Vital Signs Written Report
Vital Signs Written Report
Vital Signs Written Report
Denmar Prias
Michael Canton
Vital signs
Definition: Temperature pulse, respiration and blood pressure some indications of
the state of health of an individual. They represent interrelated
physiologic systems of the body.
Purpose: The purpose of recording vital signs is to establish a baseline on
admission to a hospital, clinic, professional office, or other encounter
with a health care provider.
Equipments used:
- It is the difference between heat produced and heat lost by the body and is
measured through the use of a thermometer
A. Oral method
Equipment used:
- Thermometer
- CB in water
- Jar with cut tissue paper
- Waste receptacle
- Jot down notebook
B. Axillary method
Equipment used:
- Thermometer
- CB in water
- Jar with cut tissue paper
- Waste receptacle
- Jot down notebook
Equipment used:
- Thermometer
- CB in water
- Jar with cut tissue paper
- Waste receptacle
- Jot down notebook
- Lubricant
- Working gloves
-it is a rhythmical throbbing that results from a wave of blood through an artery
as the heart contracts.
Equipment used: watch with second hand, jot down notebook and pen, alcohol
swab, stethoscope
1. Explain the procedure.
2. Have the client rest his arm alongside his body with the wrist extended and the
palm of the hand downward, or place arm on top of the client’s upper abdomen.
3. Place your fist, second and third fingers along the radial artery and press gently
against the radius, rest the thumb on the back of the client’s wrist.
5. Using a watch with a second hand, count the number felt for one full minute.
6. If the pulse rate is abnormal in any way, repeat the counting to determine
accurately the rate.
1. Explain the procedure.
6. Place the diaphragm of the stethoscope over the apex of the heart, located at the
fifth intercostal space, left midclavicular line . Then, insert the earpieces in your ears.
7. Move the diaphragm to the site of the loudest beats. Count the beat S foe 60
seconds and note their rhythm and rate. Also evaluate the intensity of heart slunds.
8. Remove the stethoscope and make the client comfortable.
11. Record the result on the chart and TPR master list.
It is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and body
cells and is initiated by the act of breathing
Eq: watch with second hand and jot down notebook and pen
Procedure :
1. While the fingertips are still in place after counting the pulse rate, observe the
client’s respiration.
2. Note the rise and fall of the client’s chest with each inspiration and expiration. This
observation can be made without disturbing the client’s bedclothes.
3. Using a watch with second hand, count the number of respiration for on full
5. Record respiration rate on the jot down notebook including abnormalities in rhythm
and depth.
7. Record the result in the client’s chart and TPR master list.
-Blood pressure is the lateral force extended by the blood in the arterial wall.
Eq: stethoscope, alcohol swab, jot down notebook and pen, sphygmomanometer
with appropriate size of cuff
Procedure :
1. Explain the procedure to the client. Make sure that the client has not smoked
cigarette or ingested beverages that contains caffeine within 30 minutes.
2. Place the client in a comfortable position with the forearms supported and the
3. Position yourself so that the calibration of the apparatus can be read at eye level
and no more than 1 feet away.
4. Place the cuff so that the inflatable bag is centered over the brachial artery, so that
the lower edge of cuff is 2.5-5cm above antecubital fossa.
5. Wrap the cuff smoothly around the arm with the end of cuff secure.
6. Use the fingertips to feel a strong pulsation on the antecubital space. Place the
or diaphragm directly over the pulse.
8. Gradually deflate cuff all the way to zero taking note of the first and last clear, loud
Nursing Responsibilities: