentation
c) Deoxidation
d) Disinfection
Answer: a
a) Adsorption
b) Sedimentation
c) Filtration
d) Coagulation
Answer: a
Explanation: Odour and colour present in water and waste water are removed by
aeration and adsorption process. The odour and colour causing elements are
adsorbed and aerated that the water is free from impurities for use and wastewater
for reuse and recycling.
29. The law of ________ states that mass can neither be created nor destroyed.
a) Radiation
b) Wastewater
c) Conversion of mass
d) Water
Answer: c
Explanation: The law of conservation of mass states that mass can neither be
created nor destroyed. Thus in a processing plant, the total mass of material
entering the plant must equal the total mass of material leaving the plant, less any
accumulation left in the plant.
a) 6mm-150mm
b) 150-200mm
c) >200mm
d) < 6mm
Answer: a
Explanation: The size of the coarse screens ranges from 6-150mm. Coarse screens
are further classified as hand cleaned and mechanically cleaned. Coarse screens
remove large particles and prevent clogging in pipes and pumps.
31. While designing a mechanical screen, the clear space between the bars would
be in what range?
a) 15-75mm
b) 25-50mm
c) 20-40mm
d) >75mm
a) 0.3-0.5m/s
b) 0.6-1m/s
c) 1-1.5m/s
d) 2 m/s
Answer: b
a) 0.1 mm
b) 0.8-1mm
c) 0.2-0.6mm
d) 1-3mm
Answer: c
Explanation: The size of openings for a fine screen is 0.2-0.6mm. These are used
as a substitute for a primary clarifier. These are used to remove the suspended
34. What is the percentage of TSS removed by a rotary drum fine screen?
a) 50%
b) 60%
c) 65-75%
d) 25-45%
Answer: d
35. Which type of mixers are used to mix coagulants like alum, ferric ammonium
sulphate and coagulant aids such as polyelectrolyte and lime?
a) Static mixers
b) Mechanical mixers
c) Mechanical aerators
d) Paddle mixers
Answer: d
Explanation: Paddle mixers are used to mix coagulants and coagulant aids. Paddle
flocculators contain appropriately spaced paddles mounted on a shaft. Flocculation
is brought about by the movement of the slow moving paddles.
36. Which type of mixer is used when the flow needs to be changed often?
a) Paddle mixer
b) Static mixer
c) Mechanical mixer
d) Mechanical aerator
Answer: b
Explanation: When the flow needs to be changed /reversed often static mixers are
used. These can be comprised of over and under narrow channels. The flow
reversals in these mixers produce the energy required for flocculation.
37. In order to prevent clogging what should be provided prior to tube settlers?
a) Clarifiers
b) Coarse screen
c) Fine screen
d) Grit chamber
Answer: c
Explanation: Fine screens are placed before a tube settler. This is done in order to
prevent clogging. Tube settlers are placed at an angle of 45-60 degree.
a) Horizontal flow
b) Vortex
c) Vertical flow
d) Aerated
Answer: c
Explanation: Grit chambers are of the type horizontal flow, aerated, vortex.
There’s no type such as vertical flow. These protect mechanical equipment from
abrasion and reduces the formation of heavy particles in pipes.
39. What is the detention time considered while designing a Grit chamber?
a) 20-40 sec
b) 10-20 sec
c) 90-120 sec
d) 45-90 sec
Answer: d
Explanation: The detention time considered while designing a Grit chamber is 45-
90 sec. Usually, 60 secs is considered as the detention time in most of the cases.
The typical head loss considered is 30-40%.
40. In which of the following systems no flow is added or allowed to leave during
the design detention time?
Answer: c
41. In __________ reactor the bed is filled with a packing material that expands
when wastewater moves upwards.
Explanation: Fluid particles pass through the tank and are discharged in the same
sequence in which they enter in plug flow reactor. The packing material that
expands and gets fluidized when wastewater moves upward in the reactor is
provided in fluidized bed reactor.
a) 1-2
b) 2-3
c) 2-4
d) 3-5
Answer: d
Explanation: The aspect ratio of a stirred tank bioreactor is usually between 3-5.
However, for animal cell culture applications, the aspect ratio is less than 2. The
number of impellers depends on the size of the bioreactor and is variable.
43. The diameter of the impeller is usually 1/3 rd of the vessel diameter.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: The diameter of the impeller is usually 1/3 rd of the vessel diameter.
The distance between two impellers is approximately 1.2 impeller diameter.
Different types of impellers (Rustom disc, concave bladed, marine propeller etc.)
are in use.
44. In bubble column bioreactor, the flow rate of air/ gas influences the
performance of oxygen transfer.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: The air or gas is introduced at the base of the column through
perforated pipes or plates, or metal micro porous sparger is in the bubble column
bioreactor. The flow rate of the air/gas influences the performance factors —O2
transfer, mixing.
a) Square
b) Rectangular
c) Cylindrical
d) Circular
Answer: c
Explanation: The bubble column bioreactors may be fitted with perforated plates to
improve performance. The vessel used is usually cylindrical with an aspect ratio of
4-6 (i.e., height to diameter ratio).
46. In which of the following bioreactors is the vessel divided into two
interconnected zones?
b) Airlift bioreactors
Answer: b
Explanation: In the airlift bioreactors, the medium of the vessel is divided into two
interconnected zones by means of a baffle or draft tube. Air is pumped in one of
two zones. The other zone that receives no gas is the down comer.
c) Airlift bioreactors
Answer: a
a) Photo-bioreactors
c) Airlift bioreactors
Answer: b
a) Photo bioreactors
d) Airlift bioreactors
Answer: a
Explanation: The bioreactors designed for fermentation that can be carried out
either by exposing to artificial illumination or sunlight is called Photo bioreactors.
