1.unlawful Assembly
1.unlawful Assembly
1.unlawful Assembly
1. Number of persons
According to section 141 of the Pakistan Penal Code, In order to call an assembly an
unlawful assembly it is necessary that there must be at least 5 or more persons who have
common intention as it has been mentioned in section 141 of the Pakistan Penal Code.
But in this case, it is the responsibility of the injured person that he should prove that
there was an unlawful assembly consisting of at least five persons
2. Common object
It is necessary that the object should be common of the persons who have assembled
this unlawful group. If the object will be common at the time of occurrence of the crime
then it will be called an unlawful assembly. Even if common object is not proved there
can be no objection upon all of them by the court of law
3. Commission of offense
According to section 141 of the Pakistan Penal code, When the group of persons will
commit something wrong or omit someone to do something that he is entitled to do, in
this case such kind of commission or omission will be considered as crime and all of those
person will be considered as member of an unlawful assembly and will be punished by
the court of law
9) Vicarious liability
Under the Pakistan penal code, if one person commits a crime in order to achieve the
common object of his unlawful assembly, in this case, all of the persons who are the
members of this assembly will be considered as criminal and vicarious liability will be
imposed upon all of them
10) Conclusion
The meaning of unlawful assembly is that where five or more than five persons get to
together in order to achieve unlawful targets will be considered the members of the an
unlawful assembly. If one of member of the assembly will commit something wrong and
attain a piece of land from someone without his legal consent or deprives someone from
his land which is legally recognized, in this case, vicarious liability will be imposed upon all
of them. There are certain types of punishments for unlawful assembly which are
imprisonment, fine and both