ORAN-WG5.MP.0-v01.00: O-RAN Alliance Working Group 5 O1 Interface Specification For O-DU
ORAN-WG5.MP.0-v01.00: O-RAN Alliance Working Group 5 O1 Interface Specification For O-DU
ORAN-WG5.MP.0-v01.00: O-RAN Alliance Working Group 5 O1 Interface Specification For O-DU
Technical Specification
1 Revision History
Date Revision Author Description
2020.09.25 01.00 O-RAN-WG5 First published version based on contributions and review by
O-RAN members
1 Contents
2 Revision History ................................................................................................................................................. 2
3 Contents .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
4 List of Figures..................................................................................................................................................... 8
5 List of Tables ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
6 Chapter 1 Introductory Material ......................................................................................................................... 9
7 1.1 Scope 9
8 1.2 References .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
9 1.3 Definitions and Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................... 10
10 1.3.1 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
11 1.3.2 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
12 1.4 Conventions ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
13 1.5 Topics for Future Specification Versions ................................................................................................................... 12
14 Chapter 2 High Level Description .................................................................................................................... 13
15 2.1 Top level functional description, terminology, including hybrid, hierarchical ........................................................... 13
16 2.1.1 Architecture for O-RAN WG5 functional split........................................................................................................ 13
17 2.1.2 O1 interface for O-DU architecture model .............................................................................................................. 13
18 2.1.3 Transport Network ................................................................................................................................................... 13
19 2.2 Interfaces .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
20 2.3 YANG Module Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 14
21 Chapter 3 Startup and Registration Management ............................................................................................. 16
22 3.1 O1 Interface Transport aspects ................................................................................................................................... 18
23 3.1.1 O-DU identification in DHCP ................................................................................................................................. 20
24 3.1.2 Management Plane VLAN Discovery Aspects ........................................................................................................ 20
25 3.1.3 O-DU IP Address Assignment used for O1 signalling ............................................................................................ 21
26 3.1.4 NETCONF Client Discovery ................................................................................................................................... 21
27 3.1.5 CA/RA Discovery .................................................................................................................................................... 21
28 3.1.6 SMO/MnS Consumer Discovery ............................................................................................................................. 22
29 3.2 Certificate Enrolment.................................................................................................................................................. 22
30 3.3 PNF Registration ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
31 3.3.1 Monitoring SMO/MnS Consumer Connectivity ...................................................................................................... 23
32 3.4 NETCONF Connection Establishment ....................................................................................................................... 24
33 3.4.1 NETCONF Security ................................................................................................................................................. 24
34 3.4.2 NETCONF Authentication ...................................................................................................................................... 24
35 3.4.3 User Account Provisioning ...................................................................................................................................... 24
36 3.5 NETCONF Access Control ........................................................................................................................................ 24
37 3.6 NETCONF Protocol Aspects ...................................................................................................................................... 25
38 3.6.1 NETCONF Capability Discovery ............................................................................................................................ 25
39 3.6.2 Framework for optional feature handling ................................................................................................................ 25
40 3.6.3 Closing a NETCONF Session .................................................................................................................................. 26
41 Chapter 4 Heartbeat Management Services...................................................................................................... 26
42 4.1 Heartbeat Notification................................................................................................................................................. 26
43 4.2 Heartbeat Control........................................................................................................................................................ 26
44 Chapter 5 PNF Software Management ............................................................................................................. 26
45 5.1 O-DU Software Management ..................................................................................................................................... 26
46 5.2 O-RU Software Management ..................................................................................................................................... 26
47 5.2.1 Hierarchical Model .................................................................................................................................................. 26
48 5.2.2 Hybrid Model........................................................................................................................................................... 31
49 Chapter 6 Performance Assurance Management .............................................................................................. 31
50 6.1 Performance Data File Reporting ............................................................................................................................... 31
51 6.1.1 PM File Content ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
52 6.1.2 PM File Naming ...................................................................................................................................................... 31
53 6.1.3 PM File XML Format .............................................................................................................................................. 31
1 A.1.3 Maximum UL PDCP PDU volume transmitted via F1-U UL GTP-U tunnel ......................................................... 55
2 A.1.4 Minimum UL PDCP PDU volume transmitted via F1-U UL GTP-U tunnel .......................................................... 55
3 A.1.5 DL PDCP PDUs received via F1-U DL GTP-U tunnel .......................................................................................... 56
4 A.1.6 DL PDCP PDU volume received via F1-U DL GTP-U tunnel ............................................................................... 56
5 A.1.7 Maximum DL PDCP PDU volume received via F1-U DL GTP-U tunnel.............................................................. 57
6 A.1.8 Minimum DL PDCP PDU volume received via F1-U DL GTP-U tunnel .............................................................. 57
7 A.1.9 Transmitted F1-C messages .................................................................................................................................... 58
8 A.1.10 Received F1-C messages ...................................................................................................................................... 58
9 A.1.11 DL F1-U packets discarded due to NR U-Plane protocol error ............................................................................ 58
10 A.1.12 DL F1-U packet loss rate ...................................................................................................................................... 59
11 A.1.13 DL Packet Drop Rate in gNB-DU......................................................................................................................... 59
12 A.1.14 UL PDCP PDU volume transmitted via F1-U UL GTP-U tunnel ......................................................................... 60
13 A.1.15 DL PDCP PDU volume received via F1-U DL GTP-U tunnel ............................................................................. 60
14 A.2 NR RLC performance counters ................................................................................................................................. 61
15 A.2.1 Received UL RLC PDUs ........................................................................................................................................ 61
16 A.2.2 Received UL RLC PDU volume ............................................................................................................................. 61
17 A.2.3 Request for UL RLC PDUs retransmission ............................................................................................................ 61
18 A.2.4 Transmitted DL RLC PDUs .................................................................................................................................... 62
19 A.2.5 Transmitted DL RLC PDU volume ........................................................................................................................ 62
20 A.2.6 Retransmitted DL RLC PDUs................................................................................................................................. 63
21 A.2.7 Retransmitted DL RLC PDU volume ..................................................................................................................... 63
22 A.2.8 UL RLC PDUs discarded due to bearer release ...................................................................................................... 64
23 A.2.9 UL RLC PDU volume discarded due to bearer release .......................................................................................... 64
24 A.2.10 UL RLC PDUs discarded due to RLC re-establishment ....................................................................................... 65
