Manual Trelleborg
Manual Trelleborg
Manual Trelleborg
TD27 106
TD300 109
Twin tractor tires
Tractors and harvesting Twin Tractor: T414 112
Implement tires
Trailers and Twin Radial 116
agricultural machines
Implement tires
Trailers and Twin Implement: T404 - T421 - T423 - T478 137
agricultural machines
Multi purpose and Twin Ampt: T421 - T423 - T428 - T440 158
road transport
Forestry tires
Technical informations and practical advices
INCH SIZE Tread pattern Page INCH SIZE Tread pattern Page
38” 520/70R38 TM700 PT 48 46” 520/85R46 TM150 81
520/85R38 TM600 HD 77 710/65R46 TM1000 HP 19
520/85R38 TM600* 77 750/75R46 TM1000 HP 20
540/65R38 TM800 37 900/65R46 TM1000 HP 20
540/65R38 TM800 HS 43 48” 230/95R48 TM100 85
580/70R38 TM700 58 270/95R48 TM100 85
580/70R38 TM700 PT 48 50” 380/90R50 TM100 85
600/60R38 TM1060 28 380/105R50 TM150 81
600/65R38 TM800 37 480/80R50 TM150 81
650/60R38 TM1060 29 480/80R50 TM600 79
650/65R38 TM1000 HP 18 480/80R50 Rice TM600 79
650/65R38● TM800 37/38 480/95R50 TM600* 79
650/65R38 TM800 HS 43/44 52” 300/95R52 TM100 86
650/75R38 TM900 HP 24 54” 380/90R54 TM100 86
650/85R38 TM900 HP 24 Combine harvesters
710/60R38 TM1000 HP 18 25” 1000/50R25 TM3000 92
710/60R38 TM1060 29 26” 620/70R26 TM3000 92
710/70R38 TM800 38 620/75R26 TM2000 95
710/70R38 Sugar Cane TM800 38 750/50R26 TM3000 93
710/70R38 Forage TM800 39 750/65R26 TM3000 93
710/70R38 TM800 HS 44 32” 1050/50R32 TM3000 94
800/70R38 TM900 HP 24 650/75R32 TM3000 93
VF800/70R38 TM1000 PT 15 650/75R32 TM2000 96
900/60R38 TM900 HP 25 710/75R32 TM2000 96
380/85R38 MARSHLAND 89 800/65R32 TM2000 96
420/85R38 MARSHLAND 89 800/65R32 TM3000 93
460/85R38 MARSHLAND 90 800/70R32 TM3000 94
42” 480/80R42 TM600 HD 77 900/60R32 TM2000 97
520/85R42 TM600 78 900/65R32 TM3000 94
580/70R42 TM700 58 38” 800/70R38 TM3000 94
580/70R42 TM700 PT 48 Trailers and agricultural machines
600/65R42 TM800 39 22.5” 500/60R22.5 TWIN RADIAL 117
620/70R42 TM700 59 560/60R22.5 TWIN RADIAL 117
620/70R42 TM700 PT 49 580/65R22.5 TWIN RADIAL 118
650/65R42 TM800 39/40 600/50R22.5 TWIN RADIAL 118
710/60R42 TM1060 29 26.5” 600/55R26.5 TWIN RADIAL 119
710/70R42 TM1000 HP 18 680/55R26.5 TWIN RADIAL 119
710/70R42 TM900 HP 25 710/50R26.5 TWIN RADIAL 120
710/70R42 ** TM900 HP 25 30.5” 650/65R30.5 TWIN RADIAL 120
710/70R42 Harvester TM900 HP 26 750/60R30.5 TWIN RADIAL 120
710/75R42 TM1000 HP 19 850/50R30.5 TWIN RADIAL 121
710/75R42 TM900 HP 26 32” 800/60R32 TWIN RADIAL 121
900/60R42 TM1000 HP 19 Telescopic handlers, backhoes and compact loaders
900/60R42 TM900 HP 26 16” 11R16 TH400 200
44” 210/95R44 TM100 83 18” 340/80R18 TH400 200
230/95R44 TM100 84 400/70R18 TH400 202
270/95R44 TM100 84 20” 400/70R20 TH400 202
750/70R44 TM1060 30 24” 400/70R24 TH400 202
46” 300/95R46 TM100 84 440/80R24 TH400 202
380/90R46 TM150 80 460/70R24 TH400 202
380/105R46 TM150 80 460/70R24 TH500 204
480/80R46 TM150 81 500/70R24 TH400 204
480/80R46 TM600 78 26” 480/80R26 TH400 204
520/85R46 TM600 78 28” 440/80R28 TH400 204
* In ProgressiveTraction® Version
** For harvesting applications
Also in ProgressiveTraction® Version
Cross-Ply tires
INCH SIZE Tread pattern Page INCH SIZE Tread pattern Page
Tractors 14” 5.00-14 IM110 126
24” 8.3-24 TM90 98 15” 7.5L-15 IM110 126
9.5-24 TM90 99 6.5/80-15 IM110 126
11.2-24 TM90 99 5.00-15 IM110 126
12.4-24 TM90 99 15.3” 10.0/75-15.3 IM110 128
13.6-24 TM90 100 16” 9.0/75-16 IM110 130
14.9-24 TM90 100 250/80-16 IM110 130
16.9-24 TM90 100 6.00-16 IM110 128
26” 14.9-26 TM90 101 6.50-16 IM110 128
16.9-26 Harvester TM90 101 7.50-16 IM110 130
28” 13.6-28 TM90 101 8.25-16 IM110 130
14.9-28 TM90 102 18” 250/80-18 IM110 132
16.9-28 TM90 102 7.50-18 IM110 132
30” 14.9-30 TM90 102 19” 4.50-19 IM110 132
16.9-30 TM90 103 20” 210/95-20 IM220 134
18.4-30 TM90 103 21” 4.00/4.50-21 TD27 136
34” 16.9-34 TM90 103 4.00-21 IM110 132
18.4-34 TM90 104 Trailers & agricultural machines - Twin Implement
36” 12.4-36 TM90 104 15.5” 280/60-15.5 T421 138
38” 15.5-38 TM90 104 280/60-15.5 T478 138
16.9-38 TM90 105 400/45-15.5 T423 138
18.4-38 TM90 105 400/60-15.5 T404 140
20.8-38 TM90 105 400/60-15.5 T478 140
Front Tractors 17” 420/55-17 T421 140
15” 4.00-15 TD27 106 17.5” 400/55-17.5 T404 142
5.00-15 TD27 106 22.5” 400/55-22.5 T404 142
9.5L-15 TD300 109 500/45-22.5 T404 142
16” 5.50-16 TD27 107 500/60-22.5 T404 142
6.00-16 TD27 107 500/60-22.5 T421 144
6.50-16 TD27 107 560/45-22.5 T404 144
7.50-16 TD27 108 560/60-22.5 T404 144
7.50-16 TD300 110 600/50-22.5 T404 146
9.00-16 TD300 110 600/50-22.5 T423 146
10.00-16 TD300 110 710/40-22.5 T404 148
18” 7.50-18 TD300 111 26.5” 400/60-26.5 T404 148
Tractors and harvesting machines 500/60-26.5 T421 148
17.5” 400/55-17.5 T414 112 600/55-26.5 T404 148
26.5” 600/55-26.5 T414 112 600/55-26.5 T421 150
30.5” 600/55-30.5 T414 112 710/45-26.5 T404 150
600/60-30.5 T414 112 710/45-26.5 T423 150
800/55-30.5 T414 114 800/40-26.5 T404 152
38” 710/65-38 T414 114 800/40-26.5 T423 152
850/50-38 T414 114 30.5” 600/60-30.5 T421 152
850/60-38 T414 114 650/65-30.5 T404 152
42” 850/55-42 T414 114 710/50-30.5 T404 154
Agricultural machines and small tractors 710/50-30.5 T423 154
10” 5.00-10 IM110 122 750/60-30.5 T404 154
12” 6.5/80-12 IM110 124 800/45-30.5 T404 154
10.0/80-12 IM110 124 800/45-30.5 T423 156
4.00-12 IM110 122 850/50-30.5 T404 156
5.00-12 IM110 124
7.00-12 IM110 124
INCH SIZE Tread pattern Page INCH SIZE Tread pattern Page
Multi purporse and road transport - Twin Ampt Forestry havester, fowarder & skidder - Twin Forestry
22.5” 620/50B-22.5 T423 158 22.5” 500/45-22.5 T404 194
650/45B-22.5 T440 158 500/60-22.5 T421 SB 194
710/40B-22.5 T423 158 600/50-22.5 LS2 T480 SB 186
26.5” 620/55B-26.5 T421 160 650/45-22.5 LS2 T440 SB 186
30.5” 650/55B-30.5 T428 160 710/40-22.5 LS2 T480 SB 186
750/50B-30.5 T428 160 24.5” 710/40-24.5 LS2 T440 SB 186
850/45B-30.5 T423 160 710/40-24.5 LS2 T480 SB 186
Green area - Twin Garden Tractor 26.5” 600/55-26.5 LS2 T440 SB 188
17.5” 400/55-17.5 T404 162 600/55-26.5 LS2 T480 SB 188
22.5” 400/55-22.5 T404 162 710/45-26.5 LS2 T440 SB 188
30.5” 600/60-30.5 T404 162 710/45-26.5 LS2 T480 SB 188
Trailers & agricultural machines – Implement Standard 750/55-26.5 LS2 T440 SB 190
12” 200/95-12 AF302 164 750/55-26.5 LS2 T480 SB 190
10.0/80-12 AW305 176 800/40-26.5 LS2 T440 SB 190
13” 260/90-13 AF302 166 800/40-26.5 LS2 T480 SB 190
15.3” 260/70-15.3 AW305 166 28.5” 780/50-28.5 LS2 T480 SB 190
300/80-15.3 AW305 168 30.5” 600/60-30.5 T414 192
300/80-15.3 T452 168 710/50-30.5 LS2 T428 SB 192
320/80-15.3 AW305 168 750/45-30.5 LS2 T428 SB 192
16” 180/90-16 AF302 170 34” 600/65-34 LS2 T440 SB 192
190/90-16 AF302 170 710/55-34 LS2 T440 SB 192
200/90-16 AF302 170 Forestry Skidder
210/95-16 AF302 170 26” 23.1-26 T418 SB 196
260/70-16 AW305 172 28L-26 T418 SB 196
340/55-16 AW305 172 28L-26 T418 FS 196
340/55-16 AW309 172 32” 24.5-32 T418 SB 198
360/65-16 AW305 172 30.5L-32 T418 SB 198
360/70-16 AW305 174 DH 35.5L-32 T418 SB 198
17” 380/55-17 AW305 174 Backhoes, compact loaders, skid steer, telehandlers
420/55-17 T452 174 18” 320/80-18 TB40 206
480/45-17 AW305 174 340/80-18 TB40 206
500/50-17 AW309 176 28” 440/80-28 TB40 206
520/50-17 T306 176 Excavator, material handling & other machines
555/45-17 RT HS 178 22.5” 600/50-22.5 T480 EXC 208
Tractors - Agro Forest 650/45-22.5 T440 EXC 208
24” 320/85-24 T410 180 710/40-22.5 LS2 T480 EXC 210
380/85-24 T410 180 34” 600/65-34 T440 LD SB 210
28” 380/85-28 T410 180 620/60B-34 T459 210
420/85-28 T410 180
30” 460/85-30 T410 182
34” 420/85-34 T410 182
460/85-34 T410 182
38” 420/85-38 T410 182
460/85-38 T410 182
520/85-38 T410 182
Light Service tires
INCH SIZE PR/LI Tread pattern Page INCH SIZE PR/LI Tread pattern Page
Agriculture, Industry, Grassland, Snow & High Speed 8” 16x7.50-8 4 T537 TL 224
4” 3.00-4 4 T991 214 4
16x7.50-8 T539 TL 224
3.00-4 6 T991 214 70A6
3.00-4 6 T530 214 18x7.50-8 2 T539 TL 225
4.00-4 6 T991 215 18x8.50-8 4 T539 TL 225
4.10-4 4 T510 215 18x8.50-8 6 T539 225
4.10/3.50-4 6 T539 215 18x8.50-8 6 T510 225
11x4.00-4 2 T537S TL 215 18x8.50-8 8 T570 TL 226
60A8 18x8.50-8 8 T415 TL 225
100/100-4 T539 216
48A8 18x8.50-8 2/58A6 GARDENER TL 225
6” 3.50-6 4 T510 216 18x9.50-8 4 T521 GT TL 226
100/85-6 46 T513 219 18x9.50-8 4/82A6 DRIVER TL 226
4.10/3.50-6 57J T533 HS 217 20x8.00-8 4 T539 TL 226
4.00-6 6 T991 216 20x10.00-8 2 GARDENER 226
13x5.00-6 4 T539 TL 217 20x10.00-8 6 T539 227
13x5.00-6 6 T539 TL 217 47A8
170/60-8 HIGH GRIP TL 227
13x5.00-6 4 T510 TL 218 35A8
13x5.00-6 6 T510 218 190-8 8 T537 227
13x5.00-6 2 GARDENER 217 59A8
200/65-8 HIGH GRIP TL 228
15x6.00-6 4 T510 TL 219 47A8
15x6.00-6 6 T510 TT 219 210/60-8 83A8 T415 TL 229
15x6.00-6 4 T539 Grip TL 218 70A8
220/45-8 T510 228
15x6.00-6 2 GARDENER TL 218 58A8
100/65-6 24A8 T539 Grip TL 219 70A8
220/45-8 T310 228
140-6 6 T539 220 58A8
140-6 6 T510 220 74A8
220/60-8 T463 Plus TL 229
140-6 10 T510 221 62A8
8” 3.00-8 2 T539 Grey 221 220/60-8 83 T510 229
3.50-8 4 T510 221 9” 6.00-9 6 T522 230
3.50-8 4 T513 221 6.00-9 10 T991 230
3.50-8 56J T501 HS 221 6.00-9 99J T523 HS 230
4.00-8 4 T63 221 10” 4.40-10 62J T690 HS 230
4.00-8 4 T510 221 5.0-10 8 T462 TL 231
4.00-8 4 T991 221 7.50-10 12 T991 231
4.00-8 4 T513 221 7.50-10 14 T523 TL 231
4.00-8 6 T991 221 18x8.50-10 8 T570 TL 231
4.00-8 6 T522 221 20x8.00-10 4 T539 GT TL 232
4.00-8 8 T523 222 20x8.00-10 6 T539 TL 232
4.00-8 71J T49 HS 222 20x8.00-10 8 T570 TL 232
5.00-8 6 T522 222 20x10.00-10 6 T539 TL 232
16x6.50-8 4 T539 Grip TL 222 20.5x8.00-10 10 T539 TL 232
16x6.50-8 6 T539 222 84A8
110/100-10 T560 ICE TL 232
16x6.50-8 73A8 T510 222 72A8
16x6.50-8 73A8 T310 222 200/55-10 95A8 T430 TL 233
84A8 79A8
16x6.50-8 T510 223 250/50-10 HIGH GRIP TL 233
80B 67A8
16x6.50-8 2/49A6 GARDENER TL 223 12” 6-12 4 T63 TL 233
16x6.50-8 84 T310 224 10.0/75-12 10 T446 TL 233
16.5x6.50-8 64J T539 HS TL 223 23x8.50-12 4 T463 TL 233
16.5x6.50-8 72J T539 HS TL 224 23x8.50-12 104 T463 TL 234
INCH SIZE PR/LI Tread pattern Page
12” 23x8.50-12 6 T550 TL 234
23x8.50-12 10 T539 234
23x8.50-12 10 T539 Grey 235
23x10.50-12 4 T463 TL 235
23x10.50-12 10 T463 TL 235
23x10.50-12 4 T539 TL 236
23x10.50-12 6 T539 TL 236
23x10.50-12 6 T539 Grey TL 236
23x10.50-12 4/91A6 DRIVER TL 236
23x10.50-12 6/100A6 DRIVER TL 237
23x12.50-12 6 T539 TL 237
26x12.00-12 4 T539 TL 237
26x12.00-12 8 T539 TL 238
26x12.00-12 8 T539 TT 238
26x12.00-12 4 T411 TL 238
26x12.00-12 4 T463 TL 238
26x12.00-12 8 T463 TL 239
220/60-12 88A8
T539 Soft Grip TL 239
(23x8.50-12) 76A8
300/65-12 118A8 T446 TL 239
320/60-12 132A8 T421 TT/TL 239
320/60-12 132A8 T421 Grey TL 240
560x140-12 100 T528 240
13” 23x5 (23x5.00-13) 10 T94 TL 240
610x145-13 112 T528 240
14” 645x160-14 120 T528 240
14.5” 200/60-14.5 10 T448 Extra 240
200/60-14.5 10 T536 240
15” 7.00-15 6 TRACTION 241
11L-15 12 T510 TL 241
29x12.50-15 4 T411 241
29x13.50-15 4 T411 241
31x15.50-15 8 T412 TL 241
33x12.50-15 6 T413 TL 241
33x15.50-15 6 T412 TL 241
33x15.50-15 8 T412 TL 241
320/70-15 122 T539 242
320/55-15 123A8 T559 Turf Grip 242
320/55-15 T421 TL 242
380/60-15 114A8 T539 Soft Grip TL 243
400/50-15 135A8 T463 TL 243
690x180-15 100A8 TRACTION 243
Trelleborg Wheel Systems, part Manufacturers. Its manufacturing
of Trelleborg Group, is a leading facilities are located in Italy, Latvia,
global supplier of tires and complete Brazil, Czech Republic, Serbia,
wheels for agricultural and forestry Slovenia, China, Sri Lanka and U.S.
machines, materials handling,
construction vehicles, motorcycles,
bicycle and other specialty
segments. It offers highly specialized
solutions to create added value
for customers and it’s partner of
the leading Original Equipment
Trelleborg is a world leader in five business areas: Trelleborg
engineered polymer solutions Coated Systems, Trelleborg Industrial
that seal, damp and protect Solutions, Trelleborg Offshore &
critical applications in demanding Construction, Trelleborg Sealing
environments. Its innovative solutions Solutions and Trelleborg Wheel
accelerate performance for customers Systems. The Trelleborg share has
in a sustainable way. The Trelleborg been listed on the Stock Exchange
Group has annual sales of about since 1964 and is listed on Nasdaq
SEK 34 billion (EUR 3.32 billion, USD Stockholm, Large Cap.
3.92 billion) and operations in about
50 countries. The Group comprises
Range and applications
Range TM1000 TM1000 TM900 TM1060 TM800 TM800 TM700 TM700 TM700 TM600 TM150 TM100
Progressive High Power High Power High Speed Progressive High Speed
Traction® Traction®
HP (for FWD tractor
270-450 270-450 250-400 80-300 80-260 120-260 100-240 40-240 120-180 50-180
single fitment)
Construction Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial
Field application
(High torque value) l l l l l m l l m l
Field application
(Medium torque value) l l l l l m l l m l
Field-bed preparation
(Low torque value) l l l l l m l l m m
Transport on road
(High speed) l l l l l l l l
Transport on road
l l l l l l l m l m
(Max 50 Km/h)
Orchard – Vineyard l m
Water-logged and
Marshy terrain
Trailer on Road
Trailer on Field
Implement Machine
Farm Service
Backhoe Loader
Compact Wheel Loader
Construction Service
Backhoe Loader
Compact Wheel Loader
l Suggested - m Permitted
k IF Improved Flexion = up to 20% more load at the same pressure versus standard technology
12 kk VF Very High Flexion = up to 40% more load at the same pressure versus standard technology
HP Range = refers to nominal rims
TM190 Marshland TM3000 TM2000 Twin TM90 Twin Twin Twin Twin Agro Implement Light TH400 TB40
Radial Tractor Implement AMPT Forestry Forest Standard Service AgroIndustrial Backhoe
50 50 40 40 70 40 50 50 70 40 50 50 40-70 50 40
Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Cross-Ply Cross-Ply Cross-Ply Cross-Ply Cross-Ply Cross-Ply Cross-Ply Radial Cross-Ply
l m m l l l
l m m l l l
l m m m l m
m m
m l
m m
l l l l
l l l m
l m
m m l l l l m
l m l m m
m l l l l l
l l l l l
l m
m l
VF 600/70R30 TL 170D (167E) IN PREP
ARATION VF 650/85R42 TL 183D (180E)
ARATION VF 420/85R34 TL 154D VF 710/70R42 TL 182D (179E)
ARATION VF 650/60R34 TL 168D (165E) IN PREP
ARATION VF 480/80R50 TL 166D
VF 800/70R38 TL 184D
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
VF 800/70R38 TM1000
830 2078 860 6200 975 DW27B DW25B TUBELESS
184D ProgressiveTraction®
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6
40 to 65 S 6570 7380 8190 9000
30 S 5875 6700 7530 8355 9180
20 S 5150 5990 6835 7675 8520 9360
10 LT (*) 4540 5445 6335 7225 8120 9010 9900
10 HT (**) 5050 5875 6700 7530 8355 9180
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
IF 600/70R30 159D IF 710/70R42 179D
IF 650/60R34 159D IF 710/75R42 176D
IF 650/65R34 161D IF 900/60R42 NRO 180D
IF 710/60R34 164D IF 710/65R46 183D
IF 650/65R38 169D IF 750/75R46 186D
IF 710/60R38 172D IF 900/65R46 190D
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
IF 650/60R34
TM1000 HP 645 1660 725 4955 775 DW23B TUBELESS
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9
40 to 65 S 2800 3195 3590 3985 4375
30 S 2910 3320 3730 4140 4550
20 S 3025 3450 3875 4300 4725
10 LT (*) 2335 2790 3250 3705 4160 4620 5075 5380 5555
10 HT 2910 3320 3730 4140 4550
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
IF 710/75R42
TM1000 HP 730 2160 940 6410 1025 DW25B DW23B TUBELESS
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9
40 to 65 S 4545 5185 5825 6465 7100
30 S 4725 5390 6055 6720 7385
20 S 4910 5600 6290 6980 7670
10 LT (*) 3790 4530 5270 6010 6755 7495 8235 8735 9015
10 HT 4725 5390 6055 6720 7385
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
Product line specially developed to be
fitted on high powered tractors with a
high load capacity requirement.
Due to its dimensional characteristics
and its optimized radial structure, it
is able to transfer to the ground the
high torque of the biggest agricultural The TM900 High Power assures
vehicles, generating a great traction outstanding road performances in
on all kind of soils. terms of comfort and safety.
600/70R28 157D (154E) 650/85R38 173D (170E)
600/70R30 158D (155E) 800/70R38 178D (175E)
710/60R30 162D (159E) 900/60R38 178D (175E)
600/70R34 160D (157E) 710/70R42 173D (170E)
650/60R34 159D (156E) 710/70R42 Harvester 173D (170E)
710/55R34 164D (161E) 710/70R42 179A8 *
710/60R34 164D (161E) 710/75R42 175D (172E)
650/75R38 169D (166E) 900/60R42 180D (177E)
* For harvesting applications
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
TM900 HP 645 1650 750 4965 775 DW20B DW18L TUBELESS
159D (156E)
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4
70 S 2440 2720 3040 3320 3720 4000
65 S 2670 2975 3325 3635 4070 4375
50 S 2115 2435 2805 3125 3495 3815 4275 4595
40 S 2205 2540 2925 3260 3645 3980 4460 4795
30 S 2315 2670 3070 3425 3825 4180 4680 5035
10 LT S 2715 3125 3595 4010 4480 4895 5485 5895
10 HT S 2315 2670 3070 3425 3825 4180 4680 5035
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
TM900 HP 905 2040 915 6180 975 DW28B DW27B - DW30B TUBELESS
178D (175E)
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4
70 S 4210 4695 5245 5730 6420 6900
65 S 4575 5100 5700 6225 6975 7500
50 S 3625 4175 4805 5355 5985 6540 7325 7875
40 S 3780 4355 5010 5585 6245 6820 7640 8215
30 S 3970 4575 5265 5865 6555 7160 8025 8625
10 LT S 4650 5355 6165 6870 7680 8390 9400 10105
10 HT S 3970 4575 5265 5865 6555 7160 8025 8625
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
Engineered with
Technology, TM1060 upgrades the
Trelleborg offering of high performance
solutions for new generations of tractors.
On the field, the ProgressiveTraction®
design provides superior traction
capacity, reduced working time,
operating cost and fuel expenses. productivity and crop yield.
Capable of working at extremely low On the road, the new sidewall design
pressure, with the typical aspect ratio significantly lowers rolling resistance,
of a 60 series, the TM1060 generates fuel consumption and emissions, while
an extra wide footprint area providing increasing stress tolerance, comfort and
premium respect for the soil, farm security for the operator.
VF 520/60R28 NRO 149D VF 650/60R38 NRO 166D
VF 600/60R28 NRO 157D VF 710/60R38 NRO 171D
VF 600/60R30 NRO 158D VF 710/60R42 NRO 173D (170E)
NEW VF 600/60R38 168D (165E) VF 750/70R44 183D
Tread SW OD SLR RC Permitted Rims
SIZE pattern mm mm mm mm SRI Rim Type Tube
VF 650/60R38
TM1060 655 1735 755 5190 825 DW23B MW23B-DW20B TUBELESS
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6
40 to 65 S 3395 3870 4350 4825 5300
30 S 2975 3460 3945 4435 4920 5405
20 S 3030 3530 4025 4520 5015 5510
10 LT 3205 3730 4255 4780 5305 5830
10 HT (*) 2975 3460 3945 4435 4920 5405
NRO = Narrow Rim Option
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
The TM800, one of the most succesful
product of our agricultural radial range
is D rated, able to reach 65 Km/h on
the road at the nominal pressure of 1.6
bar. With its extra-large tread pattern
offers maximum performance in the
field and it is able to carry heavy loads performance on the road in terms of
and to work at very low pressure. stability, handling, comfort and long
Its winning feature is its excellent tire life.
320/65R18 109A8 (109B) 540/65R34 145D
340/65R18 113A8 (113B) 600/65R34 151D
440/65R24 128D 540/65R38 147D
480/65R24 133D 600/65R38 153D
540/65R24 140D 650/65R38 157D
540/65R24 146A8 * 650/65R38 157D ProgressiveTraction® Version
TM800 310 871 388 2585 425 W9 W10 - W10.5 - W11 TUBELESS
109A8 (109B)
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 530 590 700 810 920 1030
40 S 530 590 700 810 920 1030
30 S 570 630 750 870 980 1100
10 LT S 690 760 910 1060 1210 1360 1510 1550 1750
10 HT S 570 630 750 870 980 1100
TM800 320 900 396 2695 425 W9 W10 - W10.5 - W11 TUBELESS
113A8 (113B)
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 755 835 915 995 1070 1150
40 S 755 835 915 995 1070 1150
30 S 805 890 975 1060 1150 1230
10 LT S 1030 1140 1250 1350 1460 1570 1680 1730 1960
10 HT S 805 890 975 1060 1150 1230
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 1045 1210 1370 1515 1660 1800
50 S 1100 1270 1440 1590 1740 1890
40 S 1145 1325 1500 1660 1815 1975
30 S 1205 1390 1575 1740 1905 2070
10 LT S 1420 1645 1865 2060 2255 2450 2620 2700 3060
10 HT S 1205 1390 1575 1740 1905 2070
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 1195 1385 1570 1735 1900 2060
50 S 1255 1450 1645 1820 1990 2165
40 S 1310 1515 1715 1895 2080 2260
30 S 1375 1590 1805 1990 2180 2370
10 LT S 1625 1880 2130 2355 2580 2805 2995 3090 3505
10 HT S 1375 1590 1805 1990 2180 2370
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 1450 1675 1900 2100 2300 2500
50 S 1525 1760 1995 2205 2415 2625
40 S 1590 1835 2085 2300 2520 2740
30 S 1670 1930 2185 2415 2645 2875
10 LT S 1975 2280 2585 2860 3130 3400 3635 3750 4250
10 HT S 1670 1930 2185 2415 2645 2875
psi 12 14 17 20 23 29 35 38 41
bar 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,6 2,8
40 S 1650 1890 2100 2310 2490 2760 3000
30 S 1770 2025 2250 2475 2665 2955 3210
10 LT S 2245 2575 2860 3145 3390 3755 4080 4285 4500
10 HT S 1770 2025 2250 2475 2665 2955 3210
10 Cyc S 2495 2855 3175 3490 3760 4170 4530 4825 5100
For harvesting applications
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 1495 1730 1960 2165 2370 2575
50 S 1570 1815 2055 2275 2490 2705
40 S 1640 1890 2145 2370 2595 2820
30 S 1720 1985 2255 2490 2725 2965
10 LT S 2035 2350 2665 2945 3225 3505 3745 3865 4380
10 HT S 1720 1985 2255 2490 2725 2965
440/65R28 16.9-28
TM800 441 1283 583 3905 625 W14L W13L TUBELESS
131D TR218
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 1135 1310 1485 1640 1795 1950
50 S 1190 1375 1560 1720 1885 2050
40 S 1240 1435 1625 1795 1965 2140
30 S 1305 1505 1705 1885 2065 2245
10 LT S 1540 1780 2020 2230 2440 2655 2835 2925 3315
10 HT S 1305 1505 1705 1885 2065 2245
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 1300 1505 1705 1885 2065 2240
50 S 1365 1580 1790 1980 2165 2355
40 S 1425 1645 1865 2065 2260 2455
30 S 1495 1730 1960 2165 2370 2580
10 LT S 1770 2045 2320 2560 2805 3050 3260 3360 3810
10 HT S 1495 1730 1960 2165 2370 2580
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 1540 1780 2015 2230 2440 2650
50 S 1615 1865 2115 2340 2560 2785
40 S 1685 1945 2210 2440 2670 2905
30 S 1770 2045 2320 2560 2805 3050
10 LT S 2095 2415 2740 3030 3320 3605 3855 3975 4505
10 HT S 1770 2045 2320 2560 2805 3050
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 1540 1780 2015 2230 2440 2650
50 S 1615 1865 2115 2340 2560 2785
40 S 1685 1945 2210 2440 2670 2905
30 S 1770 2045 2320 2560 2805 3050
10 LT S 2095 2415 2740 3030 3320 3605 3855 3975 4505
10 HT S 1770 2045 2320 2560 2805 3050
600/65R28 16.9-28
TM800 590 1491 660 4447 700 DW18L W18L - DW20B TUBELESS
147D TR218
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 1790 2065 2345 2590 2835 3075
50 S 1880 2170 2460 2720 2980 3235
40 S 1960 2260 2565 2835 3105 3375
30 S 2055 2375 2695 2980 3260 3545
10 LT S 2430 2810 3185 3520 3855 4190 4480 4620 5240
10 HT S 2055 2375 2695 2980 3260 3545
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 1585 1830 2075 2290 2510 2725
50 S 1660 1920 2175 2405 2635 2865
40 S 1735 2000 2270 2510 2750 2985
30 S 1820 2100 2385 2635 2885 3135
10 LT S 2150 2485 2820 3115 3410 3710 3965 4090 4635
10 HT S 1820 2100 2385 2635 2885 3135
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 1685 1945 2205 2440 2670 2900
50 S 1770 2045 2315 2560 2805 3045
40 S 1845 2130 2415 2670 2925 3180
30 S 1935 2235 2535 2805 3070 3335
10 LT S 2290 2645 3000 3315 3630 3945 4220 4350 4930
10 HT S 1935 2235 2535 2805 3070 3335
TM800 600 1644 740 4920 775 DW20B DW18L - W18L TUBELESS
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 2005 2315 2625 2900 3175 3450
50 S 2105 2430 2755 3045 3335 3625
40 S 2195 2535 2875 3175 3480 3780
30 S 2305 2660 3020 3335 3655 3970
10 LT S 2725 3145 3570 3945 4320 4695 5020 5175 5865
10 HT S 2305 2660 3020 3335 3655 3970
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 1790 2065 2345 2590 2835 3080
50 S 1880 2170 2460 2720 2980 3235
40 S 1960 2260 2565 2835 3105 3375
30 S 2055 2375 2695 2980 3260 3545
10 LT S 2430 2810 3185 3520 3855 4190 4480 4620 5240
10 HT S 2055 2375 2695 2980 3260 3545
600/65R38 20.8-38
TM800 590 1745 785 5210 825 DW18L W18L - DW20B TUBELESS
153D TR218
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 2125 2455 2785 3075 3370 3660
50 S 2230 2575 2925 3230 3540 3845
40 S 2325 2690 3050 3370 3690 4010
30 S 2445 2825 3200 3540 3875 4210
10 LT S 2890 3335 3785 4185 4580 4980 5325 5490 6225
10 HT S 2445 2825 3200 3540 3875 4210
650/65R38 20.8-38
TM800 645 1811 815 5395 875 DW20B W18L(°) - DW18L(°) TUBELESS
157D TR218
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 2395 2765 3135 3465 3795 4125
50 S 2515 2905 3295 3640 3985 4335
40 S 2620 3030 3435 3795 4160 4520
30 S 2755 3180 3610 3985 4365 4745
10 LT S 3255 3760 4265 4715 5165 5610 6000 6190 7015
10 HT S 2755 3180 3610 3985 4365 4745
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 2395 2765 3135 3465 3795 4125
50 S 2515 2905 3295 3640 3985 4335
40 S 2620 3030 3435 3795 4160 4520
30 S 2755 3180 3610 3985 4365 4745
10 LT S 3255 3760 4265 4715 5165 5610 6000 6190 7015
10 HT S 2755 3180 3610 3985 4365 4745
TM800 716 1959 884 5765 925 DW23B TUBELESS
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 3075 3555 4030 4455 4880 5300
50 S 3230 3730 4230 4675 5120 5565
40 S 3370 3890 4415 4875 5340 5805
30 S 3540 4085 4635 5120 5610 6095
10 LT S 4185 4830 5480 6055 6635 7210 7710 7950 9010
10 HT S 3540 4085 4635 5120 5610 6095
710/70R38 TM800
716 1959 884 5765 925 DW23B TUBELESS
166D Sugar Cane
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 3075 3555 4030 4455 4880 5300
50 S 3230 3730 4230 4675 5120 5565
40 S 3370 3890 4415 4875 5340 5805
30 S 3540 4085 4635 5120 5610 6095
10 LT S 4185 4830 5480 6055 6635 7210 7710 7950 9010
10 HT S 3540 4085 4635 5120 5610 6095
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
710/70R38 TM800
715 1960 884 5885 925 DW23B TUBELESS
175D Forage
psi 12 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 46 49
bar 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,4
65 S 3450 3935 4420 4900 5385 5935 6280 6900
50 S 3625 4135 4645 5145 5655 6235 6595 7245
40 S 3780 4310 4840 5370 5900 6500 6880 7560
30 S 3970 4530 5085 5635 6195 6830 7225 7935
10 LT S 4275 4875 5640 6395 7125 8310 8830 9705 9940 10350
10 HT S 3970 4530 5085 5635 6195 6830 7225 7935
10 Cyc S 5710 6545 7350 8510 9465 10015 11040 11300 11730
600/65R42 20.8-42
TM800 590 1847 830 5580 875 DW18L W18L - DW20B TUBELESS
154D TR218
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 2175 2515 2850 3150 3450 3750
50 S 2285 2640 2995 3310 3625 3940
40 S 2385 2755 3125 3450 3780 4110
30 S 2505 2890 3280 3625 3970 4315
10 LT S 2960 3420 3880 4285 4695 5100 5455 5625 6375
10 HT S 2505 2890 3280 3625 3970 4315
650/65R42 20.8-42
TM800 645 1913 860 5780 925 DW20B W18L(°) - DW18L(°) TUBELESS
158D TR218
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 2465 2850 3230 3570 3910 4250
50 S 2590 2990 3395 3750 4110 4465
40 S 2700 3120 3540 3910 4285 4655
30 S 2835 3275 3715 4110 4500 4890
10 LT S 3355 3875 4395 4860 5320 5780 6180 6375 7225
10 HT S 2835 3275 3715 4110 4500 4890
650/65R42 20.8-42
TM800 645 1927 5815 925 DW20B DW18L TUBELESS
165D (168A8) TR218
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4
65 S 4275 4790 5150
50 S 2580 3015 3450 3830 4220 4545 5090 5470
40 S 2660 3110 3560 3955 4355 4690 5250 5645
30 S 2825 3300 3780 4200 4625 4980 5580 5995
10 LT S 3275 3830 4385 4870 5360 5775 6470 6955
10 HT S 2825 3300 3780 4200 4625 4980 5580 5995
Design data = the dimensions of size in design data are calculated dimensions and not measured data on the normal production tire
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
The TM800 High Speed has been
developed to extend the well-known
road performance of TM800, utilising
the High Speed technology to generate
the most advanced radial tire for
agricultural applications. agricultural tractors, that leads to
TM800 High Speed handling, grip, a great sophistication in terms of
comfort and safety, reach excellent construction (front or full suspension
levels and is matching perfectly with system) and higher safety and
the technological evolution of modern performances level.