50. The array of tubes or flat panels constitutes ________ in photo bioreactors.
b) Heating systems
c) Cooling systems
Answer: a
51. Hydrolysis of chlorine in water has a rate constant of 11 s-1. What does this
a) It is a slow reaction.
b) It is a moderate reaction
c) It is a fast reaction
Answer: c
52. Which type of reactor is used for mixing chemicals in water treatment?
a) Continuous reactor
b) Batch reactor
c) Plug flow reactor
Answer: b
Explanation: Batch reactors are used while mixing chemicals for water treatment.
When chemicals such as alum, ferric ammonium sulphate are required for
coagulation, chemical mixing is done. For the preparation of flocculants and other
pH controlling chemicals also the same batch reactor process is used for chemical
b) Continuous reactor
c) Batch reactor
Answer: c
Explanation: Based on the operation, the reactors are classified as batch and
continuous. Batch reactors follow non-continuous mode of reaction. While in a
continuous flow reactor, the continuous reaction takes place.
a) Ideal reactor
b) Batch reactor
c) Non-ideal reactor
Answer: a
Explanation: Ideal reactors are those in which the mixing is uniform. The reactors
in which the mixing is not uniform, those reactors are known as non-ideal reactors.
Ideal reactors have uniform hydraulic conditions.
b) Stirred tanks
c) Tank in series
d) Venturi reactor
Answer: a
Explanation: Packed bed reactors are not used for the oxidation reaction. Oxidation
is carried out in a venturi reactor, tank in series and stirred tank reactors. Oxidation
of Iron, Oxidation of manganese, dechlorination of SO2 and ozone reactions are
carried out in these reactors.
a) Plug flow
c) Batch reactors
d) Venturi reactor
Answer: a
Explanation: Plug flow reactors are not subjected to back mixing. They are
designed for a specific detention time. Disinfection of water is carried out in a plug
flow reactor.
57. Which type of reactor is used for stripping off gases from water?
a) Venturi reactor
Answer: b
Explanation: Packed bed reactors are used in stripping off gases from water. These
are used to strip off undesirable gases or organic compounds from water. Counter
current flow is usually encountered in such reactors.
b) Venturi reactor
Answer: a
Explanation: Ion exchange takes place in a fixed bed reactor. This reaction takes
place within the solid phase. These type of reactions also take place in a fluidized
bed reactor.
c) Venturi reactor
d) Recycle reactor
Answer: d
a) Venturi reactor
b) Open reactor
c) Closed reactor
d) Recycle reactor
Answer: b
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
62. _____ devices remove materials which would damage equipment or interfere
with a process.
a) Grit
b) Screening
c) Oxidation
d) Reduction
Answer: b
a) Debris
b) Waste
c) Screens
d) Grit
Answer: d
Explanation: Grit represents the heavier inert matter in wastewater which will not
decompose in treatment processes. It is identified with matter having a specific
gravity of about 2.65 and design of grit chambers is based on the removal of all
particles of about 0.011 inch or larger (65 mesh).
64. Supplemental means of aeration are often employed with an equalization basin
to provide better mixing.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
65. Which of the following should be provided in the case where aeration is
a) Screening devices
b) Mechanical mixers
c) Grit removers
d) Sedimentation tank
Answer: b
66. Which process is employed to gain sufficient head for the wastewater?
a) Screening
b) Pumping
c) Oxidation
d) Fermentation
Answer: b
Explanation: Pumping facilities may be employed to gain sufficient head for the
wastewater to flow through the treatment works to the point of final disposal.
Pumping is also generally required for recirculation of all or part of the flow
around certain units within the plant. Pumping facilities are classified as influent,
effluent, or recirculation stations and perform a critical function.
a) Alum
b) Ferric sulphate
c) Limestone
d) Coal
Answer: a
a) Algae
b) Aerobic bacteria
c) Facultative bacteria
d) Organic solids
Answer: c
a) Increased
b) Decreased
c) Neutral
d) Maintained
Answer: b
Explanation: Two important considerations in nitrification are the maintenance of a
proper pH and temperature. Nitrification is a very temperature-sensitive system
and the efficiency is significantly suppressed as the temperature decreases.
a) Nitrification
b) Denitrification
c) Ammonification
d) Reduction
Answer: b
71. In rotating biological contractors, what percent of corrugated plastic discs are
a) 20
b) 50
c) 80
d) 40
Answer: d
72. What is the method of treatment used when the TSS in the sample is high?
a) Ultrafiltration
b) High rate solid contact clarifier
Answer: b
Explanation: High rate solid contact clarifier is used to treat samples with very
high TSS. The other methods namely ultrafiltration and pressure sand filter cannot
treat samples with very high TSS. This is because the filters will get clogged.
a) Secondary treatment
b) Primary treatment
c) Preliminary treatment
d) Tertiary treatment
Answer: b
a) Coarse screen
b) Grit chamber
c) Fine screen
d) Commutors
Answer: a
Explanation: Coarse screens remove coarse materials. The size of the coarse screen
is 6mm-25mm. These coarse screens maybe manual or mechanically driven.
b) Primary treatment
c) Secondary treatment
d) Tertiary treatment
Answer: a
a) Tertiary treatment
b) Secondary treatment
c) Preliminary treatment
d) Primary treatment
Answer: b
Explanation: Tube settlers are classified as secondary treatment. These are used
mainly to remove TSS. Tube settlers will be followed generally after a clarifier and
a flocculator.