25 A.2.11 UL RLC PDU volume discarded due to RLC re-establishment ........................................................................... 65
26 A.2.12 UL RLC PDUs discarded due to other causes ...................................................................................................... 65
27 A.2.13 UL RLC PDU volume discarded due to other causes ........................................................................................... 66
28 A.2.14 DL RLC PDUs discarded due to bearer release .................................................................................................... 66
29 A.2.15 DL RLC PDU volume discarded due to bearer release......................................................................................... 67
30 A.2.16 DL RLC PDUs discarded due to RLC re-establishment ....................................................................................... 67
31 A.2.17 DL RLC PDU volume discarded due to RLC re-establishment ........................................................................... 68
32 A.2.18 DL RLC PDUs discarded due to full buffer .......................................................................................................... 68
33 A.2.19 DL RLC PDU volume discarded due to full buffer .............................................................................................. 69
34 A.2.20 The number of exceeding maximum RLC retransmissions .................................................................................. 69
35 A.2.21 Average delay DL in gNB-DU ............................................................................................................................. 70
36 A.2.22 IP Latency DL in gNB-DU ................................................................................................................................... 70
37 A.3 NR MAC performance counters ................................................................................................................................ 71
38 A.3.1 Received UL MAC PDU volume ........................................................................................................................... 71
39 A.3.2 Transmitted DL MAC PDU volume ...................................................................................................................... 71
40 A.3.3 Average delay DL air-interface ........................................................................................................................... 72
41 A.4 NR UL HARQ performance counters ........................................................................................................................ 72
42 A.4.1 Distribution of PUSCH per MCS (initial transmission) ...................................................................................... 72
43 A.4.2 Distribution of PUSCH per MCS (initial transmission/CRC OK) ....................................................................... 73
44 A.4.3 Distribution of PUSCH per MCS (any/CRC OK) ................................................................................................. 73
45 A.4.4 Distribution of PUSCH per MCS (exceeding HARQ retransmission) .............................................................. 74
46 A.5 NR DL HARQ performance counters ........................................................................................................................ 75
47 A.5.1 Distribution of PDSCH per MCS (initial transmission) ...................................................................................... 75
48 A.5.2 Distribution of PDSCH per MCS (initial transmission/ACK) ............................................................................. 76
49 A.5.3 Distribution of PDSCH per MCS (any/ACK) ....................................................................................................... 76
50 A.5.4 Distribution of PDSCH per MCS (exceeding HARQ retransmission) .............................................................. 77
51 A.5.5 Distribution of PDSCH per MCS (MU-MIMO/initial transmission) ................................................................... 78
52 A.5.6 Distribution of PDSCH per MCS (MU-MIMO/initial transmission/ACK) .......................................................... 79
53 A.6 NR UL Signal Quality Level performance counters .................................................................................................. 79
54 A.6.1 Distribution of PUSCH per MCS (Rank1) ........................................................................................................... 79
55 A.6.2 Distribution of PUSCH per MCS (Rank2) ........................................................................................................... 80
56 A.6.3 Distribution of PUSCH per SSB beam (Rank1) ................................................................................................. 81
57 A.6.4 Distribution of PUSCH per SSB beam (Rank2) ................................................................................................. 81
58 A.6.5 PUSCH received power ........................................................................................................................................ 82
59 A.6.6 PUSCH RSSI........................................................................................................................................................... 83
60 A.6.7 PUSCH SINR .......................................................................................................................................................... 83
6 List of Figures
7 Figure 1: O1 interface protocol stack................................................................................................................................ 14
8 Figure 2: Details of Configuration Data Bases (CDB) ..................................................................................................... 15
9 Figure 3: Overall of Start-Up Installation ......................................................................................................................... 18
10 Figure 4: Transport Layer Establishment for M-plane ..................................................................................................... 19
11 Figure 5: Certificate Enrolment ........................................................................................................................................ 23
12 Figure 6: Software Inventory ............................................................................................................................................ 28
13 Figure 7: Software Download ........................................................................................................................................... 29
14 Figure 8: Software Activate .............................................................................................................................................. 30
15 Figure 9: Operation to merge O-RU Alarms by O-DU..................................................................................................... 34
16 Figure 10: File Ready Notification ................................................................................................................................... 36
17 Figure 11: List Available Files ......................................................................................................................................... 37
18 Figure 12: Retrieve File List ............................................................................................................................................. 37
19 Figure 13: Allowed sync state transitions ......................................................................................................................... 39
20 Figure 14: Cell activation procedure................................................................................................................................. 48
21 Figure 15: Notification to the SMO preceded by the O-RU notification .......................................................................... 49
22 Figure 16: Notification to the SMO preceded by the O-DU <get> operation................................................................... 50
23 Figure 17: Delay Management Configuration Procedure ................................................................................................. 53
25 List of Tables
26 Table 1: Mapping of account groupings to O-DU module privileges ............................................................................... 25
27 Table 2: Mapping of O-RU NETCONF based fault notification to ONAP VES in ‘fault3gppFields’ ............................. 35
28 Table 3: Parameters list for Notification notifyFileReady ................................................................................................ 36
29 Table 5: Optional O-RAN WG5 Namespace .................................................................................................................. 124
30 Table 6: Optional O-RAN WG4 Namespace .................................................................................................................. 125
31 Table 7: Optional O-RAN WG5 defined feature support ............................................................................................... 125
32 Table 8: Optional O-RAN WG4 defined feature support ............................................................................................... 126
33 Table 9: Optional feature support in common models .................................................................................................... 126
34 Table 10: Optional capabilities in O-RAN WG5 defined YANG models ...................................................................... 127
35 Table 11: Optional capabilities in O-RAN WG4 defined YANG models ...................................................................... 128
36 Table 12: Optional capabilities in common YANG models ........................................................................................... 129
37 Table 13: Categories for YANG parameters .................................................................................................................. 133
2 1.1 Scope
3 This Technical Specification has been produced by the O-RAN.org.
4 The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within O-RAN WG5 and may change following
5 formal O-RAN approval. Should the O-RAN.org modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by
6 O-RAN Alliance with an identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:
7 Release x.y.z
8 where:
9 x the first digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates,
10 etc. (the initial approved document will have x=01).
11 y the second digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.
12 z the third digit included only in working versions of the document indicating incremental changes during the
13 editing process.
14 The present document specifies the O1 Interface specification for O-DU used over the interface linking the O-DU (O-
15 RAN Distributed Unit) with other management plane entities, that may include the O-CU (O-RAN Centralized Unit) as
16 well as Service Management and Orchestration (SMO).
17 1.2 References
18 The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
19 document.
20 - References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
21 non-specific.
22 - For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
23 - For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including
24 a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document.
