Good day! Peace and all good! This week will open our minds about the importance and effects of the Seven
Sacraments. May these learnings help you reflect on the Sacraments that you received. Let us feel the presence
of the Lord as we offer a prayer of an act of hope to Him. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit, Amen.
O God,
I hope with complete trust that you will give me,
through the merits of Jesus Christ,
all the necessary grace in this world and
everlasting life in the world to come
for this is what You have promised and
You always keep Your promises.
Engagement Activity
This prayer will increase your hope that God will never leave you in every trials. He is always there guiding
and protecting each one. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation and continue in praying.
The activity below are called Memorabilia. This will let you remember the moments that your emotions are too
high. It can be during your happy, sad, and lonely moments. Capture an object or symbol that bears a sentimental
value for you. Attach the printed photo in your Learning Activity Sheet. And write a simple caption.
Write your
caption here
La Salette of Roxas College Basic Education SY 2020-2021
Lesson Presentation
Most often, we treasure things because they have sentimental value for us. These things are given by persons
we love. The well-known author Antoine de Saint-Exupery of The Little Prince said, “The meaning of things
lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude toward them.”
We value objects or symbols because they remind us of the presence of our loved ones or of the giver. We try
to keep and treasure them. A symbol is defined as something concrete that represents something else. It is a sign
that points to another bigger reality. Signs and symbols are around us. Things, events and people have the
capacity to be symbols. Likewise, we have learned that in our Christian faith, Jesus is present in the assembly
gathered together, in the very person of the priest, and in the Sacraments instituted by Him.
Read the Gospel story entitled Jesus Sends the Apostles in your book page 153.
Sends the
Matthew 28: 16 - 20
This event took place after the Resurrection. Jesus told the women at the tomb to
tell His disciples to meet Him in Galilee. Jesus led His remaining eleven disciples
up Mount Tabor, perhaps a strenuous trip as surmised by their walking sticks. He
gave them direction for the next part of their mission. Some worshipped Him, but
some still doubted. But because of the assurance of Jesus’ presence to them, the
disciples we strengthened and even became more courageous to do God’s will. The
greatest memory of Jesus preached by His apostles is expressed in the Sacraments
in which Jesus Himself acts to continuously give grace and show His great love
through His sacramental presence.
Sacraments Defined
Sacraments comes from the Latin word sacramentum, which in Greek refers to mysterion (mystery). For Saint
Augustine, a sacrament is a holy sign of a sacred reality which a believer can both perceive and receive – the
invisible grace that brings a deeper understanding of the person’s relationship with God.
The Seven Sacraments are ceremonies that point to what is sacred, significant and important for Christians. It is
an efficacious signs and symbols of Christ’s abiding presence here on Earth instituted by Him to sanctify
humanity. These Sacraments are Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy
Orders and Matrimony.
La Salette of Roxas College Basic Education SY 2020-2021
As a Sensible Sign
1) Signs merely point to something else as when a certain direction is to be taken.
2) Discovered rather than created, symbols are supercharged with a variety of
3) Sacraments as symbolic acts are performative words and actions, as manifested
in the ministry of Jesus wherein the spiritual reality is expressed in present and
real happenings.
4) Family relationships, friendships, social, political and cultural ties, and daily
life are symbols in the economy of interpersonal human life. Hence, saving
symbolic actions like the Sacraments are absolutely necessary.
Love and freedom are spiritual realities that touch us through the material conditions of our lives. Through touch
(anointing, imposing hands, washing or embracing), Sacraments communicate to us with our senses as well as
through gestures (standing, bowing, sitting, or kneeling), and through proclamation, listening, speaking and
responding to words.
As Instituted by Christ
1) Primordial Sacrament (Jesus) The Sacrament of God’s saving
love is Jesus in His humanity. Through Jesus’ words and actions
and the establishment of the Church as basic Sacrament, He
instituted the Sacraments of His Father.
2) Foundational or Basic Sacrament (Church) The gradual
development and celebration of the present seven ritual Sacraments
is the definite role of the Church. By being Christ’s Body, she
makes present to all persons Christ’s own public ministry. With the
continuation of Jesus’ service of love, the Church is Christ’s primordial sign.
3) To Give Grace The Church has always taught that the Sacraments give grace, “ex opera operato” (the
Sacraments is effective in itself). This means that Christ gives grace through the Church even if there is lack
of holiness on the part of the minister. Through His Spirit, Christ acts when the Sacraments are celebrated
Jesus Christ, being the “Primordial Sacrament,” is Source, Primary Agent, and Goal of all Sacramental activity.
1) Source: the root and effect is in Christ who is the source.
2) Primary Agent: the celebration of the words and actions of the minister is done by Christ in various
Sacraments. Christ baptizes, confirms, forgives and reconciles, heals and offers Himself.
3) Goal: because Christ is the perfection toward which our life on Earth tends, we must be formed more and
more “to the image and likeness of Christ.” Through the Sacraments, we are challenged and empowered to
respond in love.
The Effects of the Seven Sacraments
1) A closer relationship with the Trinity through and in the Church.
2) Christ’s way of thinking, acting, praying, loving, forgiving and serving is slowly formed in the person. The
effect of the power of the Holy Spirit is this gradual transformation in Christ.
3) A personal relationship with God can be established and strengthened by the saving power of faith, which
is very basic in the effectivity of the Sacraments.
The Sacraments are visible and effective signs of grace instituted by Jesus Christ to sanctify men, build up the
body of Christ, and give worship to God. They are channels through which God makes His abundant grace flow
to us as His sons and daughters. The very life of this simple and devout Saint who is a great devotee of the Blessed
Sacrament truly inspires many people. She is so privileged that Jesus appeared to her and was given the mission
to spread the Sacred Heart devotion.
La Salette of Roxas College Basic Education SY 2020-2021
October 17
Pray for us
Lesson Task
After reading an inspiring life of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, answer the following questions. Write your
answer in your Learning Activity Sheet.
1) What trials did Margaret Mary experience during her early age? How did she overcome them?
2) Why is she called one of the Saints of the Sacred Heart?
3) If you were Margaret Mary, to whom Jesus appeared to and instructed about the devotion to His
Sacred Heart, how would you respond to His instructions given the many hindrances and difficulties
you may undergo?
Sacraments are the great memorabilia entrusted by Christ to His Church. All Christians must treasure these
great signs and symbols of the presence of Christ in His Church. Without the Sacraments, it is impossible for
the Christian faith to grow and develop. Through the Sacraments, we become closer to Christ in our daily living.
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is felt and experienced in the graces overflowing from the Sacraments.
Prepare an action plan showing how you live the values of Jesus and how to be a “Sacrament” to others at
home, in school and in the Christian community. Write it in your Learning Activity Sheet.
Prepared by:
Novielyn C. Malinis, LPT
Additional Resources:
The Faith Enumerated by Rev. Fr. Chris De Guzman, SThD
La Salette of Roxas College Basic Education SY 2020-2021
Directions: Remember the moments that your emotions are too high. It can be during your happy, sad,
and lovely moments. Capture an object or symbol that bears a sentimental value for you.
Directions: Based on Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque life reflect on the following questions:
1) What trials did Margaret Mary experience during her early age? How did she overcome them?
3) If you were Margaret Mary, to whom Jesus appeared to and instructed about the devotion to His Sacred
Heart, how would you respond to His instructions given the many hindrances and difficulties you may
La Salette of Roxas College Basic Education SY 2020-2021