540/65R28 149D (146E) 540/65R38 153D (150E)
600/65R28 154D (151E) 650/65R38 163D (159E)
540/65R30 150D (147E) 650/65R38 166D (169A8)
540/65R34 152D (149E) 710/70R38 171D (168E)
600/65R34 157D (154E)
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
TM800 HS 600 1660 745 4965 775 DW20B DW18L - W18L TUBELESS
157D (154E)
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4
70S 3115 3450 3750
65S 3425 3795 4125
50 S 2080 2430 2730 3035 3340 3595 3985 4335
40 S 2170 2530 2850 3165 3480 3750 4160 4520
30 S 2280 2660 2990 3325 3655 3940 4365 4745
10 LT S 2970 3465 3900 4335 4765 5140 5695 6190
10 HT S 2280 2660 2990 3325 3655 3940 4365 4745
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
TM700 ProgressiveTraction®
380/70R28 127D 480/70R38 145D
420/70R28 133D 520/70R38 150D
480/70R28 140D 580/70R38 155D
480/70R30 141D 580/70R42 158D
480/70R34 143A8 (143B) 620/70R42 166D
480/70R34 155A8 (155B)
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
480/70R34 TM700
475 1585 716 4760 750 W15L W14L - W16L - DW14L TUBELESS 16.9-34
143A8 (143B) ProgressiveTraction® DW15L - DW16L TR218
psi 6 9 12 15 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1790 1980 2170 2360 2540 2725
40 S 1790 1980 2170 2360 2540 2725
30 S 1920 2120 2320 2520 2720 2920
10 LT S 2180 2440 2690 2950 3200 3460 3720 3980 4100 4640
10 HT S 1920 2120 2320 2520 2720 2920
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
620/70R42 TM700
630 1930 870 5820 925 DW20B DW18L - W18L TUBELESS
166D ProgressiveTraction®
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 42 44
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
65 S 2495 2865 3290 3710 4135 4560 4985 5300
50 S 2620 3010 3455 3900 4345 4790 5235 5565
40 S 2730 3135 3600 4065 4530 4995 5460 5805
30 S 2865 3295 3780 4270 4755 5245 5730 6095
10 LT S 3390 3895 4470 5050 5625 6200 6780 7210 7715 7950 9010
10 HT S 2865 3295 3780 4270 4755 5245 5730 6095
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
300/70R20 110A8 (110B) 420/70R28 133D
320/70R20 113A8 (113B) 480/70R28 140D
360/70R20 120A8 (120B) 480/70R28 145D (148A8)
380/70R20 122A8 (122B) 420/70R30 134A8 (134B)
320/70R24 116A8 (116B) 480/70R30 141D
360/70R24 122A8 (122B) 520/70R30 145A8 (145B)
380/70R24 125A8 (125B) 480/70R34 143A8 (143B)
420/70R24 130A8 (130B) 520/70R34 148A8 (148B)
480/70R24 138A8 (138B) 480/70R38 145A8 (145B)
480/70R26 139A8 (139B) 520/70R38 150D
320/70R28 119A8 (119B) 580/70R38 155D
360/70R28 125A8 (125B) 580/70R42 158D
380/70R28 127A8 (127B) 620/70R42 166D
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
320/70R20 W9 - W11 - DW10 11.2-20
TM700 318 975 439 2905 475 W10 TUBELESS
113A8 (113B) DW11 TR218
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 755 835 915 995 1070 1150
40 S 755 835 915 995 1070 1150
30 S 805 890 975 1060 1150 1230
10 LT S 920 1030 1140 1250 1350 1460 1570 1680 1730 1960
10 HT S 805 890 975 1060 1150 1230
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
420/70R24 W12 - W14L - DW12 16.9-24
TM700 415 1253 562 3705 600 W13 TUBELESS
130A8 (130B) DW13 - DW14L TR218
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1250 1380 1510 1640 1770 1900
40 S 1250 1380 1510 1640 1770 1900
30 S 1340 1480 1620 1760 1900 2040
10 LT S 1520 1700 1870 2050 2230 2410 2590 2760 2850 3240
10 HT S 1340 1480 1620 1760 1900 2040
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
420/70R28 W12 - W14L - DW12 16.9-28
TM700 415 1354 608 4025 650 W13 TUBELESS
133D DW13 - DW14L TR218
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
65 S 1135 1320 1505 1690 1875 2060
50 S 1190 1385 1580 1775 1970 2165
40 S 1245 1445 1650 1850 2055 2260
30 S 1305 1520 1730 1945 2160 2370
10 LT S 1545 1795 2050 2300 2550 2805 2995 3090 3505
10 HT S 1305 1520 1730 1945 2160 2370
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
480/70R34 W14L - W16L - DW14L 16.9-34
TM700 468 1580 716 4720 750 W15L TUBELESS
143A8 (143B) DW15L - DW16L TR218
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1790 1980 2170 2360 2540 2725
40 S 1790 1980 2170 2360 2540 2725
30 S 1920 2120 2320 2520 2720 2920
10 LT S 2180 2440 2690 2950 3200 3460 3720 3980 4100 4640
10 HT S 1920 2120 2320 2520 2720 2920
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
TM700 625 1935 871 5855 925 DW20B DW18L - W18L TUBELESS
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 42 43
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
65 S 2495 2865 3290 3710 4135 4560 4985 5300
50 S 2620 3010 3455 3900 4345 4790 5235 5565
40 S 2730 3135 3600 4065 4530 4995 5460 5805
30 S 2865 3295 3780 4270 4755 5245 5730 6095
10 LT S 3390 3895 4470 5050 5625 6200 6780 7210 7715 7950 9010
10 HT S 2865 3295 3780 4270 4755 5245 5730 6095
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
240/70R16 104A8 (104B) 280/70R18 114A8 (114B)
260/70R16 109A8 (109B) 280/70R20 116A8 (116B)
280/70R16 112A8 (112B)
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
280/70R16 10.00-16
TM700 282 798 355 2385 390 W9 W8 - W8L - W10 TUBELESS
112A8 (112B) TR15
psi 6 9 12 17 23 29 35 41 42 43
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,2 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
50 S 580 640 760 880 1000 1120
40 S 580 640 760 880 1000 1120
30 S 620 680 810 940 1070 1200
10 LT S 680 760 840 1000 1160 1320 1480 1640 1680 1900
10 HT S 620 680 810 940 1070 1200
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
TM600 Rice
380/85R24 131A8 (128B) (14.9R24)
420/85R24 137A8 (134B) (16.9R24)
280/85R28 118A8 (115B) (11.2R28)
320/85R28 124A8 (121B) (12.4R28)
340/85R28 l
127A8 (124B) (13.6R28)
380/85R28 133A8 (130B) (14.9R28)
420/85R28 l
139A8 (136B) (16.9R28)
380/85R30 * 135A8 (135B) (14.9R30)
380/85R30 135A8 (135B) (14.9R30) The new 480/80R50 TM600 Rice is the
420/85R30 l
140A8 (137B) (16.9R30) ideal solution for application in paddy
420/90R30 147A8 (147B) and muddy soils. The increased height
of the tread compared to the R-1W
460/85R30 145A8 (142B) (18.4R30) version of the same size makes this tire
380/85R34 137A8 (137B) (14.9R34) extremely versatile in both very wet soil
380/85R34 142A8 (142B) (14.9R34) conditions and in light road applications.
420/85R34 142A8 (139B) (16.9R34) SIZE
420/85R34 147A8 (147B) NEW 480/80R50 159A8 (159B) Rice
psi 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 42 43
bar 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
50 S 590 665 745 820 895 950
40 S 590 665 745 820 895 950
30 S 635 715 800 880 960 1020
10 LT S 805 905 1015 1120 1220 1295 1400 1425 1450
10 HT S 635 715 800 880 960 1020
psi 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 42 43
bar 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
50 S 620 700 780 860 940 1000
40 S 620 700 780 860 940 1000
30 S 665 750 835 925 1010 1070
10 LT S 845 955 1065 1170 1280 1360 1470 1500 1525
10 HT S 665 750 835 925 1010 1070
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 680 750 815 885 955 1030
40 S 745 820 895 970 1045 1120
30 S 800 880 960 1040 1120 1200
10 LT S 895 1000 1105 1210 1315 1420 1525 1630 1680 1905
10 HT S 800 880 960 1040 1120 1200
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
119A8 (116B) TM600 329 1052 470 3160 500 W11 W10 - W9 - DW11 TUBELESS
(12.4R20) TR218
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 825 910 995 1075 1160 1250
40 S 905 1000 1090 1180 1270 1360
30 S 970 1070 1170 1265 1360 1460
10 LT S 1105 1230 1355 1480 1605 1730 1855 1980 2040 2315
10 HT S 970 1070 1170 1265 1360 1460
250/85R24 9.5R24
TM600 245 1035 465 3115 500 W8 W7 - W9 Tubeless
112A8 (109B) TR218
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 32 35 38
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6
50 S 510 585 675 760 845 935 1030
40 S 560 645 740 835 930 1025 1120
30 S 600 690 790 895 995 1100 1200
10 LT S 760 870 1000 1125 1255 1385 1515 1605 1680 1905
10 HT S 600 690 790 895 995 1100 1200
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 740 815 890 965 1035 1120
40 S 810 895 975 1055 1135 1215
30 S 870 960 1045 1130 1215 1305
10 LT S 980 1095 1210 1325 1440 1550 1660 1770 1825 2070
10 HT S 870 960 1045 1130 1215 1305
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 910 1005 1095 1185 1275 1360
40 S 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
30 S 1070 1180 1285 1395 1500 1605
10 LT S 1200 1340 1480 1620 1760 1900 2040 2180 2250 2550
10 HT S 1070 1180 1285 1395 1500 1605
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
340/85R24 13.6-24
125A8 (122B) TM600 353 1188 540 3547 575 W12 W11 - DW11 - DW12 TUBELESS 14.9-24
(13.6R24) TR218
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1000 1105 1205 1305 1405 1500
40 S 1095 1210 1320 1430 1540 1650
30 S 1175 1295 1415 1535 1650 1770
10 LT S 1320 1475 1630 1785 1940 2095 2250 2400 2475 2805
10 HT S 1175 1295 1415 1535 1650 1770
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1170 1295 1420 1540 1660 1800
40 S 1285 1420 1555 1690 1820 1950
30 S 1375 1520 1665 1810 1950 2090
10 LT S 1575 1755 1935 2115 2295 2475 2655 2835 2925 3315
10 HT S 1375 1520 1665 1810 1950 2090
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1385 1530 1670 1815 1955 2120
40 S 1520 1680 1835 1990 2145 2300
30 S 1630 1800 1965 2130 2300 2465
10 LT S 1840 2055 2270 2485 2700 2915 3130 3345 3450 3910
10 HT S 1630 1800 1965 2130 2300 2465
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 795 875 960 1040 1120 1215
40 S 870 960 1050 1140 1230 1320
30 S 935 1030 1125 1220 1320 1415
10 LT S 1065 1190 1315 1440 1560 1680 1800 1920 1980 2245
10 HT S 935 1030 1125 1220 1320 1415
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
W10 - W9 - DW10 12.4-28
124A8 (121B) TM600 329 1255 566 3796 600 W11 TUBELESS
(12.4R28) DW11 TR218
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 960 1060 1160 1260 1360 1450
40 S 1050 1160 1270 1380 1490 1600
30 S 1125 1245 1360 1480 1595 1715
10 LT S 1275 1425 1575 1725 1875 2025 2175 2325 2400 2720
10 HT S 1125 1245 1360 1480 1595 1715
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1050 1160 1265 1375 1485 1600
40 S 1150 1270 1390 1510 1630 1750
30 S 1235 1360 1490 1620 1745 1875
10 LT S 1405 1570 1735 1900 2065 2225 2385 2545 2625 2975
10 HT S 1235 1360 1490 1620 1745 1875
* Available also in Heavy Duty version
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1240 1365 1495 1620 1750 1900
40 S 1360 1500 1640 1780 1920 2060
30 S 1460 1605 1755 1905 2055 2205
10 LT S 1660 1855 2045 2235 2425 2615 2805 2995 3090 3505
10 HT S 1460 1605 1755 1905 2055 2205
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1465 1615 1765 1915 2065 2240
40 S 1605 1770 1935 2100 2265 2430
30 S 1720 1895 2075 2250 2425 2605
10 LT S 1955 2185 2410 2635 2860 3085 3310 3535 3645 4135
10 HT S 1720 1895 2075 2250 2425 2605
* Available also in Heavy Duty version
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1430 1580 1730 1880 2030 2180
40 S 1430 1580 1730 1880 2030 2180
30 S 1535 1695 1855 2015 2175 2335
10 LT S 1745 1950 2155 2360 2565 2770 2970 3170 3270 3710
10 HT S 1535 1695 1855 2015 2175 2335
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
420/85R30 16.9-30
W14L - DW14L
140A8 (137B) TM600 438 1475 660 4455 700 W15L TUBELESS 18.4-30
(16.9R30) DW15L TR218
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1505 1660 1815 1970 2125 2300
40 S 1650 1820 1990 2160 2330 2500
30 S 1770 1950 2130 2315 2495 2675
10 LT S 2000 2235 2470 2705 2940 3175 3405 3635 3750 4250
10 HT S 1770 1950 2130 2315 2495 2675
* Available also in Heavy Duty version
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 42 43
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
50 S 1450 1665 1910 2155 2400 2645 2860 3075
40 S 1450 1665 1910 2155 2400 2645 2860 3075
30 S 1550 1780 2040 2305 2570 2830 3060 3295
10 LT S 1950 2240 2570 2900 3235 3565 3855 4145 4520 4615 5230
10 HT S 1550 1780 2040 2305 2570 2830 3060 3295
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1730 1915 2095 2275 2460 2650
40 S 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900
30 S 2035 2250 2465 2675 2890 3105
10 LT S 2325 2595 2865 3135 3405 3675 3945 4215 4350 4930
10 HT S 2035 2250 2465 2675 2890 3105
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1515 1670 1830 1990 2145 2300
40 S 1515 1670 1830 1990 2145 2300
30 S 1620 1790 1960 2130 2295 2465
10 LT S 1850 2060 2275 2490 2705 2920 3130 3345 3450 3910
10 HT S 1620 1790 1960 2130 2295 2465
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 42 43
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
50 S 1250 1435 1645 1855 2070 2280 2495 2650
40 S 1250 1435 1645 1855 2070 2280 2495 2650
30 S 1340 1540 1765 1985 2215 2440 2670 2840
10 LT S 1690 1940 2225 2505 2795 3080 3370 3580 3900 4025 4510
10 HT S 1340 1540 1765 1985 2215 2440 2670 2840
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1595 1760 1925 2085 2250 2430
40 S 1750 1930 2110 2290 2470 2650
30 S 1875 2070 2260 2455 2645 2840
10 LT S 2125 2375 2625 2875 3120 3365 3610 3855 3975 4505
10 HT S 1875 2070 2260 2455 2645 2840
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
W14L - DW14L 16.9-34
147A8 (147B) TM600 445 1575 725 4735 750 W15L TUBELESS
16.9R34 DW15L TR218
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 42 43
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
50 S 1325 1665 1910 2155 2400 2645 2860 3075
40 S 1325 1665 1910 2155 2400 2645 2860 3075
30 S 1415 1780 2040 2305 2570 2830 3060 3295
10 LT S 1800 2260 2595 2930 3265 3600 3890 4185 4525 4615 5230
10 HT S 1415 1780 2040 2305 2570 2830 3060 3295
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1845 2035 2225 2420 2610 2800
40 S 2025 2235 2445 2655 2865 3075
30 S 2170 2395 2620 2845 3070 3295
10 LT S 2465 2755 3045 3335 3620 3905 4190 4475 4615 5230
10 HT S 2170 2395 2620 2845 3070 3295
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1105 1220 1340 1455 1570 1700
40 S 1215 1340 1470 1595 1725 1850
30 S 1300 1435 1570 1710 1845 1980
10 LT S 1660 1650 1825 1995 2170 2345 2515 2690 2775 3145
10 HT S 1300 1435 1570 1710 1845 1980
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1240 1365 1495 1620 1750 1900
40 S 1360 1500 1640 1780 1920 2060
30 S 1460 1605 1755 1905 2055 2205
10 LT S 1660 1855 2045 2235 2425 2615 2805 2995 3090 3505
10 HT S 1460 1605 1755 1905 2055 2205
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 42 43
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
50 S 1250 1435 1645 1855 2070 2280 2465 2650
40 S 1250 1435 1645 1855 2070 2280 2465 2650
30 S 1335 1535 1760 1985 2215 2440 2640 2840
10 LT S 1680 1930 2215 2500 2785 3070 3320 3570 3895 3975 4505
10 HT S 1335 1535 1760 1985 2215 2440 2640 2840
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 42 43
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
50 S 1320 1515 1740 1960 2185 2410 2605 2800
40 S 1320 1515 1740 1960 2185 2410 2605 2800
30 S 1410 1620 1860 2100 2340 2580 2790 3000
10 LT S 1775 2040 2340 2645 2945 3245 3510 3775 4115 4200 4760
10 HT S 1410 1620 1860 2100 2340 2580 2790 3000
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
TM600 390 1674 762 5020 800 W12 W13 TUBELESS
147A8 (147B)
With ProgressiveTraction® profile
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 42 43
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
50 S 1450 1665 1910 2155 2400 2645 2895 3075
40 S 1450 1665 1910 2155 2400 2645 2895 3075
30 S 1555 1785 2045 2310 2570 2835 3100 3295
10 LT S 1960 2250 2580 2910 3240 3575 3910 4155 4525 4675 5235
10 HT S 1555 1785 2045 2310 2570 2835 3100 3295
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1435 1585 1735 1885 2035 2180
40 S 1555 1715 1880 2040 2200 2360
30 S 1660 1835 2010 2185 2355 2530
10 LT S 1895 2110 2335 2555 2775 2995 3210 3430 3540 4015
10 HT S 1660 1835 2010 2185 2355 2530
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1685 1860 2030 2205 2380 2575
40 S 1850 2040 2230 2420 2610 2800
30 S 1980 2185 2390 2590 2795 3000
10 LT S 2250 2510 2770 3030 3290 3550 3810 4070 4200 4760
10 HT S 1980 2185 2390 2590 2795 3000
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 42 43
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
50 S 1530 1755 2015 2275 2535 2795 3055 3250
40 S 1530 1755 2015 2275 2535 2795 3055 3250
30 S 1640 1880 2160 2435 2715 2995 3270 3480
10 LT S 2070 2370 2725 3075 3425 3775 4125 4390 4785 4940 5530
10 HT S 1640 1880 2160 2435 2715 2995 3270 3480
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 1950 2155 2360 2560 2760 3000
40 S 2140 2365 2590 2810 3030 3250
30 S 2290 2535 2775 3010 3245 3480
10 LT S 2595 2900 3205 3510 3815 4120 4425 4725 4875 5525
10 HT S 2290 2535 2775 3010 3245 3480
* Available also in Heavy Duty version
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 2140 2365 2590 2810 3030 3250
40 S 2140 2365 2590 2810 3030 3250
30 S 2290 2535 2775 3010 3245 3480
10 LT S 2595 2900 3205 3510 3815 4120 4425 4725 4875 5525
10 HT S 2290 2535 2775 3010 3245 3480
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
W16L - W18L 20.8-38
155A8 (152B) TM600 536 1849 825 5510 875 DW18L TUBELESS
(20.8R38) DW16L TR218
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 2325 2565 2805 3045 3290 3550
40 S 2550 2815 3080 3345 3610 3875
30 S 2730 3015 3300 3580 3865 4150
10 LT S 3105 3470 3835 4195 4555 4915 5275 5635 5815 6590
10 HT S 2730 3015 3300 3580 3865 4150
* Available also in Heavy Duty version
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 2325 2565 2805 3045 3290 3550
40 S 2550 2815 3080 3345 3610 3875
30 S 2730 3015 3300 3580 3865 4150
10 LT S 3105 3470 3835 4195 4555 4915 5275 5635 5815 6590
10 HT S 2730 3015 3300 3580 3865 4150
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 2270 2505 2745 2985 3220 3450
40 S 2270 2505 2745 2985 3220 3450
30 S 2430 2685 2940 3195 3445 3695
10 LT S 2770 3085 3410 3735 4060 4375 4695 5015 5175 5865
10 HT S 2430 2685 2940 3195 3445 3695
* Available also in Heavy Duty version
psi 6 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 2710 2995 3280 3565 3845 4125
40 S 2710 2995 3280 3565 3845 4125
30 S 2900 3205 3510 3815 4115 4415
10 LT S 3305 3690 4075 4460 4845 5230 5615 6000 6190 7015
10 HT S 2900 3205 3510 3815 4115 4415
* Available also in Heavy Duty version
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 42 43
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
50 S 2000 2295 2635 2975 3315 3655 3995 4250
40 S 2000 2295 2635 2975 3315 3655 3995 4250
30 S 2140 2460 2820 3185 3550 3915 4275 4550
10 LT S 2720 3125 3585 4050 4510 4975 5435 5740 6260 6390 7240
10 HT S 2140 2460 2820 3185 3550 3915 4275 4550
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1
50 S 2765 3055 3345 3630 3910 4250
40 S 2765 3055 3345 3630 3910 4250
30 S 2960 3270 3580 3885 4185 4550
10 LT S 3760 4155 4550 4935 5320 5780 6180 6375 7225
10 HT S 2960 3270 3580 3885 4185 4550
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
TM600 500 2045 935 6190 975 DW15B DW16B TUBELESS
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 42 43
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
65 S 2715 3065 3415 3765 4115 4375
50 S 2160 2485 2850 3220 3585 3955 4320 4595
40 S 2255 2590 2975 3355 3740 4120 4505 4795
30 S 2365 2720 3120 3525 3925 4330 4730 5035
10 LT S 2800 3215 3690 4165 4645 5120 5595 5950 6370 6565 7440
10 HT S 2365 2720 3120 3525 3925 4330 4730 5035
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 42 43
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
50 S 2350 2700 3100 3500 3900 4300 4700 5000
40 S 2350 2700 3100 3500 3900 4300 4700 5000
30 S 2515 2890 3320 3745 4175 4605 5030 5350
10 LT S 3175 3645 4185 4725 5265 5805 6345 6750 7360 7595 8505
10 HT S 2515 2890 3320 3745 4175 4605 5030 5350
480/80R50 TM600
490 2045 6185 975 DW15B TUBELESS
159A8 (159B) Rice
psi 9 12 15 17 20 23 29 35 41 42 44
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 2,9 3,0
50 S 2060 2365 2715 3065 3415 3765 4070 4375
40 S 2060 2365 2715 3065 3415 3765 4070 4375
30 S 2205 2530 2905 3280 3655 4030 4355 4685
10 LT S 2770 3185 3655 4130 4600 5070 5485 5895 6445 6575 7450
10 HT S 2205 2530 2905 3280 3655 4030 4355 4685
Design data = the dimensions of size in design data are calculated dimensions and not measured data on the normal production tire
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
VF 380/90R46 173D VF 520/85R46 173D
VF 380/105R46 178D VF 380/105R50 179D
VF 480/80R46 177D VF 480/80R50 179D
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
TM150 480 1950 880 5915 925 DW16 DW15 TUBELESS
psi 23 32 38 42 46 49 52
bar 1,6 2,2 2,6 2,9 3,2 3,4 3,6
Up to 65 Km/h (S) 4955 5635 6075 6480 6850 7080 7300
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
230/95R32 128A8 (128B) 300/95R46 148A8 (148B)
270/95R32 136A8 (136B) 230/95R48 136A8 (136B)
230/95R36 130A8 (130B) 270/95R48 144A8 (144B)
270/95R38 140A8 (140B) 380/90R50 151A8 (151B)
210/95R44 120A8 (120B) 300/95R52 151A8 (151B)
230/95R44 134A8 (134B) 380/90R54 152A8 (152B)
270/95R44 142A8 (142B)
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
230/95R36 9.5-36
TM100 235 1365 645 4210 650 W7 W6 TUBELESS
130A8 (130B) TR218
psi 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 46 52 58 64
bar 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,6 4,0 4,4
50 S 1370 1505 1635 1770 1900
40 S 855 970 1065 1180 1275 1370 1505 1635 1770 1900
30 S 915 1040 1140 1265 1365 1465 1610 1750 1895 2035
10 Cyc S 1155 1310 1440 1595 1720 1850 2030 2210 2390 2565 2850
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
TM100 238 1673 780 5170 800 W7 W8 TUBELESS 9.5-48
136A8 (136B)
psi 14 17 20 23 29 35 41 46 52 58 64
bar 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,6 4,0 4,4
50 S 1615 1770 1930 2085 2240
40 S 1010 1145 1255 1390 1505 1615 1770 1930 2085 2240
30 S 1080 1225 1345 1490 1610 1730 1895 2065 2230 2400
10 Cyc S 1365 1545 1695 1875 2030 2180 2390 2605 2815 3025 3360
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
The special lug shape, which gradually
widens toward the central tread zone,
provides high resistance to gougings
and lacerations and delivers even wear
on both road and field. The TM190 is
suitable for most operations and types
of terrain, giving top performances in
applications that involve a high level of The reduced height of its lugs makes
road and field use, whether on normal it an especially good performer on
cultivated terrain or hard, stony grounds. grassland.
7.50R20 6 PR 9.5R24 107A8
9.5R20 8 PR 12.4R36 124A8 (121B)
8.3R24 8 PR
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
VF 1000/50R25 184D IF 800/65R32 CFO 178A8
VF 620/70R26 CFO 173A8 IF 800/70R32 CFO 182A8
VF 750/50R26 169D IF 900/65R32 CFO 191A8 (191B)
VF 750/65R26 CFO 177A8 (177B) VF 1050/50R32 198D
650/75R32 172A8 IF 800/70R38 CFO 187A8
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
VF 750/50R26
TM3000 750 1415 615 4230 675 DW27B DW25B TUBELESS
psi 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35
bar 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2 2,2 2,4
Up to 65 Km/h (*) 3485 3920 4355 4790 5065 5315 5540 5800
Field Service (*) 3485 3920 4355 4790 5065 5315 5540 5800
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
Radial tire for harvesting and combine
machines, the result of the advanced
technology and experience of Trelleborg
in agricultural tires.