25 [1] 3GPP TR 21.905: “Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications”
26 [2] ORAN-WG5.C.1-v01.00 “Control Plane Specification”, O-RAN Alliance, Working Group 5
27 [3] ORAN-WG5.U.0-v01.00 “User Plane Specification”, O-RAN Alliance, Working Group 5
28 [4] ORAN-WG4.MP.0-v03.00 “Management Plane Specification”, O-RAN Alliance, Working Group
29 4
30 [5] RFC 6241, “Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)”, IETF, June 2011
31 [6] RFC 7950, “The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language”, IETF, August 2016
32 [7] RFC 6187, “X.509v3 Certificates for Secure Shell Authentication”, IETF, March 2011
33 [8] RFC 4361, Node-specific Client Identifiers for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Version Four
34 (DHCPv4), IETF, February 2006
35 [9] RFC 4253, “The Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol”, IETF, January 2006
36 [10] RFC 2132, “DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions”, IETF, March 1997
37 [11] RFC 3925, “Vendor-Identifying Vendor Options for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol version
38 4 (DHCPv4)”, IETF, October 2004
39 [12] RFC 2131, “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol”, IETF, March 1997
40 [13] RFC 4862, “IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration”, IETF, September 2007
41 [14] RFC 3315, “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)”, IETF, July 2003
1 [15] RFC 3736, “Stateless Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Service for IPv6”, IETF, April
2 2004
3 [16] RFC 7895, “YANG Model Library”, IETF, June 2016
4 [17] RFC 8071, “NETCONF Call Home and RESTCONF Call Home”, IETF, February 2017
5 [18] G.8275.1, “Precision time protocol telecom profile for phase/time synchronization with full timing
6 support from the network”, ITU, June 2016
7 [19] G.8275.2, “Precision time protocol telecom profile for phase/time synchronization with partial
8 timing support from the network”, ITU, March 2020
9 [20] G.810, “Definitions and terminology for synchronization networks”, ITU, August 1996
10 [21] 1588v2-2008, “IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked
11 Measurement and Control Systems”, IEEE, 2008
12 [22] O-RAN-WG1.OAM-Architecture-v03.00, O-RAN Alliance, Working Group 1
13 [23] O-RAN.WG1.O1-Interface.0-v03.00, “O-RAN Operations and Maintenance Interface
14 Specification”, O-RAN Alliance, Working Group 1
15 [24] 3GPP 28.532, “Management and orchestration; Generic management services”, 3GPP
16 [25] 3GPP 28.545, “Management and orchestration; Fault Supervision (FS)”, 3GPP
17 [26] G.8261, “Timing and synchronization aspects in packet networks”, ITU, August 2019
18 [27] 3GPP 28.541, “Management and orchestration; 5G Network Resource Model (NRM)”, 3GPP
19 [28] ORAN-WG4.CUS.0-v02.00 “Control, User and Synchronization Plane Specification”, O-RAN
20 Alliance, Working Group 4
21 [29] 3GPP 32.342, “File Transfer (FT); Integration Reference Point (IRP)”, 3GPP
22 [30] 3GPP 32.302, “Configuration Management (CM); Notification Integration Reference Point (IRP)”,
23 3GPP
1 LLS: Lower Layer Split: logical interface between O-DU and O-RU when using a lower layer (intra-PHY based)
2 functional split.
3 LLS-C: Lower Layer Split Control-plane: logical interface between O-DU and O-RU when using a lower layer functional
4 split.
5 Low-PHY: those portions of the PHY processing on the O-RU side of the fronthaul interface, including FFT/iFFT, digital
6 beamforming, and PRACH extraction and filtering.
7 M-Plane: Management Plane: refers to non-real-time management operations between the O-DU and the O-RU
8 Port: End of a transport link – in most cases this is an optical port
9 Port Number: A number which identifies a port (see Port). In case of SFP/SFP+ port, port number value is 0 to N-1
10 where N is number of ports in the device. Numbers 0 to N-1 are assigned to ports in order following order of labels on
11 the device (labels for ports are not necessarily numbers starting from zero)
12 O-CU: O-RAN Centralized Unit: a logical node hosting RRC layer based on a higher layer functional split.
13 O-DU: O-RAN Distributed Unit — A logical node hosting PDCP/RLC/MAC/High-PHY layers based on a lower layer
14 functional split.
15 O-RU: O-RAN Radio Unit: a logical node hosting Low-PHY layer and RF processing based on a higher layer functional
16 split in 3-box model. This is similar to 3GPP’s “TRP” or “RRH” but more specific in including the Low-PHY layer
17 (FFT/iFFT, PRACH extraction).
18 S-Plane: Synchronization Plane: refers to traffic between the O-RU or O-DU to a synchronization controller which is
19 generally an IEEE-1588 Grand Master (however, Grand Master functionality may be embedded in the O-DU).
20 Spatial stream: the data flow on the DL associated with precoded data (may be same as layers or different if there is
21 expansion in the precoding), and on UL associated with the number of outputs from the digital beamforming (sometimes
22 called “beams”).
23 SSM: Synchronization Status Message: part of ITU G.781 and G.8264 standards.
24 U-Plane: User Plane: refers to IQ sample data
25 UL: UpLink: data flow away from the radiating antenna (generally on the LLS interface)
26 1.3.2 Abbreviations
27 For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. An
28 abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in
29 3GPP TR 21.905 [1].
30 ALD Antenna Line Device
31 AVP Average Power
32 BCN BTS Clock Number
33 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
34 CUS Control/User/Synchronization
35 CU-CP Centralized Unit Control Plane
36 CU-UP Centralized Unic User Plane
37 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
38 DMTC DRS Measurement Timing Configuration
39 DRS Discovery Reference Signal
40 DSCP Differentiated Services Code Point
41 DU Distributed Unit
42 HDLC High-Level Data Link Control
43 lls-M Lower Layer Split Management plane
44 LAA Licensed Assisted Access
26 1.4 Conventions
27 This management plane specification includes cross references to a set of associated YANG models. Text may reference
28 particular YANG leafs, notifications and remote procedure calls (RPCs). In order to assist in readability, all cross
29 references to YANG defined elements will keep the identical case format as defined in the corresponding YANG model,
30 with the font-weight set to bold. This convention applies only to text and not to YANG elements embedded into figures.
31 If there is any conflict between the YANG models and the accompanying text description in this specification, the
32 definition of the YANG models shall take precedence.
36 The following topics are to be considered for future versions of the specification:
3 Extensions to this version of the O1 Interface specification for O-DU together with corrected errors will be included in
4 the future versions of this document.
