Spatial Data Mining Approaches For GIS - A Brief Review: January 2015
Spatial Data Mining Approaches For GIS - A Brief Review: January 2015
Spatial Data Mining Approaches For GIS - A Brief Review: January 2015
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4 authors, including:
Kalpana Ramasami
Sri Krishna Adithya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, India
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All content following this page was uploaded by Kalpana Ramasami on 09 February 2016.
Abstract. Spatial Data Mining (SDM) technology has emerged as a new area
for spatial data analysis. Geographical Information System (GIS) stores data
collected from heterogeneous sources in varied formats in the form of
geodatabases representing spatial features, with respect to latitude and
longitudinal positions. Geodatabases are increasing day by day generating huge
volume of data from satellite images providing details related to orbit and from
other sources for representing natural resources like water bodies, forest covers,
soil quality monitoring etc. Recently GIS is used in analysis of traffic
monitoring, tourist monitoring, health management, and bio-diversity
conservation. Inferring information from geodatabases has gained importance
using computational algorithms. The objective of this survey is to provide with
a brief overview of GIS data formats data representation models, data sources,
data mining algorithmic approaches, SDM tools, issues and challenges. Based
on analysis of various literatures this paper outlines the issues and challenges of
GIS data and architecture is proposed to meet the challenges of GIS data and
viewed GIS as a Bigdata problem.
1 Introduction
Geographic Information System (GIS) has emerged as a new discipline due to the
development of communication technologies. GIS is applied in various domains to
infer information with respect to location. Enormous amount of data is generated in
the form of image, fat files from sources like satellite imaginary sensors and other
devices. Understanding of information stored in these large databases requires
computational analysis and modeling techniques. Spatial data mining has emerged as
a new area of research for analysis of data with respect to spatial relations. SDM
techniques are widely used in GIS for inferring association among spatial attributes,
clustering, and classifying information with respect to spatial attributes.
The objective of this paper is to provide with a brief summary of GIS data models
data sets, data sources to provide better understanding of GIS for analyzing data
analysis using data mining techniques. This paper is organized as follows the section
2 provides with a detailed over view of GIS data sources, data representations.
Section 3 provides with description of SDM tasks applied in various domains of GIS
data. This paper also presents with the overview of SDM tools for GIS. Section 4
describes the issues and challenges with respect to GIS data set are discussed and
architecture is proposed for the same finally drawn by conclusion in section 5.
2 Overview of GIS
The development of information and communication technologies in GIS Domain has
generated huge volume of data representing spatial information of water bodies, forest
reserves, urbanization, etc., GIS databases stores spatial and non spatial data received
from heterogeneous components connected, with each other such as sensors, laptop,
mobile etc. Analysis of data deposited in GIS has gained importance in domains
related to knowledge management and data mining. Recent widespread use of spatial
databases has lead to the studies of Spatial Data Mining (SDM), Spatial Knowledge
Discovery (SKD), and the development of SDM techniques. GIS can be viewed as
collection of components such as Data, Software, Hardware, Procedures and methods
used by people for analysis and decision making with respect to location. Fig 1,
represents the components of GIS. The focus of this section is to provide with an
overview of GIS data source, data formats, trends and Data Mining applications in
Spatial Data mining techniques combined with widely used in various studies
to mine interesting facts associated in domains Transport, Tourism, Soil quality
monitoring, water resource monitoring, and deforestation [7], [9], [13], [17], [20-22],
[24-25], [27-29], [31], [40-42], [44-45], [48-49], [54], [60], [62-63], [73], [75], [78],
[82], [87].
Fig. 2. Visual representation of GIS data type Fig. 3. Data models of GIS
(ref. 91)
582 M. Perumal et al.
from sources such as air photos, scanned maps, elevation layers; remote sensing data.
Vector data types are used to represent discrete features in GIS and have a layered
architecture representing point, line, and polygon. Vector data types are used to
represents information from sources such as roads, rivers, cities, lakes, park
boundaries with a layered hierarchy. The data model of GIS is given in Fig 3.
2.3 Challenges
Analysis of GIS databases representing spatial information is complex due to the
varied formats, representation and data sources. The various challenges involved
mining spatial data from Geodatabases are listed below:
• Need help of domain experts to relate and understand Spatial and Non-
Spatial Data.
• Selection and representation of data for mining from Geodatabases due to
wide range of file formats.
• Understanding of information represented in image files (raster data).
• Selection and Transformation of spatial attributes from Non spatial
Topological relation
Distance Relation
B northeast of A
Direction Relation
tasks in which spatial data and criteria are combined [50],[51],[71] to form various
tasks to find class identification, to find association and co-location of Spatial and
Non-Spatial data, make the clustering rules to detect the outliers and to detect the
deviations of trends.
Association technique Used to integrate the ICT technologies with tourism [21]
Web GIS Provides a new generation interface and expands the ways
Tourism in which travel information can be accessed.
Management Tourism GIS Used to provide users with a quick and convenient travel
information query method
Unified GIS database on Provide information
the cycle infrastructure about the overall cycle trail network on tourism [53],[73],[78]
spatial tourism interaction Used to provide about green tourism potential, human [74],[9],[28],[6],[21
model or gravity model resources, and the shortest distances among villages. ],[45]
Ecological Indicates the water Maintains the Bio-Diversity
model catchments by integrating [18],[22],[75]
geographic area.
Argiculture GIS and Saptial Data Used to access the soil quality, water resource management
land Location prediction Provides the selection of land use models, illegal land fills
allocation [8],[15],[16]
Environment Site selection, Location Provides environmental support of assessment of various [18],[22],[25],[44],
al Decision prediction, clustering relates feature with environmental degradation etc., [50],[59],[63],[65],[
Support 76],[89]
Health Care Accessing of resource Provides with an decision making support for various health
related domains
The issues and challenges in applying Spatial Data Mining in GIS can be viewed in
terms of Integration of data and Mining huge volume of data. Architecture is
proposed to address the issues of data integration and volume of data based on the
analysis of data of GIS from literature is given in Fig 4.Data warehousing technology
is used as a tool for data integration and stores summarized data. Currently a Bigdata
approach has gained attention for mining data parallel using architectures like Hadoop
and Mapreduce. In this paper we propose an architecture which can have a Bigdata
platform modeled for representing a data warehouse. The other challenge in
integration of data is semantic representation of information organized from various
data sources. An ontology layer is proposed for semantic representation of data [13].
The data mining techniques can be applied above these layers by modifying the
algorithmic approaches suitable for BigData architecture.
Spatial Data Mining Approaches for GIS – A Brief Review 587
5 Conclusion
This paper provides with a detailed survey on spatial data bases and its characteristics.
A detailed analysis and description of GIS Data sources, data formats and data
representation is presented from various literatures. The classical data mining
algorithm applied for various applications in GIS are also discussed. On analysis it is
identified that semantic integration of GIS datasets is necessary for analyzing spatial
attributes with respect to non spatial attributes in all domains. The other major
challenge of GIS databases can be viewed as volume and data formats in this work we
have proposed an architecture for data integration using data ware house approach
and ontology in GIS. The other major issue in GIS is huge volume of data generation
for which we have proposed to view the problem as Bigdata and represented the same
in our proposed architecture design. In future the proposed architecture would be
implemented and tested for any specific domain. SDM tools would also be presented
with a brief overview discussing the merits and limitations
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