Product Plus:
- High load capacity even at low
pressure. The extensive footprint area - Maximum resistance to impact and
allows a greater load to be carried for puncturing ensured by the high quality
a given inflation pressure compared to materials used
standard tires - Optimal lateral stability even on
- Excellent traction capacity thanks to difficult and very uneven terrain.
the flexible radial carcass and deep Low vibration levels and high comfort
tractive lugs in all working conditions
620/75R26 166A8 (23.1R26) 800/65R32 178A8 (30.5LR32)
650/75R32 172A8 (24.5R32) 900/60R32 181A8
710/75R32 177A8
psi 12 14 20 23 29 35 41 46 49 55
bar 0,8 1,0 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,4 3,8
40 S 2530 2845 3455 3750 4120 4500 4900 5300
30 S 2710 3045 3700 4015 4410 4810 5240 5670
10 LT S 3255 3795 4740 5185 5905 6460 7045 7650 7800 7950
10 HT S 2710 3045 3700 4015 4410 4810 5240 5670
10 Cyc S 3995 5110 5625 6535 7165 7810 8495 8670 9010
psi 12 14 20 23 29 35 41 46 49 55
bar 0,8 1,0 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,4 3,8
40 S 3010 3385 4110 4500 4900 5300 5820 6300
30 S 3220 3620 4395 4770 5245 5715 6230 6740
10 LT S 3870 4515 5635 6160 7020 7680 8370 9090 9270 9450
10 HT S 3220 3620 4395 4770 5245 5715 6230 6740
10 Cyc S 4750 6070 6685 7765 8520 9285 10100 10305 10710
TM2000 735 1850 830 5595 875 DW23B DW21B TUBELESS 30.5-32
psi 12 14 20 23 29 35 41 46 49 55
bar 0,8 1,0 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,4 3,8
40 S 3490 3925 4760 5170 5680 6195 6750 7300
30 S 3735 4195 5095 5530 6080 6625 7220 7815
10 LT S 4170 4860 6210 6840 7945 8715 9495 10330 10540 10950
10 HT S 3735 4195 5095 5530 6080 6625 7220 7815
10 Cyc S 5510 7040 7755 9005 9880 10765 11705 11945 12410
TM2000 800 1846 829 5595 875 DW27B DW25B - DH27 - DW28B TUBELESS 30.5-32
psi 12 14 20 23 29 35 41 46 49 55
bar 0,8 1,0 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,4 3,8
40 S 3580 4030 4890 5300 5835 6300 6930 7500
30 S 3835 4310 5235 5680 6240 6805 7415 8025
10 LT S 4605 5373 6710 7335 8355 9145 9965 10820 11035 11250
10 HT S 3835 4310 5235 5680 6240 6805 7415 8025
10 Cyc S 5655 7230 7960 9250 10140 11055 12025 12265 12750
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
TM2000 890 1900 855 5765 925 DW30B DW27B - DW28B TUBELESS 30.5-32
psi 12 14 20 23 29 35 41 46 49 55
bar 0,8 1,0 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,4 3,8
40 S 3795 4290 5280 5860 6520 7015 7675 8250
30 S 4065 4595 5650 6270 6975 7505 8210 8830
10 LT S 5165 5835 7185 7970 8865 9540 10435 11220 11470 12375
10 HT S 4065 4595 5650 6270 6975 7505 8210 8830
10 Cyc S 6480 7975 8845 9845 10590 11590 12460 13010 14025
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
8.3-24 8 PR 105A8 16.9-28 8 PR 135A8
9.5-24 8 PR 112A8 14.9-30 8 PR 131A8
11.2-24 8 PR 116A8 16.9-30 8 PR 137A8
12.4-24 12 PR 124A8 18.4-30 12 PR 145A8
13.6-24 8 PR 123A8 16.9-34 8 PR 139A8
14.9-24 8 PR 128A8 18.4-34 12 PR 146A8
16.9-24 12 PR 136A8 12.4-36 12 PR 131A8
14.9-26 8 PR 129A8 15.5-38 8 PR 129A8
16.9-26 Harvester 10 PR 137A6 16.9-38 8 PR 141A8
13.6-28 12 PR 130A8 18.4-38 12 PR 149A8
14.9-28 12 PR 134A8 20.8-38 12 PR 152A8
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
TM90 238 1050 502 3175 500 W8 W7 TUBELESS
8 PR 112A8
psi 12 17 23 29 35 41 46 49 51
bar 0,8 1,2 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,4 3,5
40 S 540 680 805 920 1025 1120
30 S 580 730 860 985 1095 1200
25 S 600 755 895 1020 1140 1245
10 LT S 780 960 1115 1255 1385 1510 1625 1680 1905
10 HT S 580 730 860 985 1095 1200
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
TM90 376 1315 612 3940 625 W13 W11 - W12 TUBELESS
8 PR 129A8
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 26 30 32
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,1 2,2
40 S 975 1150 1310 1460 1595 1725 1850
30 S 1045 1230 1400 1560 1705 1845 1980
25 S 1080 1275 1455 1620 1770 1915 2055
10 LT S 1460 1675 1875 2060 2230 2395 2550 2775 3105
10 HT S 1045 1230 1400 1560 1705 1845 1980
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
TM90 430 1485 685 4455 700 W15L W14L TUBELESS
8 PR 137A8
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 25 29 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 2,0 2,1
40 S 1250 1480 1685 1875 2055 2220 2300
30 S 1340 1585 1805 2005 2200 2375 2460
25 S 1390 1645 1870 2080 2280 2465 2555
10 LT S 1875 2150 2400 2635 2855 3060 3160 3450 3885
10 HT S 1340 1585 1805 2005 2200 2375 2460
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
TM90 436 1688 766 5000 800 W15L W14L TUBELESS
8 PR 141A8
psi 9 12 14 17 20 23 25 29 30
bar 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 2,0 2,1
40 S 1400 1655 1890 2100 2300 2485 2575
30 S 1500 1770 2020 2245 2460 2660 2755
25 S 1555 1835 2100 2330 2555 2760 2860
10 LT S 2100 2405 2685 2950 3195 3425 3540 3865 4345
10 HT S 1500 1770 2020 2245 2460 2660 2755
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
4.00-15 4 PR (66A6) 6.50-16 8 PR (98A6)
5.00-15 6 PR (82A6) 7.50-16 8 PR (103A6)
5.50-16 6 PR (86A6) 7.50-16 10 PR (109A6)
6.00-16 8 PR (94A6)
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC Rims Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
5.50-16 6 PR 5.00/5.50-16
(86A6) TD27 155 719 330 2164 4.00E - 3.50D - 4.25KA - 4.50E TR15
psi 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 54 67
bar 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,7 4,6
25 400 425 450 475 495 520 540 560 580 610
30 350 370 390 410 430 450 470 485 505 530
35 315 335 350 370 390 405 420 440 455 475
40 280 295 315 330 345 360 375 390 405 425
F 790
Loader 1055
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
The TD300 is suitable for all types
of terrain, due to the strength of its
carcass and the high resistance of
its tread, which also provides a high
level of straight line stability during
ploughing, thus allowing high working
9.5L-15 8 PR (102A8) 10.00-16 10 PR (119A8)
7.50-16 8 PR (103A6) 7.50-18 8 PR (106A6)
9.00-16 8 PR (111A6) 7.50-18 10 PR (113A6)
psi 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 48 60 64
bar 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,3 4,1 4,4
20 825 885 930 980 1030 1070 1120 1180
30 660 705 745 785 820 855 895 945
40 595 635 670 705 740 770 805 850
45 555 590 625 655 690 715 750 790
F 1415
Loader 1695
psi 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 54 67
bar 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,7 4,6
25 660 705 745 780 820 855 890 925 960 990 1005
30 575 610 645 680 710 745 775 805 835 860 875
35 515 550 580 610 640 670 695 725 750 775 790
40 460 490 515 545 570 595 620 645 665 690 700
F 1310
Loader 1745
psi 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 45 55
bar 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,1 3,8
25 905 960 1015 1070 1120 1170 1220 1240
30 785 835 885 930 975 1020 1060 1090
35 705 750 795 835 875 915 955 970
40 630 670 705 745 780 815 845 865
F 1600
Loader 2135
According to availability
psi 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 46 49 61 65
bar 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 4,2 4,5
20 1300 1385 1465 1545 1610 1690 1760 1830 1890
30 1040 1105 1170 1230 1290 1350 1405 1460 1510
40 935 995 1055 1110 1160 1215 1265 1315 1360
45 870 925 980 1030 1080 1130 1175 1225 1265
F 2255
Loader 2700
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC Rims Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
7.50-18 8 PR
TD300 207 854 403 2625 5.50F - 5.00F - 6.00F 7.50-18 TR15
psi 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 54 67
bar 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,7 4,6
25 715 760 805 850 890 930 965 1005 1040 1075 1095
30 625 665 700 735 775 805 840 875 905 935 950
35 560 595 630 665 695 725 755 785 815 840 855
40 500 530 560 590 620 645 670 700 725 750 760
F 1420
Loader 1895
psi 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 87
bar 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 4,8 6,0
25 745 790 840 880 925 965 1005 1045 1080 1120 1155 1190 1225 1255 1290 1325
30 650 690 730 765 805 840 875 905 940 970 1005 1035 1065 1095 1120 1150
35 585 620 655 690 725 755 785 815 845 875 905 930 960 985 1010 1035
40 520 550 585 615 640 670 700 725 750 780 800 825 850 875 900 920
F 1725
Loader 2300
According to availability
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
400/55-17.5 125A8 (122B) 710/65-38 162A8 (158B)
600/55-26.5 148A8 (145B) 850/50-38 163A8 (160B)
600/55-30.5 150A8 (147B) 850/60-38 175A8 (172B)
600/60-30.5 153A8 (150B) 850/55-42 161A8 (157B)
800/55-30.5 172A8 (168B)
7 12 14 17 20 22 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 45 46 49 52 55 58
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0
575 730 830 925 1025 1070 1120 1215 1310 1405 1500
630 800 915 1030 1140 1195 1250 1355 1455 1555 1650
695 890 1015 1145 1265 1325 1390 1500 1615 1725 1830
670 855 980 1100 1220 1280 1340 1450 1555 1660 1765
855 1060 1200 1340 1475 1545 1610 1745 1875 1995 2125 2240 2365 2475
955 1180 1330 1480 1630 1705 1780 1925 2070 2205 2335 2470 2595 2730
7 12 14 17 20 22 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 45 46 49 52 55 58
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0
1255 1600 1780 1950 2190 2310 2430 2570 2695 2805 2900
1375 1750 1970 2180 2415 2535 2650 2800 2930 3050 3150
1525 1945 2185 2420 2680 2810 2940 3105 3255 3385 3495
1470 1875 2105 2335 2585 2710 2835 2995 3135 3260 3370
1875 2325 2625 2880 3150 3270 3410 3695 3975 4125 4335 4455 4640 4725
2095 2580 2910 3210 3480 3610 3770 4075 4385 4620 4770 4985 5095 5285
7 12 14 17 20 22 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 45 46 49 52 55 58
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0
1335 1700 1915 2120 2350 2460 2575 2720 2855 2970 3075
1455 1850 2080 2300 2550 2675 2800 2960 3105 3235 3350
1615 2055 2310 2555 2830 2970 3110 3285 3450 3590 3720
1555 1980 2225 2460 2730 2860 2995 3170 3325 3465 3585
1985 2460 2775 3040 3325 3450 3600 3900 4200 4365 4590 4725 4925 5025
2210 2730 3075 3395 3675 3810 3975 4305 4630 4885 5050 5280 5410 5615
7 12 14 17 20 22 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 45 46 49 52 55 58
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0
1415 1800 2050 2300 2550 2675 2800 2960 3105 3235 3350
1570 2000 2255 2500 2785 2930 3075 3245 3400 3535 3650
1745 2220 2500 2775 3090 3250 3415 3605 3775 3925 4050
1680 2140 2410 2675 2980 3135 3290 3475 3635 3780 3905
2145 2660 3000 3295 3610 3750 3925 4265 4615 4785 5025 5165 5375 5475
2390 2955 3325 3675 3990 4140 4325 4700 5075 5360 5530 5780 5910 6125
7 12 14 17 20 22 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 45 46 49 52 55 58
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0
2085 2650 2960 3250 3625 3810 4000 4250 4475 4685 4875 5080 5270 5440 5525 5600
2280 2900 3280 3650 4015 4195 4375 4640 4880 5100 5300 5565 5820 6065 6185 6300
2530 3220 3640 4050 4460 4660 4855 5150 5420 5665 5885 6180 6460 6735 6865 6995
2440 3105 3510 3905 4295 4490 4680 4965 5225 5460 5670 5955 6230 6490 6620 6740
3110 3855 4350 4795 5260 5475 5690 6145 6565 6845 7205 7435 7765 7950 8100 8245 8595 8870 9200 9450
3470 4280 4825 5335 5810 6045 6310 6775 7265 7640 7925 8300 8530 8870 8965 9125 9510 9805 10175 10450
7 12 14 17 20 22 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 45 46 49 52 55 58
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0
7 12 14 17 20 22 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 45 46 49 52 55 58
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0
7 12 14 17 20 22 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 45 46 49 52 55 58
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0
2710 3450 3860 4250 4770 5035 5300 5595 5860 6095 6300
2945 3750 4255 4750 5275 5535 5800 6125 6415 6675 6900
3270 4165 4720 5275 5855 6145 6440 6800 7125 7410 7660
3155 4015 4550 5085 5645 5925 6205 6555 6865 7140 7385
4020 4985 5625 6220 6835 7125 7440 8070 8700 9035 9490 9755 10155 10350
4485 5535 6235 6910 7550 7870 8215 8900 9585 10110 10440 10910 11160 11575
7 12 14 17 20 22 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 45 46 49 52 55 58
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
500/60R22.5 155D 710/50R26.5 170D
560/60R22.5 161D 650/65R30.5 176D
580/65R22.5 159D 750/60R30.5 181D
600/50R22.5 159D 850/50R30.5 182D
600/55R26.5 165D NEW 800/60R32 185D
680/55R26.5 171D
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
Twin Radial 520 1192 537 3600 550 AG16.00 15.00 - 16.00 - 17.00 TUBELESS
psi 14 17 22 26 29 35 41 46 52 58
bar 1,0 1,2 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,6 4,0
65 S 1730 1930 2235 2535 2735 3140 3325 3510 3695 3880
50 S 2070 2315 2690 3060 3305 3800 4020 4245 4470 4690
40 S 2330 2605 3025 3440 3715 4270 4520 4770 5020 5270
25 S 2680 3005 3495 3985 4310 4960 5250 5540 5830 6120
10 S 3160 3515 4050 4585 4940 5650 5980 6315 6650 6980
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
Twin Radial 636 1341 605 4110 625 AG20.00 TUBELESS
psi 14 17 22 26 29 35 41 46 52 58
bar 1,0 1,2 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,6 4,0
65 S 2300 2565 2970 3370 3635 4170 4415 4660 4905 5150
50 S 2750 3080 3570 4065 4395 5050 5345 5640 5935 6230
40 S 3100 3465 4020 4570 4935 5670 6000 6335 6670 7000
25 S 3560 3995 4640 5290 5725 6590 6980 7365 7750 8140
10 S 4200 4675 5380 6090 6565 7510 7950 8390 8830 9270
SIZE Tread SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Permitted Rims Type Tube
pattern mm mm mm mm
Twin Radial 875 1630 735 4946 775 AG28.00 TUBELESS
psi 14 17 22 26 29 35 41 46 52 58
bar 1,0 1,2 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,6 4,0
65 S 3400 3820 4450 5080 5500 6340 6880 7420 7960 8500
50 S 4110 4620 5380 6145 6655 7670 8325 8980 9635 10290
40 S 4620 5190 6050 6905 7475 8620 9355 10090 10825 11560
25 S 5370 6035 7025 8020 8685 10010 10865 11720 12575 13430
10 S 6430 7145 8210 9280 9995 11420 12390 13360 14330 15300
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
5.0-10 4 PR (74A8) 7.50-16 8 PR (112A8)
4.00-12 2 PR (54A8) 7.50-16 TL 8 PR (112A8)
5.00-12 4 PR (74A8) 8.25-16 8 PR (116A8)
6.5/80-12 4 PR (84A8) 9.0/75-16 6 PR (111A8)
7.00-12 6 PR (95A8) 250/80-16 8 PR (125A8)
10.0/80-12 6 PR (110A8) 7.50-18 6 PR (106A8)
5.00-14 4 PR (73A8) 250/80-18 8 PR (127A8)
5.00-15 6 PR (88A8) 4.50-19 2 PR (66A8)
6.5/80-15 4 PR (90A8) 4.00-21 2 PR (66A8)
7.5L-15 8 PR (113A8)
10.0/75-15.3 8 PR (119A8)
10.0/75-15.3 10 PR (123A8)
6.00-16 8 PR (103A8) SIZE IM220
6.50-16 8 PR (105A8) 210/95-20 TL 119A8
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 41 42
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,8 2,9
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 41 42
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,8 2,9
Cross-ply tires for agricultural implement and small tractors - IM110 - IM220 123
New tire Tire in service PRESSURE
LI/SS SW OD SW OD SLR RC Rim Permitted Tube Speed psi
SIZE bar
mm mm max max mm mm rims Km/h
+/- 1,5% +/- 1,5% mm mm +/- 2% +/- 2,5% MAX. LOAD kg
74A8 135 584 152 592 253 1705 3.00D 3.50D 6-12 Free Rolling
4J TR13 50
4.00E 40
5.00-12 4PR
62A8 Driving wheel
10 C
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43 46 51
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,5
125 165 190 210 230 240 265 285 290 300 305 315 320 330 340
140 185 210 235 255 265 295 315 325 335 340 350 360 365 375
195 260 295 325 355 370 415 440 455 465 475 490 500 515 525
90 115 135 150 160 170 190 200 205 210 215 220 230 235 240
100 130 150 165 180 190 210 220 230 235 240 245 255 260 265
120 155 175 195 215 225 250 265 275 280 285 295 300 310 315
140 180 205 230 250 265 295 310 320 330 335 345 355 365 370
160 205 235 260 285 300 330 345 365 370 380 385 400 410 420 425 435 440 465 490
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43 45 46 51 54 58 62 67 70 71 75
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,5 3,7 4,0 4,3 4,6 4,8 5,0 5,2
180 235 270 300 330 340 380 405 415 430 440 450
200 265 300 335 365 380 425 450 460 475 490 500
280 370 420 465 510 530 590 630 645 665 685 700
130 170 190 215 235 245 270 285 295 305 310 320
140 185 215 235 260 270 300 320 330 335 345 355
170 225 255 280 310 320 355 380 390 400 410 420
200 260 300 330 365 380 420 445 460 470 485 495
220 290 340 370 410 425 475 505 520 530 545 560 575 585 600 615 625 640 645
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43 46 48 51 54 58 62 67 70 71 75
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,3 3,5 3,7 4,0 4,3 4,6 4,8 5,0 5,2
240 320 365 405 445 460 510 545 560 575 590 605 620
270 355 405 450 490 510 570 605 625 640 655 675 690
375 495 565 630 690 715 795 850 870 895 920 945 965
170 225 255 285 310 325 360 385 395 405 420 430 440
190 250 285 315 345 360 400 425 440 450 465 475 485
225 300 340 375 415 430 480 510 525 540 550 565 580
265 350 400 445 485 505 565 600 615 635 650 665 680
300 395 450 495 545 570 630 670 695 710 735 750 765 790 805 820 835 850 890 905
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43 45 46 51 54 58 62 67 70 72 75
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,5 3,7 4,0 4,3 4,6 4,8 5,0 5,2
390 515 585 650 715 745 825 880 905 930 955
435 570 650 725 795 825 920 975 1005 1035 1060
610 800 910 1015 1110 1155 1285 1370 1405 1445 1485
275 365 415 460 505 525 585 620 640 660 675
305 405 460 515 560 585 650 690 710 730 750
365 480 550 610 670 695 775 820 845 870 895
430 565 645 720 785 820 910 965 995 1025 1050
480 640 725 810 885 925 1025 1090 1120 1150 1185 1215 1240 1270 1300 1325 1355 1380
Cross-ply tires for agricultural implement and small tractors - IM110 - IM220 125
New tire Tire in service PRESSURE
LI/SS SW OD SW OD SLR RC Rim Permitted Tube Speed psi
SIZE bar
mm mm max max mm mm rims Km/h
+/- 1,5% +/- 1,5% mm mm +/- 2% +/- 2,5% MAX. LOAD kg
73A8 130 636 152 644 292 1913 3.00D 3.50D-4.00E-4J ER14 135 Free Rolling
/145R14 50
TR13 40
5.00-14 4PR
61A8 Driving wheel
10 C
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43 46 51
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,5
140 180 205 230 250 265 295 310 320 330
155 200 230 255 280 290 325 345 355 365
215 285 320 360 390 410 455 485 495 510
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 51 54 59 62 67
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,7 4,1 4,3 4,6
160 210 240 270 295 305 340 365 385 405 425 440 460 480 505
180 235 270 300 330 340 380 405 425 450 470 490 510 530 560
250 330 375 420 460 475 530 565 600 630 660 685 715 745 785
110 145 165 185 205 210 235 250 265 280 295 305 320 330 350
125 165 185 205 225 235 260 280 295 310 325 340 355 365 385
150 195 220 245 270 280 310 330 350 370 385 405 420 435 460
175 230 260 290 315 330 365 390 415 435 455 475 495 515 540
195 260 290 325 355 370 410 440 465 490 515 535 560 575 605 630 670 685 720
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43 45 46 51 54 58 62 67 70 72 75
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,5 3,7 4,0 4,3 4,6 4,8 5,0 5,2
215 285 325 360 395 410 455 485 500 515 525 540
240 315 360 400 440 455 505 539 555 570 585 600
335 440 505 560 615 640 710 755 775 800 820 840
155 200 230 255 280 290 325 345 355 365 375 385
170 225 255 285 310 325 360 380 395 405 415 425
200 265 305 335 370 385 425 455 470 480 495 505
240 310 355 395 435 450 505 535 550 565 580 595
270 355 400 450 490 515 570 600 625 640 655 670 685 700 720 735 750 765 780
12 14 17 20 22 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 51 54 58 62 67 70 72 75
0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,7 4,0 4,3 4,6 4,8 5,0 5,2
420 480 535 585 610 680 720 765 805 840 880 915 950 1000 1035
470 535 595 650 680 755 800 850 895 935 975 1015 1055 1115 1150
655 750 835 910 950 1055 1125 1185 1250 1310 1370 1425 1480 1560 1610
295 335 375 410 425 475 500 530 560 585 610 635 660 695 720
325 370 415 455 470 525 560 590 620 650 680 710 735 775 800
390 445 495 540 560 625 665 700 740 775 810 845 875 920 950
460 520 580 635 660 735 780 825 870 910 950 990 1030 1085 1120
515 585 655 720 740 830 885 930 980 1025 1070 1120 1160 1220 1260 1315 1380 1435 1465
Cross-ply tires for agricultural implement and small tractors - IM110 - IM220 127
New tire Tire in service PRESSURE
LI/SS SW OD SW OD SLR RC Rim Permitted Tube Speed psi
SIZE bar
mm mm max max mm mm rims Km/h
+/- 1,5% +/- 1,5% mm mm +/- 2% +/- 2,5% MAX. LOAD kg
119A8 260 800 277 810 358 2388 9.00 9.00FB 10.0/ Free Rolling
75-15.3 50
TR15 40
10.0/75-15.3 10
8PR 106A8 Driving wheel
IM110 40
10 C
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 45 46 51 54 58 62 67 70 72 75
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,5 3,7 4,0 4,3 4,6 4,8 5,0 5,2
420 555 630 705 770 800 890 945 1000 1055 1105 1155 1200 1225
470 615 700 780 855 890 990 1050 1115 1170 1225 1280 1335 1360
655 860 985 1095 1195 1245 1385 1475 1560 1640 1720 1795 1870 1905
295 385 440 490 535 560 620 660 700 735 770 805 840 855
325 430 490 545 595 620 690 735 775 820 855 895 930 950
390 510 585 650 710 740 820 875 925 975 1020 1065 1110 1130
460 600 685 765 835 870 965 1030 1090 1145 1200 1255 1305 1330
515 680 775 860 940 980 1090 1160 1220 1295 1350 1410 1465 1500 1530 1610 1665 1745
7 12 14 17 20 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 45 46 51 54 57 62 67 70 72 74
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,5 3,7 3,9 4,3 4,6 4,8 5,0 5,1
420 555 630 700 795 885 945 1000 1050 1105 1150 1195 1220 1240 1310 1355 1395
465 615 700 780 885 985 1050 1110 1165 1225 1275 1330 1355 1380 1455 1505 1550
650 860 980 1090 1240 1380 1470 1555 1630 1715 1785 1860 1895 1930 2035 2105 2170
295 385 440 490 565 625 660 700 740 775 810 840 860 875 925 950 980
330 430 490 545 625 695 735 780 820 860 900 935 955 970 1025 1055 1090
395 510 585 650 745 825 875 930 975 1025 1070 1115 1135 1155 1220 1255 1295
460 600 685 765 875 975 1030 1090 1150 1205 1260 1310 1335 1360 1435 1475 1525
520 680 775 860 985 1095 1160 1230 1295 1355 1420 1475 1505 1530 1615 1665 1720 1820 1890 1940 1985 2010
14 17 22 26 29 32 35 38 39 42 46 51 54 58 62 67 70 72 75
1,0 1,2 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,7 4,0 4,3 4,6 4,8 5,0 5,2
350 390 445 495 525 555 585 610 640 665 690 730 750 790
390 435 495 550 585 615 650 680 710 740 770 810 835 875
545 605 690 765 815 865 910 950 995 1035 1075 1135 1170 1225
245 275 310 345 370 390 410 430 450 470 485 510 530 555
275 305 345 385 410 435 455 480 500 520 540 570 590 615
325 360 410 460 490 515 545 570 595 620 645 675 700 730
380 425 485 540 575 605 640 670 700 730 755 795 825 860
435 480 545 605 645 685 720 755 790 820 850 900 930 970 1010 1050 1080 1105 1130
12 14 17 20 22 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 51 54 58 62 67 70 72 75
0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,7 4,0 4,3 4,6 4,8 5,0 5,2
340 385 430 470 490 545 580 615 645 675 705 735 765 805 835
380 430 480 525 545 605 645 680 720 750 785 820 850 895 925
530 600 670 735 765 850 905 955 1005 1055 1100 1145 1190 1255 1295
240 270 300 330 345 385 410 430 455 475 495 520 535 565 585
265 300 335 370 385 425 455 480 505 530 550 575 595 630 650
315 360 400 440 455 505 540 570 600 630 655 685 710 750 775
370 425 470 515 535 595 635 670 705 740 775 805 835 880 910
420 475 530 585 605 670 720 755 795 835 865 905 940 995 1025 1070 1120 1165 1190
Cross-ply tires for agricultural implement and small tractors - IM110 - IM220 129
New tire Tire in service PRESSURE
LI/SS SW OD SW OD SLR RC Rim Permitted Tube Speed psi
SIZE bar
mm mm max max mm mm rims Km/h
+/- 1,5% +/- 1,5% mm mm +/- 2% +/- 2,5% MAX. LOAD kg
112A8 208 805 225 819 363 2413 5.50F 5.00F-5K 8.25-16 Free Rolling
6.00F-6LB V3-02-08 50
(5.50FSDC-4.50E) TR76 40
7.50-16 8PR
99A8 Driving wheel
10 C
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 50 53 57 60
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,7 4,0 4,2
340 450 510 570 620 645 720 765 810 850 895 930 970 1010
380 500 565 630 691 720 800 850 900 945 990 1035 1080 1120
530 695 795 885 965 1005 1120 1190 1260 1325 1390 1450 1510 1570
235 310 355 395 430 450 500 530 560 590 615 645 670 700
260 345 390 435 480 500 554 590 620 655 685 715 745 775
310 410 465 520 570 595 660 700 740 780 815 855 890 920
365 480 550 610 670 695 775 825 870 915 960 1005 1045 1085
410 545 615 685 755 790 875 930 980 1035 1080 1130 1175 1220 1285 1335 1395 1435
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 32 35 38 41 42 43 46 51 54 55 58 61 62 67 70 72 75
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,3 4,6 4,8 5,0 5,2
400 530 605 670 735 765 850 905 955 1005 1055 1105 1125
445 590 670 745 815 850 945 1005 1065 1120 1175 1200 1250
625 825 940 1045 1140 1190 1325 1410 1490 1565 1640 1715 1750
290 380 435 485 530 550 615 650 690 725 760 795 810
320 425 485 535 590 610 680 725 765 805 845 880 900
385 505 575 640 700 730 810 860 910 960 1005 1050 1070
450 595 675 750 825 855 955 1015 1070 1130 1180 1235 1260
505 670 765 845 930 960 1070 1145 1205 1270 1335 1390 1420 1450 1505 1585 1640 1665
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 41 43 46 49 51 54 58 62 67 70 72
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,7 4,0 4,3 4,6 4,8 5,0
375 490 560 625 685 710 790 840 865 890 915 935 960 980
415 545 625 695 760 790 880 935 960 990 1015 1040 1065 1090
580 765 870 970 1065 1105 1230 1310 1345 1385 1420 1455 1490 1525
265 350 400 445 485 505 565 600 615 635 650 665 680 700
295 390 445 495 540 560 625 665 685 705 720 740 755 775
350 465 525 585 645 670 745 790 815 835 860 880 900 920
415 545 620 690 755 785 875 930 960 985 1010 1035 1060 1085
465 615 700 780 850 885 985 1050 1080 1110 1135 1165 1190 1220 1275 1335 1380 1425
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 51 52 54 58 62 67 70 72 75
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,3 4,6 4,8 5,0 5,2
540 715 815 905 990 1030 1145 1220 1290 1355 1420 1485
600 795 905 1005 1100 1145 1275 1355 1435 1510 1580 1650
845 1110 1265 1405 1540 1605 1785 1895 2005 2110 2210 2310
380 500 565 630 690 720 800 850 900 945 990 1035
420 555 630 700 765 800 890 945 1000 1050 1100 1150
500 660 750 835 915 950 1055 1125 1190 1250 1310 1370
590 775 880 980 1075 1115 1245 1325 1400 1470 1540 1610
660 875 995 1105 1205 1260 1405 1490 1575 1655 1735 1815 1885 1965 2065 2095
Cross-ply tires for agricultural implement and small tractors - IM110 - IM220 131
New tire Tire in service PRESSURE
LI/SS SW OD SW OD SLR RC Rim Permitted Tube Speed psi
SIZE bar
mm mm max max mm mm rims Km/h
+/- 1,5% +/- 1,5% mm mm +/- 2% +/- 2,5% MAX. LOAD kg
106A8 203 870 225 875 399 2626 5.50F 4-50E 7.50-18 Free Rolling
5.00F-6.00F TR15 50
7.50-18 6PR
94A8 Driving wheel
10 C
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 30 32 33 35 38 41 43 46 51 54 58 61 62 67 70 72 75
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,3 4,6 4,8 5,0 5,2
350 460 525 585 640 665 740 790 810 835 855
390 510 585 650 710 740 825 875 900 925 950
545 715 820 910 995 1035 1150 1225 1260 1295 1330
245 325 370 410 450 470 520 555 570 590 605
275 360 410 460 500 520 580 615 635 655 670
325 430 490 545 595 620 690 735 755 775 795
385 505 575 640 700 730 810 865 890 915 940
435 570 645 725 790 820 915 970 1000 1035 1055 1080 1135 1185 1240
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 52 54 58 62 67 70 72
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,3 4,6 4,8 5,0
575 755 860 960 1050 1095 1215 1295 1370 1440 1510 1575
640 840 960 1065 1165 1215 1350 1435 1520 1600 1675 1750
895 1175 1340 1490 1635 1700 1890 2010 2130 2240 2345 2450
400 525 600 665 730 760 845 900 950 1000 1045 1095
445 585 665 740 810 845 940 1000 1055 1110 1165 1215
525 695 790 880 965 1005 1115 1190 1255 1320 1385 1445
620 820 930 1035 1135 1180 1315 1395 1475 1555 1630 1700
700 925 1050 1165 1275 1335 1480 1575 1665 1750 1835 1915 1995 2075 2215
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 41 42
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,8 2,9
7 12 14 17 20 22 26 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 41 42
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,8 2,9
Cross-ply tires for agricultural implement and small tractors - IM110 - IM220 133
New tire Tire in service PRESSURE
LI/SS SW OD SW OD SLR RC Rim Permitted Tube Speed psi
SIZE bar
mm mm max max mm mm rims Km/h
+/- 1,5% +/- 1,5% mm mm +/- 2% +/- 2,5% MAX. LOAD kg
119A8 214 907 224 922 417 2746 W6 Free Rolling
107A8 427 2775 Driving wheel
10 C
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 30 32 35 38 41 43 46 51
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,5
460 585 665 745 835 925 995 1060 1105 1145 1225
510 650 740 825 925 1030 1105 1180 1225 1270 1360
675 840 950 1060 1165 1290 1420 1520 1565 1610 1705 1815 1925
325 415 470 520 590 655 710 765 795 820 880
365 460 520 580 655 730 790 850 880 915 975
430 550 620 690 780 870 940 1010 1050 1085 1160
480 600 675 750 820 910 1005 1085 1120 1155 1230 1305 1380
625 760 850 940 1020 1105 1185 1295 1350 1395 1490 1575 1660 1740 1830 1960
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
Cross-ply tires for agricultural implement and small tractors - IM110 - IM220 135
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
136 Cross-ply tires for agricultural implement and small tractors - TD27
T404 T421 T423 T478
A complete range of Low Ground TWIN 421 e TWIN 423 – The unique
Pressure tires, designed for field bias-belt design, maximizes the ground
application with maximum respect for contact area, improving flotation and
the soil, available in a variety of tread traction. The rounded shoulder ensures
patterns and a wide range of sizes. minimum soil compaction.
TWIN 404 – The non-aggressive tread TWIN 478 – The grooved tread pattern
pattern makes this tire suitable for soft minimizes rolling resistance and is
terrain. Characterized by its rounded ideal for road-work.
shoulder design and wide contact area. The rounded shoulder enlarges the
ground contact area.
280/60-15.5 115A8 T421 600/50-22.5 168A8 T404
280/60-15.5 125A8 T421 710/40-22.5 158A8 T404
280/60-15.5 128A8 T478 400/60-26.5 147A8 T404
400/45-15.5 116A8 T423 500/60-26.5 159A8 T421
400/60-15.5 145A8 T404 600/55-26.5 166A8 T404
400/60-15.5 148A8 T404 600/55-26.5 166A8 T421
400/60-15.5 145A8 T478 600/55-26.5 173A8 T421
420/55-17 133A8 T421 710/45-26.5 169A8 T404
400/55-17.5 131A8 T404 710/45-26.5 169A8 T423 MK2
400/55-22.5 147A8 T404 800/40-26.5 172A8 T404
500/45-22.5 146A8 T404 800/40-26.5 172A8 T423 MK2
500/60-22.5 155A8 T404 600/60-30.5 171A8 T421
500/60-22.5 155A8 T421 650/65-30.5 173A8 T404
560/45-22.5 154A8 T404 710/50-30.5 175A8 T404
560/60-22.5 158A8 T404 710/50-30.5 175A8 T423
560/60-22.5 167A8 T404 750/60-30.5 178A8 T404
600/50-22.5 156A8 T404 800/45-30.5 178A8 T404
600/50-22.5 156A8 T423 800/45-30.5 178A8 T423
600/50-22.5 165A8 T404 850/50-30.5 179A8 T404
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
410 520 600 675 755 835 895 955 1025 1095
455 580 665 750 835 925 995 1060 1140 1215
600 750 855 955 1060 1165 1275 1365 1445 1530 1625 1720
290 370 425 475 530 585 630 675 730 785
325 410 470 530 590 650 700 750 810 875
385 490 560 630 700 775 835 890 965 1040
425 535 605 675 750 820 895 960 1020 1090 1165 1240
555 680 760 840 920 1005 1085 1165 1250 1325 1395 1470 1545 1630 1715 1760
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 59 62 67 70 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,3 4,6 4,8 5,0 5,2 5,8
410 520 600 675 755 835 895 955 1025 1095 1175 1260 1305 1350 1420 1485
455 580 665 750 835 925 995 1060 1140 1215 1305 1400 1450 1500 1575 1650
600 750 855 955 1060 1165 1275 1365 1445 1530 1625 1720 1835 1950 2010 2085 2155 2245 2290
290 370 425 475 530 585 630 675 730 785 845 900 930 955 995 1035
325 410 470 530 590 650 700 750 810 875 935 1000 1030 1060 1105 1150
385 490 560 630 700 775 835 890 965 1040 1115 1190 1230 1260 1315 1370
425 535 605 675 750 820 895 960 1020 1090 1165 1240 1315 1395 1425 1475 1520 1570 1595
555 680 760 840 920 1005 1085 1165 1250 1325 1395 1470 1545 1630 1715 1800 1885 1975 2015 2070 2105 2170 2225 2290
7 12 17 23 29 35 41 46 52 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,6 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
410 520 675 835 955 1095 1260 1350 1485 1620
455 580 750 925 1060 1215 1400 1500 1650 1800
600 750 955 1165 1365 1530 1720 1950 2085 2245 2335 2430 2520
660 800 995 1190 1390 1580 1745 1915 2105 2325 2420 2460 2500 2675 2765 3025
7 12 17 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46
0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2
7 12 17 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 59 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
730 925 1190 1440 1555 1665 1785 1910 2045 2185 2255 2320 2460 2610
810 1030 1320 1600 1725 1850 1985 2120 2275 2430 2505 2575 2735 2900
1065 1335 1690 2035 2205 2370 2515 2670 2835 3000 3195 3385 3465 3590 3720 3925 4025
515 655 855 1010 1085 1155 1255 1350 1460 1575 1625 1665 1760 1855
575 730 950 1120 1205 1285 1390 1500 1625 1750 1805 1850 1955 2060
685 870 1130 1335 1435 1530 1655 1785 1930 2085 2145 2200 2325 2450
755 945 1205 1445 1545 1655 1750 1865 1995 2125 2280 2440 2495 2580 2665 2795 2860
985 1200 1490 1795 1945 2050 2175 2280 2400 2520 2645 2790 2935 3105 3270 3460 3530 3675 3965 4105
7 12 17 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 72 75 78 81 84
0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 5,8
730 925 1190 1440 1555 1665 1785 1910 2045 2185 2255 2320 2460 2610 2725 2835
810 1030 1320 1600 1725 1850 1985 2120 2275 2430 2505 2575 2735 2900 3025 3150
1065 1335 1690 2035 2205 2370 2515 2670 2835 3000 3195 3385 3465 3590 3720 3925 4100 4260 4410
515 655 855 1010 1085 1155 1255 1350 1460 1575 1625 1665 1760 1855 1935 2015
575 730 950 1120 1205 1285 1390 1500 1625 1750 1805 1850 1955 2060 2150 2240
685 870 1130 1335 1435 1530 1655 1785 1930 2085 2145 2200 2325 2450 2560 2665
755 945 1205 1445 1545 1655 1750 1865 1995 2125 2280 2440 2495 2580 2665 2795 2860 3030 3135
985 1200 1490 1795 1945 2050 2175 2280 2400 2520 2645 2790 2935 3105 3270 3460 3530 3640 3675 3965 4105 4235 4355 4480
7 12 17 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 59 67 72 75
0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6 5,0 5,2
730 925 1190 1440 1555 1665 1785 1910 2045 2185 2255 2320 2460 2610
810 1030 1320 1600 1725 1850 1985 2120 2275 2430 2505 2575 2735 2900
1065 1335 1690 2035 2205 2370 2515 2670 2835 3000 3195 3385 3465 3590 3720 3925 4025
1170 1425 1765 2100 2270 2430 2590 2740 2890 3040 3185 3345 3500 3670 3845 4035 4115 4295 4675 4855
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 33 35 38 41 42 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
815 1035117013051460162017401855
905 1150130014501625180019352060
1190 149016801860205022652480266028102885
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 33 35 38 41 42 43 46 49 52 55 58 59 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 51 54 58 59 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,7 4,0 4,1 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
860 1095 1245 1395 1555 1710 1840 1960 2105 2250 2430 2610 2690 2770
955 1215 1385 1550 1725 1900 2045 2180 2340 2500 2700 2900 2990 3075
1260 1575 1785 1985 2190 2405 2620 2810 2975 3150 3345 3540 3785 4040 4240 4325
620 790 885 980 1085 1190 1290 1395 1505 1620 1735 1855 1910 1960
690 875 985 1090 1205 1320 1435 1550 1675 1800 1930 2060 2125 2180
820 1040 1170 1295 1435 1570 1710 1845 1995 2140 2295 2450 2525 2595
905 1135 1275 1415 1540 1680 1820 1960 2100 2245 2400 2550 2710 2870 3010 3065
1180 1440 1615 1785 1925 2080 2230 2385 2545 2700 2865 3025 3190 3360 3615 3800 4070 4265 4330
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
1025 1305 1485 1665 1840 2015 2170 2320 2510 2700
1140 1450 1650 1850 2045 2240 2410 2575 2785 3000
1500 1880 2125 2370 2615 2850 3085 3310 3510 3735 3995 4250
730 925 1045 1155 1295 1440 1555 1665 1785 1910
810 1030 1160 1285 1440 1600 1725 1850 1985 2120
965 1225 1380 1530 1715 1905 2055 2200 2365 2525
1065 1335 1505 1670 1815 2010 2205 2370 2520 2670 2835 3005
1390 1695 1900 2100 2270 2450 2630 2855 3065 3265 3445 3620 3790 3980 4170 4260
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
1310 1665 1895 2125 2365 2610 2815 3015 3250 3490
1455 1850 2105 2360 2630 2900 3130 3350 3610 3875
1915 2395 2715 3025 3335 3665 3995 4290 4560 4850 5170 5490
910 1155 1340 1530 1695 1855 1990 2125 2290 2450
1010 1285 1490 1700 1880 2060 2215 2360 2540 2725
1200 1530 1775 2025 2240 2450 2635 2810 3025 3245
1330 1665 1900 2145 2405 2620 2840 3045 3220 3415 3635 3860
1735 2115 2370 2620 2915 3195 3480 3725 3975 4190 4415 4630 4845 5095 5350 5475
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
1310 1665 1895 2125 2365 2610 2815 3015 3250 3490
1455 1850 2105 2360 2630 2900 3130 3350 3610 3875
1915 2395 2715 3025 3335 3665 3995 4290 4560 4850 5170 5490
910 1155 1340 1530 1695 1855 1990 2125 2290 2450
1010 1285 1490 1700 1880 2060 2215 2360 2540 2725
1200 1530 1775 2025 2240 2450 2635 2810 3025 3245
1330 1665 1900 2145 2405 2620 2840 3045 3220 3415 3635 3860
1735 2115 2370 2620 2915 3195 3480 3715 3975 4190 4415 4630 4845 5095 5350 5475
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
1275 1620 1845 2070 2295 2520 2725 2925 3150 3375
1415 1800 2050 2300 2550 2800 3025 3250 3500 3750
1860 2330 2640 2945 3250 3555 3855 4150 4420 4700 5005 5310
885 1125 1305 1485 1645 1800 1935 2070 2225 2385
980 1250 1445 1650 1825 2000 2150 2300 2475 2650
1170 1485 1720 1965 2170 2380 2560 2735 2945 3155
1295 1620 1850 2080 2330 2545 2755 2955 3135 3325 3540 3755
1685 2055 2305 2550 2835 3100 3375 3615 3855 4070 4290 4510 4720 4960 5205 5325
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 33 38 41 42 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 59 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
1625 2070 2380 2700 2995 3285 3555 3825 4105 4390 4650 4905
1805 2300 2645 3000 3325 3650 3950 4250 4565 4875 5165 5450
2380 2980 3390 3820 4240 4635 5030 5415 5770 6140 6330 6905 7250 7590
1165 1485 1695 1910 2115 2320 2510 2700 2905 3105 3295 3485
1295 1650 1885 2120 2350 2575 2790 3000 3225 3450 3665 3875
1545 1965 2245 2525 2795 3065 3320 3570 3840 4105 4360 4610
1705 2140 2425 2710 2995 3275 3550 3820 4075 4335 4610 4885 5140 5395
2225 2715 3040 3365 3690 4015 4335 4650 4965 5260 5560 5860 6155 6465 6780 7075 7375 7655 7810
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 33 35 38 41 42 43 46 49 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 33 35 38 41 42 43 46 49 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 59
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,1
1540 1960 2240 2520 2810 3105 3355 3600 3880 4165 4400 4635
1715 2180 2490 2800 3125 3450 3730 4000 4310 4625 4890 5150
2255 2825 3200 3580 3955 4355 4755 5110 5440 5790 6170 6550 6865 7175
1095 1395 1595 1800 1995 2185 2355 2520 2720 2925 3105 3285
1220 1550 1775 2000 2215 2430 2620 2800 3025 3250 3450 3650
1450 1845 2110 2380 2635 2890 3115 3330 3600 3865 4105 4345
1605 2010 2280 2550 2825 3090 3350 3595 3815 4055 4335 4605 4845 5085
2090 2550 2855 3160 3470 3780 4090 4385 4685 4950 5220 5485 5755 6065 6370 6665 6945 7210 7360
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 58 61 64 67
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6
1540 1960 2240 2520 2810 3105 3355 3600 3880 4165 4400 4635 4840 5040
1715 2180 2490 2800 3125 3450 3730 4000 4310 4625 4890 5150 5380 5600
2255 2825 3200 3580 3955 4355 4755 5110 5440 5790 6170 6550 6865 7175 7440 7875
1095 1395 1595 1800 1995 2185 2355 2520 2720 2925 3105 3285 3445 3600
1220 1550 1775 2000 2215 2430 2620 2800 3025 3250 3450 3650 3825 4000
1450 1845 2110 2380 2635 2890 3115 3330 3600 3865 4105 4345 4555 4760
1605 2010 2280 2550 2825 3090 3350 3595 3815 4055 4335 4605 4845 5085 5295 5625
2090 2550 2855 3160 3470 3780 4090 4385 4685 4950 5220 5485 5755 6065 6370 6800 7210 751
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 33 35 38 41 42 43 46 49 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
1060 1350 1530 1710 1890 2070 2260 2455 2615 2770
1180 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2510 2725 2905 3075
1555 1945 2195 2440 2685 2930 3170 3425 3685 3920 4130 4355
750 955 1075 1190 1335 1485 1620 1755 1860 1960
835 1060 1195 1320 1485 1650 1800 1950 2065 2180
990 1260 1420 1570 1765 1965 2140 2320 2460 2595
1095 1375 1545 1715 1865 2070 2275 2455 2640 2800 2935 3085
1430 1745 1955 2160 2335 2520 2700 2935 3160 3385 3590 3795 3975 4145 4315 4380
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
1455 1855 2120 2385 2655 2925 3155 3375 3655 3940
1620 2060 2355 2650 2950 3250 3505 3750 4060 4375
2130 2670 3030 3385 3745 4110 4480 4810 5105 5440 5825 6195
1025 1305 1505 1710 1890 2070 2230 2385 2575 2765
1140 1450 1675 1900 2100 2300 2475 2650 2860 3075
1355 1725 1990 2260 2500 2735 2950 3155 3405 3660
1500 1880 2140 2405 2685 2930 3170 3400 3610 3840 4100 4355
1955 2385 2670 2960 3275 3580 3885 4160 4435 4685 4940 5190 5450 5740 6030 6180
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
1820 2320 2625 2925 3260 3600 3885 4165 4470 4770
2025 2575 2915 3250 3625 4000 4315 4625 4965 5300
2665 3335 3765 4175 4595 5050 5510 5920 6295 6680 7090 7505
1310 1665 1870 2070 2295 2520 2725 2925 3150 3375
1455 1850 2080 2300 2550 2800 3025 3250 3500 3750
1730 2200 2475 2735 3035 3330 3605 3870 4165 4460
1915 2395 2695 2990 3250 3555 3860 4150 4420 4700 5005 5310
2495 3045 3410 3770 4070 4390 4705 5050 5395 5715 6035 6355 6675 7015 7360 7535
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
1820 2320 2625 2925 3260 3600 3885 4165 4470 4770
2025 2575 2915 3250 3625 4000 4315 4625 4965 5300
2665 3335 3765 4175 4595 5050 5510 5920 6295 6680 7090 7505
1310 1665 1870 2070 2295 2520 2725 2925 3150 3375
1455 1850 2080 2300 2550 2800 3025 3250 3500 3750
1730 2200 2475 2735 3035 3330 3605 3870 4165 4460
1915 2395 2695 2990 3250 3555 3860 4150 4420 4700 5005 5310
2495 3045 3410 3770 4070 4390 4705 5050 5395 5715 6035 6355 6675 7015 7360 7535
7 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67
0.5 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.5 3,6 3.7 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6
1820 2320 2625 2925 3260 3600 3885 4165 4470 4770 5150 5535 5700 5850
2025 2575 2915 3250 3625 4000 4315 4625 4965 5300 5720 6150 6335 6500
2665 3335 3765 4175 4595 5050 5510 5920 6295 6680 7090 7505 8030 8565 8760 8975 9060 9140
1310 1665 1870 2070 2295 2520 2725 2925 3150 3375 3655 3935 4055 4160
1455 1850 2080 2300 2550 2800 3025 3250 3500 3750 4060 4375 4505 4625
1730 2200 2475 2735 3035 3330 3605 3870 4165 4460 4830 5205 5365 5505
1915 2395 2695 2990 3250 3555 3860 4150 4420 4700 5005 5310 5700 6095 6235 6385 6445 6505
2495 3045 3410 3770 4070 4390 4705 5050 5395 5715 6035 6355 6675 7015 7360 7535 7765 7995 8645 9000 9100 9180
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
1980 2520 2860 3195 3565 3940 4225 4500 4860 5220
2200 2800 3175 3550 3960 4375 4695 5000 5400 5800
2895 3625 4100 4555 5015 5520 6030 6460 6825 7245 7735 8215
1415 1800 2030 2250 2510 2770 2985 3195 3455 3715
1570 2000 2255 2500 2785 3075 3315 3550 3835 4125
1870 2380 2680 2975 3315 3660 3945 4225 4565 4910
2070 2590 2920 3240 3535 3885 4235 4550 4830 5145 5500 5840
2700 3290 3685 4080 4410 4765 5115 5515 5910 6270 6615 6955 7300 7690 8085 8290
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
1980 2520 2860 3195 3565 3940 4225 4500 4860 5220
2200 2800 3175 3550 3960 4375 4695 5000 5400 5800
2895 3625 4100 4555 5015 5520 6030 6460 6825 7245 7735 8215
1415 1800 2030 2250 2510 2770 2985 3195 3455 3715
1570 2000 2255 2500 2785 3075 3315 3550 3835 4125
1870 2380 2680 2975 3315 3660 3945 4225 4565 4910
2070 2590 2920 3240 3535 3885 4235 4550 4830 5145 5500 5840
2700 3290 3685 4080 4410 4765 5115 5515 5910 6270 6615 6955 7300 7690 8085 8290
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
2120 2700 3090 3490 3880 4275 4595 4905 5285 5670
2355 3000 3435 3875 4310 4750 5105 5450 5875 6300
3105 3885 4415 4945 5475 6010 6545 7020 7430 7890 8405 8925
1500 1910 2180 2450 2735 3015 3255 3485 3715 3940
1665 2120 2420 2725 3035 3350 3615 3875 4130 4375
1980 2525 2885 3245 3615 3985 4300 4610 4910 5205
2195 2745 3115 3485 3850 4230 4615 4960 5270 5575 5875 6195
2860 3490 3905 4325 4740 5160 5575 6010 6440 6830 7210 7585 7910 8275 8635 8790
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
2120 2700 3090 3490 3880 4275 4595 4905 5285 5670
2355 3000 3435 3875 4310 4750 5105 5450 5875 6300
3105 3885 4415 4945 5475 6010 6545 7020 7430 7890 8405 8925
1500 1910 2180 2450 2735 3015 3255 3485 3715 3940
1665 2120 2420 2725 3035 3350 3615 3875 4130 4375
1980 2525 2885 3245 3615 3985 4300 4610 4910 5205
2195 2745 3115 3485 3850 4230 4615 4960 5270 5575 5875 6195
2860 3490 3905 4325 4740 5160 5575 6010 6440 6830 7210 7585 7910 8275 8635 8790
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
2050 2610 2990 3375 3765 4165 4470 4770 5150 5535
2280 2900 3325 3750 4185 4625 4970 5300 5725 6150
3000 3760 4270 4785 5300 5835 6375 6835 7230 7680 8200 8710
1455 1855 2120 2385 2655 2925 3155 3375 3655 3935
1620 2060 2355 2650 2950 3250 3505 3750 4060 4375
1925 2450 2805 3155 3510 3870 4170 4465 4830 5205
2130 2670 3030 3385 3745 4110 4480 4810 5105 5440 5825 6195
2780 3390 3795 4200 4610 5015 5420 5840 6250 6625 6985 7345 7720 8140 8565 8790
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 33 35 38 41 42 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
2510 3195367541654605504054505850
2790 3550408546255115560060556500
3675 460052355895654071307715830088359100
1770 2250258529253260360038854160
1965 2500287532503625400043154625
2340 2975342038704310476051355505
2585 324036854130459550505510592062956475
3375 4115460551005625613566507175768579508155861090559250
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
2300 2925 3320 3715 4170 4635 5020 5400 5805 6210
2555 3250 3690 4125 4635 5150 5580 6000 6450 6900
3365 4210 4760 5290 5830 6455 7095 7640 8150 8675 9220 9770
1625 2070 2345 2610 2945 3285 3555 3825 4105 4385
1805 2300 2605 2900 3270 3650 3950 4250 4565 4875
2150 2735 3100 3450 3890 4345 4705 5055 5430 5800
2380 2980 3365 3745 4100 4560 5030 5415 5775 6140 6520 6905
3105 3785 4240 4690 5095 5515 5935 6475 6975 7455 7880 8305 8710 9150 9585 9795
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
2300 2925 3320 3715 4170 4635 5020 5400 5805 6210
2555 3250 3690 4125 4635 5150 5580 6000 6450 6900
3365 4210 4760 5290 5830 6455 7095 7640 8150 8675 9220 9770
1625 2070 2345 2610 2945 3285 3555 3825 4105 4385
1805 2300 2605 2900 3270 3650 3950 4250 4565 4875
2150 2735 3100 3450 3890 4345 4705 5055 5430 5800
2380 2980 3365 3745 4100 4560 5030 5415 5775 6140 6520 6905
3105 3785 4240 4690 5095 5515 5935 6475 6975 7455 7880 8305 8710 9150 9585 9795
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
2510 3195 3675 4165 4605 5040 5450 5850 6300 6750
2790 3550 4085 4625 5115 5600 6055 6500 7000 7500
3675 4600 5235 5890 6535 7130 7715 8300 8835 9405 10015 10620
1770 2250 2585 2925 3260 3600 3885 4160 4465 4770
1965 2500 2875 3250 3625 4000 4315 4625 4965 5300
2335 2975 3420 3865 4310 4760 5135 5505 5905 6305
2585 3240 3685 4130 4595 5050 5510 5920 6295 6680 7090 7505
3375 4115 4605 5100 5620 6135 6650 7170 7685 8155 8610 9055 9480 9950 10425 10650
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
2510 3195 3675 4165 4605 5040 5450 5850 6300 6750
2790 3550 4085 4625 5115 5600 6055 6500 7000 7500
3675 4600 5235 5890 6535 7130 7715 8300 8835 9405 10015 10620
1770 2250 2585 2925 3260 3600 3885 4160 4465 4770
1965 2500 2875 3250 3625 4000 4315 4625 4965 5300
2335 2975 3420 3865 4310 4760 5135 5505 5905 6305
2585 3240 3685 4130 4595 5050 5510 5920 6295 6680 7090 7505
3375 4115 4605 5100 5620 6135 6650 7170 7685 8155 8610 9055 9480 9950 10425 10650
7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 33 35 38 41 42 43 46 49 51 52 54 58 61 64 67 72 75 84
0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
3005 3825442550405540603065106975
3340 4250491556006155670072307750
4395 5505628571157915858092309920 10545 10850
2120 2700314536003945427545954905
2355 3000349040004380475051055450
2805 3570415547605215565560756485
3105 388544505020565561056545702074307630
4050 4935552561206835750581858670921094409670 10185 10690 10900
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
620/50B22.5 160D T423 650/55B30.5 168D T428
650/45B22.5 160D T440 750/50B30.5 173D T428
710/40B22.5 161D T423 850/45B30.5 176D T423
620/55B26.5 166D T421
14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 62 67
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,3 4,6
1690 1875 2045 2210 2350 2480 2670 2865 3050 3230 3325 3415 3635 3870 3990 4095
1855 2060 2245 2430 2580 2725 2935 3150 3350 3550 3655 3750 3995 4250 4385 4500
2525 2800 3055 3305 3510 3705 3995 4285 4555 4830 4970 5100 5435 5780 5960 6120
3100 3420 3740 4030 4310 4585 4800 5070 5410 5730 6045 6360 6505 6720 6980 7385 7840 8120
4305 4750 5195 5595 5985 6365 6670 7045 7510 7960 8395 8830 9030 9330 9695 10255 10885 11280
14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 62 67
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,3 4,6
1640 1820 1985 2150 2315 2480 2640 2800 2970 3140 3280 3415 3585 3755 3925 4095
1800 2000 2180 2360 2545 2725 2900 3075 3265 3450 3600 3750 3935 4125 4310 4500
2450 2720 2970 3210 3460 3705 3945 4180 4440 4690 4900 5100 5355 5610 5865 6120
3005 3320 3630 3910 4185 4485 4765 5040 5310 5595 5890 6180 6410 6670 6925 7220 7660 8100
4175 4610 5045 5435 5815 6225 6620 7000 7375 7770 8180 8585 8900 9265 9620 10025 10640 11250
14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 62 67
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,3 4,6
1690 1875 2075 2275 2415 2550 2710 2865 3050 3230 3380 3525 3695 3870 4040 4210
1855 2060 2280 2500 2655 2800 2975 3150 3350 3550 3715 3875 4065 4250 4440 4625
2525 2800 3100 3400 3610 3810 4045 4285 4555 4830 5050 5270 5525 5780 6035 6290
3100 3420 3740 4085 4435 4715 4935 5175 5445 5730 6045 6360 6610 6885 7150 7445 7885 8325
4305 4750 5195 5675 6160 6545 6855 7190 7560 7960 8395 8835 9180 9565 9935 10340 10955 11565
14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 62 67
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,3 4,6
1940 2150 2390 2640 2805 2960 3140 3320 3535 3755 3925 4095 4265 4435 4630 4825
2130 2360 2625 2900 3080 3250 3450 3650 3885 4125 4315 4500 4690 4875 5090 5300
2900 3210 3575 3945 4190 4420 4695 4965 5285 5610 5870 6120 6375 6630 6920 7210
3565 3920 4285 4710 5145 5470 5725 6005 6315 6640 7015 7390 7675 7995 8280 8565 9045 9540
4950 5445 5950 6540 7145 7595 7955 8340 8765 9225 9745 10265 10665 11105 11500 11895 12565 13250
14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 62 67
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,3 4,6
2230 2480 2720 2960 3145 3320 3595 3870 4095 4325 4505 4685 4895 5095
2455 2725 2990 3250 3455 3650 3950 4250 4500 4750 4955 5150 5375 5600
3335 3705 4065 4420 4700 4965 5370 5780 6120 6460 6735 7005 7315 7615
4095 4520 4950 5360 5765 6130 6430 6805 7285 7735 8125 8510 8815 9165 9485 9830
5685 6280 6870 7440 8010 8515 8930 9455 10115 10740 11280 11815 12240 12730 13175 13650
14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 62 67
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,3 4,6
2570 2865 3140 3415 3645 3870 4150 4435 4700 4960 5125 5280 5595 5915
2825 3150 3450 3750 4005 4250 4560 4875 5165 5450 5630 5800 6145 6500
3840 4285 4695 5100 5445 5780 6205 6630 7020 7410 7660 7890 8360 8840
4705 5215 5720 6190 6655 7090 7465 7895 8385 8870 9315 9760 10020 10370 10765 11325
6535 7245 7945 8595 9240 9850 10370 10965 11645 12320 12940 13560 13915 14405 14950 15730
14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 62 67
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,3 4,6
2845 3140 3445 3755 4040 4325 4575 4825 5140 5460 5690 5915 6190 6460
3130 3450 3790 4125 4440 4750 5030 5300 5650 6000 6255 6500 6800 7100
4255 4690 5150 5610 6040 6460 6840 7210 7685 8160 8505 8840 9250 9655
5240 5745 6265 6790 7315 7830 8310 8765 9180 9645 10195 10745 11130 11570 11985 12450
7280 7980 8700 9430 10160 10875 11545 12170 12750 13395 14160 14925 15455 16070 16645 17290
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
According to availability
400/55-17.5 108A8 T404
400/55-22.5 111A8 T404
600/60-30.5 142A8 T404
6 7 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 19 20
0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4
710 775 845 915 985 1055 1125 1195 1260 1330 1400
6 7 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 19 20
0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4
770 845 925 1000 1075 1150 1225 1300 1375 1450 1530
6 7 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 19 20
0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4
1870 2055 2240 2425 2605 2790 2975 3160 3340 3525 3710
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
The Implement tires are metric size The tread design and the rounded
marked, tubeless, and Load/Speed shoulders offer soft ground contact
index rated, which gives a higher load with minimal damage when turning,
capacity and higher permitted speed plus a low rolling resistance on road
(40 - 50 kph) than previous tires. transport.
This line is recommended for trailers Available in a wide range of sizes to
and other agricultural Implements such cover all normal requirements.
as spreaders, balers, ploughs, drills etc.