6 The revision statement in the YANG models will be used to describe future revisions to the models that are backwards
7 compatible. Backwards incompatible changes will be addressed by incrementing the number used as part of the model
8 name and namespace, effectively creating a new YANG model. The format of the namespace used in all O-RAN YANG
9 models is “urn:o-ran:”<model-name>“:”<model-number>, where the initial <model-number> used in a newly defined
10 YANG model is “1.0”. Where this document makes reference to models, irrespective of their backward compatibity, a
11 generic <model-number> of “x.y” is used to enable reference to all versions of the namespace for a particular <model-
12 name>.
14 The revision statement in all YANG models includes a reference statement used to cross-reference to the first version of
15 this document where the corresponding description was introduced. For example, the reference in all revision statements
16 for the initial O-RAN models include cross-reference to “ORAN-WG5.MP.0-v01.00”.
18 The revision statement of the YANG models also includes a description which is used to track the versioning of the
19 YANG model. All revision statement descriptions will begin with “version ”<a>“.”<b>“.”<c>, where <a>, <b> and <c>
20 are used to reflect the version of the YANG model, where
22 <a> corresponds to the first digit of the O-RAN WG5 management plane specification version where the
23 corresponding description was first introduced, corresponding to <x> in sub-section 1.1
24 <b> is incremented when errors in the YANG model have been corrected
25 <c> is incremented only in working versions of the the YANG model indicating incremental changes during the
26 editing process
41 The basic requirement for O1 interface for O-DU is to have end to end IP connectivity between the O-DU and the elements
42 managing it. IPv4 shall be supported as a mandatory transport protocol for O1 interface for O-DU and IPv6 support is
43 optional.
44 This version of the O1 interface for O-DU has not been defined to be able to operate in the presence of any Network
45 Address Translation (NAT) between the O-DU and elements managing it.
1 2.2 Interfaces
2 This interface is defined between the management system and the O-DU. The protocol stack of the interface is shown in
3 Figure 1. The transport network layer is built on IP transport and TCP/TLS is used to carry the messages between the
4 management system and the O-DU.
6 Figure 1: O1 interface protocol stack
10 i) where the O-RU functionality is co-located with corresponding O-DU functionality, in a classical 3GPP
11 “DU” approach,
12 ii) where the O-RU is deployed using O-RAN WG4 defined hierarchical approach where the O-DU is used to
13 manage all aspects of the remote O-RU connected using the WG4 defined fronthaul interface, and
14 iii) where the O-RU is deployed using O-RAN WG4 defined hybrid approach where the SMO and O-DU in
15 combination are used to manage the remote O-RU connected using the WG4 defined fronthaul interface.
16 In all of the above scenarios, the O-RAN WG4 Management Plane Specification [4] YANG models will be re-used for
17 configuring the O-RU functionality. Because an O-DU managed function will likely support multiple O-RU functions,
18 the O-RAN O1 Interface specification for O-DU defines new models which are used to aggregate the configuration of
19 individual O-RU instances. Figure 2 illustrates how the SMO is responsible for aggregating the individual configuration
20 databases for separate O-RU instances and how the O-DU is responsible for de-aggregating the configuration prior to
21 configuring individual O-RU instances.
22 Refer to the various chapters, Annex C and the repository of YANG models for more details on each of these modules.
3 Pre-condition:
8 Post-condition:
9 The SMO is able to determine whether the configuration of the O-RU occurs using hybrid or hierarchical approach.
10 Via the connection to the SMO, the O-DU can receive further configuration to enable it to support NETCONF client
11 functionality to enable hierarchical configuration of independent O-RU(s).
12 SMO can determine the O-RU instance identifiers that may be provisioned via the O-DU.
6 Pre-condition:
8 Post-condition:
10 - Transport Layer address(es) for O1 are known to the O-DU and SMO.
11 - The O-DU is aware of the physical port(s) for O1 interface, e.g., if there are multiple ports supported by the O-DU.
12 - The O-DU is aware of the VLAN(s) to be used for O1 interface, e.g., if VLANs are used in the transport network.
13 - Then O-DU is ready to accept inbound NETCONF sessions from the SMO.
15 a) Manual transport layer address configuration in O-DU. This configuration contains the addresses for O-DU and
16 SMO/MnS Consumer(s). The method to manually configure the O-DU is out of scope of this specification. Assuming
17 manual configuration is successful, the NETCONF server shall be able to recover this configured information and use the
18 o-ran-mplane-int.yang model to communicate this operational-state to a NETCONF client.
19 b) DHCP server provides O-DU’s transport layer address information together with the identity of the SMO/MnS
20 Consumer(s). This identity encodes either the transport layer address or FQDN of the SMO/MnS Consumer. If an FQDN
21 is signaled, the O-DU shall use the DNS server address provided by the DHCP server to recover the IP address
22 corresponding to FQDN of the SMO/MnS Consumer.
23 c) If IPv6 is supported, Stateless Address Auto-Configuration (SLAAC) is used to configure the O-DU’s transport
24 address with the DHCP server providing the identity of the SMO/MnS Consumer. This identity encodes either the
25 transport layer address or FQDN of the SMO/MnS Consumer. If an FQDN is signaled, the O-DU shall use the DNS server
26 address provided by the DHCP server to recover the IP address corresponding to FQDN of the SMO/MnS Consumer.
27 Note, a NETCONF client can determine whether an O-DU supports IPv6 by using the get rpc to recover the list of
28 interfaces supported by the O-DU and using the presence of the augmented ipv6 container in the o-ran-interfaces module
29 to indicate IPv6 is supported.
30 The O-DU uses the o-ran-dhcp.yang model to be able to expose information signaled by the DHCP server.
2 Figure 4: Transport Layer Establishment for M-plane
4 Transport Layer interface related information for O1 interface contains at least the physical port number, the hardware
5 address of the Ethernet port, VLAN-ID, local IP address, remote IP address, Default Gateway address and Subnet mask.
1 In the case of option b) and c), the following subsections are used:
12 • Option: 60
14 The format of the vendor class string shall be configured to one of the following three options, and where
15 <ManagedElementType> corresponds to “o-ran-du”:
17 2. <optionalMvPnC/><ManagedElementType>/<vendor>/<product-code>, e.g.,
18 “MvPnC/o-ran-du/vendorA/ODU100”
19 3. <optionalMvPnC/><ManagedElementType>/<vendor>/<product-code>/<serial-number>, e.g.,
20 “MvPnC/o-ran-du/vendorA/ODU100/GS1921020222”
22 • Option: 124
24 • Vendor-Class-Data: the format of the string shall follow the rules defined for the DHCPv4 Vendor Class Option
27 • Option: 16
29 • Vendor-Class-Data: the format of the string shall follow the rules defined for the DHCPv4 Vendor Class Option
31 The DHCP Server may use this information when allocating IP addresses or when configuring O1 interface SMO/MnS
32 Consumer information in the O-DU.
1 Once an O-DU completes its boot-up sequence and Ethernet connectivity is detected on at least one of its Ethernet
2 interfaces, the O-DU starts management plane connection establishment.
