Oral Surgery - Dr. Labeed Sami
Oral Surgery - Dr. Labeed Sami
Oral Surgery - Dr. Labeed Sami
Labeed Sami
جامعة تكريت
كلية طب االسنان
املرحلة اخلامسة
Oral Surgery – Dr. Labeed Sami
Mandibular fractures
Dentoalveolar fractures
The mandible is a U- or V-shaped structure consisting of buccal (outer) and lingual
(inner) cortical plates sandwiching variable amounts of cancellous bone depending on the
location in the mandible (thicker anteriorly, thinner posteriorly).
Many of the trabeculae located within the mandible are oriented in a horizontal trajectory
in the body and in a vertical trajectory in the ramus. These two major trajectories serve to
transmit masticatory forces from the mandible to the base of the skull through the TMJ.
Although the mandible is well suited to withstand notable masticatory forces, there are a
number of inherently weak areas in it. And t these include
1- Condylar process.
2- Angle of the mandible.
3- Mental foramen.
4- Areas containing impacted teeth.
5- Areas of pathologic involvement by lesions of both dental and non-dental origin.
The mandible can be divided roughly into
1- Basal bone .
2- Alveolar process, with the amount of bone depending on the presence or absence
of teeth. The cortical bone is thicker anteriorly and, in conjunction with the V
shape of the bone, makes the anterior, symphyseal region the strongest area of the
lower jaw.
The literature showed that:
4 3% of mandibular fractures were caused by vehicular accidents .
34 % were caused by assaults.
7 % were work related .
7 % occurred a s a result of a fall.
4 % occurred in sporting accidents.
35 percent of mandibular fractures occur in individuals between the ages of 20-30. 15
percent of mandibular fractures occurring in those in the 40-50 age group
3 percent occurring after age 60
The selection of the initial imaging study often depends on a number of factors, including
the patient's clinical presentation and the type of equipment available at the examining
Oral Surgery – Dr. Labeed Sami
3- The Towne's view provides optimal visualization of the condyle and the
subcondylar region {condylar neck}. In addition,it is the view most often used to
delineate the degree of medial-lateral displacement or dislocation of condylar or
subcondylar fractures. The Towne's view is rarely helpful in visualizing fractures
of the anterior mandible.
Fracture types :
1- Simple. or closed: A fracture that does not produce a wound open to the external
environment, whether it be through the skin, mucosa, or periodontal membrane.
Most simple fractures of the mandible occur in the region of the ramus and
2- Compound, or open: A fracture in which an externa l wound, involving skin,
mucosa, or periodontal membrane, communicates with the break in the bone
through a laceration or tooth socket. This category includes all fractures of the
tooth bearing portion of the mandible in which the fracture line passes through a
tooth socket .
3- Comminuted: A fracture in which the bone is splintered or crushed. .
Comminution generally signifies that a greater force produced the injury.
4- Greenstick: A fracture in which one cortex of the bone is broken, the other being
bent. Although it can occur anywhere in the mandible, it is most prevalent in
pediatric patients in the subcondylar region
5- Pathologic: A fracture occurring from mild injury or spontaneously because of
pre-existing bone disease. In which the region weakened by preexisting disease
(infection, primary tumor, and metastasis).
6- Multiple: A variety in which there are two or more lines of fracture on the same
bone not communicating with one another
7- Impacted: A fracture in which one fragment is firmly driven into the other
8- Atrophic: A spontaneous fracture resulting from atrophy of the bone, as in
edentulous mandibles
9- Indirect: A fracture at a point distant from the site of injury.
Oral Surgery – Dr. Labeed Sami
During examination , we must search for Signs and symptoms of mandibular fractures
Any change in occlusion is highly suggestive of mandibular fracture. Patients
should be asked if their bite feels different. A change in occlusion can result from
fractured teeth, fractured alveolar process, fractured mandible at any location, and
trauma to the temporomandibular joint and muscles of mastication. Post-traumatic
Oral Surgery – Dr. Labeed Sami
premature posterior dental contact or anterior open bite may result from bilateral
mandibular condylar or angle fractures as well as from maxillary fractures
The mandible should be palpated using both hands, with the thumb on the teeth and the
fingers on the lower border of the mandible. By slowly and carefully placing pressure
between the two hands, crepitation can be noted in a fracture.