200/95-12 101A8 AF302 340/55-16 140A8 AW305
260/90-13 121A8 AF302 340/55-16 140A8 AW309
260/70-15.3 116A8 AW305 360/65-16 148A8 AW305
260/70-15.3 126A8 AW305 360/70-16 137A8 AW305
260/70-15.3 131A8 AW305 380/55-17 138A8 AW305
300/80-15.3 123A8 T452 420/55-17 143A8 T452
300/80-15.3 141A8 T452 480/45-17 146A8 AW305
300/80-15.3 132A8 AW305 500/50-17 149A8 AW309
300/80-15.3 141A8 AW305 520/50-17 159A8 T306
320/80-15.3 145A8 AW305
180/90-16 100A8 AF302
190/90-16 108A8 AF302
200/90-16 111A8 AF302 SIZE Inches Sizes
210/95-16 120A8 AF302 10.0/80-12 8 PR AW305
260/70-16 134A8 AW305 10.0/80-12 10 PR AW305
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 36 38 41 42 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1
285 360 410 465 515 565 610 655 700 745
315 400 455 515 570 630 680 730 780 825
415 520 590 660 730 800 870 935 990 1050 1105 1170
200 250 290 330 365 405 435 465 495 520
220 280 320 365 405 450 485 515 550 580
290 365 415 465 515 570 620 665 700 740 780 820
Implement standard cross-ply tires - AW305 - AF302 - T452 - T306 - AW309 165
New tire Tire in service
mm mm max max mm mm Km/h
mm mm
121A8 262 795 279 831 350 2378 6.00F TL Free Rolling
9.00-13 50
109A8 362 2394 Driving wheel
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 42 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1
490 620 715 810 895 980 1070 1155 1230 1305
540 690 795 900 995 1090 1185 1285 1370 1450
715 895 1020 1145 1270 1385 1500 1620 1740 1850 1945 2055
345 440 500 565 630 695 765 835 880 925
385 485 560 630 700 775 850 925 980 1030
505 630 715 805 890 980 1065 1155 1250 1325 1390 1460
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 42 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1
425 540 620 700 765 835 905 980 1055 1125
470 600 685 775 850 925 1010 1090 1170 1250
620 775 880 990 1095 1185 1275 1375 1475 1575 1670 1770
300 380 435 490 540 585 640 700 755 810
335 425 485 545 600 650 710 775 835 900
440 550 625 695 770 835 895 970 1045 1125 1200 1275
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 59
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,1
425 540 620 700 765 835 905 980 1055 1125 1195 1260 1305 1350 1440 1530
470 600 685 775 850 925 1010 1090 1170 1250 1325 1400 1450 1500 1600 1700
620 775 880 990 1095 1185 1275 1375 1475 1575 1670 1770 1860 1950 2010 2085 2170 2295 2360
300 380 435 490 540 585 640 700 755 810 855 900 930 955 1010 1060
335 425 485 545 600 650 710 775 835 900 950 1000 1030 1060 1120 1180
440 550 625 695 770 835 895 970 1045 1125 1200 1275 1335 1395 1425 1475 1530 1600 1640
psi 7 12 17 23 29 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 67 72 78 84
bar 0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,6 5,0 5,4 5,8
425 540 700 835 980 1125 1195 1260 1305 1350 1440 1530 1600 1665 1730 1755
470 600 775 925 1090 1250 1325 1400 1450 1500 1600 1700 1775 1850 1925 1950
620 775 990 1185 1375 1575 1670 1770 1860 1950 2010 2085 2170 2295 2590 2635 2700 2750
300 380 490 585 700 810 855 900 930 955 1010 1060 1110 1155 1205 1225
335 425 545 650 775 900 950 1000 1030 1060 1120 1180 1230 1285 1340 1360
440 550 695 835 970 1125 1200 1275 1335 1395 1425 1475 1530 1600 1800 1835 1880 1920
Implement standard cross-ply tires - AW305 - AF302 - T452 - T306 - AW309 167
New tire Tire in service
mm mm max max mm mm Km/h
mm mm
123A8 305 900 319 902 390 2685 9.00 TL Free Rolling
300/80-15.3 10
111A8 403 2691 Driving wheel
T452 40
10 C
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 33 35 38 41 42 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59 67
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 67 72 75 84
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,8
600 765 875 980 1085 1190 1290 1395 1485 1575 1690 1800 1855 1910 2015 2125 2220 2320
670 850 970 1090 1205 1320 1435 1550 1650 1750 1875 2000 2065 2120 2240 2360 2470 2575
880 1100 1250 1395 1540 1680 1820 1960 2100 2230 2350 2480 2630 2785 2855 2955 3055 3205 3340 3605
425 540 620 695 775 855 920 980 1040 1095 1175 1260 1305 1350 1440 1530 1600 1665
470 600 685 775 860 950 1020 1090 1155 1215 1305 1400 1450 1500 1600 1700 1775 1850
560 715 820 920 1025 1130 1215 1295 1375 1445 1555 1665 1725 1785 1905 2025 2110 2200
620 775 885 990 1095 1200 1310 1405 1485 1565 1635 1720 1835 1950 2010 2085 2170 2295 2405 2590
810 985 1105 1225 1345 1465 1585 1705 1825 1935 2035 2140 2220 2315 2405 2510 2630 2765 2880 2980 3255 3390 3700
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59 67
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6
600 765 875 980 1085 1190 1290 1395 1485 1575 1690 1800
670 850 970 1090 1205 1320 1435 1550 1650 1750 1875 2000
880 1100 1250 1395 1540 1680 1820 1960 2100 2230 2350 2480 2630 2785
425 540 620 695 775 855 920 980 1040 1095 1175 1260
470 600 685 775 860 950 1020 1090 1155 1215 1305 1400
620 775 885 990 1095 1200 1310 1405 1485 1565 1635 1720 1835 1950
psi 7 12 17 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67
bar 0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6
600 765 980 1190 1290 1395 1485 1575 1690 1800 1855 1910 2015 2125 2220 2320
670 850 1090 1320 1435 1550 1650 1750 1875 2000 2065 2120 2240 2360 2470 2575
880 1100 1395 1680 1820 1960 2100 2230 2350 2480 2630 2785 2855 2955 3055 3205 3340 3475 3605
425 540 695 855 920 980 1040 1095 1175 1260 1305 1350 1440 1530 1600 1665
470 600 775 950 1020 1090 1155 1215 1305 1400 1450 1500 1600 1700 1775 1850
620 775 990 1200 1310 1405 1485 1565 1635 1720 1835 1950 2010 2085 2170 2295 2405 2500 2590
Implement standard cross-ply tires - AW305 - AF302 - T452 - T306 - AW309 169
New tire Tire in service
mm mm max max mm mm Km/h
mm mm
145A8 322 897 345 936 396 2691 9.00 TL Free Rolling
12.5/80-15.3 50
133A8 424 2702 Driving wheel
psi 7 12 17 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67
bar 0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6
655 835 1060 1305 1420 1530 1645 1755 1885 2015 2075 2125 2255 2385 2500 2610
725 925 1180 1450 1575 1700 1825 1950 2095 2240 2305 2360 2505 2650 2775 2900
955 1200 1510 1830 2000 2155 2305 2455 2605 2760 2940 3120 3185 3295 3410 3590 3755 3910 4060
460 585 765 925 995 1060 1145 1225 1330 1440 1485 1530 1620 1710 1785 1855
510 650 850 1030 1105 1180 1270 1360 1480 1600 1650 1700 1800 1900 1980 2060
675 840 1075 1310 1420 1520 1610 1705 1815 1925 2075 2230 2285 2365 2450 2575 2685 2790 2885
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 33 38 41 42 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59 67
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 42 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59 67
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6
335 430 490 555 615 675 730 790 845 900
375 475 545 615 685 750 815 875 940 1000
490 615 700 785 870 950 1035 1115 1190 1265 1340 1415
235 300 345 395 435 475 515 555 595 640
265 335 385 435 485 530 575 615 665 710
345 435 495 555 620 675 730 785 835 890 950 1005
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 42 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59 67
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6
365 465 535 605 660 720 790 855 920 980
405 515 590 670 735 800 875 950 1020 1090
535 665 760 855 945 1025 1100 1190 1285 1375 1455 1545
260 330 380 425 465 505 555 605 650 695
285 365 420 475 520 560 615 670 725 775
380 475 540 605 670 720 770 835 905 970 1035 1095
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59 67
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1 4,6
410 520 600 675 755 835 895 955 1025 1095 1175 1260
455 580 665 750 835 925 995 1060 1140 1215 1305 1400
600 750 855 960 1060 1165 1275 1365 1445 1530 1625 1720 1835 1950
290 370 425 475 530 585 630 675 730 785 845 900
325 410 470 530 590 650 700 750 810 875 935 1000
425 535 605 675 750 825 895 960 1020 1090 1165 1240 1315 1395
Implement standard cross-ply tires - AW305 - AF302 - T452 - T306 - AW309 171
New tire Tire in service
mm mm max max mm mm Km/h
mm mm
134A8 265 776 279 796 336 2303 W8 TL Free Rolling
10.5/65-16 50
122A8 348 2328 Driving wheel
psi 7 12 17 23 29 35 41 46 52 58 61 64 67 70 72 79 84
bar 0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,6 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 4,8 5,0 5,4 5,8
460 585 765 925 1060 1225 1395 1485 1665 1800 1830 1855 1875 1895 1910
510 650 850 1030 1180 1360 1550 1650 1850 2000 2035 2060 2085 2105 2120
675 840 1080 1310 1520 1705 1925 2160 2295 2505 2615 2710 2800 2830 2855 2930 2990
325 415 540 655 765 875 980 1035 1155 1260 1285 1305 1320 1335 1350
365 460 600 730 850 975 1090 1150 1285 1400 1425 1450 1470 1485 1500
480 600 765 925 1080 1230 1380 1520 1605 1740 1820 1890 1960 1985 2005 2065 2115
psi 7 12 17 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67
bar 0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6
565 720 925 1125 1215 1305 1415 1530 1620 1710 1785 1855 1935 2015 2130 2250
630 800 1030 1250 1350 1450 1575 1700 1800 1900 1980 2060 2150 2240 2370 2500
830 1035 1315 1590 1720 1850 1970 2105 2260 2405 2530 2645 2740 2855 2950 3060 3190 3335 3500
395 505 655 810 870 925 995 1060 1125 1190 1245 1305 1375 1440 1530 1620
440 560 730 900 965 1030 1105 1180 1250 1320 1385 1450 1525 1600 1700 1800
580 725 925 1135 1240 1330 1405 1490 1580 1670 1755 1840 1915 2000 2085 2175 2285 2395 2520
psi 7 11 17 23 26 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 48 51 54 57 60 63 67
bar 0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 1,8 2 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4 4,2 4,4 4,6
565 720 925 1125 1215 1305 1415 1530 1620 1710 1785 1855 1935 2015 2130 2250
630 800 1030 1250 1350 1450 1575 1700 1800 1900 1980 2060 2150 2240 2370 2500
830 1035 1315 1590 1720 1850 1970 2105 2260 2405 2530 2645 2740 2855 2950 3060 3190 3335 3500
395 505 655 810 870 925 995 1060 1125 1190 1245 1305 1375 1440 1530 1620
440 560 730 900 965 1030 1105 1180 1250 1320 1385 1450 1525 1600 1700 1800
580 725 925 1135 1240 1330 1405 1490 1580 1670 1755 1840 1915 2000 2085 2175 2285 2395 2520
psi 7 12 17 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67
bar 0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6
730 925 1190 1440 1555 1665 1785 1910 2045 2185 2255 2320 2460 2610 2725 2835
810 1030 1320 1600 1725 1850 1985 2120 2275 2430 2505 2575 2735 2900 3025 3150
1065 1335 1690 2035 2205 2370 2520 2670 2835 3005 3195 3385 3465 3585 3720 3925 4100 4260 4410
515 655 855 1010 1085 1155 1255 1350 1460 1575 1620 1665 1760 1855 1935 2015
575 730 950 1120 1205 1285 1390 1500 1625 1750 1805 1850 1955 2060 2150 2240
755 945 1205 1445 1545 1655 1750 1865 1995 2125 2280 2435 2495 2580 2665 2795 2915 3030 3135
Implement standard cross-ply tires - AW305 - AF302 - T452 - T306 - AW309 173
New tire Tire in service
mm mm max max mm mm Km/h
mm mm
137A8 362 905 386 946 380 2697 11.00 TL Free Rolling
13.0/75-16 50
14.0/65-16 40
125A8 412 2730 Driving wheel
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 42 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1
770 980 1120 1260 1395 1530 1665 1800 1935 2070
855 1090 1245 1400 1550 1700 1850 2000 2150 2300
1130 1410 1600 1790 1980 2160 2340 2525 2710 2890 3075 3255
550 695 800 900 985 1060 1160 1260 1370 1485
610 775 885 1000 1090 1180 1290 1400 1525 1650
800 1005 1140 1275 1415 1520 1625 1760 1895 2035 2190 2335
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 58 59
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1
690 880 1000 1125 1260 1395 1510 1620 1735 1855 1990 2125
765 975 1115 1250 1400 1550 1675 1800 1930 2060 2210 2360
1010 1265 1430 1600 1765 1950 2135 2295 2445 2600 2755 2915 3100 3285
490 620 715 810 895 980 1055 1125 1215 1305 1415 1530
540 690 795 900 995 1090 1170 1250 1350 1450 1575 1700
715 895 1020 1145 1275 1390 1500 1610 1705 1810 1935 2055 2210 2370
psi 12 17 23 29 35 40
bar 0,8 1,2 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8
psi 7 12 17 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 54 55 58 59
bar 0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,7 3,8 4,0 4,1
835 1060 1350 1665 1790 1910 2075 2250 2385 2520 2615 2700
930 1180 1500 1850 1985 2120 2310 2500 2650 2800 2905 3000
1220 1530 1925 2335 2550 2735 2890 3085 3320 3540 3720 3900 4015 4165 4220
600 765 955 1155 1255 1350 1485 1620 1710 1800 1855 1910
670 850 1060 1285 1395 1500 1650 1800 1900 2000 2065 2120
880 1100 1375 1635 1770 1905 2035 2190 2380 2550 2670 2785 2855 2955 2980
Implement standard cross-ply tires - AW305 - AF302 - T452 - T306 - AW309 175
New tire Tire in service
mm mm max max mm mm Km/h
mm mm
149A8 495 945 543 968 408 2766 16.00 TL Free Rolling
137A8 Driving wheel
psi 7 12 17 23 26 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 48 51 54 57 59
bar 0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,1
990 1260 1620 1960 2110 2250 2430 2610 2770 2925
1100 1400 1800 2180 2345 2500 2700 2900 3075 3250
1450 1815 2300 2775 3005 3220 3410 3620 3865 4105 4320 4525
705 900 1125 1395 1510 1620 1735 1855 1965 2070
785 1000 1250 1550 1675 1800 1930 2060 2180 2300
1035 1295 1620 1950 2135 2295 2445 2600 2755 2915 3060 3205
psi 7 12 17 23 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 59
bar 0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,1
1095 1395 1800 2185 2520 2720 2925 3105 3285 3445 3600 3770 3940
1220 1550 2000 2430 2800 3025 3250 3450 3650 3825 4000 4190 4375
1605 2010 2555 3090 3595 3815 4055 4330 4600 4845 5085 5295 5525 5740 5965 6075
770 980 1260 1575 1800 1935 2070 2195 2315 2420 2520 2645 2770
855 1090 1400 1750 2000 2150 2300 2440 2575 2690 2800 2940 3075
1130 1410 1790 2195 2585 2730 2890 3075 3255 3425 3585 3720 3875 4020 4185 4270
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 45 46 49 52 55
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8
385 505 575 640 700 755 810 865 915 965 1010 1055 1095 1115
425 560 640 710 780 840 900 960 1015 1070 1120 1170 1215 1240
550 720 825 915 1005 1085 1160 1240 1310 1380 1445 1510 1565 1600
270 355 405 450 490 530 565 605 640 670 705 740 765 785
300 395 450 500 545 590 630 670 710 745 785 820 850 870
385 510 580 645 705 760 815 865 915 960 1015 1060 1095 1120
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 57
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 3,9
385 505 570 640 700 750 805 860 910 955 1000 1045 1090 1130 1170 1210 1250 1270
425 560 635 710 775 835 895 955 1010 1060 1110 1160 1210 1255 1300 1345 1390 1410
550 720 820 915 1000 1075 1155 1230 1305 1365 1430 1495 1560 1620 1675 1735 1795 1820
265 350 400 445 485 525 565 605 635 670 700 735 760 790 820 845 875 885
295 390 445 495 540 585 630 670 705 745 780 815 845 880 910 940 970 985
380 505 575 640 695 755 815 865 910 960 1005 1050 1090 1135 1175 1215 1250 1270
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
Implement standard cross-ply tires - AW305 - AF302 - T452 - T306 - AW309 177
555/45-17 154F Rib Trailer
14 20 26 32 38 43 49 55 61 67 72 78 84 90 96 101
1,0 1,4 1,8 2,2 2,6 3,0 3,4 3,8 4,2 4,6 5,0 5,4 5,8 6,2 6,6 7,0
1200 1465 1695 1905 2100 2285 2460 2625 2780 2935 3075 3220 3360 3495 3625 3750
1380 1685 1950 2190 2415 2630 2830 3020 3200 3375 3540 3705 3865 4020 4170 4315
2160 2635 3050 3430 3780 4115 4425 4725 5005 5285 5540 5795 6050 6290 6525 6750
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
320/85-24 127A8 (124B) 420/85-34 147A8 (144B)
380/85-24 137A8 (134B) 420/85-34 TL 153A8 (150B)
380/85-24 TL 143A8 (140B) 460/85-34 152A8 (149B)
380/85-28 139A8 (136B) 420/85-38 149A8 (146B)
420/85-28 144A8 (141B) 460/85-38 154A8 (151B)
460/85-30 150A8 (147B) 520/85-38 160A8 (157B)
14 17 20 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0
1000 1120 1240 1360 1395 1435 1465 1495 1525 1555 1580 1600
1085 1215 1355 1500 1540 1575 1610 1645 1675 1700 1725 1750
1160 1300 1450 1605 1650 1685 1725 1760 1790 1820 1850 1875
1425 1585 1745 1910 1995 2075 2165 2250 2290 2325 2405 2440 2470 2495 2515 2590 2610 2625
950 1065 1190 1315 1350 1385 1415 1445 1470 1495 1515 1535 1575 1610 1645 1680 1710 1745
14 17 20 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0
1285 1450 1600 1750 1800 1850 1900 1945 1985 2025 2060 2120
1425 1600 1775 1950 2000 2050 2095 2140 2175 2215 2245 2300
1525 1710 1900 2085 2140 2195 2245 2290 2330 2370 2405 2460
1875 2085 2295 2505 2610 2715 2820 2925 2975 3025 3130 3170 3205 3240 3275 3370 3395 3415
1250 1405 1560 1710 1755 1800 1840 1875 1910 1940 1970 1995 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300
14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 46 49 52 55 58
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0
1285 1450 1600 1750 1850 1945 2025 2120 2200 2295 2390 2500
1425 1600 1775 1950 2050 2140 2215 2300 2390 2500 2600 2725
1525 1710 1900 2085 2195 2290 2370 2460 2555 2675 2785 2915
1875 2085 2295 2505 2715 2925 3025 3170 3240 3370 3415 3540 3690 3805 3945 4050
1250 1405 1560 1710 1800 1875 1940 1995 2095 2190 2285 2370 2455 2540 2620 2700
14 17 20 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0
1385 1550 1725 1900 1955 2005 2050 2095 2135 2170 2205 2240
1510 1700 1880 2060 2115 2170 2220 2270 2315 2355 2395 2430
1615 1820 2015 2205 2265 2325 2380 2430 2475 2520 2565 2600
1980 2210 2435 2655 2765 2875 2985 3090 3150 3205 3310 3360 3405 3445 3485 3585 3615 3645
1325 1490 1650 1810 1860 1905 1950 1990 2030 2070 2100 2135 2190 2240 2295 2350 2400 2450
14 17 20 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0
1600 1800 2020 2240 2295 2345 2395 2440 2480 2515 2545 2575
1775 2000 2215 2430 2490 2550 2600 2650 2695 2735 2770 2800
1900 2140 2370 2600 2665 2725 2785 2835 2880 2925 2965 2995
2325 2595 2865 3130 3255 3390 3520 3645 3705 3760 3885 3930 3975 4010 4040 4160 4180 4200
1555 1755 1945 2135 2185 2235 2285 2325 2365 2400 2430 2455 2520 2585 2645 2705 2765 2825
14 17 20 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0
1940 2180 2415 2650 2720 2785 2845 2900 2950 2995 3035 3075
2105 2360 2630 2900 2975 3045 3105 3165 3220 3270 3310 3350
2255 2525 2815 3105 3180 3255 3325 3385 3445 3495 3545 3585
2775 3080 3390 3705 3865 4025 4185 4350 4420 4490 4640 4700 4750 4795 4830 4970 5000 5025
1850 2070 2310 2545 2610 2670 2725 2780 2825 2870 2905 2940 3015 3090 3165 3235 3305 3375
14 17 20 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0
1775 2000 2215 2430 2490 2550 2600 2650 2695 2735 2770 2800
1940 2180 2415 2650 2720 2785 2845 2900 2950 2995 3035 3075
2075 2335 2585 2835 2910 2980 3040 3100 3155 3205 3250 3290
2550 2840 3130 3410 3550 3695 3835 3975 4045 4105 4245 4300 4345 4390 4430 4555 4585 4615
1705 1915 2120 2325 2385 2440 2495 2545 2590 2630 2665 2700 2765 2835 2900 2960 3025 3085
14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 46 49 52 55 58
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0
1775 2000 2215 2430 2550 2650 2735 2800 2945 3085 3220 3350
1940 2180 2415 2650 2785 2900 2995 3075 3230 3375 3515 3650
2075 2335 2585 2835 2980 3100 3205 3290 3455 3610 3760 3905
2550 2840 3130 3410 3695 3975 4105 4300 4390 4555 4615 4780 4985 5140 5335 5475
1705 1915 2120 2325 2440 2545 2630 2700 2835 2960 3085 3205 3320 3430 3540 3650
14 17 20 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0
2020 2300 2550 2800 2870 2940 3005 3060 3115 3165 3210 3250
2225 2500 2785 3075 3155 3225 3295 3355 3410 3465 3510 3550
2380 2675 2980 3290 3375 3450 3525 3590 3650 3705 3755 3800
2925 3255 3585 3925 4095 4265 4440 4615 4690 4760 4920 4980 5035 5080 5120 5270 5300 5325
1955 2195 2445 2700 2765 2830 2890 2945 2995 3040 3080 3115 3195 3275 3355 3435 3510 3585
14 17 20 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0
1885 2120 2350 2575 2645 2705 2765 2820 2870 2920 2960 3000
2050 2300 2550 2800 2875 2940 3005 3065 3115 3165 3210 3250
2195 2460 2730 2995 3075 3145 3215 3275 3335 3390 3435 3480
2700 3000 3300 3600 3750 3905 4050 4200 4270 4340 4485 4540 4595 4640 4680 4815 4850 4875
1800 2020 2240 2455 2520 2580 2635 2690 2735 2780 2815 2850 2925 3000 3070 3135 3205 3270
14 17 20 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0
2135 2430 2670 2900 2985 3065 3140 3210 3275 3340 3395 3450
2355 2650 2950 3250 3330 3410 3480 3545 3605 3660 3710 3750
2520 2835 3155 3480 3565 3650 3725 3795 3855 3915 3970 4015
3090 3445 3800 4155 4335 4510 4695 4875 4955 5030 5200 5260 5320 5370 5410 5570 5600 5625
2065 2325 2590 2850 2925 2990 3055 3110 3165 3210 3255 3290 3380 3465 3550 3630 3715 3795
14 17 20 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43
1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0
2570 2900 3225 3550 3645 3730 3810 3885 3955 4015 4075 4125
2830 3150 3510 3875 3975 4070 4160 4240 4315 4385 4445 4500
3025 3370 3755 4145 4255 4355 4450 4535 4615 4690 4755 4815
3750 4135 4540 4945 5160 5375 5590 5815 5915 6005 6205 6290 6360 6425 6480 6670 6715 6750
2485 2765 3080 3400 3490 3575 3650 3720 3785 3845 3900 3950 4060 4165 4275 4380 4480 4585
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
T428 T421
T414 T404
Designed to offer superior performance in the forest, they ensure high traction,
excellent flotation, and minimise damage to the soil structure.
600/50-22.5 LS2 149A8 T480 SB 710/50-30.5 LS2 173A8 T428 SB
650/45-22.5 LS2 150A8 T440 SB 750/45-30.5 LS2 173A8 T428 SB
710/40-22.5 LS2 161A8 T480 SB 600/65-34 LS2 163A8 T440 SB
710/40-24.5 LS2 163A8 T440 SB 710/55-34 LS2 167A8 T440 SB
710/40-24.5 LS2 163A8 T480 SB
600/55-26.5 LS2 165A8 T440 SB
600/55-26.5 LS2 165A8 T480 SB
710/45-26.5 LS2 168A8 T440 SB Tires for all-round service
710/45-26.5 LS2 168A8 T480 SB 600/60-30.5 153A8 T414
710/45-26.5 LS2 173A8 T480 SB
750/55-26.5 LS2 182A8 T440 SB
750/55-26.5 LS2 182A8 T480 SB
800/40-26.5 LS2 170A8 T440 SB Driving tires for single axle fitment
800/40-26.5 LS2 170A8 T480 SB 500/45-22.5 129A8 T404
780/50-28.5 LS2 182A8 T480 SB 500/60-22.5 144A8 T421 SB
Twin Forestry cross-ply tires - T404 - T414 - T421 SB - T428 SB - T440 - T480 185
LI/SI New tire Tire in service
HT LT mm mm max max mm mm
mm mm
600/50-22.5 LS2
149A8 149A2 156A2 610 1170 640 1199 550 3510 550 AG20.00 600/50-22.5
T480 SB
650/45-22.5 LS2
150A8 150A2 157A2 650 1160 683 1189 539 550 AG20.00 650/45-22.5
T440 SB
710/40-22.5 LS2
161A8 161A2 169A2 710 1170 746 1179 540 3510 550 AG24.00 700/40-22.5
T480 SB
710/40-24.5 LS2
163A8 170A2 163A2 710 1220 745 1230 570 3700 575 AG24.00 710/40-24.5
T440 SB
710/40-24.5 LS2
163A8 170A2 163A2 710 1220 745 1230 570 3700 575 AG24.00 710/40-24.5
T480 SB
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 * Infl. Pressure
bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 with tracks
40 road 2120 2435 2725 2930 3125 3250 5,0
10HT light terrain 2535 2965 3325 3565 3815 3960 4195 4425 4550 5,0
10HT heavy terrain 2120 2435 2725 2930 3125 3250 5,0
10HT very heavy terrain 1680 1955 2215 2385 2550 2640 2795 2945 3025 3125 3260 5,0
10LT light terrain 3080 3605 4060 4365 4690 4870 5165 5445 5600 5,0
10LT heavy terrain 2575 2975 3350 3605 3845 4000 5,0
10LT very heavy terrain 2040 2375 2695 2910 3120 3240 3435 3620 3720 3845 4015 5,0
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 * Infl. Pressure
bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 with tracks
40 road 2180 2500 2800 3015 3220 3350 5,0
10HT light terrain 2610 3050 3420 3660 3920 4070 4320 4560 4690 5,0
10HT heavy terrain 2180 2500 2800 3015 3220 3350 5,0
10HT very heavy terrain 2100 2445 2770 2995 3210 3340 3540 3730 3835 3965 4140 5,0
10LT light terrain 3170 3710 4175 4495 4830 5015 5320 5615 5775 5,0
10LT heavy terrain 2650 3060 3450 3715 3965 4125 5,0
10LT very heavy terrain 1725 2010 2275 2450 2620 2715 2875 3030 3115 3220 3360 5,0
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 68 72 75 78 81 * Infl. Pressure
Km/h bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 with tracks
40 road 2240 2580 2900 3120 3320 3450 3705 3960 4125 4235 4395 4490 4625 6,0
10HT light terrain 2680 3135 3525 3785 4060 4210 4460 4700 4830 5020 5305 5490 5775 5880 5980 6075 6,0
10HT heavy terrain 2240 2580 2900 3120 3320 3450 3705 3960 4125 4235 4395 4490 4625 6,0
10HT very heavy terrain 1775 2065 2340 2525 2705 2810 2975 3130 3215 3320 3465 3580 3765 3885 4005 4125 6,0
10LT light terrain 3350 3920 4370 4660 4970 5165 5480 5780 5950 6200 6580 6830 7210 7350 7480 7605 6,0
10LT heavy terrain 2800 3195 3550 3825 4085 4250 4590 4925 5150 5295 5495 5625 5800 6,0
10LT very heavy terrain 2220 2580 2920 3135 3335 3445 3645 3840 3950 4085 4265 4425 4670 4830 4990 5150 6,0
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 68 72 75 78 81 * Infl. Pressure
Km/h bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 with tracks
40 road 2360 2695 3000 3220 3420 3550 3815 4075 4250 4385 4575 4700 4875 6,0
10HT light terrain 2825 3305 3690 3935 4200 4350 4605 4845 4970 5165 5460 5655 5950 6085 6215 6345 6,0
10HT heavy terrain 2360 2695 3000 3220 3420 3550 3815 4075 4250 4385 4575 4700 4875 6,0
10HT very heavy terrain 1870 2175 2460 2645 2815 2910 3075 3230 3315 3420 3565 3685 3875 4000 4125 4250 6,0
10LT light terrain 3470 4060 4515 4800 5110 5310 5635 5950 6125 6385 6770 7030 7420 7570 7715 7850 6,0
10LT heavy terrain 2900 3295 3650 3935 4205 4375 4720 5070 5300 5455 5670 5805 6000 6,0
10LT very heavy terrain 2300 2675 3020 3235 3440 3550 3745 3950 4065 4205 4390 4555 4805 4970 5135 5300 6,0
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 68 72 75 78 81 * Infl. Pressure
Km/h bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 with tracks
40 road 2360 2695 3000 3220 3420 3550 3815 4075 4250 4385 4575 4700 4875 6,0
10HT light terrain 2825 3305 3690 3935 4200 4350 4605 4845 4970 5165 5460 5655 5950 6085 6215 6345 6,0
10HT heavy terrain 2360 2695 3000 3220 3420 3550 3815 4075 4250 4385 4575 4700 4875 6,0
10HT very heavy terrain 1870 2175 2460 2645 2815 2910 3075 3230 3315 3420 3565 3685 3875 4000 4125 4250 6,0
10LT light terrain 3470 4060 4515 4800 5110 5310 5635 5950 6125 6385 6770 7030 7420 7570 7715 7850 6,0
10LT heavy terrain 2900 3295 3650 3935 4205 4375 4720 5070 5300 5455 5670 5805 6000 6,0
10LT very heavy terrain 2300 2675 3020 3235 3440 3550 3745 3950 4065 4205 4390 4555 4805 4970 5135 5300 6,0
Twin Forestry cross-ply tires - T404 - T414 - T421 SB - T428 SB - T440 - T480 187
LI/SI New tire Tire in service
HT LT mm mm max max mm mm
mm mm
600/55-26.5 LS2
165A8 172A2 165A2 600 1340 630 1373 626 4050 625 AG20.00 600/55-26.5
T440 SB
600/55-26.5 LS2
165A8 172A2 165A2 600 1340 630 1373 626 4050 625 AG20.00 600/55-26.5
T480 SB
710/45-26.5 LS2
710/45-26.5 /
168A8 168A2 175A2 710 1340 746 1357 625 4020 625 AG24.00
T440 SB
710/45-26.5 LS2
710/45-26.5 /
168A8 168A2 175A2 710 1340 746 1357 625 4020 625 AG24.00
T480 SB
710/45-26.5 LS2
710/45-26.5 /
173A8 180A2 173A2 710 1340 746 1357 625 4020 625 AG24.00
T480 SB
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 68 72 75 78 81 * Infl. Pressure
Km/h bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 with tracks
40 road 2500 2840 3150 3385 3610 3750 4035 4315 4500 4640 4840 4965 5150 6,0
10HT light terrain 2990 3500 3895 4140 4410 4575 4850 5110 5250 5460 5775 5985 6300 6440 6575 6705 6,0
10HT heavy terrain 2500 2840 3150 3385 3610 3750 4035 4315 4500 4640 4840 4965 5150 6,0
10HT very heavy terrain 1980 2305 2605 2790 2970 3060 3230 3400 3495 3610 3765 3895 4100 4235 4365 4500 6,0
10LT light terrain 3680 4305 4790 5095 5425 5630 5970 6300 6475 6705 7060 7280 7630 7815 7995 8170 6,0
10LT heavy terrain 3075 3495 3875 4170 4450 4625 4940 5250 5450 5630 5890 6060 6300 6,0
10LT very heavy terrain 2435 2835 3205 3435 3650 3765 3975 4190 4305 4450 4645 4785 5010 5165 5300 5450 6,0
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 68 72 75 78 81 * Infl. Pressure
Km/h bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 with tracks
40 road 2500 2840 3150 3385 3610 3750 4035 4315 4500 4640 4840 4965 5150 6,0
10HT light terrain 2990 3500 3895 4140 4410 4575 4850 5110 5250 5460 5775 5985 6300 6440 6575 6705 6,0
10HT heavy terrain 2500 2840 3150 3385 3610 3750 4035 4315 4500 4640 4840 4965 5150 6,0
10HT very heavy terrain 1980 2305 2605 2790 2970 3060 3230 3400 3495 3610 3765 3895 4100 4235 4365 4500 6,0
10LT light terrain 3680 4305 4790 5095 5425 5630 5970 6300 6475 6705 7060 7280 7630 7815 7995 8170 6,0
10LT heavy terrain 3075 3495 3875 4170 4450 4625 4940 5250 5450 5630 5890 6060 6300 6,0
10LT very heavy terrain 2435 2835 3205 3435 3650 3765 3975 4190 4305 4450 4645 4785 5010 5165 5300 5450 6,0
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 68 72 75 78 81 * Infl. Pressure
Km/h bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 with tracks
40 road 2725 3105 3450 3715 3965 4125 4410 4690 4875 5030 5255 5395 5600 6,0
10HT light terrain 3260 3815 4255 4530 4830 5015 5320 5615 5775 5980 6305 6510 6825 6985 7135 7280 6,0
10HT heavy terrain 2725 3105 3450 3715 3965 4125 4410 4690 4875 5030 5255 5395 5600 6,0
10HT very heavy terrain 2160 2515 2840 3050 3245 3350 3540 3730 3835 3965 4140 4270 4475 4615 4740 4875 6,0
10LT light terrain 4010 4690 5230 5575 5950 6155 6505 6835 7000 7280 7705 7980 8400 8595 8785 8970 6,0
10LT heavy terrain 3350 3820 4250 4550 4830 5000 5375 5750 6000 6190 6470 6645 6900 6,0
10LT very heavy terrain 2655 3090 3495 3750 3995 4125 4350 4570 4680 4830 5020 5195 5465 5645 5820 6000 6,0
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 68 72 75 78 81 * Infl. Pressure
Km/h bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 with tracks
40 road 2725 3105 3450 3715 3965 4125 4410 4690 4875 5030 5255 5395 5600 6,0
10HT light terrain 3260 3815 4255 4530 4830 5015 5320 5615 5775 5980 6305 6510 6825 6985 7135 7280 6,0
10HT heavy terrain 2725 3105 3450 3715 3965 4125 4410 4690 4875 5030 5255 5395 5600 6,0