3 The O-DU needs to determine whether it is connected to an access port or a trunk port. In particular, when connected to
4 a trunk port, the O-DU needs to additionally determine the VLAN identity/ies used to support the management plane
5 communication(s). The VLAN(s) used to support management plane communications can be identified by the DHCP
6 server replying to the DHCP DISCOVER message, as described in section 3.1.4.
7 Note, an O-DU which supports IPv6 may infer that a VLAN is not used to support management plane communications if
8 it receives an IPv6 Router Advertisement without either the “managed address configuration” or “other configuration”
9 bits set.
10 An O-DU may have been previously configured with management plane VLAN information, for example storing the last
11 VLAN(s) used for management plane connectivity, and/or being previously configured with a range of management plane
12 VLANs by a NETCONF client that has been stored in reset-persistent memory. The O-DU may use this information to
13 optimize its discovery of the VLAN ID(s) used for management plane connectivity.
14 If the O-DU does not have previously configured management plane VLAN information, the O-DU shall attempt to
15 discover DHCP servers on all of its Ethernet ports using untagged Ethernet frames.
16 If the O-DU does not receive a DHCP OFFER from a DHCP server using untagged frames, or previously configured
17 VLANs, the O_DU should attempt to contact a DHCP server using individual VLANs on all of its Ethernet ports.
20 1. IPv4 configuration using DHCPv4, RFC2131 [12] enables DHCP servers to configure IPv4 network address(es) on
21 the O-DU. An O-DU shall support the behavior specified in RFC 4361 [8], using stable DHCPv4 node identifiers in their
22 dhcp-client-identifier option.
23 Note: a network realized with multiple DHCP servers should ensure that their configurations are co-ordinated to ensure
24 a common default gateway is provisioned in an O-DU which receives multiple DHCPv4 responses, e.g., when received
25 over different interfaces.
26 Note: an O-DU may indicate that it supports configuration of routing information using RFC 3442, enabling static routes
27 to be used by the O-DU when determining how to route uplink packets, e.g., when the O-DU supports multiple interfaces.
28 For O-DUs that support IPv6, both stateful and stateless address assignment procedures are supported:
29 2. IPv6 Stateless Address Auto-Configuration (SLAAC), RFC4862 [13] enables the O-DU to generate link-local and
30 global addresses.
31 Note: a network realized with multiple IPv6-enabled routers that support dynamic address assignment is expected to use
32 RFC 4191 to configure the preference of the default route prefixes learnt by the O-DU using SLAAC.
33 3. IPv6 State-full address configuration uses DHCPv6, RFC3315 [14] and enables DHCP servers to configure IPv6
34 network address(es) on the O-DU. DHCPv6 is transported using UDP, using the link-local address on the O-DU and a
35 link-scoped multicast address on the DHCP server.
36 The DHCP server should operate using static bindings, i.e., ensuring a O-DU identified by a particular client hardware
37 address will be re-allocated the same management plane IP address, e.g., after performing a reset procedure.
1 As described in Chapter 3.2 Certificate Enrolment, an O-DU shall support certificate enrollment using CMPv2. 3GPP
2 32.509 specifies how the O-DU can discover the IP address or FQDN of one or more Certification Authority (CA/RA)
3 servers using DHCP Option 43.
4 In addition to the DHCPv4 encoding using Option 43, an O-DU supporting IPv6 shall additionally support the signaling
5 of vendor specific options using DHCPv6 option 17. The format of the DHCPv6 option 17 follows the format of the
6 DHCPv4 encoding, with the additional inclusion of an Enterprise Number prior to the TLV option data. The IANA
7 allocated private enterprise number to be used with DHCPv6 option 17 is 53148 (as allocated by IANA to O-RAN
8 Alliance).
9 An O-DU shall report any discovered multi-vendor plug-and-play servers using the o-ran-dhcp YANG model.
13 O-DUs that have obtained their IPv6 addresses by stateless address auto-configuration, shall use stateless DHCPv6,
14 RFC3736 [15], to obtain SMO/MnS Consumer information.
15 Other O-DUs operating using stateful IPv4 or IPv6 address allocations shall obtain SMO/MnS Consumer information
16 during IP address allocation.
17 The O-DU shall be able to recover SMO/MnS Consumer information using O-RAN defined vendor specific option to
18 signal SMO/MnS Consumer information to the O-DU using option 43 for DHCPv4 and option 17 for DHCPv6. Multiple
19 instances of the SMO/MnS Consumer information may be signaled, encoded as a sequence of type/length/value fields.
20 The definition of the types used within the DHCPv4 option 43/DHCPv6 Option 17 are as follows:
23 In both cases, the Type is followed by the length, which is the hexadecimal encoding of length of value field in octets,
24 and the Value.
25 When Type corresponds to an SMO/MnS Consumer IP Address, the value encodes IPv4 address(es) in hexadecimal
26 format. For example, an SMO/MnS Consumer with IPv4 address will be encoded in an option 43 TLV
27 as
28 Type 0x83
29 Length: 0x04
30 Value: C6 B9 9F 90
31 When Type corresponds to an SMO/MnS Consumer Fully Qualified Domain Name, this encodes the string representation
32 of domain name, using ACSII encoding (i.e., following for encoding used for the domain name in the Host Name DHCP
33 Option 12). For example, a server with FQDN “collector.operator.com” will be encoded in an option 43 TLV as
34 Type 0x84
35 Length: 0x17
36 Value: 63 6fF6C 6C 65 63 74 6F 72 2E 6F 70 65 72 61 74 6F 72 2E 63 6F 6D
37 The format of the DHCPv6 option 17 follows the format of the DHCPv4 encoding, with the additional inclusion of an
38 Enterprise Number prior to the TLV option data. The IANA allocated private enterprise number to be used with DHCPv6
39 option 17 is 53148.
1 CMPv2 server. While the approach has been defined for provisioning certificates for use in establishing the security
2 association to an IPSec Security Gateway, the same technique is used here to obtain an operator-signed certificate for use
3 in securing the NETCONF connection between the O-DU and the NETCONF client in the SMO as well as securing the
4 JSON/HTTPS connection between the O-DU and the SMO/MnS Consumer.
5 After enrollment has been performed, the O-DU can use the operator-signed certificate to authenticate itself to the SMO
6 NETCONF client, which is pre-installed with the operator root certificate. The O-DU then authenticates the NETCONF
7 client using the operator root certificate.
