Right to Suffrage
In the scheme of our present republican
government, the people are allowed to have a
voice therein through the instrumentality of
suffrage to be availed of by those possessing
certain prescribed qualifications.
• Is the right and obligation to vote of
qualified citizens in the election of certain
national and local officers of the
government and in the decision of public
questions submitted to the people.
• It is not all absolute needless to say that it
is an enjoyment of all other rights.
1. Mere privilege
• Suffrage is not a natural right of the
citizens but a privilege to be given or
withheld by the lawmaking power subject
to constitutional limitations.
• It is granted to individuals only upon the
fulfillment of certain minimum conditions
deemed essential for the welfare of the
2. Political Right
• It is classified as political right, enabling
every citizen to participate in the process
of government to assure that its powers
are derived from the consent of the
governed. The principle is that of one
man, one vote.
Qualifications of Voters:
1. A citizen of the Philippines both male and
2. Not otherwise disqualified by law
3. At least 18 yrs. of age
4. Have resided in the Philippines for at least
one year (1) and in the place wherein he
proposes to vote for at least 6 months
preceding the election
Residence Qualification
1. A voter must have been a permanent resident
of the Philippines for at least one (1 year)
preceding the election.
2. 6 months residence in a province, city or
municipality is considered the minimum length
of time within which a person can adequately
familiarize himself with the needs and
conditions and the personalities of the locality.
Scope of Suffrage