10HT very heavy terrain 2160 2515 2840 3050 3245 3350 3540 3730 3835 3965 4140 4270 4475 4615 4740 4875 6,0
10LT light terrain 4010 4690 5230 5575 5950 6155 6505 6835 7000 7280 7705 7980 8400 8595 8785 8970 6,0
10LT heavy terrain 3350 3820 4250 4550 4830 5000 5375 5750 6000 6190 6470 6645 6900 6,0
10LT very heavy terrain 2655 3090 3495 3750 3995 4125 4350 4570 4680 4830 5020 5195 5465 5645 5820 6000 6,0
Speed psi 23 28 34 39 43 46 50 55 57 60 64 67 72 75 77 80 84 87 * Infl. Pressure
Km/h bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 5,8 6,0 with tracks
40 road 2725 3105 3450 3715 3965 4125 4410 4690 4875 5030 5255 5395 5600 5785 5965 6145 6320 6500 6,0
10HT light terrain 3260 3815 4255 4530 4830 5015 5320 5615 5775 5980 6305 6510 6825 6985 7135 7280 7425 7560 6,0
10HT heavy terrain 2725 3105 3450 3715 3965 4125 4410 4690 4875 5030 5255 5395 5600 5785 5965 6145 6320 6500 6,0
10HT very heavy terrain 2160 2515 2840 3050 3245 3350 3540 3730 3835 3965 4140 4270 4475 4615 4740 4875 4970 5060 6,0
10LT light terrain 4010 4690 5230 5575 5950 6155 6505 6835 7000 7280 7705 7980 8400 8595 8785 8970 9145 9315 6,0
10LT heavy terrain 3350 3820 4250 4550 4830 5000 5375 5750 6000 6190 6470 6645 6900 7125 7345 7565 7785 8000 6,0
10LT very heavy terrain 2655 3090 3495 3750 3995 4125 4350 4570 4680 4830 5020 5195 5465 5645 5820 6000 6120 6230 6,0
Twin Forestry cross-ply tires - T404 - T414 - T421 SB - T428 SB - T440 - T480 189
LI/SI New tire Tire in service
HT LT mm mm max max mm mm
mm mm
710/45-26.5 /
182A8 190A2 182A2 750 1485 788 1499 690 4485 700 AG24.00
T440 SB
710/45-26.5 /
182A8 190A2 182A2 750 1485 788 1499 690 4485 700 AG24.00
T480 SB
170A8 177A2 170A2 800 1340 840 1357 625 4020 625 AG28.00 800/40-26.5
T440 SB
170A8 177A2 170A2 800 1340 840 1357 625 4020 625 AG28.00 800/40-26.5
T480 SB
182A8 190A2 182A2 780 1525 819 1543 705 4660 725 AG26.00
T480 SB
Speed psi 23 28 34 39 43 46 50 55 57 60 64 67 72 75 77 80 84 87 * Infl. Pressure
Km/h bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 5,8 6,0 with tracks
40 road 3550 4050 4500 4820 5115 5300 5700 6100 6365 6565 6850 7035 7300 7545 7785 8025 8265 8500 6,0
10HT light terrain 4245 4970 5545 5905 6300 6520 6890 7240 7420 7715 8170 8460 8910 9115 9310 9500 9680 9855 6,0
10HT heavy terrain 3550 4050 4500 4820 5115 5300 5700 6100 6365 6565 6850 7035 7300 7545 7785 8025 8265 8500 6,0
10HT very heavy terrain 2815 3275 3700 3975 4230 4370 4610 4840 4960 5115 5320 5510 5795 5985 6175 6365 6485 6605 6,0
10LT light terrain 5235 6125 6855 7330 7840 8085 8515 8915 9100 9470 1003510405109651122011465117001193012150 6,0
10LT heavy terrain 4375 5010 5600 5965 6300 6500 7000 7500 7835 8080 8440 8670 9000 9320 9640 9960 1028010600 6,0
10LT very heavy terrain 3465 4035 4565 4915 5245 5430 5725 5995 6115 6300 6525 6760 7120 7360 7595 7835 7985 8130 6,0
Speed psi 23 28 34 39 43 46 50 55 57 60 64 67 72 75 77 80 84 87 * Infl. Pressure
Km/h bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 5,8 6,0 with tracks
40 road 3550 4050 4500 4820 5115 5300 5700 6100 6365 6565 6850 7035 7300 7545 7785 8025 8265 8500 6,0
10HT light terrain 4245 4970 5545 5905 6300 6520 6890 7240 7420 7715 8170 8460 8910 9115 9310 9500 9680 9855 6,0
10HT heavy terrain 3550 4050 4500 4820 5115 5300 5700 6100 6365 6565 6850 7035 7300 7545 7785 8025 8265 8500 6,0
10HT very heavy terrain 2815 3275 3700 3975 4230 4370 4610 4840 4960 5115 5320 5510 5795 5985 6175 6365 6485 6605 6,0
10LT light terrain 5235 6125 6855 7330 7840 8085 8515 8915 9100 9470 1003510405109651122011465117001193012150 6,0
10LT heavy terrain 4375 5010 5600 5965 6300 6500 7000 7500 7835 8080 8440 8670 9000 9320 9640 9960 1028010600 6,0
10LT very heavy terrain 3465 4035 4565 4915 5245 5430 5725 5995 6115 6300 6525 6760 7120 7360 7595 7835 7985 8130 6,0
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 68 72 75 78 81 * Infl. Pressure
Km/h bar 1,6 2 2,4 2,7 3 3,2 3,5 3,8 4 4,2 4,5 4,7 5 5,2 5,4 5,6 with tracks
40 road 2900 3340 3750 4005 4235 4375 4720 5070 5300 5455 5670 5805 6000 6,0
10HT light terrain 3470 4060 4560 4895 5250 5420 5715 5995 6125 6385 6770 7030 7420 7570 7715 7850 6,0
10HT heavy terrain 2900 3340 3750 4005 4235 4375 4720 5070 5300 5455 5670 5805 6000 6,0
10HT very heavy terrain 2300 2675 3030 3270 3500 3630 3835 4020 4110 4235 4390 4555 4805 4970 5135 5300 6,0
10LT light terrain 4365 5110 5700 6070 6475 6700 7080 7445 7630 7920 8370 8660 9100 9270 9430 9585 6,0
10LT heavy terrain 3650 4160 4625 4955 5260 5450 5850 6240 6500 6680 6925 7085 7300 6,0
10LT very heavy terrain 2890 3365 3805 4085 4350 4490 4735 4975 5095 5260 5470 5655 5940 6130 6310 6500 6,0
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 68 72 75 78 81 * Infl. Pressure
Km/h bar 1,6 2 2,4 2,7 3 3,2 3,5 3,8 4 4,2 4,5 4,7 5 5,2 5,4 5,6 with tracks
40 road 2900 3340 3750 4005 4235 4375 4720 5070 5300 5455 5670 5805 6000 6,0
10HT light terrain 3470 4060 4560 4895 5250 5420 5715 5995 6125 6385 6770 7030 7420 7570 7715 7850 6,0
10HT heavy terrain 2900 3340 3750 4005 4235 4375 4720 5070 5300 5455 5670 5805 6000 6,0
10HT very heavy terrain 2300 2675 3030 3270 3500 3630 3835 4020 4110 4235 4390 4555 4805 4970 5135 5300 6,0
10LT light terrain 4365 5110 5700 6070 6475 6700 7080 7445 7630 7920 8370 8660 9100 9270 9430 9585 6,0
10LT heavy terrain 3650 4160 4625 4955 5260 5450 5850 6240 6500 6680 6925 7085 7300 6,0
10LT very heavy terrain 2890 3365 3805 4085 4350 4490 4735 4975 5095 5260 5470 5655 5940 6130 6310 6500 6,0
Speed psi 23 28 34 39 43 46 50 55 57 60 64 67 72 75 77 80 84 87 * Infl. Pressure
Km/h bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 5,8 6,0 with tracks
40 road 3550 4050 4500 4820 5115 5300 5715 6125 6400 6595 6875 7050 7300 7545 7785 8025 8265 8500 6,0
10HT light terrain 4245 4970 5545 5905 6300 6520 6890 7240 7420 7730 8195 8500 8965 9155 9345 9520 9690 9855 6,0
10HT heavy terrain 3550 4050 4500 4820 5115 5300 5715 6125 6400 6595 6875 7050 7300 7545 7785 8025 8265 8500 6,0
10HT very heavy terrain 2810 3275 3700 3975 4230 4370 4610 4840 4960 5115 5320 5515 5810 6010 6205 6400 6515 6625 6,0
10LT light terrain 5235 6125 6855 7330 7840 8085 8515 8915 9100 9485 1006510450110301127511505117301194512150 6,0
10LT heavy terrain 4375 5010 5600 5965 6300 6500 7015 7535 7880 8120 8465 8685 9000 9320 9640 9960 1028010600 6,0
10LT very heavy terrain 3465 4035 4565 4915 5245 5430 5725 5995 6115 6300 6525 6770 7140 7385 7635 7880 8025 8160 6,0
Twin Forestry cross-ply tires - T404 - T414 - T421 SB - T428 SB - T440 - T480 191
LI/SI New tire Tire in service
HT LT mm mm max max mm mm
mm mm
710/50-30.5 LS2
710/50-30.5 /
173A8 173A2 180A2 710 1485 746 1522 700 4485 700 AG24.00
T428 SB
According to availability
750/45-30.5 LS2
710/50-30.5 /
173A8 173A2 180A2 750 1465 788 1497 700 4395 685 AG24.00
T428 SB
600/65-34 LS2
163A8 163A2 170A2 610 1650 630 1690 765 5070 775 DW20A 600/65-34
T440 SB
710/55-34 LS2
167A8 167A2 174A2 710 1650 746 1691 775 4950 760 DW24A 700/55-34
T440 SB
153A8 153A2 160A2 600 1495 638 1545 4485 700 AG20.00 600/60-30.5
T414 FS
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 68 72 75 78 81 * Infl. Pressure
Km/h bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 with tracks
40 road 3150 3595 4000 4295 4575 4750 5140 5535 5800 5955 6175 6310 6500 6,0
10HT light terrain 3770 4410 4920 5245 5600 5805 6150 6475 6650 6945 7380 7680 8120 8270 8410 8540 6,0
10HT heavy terrain 3150 3595 4000 4295 4575 4750 5140 5535 5800 5955 6175 6310 6500 6,0
10HT very heavy terrain 2495 2905 3285 3525 3760 3885 4100 4315 4430 4575 4770 4955 5235 5420 5615 5800 6,0
10LT light terrain 4635 5425 6090 6530 7000 7220 7600 7955 8120 8485 9025 9395 9940 10135 10315 10490 6,0
10LT heavy terrain 3875 4455 5000 5325 5620 5800 6285 6775 7100 7300 7580 7755 8000 6,0
10LT very heavy terrain 3770 3575 4050 4365 4670 4845 5115 5350 5460 5620 5820 6055 6405 6630 6870 7100 6,0
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 68 72 75 78 81 * Infl. Pressure
Km/h bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 with tracks
40 road 3150 3595 4000 4295 4575 4750 5140 5535 5800 5955 6175 6310 6500 6,0
10HT light terrain 3770 4410 4920 5245 5600 5805 6150 6475 6650 6945 7380 7680 8120 8270 8410 8540 6,0
10HT heavy terrain 3150 3595 4000 4295 4575 4750 5140 5535 5800 5955 6175 6310 6500 6,0
10HT very heavy terrain 2495 2905 3285 3525 3760 3885 4100 4315 4430 4575 4770 4955 5235 5420 5615 5800 6,0
10LT light terrain 4635 5425 6035 6410 6825 7080 7500 7905 8120 8485 9025 9395 9940 10135 10315 10485 6,0
10LT heavy terrain 3875 4400 4875 5240 5585 5800 6285 6770 7100 7300 7580 7755 8000 6,0
10LT very heavy terrain 3070 3575 4035 4325 4595 4740 5000 5265 5405 5585 5820 6055 6405 6630 6870 7100 6,0
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 * Infl. Pressure
bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 with tracks
40 road 3250 3710 4125 4425 4700 4875 5,0
10HT light terrain 3890 4550 5075 5410 5775 5980 6325 6655 6825 5,0
10HT heavy terrain 3250 3710 4125 4425 4700 4875 5,0
10HT very heavy terrain 3170 3690 4165 4455 4725 4875 5135 5415 5575 5765 6025 5,0
10LT light terrain 4785 5600 6215 6585 7000 7275 7725 8160 8400 5,0
10LT heavy terrain 4000 4530 5000 5390 5765 6000 5,0
10LT very heavy terrain 2575 2995 3390 3640 3875 4005 4225 4445 4555 4700 4895 5,0
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 49 55 58 61 65 * Infl. Pressure
bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 with tracks
40 road 3650 4160 4625 4955 5260 5450 4,0
10HT light terrain 4365 5110 5700 6070 6475 6700 6980 7445 7630 4,0
10HT heavy terrain 3650 4160 4625 4955 5260 5450 4,0
10HT very heavy terrain 3565 4150 4680 5000 5305 5450 5655 6060 6230 6440 6725 4,0
10LT light terrain 5385 6300 6980 7385 7840 8145 8495 9115 9380 4,0
10LT heavy terrain 4500 5085 5600 6030 6440 6700 4,0
10LT very heavy terrain 2890 3365 3805 4085 5305 4490 4670 4975 5100 5260 5470 4,0
Speed psi 14 23 29 35 39 43 46 49 51
Km/h bar 1,0 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5
40 road 1845 2900 3295 3650
10HT light terrain 2290 3470 4060 4515 4800 5110
10HT heavy terrain 1845 2900 3295 3650
10HT very heavy terrain 1545 2295 2675 3020 3235 3440 3550 3685
10LT light terrain 2800 4245 4970 5540 5905 6300
10LT heavy terrain 2260 3550 4045 4500
10LT very heavy terrain 1890 2810 3275 3700 3970 4230 4370 4545
Twin Forestry cross-ply tires - T404 - T414 - T421 SB - T428 SB - T440 - T480 193
Tires for LI/SI New tire Tire in service
all-round service ROAD FOREST FOREST SW OD SW OD SLR RC SRI Rim Tube
HT LT mm mm max max mm mm
SIZE mm mm
129A8 129A2 136A2 500 1020 525 1045 3066 485 AG16.00 500/45-22.5
LI 12 PR
144A8 144A2 151A2 500 1170 525 1200 3525 550 AG16.00 500/60-22.5
T421 SB
psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 49 51 * Infl. Pressure
bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,5 with tracks
40 road 1450 1660 1850 5,0
10HT light terrain 1735 2030 2270 2425 2590 5,0
10HT heavy terrain 1450 1660 1850 5,0
10HT very heavy terrain 1150 1335 1515 1625 1735 1795 1870 5,0
10LT light terrain 2155 2520 2790 2955 3155 5,0
10LT heavy terrain 1800 2035 2240 5,0
10LT very heavy terrain 1425 1660 1870 2000 2120 2180 2260 5,0
Speed psi 23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 68 * Infl. Pressure
bar 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 with tracks
40 road 1900 2175 2430 2585 2720 2800 5,0
10HT light terrain 2275 2660 2975 3180 3405 3505 3680 3850 3920 5,0
10HT heavy terrain 1900 2175 2430 2585 2720 2800 5,0
10HT very heavy terrain 1505 1750 1985 2135 2275 2355 2485 2595 2645 2720 2810 5,0
10LT light terrain 2750 3220 3630 3910 4200 4320 4540 4745 4830 5,0
10LT heavy terrain 2300 2660 3000 3185 3350 3450 5,0
10LT very heavy terrain 1820 2120 2405 2600 2790 2900 3065 3200 3260 3350 3465 5,0
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
Twin Forestry cross-ply tires - T404 - T414 - T421 SB - T428 SB - T440 - T480 195
Trelleborg T418 is the perfect tire
for heavy-duty logging service.
It is specifically designed for log
skidding service with maximum
penetration and tear resistance to
provide longer tire life under the
most severe operating conditions.
The armored plies and Steel belt
protect the carcass against stumps,
boulders and rocks.
16 600 1615 615 1655 750 4810 DW20B TL
T418 SB
20 705 1630 725 1670 747 4855 DW25B TL
T418 SB
26 705 1630 725 1670 747 4855 DW25B TL
T418 FS
23.1-26 16 PR 30.5L-32 20 PR
28L-26 20 PR 30.5L-32 26 PR
28L-26 26 PR DH 35.5L-32 24 PR
24.5-32 16 PR
Speed psi 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 48
Km/h bar 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,3
40 road 1890 2150 2395 2620 2830 3035 3230 3410 3590
30 road 2360 2690 2995 3275 3540 3795 4035 4265 4490
10 light terrain 2900 3305 3680 4020 4345 4660 4955 5235 5515 5780 6035 6280
10 heavy terrain 2360 2690 2995 3275 3540 3795 4035 4265 4490
10 very heavy terrain 1935 2205 2455 2685 2905 3110 3310 3495 3680 3860 4030 4195 4360 4435
Speed psi 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 30 32 35 38 41 42 43 46 48
Km/h bar 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,3
40 road 2170 2470 2750 3010 3250 3485 3705 3810 3915 4120
30 road 2710 3085 3435 3760 4065 4355 4630 4765 4895 5150
10 light terrain 3330 3790 4220 4615 4990 5350 5385 5850 6010 6325 6625 6920 7065 7210
10 heavy terrain 2710 3085 3435 3760 4065 4355 4630 4765 4895 5150
10 very heavy terrain 2220 2530 2815 3085 3335 3570 3795 3905 4015 4225 4425 4620 4720 4815 5000 5090
Speed psi 12 17 23 29 35 41 43 49 55 60 67
Km/h bar 0,8 1,2 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,0 3,4 3,8 4,2 4,7
40 road 2230 2830 3345 3810 4240 4640 4830 5200
30 road 2790 3535 4180 4765 5300 5800 6040 6500
10 light terrain 3425 4340 5135 5850 6510 7120 7415 7980 8515 9030
10 heavy terrain 2790 3535 4180 4765 5300 5800 6040 6500
10 very heavy terrain 2290 2900 3430 3905 4345 4755 4955 5330 5685 6030 6440
16 630 1825 645 1870 832 5425 DH21 TL
T418 SB
20 760 1840 780 1885 840 5470 DH27 TL
T418 SB
26 760 1840 780 1885 840 5470 DH27 TL
T418 SB
24 890 2000 920 2040 905 5925 DH31 TL
T418 SB
Speed psi 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 30 32 35 38 41 42
Km/h bar 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9
40 road 2275 2590 2885 3155 3410 3655 3890 4000
30 road 2845 3240 3605 3945 4265 4570 4860 5000
10 light terrain 3495 3980 4425 4845 5235 5610 5970 6140 6310 6635 6955
10 heavy terrain 2845 3240 3605 3945 4265 4570 4860 5000
10 very heavy terrain 2335 2655 2955 3235 3495 3745 3985 4100 4215 4430 4645 4850 4955
Speed psi 12 14 17 20 23 25 26 29 30 35 38 42
Km/h bar 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,4 2,6 2,9
40 road 2730 3110 3460 3790 4095 4240 4390 4665 4800
30 road 3410 3885 4325 4735 5120 5300 5485 5830 6000
10 light terrain 4185 4770 5310 5815 6285 6510 6735 7160 7370 7965 8350
10 heavy terrain 3410 3885 4325 4735 5120 5300 5485 5830 6000
10 very heavy terrain 2795 3185 3545 3885 4200 4345 4500 4780 4920 5320 5575 5940
Speed psi 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 57
Km/h bar 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 3,9
40 road 2730 3110 3460 3790 4095 4390 4665 4930 5190 5440 5680
30 road 3410 3890 4325 4735 5120 5485 5830 6165 6490 6800 7100
10 light terrain 4185 4775 5310 5815 6285 6735 7160 7570 7970 8350 8720 9075 9425 9770
10 heavy terrain 3410 3890 4325 4735 5120 5485 5830 6165 6490 6800 7100
10 very heavy terrain 2795 3190 3545 3885 4200 4500 4780 5055 5320 5575 5820 6060 6295 6525 6745 6960 7070
Speed psi 12 14 17 20 23 26 30 32 35 38 41 42
Km/h bar 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,1 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 2,9
40 road 3640 4150 4610 5050 5460 5850 6400
30 road 4550 5185 5765 6310 6825 7310 8000
10 light terrain 5890 6715 7465 8170 8840 9465 10360 10645 11200
10 heavy terrain 4550 5185 5765 6310 6825 7310 8000
10 very heavy terrain 3730 4250 4725 5175 5595 5995 6560 6740 7095 7435 7760 7925
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
The new Trelleborg TH500 tire perfectly
matches the requirements of telehandlers
and backhoes operating on hard surfaces.
Both on the road and in the yard the TH500
delivers exactly the performance and
reliability you need from a tire.
The TH500 tread design is closed in the
center to deliver long tire life and on road
performance whilst its open shoulder
construction ensures excellent self-cleaning
SW OD SLR RC Speed psi
SIZE SRI Rim Permitted rims Type bar
mm mm mm mm Km/h
40 S
11LR16 35 S
30 S
122A8 290 850 370 2530 400 W8 W10L TL
25 S
TH400 10 Cyc S
Stat S
SW OD SLR RC Speed psi
SIZE SRI Rim Permitted rims Type bar
mm mm mm mm Km/h
50 S
340/80R18 40 S
35 S
351 994 440 3020 475 11 TL 30 S
143A8 (143B) W11-12-12SDC
25 S
TH400 10 Cyc S
Stat S
11LR16 IND 122A8
340/80R18 IND 143A8 (143B) (12.5-18)
400/70R18 IND 147A8 (147B) (15.5/70-18)
400/70R20 IND 149A8 (149B) (16.0/70-20)
400/70R24 IND 152A8 (152B) (16.0/70-24)
440/80R24 IND 161A8 (161B) (16.9-24)
460/70R24 IND 159A8 (159B) (17.5L-24)
500/70R24 IND 164A8 (164B) (19.5L-24)
480/80R26 IND 160A8 (160B) (18.4-26)
440/80R28 IND 156A8 (156B) (16.9-28)
NEW 460/70R24 IND 159A8 (159B) (17.5L-24)
17 20 23 26 29 31 35 39
1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,7
23 29 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64
1,6 2,0 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,4
1310 1555 1775 1895 2020 2140 2265 2400 2490 2620 2725
1310 1555 1775 1895 2020 2140 2265 2400 2490 2620 2725
1335 1585 1810 1935 2060 2185 2310 2450 2535 2670 2780
1365 1620 1845 1970 2100 2225 2355 2495 2585 2725 2835
1390 1650 1880 2010 2140 2270 2400 2545 2635 2775 2890
1590 1980 2315 2505 2670 2820 2990 3215 3380 3550 3735 3900 4090
2435 3035 3550 3835 4095 4325 4580 4925 5180 5440 5725 5995 6270
SW OD SLR RC Speed psi
SIZE SRI Rim Permitted rims Type bar
mm mm mm mm Km/h
50 S
400/70R20 40 S
35 S
12 - 12SDC
395 1065 475 3200 525 13 TL 30 S
149A8 (149B) 13SDC - 14
25 S
TH400 10 Cyc S
Stat S
SW OD SLR RC Speed psi
SIZE SRI Rim Permitted rims Type bar
mm mm mm mm Km/h
50 S
400/70R24 40 S
35 S
400 1165 520 3520 575 DW13 DW14L - W14L TL 30 S
152A8 (152B)
25 S
TH400 10 Cyc S
Stat S
SW OD SLR RC Speed psi
SIZE SRI Rim Permitted rims Type bar
mm mm mm mm Km/h
50 S
440/80R24 40 S
35 S
DW15L - 14
457 1312 585 3975 625 DW14L TL 30 S
161A8 (161B) TW14L
25 S
TH400 10 Cyc S
Stat S
SW OD SLR RC Speed psi
SIZE SRI Rim Permitted rims Type bar
mm mm mm mm Km/h
50 S
460/70R24 40 S
35 S
465 1250 555 3790 600 DW15L TL 30 S
159A8 (159B) 14-TW14L
25 S
TH400 10 Cyc S
Stat S
23 29 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64
1,6 2,0 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,4
1480 1755 2000 2140 2280 2415 2555 2710 2805 2955 3075
1480 1755 2000 2140 2280 2415 2555 2710 2805 2955 3075
1510 1790 2040 2180 2325 2465 2605 2765 2865 3015 3140
1540 1825 2080 2225 2370 2515 2655 2815 2920 3075 3200
1565 1860 2120 2270 2415 2560 2710 2870 2975 3130 3260
1795 2235 2615 2825 3015 3185 3375 3625 3815 4005 4215 4400 4615
2745 3425 4005 4330 4620 4880 5170 5555 5845 6135 6460 6765 7075
23 29 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64
1,6 2,0 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,4
1560 1855 2115 2260 2405 2555 2700 2860 2965 3120 3250
1560 1855 2115 2260 2405 2555 2700 2860 2965 3120 3250
1595 1890 2155 2305 2455 2605 2755 2920 3025 3185 3315
1625 1930 2200 2350 2505 2655 2810 2975 3085 3245 3380
1655 1965 2240 2395 2550 2705 2860 3035 3145 3310 3445
1895 2360 2765 2985 3185 3365 3565 3830 4030 4230 4455 4650 4875
2905 3620 4235 4575 4880 5155 5460 5870 6180 6485 6825 7150 7475
23 29 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64
1,6 2,0 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,4
1705 2025 2310 2470 2630 2790 2950 3125 3240 3410 3550
1705 2025 2310 2470 2630 2790 2950 3125 3240 3410 3550
1740 2065 2355 2520 2680 2845 3010 3190 3305 3480 3625
1775 2105 2400 2570 2735 2900 3065 3250 3370 3545 3695
1810 2145 2450 2620 2785 2955 3125 3315 3435 3615 3765
2070 2580 3020 3260 3480 3675 3895 4185 4405 4625 4865 5080 5325
3170 3955 4625 4995 5335 5630 5965 6415 6750 7085 7455 7810 8165
23 29 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64
1,6 2,0 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,4
2220 2640 3010 3215 3425 3635 3840 4070 4220 4440 4625
2220 2640 3010 3215 3425 3635 3840 4070 4220 4440 4625
2265 2690 3070 3280 3495 3705 3920 4155 4305 4530 4720
2310 2745 3130 3345 3560 3780 3995 4235 4390 4620 4810
2355 2795 3190 3410 3630 3850 4070 4315 4475 4710 4905
2695 3360 3930 4250 4535 4785 5070 5450 5735 6020 6340 6615 6940
4130 5150 6025 6510 6945 7335 7770 8355 8790 9230 9715 10175 10640
23 29 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64
1,6 2,0 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,4
2100 2495 2845 3045 3240 3435 3635 3850 3990 4200 4375
2100 2495 2845 3045 3240 3435 3635 3850 3990 4200 4375
2145 2545 2905 3105 3305 3505 3705 3930 4070 4285 4465
2185 2595 2960 3165 3370 3575 3780 4005 4150 4370 4550
2230 2645 3015 3225 3435 3645 3850 4085 4230 4455 4640
2550 3180 3720 4020 4290 4530 4795 5155 5425 5695 5995 6260 6565
3905 4870 5700 6160 6570 6940 7350 7905 8315 8730 9190 9625 10065
SW OD SLR RC Speed psi
SIZE SRI Rim Permitted rims Type bar
mm mm mm mm Km/h
50 S
480/80R26 40 S
35 S
495 1425 630 4315 675 DW15L DW16L TL 30 S
160A8 (160B)
25 S
TH400 10 Cyc S
Stat S
SW OD SLR RC Speed psi
SIZE SRI Rim Permitted rims Type bar
mm mm mm mm Km/h
50 S
440/80R28 40 S
35 S
457 1418 633 4295 675 DW14L DW15L TL 30 S
156A8 (156B)
25 S
TH400 10 Cyc S
Stat S
SW OD SLR RC Speed psi
SIZE SRI Rim Permitted rims Type bar
mm mm mm mm Km/h
50 S
460/70R24 40 S
DW14L 35 S
159A8 (159B) 470 1250 560 3735 600 DW15L DW16L TL 30 S
TW14L 25 S
TH500 10 Cyc S
Stat S
23 29 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64
1,6 2,0 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,4
2400 2850 3250 3475 3700 3925 4150 4400 4560 4800 5000
2400 2850 3250 3475 3700 3925 4150 4400 4560 4800 5000
2450 2910 3315 3545 3775 4005 4235 4490 4655 4900 5100
2500 2965 3380 3615 3850 4085 4320 4580 4745 4995 5200
2545 3025 3445 3685 3925 4165 4400 4665 4835 5090 5300
2915 3635 4250 4590 4900 5175 5480 5895 6200 6510 6850 7150 7500
4465 5565 6510 7035 7510 7930 8400 9030 9505 9975 10500 11000 11500
23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52
1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6
23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52
1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6
23 29 35 38 41 44 46 49 52 55 58 61 64
1,6 2,0 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,4
2100 2495 2845 3045 3240 3435 3635 3850 3990 4200 4375
2100 2495 2845 3045 3240 3435 3635 3850 3990 4200 4375
2145 2545 2905 3105 3305 3505 3705 3930 4070 4285 4465
2185 2595 2960 3165 3370 3575 3780 4005 4150 4370 4550
2230 2645 3015 3225 3435 3645 3850 4085 4230 4455 4640
2550 3180 3720 4020 4290 4530 4795 5155 5425 5695 5995 6260 6565
3905 4870 5700 6160 6570 6940 7350 7905 8315 8730 9190 9625 10065
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
320/80-18 IND R-4 139A8 (12.5-18)
340/80-18 IND R-4 143A8
440/80-28 IND R-4 156A8 (16.9-28)
17 23 29 35 41 46 51 58
1,2 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,5 4,0
17 23 29 35 41 46 51 58
1,2 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,5 4,0
12 14 17 23 29 35 38 41 43 46
0,8 1,0 1,2 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2
1340 1535 1725 2105 2490 2875 3065 3255 3450 3640
1475 1685 1895 2315 2735 3160 3370 3580 3790 4000
1535 1750 1970 2410 2845 3285 3505 3720 3940 4160
1605 1835 2065 2525 2985 3440 3670 3900 4130 4360
1840 2105 2370 2895 3420 3945 4210 4475 4735 5000
2135 2440 2745 3360 3975 4580 4885 5190 5495 5800
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
SW OD SLR RC SRI Permitted psi
SIZE Rim Type Speed bar
mm mm mm mm mm rim
600/50-22.5 50
173A8 40
620 1180 550 AG20.00 TL
T480 EXC 0
SW OD SLR RC SRI Permitted psi
SIZE Rim Type Speed bar
mm mm mm mm mm rim
650/45-22.5 50
175A8 AG22.00 40
650 1160 550 AG20.00 TL
AG24.00 10
T440 EXC 0
T440 EXC - T480 EXC - T459
Recommended for excavators, loaders
and for machines in urban and
industrial operations. Good grip and
braking capability on hard surfaces.
600/50-22.5 173A8 T480 EXC
650/45-22.5 175A8 T440 EXC
710/40-22.5 176A8 T480 EXC
620/60B34 175A8 T459
600/65-34 175A8 T440 LD SB
23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 68 72 75 78 81 84 87
1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 5,8 6,0
2060 2400 2725 2995 3270 3450 3705 3960 4125 4325 4630 4840 5150 5320 5490 5660 5830 6000
2240 2625 3000 3285 3565 3750 4075 4405 4625 4820 5115 5310 5600 5785 5965 6145 6320 6500
2870 3330 3780 4120 4455 4680 5070 5465 5730 5965 6315 6550 6900 7120 7335 7550 7765 7975
5150 6035 6900 7555 8200 8625 9370 10130 10640 11090 11760 12210 12880 13300 13715 14130 14540 14950
23 29 35 43 51 58 65 72 78 84 87
1,6 2,0 2,4 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,4 5,8 6,0
2120 2465 2800 3360 3815 4250 4770 5300 5645 5980 6150
2360 2725 3075 3675 4200 4750 5275 5800 6240 6680 6900
3025 3460 3875 4595 5225 5885 6515 7145 7670 8200 8470
5430 6275 7075 8455 9660 10925 12130 13340 14345 15360 15870
Rear Tractor Industrial cross-ply tires - T440 EXC - T480 EXC - T459 209
SW OD SLR RC SRI Permitted psi
SIZE Rim Type Speed bar
mm mm mm mm mm rim
710/40-22.5 50
176A8 40
710 1170 550 AG24.00 TL
T480 EXC 0
SIZE Rim Permitted rim Type Speed bar
mm mm mm mm mm
620/60B34 50
175A8 40
625 1608 675 1660 750 4860 DW20B TL
T459 0
SIZE Rim Permitted rim Type Speed bar
mm mm mm mm mm
50 S
40 S
600/65-34 30 S
175A8 600 1650 630 1690 765 5070 DW20A TL 20 S
T440 LD SB 10 S
10 Cyc S
Stat S
23 29 35 39 43 46 51 55 58 61 65 68 72 75 78 81 84 87
1,6 2,0 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 5,8 6,0
2180 2545 2900 3180 3465 3650 3965 4285 4500 4690 4975 5165 5450 5660 5865 6075 6290 6500
2430 2800 3150 3470 3785 4000 4325 4655 4875 5100 5435 5660 6000 6220 6440 6660 6880 7100
3115 3555 3970 4350 4735 4990 5385 5775 6040 6310 6715 6985 7395 7655 7920 8185 8450 8715
5590 6440 7245 7975 8710 9200 9950 10710 11215 11725 12500 13020 13800 14305 14810 15315 15825 16330
12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58
0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0
1955 2230 2510 2790 3075 3315 3550 3780 4000 4285 4570 4860 5150 5400 5655 5900 6150
2145 2450 2760 3065 3350 3640 3930 4215 4500 4780 5055 5330 5600 5920 6245 6570 6900
2850 3220 3585 3955 4295 4640 4985 5330 5670 6005 6335 6660 6985 7370 7760 8155 8550
4935 5640 6345 7050 7705 8375 9040 9695 10350 10990 11625 12255 12880 13620 14360 15115 15870
12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58
0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0
1910 2185 2455 2730 3005 3275 3550 3820 4095 4370 4640 4915 5185 5460 5735 6005 6280
2100 2400 2700 3000 3300 3600 3900 4200 4500 4800 5100 5400 5700 6000 6300 6600 6900
2185 2495 2810 3120 3430 3745 4055 4370 4680 4990 5305 5615 5930 6240 6550 6865 7175
2290 2615 2945 3270 3595 3925 4250 4580 4905 5230 5560 5885 6215 6540 6865 7195 7520
2625 3000 3375 3750 4125 4500 4875 5250 5625 6000 6375 6750 7125 7500 7875 8250 8625
3150 3600 4050 4500 4950 5400 5850 6300 6750 7200 7650 8100 8550 9000 9450 9900 10350
4830 5520 6210 6900 7590 8280 8970 9660 10350 11040 11730 12420 13110 13800 14490 15180 15870
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
Rear Tractor Industrial cross-ply tires - T440 EXC - T480 EXC - T459 211
Light service tires
A large range of tires from 3” to 15” in farming, industrial and green area
in rim diameter in different sizes and applications. Trelleborg offers a complete
tread designs. These tires can be used wheel solution.
Green area tire for Green area tire for High Speed tire with Farming tire with Industry tire with
professional use. hobby machines. high shoulder profile. traction pattern. combined pattern.
Farming tire increasing efficiency Combined pattern for Combined pattern for Combined pattern for Tire for small compact
during working operations due green area and farming. green area and farming. green area and farming. machines used for
to its optimized groove depth digging, drilling and
and a smoother shape loading.
Farming tire for Tire for agriculture and Farming tire with easy Farming tire with extra Farming tire with
ploughing and for green areas with rounded rolling pattern. strong tread and easy traction pattern.
mini loader. shoulder profile for small rolling pattern.
dumpers and mini loaders
Combined tire for High speed tire with Farming tire with Farming tire with extra Smooth pattern tire
farming and green area. easy rolling pattern. easy rolling pattern. good sidewall stability. for green area.
T522 T523 T528 T530
Industry, farming and green High Speed or industry tire Tire especially made Industry tire with good grip
area tire with smooth pattern. with high shoulder. for snow machines. and low roll resistance.
High Speed tire with Farming tire with combined Combined tire for green Combined tire for green
combined pattern. pattern. area, farming and industry. area, farming, industry or
high speed service.
Skid Steer tire with good Combined tire for green For detachable chairlifts. Skid Steer tire with good
grip and comfort. area, farming and industry. Designed to perfectly work grip and comfort and long
at very low temperature. lifespan.
High Speed tire with Industry and farming tire Tire for green areas with Farming tire with good grip.
high shoulder. with rounded shoulder. good grip.