10 Figure 5: Certificate Enrolment
17 The pnfRegistration notification shall include the IP address information necessary for a NETCONF client to establish
18 IP connectivity to the NETCONF Server in the O-DU, i.e., shall include the field oamV4IpAddress when the O-DU has
19 a configured IPv4 interface and/or the field oamV6IpAddress when the O-DU has a configured IPv6 interface.
7 As the default, the NETCONF Server in the O-DU shall provide access to the NETCONF subsystem only when using
8 TLS established using the IANA-assigned TCP port 6513 [Ref: RFC 5539]. The O-DU may be configured to additionally
9 allow access to the NETCONF subsystem over other ports.
10 If multiple NETCONF sessions are established to an O-DU, those sessions shall be established over separate TLS tunnels.
13 Mutual Public key-based client/server authentication shall be used for authenticating the server (RFC 4253 [9]) by the
14 clients. and authenticating the client by the server.
15 For the purposes of NETCONF user authentication, the mapping between certificates and user-names is provided by the
16 SubjectAltName field of the X.509 certificate [7], which means that the user name is coded in the subjectAltName. The
17 username is determined from the subjectAltName using the rules defined in RFC 7589.
22 A NETCONF client, with appropriate privileges, may be used to provision new user-names and associated access control
23 group(s) in the O-DU.
27 In order to support interoperable access control management, the NETCONF Server shall use the IETF NETCONF Access
28 Control Model [RFC8341].
29 Currently four access control groups are defined per TLS session: “sudo”, “smo”, “fm-pm”, and “swm”. The table below
30 maps the group name to different privileges. Privileges are defined per namespace for read “R”, write “W” and execute
31 “X” rpc operations or subscribe to Notifications.
3 This mapping shall be encoded in the rule list in ietf-netconf-acm.yang model. This rule list shall be unmodifiable by
4 any NETCONF client.
5 The same model is responsible for configuring the mapping between different user-names and groups.
6 For Aggregated YANG data models access control please refer to Chapter 3.4 of [4].
13 NETCONF capabilities are exchanged between the O-DU and the NETCONF client(s).
14 For full list of supported operations and capabilities please refer to Chapter 2.1.1. from [23]
17 An O-DU may have some features which are not supported by other O-DUs, i.e. optional feature(s). In this case, the O-
18 DU needs to inform the SMO which features the O-DU can provide, and this can be achieved by exchanging NETCONF
19 capabilities.
20 Some of the YANG models are optional for the O-DU to support. Mandatory models may define optional feature
21 capabilities that particular O-DU supports.
22 The O-DU shall use the ietf-yang-library model (RFC 7895) [16] to list the namespace of the models supported by the
23 Server. If an O-DU does not return the namespace associated with an optional YANG model, the SMO determines that
24 the O-DU does not support the optional capability associated with the model.
25 In addition, for each supported schema, the ietf-yang-library lists the YANG feature names from this module that are
26 supported by the server. The details of optional models and features are defined in Annex B.
14 In the hybrid architecture for O-RU, this chapter is not applicable if O-DU is not responsible for the SW management of
15 O-RU. In such case, the SMO performes the software management of O-DU by [23], and the software management of
16 O-RU by O-RAN WG4 Management Plane Specification [4]. The SMO may perform the software management of O-
17 RU by O1 Interface Specification [23] if O-RU supports [23] for its management.
22 Preparation
1 <label>swm-root</label>
2 <config>false</config>
3 <inline></inline>
4 </mount-point>
5 </schema-mounts>
7 In this case, building the data tree such as following image, which is not created or validated by a tool (e.g. pyang), is
8 expected and the SMO will retrieve it from O-DU.
9 module: o-ran-aggregation-base
10 +--rw aggregated-o-ru
11 +--ro recovered-ru-instance-ids* [ru-instance-id]
12 | +--ro ru-instance-id ru-ref
13 +--rw aggregation* [ru-instance]
14 +--rw ru-instance -> /aggregated-o-ru/recovered-ru-instance-ids/ru-instance-id
15 +--rw or-agg-swm:software-management-model
16 +--mp swm-root
17 +--ro software-inventory
18 +--ro software-slot* [name]
19 +--ro name string
20 +--ro status enumeration
21 +--ro active? boolean
22 +--ro running? boolean
23 +--ro access? enumeration
24 +--ro product-code? -> /hw:hardware/component/o-ran-hw:product-code
25 +--ro vendor-code? string
26 +--ro build-id? string
27 +--ro build-name? string
28 +--ro build-version? string
29 +--ro files* [name]
30 +--ro name string
31 +--ro version? string
32 +--ro local-path string
33 +--ro integrity? enumeration
35 Description
36 The SMO retrieves the software inventory information of O-RU by using the aggregated yang data model.
37 Procedures
38 Precondition:
39 - O-DU has the software inventory information of connected O-RUs, which is retrieved in startup with O-RU.
2 Figure 6: Software Inventory
10 Description
11 The SMO triggers the software download to O-RU by sending software download rpc defined in [23] with ru-instance-
12 id which identifies a target O-RU. After software download for O-RU, O-DU performs the software install to O-RU
13 according to [4].
14 Procedures
2 Figure 7: Software Download
1 13. O-DU sends <rpc><software-install> to perform the software install for O-RU. O-DU selects an install slot based
2 on [4].
3 14. O-RU returns <rpc-reply><software-install>.
4 15. O-RU sends <notification><install-event> to notify the result of install process.
5 16. When download operation is completed, O-DU sends download-event NETCONF downloadFile notification to
6 SMO with the final status of the download (success or the reason for failure).
9 SW activate
10 Description
11 When O-DU receives NETCONF <rpc><software-activate><softwarePackage> with ru-instance-id from the SMO, O-
12 DU executes the software activation mechanism to O-RU indicated by ru-instance-id.
13 Procedures
15 Figure 8: Software Activate
17 1. SMO establishes NETCONF session with O-DU.
18 2. SMO sends NETCONF <rpc><software-activate><softwarePackage> with ru-instance-id to trigger an activation
19 of the software slot on O-RU.
20 a. O-DU validates the request.
21 3. O-DU returns status to the SMO in the NETCONF <rpc-reply> response.
22 4. SMO terminates NETCONF session with O-DU.
23 5. O-DU sends <rpc><software-activation> to activate the software slot on O-RU. The most recentory used slot to
24 install is selected.
25 6. O-RU returns status into <rpc-reply>.