a) Preliminary treatment
b) Primary treatment
c) Secondary treatment
d) Tertiary treatment
Answer: d
Explanation: Activated Carbon is classified as tertiary treatment. This works on the
principle of adsorption. Pressure sand filter is usually prior to the activated carbon
a) Ultrafiltration
c) Activated carbon
d) Nano filter
Answer: c
Explanation: Activated carbon filters are used to remove odour. This is also used to
reduce COD by removing organics. The treatment process works on the principal
of adsorption.
a) Primary treatment
b) Preliminary treatment
c) Secondary treatment
d) Tertiary treatment
Answer: d
a) Ultrafiltration
c) Clarifier
d) Tube settler
Answer: a
Answer: b
Explanation: Zero discharge usually refers to the treatment plant in which the
reject from each part of the treatment plant is recycled. The reject is fed as the
influent and once again treated. The removal efficiency of the pollutants is
approximately 97-98%.
a) ŧ=V/Q
b) C=C0e-1/ŧ
c) ŧ=Q/V
d) C0=Ce-1/ŧ
Answer: a
b) Suspended solids
c) Removable solids
d) Settleable solids
Answer: d
Explanation: Sludge is mostly water with lesser amounts of solid material removed
from liquid sewage. Primary sludge includes settleable solids removed during
primary treatment in primary clarifiers.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Reducing sludge weight and volume to reduce disposal costs is the
aim of sludge treatment. The choice of a sludge treatment method depends on the
volume of sludge generated, and comparison of treatment costs required for
available disposal options.
a) Aerobic digestion
b) Mechanical dewatering
c) Dewatering
d) Composting
Answer: d
87. From which of the following methods can toxic chemicals be removed?
a) Sorption
b) Adsorption
c) Absorption
d) Dewatering
Answer: a
Explanation: Coarse primary solids and secondary sewage sludge may include
toxic chemicals removed from liquid sewage by sorption onto solid particles in
clarifier sludge. Reducing sludge volume may increase the concentration of some
of these toxic chemicals in the sludge.
a) Compost
b) Solids
c) Biosolids
d) Sludge
Answer: c
Explanation: “Biosolids” is a term often used in engineering publications and
public relations efforts by local water authorities when they want to put the focus
on reuse of sewage sludge after the sludge has undergone suitable treatment
a) 1990
b) 1995
c) 1998
d) 2000
Answer: c
a) Dewatering
b) Thickening
c) Phosphorus recovery
d) Digestion?
Answer: b
91. What is the amount of solids released into wastewater by human beings?
a) 30 gpcd
b) 40 gpcd
c) 60 gpcd
d) 70 gpcd
Answer: d
Explanation: Humans deposit about 70 g per capita per day of solids into
wastewater. With ‘garbage grinders’, this can reach 100g per day. The impurities
present in the wastewater must either be transformed into innocuous end-products
or be effectively separated from the effluent stream.
a) 0.2-0.5
b) 0.3-0.6
c) 1.0-2.0
d) 1.5-3.0
Answer: c
c) Suspended solids
d) Polluted solids
Answer: b
Explanation: Waste solids production in primary and secondary processing can be
estimated using the calculation above. Ws stand for total dry solids. Wsp stands for
raw primary solids. Wss stands for secondary biological solids.
b) Dark in colour
Answer: c
Explanation: Sludge from the primary clarifier is gray in colour. It is also slimy in
appearance. Also it has an offensive odour.
c) Red/grayish brown
d) Black in colour
Answer: c
Explanation: In case the sludge contains iron it is red in colour. In case it is lime
sludge, it is grayish brown in colour. This sludge also has an objectionable odour.
a) Gray
b) Red
d) Greasy
Answer: c
Explanation: The activated sludge is brown in colour. It also has flocculant like
appearance. If the colour is dark, then the sludge has approached septic condition.
97. What is the % of dry solids assumed for a primary sludge from a settling tank
at the outlet?
a) 12%
b) 5-7%
c) 8%
d) 9-11%
Answer: b
Explanation: The percentage of dry solids for a primary sludge is assumed as 5-7%
at the outlet. In most cases, it is considered as 6%. In the case of sludge is from the
flocculator or clarifier the percentage of solids is considered as 2-4%.
98. What is the percentage of dry solids assumed for the sludge at the outlet of a
a) 10-15%
b) 1-3%
c) 4-8%
d) 9-12%
Answer: c
Explanation: The percentage of dry solids assumed for the sludge at the outlet of a
centrifuge is 4-8%. In most cases, this is considered as 5%. Even for a Gravity belt
thickener with the addition of polyelectrolyte the percentage of dry solids is
considered as 4-8%.
99. What is the percentage of dry solids for the primary sludge assumed at the
outlet of aerobic digester?
a) 1-2.5%
b) 7-10.5%
c) 2.5-7%
d) 10.5-12.5%
Answer: c
100. In the case of anaerobic digestion, what is the percentage of dry solids for the
primary sludge considered at the outlet?
a) 2-5%
b) 1-2%
c) 10-12%
d) 7-9%
Answer: a
Explanation: The percentage of dry solids for the primary sludge at the outlet of
the anaerobic digester is considered as 2-5%. Generally, it is considered 4%. This
however depends on the water constituents.
101. What is the concentration of polymer added to a belt filter press handling the
primary sludge?
Answer: b
Explanation: 1-4 kg/Mg dry solids is the concentration of the polymer that is added
to the belt filter press handling primary sludge. In case of centrifuge the
concentration would be 1-2.5 kg/Mg dry solids. Polymer doses will vary according
to molecular weight and ionic strength.
102. Heat treatment involves heating of the sludge. The supernatant from the heat
treatment system is rich in ___________
a) TDS
b) TSS
c) BOD
d) Heavy metals
Answer: c
a) 50 degree
b) 70 degree
c) 60 degree
d) 40 degree
Answer: c
104. What is the temperature at which sludge has to be frozen in order to carry out
a) -2 to -5 degree
c) -5 to -8 degree
Answer: d
Explanation: The temperature at which the sludge has to be frozen in order to carry
out conditioning is -10 to -20 degree. This should be frozen for at least 30 mins.