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
4.00-4 6 T991 Farming 2.50C 3.00 312 113 4,25 190 30 927
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58 62
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2
40 FR 50 65 70 80 90 95 105 110 115 120 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170
30 FR 55 70 80 90 100 105 115 120 130 135 145 150 155 160 165 170 180 185 190
10 FR 70 90 105 115 130 135 150 155 170 175 185 195 200 205 215 220 230 240 245
40 DrW 35 45 50 60 65 70 72 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 107 110 115 117 120
30 DrW 40 50 55 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 117 120 125 130 135
10 DrW 50 65 70 85 90 95 105 110 115 125 130 135 140 150 152 155 160 170 175
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
3.50-6 4 T510 Farming 2.50A 2.50C 341 100 3,0 165 30 1013
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0
40 55 70 75 85 95 105 110 115 125 130 135 145 150
30 60 75 85 95 105 115 120 130 140 145 150 160 165
10 75 95 110 125 135 150 155 170 180 185 195 205 215
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
4.10/3.50-6 57J T533 HS High Speed 2.50A-6 320 94 4,5 230 100 950
psi 7 15 22 29 36 44 51 58 65
bar 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5
100 65 95 120 145 165 180 200 215 230
80 68 100 125 150 170 185 210 225 240
60 70 105 130 160 180 200 220 235 255
40 75 110 140 165 190 205 230 245 265
30 80 120 150 180 205 225 250 270 290
20 100 145 180 220 250 270 300 325 345
10 115 170 215 260 295 325 360 385 415
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
15x6.00-6 4 T510 TL Farming 4.50A-6 368 160 2,1 257 30 1093
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0
40 100 130 150 165 185 200 210 230
30 110 145 165 185 205 200 235 257
10 140 185 215 240 265 285 305 330
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
3.00-8 2 T539 Grey Industrial 2.50A 2.10 358 86 2,4 140 25 1063
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4
50 45 65 70 80 85 90 100 105 115 120
40 50 70 75 85 90 100 105 110 120 125
25 55 75 85 95 100 110 120 125 135 140
10 70 100 110 125 130 145 155 165 175 180
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
16x6.50-8 73A8 T310 Farming 5.375I 5.50A 413 173 3,0 325 40 1221
psi 7 12 17 23 29 32 35 38 41 44
bar 0,5 0,8 1,2 1,6 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0
50 115 155 195 230 260 275 290 300 315 330
40 130 170 215 255 290 305 320 335 350 365
30 145 190 240 285 325 340 360 375 390 410
25 155 200 255 305 345 365 380 400 415 435
20 165 215 270 320 365 385 405 420 440 460
10 180 240 300 355 405 425 450 470 490 510
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
18x7.50-8 2 T539 TL Green Area/Farming 5.50 6.00 464 184 0,9 243 30 1372
18x8.50-8 2/58A6 GARDENER TL Green Area 7.00 455 214 0,7 236 30 1350
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
20x10.00-8 6 T539 Farming 8.50 8.00 529 264 2,4 670 30 1556
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32
bar 0,5 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2 2,2
40 250 335 380 425 465 500 535 570 605
30 280 370 420 470 515 555 595 635 670
20 320 420 480 535 585 635 680 725 765
15 340 450 510 570 625 670 720 770 810
10 360 475 540 605 665 715 770 820 865
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
220/60-8 74A8/62A8 T463 PLUS Farming 7.00I-8 8.00-8 476 220 2,0 375 40 1392
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 28 31 34
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4
50 FR 145 185 210 240 265 295 315 340
40 FR 160 205 235 265 295 325 350 375
10 FR 215 265 305 340 375 410 445 480 510 525
50 DrW 105 130 150 170 190 205 225 240
40 DrW 115 145 165 190 210 230 250 265
10 DrW 150 190 215 240 270 295 315 340 360 370
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
5.0-10 8 T462 TL Farming 4.00 3.50 537 144 5,2 670 30 1571
psi 12 14 19 23 29 33 38 43 48 52 58 62 67 72 75 81 87 93 99
bar 0,8 1,0 1,3 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,6 3,0 3,3 3,6 4,0 4,3 4,6 5,0 5,2 5,6 6,0 6,4 6,8
40 FR 205 230 270 300 345 375 400 435 465 485 520 540 565 590 605
30 FR 225 255 300 335 385 415 445 485 515 540 575 600 625 655 670
10 FR 290 330 385 430 495 535 575 625 665 695 740 775 805 845 865
40 DrW 140 160 190 210 245 260 285 305 325 340 360 380 390 415 425
30 DrW 155 180 210 235 270 290 315 340 360 380 400 420 435 460 470
10 DrW 200 230 270 305 350 375 405 440 465 490 515 540 560 595 605
10C 245 285 330 370 425 455 495 535 570 600 630 660 685 725 740 775 805 835 865
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
200/55-10 95 T430 TL Farming 6.00 5.50/7.00 487 190 4,0 690 40 1448
psi 12 17 23 29 35 41 46 52 58
bar 0,8 1,2 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,6 4,0
50 FR 200 260 320 370 430 475 520 565 620
40 FR 225 290 355 410 475 530 580 630 690
30 FR 250 325 400 460 530 595 650 705 775
10 FR 290 370 450 525 595 675 740 800 860
50 DrW 145 185 225 260 300 340 370 405 440
40 DrW 160 205 250 290 335 375 410 450 485
30 DrW 180 230 280 325 375 420 460 505 545
10 DrW 210 265 320 370 420 475 525 570 615
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
6-12 4 T63 TL Farming 4.00E 5.00 582 146 2,75 230 30 1729
10.0/75-12 10 T446 TL Farming 9.00 7.00 690 255 3,9 1325 30 2049
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
23x8.50-12 10 T539 Grey Scissor lift 7.00 580 220 4,0 900 30 1758
psi 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58
bar 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0
40 360 400 435 475 510 540 570 605 630 655 685 710 740 760 790 810
30 400 445 485 525 565 600 635 670 700 730 760 790 820 845 875 900
20 455 505 555 600 645 685 725 765 800 830 865 900 935 965 1000 1025
15 485 540 585 635 685 725 770 810 845 885 920 955 990 1020 1060 1090
10 515 575 625 675 730 775 820 865 905 940 980 1020 1060 1090 1130 1160
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
23x10.50-12 6/100A6 DRIVER TL Green Area 7.00 8.50 580 238 2,2 800 30 1720
psi 7 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2
40 300 400 455 505 555 600 640 680 720
30 335 445 505 560 615 665 710 755 800
20 380 505 575 640 700 760 810 860 910
15 405 540 610 680 745 805 860 915 970
10 430 575 650 720 795 860 915 975 1030
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
26x12.00-12 8 T463 TL Farming 10.50I 9.50JA 654 318 2,7 1150 30 1942
psi 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 39 42 45 48 51
bar 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,7 2,9 3,1 3,3 3,5
40 FR 510 580 645 705 760 815 870 920 970 1015 1035
30 FR 565 645 715 785 845 905 965 1020 1075 1125 1150
10 FR 730 830 920 1015 1090 1165 1245 1315 1385 1450 1485
40 DrW 355 405 450 495 535 570 610 645 675 705 725
30 DrW 395 450 500 550 595 635 675 715 750 785 805
10 DrW 510 580 645 710 770 820 870 920 970 1015 1040
10C 625 710 790 865 940 1000 1065 1130 1185 1240 1270 1325 1380 1425 1475
psi 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 33 38 41 42
bar 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,6 2,8 2,9
50 FR 275 320 360 400 440 470 505
40 FR 305 355 400 445 485 525 560
10 FR 400 455 510 565 620 670 720 765 785
50 DrW 195 225 250 280 310 335 360
40 DrW 220 250 280 310 345 375 400
10 DrW 285 320 360 395 435 475 510 545 560
10C 360 400 445 485 530 575 620 665 685 745 785 800
TIRES 14.5”
psi 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 36
bar 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,5
40 FR 530 610 675 740 795 855 910 960 1035
30 FR 590 675 750 820 885 950 1010 1065 1150
20 FR 675 770 855 930 1010 1085 1150 1215 1310
10 FR 760 870 970 1060 1140 1225 1305 1375 1485
40 DrW 385 430 480 525 570 610 650 690 745
30 DrW 425 480 535 585 635 680 720 765 825
20 DrW 485 545 610 665 725 775 820 870 940
10 DrW 550 620 690 755 820 875 930 985 1065
Tread Main range Permitted OD SW Max. air Max. RC
SIZE PR/LI Rim size Speed
mm mm pressure load mm
pattern of use rims (km/h) +/-2,5%
+/-1,5% +/-2% bar kg
380/60-15 114A8 T539 Soft Grip TL Green Area 10.00 12.00 829 375 1,2 1180 40 2440
psi 7 11 14 17 20 23 24
bar 0,5 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7
50 FR 655 835 950 1060
40 FR 725 925 1055 1180
10 FR 960 1200 1355 1510 1670
50 Drw 460 585 675 765
40 DrW 510 650 750 850
10 DrW 675 845 960 1080 1200
10C 880 1070 1200 1325 1465 1600 1675
For technical notes about pressure tables please refer to page 244.
Common technical notes
for Conventional tires
SW = On the nominal RIM. (Not referred to the PERMITTED RIMS)
SRI = Speed Radius Index - value to be used for the calculation of the theoretical tractor speed during
European Union homologation and for the interchangeability of different tire sizes.
F = Refers to tractors with mounted implements operating in the field.
IMPORTANT: the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tire.
Load data in the table is valid for one wheel only.
Reference speed and load are shown in bold.
TL = Tubeless
Tires for forestry use, PR version
40 - 30 road = 40 and 30 Km/h road service.
10HT or 10LT Light terrain = 10 Km/h service in flat terrain without occurrence of stone
10HT or 10LT Heavy terrain = 10 Km/h in rought terrain with or without stone blocks.
10HT or 10LT very Heavy terrain = 10 Km/h in very rough terrain with very large
occurrence of stone blocks.
* When using track the inflation pressure according to the table must be used independent
of the wheel load. Twin 428 only.
For general information about inflations pressure, fitting and handling of forestry tires
please see page. 290 - 291.
Light service Max load and pressure in the table above are for free rolling service LLV at speed 10, 20
tires 25, 30, 40 and 100 Km/h.
LLV = Low Load Variation, e.g. implements (ploughs, cultivator, etc.) and trailes with minor
variations in load.
For LLV in Driving service decrease the load with 30%.
HLV = High Load Variation e.g. trailers, e.g. trailers with significant variations in load.
For HLV the maximum load can be increased by 20% if the inflation pressure increases
with 30%.
RC = Rolling circumference = Calculated values.
d 161A8 HT 161 A2 Service description (forestry)
LT 168 A2 Load index and speed symbols as 4.a
161 A8 = service on road
HT 161 A2 = High Torque service (skidders)
LT 168 A2 = Low Torque service (forwarders, harvesters)
e 99J Service description (high speed trailer)
Load index and speed symbols as 4.a
5 IMP or other Service type identification
IMP = Implement
Other service identifications are:
FORESTRY = tires for forestry machines
AGROFOREST = tires for mixed agri and forestry service
AMPT = Agricultural Multi Purpose Tire : tires for a high rate
of road service up to 65 Km/h
LOADER = tires for wheel loaders and back hoe loaders
GARDEN TRACTOR = tires for gentle service on green surfaces
INDUSTRIAL = tires for Industrial service
FRT = Free Rolling Tire: commercial vehicle tire used as
high speed implement trailer tire
6 STEEL BELT The tire has a belt of steel cord (forestry tires)
7 TUBELESS Tire to be used without a tube (some tubeless tires are
marked that they are allowed to be used with a tube)
8 Arrow indicating rotating direction of a traction tire in
driving service
9 Pictogram showing the max seating pressure
(varies for different type of tires)
10 SAFETY WARNING Warning text which states the items to be paid attention
to when fitting the tire
11 E ECE type approval mark and number
16 (often called “e-marking”)
106R-00 0001
Technical advice
For more detailed information, consult our complete Catalogue containing
all technical information on our Web page, or
download the Tire Book app from App Store or Google Play.
States tire size designation.
States tire Load Index and Speed
LI is a code for the tire load capacity
at its nominal maximum speed.
SS is a code indicating the tire
nominal maximum speed.
States tire ply rating and is a
strength code for the tire carcass.
Type or Tread pattern
States the tire tread symbol or
pattern. If it is a tubeless tire, the
tire is marked with the symbol TL
after the tread symbol.
New tire
States tire diameter and width SLR
in mm, when the tire is originally Static Loaded Radius is the radius
mounted with a nominal inflation from the wheel centre down to
pressure. the ground, at reference load and
pressure. The difference between
SW unloaded radius and static loaded
The Section Width of the unloaded radius is called deflection. This value
tire. If the tire is fitted on a rim varies between 15-30% of the tire
which is narrower (or wider) than section height, depending on tire
that underlined, the section width type.
is obtained by decreasing (or
increasing) the value shown by SRI
40% of the rim width variation (in The Speed Radius Index states a
millimetres). theoretical value only to be used for
calculation of the max speed of a
OD vehicle according to EU homologation
The Overall Diameter of the unloaded procedures.
Tire in service
RC States the tire max. diameter and
Rolling Circumference at reference width in mm that the tire may reach
load and pressure. Distance covered during its lifetime. These are the
in one complete revolution of the measurements manufacturers should
wheel on an asphalt road. Value pay attention to when designing new
in mm measured according to vehicles and machinery, to obtain
ISO11795. adequate clearance for the wheel.
States recommended rim size. Rim diameters ending with 0.5
Rim width is expressed in inches (17.5, 22.5 etc.) are 15-degree
e.g. 16.00. A letter symbol rims. Remaining rims are 5-degree
in connection with rim width (34, 38, 42 etc.). In the table only
represents the code for the rim the rim width is stated.
contour. The rim diameter is Please check the list of rims
expressed in inches. included.
States the tube to be used for each size.
Example of tube marking:
(*) The tube is marked in the same way as the corresponding type.
No marking on the tube concerning valve type.
(**) Double size marking means that the tube fits the corresponding tire
No marking on the tube concerning valve type.
The speed indicated in the table in bold types states the nominal
represents the maximum speed speed for the tire.
in use for the tire at the given
load and pressure. Speed notation Speed 1 Km/h = 0,62 mph
Inflation pressure
The inflation pressures refer to tires at ambient temperature. The values
given in the tables represent the “reference pressure” for the load
and speed conditions shown. The actual pressure of the tire must be
established in accordance with the mechanical characteristics of the vehicle,
the additional load from the use of equipment and additional storage
facilities, as well as the load conditions.
Load capacity
The load capacity is the maximum load (expressed in Kg) a tire is permitted
to carry under specified operating conditions. The nominal load is stated in
bold type.
Tire size correspondence
Standard series Wide series Extra large series Narrow series TWIN TRACTOR
ETRTO - SRI Standard series
/80-/85 /70-/75 /60-/65-/85 /90-/95- /105 /45-/50 /55 /60-/55
350 240/70R16
360 6.50-16 260/70R16
360 9.0/75-16 260/70R16
390 7.50-16 250/80-16 280/70R16
410 7.50-18 250/80-18 280/70R18 320/65R18
425 7.50R20 280/70R20 340/65R18 400/55-17.5
450 9.5R20 260/80R20 300/70R20
475 11.2R20 280/85R20 320/70R20
500 12.4R20 320/85R20 360/70R20 360/60-24
525 380/70R20
525 11.2R24 280/85R24 320/70R24
550 12.4R24 320/85R24 360/70R24 420/65R24 600/50-22.5 400/60-26.5
575 13.6R24 340/85R24 380/70R24 440/65R24
600 14.9R24 380/85R24 420/70R24 480/65R24 230/95R32 500/60-26.5
625 16.9R24 420/85R24 480/70R24 540/65R24 270/95R32 710/45-26.5 600/55-26.5
650 16.9R26 480/70R26 540/65R26
750 620/75R26
575 11.2R28 280/85R28 320/70R28
600 12.4R28 320/85R28 360/70R28 230/95R32 500/60-26.5
625 13.6R28 340/85R28 380/70R28 440/65R28 270/95R32 600/55-26.5
650 14.9R28 380/85R28 420/70R28 480/65R28 230/95R36
675 16.9R28 420/85R28 480/70R28 540/65R28 600/55-30.5
675 14.9R30 380/85R30 420/70R30 600/55-30.5
700 16.9R30 420/85R30 480/70R30 540/65R30 750/45-30.5 600/60-30.5
725 18.4R30 460/85R30 520/70R30 210/95R44 750/50-30.5
825 650/75R32
875 710/75R32 800/65R32
925 800/70R32 900/60R32
725 14.9R34 380/85R34
750 16.9R34 420/85R34 480/70R34 540/65R34 230/95R44
600/70R30 710/60R30
775 18.4R34 460/85R34 520/70R34 600/65R34 800/50-34 710/55-34
650/60R34 800/55-30.5
825 20.8-34 650/65R34
725 13.6R36 340/85R36 210/95R44
700 270/95R38
725 12.4R38 320/85R38
750 13.6R38 340/85R38
775 14.9R38 380/85R38 400/75R38 270/95R44
800 16.9R38 420/85R38 480/70R38 540/65R38 230/95R48 600/60-38
825 18.4R38 460/85R38 520/70R38 600/65R38 270/95R48 650/60-38
650/60R38 300/95R46
875 20.8R38 520/85R38 580/70R38 600/65R42 850/50-38 710/65-38
650/65R38 900/60-32
875 18.4R42 480/80R42 600/65R42
925 20.8R42 520/85R42 580/70R42 650/65R42 850/55-42 750/65-38
620/70R42 710/60R42 850/60-38
875 380/90R46
975 20.8R46 480/80R50 710/70R42 650/85R38 380/90R50
520/85R46 800/70R38 900/60R38 380/105R46
1025 710/75R42 900/60R42 380/90R54
710/65R46 750/70R44 380/105R50
Conversion factors
1 millimeter (mm) = 0.03937 inches 1 inch (“) = 25.4 millimeters
1 meter (m) = 1.09361 yards 1 yard = 0.9144 meters
1 kilometer (Km) = 0.62137 miles 1 mile (mi) = 1.609344 kilometers
1 liter (l) = 0.21997 gallons (UK) 1 gallon (UK) = 4.5461 litres
1 liter (l) = 0.26417 gallons (USA) 1 gallon (USA) = 3.7854 litres
1 gram (g) = 0.035274 ounces 1 ounce (oz) = 28.34952 grams
1 kilogram (Kg) = 2.205 pounds 1 pound (lb) = 0.45359 kilograms
1 kilometer per hour (Km/h) = 0.62137 miles per hour 1 mile per hour (mph) = 1.609344 kilometers per hour
1 kilopascal (kPa) = 0.145 pounds per square inch 1 pound per square inch (psi) = 6.895 kilopascal
1 bar = 100 kilopascal 1 pound per square inch (psi) = 0.06895 bar
1 kilowatt (kW) = 1.34 horsepower 1 horsepower (HP) = 0.746 kilowatts
1 Newton meter (N.m) = 0.113 inch pound 1 inch pound (in-lb) = 8.85 inch-pound
(Fahrenheit - 32) x 0.55 = Celsius 32 40 50 60 70 75 85 95 105 140 175 212 °F
(Celsius x 1.8) + 32 = Fahrenheit 0 5 10 15 2 25 30 35 40 60 80 100 °C
Speed code A1 A2 A3 A4 A6 A8 B C D E F J
Km/h 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 65 70 80 100
mph 3 6 9 12 19 25 31 37 40 43 50 62
Km/h to mph x 0,62 mph to Km/h x 1,61
kPa (kilopascal) 60 100 120 140 160 180 200 240 280 320 360 400 500
bar = kg/cm2 0,6 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,6 4,0 5,0
psi = (pound/square inches) 9 14 17 20 23 26 29 35 41 46 52 58 72
psi to bar x 0,06895 bar to psi x 14.50326 kPa to bar x 100,00 bar to kPa x 0,01 kPa to psi x 7,00 psi to kPa x 0,142
5°+1° P
G -
DW rim contour
Nominal rim - diameter C1: Mandrel circumference - mm. (1) Diameter D - mm.
16” 1270,0 405,6
18” 1447,1 462,0
20” 1606,7 512,8
24” 1925,9 614,4
26” 2085,5 665,2
28” 2245,1 716,0
30” 2404,6 766,8
32” 2564,2 817,6
34” 2723,8 868,4
36” 2883,4 919,2
38” 3043,0 970,0
40” 3205,3 1020,8
42” 3362,2 1071,6
44” 3521,8 1122,4
48” 3841,0 1224,0
50” 4002,8 1274,8
52” 4162,3 1325,6
54” 4319,5 1376,4
(1) Mandrel circumference (C1±1.2 mm) for ropes containing 16 mm. balls
P min
Pitch knurling 1.6 _.. 3.2
K min
min 0.2 min 9.5+- 0.8
0.8 max
Nominal rim - diameter Diameter D - mm.
8” 202,4
10” 253,2
12” 304
13” 329,4
14” 354,8
15” 380,2
15.3”* 388,3
16” 405,6
17” 436,6
18” 462
19” 487,4
20” 512,8
24” 614,4
* Rim 9.00 only
for rims > 9.00
AG 15° drop centre rims
SW Code Nominal Diameter Rim SW A+-5
AG8.00 15,5 203,2
AG11.75 17,5 298,5
AG11.75 22,5 298,5
AG13.00 15,5 330
AG13.00 22,5 330
AG13.00 26,5 330
AG16.00 22,5 406,5
AG16.00 26,5 406,5
AG20.00 22,5 508
AG20.00 26,5 508
AG20.00 30,5 508
AG24.00 22,5 609,5
AG24.00 26,5 609,5
AG24.00 30,5 609,5
AG28.00 26,5 711
AG28.00 30,5 711
29 max A +- 5
70 max
50 min 44 min
6 6
Countour dimension
Width code E (mm)
AG11.75 32 min.
AG13.00 32 min.
3 min
11° min
Trelleborg manufactures its own wheels and has a wide range of high
quality rims.
A wheel consists of rim and disc with varying details like rim flange
reinforcement and air valve guards depending on wheel application.
The rim for a TWIN wheel is a one piece design and rolled with a profile to
allow mounting of the tire in the best possible way.
1 = Rim 3
2 = Disc with hubhole+bolthole 4 5 1
3 = Rim flange
4 = Reinforcement 7 6
5 = Airvalve hole
6 = Airvalve guard (pipesleeve) 2
7 = Pipesleeve plug
Rim types
There are two existing main types of rim related to tire bead seat angle.
5° - seat angle combined with high rim flange.
15° - seat angle combined with low rim flange.
Rim offset
Rim offset states the position for the disc hub
contact surface related to the rim centreline.
0 = disc hub contact surface lined with
+ = disc hub contact surface lined outside
– = disc hub contact surface lined inside
An increasing (+) value for the offset gives
a decreasing wheeltrack setting value and a
decreasing (-) value gives increasing wheeltrack
Hole pattern/Marking-Disc
To make it possible to fit a wheel on a hub, the disc must have a hole
pattern matched to the wheel bolts
and hub configuration.
A = Centre hole diameter
B = Pitch circle diameter
C = Stud hole
(+ stud hole design + N° of stud holes)
1 = Size designation
2 = Product code
3 = Manufacturer
4 = Date (month and year)
All TWIN wheel rims are painted with a powder coating, giving a very high
finish and durability. The wheels can be delivered in following basic colors:
silver, white, red, yellow (construction type) ands yellow (John Deere type)
as well as other special colors.
Type of machine
Model Year
Size original tire
C Axle load Kg
A. Hub flange distance
B. Sidewall
Sidewall (outer)
C. Disc hubside - Sidewall (inner)
D. Total width
E. Clearance, Sidewall - Machine
F. Clearance, Tread - Machine
G. Centre bore diameter
Stud hole design - plain Stud hole design - conical Stud hole design - spherical
C and L Type
C V2-01-1 TR 13 35 11.5
L V2-01-2 TR 15 35 16
Ø 7.7 x 0.794
Ø 7.7 x 0.794
V4-02-1 TRCH3
Core housing
V4-01-1 SP218A
V4-01-2 SP220A
Ø 7.7 x 0.794
Rubber grommet B
Ø 7.7 x 0.794
Ø12 Ø 7.7 x 0.794
Ø 7.7 x 0.794
Ø12 a°
Triple bend
Double bend
Tubeless (Air/Water)
TUBELESS AIR/WATER V5-15-1 V5-01-1 V4-02-1 TR618A 47,5
Core housing
Rubber grommet
Valve hole
Mechanical lead
In order to fully exploit the (peripheral speed of front tires >
advantages of 4 wheel drive peripheral speed rear tires).
and to avoid premature wear
of transmission and tires, the Values of L out of this range
peripheral speed of the front axle could cause problems of handling
must be higher than the rear. instability (L < 1, the rear axle
“pushes” the tractor in excessive
The “MECHANICAL LEAD” (L) way respect to the frontal axle)
is the percentage relative ratio or cause excessive creeping
between the peripheral speeds of between the front and rear tires
the front and rear tires. (L > 5, excessive mechanic effort
of all the transmission chain).
Commonly, the correct In both the cases, rises difficulty in
advancement of the tractor with the management / insertion of the
double traction foresees a value of “gears” and the tires are subjects
L included between +1 and + 5% to rapid and uneven wears.
Rc (front) * RM - Rc (rear)
A= ------------------------------------------------------------- * 100 = (+1 +5)
Rc (rear)
forward of
5 rev.
forward of
5 rev. rear tire
Distance corrisponding to 5 revs. of the rear tire reference for count the fraction
of the front tire rev.
Liquid ballasting
Occasionally the machine needs Liquid precautions
extra weight to increase tractive
power but also to lower the centre - Use pumps with rust resistant
of gravity for improved stability. pressure gauges.
Primary, wheel or chassis mounted - Ensure the operator uses
weights should be used, but on protective glasses, overalls,
occasions when this is impossible, boots and rubber gloves.
the tires can be liquid filled. - Prepare the solution by pouring
the calcium chloride into
Liquid filling alters tire the water and stirring the
characteristics: mix to help it dissolve.
- tires get more rigid and
less flexible Never pour the water into the
- rolling resistance increases calcium chloride: it is dangerous.
- increased risk of damage Always mix calcium chloride in
to tires, rims and axles to water.
- considerably increased forces
during road operations - Clean all the metal parts of the
vehicle carefully when the filling
Liquid recommendations or drainage operations
are complete, as they may
In areas without any risk of have come into contact with the
freezing: anti-freeze, which is corrosive.
- tubed tires - water only - Check tire pressure frequently as
- tubeless tires - water + anti the quantity of air remaining in the
corrosion fluid, usually ethylene tire is low.
Liquid volume
In areas with a risk of freezing:
- tubed tires - water + calcium- Maximum permitted filling volume
chloride (CaCl2) or ethylene glycol is 75% of the total tire volume.
or methylated spirit For forestry machines, operating
- tubeless tires - water + ethylene in heavy terrain, max. 50% filling
glycol volume.
Ethylene glycol
Temperature Glycol Glycol Water Total weight Kg
°C litre Kg litre (per litre mixed fluid)
Liquid filling instructions
Liquid filling valves
from the valve in order to allow
Agricultural wheels are normally
the air in the tire to escape.
equipped with combined air and
10. Stop filling when water starts to
liquid-filling valves. For tube tires the
come out.
valve number is TR218A and TR220A
11. Replace the air valve and inflate
(or ETRTO 4.03.2) and TR618A for
to the desired pressure (same
tubeless tires (or ETRTO V5.15.1).
as point 3).
Instructions for liquid Note: Only use an inflation
filling pressure gauge that is resistant
to anti-freeze liquid. Make sure
1. Tires should be mounted as
that the air valve is above liquid
usual with required bead seating
level before measuring the air
2. Equip the tractor with the
required tools.
3. Inflate the tires to the
Instructions for draining
recommended pressure.
4. Move the tractor until the valve is 1. Jack the wheel up and position
pointing to desired filling level (at the valve at the lowest vertical
the highest vertical point for 75%). point.
5. Insert a jack under the axle, 2. Unscrew the valve housing and
near the wheel, and raise it until let the water drain out.
it makes contact with the axle 3. Connect a liquid draining valve
(the jack will sustain the tractor to allow all the liquid to come
in the original position when the out, then screw the washer down
tire is deflated). over the stem of the valve.
6. Deflate the tire. Unscrew the 4. When the liquid draining
entyre air valve housing. valve is not available, inflate
7. Connect the liquid filling valve the tire with air, remove the
(this is a special valve with an internal valve stem, using the
air drain pipe). special cap key, introduce a
8. Introduce the liquid into the tire small rubber (drainage) hose
through a normal rubber hose of suitable length and let the
fixed to the stem of the valve remaining water drain from the
until it flows out of the drainpipe. tire.
9. When the liquid filling valve is not 5. Remove the rubber tube,
available, introduce liquid in to replace the internal valve stem
the tire by fixing a normal rubber and screw the locking washer
hose to the stem of the normal back down.
valve. During the filling operation 6. Inflate the tire with air to the
occasionally remove the hose recommended pressure.
320/65R18 W9 55 13 49 62 26 41 67
340/65R18 W9 64 15 57 72 31 48 79
440/65R24 DW14L 151 41 136 175 74 115 189
480/65R24 DW15L 187 51 169 217 92 142 234
540/65R24 DW16L 247 67 223 287 121 188 309
540/65R26 DW16L 270 65 254 313 132 205 340
440/65R28 DW14L 169 46 152 196 83 129 212
480/65R28 DW15L 206 56 186 239 101 157 258
540/65R28 DW16L 275 74 248 319 135 209 344
600/65R28 DW18L 363 98 326 421 178 276 453
540/65R30 DW16L 289 78 260 335 142 220 361
800/65R32 DW27B 843 202 758 960 413 640 1053
540/65R34 DW16L 317 86 285 368 155 241 396
600/65R34 DW20B 420 100 378 478 205 319 524
540/65R38 DW16L 342 92 308 397 168 260 428
600/65R38 DW18L 446 120 401 517 218 339 557
650/65R38 DW20B 541 146 487 628 265 411 677
600/65R42 DW18L 481 130 433 558 236 366 602
650/65R42 DW20B 582 157 524 675 285 442 727
Litres of solution or Solution (up to -20°c) Solution (up to -40°c)
Size Rim total water (Kg)
Quantity Volume of Total Mass Quantity Volume of Total Mass
(at Valve Level= 75%) CaCI (Kg) Water ( l )
2 (Kg) CaCI (Kg) Water ( l )
2 (Kg)
240/70R16 W8 28 6 25 31 13 21 34
260/70R16 W8 33 9 30 38 16 25 41
280/70R16 W9 41 11 37 47 20 31 51
280/70R18 W9 44 12 40 52 22 33 55
280/70R20 W9 48 11 42 53 23 36 59
300/70R20 W9 55 15 50 64 27 42 69
320/70R20 W10 70 19 63 81 34 53 88
360/70R20 W11 93 25 84 108 46 71 116
380/70R20 W12 113 30 102 131 55 86 141
320/70R24 W10 85 23 77 98 42 65 106
360/70R24 W11 100 27 90 116 49 76 125
380/70R24 W12 130 35 117 151 64 99 163
420/70R24 W13 166 44 149 193 81 126 208
480/70R24 W15L 213 58 192 247 104 162 266
480/70R26 W15L 231 71 208 273 113 176 289
320/70R28 W10 94 25 85 110 46 71 118
360/70R28 W11 122 33 110 141 60 93 153
380/70R28 W12 144 38 130 167 71 109 180
420/70R28 W13 185 50 167 215 91 141 231
480/70R28 W15L 225 60 203 261 110 171 281
600/70R28 DW18L 398 95 357 452 194 302 496
420/70R30 W13 196 53 176 228 96 149 245
480/70R30 W15L 256 69 230 296 125 195 320
520/70R30 W16L 320 86 288 371 157 243 400
600/70R30 DW18L 417 99 374 473 204 316 520
480/70R34 W15L 285 77 257 331 140 217 356
520/70R34 W16L 350 95 315 406 172 266 438
600/70R34 DW18L 455 109 409 518 222 345 567
480/70R38 W15L 310 84 279 360 152 236 388
520/70R38 W16L 380 103 342 441 186 289 475
580/70R38 W18L 498 134 448 578 244 378 623
710/70R38 DW23B 760 205 684 882 372 578 950
800/70R38 DW25B 1022 245 919 1164 500 776 1276
580/70R42 W18L 519 140 467 602 254 394 649
620/70R42 DW20B 589 159 530 683 289 448 736
710/70R42 DW23B 800 192 720 912 392 608 1000
280/85R20 W10 66 18 60 77 32 50 83
320/85R20 W11 92 25 83 107 45 70 115
280/85R24 W10 75 20 68 87 37 57 94
320/85R24 W11 104 28 94 121 51 79 130
340/85R24 W12 121 33 109 141 59 92 152
380/85R24 W13 160 43 144 186 78 122 200
420/85R24 W15L 211 57 190 245 103 160 264
280/85R28 W10 85 23 76 98 41 64 106
320/85R28 W11 117 31 105 135 57 89 146
340/85R28 W12 136 37 122 157 67 103 170
380/85R28 W13 178 48 160 207 87 135 223
420/85R28 W15L 234 63 211 271 115 178 292
380/85R30 W13 188 51 169 218 92 143 234
420/85R30 W15L 241 65 217 280 118 183 301
460/85R30 W16L 299 81 269 347 147 227 374
380/85R34 W13 205 49 185 238 100 156 258
420/85R34 W15L 265 72 238 307 130 201 331
460/85R34 W16L 327 88 295 380 160 249 409
320/85R38 W11 152 36 137 176 74 116 192
340/85R38 W12 172 46 155 200 84 131 215
380/80R38 W12 197 47 176 223 96 149 245
380/85R38 W13 224 61 202 260 110 171 280
400/75R38 W14 205 49 184 233 100 155 255
420/85R38 W15L 288 78 259 334 141 219 360
460/85R38 W16L 355 96 319 411 174 270 443
520/85R38 W18L 484 131 435 561 237 367 604
650/85R38 DW23B 832 199 749 948 407 632 1039
520/85R42 W18L 523 141 471 607 256 398 654
480/80R42 W16B 389 93 350 451 191 296 490
480/80R46 W16B 416 100 374 483 204 316 524
520/85R46 DW18L 554 133 509 278 117 182 300
480/80R50 DW15B 451 108 406 523 221 344 602
Litres of solution or Solution (up to -20°c) Solution (up to -40°c)
Size Rim total water (Kg)
Quantity Volume of Total Mass Quantity Volume of Total Mass
(at Valve Level= 75%) CaCI (Kg) Water ( l )
2 (Kg) CaCI (Kg) Water ( l )
2 (Kg)
230/95R32 W7 69 19 62 80 34 52 86
270/95R32 W8 96 26 86 112 47 73 120
230/95R36 W7 77 21 69 89 38 59 96
270/95R38 W10 118 28 106 134 58 89 147
210/95R44 W7 75 20 68 87 37 57 94
230/95R44 W7 91 25 82 106 45 69 114
270/95R44 W8 125 34 113 145 61 95 156
300/95R46 W10 175 47 158 203 86 133 219
230/95R48 W7 91 25 82 105 45 69 114
270/95R48 W9 140 38 126 162 69 106 175
380/90R50 W12 290 70 261 337 142 221 387
300/95R52 W10 198 47 178 225 97 150 247
380/90R54 W12 310 74 279 360 152 237 413
Litres of solution or Solution (up to -20°c) Solution (up to -40°c)
Size Rim total water (Kg)
Quantity Volume of Total Mass Quantity Volume of Total Mass
(at Valve Level= 75%) CaCI (Kg) Water ( l )
2 (Kg) CaCI (Kg) Water ( l )
2 (Kg)
Twin Garden Tractor
560/45-22.5 AG16.00 180 43 162 209 88 137 225
560/60-22.5 AG16.00 270 65 243 313 132 205 338
23.1-26 DW20B 495 119 446 574 243 376 619
600/60-30.5 AG20.00 380 91 342 441 186 289 475
320/85-24 W11 105 25 94 119 51 80 131
380/85-24 W12 155 37 139 176 76 61 137
380/85-28 W12 170 40 153 193 83 129 212
420/85-28 W15L 225 54 202 256 110 171 282
420/85-30 W15L 235 56 211 267 115 178 293
460/85-30 W16L 310 74 279 353 152 235 387
420/85-34 W15L 265 63 238 301 130 201 331
460/85-34 W16L 335 80 301 381 164 254 418
420/85-38 W15L 275 66 247 313 134 209 343
460/85-38 W16L 345 82 310 392 169 262 431
520/85-38 DW16L 470 112 423 535 230 357 587
Liquid ballasting
Litres of solution or Solution (up to -20°c) Solution (up to -40°c)
Size Rim total water (Kg)
Quantity Volume of Total Mass Quantity Volume of Total Mass
(at Valve Level= 75%) CaCI (Kg) Water ( l )
2 (Kg) CaCI (Kg) Water ( l )
2 (Kg)
Twin Forestry (*)
400/60-15.5 AG13.00 61 / 92 14 / 22 55 / 82 69 / 104 30 / 45 46 / 69 76 / 114
500/45-22.5 AG16.00 94 / 140 23 / 34 85 / 126 109 / 162 46 / 69 71 / 106 118 / 175
500/60-22.5 AG16.00 150 / 225 36 / 54 135 / 202 174 / 261 73 / 110 114 / 171 188 / 281
600/50-22.5 AG20.00 160 / 240 38 / 57 144 / 216 182 / 273 78 / 117 121 / 182 199 / 299
650/45-22.5 AG20.00 162 / 244 39 / 58 146 / 219 185 / 277 79 / 119 123 / 185 202 / 304
710/40-22.5 AG24.00 202 / 304 48 / 73 182 / 274 234 / 353 99 / 149 153 / 231 253 / 380
600/50-24.5 AG20.00 160 / 240 38 / 57 144 / 216 182 / 273 78 / 117 121 / 182 199 / 299
710/40-24.5 AG24.00 190 / 285 45 / 68 171 / 256 216 / 324 93 / 139 144 / 216 237 / 355
400/60-26.5 AG13.00 85 / 128 20 / 30 76 / 115 96 / 145 41 / 62 64 / 97 105 / 159
500/60-26.5 AG16.00 147 / 219 35 / 53 132 / 197 171 / 254 72 / 107 112 / 166 184 / 274
600/55-26.5 AG20.00 210 / 315 50 / 76 189 / 283 244 / 365 103 / 154 160 / 239 263 / 394
650/60-26.5 AG20.00 215 / 321 52 / 77 194 / 289 249 / 372 105 / 157 163 / 244 269 / 401
710/45-26.5 AG24.00 245 / 370 59 / 89 221 / 333 284 / 429 120 / 181 186 / 281 306 / 463
750/50-26.5 AG24.00 320 / 475 77 / 114 288 / 427 371 / 551 157 / 233 243 / 361 400 / 594
750/55-26.5 AG24.00 335 / 502 80 / 120 301 / 451 381 / 571 163 / 245 254 / 381 417 / 626
800/40-26.5 AG24.00 231 / 346 55 / 83 207 / 311 262 / 394 113 / 169 175 / 263 288 / 432
780/50-28.5 AG26.00 347 / 521 83 / 124 312 / 468 395 / 592 170 / 255 263 / 395 433 / 650
600/60-30.5 AG20.00 255 / 380 61 / 91 230 / 342 296 / 441 125 / 186 194 / 289 319 / 475
620/55-30.5 AG20.00 235 / 350 56 / 84 212 / 315 273 / 406 115 / 172 179 / 266 294 / 438
710/50-30.5 AG24.00 315 / 470 75 / 113 285 / 425 367 / 548 155 / 232 359 / 241 590 / 396
750/45-30.5 AG24.00 300 / 450 72 / 108 270 / 405 348 / 522 147 / 221 228 / 342 375 / 563
600/65-34 DW20B 304 / 455 73 / 109 274 / 409 353 / 528 149 / 223 231 / 346 380 / 569
710/55-34 DW24B 377 / 565 90 / 136 339 / 508 437 / 655 185 / 277 286 / 429 471 / 706
750/65-34 DW24B 487 / 731 117 / 175 438 / 658 565 / 848 239 / 358 370 / 556 609 / 914
(*): Max 50% filling volume for tire operating in heavy terrain
Part to Lubricate
1. Bead
2. Bead Seat
3. Bead Seat well
Inflation must be
performed in three steps Step 3
Step 1
- After inflating up to max. bead
Max inflation pressure seating pressure, the pressure
- 1,5 bar for tires with tire diameter must be adjusted to appropriate
15”or less shipment or service pressure
- 1,0 bar for all other tires before removal from the safety
- For wheels with BLS (tire lock) device.
separate instructions must be
- Adjustment to service pressure
with a safety device (safety cage
Ensure that the beads are correctly or distance filling).
positioned on the bead seat. If not,
- In cases in which service
deflate the tire and centre
pressure is higher than:
it on the rim.
• 4 bar for a tire with 5 bar -
bead seating pressure
Step 2
• 3 bar for a tire with 3,5 bar -
Do not exceed the recommended bead seating pressure
maximum fitting pressure during • 2 bar for tire with 2,5 bar -
inflation. In case of doubt or any bead seating pressure
difficulty, contact a specialist.
the tire must firstly be inflated to
- Inflation up to max bead seating
a pressure 20% higher than the
pressure with a safety device
service air pressure and then
(blast cage or distance filling)
adjusted to service pressure.
- It is important to inflate the tire to
the max. bead seating pressure.
This is to ensure the proper fit of
the tire against the rim.
- If the beads are not correctly
seated it is necessary to deflate,
lubricate and inflate again. Repeat
these operations until the beads
are correctly seated.
- Keep the tires away from heat and When tires are stored flat, the
ozone sources. position must be lug against lug.
- Avoid prolonged exposure of the - Reduce inflation pressure when
tires to direct sunlight. tires are stored fitted on rims.
- Avoid any contact with grease, - Turn over stock constantly.
petrol, volatile solvents or other
- Ensure there is no water or
substances that may deteriorate
moisture inside the tire.
the rubber.
- Inner tubes and flaps must never
- Avoid horizontal storage for
be hung up, but always stored on
tubeless tires (whether radial or
cross-ply); only small size tires may
be stacked or stored flat (for a
maximum of 6 months).
- Tires age, even if they have not - Tires fitted to vehicles that are
been used or have only been parked for long periods will tend
used occasionally. Cracking of the to age a crack more quickly than
tread sidewall rubber, sometimes those that are used and run
accompanied by carcass frequently. In such circumstances
deformation, is evidence of it is important to jack the weight
ageing. Old and aged tires must off the tires and protect the tire
be checked by tire specialists from direct sunlight.
to ascertain their suitability for
further use.
This gives the reference load that can be used in the technical manual to find
out inflation pressure or maximum ballast.
Example 1:
• Condition of service: 10 HT
• Pressure: 1,2 bar
• Condition of service: 10 LT
• Pressure: 0,9 bar
Example 2:
• Condition of service: 10 HT
• Pressure: 1,1 bar
• Condition of service: 10 LT
• Pressure: 0,8 bar
Example 3:
- In LT the minimum suggested pressure is 0,6 bar
- In HT the minimum suggested pressure is 0,8 bar
General information about
inflation pressure, fitting
and handling of forest tires
The inflation pressure affects the The inflation pressure should be
service life of the tire and the adjusted to the terrain conditions
performance of the machine. To and load
guarantee the tire’s function and to Use a lower pressure if the terrain is
provide margins for the extra stress relatively rock free and where greater
a tire in forest service is exposed bearing capacity is required.
to, the inflation pressure should be Use a higher pressure for heavy
chosen carefully. service in demanding terrain.
Advantages Disadvantages
Low inflation Good comfort Reduced stability
pressure Large contact surface Increased risk of tube damage/wear
Lower ground pressure
Less soil damage
Increased traction
inflation pressure Check Check that the tracks fit the tires.
The tires must be visually checked On one side, there must be a
daily and the inflation pressure distance of approximately 15 mm
must be checked at least once a between the track’s side support
month. and the tire.
A tire that has been removed
should be checked regularly during Driving with chains
the first week after it has been Use of chains does not affect the
refitted. This is because there inflation pressure.
might be air pockets between the
tire and tube that ventilate out, and Tire maintenance
reduce the inflation pressure. Regular inspection and
Wheels with liquid ballast must be maintenance of the tires increases
checked more frequently as the service life.
volume of air in the tire is smaller. During the daily visual inspection
of the tires, it is important to note
The inflation pressure becomes any damage, such as splinters and
lower if the temperature drops. large gashes or pin hole damage
Example: Inflated to 4 bar in the that causes moisture to penetrate
workshop (+20° Celcius) the the tire shell. Any such damage
pressure will become 3,5 bar should be repaired without causing
when outside in the winter (- 20º a separation (external rubber
Celcius). Pressure loss is 13,7% releasing from the tire shell).
/40 degrees. The opposite will Check the tension of the anti-slide
occur when it becomes warmer. devices, and make sure that they
(The calculation is valid for do not have any loose links or
constant tire volume.) Ensure sharp parts that can damage the
adjustments are made for this. tires.
Remove any branches or wood
Driving with tracks splinters that have got trapped
Use the recommended inflation between the tire and rim.
pressure for track use.
Check that the tracks are correctly
tensioned. The tracks must sag
approximately 50 mm between the
75% 50%
Lubricant procedure
Lubricate the rim bead seat, If this advice is not followed, bead
rim flange and tire bead with a damage or fracture could occur
high quality, quick drying, fitting during fitting and/or rim slippage
lubricant made for agricultural tires during normal operation, which may
(e.g. Eurometec) or, in case of an cause premature tire failure.
emergency, soap and water.
The fitting lubricant with these Inflate the tube after it has been
characteristics also reduces the placed into the tire. This to avoid
risk of the tire slipping on the rim. folds on the tube.
Step 1:
Maximum inflation pressure after The applied pressure is given on
fitment without any special safety the tire with the symbol below.
precautions: This pressure should not be mixed
1,5 bar for 15” tires and smaller up with the maximum inflation
1,0 bar for other tires pressure that can be higher than
the applied pressure.
Step 2:
Filling to service pressure with NOTE: A newly fitted tire should not
safety equipment or precautions be exposed to high torques within
only (blast cage or filling from a the first 24 hours.
Front Rear With track
Min Normal Max Min Normal Max usage
Tire size / LI T480 T440 T428
bar p.s.i bar p.s.i bar p.s.i bar p.s.i bar p.s.i bar p.s.i bar p.s.i
9 - 10 tons load. Forwarder 8 w. Machine weight 10.500 - 13.000 kg without load
600/50-22.5 149A8 Front/Rear Front/Rear 2,0 30 2,4 35 2,8 40 3,1 46 3,7 54 4,2 61 5,0 73
710/40-22.5 151A8 Front/Rear Front/Rear 1,9 27 2,2 32 2,5 37 3,0 43 3,5 51 4,0 58 5,0 73
650/45-22.5 150A8 Front/Rear 1,9 27 2,2 32 2,5 37 3,0 43 3,5 51 4,0 58 5,0 73
12 - 13 tons load. Forwarder 6 w. Machine weight 13.000 - 15.000 kg without load
600/65-34 157A8 Front 1,9 27 2,2 32 2,5 37 - - - - - - - -
710/55-34 161A8 Front 1,7 25 2,0 29 2,3 33 - - - - - - - -
600/55-26.5 165A8 Rear Rear Rear - - - - - - 3,1 46 3,7 54 4,3 62 6,0 87
710/45-26.5 163/168A8 Rear Rear Rear - - - - - - 3,0 43 3,5 51 4,0 58 6,0 87
12 - 13 tons load. Forwarder 8 w. Machine weight 14.000 - 16.000 kg without load
600/55-26.5 165A8 Front/Rear Front/Rear Front/Rear 2,2 32 2,6 38 3,0 43 3,1 46 3,7 54 4,3 62 6,0 87
710/45-26.5 163/168A8 Front/Rear Front/Rear Front/Rear 2,0 30 2,4 35 2,8 40 3,0 43 3,5 51 4,0 58 6,0 87
14 - 15 tons load. Forwarder 6 w. Machine weight 14.500 - 16.500 kg without load
600/65-34 157A8 Front 2,0 30 2,4 35 2,8 40 - - - - - - - -
710/55-34 161A8 Front 1,9 27 2,2 32 2,5 37 - - - - - - - -
600/55-26.5 165A8 Rear Rear Rear - - - - - - 3,6 52 4,2 61 4,8 70 6,0 87
710/45-26.5 163/168A8 Rear Rear Rear - - - - - - 3,4 49 4,0 58 4,6 67 6,0 87
14 - 15 tons load. Forwarder 8 w. Machine weight 15.000 - 17.500 kg without load
600/55-26.5 165A8 Front/Rear Front/Rear Front/Rear 3,1 44 3,6 52 4,1 60 3,6 52 4,2 61 4,8 70 6,0 87
710/45-26.5 163/168A8 Front/Rear Front/Rear Front/Rear 2,9 42 3,4 49 3,9 57 3,4 49 4,0 58 4,6 67 6,0 87
16 tons load. Forwarder 6 w. Machine weight 16.000 - 18.000 kg without load
600/65-34 157/163A8 Front 2,0 30 2,4 35 2,8 40 - - - - - - - -
710/55-34 161/166A8 Front 1,9 27 2,2 32 2,5 37 - - - - - - - -
710/45-26.5 173A8 Rear - - - - - - 3,8 55 4,5 65 5,2 75 6,0 87
750/50-26.5 174A8 Rear - - - - - - 3,6 52 4,2 61 4,8 70 6,0 87
750/55-26.5 182A8 Rear - - - - - - 3,6 52 4,2 61 4,8 70 6,0 87
710/50-30.5 173A8 Rear - - - - - - 3,7 54 4,4 64 5,1 73 6,0 87
750/45-30.5 173A8 Rear - - - - - - 3,6 52 4,2 61 4,8 70 6,0 87
16 tons load. Forwarder 8 w. Machine weight 18.000 - 20.000 kg without load
710/45-26.5 173A8 Front/Rear 3,1 44 3,6 52 4,1 60 3,8 55 4,5 65 5,2 75 6,0 87
750/50-26.5 174A8 Front/Rear 3,0 43 3,5 51 4,0 58 3,6 52 4,2 61 4,8 70 6,0 87
750/50-26.5 182A8 Front/Rear 3,0 43 3,5 51 4,0 58 3,6 52 4,2 61 4,8 70 6,0 87
710/50-30.5 173A8 Front/Rear 3,0 43 3,5 51 4,0 58 3,7 54 4,4 64 5,1 73 6,0 87
750/45-30.5 173A8 Front/Rear 2,8 41 3,3 48 3,8 55 3,6 52 4,2 61 4,8 70 6,0 87
18 - 20 tons load. Forwarder 6 w. Machine weight 17.000 - 21.000 kg without load
710/55-34 161/166A8 Front 2,4 35 2,8 41 3,2 47 - - - - - - - -
750/65-34 169A8 2,4 35 2,8 41 3,2 47 - - - - - - - -
750/50-26.5 174A8 Rear - - - - - - 3,8 55 4,5 65 5,2 75 6,0 87
750/55-26.5 182A8 Rear - - - - - - 3,8 55 4,5 65 5,2 75 6,0 87
710/50-30.5 173A8 Rear - - - - - - 3,9 57 4,6 67 5,3 77 6,0 87
750/45-30.5 173A7 Rear - - - - - - 3,0 43 3,5 51 4,0 58 6,0 87
780/50-28.5 182A8 Rear - - - - - - 3,8 55 4,5 65 5,2 75 6,0 87
18 - 20 tons load. Forwarder 8 w. Machine weight 20.000 - 24.000 kg without load
750/50-26.5 174A8 Front/Rear 3,0 43 3,5 51 4,0 58 3,8 55 4,5 65 5,2 75 6,0 87
750/50-26.5 182A8 Front/Rear 3,0 43 3,5 51 4,0 58 3,8 55 4,5 65 5,2 75 6,0 87
710/50-30.5 173A8 Front/Rear 3,2 47 3,8 55 4,4 63 3,9 57 4,6 67 5,3 77 6,0 87
750/45-30.5 173A8 Front/Rear 3,0 43 3,5 51 4,0 58 3,8 55 4,5 65 5,2 75 6,0 87
780/50-28.5 82A8 Front/Rear 3,8 55 4,5 65 5,2 75 3,8 55 4,5 65 5,2 75 6,0 87
Machine Pattern Inflation pressure
Front Rear With track
Min Normal Max Min Normal Max usage
Tire size / LI T480 T440 T428
bar p.s.i bar p.s.i bar p.s.i bar p.s.i bar p.s.i bar p.s.i bar p.s.i
Smaller 4 w for thinning. Machine weight 8.500 - 10.000 kg
600/55-26.5 165A8 Front/Rear Front/Rear Front/Rear 2,6 37 3,0 44 3,5 50 2,6 37 3,0 44 3,5 50 - -
710/45-26.5 163A8 Front/Rear Front/Rear Front/Rear 2,4 35 2,8 41 3,2 47 2,4 35 2,8 41 3,2 47 - -
Smaller 6 w for thinning. Machine weight 15.500 - 16.500 kg
600/65-34 157A8 Rear - - - - - - 1,9 27 2,2 32 2,5 37 - -
710/55-34 161A8 Rear - - - - - - 1,7 25 2,0 29 2,3 33 - -
600/50-22.5 149A8 Front Front 2,2 32 2,6 38 3,0 43 - - - - - - 5,0 73
650/45-22.5 150A8 Front 2,1 31 2,5 36 2,9 42 - - - - - - 5,0 73
710/40-22.5 151A8 Front Front 2,0 30 2,4 35 2,8 40 - - - - - - 5,0 73
600/55-26.5 165A8 Front Front Front 2,0 30 2,4 35 2,8 40 - - - - - - 5,0 73
710/45-26.5 163A8 Front Front Front 1,7 25 2,0 29 2,3 33 - - - - - - 5,0 73
Smaller 8 w for thinning. Machine weight 14.500-16.000 kg
600/50-22.5 149A8 Front/Rear Front/Rear 2,2 32 2,6 38 3,0 43 1,9 27 2,2 32 2,5 37 5,0 73
650/45-22.5 150A8 Front/Rear 2,1 31 2,5 36 2,9 42 1,8 26 2,1 30 2,4 35 5,0 73
710/40-22.5 151A8 Front/Rear Front/Rear 2,0 30 2,4 35 2,8 40 1,7 25 2,0 29 2,3 33 5,0 73
Medium size 4 w. Machine weight 14.500 - 16.500 kg
600/65-34 157/163A8 Front/Rear 2,2 32 2,6 38 3,0 43 2,2 32 2,6 38 3,0 43 - -
710/55-34 161/166A8 Front/Rear 2,0 30 2,4 35 2,8 40 2,0 30 2,4 35 2,8 40 - -
Medium size 6 w. Machine weight 17.000 - 19.500 kg
600/65-34 157/163A8 Rear - - - - - - 2,2 32 2,6 38 3,0 43 - -
710/55-34 161/166A8 Rear - - - - - - 2,0 30 2,4 35 2,8 40 - -
600/55-26.5 165A8 Front Front Front 2,6 37 3,0 44 3,5 50 - - - - - - 6,0 87
710/45-26.5 163A8 Front Front Front 2,4 35 2,8 41 3,2 47 - - - - - - 6,0 87
Medium size 8 w. Machine weight 18.000 - 19.500 kg
600/55-26.5 165A8 Front/Rear Front/Rear Front/Rear 2,6 37 3,0 44 3,5 50 2,2 32 2,6 38 3,0 43 6,0 87
710/45-26.5 163A8 Front/Rear Front/Rear Front/Rear 2,4 35 2,8 41 3,2 47 2,0 30 2,4 35 2,8 40 6,0 87
Large 6 w for final felling. Machine weight 21.000 - 25.500 kg
710/55-34 161/166A8 Rear - - - - - - 2,1 31 2,5 36 2,9 42 - -
750/65-34 169A8 - - - - - - 2,0 30 2,4 35 2,8 40 - -
600/55-26.5 165A8 Front Front Front 3,6 52 4,2 61 4,8 70 - - - - - - 6,0 87
710/45-26.5 168A8 Front Front Front 3,4 49 4,0 58 4,6 67 - - - - - - 6,0 87
710/50-30.5 173A8 Front 2,7 39 3,2 46 3,7 53 - - - - - - 6,0 87
750/50-26.5 174A8 Front 2,6 37 3,0 44 3,5 50 - - - - - - 6,0 87
750/55-26.5 182A8 Front 2,6 37 3,0 44 3,5 50 - - - - - - 6,0 87
750/45-30.5 173A8 Front 2,7 39 3,2 46 3,7 53 - - - - - - 6,0 87
Large 8 w for final felling. Machine weight 21.000 - 25.500 kg
710/50-30.5 173A8 Front/Rear 3,0 43 3,5 51 4,0 58 3,0 43 3,5 51 4,0 58 6,0 87
750/50-26.5 174A8 Front/Rear 2,9 42 3,4 49 3,9 57 2,9 42 3,4 49 3,9 57 6,0 87
750/50-26.5 182A8 Front/Rear 2,9 42 3,4 49 3,9 57 2,9 42 3,4 49 3,9 57 6,0 87
750/45-30.5 173A8 Front/Rear 2,9 42 3,4 49 3,9 57 2,9 42 3,4 49 3,9 57 6,0 87
Rim/Wheel width Dimension Welded Divided Hub Bore
5.375IX8 8 Inches l l
5.375IX8 8 Inches l l
5.50-8D 8 Inches l l
5.50AX8 8 Inches l l
5.50AX8 8 Inches l l
7.00IX8 8 Inches l l
7.00IX8 8 Inches l l
7.00-8D 8 Inches l l
8.50AX8 8 Inches l l
4.00EX9 9 Inches l l
4.00EX9 9 Inches l l
4.00-9D 9 Inches l l
4.00-9D 9 Inches l l
6.00E-9D 9 Inches l l
3.00BX10 10 Inches l l
3.50IX10 10 Inches l l
3.50IX10 10 Inches l l
5.00F-10 10 Inches l l
5.00F-10 10 Inches l l
5.50F-10 10 Inches l l
5.50F-10 10 Inches l l
6.00IX10 10 Inches l l
6.00IX10 10 Inches l l
6.00-10 10 Inches l l
7.00IX10 10 Inches l l
8.25IX10 10 Inches l l
8.50IX10 10 Inches l l
3.00IX12 12 Inches l l
3.00IX12 12 Inches l l
4.00IX12 12 Inches l l
4.00IX12 12 Inches l l
4.25IX12 12 Inches l l
4.25IX12 12 Inches l l
5.00S-12 12 Inches l l
7.00IX12 12 Inches l l
7.00IX12 12 Inches l l
9.00IX12 12 Inches l l
9.00IX12 12 Inches l l
8.50IX12 12 Inches l l
10.50IX12 12 Inches l l
4.50IX13 13 Inches l l
5.50EX14 14 Inches l l
5.50EX14 14 Inches l l
6.00JX14 14 Inches l l
6.75X14.5 14.5 Inches l l
6.75X14.5 14.5 Inches l l
3.00JX15 15 Inches l l
4.00JX15 15 Inches l l
4.00JX15 15 Inches l l
4.50JX15 15 Inches l l
4.50JX15 15 Inches l l
5.00JX15 15 Inches l l
5.50JX15 15 Inches l l
6.00JX15 15 Inches l l
9.00X15 15 Inches l l
10.00LBX15 15 Inches l l
13.00LBX15 15 Inches l l
4.00EX16 16 Inches l l
5.50EX16 16 Inches l l
9.00EX16 16 Inches l l
The difference between
a rim and a wheel
A rim consists of two drop-centred disc or two
flat-based disc with a bore, welded or assembled.
The rim is fitted onto a hub and therefore it is
vital that the diameter of the pitch circle of the
stud holes is the same on the rim as on the hub.
The standard stud holes are pressed with a
conical stud seat of 60°, 80° and 90° both for
welded and assembled rims.
A wide range of bores are available so that rims
can be supplied with a bore to meet your specific
A wheel consists of two drop-centred disc welded
together or two flat-based disc assembled, and
an integral hub.
A wide range of integral hubs is available making
it possible also to place the hub in an offset
The offset is measured from the centre of the rim/wheel to the hub side of
the inner plate.
The offset can be positive (+) or negative (-).
Two more conditions must be fulfilled before we are able to make an offset.
It is necessary that the dimension and the disc contour are the same on
both disc.
Hub types and axle
Trelleborg also produces a wide Furthermore the hubs can be
range of hubs and stub axles designed with a number of different
(up to a length of 600 mm). bearings, lubrication nipples, seals,
The hubs are designed with a caps, axles and other features.
flange of different size and bores
matching the rim specifications. Examples of hubs available
The axles produced are designed to match the hub of the wheel and the
construction on which the axles are mounted.
Rim Offset
The rim is roll-formed in one piece Offset is the necessary distance
and calibrated into the exact between the centre of the rim
circumference and width. and the contact surface on the
Trelleborg is able to roll-form rims wheel-axle. If the surface is on
for large diameters and wide widths the machine side of the centre it
in one piece. The rim thickness is called a negative offset. If the
is between 4-8mm. All rims are surface is on the valve side of the
rigorously controlled during the centre it is a positive offset.
production process and all welding Note that the offset controls the
is 100% checked, to avoid air- track gauge.
leakage when using tube-less tires.
Sometimes the expected service
Disc demands a stronger than standard-
Discs are cut out of steel in the rim. Therefore Trelleborg offers 3
right size and then pressed into main versions of reinforcements,
the correct shape, specified by the to make the rim stronger:
drawings. The disc thickness can R1 -> round bar reinforcement
be between 9 and 18 millimeters, R2 -> box reinforcement. Unique
dependent on the required load to Trelleborg and strongest in the
and diameter. The hole-pattern is market
customer specific. All discs are fully R3 -> flat bar reinforcement
welded into the rim at the correct
offset for the specification. Painting
Trelleborg Savsjo uses a fully
automated powder painting facility
which gives the products a perfect
finish and allows the choice of
individual colours for the market.
Today Trelleborg offers more than
50 colours. All colours are water-
based and have no content of
hazardous ingredients. A Trelleborg
rim is 100% recyclable.
Wheels for agricultural tires
AG8.00x15.5 15° 5 9 nd nd V1
AG13.00x15.5* 15° 5 9 nd nd V1
AG13.00x17* 5° 5 10 nd nd V1
AG16.00x17* 5° 6 10 nd nd V1
AG11.75x17.5 15° 5 10 nd nd V1
AG11.75x22.5 15° 5 12 Hump R1 V1
AG13.00x22.5 15° 7 12 Hump nd V1
AG13.00x22.5 15° 7 15 Hump nd V1
AG16.00x22.5 15° 6 12 Hump R1 V1, V3
AG16.00x22.5 15° 6 15 Hump R1 V1, V3
AG16.00x22.5 15° 7 12 Hump nd V1, V3
AG16.00x22.5 15° 7 15 Hump nd V1, V3
AG20.00x22.5 15° 6 12 Hump R1 V1, V3
AG20.00x22.5 15° 7 15 Hump nd V1, V3
AG20.00x22.5 15° 6 15 Hump R1 V1, V3
AG20.00x22.5 15° 7 12 Hump nd V1, V3
AG20.00x22.5 15° 7 15 Hump nd V1, V3
AG24.00x22.5 15° 6 12 Hump R1 V1, V3
AG24.00x22.5 15° 6 15 Hump R1 V1, V3
AG24.00x22.5 15° 7 12 Hump nd V1, V3
AG24.00x22.5 15° 7 15 Hump nd V1, V3
W10x24 5° 6 12 Knurling nd V1
W12x24 5° 5 12 nd nd V1
DW13Lx24 5° 6 12 Knurling nd V1
DW14Lx24 5° 6 12 Knurling nd V1
DW15Lx24 5° 6 12 Knurling nd V1
DW16LX24 5° 6 12 Knurling nd V1
DW20Bx26 5° 5 12 nd V1
DW20Bx26 5° 5 15 nd V1
DW20Bx26 5° 7 15 Knurling R1 V1, V3
DW25Bx26 5° 7 15 Knurling R1 V1
AG13.00x26.5 15° 6 12 Hump R1, R2 V1, V3
AG13.00x26.5 15° 6 15 Hump R1, R2 V1, V3
AG16.00x26.5 15° 6 12 Hump R1, R2 V1, V3
AG16.00x26.5 15° 6 15 Hump R1, R2 V1, V3
AG20.00x26.5 15° 6 12 Hump R1, R2 V1, V3
AG20.00x26.5 15° 6 15 Hump R1, R2 V1, V3
AG20.00x26.5 15° 7 12 Hump nd V1
AG20.00x26.5 15° 7 15 Hump nd V1
AG24.00x26.5 15° 6 12 Hump R1, R2 V1, V3
AG24.00x26.5 15° 6 15 Hump R1, R2 V1, V3
AG24.00x26.5 15° 7 12 Hump nd V1, V3
AG24.00x26.5 15° 7 15 Hump nd V1, V3
AG28.00x26.5 15° 6 12 Hump R1, R2 V1, V3
AG28.00x26.5 15° 6 15 Hump R1, R2 V1, V3
* Max Speed 40 Km/h.
DW12Lx38 5° 7 15 Knurling nd V1, V2
DW12Lx38 5° 7 18 Knurling nd V1, V2
DW15Lx38 5° 7 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW15Lx38 5° 7 18 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW16Lx38 5° 7 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW16Lx38 5° 7 18 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW18Lx38 5° 7 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW18Lx38 5° 7 18 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW20Bx38 5° 7 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW20Bx38 5° 7 18 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW23Bx38 5° 7 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW23Bx38 5° 7 18 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW25Bx38 5° 7 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW25Bx38 5° 7 18 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW27Bx38 5° 7 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW27Bx38 5° 7 18 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW28Bx38 5° 7 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW28Bx38 5° 7 18 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW30Bx38 5° 7,3 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW30Bx38 5° 7,3 18 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW16Lx42 5° 7 15 Knurling nd V1, V2
DW18Lx42 5° 7 15 Knurling nd V1, V2
DW20Bx42 5° 7 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW23Bx42 5° 7 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW23Bx42 5° 7 18 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW25Bx42 5° 7,3 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW25Bx42 5° 7,3 18 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW28Bx42 5° 7 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW28Bx42 5° 7 18 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW30Bx42 5° 7,3 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW30Bx42 5° 7,3 18 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW16Lx46 5° 6 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW16Lx46 5° 6 15+18* Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW18Lx46 5° 7 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW25Bx46 5° 7,3 15 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW25Bx46 5° 7,3 18 Knurling R1 V1, V2
DW16Lx50 5° 6 15+18 Knurling R1 V1, V2
Valve protection
Valve guard is used when there is a risk that the valve will be damaged.
Big machines in heavy duty applications frequently
face great stress. To handle this you reinforce the
The reinforcements also protect against direct Rim (R0)
impacts on the edge of the wheel. R0 means that this rim
has no reinforcement.
The grooved section of the rim where the tire bead rests on a 5° and 15°
rim. The purpose of knurling is to counteract the tendency for the tire to slip
on the rim.
An extra bend just inside the bead seat. The hump facilitates driving at low air
pressure, holding the tire in place.
Dual mounting system.
• One supplier for the complete • No modifications needed to
package: tire - wheel - dual the tractor
• The twinning is an estension of • Tension and stress will not
the axle increase on the original wheel
• Easy maintenance, easy service • New innovative solutions to
• Self-cleaning system give easy mounting
• All wheels used are complete
with disc
The rims are powder coated own without powder-coated. If you have
facility and are available in different any question please contact the
colours. Rims can also be supplied Trelleborg expert in your area.
Dual mounting system.
• One supplier for the complete • Easy to mount and demount
package: tire - wheel - dual • Attached rim and drum for easy
• Easy maintenance, easy service handling
• No modifications needed for • Customized distance between
the tractor wheels
Trelleborg High Knurling - THK handles
high stress and extreme torque,
enabling tractors to work at maximum
efficiency and productivity.
Together with Trelleborg Extra Large
tires, THK represents a system that
meets all requirements.
New technology has delivered an
advanced knurling design where
the height of the profile has almost
doubled, providing maximum
performance at high speed and torque.
In addition, by coating the bead seat
of the rim with friction paint, the grip
is significantly improved so that tire
slippage at extreme torque is prevented.
312 Notes
Trelleborg Wheel Systems reserves the right to modify the data
contained in this issue without notice.