Digital Investigation: Myungseo Park, Giyoon Kim, Younjai Park, Insoo Lee, Jongsung Kim
Digital Investigation: Myungseo Park, Giyoon Kim, Younjai Park, Insoo Lee, Jongsung Kim
Digital Investigation: Myungseo Park, Giyoon Kim, Younjai Park, Insoo Lee, Jongsung Kim
Digital Investigation
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Article history: Digital investigators sometimes obtain key evidence by extracting user data from the smartphones of
Received 11 December 2018 suspects. However, it is becoming more difficult to extract user data from smartphones, due to contin-
Received in revised form uous updates and the use of data encryption functions, such as Full Disk Encryption (FDE) and File Based
21 January 2019
Encryption (FBE). Backup data are usually stored in an encrypted form, in order to protect user privacy.
Accepted 22 January 2019
Available online 29 January 2019
Therefore, it is essential for digital investigators to be able to transform encrypted backup data into a
form that can be used as evidence. For this purpose, an analysis of the backup method used in a
smartphone is needed.
Smartphone forensics
In the research reported in this paper, we first analyze the backup process of Huawei smartphones, and
Smartphone backup then propose a method for decrypting Huawei smartphone backup data encrypted with a user-entered
Password recovery password. This process is performed by analyzing the Huawei application and PC program called
Decryption KoBackup and HiSuite, respectively. We developed a tool for user-entered password recovery and
encrypted backup data decryption. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result analyzing all of the
backup processes available for Huawei smartphones and decrypting their backup data.
© 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1742-2876/© 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
120 M. Park et al. / Digital Investigation 28 (2019) 119e125
backup programs Kies 3.0 and Smart Switch 4.1.16 to reveal their Backup data storage path (with password):
encryption method and backup processes (Han and Lee, 2016), - HuaweiBackup\backupFiles1\YYYY MM DD HH MM
(Han). However, their study was confined to analysis of the backup SS
program, and did not analyze the PIN-based encryption process. To Media files (common):
address these limitations, Myungseo et al. (2018) analyzed the - Picture files: HuaweiBackup\media\photo
backup process of a smartphone, and revealed the encryption - Recording files: HuaweiBackup\media\recording
processes of the Samsung smartphone using the Smart Switch - Video files: HuaweiBackup\media\video
4.1.16 (Park et al., 2018). - Document files: HuaweiBackup\media\doc
Hashcat, an open source program dedicated to password re-
covery, provides a password recovery function for Apple smart- PC Backup. PC backup is synchronized between the Huawei
phone data (hashcat, 2018). When a password used for the Apple smartphone and HiSuite on a PC, via a USB connection. As with local
smartphone backup is revealed by Hashcat or other methods, it is backup, the backup data are encrypted with a password. However,
possible to decrypt the backup data using commercial tools, such as unlike the situation with local backup, PC backup encrypts both DB
FINALMobile Forensics (FINALMobile Forensics) or Elcomsoft Phone files and media files. It also encrypts DB files even when a password
Breaker (Elcomsoft Phone Breaker). Though backup data decryp- is not entered. Table 1 shows backup files encrypted by the local
tion for most smartphone manufacturers has been studied, the and PC backups. The backup data are stored in the same path
backup data of Huawei smartphones have not been studied to date. regardless of the use of password.
As its global smartphone market share increases, the demand for
data acquisition from Huawei smartphones will also increase, and Backup data storage path:
thus research on the recovery of their backup data is needed. - %USERPROFILE%Documents\HiSuite\backup\
Backup folder name:
Our contributions - HUAWEI ðDevice NameÞ YYYY MM DD HH:MM:SS
Table 1
Backup list encrypted by the local and PC backups.
Application(apk) P P P P *.apk
Backup files labelled with P are stored in plaintext, and backup files labelled with C are stored in ciphertext.
Fig. 1. The entire backup process for Huawei smartphones using KoBackup and HiSuite.
Table 2
KDFs and encryption algorithms used for Huawei backup data.
Eqs. type_attch KDF Key materials & parameters Encryption Algorithm Parameters
(1) 2 MD5(password) password: a user-entered password or a fixed 32- AES128-CTR(P; Key; P: a DB file
byte password Counter) Key: KDF output
Counter: a 16-byte zero
(2) 3 PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 (password, salt, password: a user-entered password or a fixed 32- AES256-CTR(P, Key, P: a DB file
iteration)) byte password Counter) Key: KDF output
salt: a 32-byte random value Counter: a 16-byte random
iteration: 5000 value
(3) e SHA256(password) password: a user-entered password AES128-CTR(P, Key, P: a media file
Counter) Key: Upper 16-byte of KDF
Counter: a 16-byte random
The parameters in bold are different random values for each file encrypted.
Table 3
Time required for the recovery of the user-entered password with a brute-force search.
same role as the “info.xml” file on the smartphone. We can verify Table 3 summarizes the requirements for each password re-
the correct user-entered password using the pwdsalt_iv, pass- covery method and the time required for a brute-force search. In
word,4 and pwdsalt values stored in this file. Each value is derived Table 3, the No. 1 password recovery method is the fastest, but it is
using as follows: applicable only to type_attch 2, which is compatible only with
Huawei's old models. On the other hand, the No. 4 method applies
password ¼ Base64 encodeðHMAC SHA256ðcheck; user regardless of the type_attch, and is more than three times faster
entered passwordÞÞ; (6) than the Nos. 2 and 3 methods.
Fig. 2. A flowchart for our user-entered password recovery and backup data decryption.
Table 4
Decryption algorithms used for backup data.
Eq. type_attch KDF Key materials & parameters Decryption Algorithm Parameters
The parameters in bold are different random values for each file encrypted.-
M. Park et al. / Digital Investigation 28 (2019) 119e125 125
smartphones, and then uncovered the detailed encryption method Global smartphone market share by vendor 2009-2018,
used in their backup processes. Based on our analysis, we devel-
4th-quarter-2009/, accessed: 2018-10-15.
oped a tool for user-entered password recovery and decryption of J. Han, Smartphone-Backup-Data-Extractor,
encrypted backup data. Our work is the first on Huawei smart- Smartphone-Backup-Data-Extractor.
phone backup data decryption, and we believe that it will have a Han, J., Lee, S., 2016. A practical approach to analyze smartphone backup data as a
digital evidence. In: DFRWS USA, p. 2016.
significant practical impact for forensic investigations. hashcat, advanced password recovery,, accessed: 2018-
Acknowledgement HiSuite-Android Smart Device Manager,
This work was supported as part of Military Crypto Research iTunes-Apple,
Center (UD170109ED) funded by Defense Acquisition Program LG Bridge-LG,
Administration and Agency for Defense Development. Moriarty, K., Kaliski, B., Rusch, A., January 2017. PKCS5: Password-Based Cryptog-
raphy Specification Version 2.1, RFC 8018.
References FINALMobile Forensics,
Park, M., Kim, H., Kim, J., 2018. How to decrypt PIN-Based encrypted backup data of
Samsung smartphones. Digit. Invest. 26, 63e71.
JEB Decompiler by PNF Software,
Elcomsoft Phone Breaker,