26 7. O-DU recieves <notificatoin><activation-event>.
1 8. O-DU sends <rpc><reset> toward O-RU to apply the newly installed and activated software.
2 9. O-RU returns <rpc-reply>.
3 a. O-RU starts reset process.
4 10. When O-DU retrieves software inventory information of all reset O-RU in the startup, O-DU sends a
5 softwareActivate notification to SMO with the final status of the software activate and O-RU reset results.
14 In the hierarchical architecture of O-RAN WG4 Management Plane Specification [4], O-DU as NETCONF client will
15 control the performance measurement of O-RU as NETCONF server. The information to be collected in O-RU is also
16 controlled by SMO via O-DU by [4]. They are defined in Annex A.14.
17 The measured result file created by O-RU will be periodically uploaded to O-DU’s internal storage aligned with [4] and
18 O-DU will handle it by Performance Data File Reporting function aligned with O1 interface spec [23]. As the
19 alternative way, the measured result file created by O-RU will be forwarded to the FTP server configured by O-DU. For
20 the latter case, Performance Assurance MnS Consumer shall provide the remote-SFTP-upload-path and its credential to
21 O-RU that can upload the PM data file directly.
32 In addition to the parameters defined in Measurement Control, the following two parameters are additionally defined for
33 O1 interface spec.
34 - pm-count-list-drb: indicates the QoS group specific to performance assurance control for qci-index. Each entry
35 contains qci-index [0…255] and corresponding pm-count-group [0…17]. The multiple entries with different qci-
1 index can map to same pm-count-group to combine the measurement result for them. Value 0 for pm-count-
2 group means that there is no need to collect measurement for the qci-index.
3 - pm-count-list-srb: indicates the QoS group specific to performance assurance control for srb-index. Each entry
4 contains srb-index [SRB1S, SRB2S, SRB3] and corresponding pm-count-group [0…17]. Value 0 for pm-count-
5 group means that there is no need to collect measurement for the srb-index.
9 In the hierarchical architecture of O-RAN WG4 Management Plane Specification [4], O-DU as NETCONF client will
10 measure the performance counters defined in Annex A.13. The measurementTypes and gPs for O-RU performance
11 counters measured at O-DU are defined in aggregation model. A part of yang tree structure related to this subsection is
12 shown as follows.
13 module: o-ran-aggregation-base
14 +--rw aggregated-o-ru
15 +--ro recovered-ru-instance-ids* [ru-instance-id]
16 | +--ro ru-instance-id ru-ref
17 +--rw aggregation* [ru-instance]
18 +--rw ru-instance -> /aggregated-o-ru/recovered-ru-instance-ids/ru-instance-id
19 +--ro or-agg-pm:measurementsList* [idx]
20 | +--ro or-agg-pm:idx uint32
21 | +--ro or-agg-pm:measurementTypes* string
22 | +--ro or-agg-pm:gPs* uint32
23 On the other hand, the measurement control such as selecting the counters to be reported is performed using SA5 data
24 model in the same way as other measurement counters for O-DU.
26 O-RU performance counters measured at O-RU:
27 The measurement activation and de-activation of O-RU are controlled by SMO by aggregation model according to [4]
28 section 7.1. The details of configuration method of aggregation model are described in chapter 10.
34 The requirement of Fault Supervision Management is based on the the Fault Supervision Management Services of O1
35 interface specification [47] that contains 3GPP TS 28.545 [25] such as the requirement of fault notification and control.
36 This chapter describes the fault supervision management for O-DU specific aspects.
37 7.1 General
38 General architecture of Fault Supervision Management is aligned with the Fault Supervision Management Services of
39 O1 interface specification [47].
43 AlarmList IOC definition is specified in TS 28.622 [48] section 4.3.26 and 4.3.27 with attribute definitions in section
44 4.4.1.
1 YANG solution set for AlarmList IOC is provided in TS 28.623 [49] appendix D.2.9.
1 notification to O-RAN fault notification, updates AlarmRecords and delivers it to SMO. O-DU alarms and O-RU
2 alarms may have the same alarm-id, they are distinguished using nfcNamingCode in the VES common event header.
5 Figure 9: Operation to merge O-RU Alarms by O-DU
7 The field mapping between NETCONF based alarm notification and VES based Fault3gpp notification is as in the
8 following table:
fault-id M - alarmId O
fault-source M - additionalInformation O
M - additionalInformation O
- name
fault-text O - additionalInformation O
If is-cleared is TRUE, event-time shall
be mapped to lastEpochMicrosec.
event-time M - M If is-cleared is FALSE, event-time shall
be mapped to both startEpochMicrosec
and lastEpochMicrosec.
1 Table 2: Mapping of O-RU NETCONF based fault notification to ONAP VES in ‘fault3gppFields’
6 This chapter illustrate File Management between the O-DU and the SMO/OAM. The File Management Service is
7 applied to manage file transfer for different types of data file such as Bulk CM file, Cell and UE trace file, Performance
8 Measurement result file, etc. The following file management use cases are supported for the O-DU:
10 • Transfer file
11 • Download file
13 The detailed description of the use cases including file management operations and procedures as well as sequence
14 diagram can be found in the O1 Interface Specification [23], chapter 2.5.
15 This chapter shall describe the handling of files that are stored in the O-DU which are generated by the O-DU itself or
16 transferred from another server like O-RU(s). One scenario would be that files stored in the O-DU file repository are
17 transferred from the O-RU or from some other file servers. The files handling between O-DU and O-RU are defined in
18 the O-RAN WG4 Management Plane Specification [4].
19 The data files that are stored in the O-DU shall follow Chapter 8.1 of this specification.
25 The O-DU shall support the standized folders for files generated by the O-DU itself and files transferred from O-RUs.
26 The following standardized folers are defined:
32 › O-RAN/O-DU/O-RU<RC>/ for files from O-RU which shall follow [4] logical file structure. The RC parameter
33 is a running count, starting with the value of "1", and shall be appended only if the filename is not unique, i.e.
34 more than one file is generated, and all other parameters of the file name are identical.
35 › The O-DU may additionally support vendor defined folders which are out of scope of this specification.
5 The following input parameters are provided by the file ready notification (see also 3GPP TS 32.342[29]):
objectClass Notification header – see 3GPP TS 32.302[30].
It shall carry the FTIRP class name.
objectInstance Notification header - see 3GPP TS 32.302[30].
It shall carry the DN of the FTIRP.
notificationId Notification header - see 3GPP TS 32.302[30].
eventTime Notification header - see 3GPP TS 32.302[30].
systemDN Notification header - see 3GPP TS 32.302[30].
notificationType Notification header – see 3GPP TS 32.302[30].
fileInfoList It specifies the information of the available file.
additionalText It carries vendor-specific semantics not defined
in the present document.