Too often, this simple diagnostic technique will be overlooked in favor of extensive (and
expensive) radiographic diagnostic methods.
Standing in front of the patient, palpate the movement of the condyle through the
external auditory meatus. Pain elicited through palpation of the preauricular region
should alert the clinician to a possible condylar fracture
# by location
1- Condylar and subcondylar fractures
Condylar and subcondylar fractures usually occur indirectly following direct
trauma to another segment of the mandible. Direct injuries to this area are uncommon
because this portion of the mandible is well protected by surrounding structures (e.g.,
zygomatic arch and temporal bone).
Intracapsular or intraarticular fractures are rare and usually occur in children following a
severe blow to the chin.
In contrast to the rarity of intracapsular fractures, extracapsular fractures are relatively
Unilateral fractures are more common than bilateral fractures and are frequently
associated with contralateral angle fractures.
Bilateral fractures usually occur as a result of a blow to the chin. The fracture line often
extends posteriorly in an oblique or transverse direction from the mandibular notch.
Subcondylar fractures can demonstrate notable displacement of the proximal fracture
fragment, and this displacement can occur in any direction..
The Towne's projection is essential in determining angulation and displacement· in the
lateral and medial dimension, whereas the lateral view is useful in assessing displacement
in the AP direction.
however, the coronoid can be fractured, with the fracture line extending anywhere from
the sigmoid notch region of the mandible to the retromolar area.
Ramus fractures are also uncommon, owing to the (1)Dense bone composing the ramus
and (2)Protection provided by the masseter and internal pterygoid muscles. It is usually
fractured by a direct blow.
Ramus fractures rarely show notable displacement because the fragments are well
splinted by their muscular sling.
6- Dentoalveolar Injuries.
The incidence, frequency, and type of dentoalveolar injury seen with facial trauma vary
greatly, depending primarily on the nature of the insult and age of the patient (presence of
primary versus adult dentition).The reported incidence of dentoalveolar injuries varies
widely, ranging from 0.8% to 14%.It is likely that these injuries occur far more
commonly but are not included in incidence reporting in the emergency department site .
Importantly, the studies reporting the highest incidence of dentoalveolar fractures involve
the pediatric population, although this population constitutes only a small percentage of
total facial fractures.
1- Closed reduction (CR) that required IMF( MMF) with wire osteosynthesis for an
average of 6 weeks (for satisfactory healing. Difficulties associated with this
extended period of immobilization include
A- Airway problems.
B- Poor nutrition.
C- Weight loss.
D- Poor hygiene.
E- Phonation difficulties.
F- Insomnia.
G- Social inconvenience.
H- Patient discomfort.
I- Work loss.
J- Difficulty recovering normal range of jaw function. In contrast, rigid and
semirigid fixation of mandible fractures allow early mobilization and
restoration of jaw function, airway control, improved nutritional status,
improved speech, better oral hygiene, patient comfort, and an earlier return to
the workplace.
Next, use 24-gauge stainless steel circumdental wires to secure the arch bar to both
arches .
Place the patient into his or her preinjury occlusion. With the patient held into
occlusion, tighten the circumdental wires.
Ivy loops
Ivy loops are used for intermaxillary fixation when full dentition is present in good
condition and the fracture is displaced minimally.
Construct a loop in the middle of a 24-gauge wire.
Pass the loose ends of the wire interproximal to two stable teeth.
Loop the wire ends around the mesial and distal sides of the teeth.
Pass the distal wire under or through the loop and then tighten it to the mesial wire
in an apical direction.
Accomplish the same procedure on the opposite arch directly opposing the first
Pass a 25-gauge interarch wire through the two opposing loops and tighten it in a
clockwise fashion.
At least one ivy loop on each side is necessary
Oral Surgery – Dr. Labeed Sami
Gunning· splints heat-cured acrylic. Note the arch bars secured in the acrylic away from
the splint flanges. The hole in the anterior region of the splint facilitates the intake of
B- Plate fixation
Plate fixation can be of a "load-bearing" or a "load-sharing" construct, as follows :
In load-bearing osteosynthesis, a rigid plate bears the forces of function at the
fracture site. Indications are the management of atrophic edentulous fractures,
comminuted fractures, and other complex mandibular fractures.
