Anton Webern: The Path To Twelve-Tone Composition
Anton Webern: The Path To Twelve-Tone Composition
Anton Webern: The Path To Twelve-Tone Composition
Cover design : Willi Bahner, Vienna
Howdoes the row come to exist? It's not arbitrary, the result of chance;
it's arranged with certain points in mind. Here there are certain formal
considerations, for example one aims at as many different intervals as possible,
or certain correspondences within the row symmetry, analogy, groupings
(thrice four or four times three notes, for instance). Our Schoenberg's,
Berg's and myrows mostly came into existence when an idea occurred to us,
linked with an intuitive vision of the work as a whole; the idea was then sub-
jected to careful thought, just as one can follow the gradual emergence of
themes in Beethoven's sketchbooks. Inspiration, if you like.
Each of these four forms can be based on each of the twelve degrees of the
scale. Bearing these twelve transpositions in mind, each row can manifest
itself in 48 different ways.
Linking up with my last remarks, I should like to say something today about
the purely practical application of the new technique. But first I'll answer a
question put to me by one of you: How is free invention possible when one
has to remember to adhere to the order of the series for the work?"
Strictly speaking, the answer might be this: "Couldn't one ask the same
question about the seven-note scale?" Here twelve notes are the basis, there
seven: our adherence to the row is indeed a particularly strict adherence, but
adherence of this kind has always existed; in the strict polyphonic forms such
as canon and fugue, which are tied to the chosen theme. J. S. Bach's
Art of
Fugue is based on a single theme. What else could this work be but the
answer to the question, " What can I do with these few notes?" There's
forever something different yet the same. Bach wanted to show all that could
be extracted from one single idea. Practically speaking, the details of twelve-
note music are different, but as a whole it's based on the same way of thinking.
" "
In this sense the Art of Fugue is equivalent to what we are writing in our
twelve-note composition. In Bach it's the seven notes of the old scale that are
the basis, here the chromatic scale. One invents on this new basis.
** "
So this is the primeval plant we discussed recently! Ever different and
yet always the same! Wherever we cut into the piece the course of the row must
always be perceptible. This is how unity is ensured; something surely sticks
in the ear, even if one's unaware of it, and we've often found that a singer
involuntarily continues the row even when for some reason it's been interrupted
in the vocal part.
The twelve-note row
as a rule, not a
is, theme." But I can also work
without thematicism, that's to say much more freely, because of the unity that's
now been achieved in another way ; the row ensures unity. As we gradually
gave up tonality an idea occurred to us: We
don't want to repeat, there must
constantly be something new! Obviously this doesn't work, it destroys
comprehensibility. At least it's impossible to write long stretches of music in
that way. Only after the formulation of the law did it again become possible
to write longer pieces.
" "
what has been said before. But now
We want to sayin a quite new way
I can invent more freely; everything has a deeper unity. Only now is it possible
to compose in free fantasy, adhering to nothing except the row. To put it
quite paradoxically, only through these unprecedented fetters has complete
freedom become possible!
Here I can only stammer. Everything is still in a state of flux. The old
Netherlander were similarly unclear about the path they were following, and
in the end this development led to Schoenberg's Harmonielehre" ! Here
there's certainly some underlying rule of law, and it's our faith that a true work
of art can come about in this way. It's for a later period to discover the closer
unifying laws that are already present in the works themselves. When this
true conception of art is achieved, then there will no longer be any possible
distinction between science and inspired creation. The further one presses
forward, the greater becomes the identity of everything, and finally we have
the impression of being faced by a work not of man but of Nature. How does
a man keep the 48 forms in his head ? How is it that he takes now number seven,
then number forty-five, now a cancrizan, now an inversion? Naturally that's a
matter for reflection and consideration. I know how I invent a fresh idea,
and how it continues, and then I look for the right place to fit it in.
Now I must say this: what you see here cancrizan, canon, etc. constantly
the same thing isn't to be regarded as a "tour de force"; that would be
ludicrous. I was to create as many connections as possible, and you must
allow that there are indeed many connections here!
Finally I must point out to you that this is so not only in music. We find an
analogy in language. I was delighted to find that such connections also often
occur in Shakespeare, in alliteration and assonance. He even turns a phrase
backwards. Karl Kraus' handling of language is also based on this; unity also
has to be created there, since it enhances comprehensibility.
(2nd March, 1932)