This technology works on even difficult-to-dewater sludge.
105. What is the concentration of solids in the filtrate after thawing and freezing?
a) 45-50%
b) 50-60%
c) 25-40%
d) 60-65%
Answer: c
Explanation: The concentration of solids in the filtrate would be 25-40% after the
sludge is thawed. This would contain the very low concentration of TSS. The time
required to freeze/thaw the sludge depends on the concentration of solids present in
the sludge.
106. Out of the below given methods which of these have the lowest capital cost?
b) Filter press
c) Centrifuge
d) Sludge lagoons
Answer: a
Explanation: Sludge drying bed has the lowest capital cost. It has low consumption
of chemicals too. However, sludge removal is labour intensive.
107. Out of the below given methods which of these have the highest cake solids
c) Centrifuge
d) Sludge lagoons
Answer: b
Explanation: A recessed plate filter press yields the highest cake solid formation
while handling sludge disposal. However, it has low suspended solids in filtrate.
The capital cost in this treatment method is high.
108. Out of the below given methods which of these is operated in batch process?
c) Centrifuge
d) Sludge lagoons
Answer: b
Explanation: The belt filter press is operated in batch process. The operation and
maintenance cost for these equipments is very high. It also requires high labour
109. Out of the below given methods which of these requires a grit removal prior
to it?
b) Filter press
c) Centrifuge
d) Sludge lagoons
Answer: c
Explanation: A centrifuge requires a grit removal prior to it, in order to remove the
grit particles. This has a low capital cost. It has moderately suspended solids in the
110. Out of the below given methods which of these produce an odour?
c) Centrifuge
Answer: b
Explanation: A belt filter press produces an odour. The high pressure machines
produce very dry cakes. Generally, automatic operation is not advised for these
111. Out of the below given methods in which of these organic matters is
b) Filter press
c) Centrifuge
d) Sludge lagoons
Answer: d
Explanation: In sludge lagoons, the organic matter is stabilised. Low capital cost is
involved in this method. However large space is required to carry out this process.
112. Out of the below given methods in which of these does the sludge contain 70-
80% moisture?
b) Filter press
c) Centrifuge
d) Sludge lagoons
Answer: c
113. What is the general size of belt available in the markets for a belt filter press?
a) 0.5 -3.5 m
b) 4-6 m
c) 7-9m
d) <0.5m
Answer: a
Explanation: Generally the size of the belt in the belt filter press is 0.5-3.5 m. In
most cases, a belt of width 2m is used. Sludge loading rate varies from 90-680
kg/mh depending on the sludge type.
a) 0.5 inch
b) 1 inch
c) 0.25 inch
d) 0.15 inch
Answer: c
Explanation: Fine screens have openings of less than 0.25 in. and are used to
remove solids smaller than those retained on bar racks. They are used primarily in
water or wastewater containing little or no coarse solids.
115. In drum type screen, which axis does the drum rotate?
a) Horizontal
b) Vertical
c) Irregular
d) Horizo-vertical
Answer: a
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Screens are placed either vertically or at an angle in the flow channel.
Installing screens at an angle allows easier cleaning (particularly if by hand) and
more screen area per channel depth, but obviously requires more space.
a) Unit operation
b) Unit process
c) Chemical treatment
d) pH balancer
Answer: a
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Screen is the first unit operation in wastewater treatment plant. This is
used to remove larger particles of floating and suspended matter by coarse
screening. A set of inclined parallel bars, fixed at certain distance apart in a
channel helps to accomplish this.
118. __________ wastewater treatment plant may or may not need the screens.
a) Domestic
b) Industrial
c) Sewage
d) Chemical
Answer: b
Explanation: Industrial wastewater treatment plant may or may not need the
screens. Screens must be provided even for industrial wastewater treatment plant to
separate labels, stopper, cardboard, and other packing materials.
a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) 5
Answer: c
Explanation: Screens can be broadly classified into two types depending upon the
opening size provided as coarse screen (bar screens) and fine screens. There are
manually cleaned screens and mechanically cleaned screens based on the cleaning
120. Lower the velocity through the screen, the ________ is the amount of
screening that would be removed.
a) Lower
b) Greater
c) Lesser
d) Stronger
Answer: b
Explanation: The velocity of flow ahead of and through a screen varies materially
and affects its operation. Lower the velocity through the screen, the greater is the
amount of screening that would be removed.
a) 0.2-0.3 m/s
b) 0.6-0.75 m/s
c) 0.5-0.75 m/s
d) 0.45-0.60 m/s
Answer: b
Explanation: The approach velocity of 0.6 to 0.75 m/sec for the grit bearing
wastewaters is suggested. Accordingly, the bed slope of the channel should be
adjusted to develop this velocity.
122. Which of the following does the quantity of screening does not depend on?
a) Type of rack
b) Type of screen
d) Temperature
Answer: d
Explanation: The quantity of screening depends on the type of rack or screen used
as well as sewer system and geographic location. The quantity of screening
removed by bar screen is 0.0035 to 0.0375 m3 / 1000 m3 of wastewater treated
(Typical value = 0.015 m3 /1000 m3 of wastewater).