In load-sharing osteosynthesis, stability at the fracture site is created by the
frictional resistance between the bone ends and the hardware used for fixation.
This requires adequate bone stock at the fracture site. Examples of load-sharing
osteosynthesis include lag-screw fixation and compression plating. Another form
of load-sharing osteosynthesis is the miniplate fixation technique popularized by
Surgical Approaches:
Intraoral approach
Advantages over the extraoral approach are that it is quicker to perform, results in
no extraoral scar and less risk to the facial nerve, and can be performed under local
Complication rates and infection rates appear to be similar between the intraoral
and extraoral approaches when large numbers of patients are studied.
Symphysis and parasymphysis fractures can be accessed through a genioplasty-
type incision. Identification of the mental neurovascular bundle is important to
preserve its integrity.
Body, angle, and ramus fractures can be accessed through a vestibular incision that
may extend onto the external oblique ridge as high as the mandibular occlusal
plane. Extending the incision higher predisposes the buccal fat pad to prolapsing
onto the surgical field. The entire surface of the ramus and the subcondylar region
can be exposed by stripping the buccinator and temporal tendon with a notched
ramus retractor and periosteal elevator.
Submandibular approach
The submandibular approach often is referred to as the Risdon approach since he
first described it in 1934.
Make the skin incision approximately 2 cm below the angle of the mandible in a
natural skin crease.
Dissect the subcutaneous fat and superficial cervical fasciae to reach the platysma
Sharply dissect the platysma to reach the superficial layer of the deep cervical
fascia. The marginal mandibular nerve runs just deep to this layer.
Carry dissection to bone through the deep cervical fascia with the aid of a nerve
stimulator. Carry the dissection down to the level of the pterygomasseteric sling.
Oral Surgery – Dr. Labeed Sami
1- Delayed union and nonunion
Delayed union and nonunion occur in approximately 3% of fractures.
Delayed union is a temporary condition in which adequate reduction and
immobilization eventually produce bony union.
Nonunion indicates a lack of bony healing between the segments that persists
indefinitely without evidence of bone healing unless surgical treatment is
undertaken to repair the fracture.
Nonunion is characterized by pain and abnormal mobility following treatment.
Radiographs demonstrate no evidence of healing and in later stages show rounding
off of the bone ends.
The most likely cause for delayed union and nonunion
A- Poor reduction ,fixation and immobilization.
Oral Surgery – Dr. Labeed Sami
2- Infection
Infection may occur in about 50% of patients.
Systemic factors include alcoholism, an immunocompromised patient, and lack of
antibiotic coverage.
Local factors include poor reduction and fixation, fractured teeth in the line of
fracture, and comminuted fractures.
When infection is present it must be managed with debridement of sequestra,
drainage, and antibiotic therapy.
3- Malunion
Malunion is defined as improper alignment of the healed bony segments. It is
usually the result of inadequate reduction, inadequate stabilization and fixation,
development of a postoperative infection, or some combination of these factors.
These resulting malocclusions may be treated with orthodontics or osteotomies
after complete bony union
4- Ankylosis
Ankylosis is a rare complication of mandibular fractures.
It is most likely to occur in children and is associated with intracapsular fractures
and immobilization of the mandible.
Ankylosis is believed to occur secondary to intra-articular hemorrhage, leading to
abnormal fibrosis and ultimately ankylosis.
Ankylosis may result in disturbed growth and underdevelopment of the affected
side in children. The use of only short periods of intermaxillary fixation in
children can help reduce the occurrence of this complication.
Fibrous or bony ankylosis of the condyle to the glenoid fossa and zygoma. The
potential for development of ankylosis is dependent on several factors, including
the location and extent of condylar injury, associated trauma to contiguous
structures, age of the patient, and the post-treatment immobilization period.
5- Nerve injury
Oral Surgery – Dr. Labeed Sami
The inferior alveolar nerve and its branches are the most commonly injured
nerves. The prominent sign of inferior alveolar nerve deficit is numbness or other
sensory changes in the lower lip and chin.
Damage to the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve is rare. More
commonly seen is nerve damage caused by trauma in the region of the condyle,
ramus, and angle of the mandible and by lacerations along its course.
Most of the sensory and motor functions of these nerves improve and return to
normal with time.
6- Root impingement
Fixation screws may inadvertently impinge the roots of teeth.