1st Quarter Exam in English 5
1st Quarter Exam in English 5
1st Quarter Exam in English 5
English 5
1st Quarter Exam 60 Parent’s
Name:__________________________ Grade:______Date:_________
II. Choose the synonym of each word in the choices given inside the box. Write the
letter on the line provided before each number.
a. immortal f. kingdom
b. doubtful g. landscape
c. folktale h. arrow
d. rock i. kidnap
e. creek j. enraged
III. Sequencing of Events: Arrange the following events in order by writing numbers 1-5 in
the box provided.
A. The Belly and the Members
The Hands refused to take the food, the Mouth refused to received it, and the Teeth
had no work to do.
The Members of the Body were doing all the work and the Belly was just having all
The Hands could hardly move, and the Mouth was all parched and dry, while the legs
were unable to support the rest.
They found that even the Belly in its dull quiet way was doing necessary work for the
The bird was bored and tired, thought it would be fun to start a fight between the sky
and the sea.
In the beginning, the Universe was formed only for the sky at the top, the sea bottom
and a beautiful bird that flew non-stop.
Both the sea and the sky believed the bird’s lies and tried to protect her from each
When the waves were no more, the soil became 7,000 beautiful islands.
The sea attacked the sky with big waves but the sky defend himself by going higher
and throw soil to the sea.
The fairy warned him that he will never be allowed to come anymore if he remains
hardheaded to his parents.
Chris always leaves the house without telling his parents that he will go to the
He still goes to the mountain; however, he sees to it that he will be responsible of his
actions so the fairy will never punish him again.
IV. Abbreviations: Write the correct abbreviation of the following words. Write the answer on
the line provided before each number.
___________1. Attorney
___________2. Sunday
___________3. Number
___________4. President
___________5. Saint
___________6. November
___________7. Senator
___________8. Professor
___________9. Miss
___________10. And so on
Philippians 2:13
“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”