123. The head lost by water flowing in a channel as a result of turbulence caused
by the velocity of the flowing water is called ________
a) Putrefaction
b) Buffer
c) Head
d) Head loss
Answer: d
124. What is the maximum allowable head loss for a manual coarse screen?
a) 150mm
b) 300 mm
c) 200 mm
d) 100mm
Answer: a
Explanation: The maximum allowable head loss for a manual coarse screen is 150
mm. For a mechanical screen, it ranges from 150-600mm. The maximum approach
velocity for a manual screen is 0.3-0.6 m/s.
a) 60 degree
b) 50 degree
c) 65-70 degree
d) 30-45 degree
Answer: d
Explanation: The coarse screens are generally placed at 30-45 degree. This holds
good only for a manual screen. For a mechanical screen the angle is between 0-30
a) Reciprocating rake
b) Continuous belt
Answer: a
a) Catenary
b) Reciprocating rake
c) Continuous belt
Answer: a
Explanation: Catenary screens have an open design. Due to this construction, there
is a possibility that they might emit odour. These screens also remove large
a) Reciprocating
b) Continuous belt
c) Catenary
d) Chain driven
Answer: c
Explanation: Catenary screens are placed at an angle 45-75 degree. Due to this
reason, it has a very large footprint.
129. With respect to the operation which of these screens is the most expensive?
a) Chain driven
b) Continuous belt
c) Catenary
d) Reciprocating
Answer: b
Explanation: For a continuous belt replacement of screen is a time consuming
process. Also this is a very expensive process. Hence the Continuous belt screen is
considered the most expensive type of screen.
130. Which of these type of screen can be used both as a fine and coarse screen?
a) Continuous belt
b) Catenary
c) Reciprocating
d) Chain driven
Answer: a
Explanation: A continuous belt type screen can be used both as a fine and coarse
screen. This is because the screen openings range from 0.5-30 mm. This is a
continuous self- cleaning screen.
131. What is the maximum allowable approach velocity for a bar screen at peak
flow rates?
a) >0.9 m/s
b) <0.9m/s
c) 1-2 m/s
d) 2.5m/s
Answer: b
Explanation: The approach velocity at peak flow rates for a bar screen should not
exceed 0.9m/s. This is to prevent the pass-through of debris. These screens should
be designed in such a way to prevent accumulation of debris or grit.
132. What should be installed in order to control the velocity of the bar screens?
a) Sluice gate
b) Grit chamber
c) Parshall flume
d) Hoppers
Answer: c
Explanation: Parshall flumes are installed at the downstream of a bar screen. These
are installed in order to control the approach velocity of a bar screen. The approach
velocity is a very important factor while designing the screens to prevent the
accumulation of grit and debris.
a) hL= 1/C(V2/2g)
b) hL= 1/C(V2-v2/2g)
c) hL= 1/C(V2-v2/g)
d) hL= 1/C(V2/g)
Answer: b
Answer: b
Explanation: Fine drum rotary screens are used to remove secondary suspended
solids. The mesh is generally made up of stainless steel. The screen cloth would be
polyester material.
a) 0.8-1.4m
b) 2-2.5m
c) 3-3.5m
d) <0.8 m
Answer: a
Explanation: The head loss for fine screens would be 0.8-1.4m. In many
applications fine screens is limited to plants where head loss through screens is not
a problem. Water sprays are supplied in order to keep the screens clean
136. What is the amount of BOD removed by a fixed parabolic fine screen?
a) 25-40 %
b) 40-50%
c) 5-20%
d) 30-40%
Answer: c
a) hL= 1/2g(Q/CA)2
b) hL= 1/g(Q/CA)2
c) hL= 1/2g(Q/C)2
d) hL= 1/2g(Q/CA)
Answer: a
Explanation: The headloss for a fine screen is calculated as hL= 1/2g (Q/CA)2.
Where hL is the headloss through the fine screen. Q is the flow rate, A is the
effective open are of the submerged screen.
a) 35-50µm
b) 10-35µm
c) 50-60µm
d) 60-6µm
Answer: b
Explanation: The size of the openings for a microscreen range from 10-35µm.
Microscreens utilize the use of variable low speed. This speed is up to 4r/min.
a) 80-85%
b) 85-90%
c) <10%
d) 10-80%
Answer: d
b) 75-150mm
c) <75mm
d) >200mm
Answer: b
a) 1-3 m3/m2.min
b) 7-9 m3/m2.min
c) 3-6 m3/m2.min
d) 10-12 m3/m2.min
Answer: c
Explanation: The hydraulic loading rate for a microscreen is 3-6 m3/m2.min. The
hydraulic loading rate is based on the submerged surface area of the drum. The
drum diameter is 2-2.5 m.
142. Comminutors are usually installed in which size of water treatment plants?
a) 0.2 m3/sec
b) <0.2 m3/sec
c) 0.5 m3/sec
d) 1 m3/sec
Answer: b
Explanation: Comminutors are usually installed in plants which are <0.2 m3/sec.
These are installed in order to shred material. These require high operating and
maintenance cost.
a) 0.3-0.4 m
b) 0.1-0.3 m
c) 0.5-0.6 m
d) 0.6-0.7 m
Answer: b
144. In aerated grit chambers, there are no moving parts below the water surface.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
a) Before
b) After
c) In between
d) In
Answer: a
Explanation: A grit chamber is usually installed before primary sedimentation
tanks and it is sensible to say that it should be placed well before wastewater
pumps. There are basically three different types of grit chambers.
a) 0.5 m/s
b) 0.3 m/s
c) 0.1 m/s
d) 0.25 m/s
Answer: b
Explanation: The design of a horizontal flow type is such that as wastewater flows
through in horizontal direction at a certain velocity (0.3m/s) particles will start to
settle at the channel before reaching the outlet point.
145. Grit chamber is constructed to protect the further mechanical equipment of the
water treatment plant.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
a) Sedimentation tank
b) Sludge digesters
c) Coagulation tank
d) Sand filter
Answer: b
a) 3 days
b) 5 days
c) 48 hours
d) 1 week
Answer: d
a) Screening unit
b) Sedimentation tank
c) Coagulation tank
d) Sand bed
Answer: b
149. What is the specific gravity of settleable particles in the grit chamber?
a) 2.98
b) 2.56
c) 2.65
d) 2.89
Answer: c
Explanation: The specific gravity of heavier particles is 2.65. Grit chambers are
nothing but like sedimentation tanks, designed to separate the intended heavier
inorganic materials (specific gravity about 2.65) and to pass forward the lighter
organic materials.
a) Less than 1
b) Equal to 1
c) Greater than 1
d) Nearer to 1
Answer: a
a) 0.25-0.4m/sec
b) 0.6-0.9 m/sec
c) 1-2 m/sec
d) 3-4m/sec
Answer: a
Explanation: The horizontal velocity considered while designing a grit chamber is
0.25-0.4m/sec. In most cases, it is considered as 0.3 m/sec. The setting velocity for
the removal of 21mm material is 1-1.3m/ sec.
157. What is the detention time considered for aerated grit chamber?
a) 5-6 mins
b) 2-5 mins
c) 1-2 mins
d) 3-4 mins
Answer: b
Explanation: The detention time for aerated grit chambers is 2-5 mins. Usually, in
most cases, a detention time of 3 mins is considered. The release of VOC is one
application of these aerated grit chambers.
158. Which of these is not a grit removal equipment installed in the aerated grit
a) Screw conveyers
b) Tubular conveyers
c) Jet pumps
d) Communitors
Answer: d
Explanation: Communitors are used to grind the materials. These are prior to a
screen. Screw conveyers, tubular conveyers and jet pumps are used to remove the
159. What is the amount of air supplied for these grit chambers?
a) 1-2 m3/m.min
b) 0.2-0.5 m3/m.min
c) 0.5-0.8 m3/m.min
d) 0.8-1 m3/m.min
Answer: b
Explanation: The air supplied for an aerated grit chamber ranges from0.2-0.5
m3/m.min. There are air diffusers installed in these chambers. These aid in
diffusing the air supplied to the chamber.
160. At what depth are the air diffusers placed in the grit chamber?
a) 0.6-0.9 m
b) 1-2 m
c) 0.1-0.4m
d) 0.45-0.6 m
Answer: d
Explanation: The air diffusers are placed at 0.45-0.6m at the chamber. Influent and
effluent baffles are also placed at the chamber. These improve the grit removal
161. What is the amount of grit quantities captured by the aerated grit chamber?
a) 0.004-0.20 m3/103.m3
b) 0.25 m3/103.m3
c) <0.004 m3/103.m3
d) 0.5 m3/103.m3
Answer: a
Explanation: The amount of grit quantities captured by the aerated grit chamber
ranges from 0.004-0.20 m3/103.m3.Usually it is in the range 0.015 m3/103.m3. In
terms of US unit the typical value is 2 ft3/Mgal.
162. Usually while designing what is the range of the width of the aerated grit
chamber assumed?
a) 0.5-2 m
b) 8-10 m
c) 2.5-7.0m
d) 12m
Answer: c
Explanation: While designing an aerated grit chamber the width is assumed in the
range 2.5-7.0m. The ratio of the width: depth is 1:1 to 5:1. Typical ratio is
generally assumed as 1.5:1.
163. Usually while designing what is the range of length of the aerated grit
chamber assumed?
a) 7.5-20
b) 4-6 m
c) 25 m
d) 50 m
Answer: a
Explanation: While designing an aerated grit chamber the width is assumed in the
range 7.5-20 m. The ratio of the length: width is 3:1 to 5:1. Typical ratio is
generally assumed as 4:1.
164. Usually while designing what is the range of depth of the aerated grit chamber
a) 0.5-2 m
b) 8-10 m
c) 2-5 m
d) 12 m
Answer: c
Explanation: While designing an aerated grit chamber the width is assumed in the
range 2-5 m. When expressing the same in US unit it is 7-16 ft. The release of
VOC by theses aerated grit chambers is one thing which we have to consider and
take proper measures to reduce the same.
165. Aerated grit chambers are usually designed to remove particles in which range
of size?
a) 0.1mm diameter
b) 0.35 mm diameter
c) 0.21 mm diameter
d) 0.41 mm diameter
Answer: c
Explanation: The aerated grit chambers are designed to remove particles in the
range 0.21mm diameter. The cross section of these tanks is similar to that of an
activated sludge process tank. The only difference is that these chambers have
hoppers of about 0.9m in depth.
166. In Newton’s law for the settling of discrete particles, the particles size is
a) 1 mm
b) Greater than 1 mm
c) Less than 1 mm
d) 0.5 mm
Answer: b
Explanation: The particle size is greater than 1mm for the specific gravity of 2.65
and temperature is 20˚C for Newton’s law for the settling of discrete particles. The
Reynolds number is in the range of 103-104.
a) Turbulent flows
b) Non-turbulent flows
c) Laminar flow
d) Spiral flow
Answer: a
Explanation: Newton’s law is used for turbulent flows. The Reynolds number is in
the range of 103-104. The particle size is greater than 1mm for a specific gravity of
2.65 and temperature is 20˚C for Newton’s law for settling of discrete particles.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Stock’s law is used for laminar flow conditions and the Reynolds
number is 1. The particle size is up to 0.1 mm for a specific gravity of 2.65 and
temperature of 20˚C for Stoke’s law.
169. The individual particle settling is hindered when the volumetric concentration
is high.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: When the volumetric concentration is high, the rate of individual
particle settling is hindered by the upward movement of water displaced by the
downward movement of suspended particles.
a) Slower than
b) Faster than
c) Equal as
d) Same as
Answer: a
176. Grit and sand particles are removed from waste water by which type of
a) Flocculent settling
c) Hindered settling
d) Compression settling
Answer: b
Explanation: Sand and grit particles are removed from the wastewater by discrete
particle settling. This process generally involves settling of particles in a
suspension of low solids. These particles settle as individual entities.
a) velocity
b) acceleration
Answer: b
a) Flocculent settling
c) Hindered settling
d) Compression settling
Answer: a
179. Which of these process is involved in the settling of particles in the secondary
settling tanks?
a) Flocculent settling
c) Compression settling
d) Hindered settling
Answer: d
Explanation: Hindered settling brings about the settling of particles in the
secondary settling tanks. This type of settling occurs in the biological treatment
tanks. In this type of settling the inter-particle forces are sufficient enough to
hinder the settling of neighbouring particles.
180. Which of these process is involved in the removal of BOD and phosphorous?
a) Flocculent settling
d) Compression settling
Answer: c
181. How concentrated are the suspensions which are subjected to hindered
a) Low
b) High
c) Very high
d) Medium
Answer: d
182. Which of these process is involved in the settling process in solid thickening
a) Compression settling
b) Hindered settling
d) Flocculent settling
Answer: a
183. Which of these process are involved in the removal of oil and grease?
b) Floatation
c) Flocculent settling
d) Compressed settling
Answer: b
Explanation: The floatation process is involved in the removal of oil and grease.
This process is involved in the removal of material that floats on water. This is also
involved in the thickening of solid suspensions.
184. For a discrete particle settling which of these mathematical equations is true?
a) Q= A Xv
b) Q=A/V
c) Q= A X t
d) Q=A/t
Answer: a
Explanation: For a discrete particle settling process Q=AX v. Where Q is the flow
rate. A is the area of the sedimentation basin and v is the velocity.
185. How is the design velocity expressed mathematically for a discrete particle
settling process?
a) Vc = depth/detention time
c) Vc = depth/area
Answer: a
186. _______ is a process by which particles settle to the bottom of the liquid.
a) Settling
b) Coagulation
c) Sedimentation
d) Filtration
Answer: a
Explanation: The process by which particulates settle at the bottom of a liquid and
form sediment is called settling. Particles experience a force, either due to gravity
or due to centrifugal motion and tend to move in a uniform manner.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Settling tanks are also referred to as sedimentation tanks. The process
by which particulates settle at the bottom of a liquid and form sediment at the
bottom of the vessel is called settling.
a) Gravitational force
b) Centrifugal force
c) Mechanical force
d) Radial force
Answer: a
Explanation: The applied force such as gravity and a drag force that is due to the
motion of the particle through the fluid. The applied force is not affected by the
particle’s velocity. The drag force is a function of the particle velocity.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 6
Answer: c
Explanation: There are four types of settling present. Type 1 is for non-flocculent
particles, type is for flocculent particles, type 3 is called as a zone or hindered
settling, type 4 is called as compression settling.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Close particles that hinder interparticle forces and the settling of
neighbouring particles, settle at a constant velocity and settle in secondary
clarifiers in type III settling.
a) Zone settling
b) Hindered settling
c) Compression settling
d) Expansion settling
Answer: c
Explanation: In a high concentration settling where the particles touch each other
and settling can occur only by compression of the compacting mass is called
compression settling.
192. What is the product obtained when a coagulant is mixed with wastewater?
a) Sediments
b) Acid
c) Floc
d) Grit
Answer: a
b) Cocurrent settling
Answer: a
Answer: c
Explanation: In countercurrent settling the solid suspension is fed from the top.
The time taken for a particle to settle in both countercurrent/co-current settling is
the same. The direction in which the feed is fed is different.
195. How is the length of the surface calculated in case of countercurrent settling?
a) Lp=wVƟ/ v cos Ɵ
c) Lp=w(VƟ – V sinƟ)
Answer: d
Explanation: The length of the surface is calculated as Lp=w (VƟ– V SinƟ)/ v cos
Ɵ. Where LƟ is the length of the surface. V is the settling velocity. W is the
perpendicular distance. Ɵ is the angle of surface inclination.
196. When will the particles settle in a tank which is subjected to countercurrent
a) V<(VƟ – V sinƟ)/v cosƟ
d) V<VƟ/v cosƟ
Answer: c
Explanation: The particles will settle in a tank when V>= (VƟ – V sinƟ)/v cosƟ.
Where V is the settling velocity. Ɵ is the angle of surface inclination.
a) Cocurrent settling
b) Countercurrent settling
d) Hindered settling
Answer: b
198. How is the length of the surface of a settling tank determined in case of cross-
flow settling?
a) Lp=wVƟ/ v cos Ɵ
b) Lp<wVƟ/ v cos Ɵ
Answer: a
Explanation: The length of the settling tank in case of cross flow settling is
determined as Lp=wVƟ/ v cos Ɵ .Where Lp is the length of the surface. V is the
settling velocity. W is the perpendicular distance. Ɵ is the angle of surface
a) A=2QTa/H0
b) A=QTa/H0
c) A=QTa/2H0
d) A=QTa/H02
Answer: b
d) Hu= C0 H0/ Cu
Answer: d
200. What is the major assumption made when solid flux method is used to find
the area of the sedimentation basin?
Answer: c
201. How is the height of the sludge calculated in a sludge drying bed?
a) Ht-Hx=(H2-Hx)eit2
b) Ht=(H2-Hx)eit2
c) Ht-Hx=(H2)eit2
d) Ht-Hx=(Hx)eit2
Answer: a
Explanation: The height of the sludge in a sludge drying bed due to compression
settling is calculated as Ht-Hx= (H2-Hx)eit2 where Ht is the height of the sludge at
time t. Hx is the height of sludge after 24 hrs. H2 height of sludge after 2 days. i is
a constant for a given suspension.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
a) Clarifiers
b) Settling basins
c) Eco-ponds
d) Ditches
Answer: b
Explanation: Settling basins are ponds constructed for the purpose of removing
entrained solids by sedimentation. Clarifiers are tanks built with mechanical means
for continuous removal of solids being deposited by sedimentation.
204. The tanks built with mechanical means for continuous removal of solids being
deposited by sedimentation are called _________
a) Clarifiers
b) Settling basins
c) Sedimentation tanks
d) Eco-pons
Answer: a
Explanation: Clarifiers are tanks built with mechanical means for continuous
removal of solids being deposited by sedimentation. Settling basins are ponds
constructed for the purpose of removing entrained solids by sedimentation.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Sedimentation tank, also called settling tank or clarifier is a
component of a modern system of water supply or wastewater treatment. The
suspended particles settle down thereby providing some degree of purification.
206. What is the accumulated layer at the bottom of the tank called as?
a) Flocs
b) Sediment
c) Sludge
d) Sewage
Answer: c
207. How many types of sedimentation tanks are there based on the method of
a) 2
b) 4
c) 5
d) 7
Answer: a
208. How many types of sedimentation tanks are present based on the shape of the
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
Answer: a
Explanation: Based on the shape of the sedimentation tank, there are two types of
sedimentation tank. They are circular sedimentation tank and rectangular
sedimentation tank.
209. What is the time period for which the water is stored in fill and draw type of
sedimentation tank?
a) 48 hours
b) 24 hours
c) 52 hours
d) 76 hours
Answer: b
Explanation: In case of fill and draw type sedimentation tank, water from the inlet
is stored for some time. The time may be 24 hours. The suspended particles settle
down. After 24 hours, the water is discharged through the outlet.
210. How many hours does the removing of Settleable particles require in fill and
draw type of sedimentation tanks?
a) 3-6
b) 6-9
c) 6-12
d) 12-15
Answer: c
Explanation: Then settled particle is removed. This removal action requires 6-12
hours. 30-40 hours is required for one complete action in case of fill and draw type
sedimentation tank.
211. In which of the following sedimentation tanks, the flow may be either
horizontal or vertical?
a) Circular
b) Rectangular
d) Continuous flow
Answer: d
Explanation: In the case of continuous flow type, water is not allowed to rest. Flow
always takes place but with a very small velocity. During this flow, suspended
particles are settling at the bottom of the tank. The flow may be either in a
horizontal direction or vertical direction.
a) 0.2 m/s
b) 0.3 m/s
c) 0.5 m/s
d) 1 m/s
Answer: b
213. The vertical type of sedimentation tanks are usually in _________ shape.
a) Circular
b) Rectangular
c) Semi-circular
d) Cylindrical
Answer: a
Explanation: The vertical flow type sedimentations tanks are generally in circular
shape and flow takes place in vertical direction. The flow is usually horizontal
generally in rectangular tanks.
b) Abstruct flow
c) Reduce velocity
d) Collect sediment
Answer: a
Explanation: The sedimentation tanks preferred are rectangular and are used
widely. The flow takes place in horizontal direction that is length wise in
rectangular tanks. Sometimes baffle walls are provided for rectangular tank to
prevent short circuiting.
a) Hopper bottom
b) Sludge pump
c) Deflector
d) Launder
Answer: b
Explanation: A deflector box located at the top. This deflects the influent from
central pipe downwards in case of hopper bottom tanks. Sludge is collected at the
bottom and it is disposed of through sludge pump.
b) Flocculation tank
d) Sand filter
Answer: c
a) 40-50%
b) 50-70%
c) 80%
d) 85%
Answer: b
a) 40-50%
b) 20-40%
c) 60-70%
d) 20-30%
Answer: b
a) 1hr
b) 1.5-2.5hrs
c) 3hrs
d) 3-4hrs
Answer: b
a) 1hr
b) 1.5-2.5hrs
c) 3hrs
d) 3-4hrs
Answer: b
221. What is the weir loading rate assumed while designing a primary
sedimentation tank which comes prior to a secondary settling tank?
a) 125-500 m3/m.d
b) 50-100 m3/m.d
c) 25-50 m3/m.d
d) >500 m3/m.d
Answer: a
Explanation: The weir loading rate for a primary sedimentation tank is assumed as
125-500 m3/m.d. Rectangular tanks have bridge mechanisms which is used for
cleaning. These also have a chain and solid collector to clean the tank.
222. What is the range of width assumed while designing a rectangular tank?
a) 1-3 m
b) 3-24m
c) 24-48m
d) 48-60m
Answer: b
223. While designing a rectangular primary sedimentation tank in what range the
length should be assumed?
a) 10-12m
b) 15-90m
c) 100-150m
d) 150-200m
Answer: b
224. What is the range of diameter assumed while designing a circular tank?
a) 60-80m
b) 3-60m
c) 80-150m
d) 150-300m
Answer: b
225. What is the flight speed assumed while designing a circular tank?
a) 0.01r/min
b) 0.02-0.05 r/min
c) 0.06 r/min
d) 0.06-0.09 r/min
Answer: b
226. What is the flight speed assumed while designing a rectangular tank?
a) 0.1r/min
b) 0.2-0.5 r/min
c) 0.6-1.2 r/min
d) 1.2-1.5 r/min
Answer: c
Explanation: The range of diameter assumed while designing a circular tank is 0.6-
1.2 r/min. The typical value for the circular tank would be 0.9 r/min. The velocity
in these tanks should be maintained between 3-9 m/min.