6 Table 3: Parameters list for Notification notifyFileReady
8 When a file is available, the O-DU sends a notifyFileReady notification to the SMO using HTTP/TLS as defined in
9 [23].
11 Figure 10: File Ready Notification
18 -rpc: list-available-files
19 - input
22 - output
1 - reject-reason: the human readable reason why O-DU rejects the request (only applicable if status is rejected)
4 Figure 11: List Available Files
11 -rpc: retrieve-file-list
12 - input
13 - logical path: the logical path of files to be retrieved as specified below (* is allowed as wild-card)
14 - file-name- filter: the files which has the “file name filter” in the file name (* is allowed as wild-card)
15 - output
16 - file list
17 - status: whether O-DU accepted or rejected the retrieve file list request or
18 - reject-reason: the human readable reason why O-DU rejects the request (only applicable if status is rejected)
21 Figure 12: Retrieve File List
19 Refer to ITU-T recommendations [26], [20], [18], [19] for details of synchronization.
20 Prerequisite is that the O-DU synchronization parameters have been provisioned to the O-DU;
21 - Before O-DU can start to synchronize its internal clock by external timing source.
23 9.1 Synchronization
24 Following chapters contain main parameters required for O-DU when it is receiving synchronization from external timing
25 source. All parameters are defined in o-ran-synchronization.yang, which shall be read together with this document.
28 - LOCKED: O-DU clock timing is phase-locked to a reference timing signal. Refer also to [20] definition.
30 - HOLDOVER: O-DU clock has lost its controlling reference input and is using stored data, acquired while in locked
31 operation, to control its output. Refer also to [20] definition.
34 - FREERUN: O-DU clock has lost its controlling reference input and the output frequency accuracy is outside of
35 required accuracy. Refer also to [20] definition.
1 When state of O-DU synchronization change, O-DU shall send notifyMOIAttributeValueChange notification VES event
2 about change.
4 O-DU shall raise appropriate alarm in case state change to HOLDOVER or FREERUN. O-DU shall cancel alarm when
5 state change back to LOCKED.
7 O-DU shall update information which timing source(s) O-DU is using to synchronize its own clock. O-DU shall update
8 this to ptp-status, synce-status and gnss-status containers described in following chapters.
11 Figure 13: Allowed sync state transitions
18 Configurable list sync-priority-config, which is priority order list to control O-DU to select timing source(s).
1 • GNSS
2 • PTP
4 Because SyncE only provides a frequency signal, it can only be used in combination with another timing source
5 providing phase synchronization. Specific configurable parameter synce-enabled is used to control SyncE usage.
11 • delay-asymmetry. The parameter defines static phase error in the recovered PTP timing signal to be
12 compensated at the device
16 - multicast-mac-address. The parameter defines the destination MAC address, used by the O-DU in the egress PTP
17 messages. Allowed values:
18 • FORWARDABLE (means that PTP shall use 01-1B-19-00-00-00 destination MAC address)
19 • NONFORWARDABLE (means that PTP shall use 01-80-C2-00-00-0E destination MAC address)
21 - list master-ip-configuration. Defines list of ip configuration of devices acting as ptp signal source.
26 - reporting-period, which defines minimum time between ptp-status VES notification reports sent by O-DU.
28 • IN_USE - Indicates that this source is the current master clock, i.e. the clock, which the clock, controlled by
29 the device, is synchronized to.
30 • USABLE - Indicates that this source is an alternate master, which the clock, controlled by the device, can
31 potentially synchronize to, i.e. clock class and priority, announced by the master clock is lower, compared to
32 those of the clock, controlled by the device, and the clock class is accepted.
33 • NOT_USABLE - Indicates that this source is an alternate master, which the clock, controlled by the device,
34 has an operational connection to, but the class or priority of the master clock is higher or equal to those of
35 the clock, controlled by the device, or the clock class is not accepted.
36 • NOT_IN_USE - Indicates that this source is an alternate master, which the clock controlled by the device,
37 has no operational connection to.
1 - clock-class, which contains clock class of the clock, controlled by the O-DU
4 - steps-removed, which value is received PTP Announce message stepsRemoved attribute +1.
10 - ssm-timeout, maximum duration in seconds for which the actual SSM value may be different than configured
11 values.
14 - reporting-period, which defines minimum time between synce-status VES notification reports sent by O-DU.
16 • IN_USE - Indicates that this source is the current master clock, i.e. the clock, which the clock, controlled by
17 the device, is synchronized to.
18 • USABLE - Indicates that this source is an alternate master, which the clock, controlled by the device, can
19 potentially synchronize to, i.e. when the clock quality of the primary SyncE signal (SSM value) is lower,
20 when compared to the alternate master, controlled by the device, and the SSM value is accepted.
21 • NOT_USABLE - Indicates that this source is an alternate master, which the clock, controlled by the device,
22 has an operational connection to, but the SSM value is not accepted (i.e clock quality is not in the acceptable
23 range).
24 • NOT_IN_USE - Indicates that this source is an alternate SyncE clock, which the clock controlled by the
25 device, has no operational connection to.
27 - sources, which contains list of SyncE sources per local-port-number, as reference to source MAC address, from
28 which the SyncE signal is received.
1 • GPS
4 - reporting-period, which defines minimum time between gnss-status VES notification reports sent by O-DU.
6 • IN_USE - Indicates that this source is the current master clock, i.e. the clock, which the clock, controlled by
7 the device, is synchronized to.
8 • USABLE - Indicates that this source is an alternate master, which the clock, controlled by the device, can
9 potentially synchronize to, i.e. clock class and priority, announced by the master clock is lower, compared to
10 those of the clock, controlled by the device, and the SSM value is accepted.
11 • NOT_USABLE - Indicates that this source is an alternate master, which the clock, controlled by the device,
12 has an operational connection to, but the class or priority of the master clock is higher or equal to those of
13 the clock, controlled by the device, or the SSM value is not accepted.
14 • NOT_IN_USE - Indicates that this source is an alternate master, which the clock controlled by the device,
15 has no operational connection to.
16 - gnss-sync-status
26 Prerequisite for O-DU to act as synchronization master is that O-DU´s sync-state is LOCKED.
27 Container sync-master-capabilities contains information of O-DU capability to act as a synchronization master and
28 needed configuration parameters.
29 Following chapters contain main parameters required for O-DU acting as synchronization master. All parameters are
30 defined in o-ran-synchronization.yang, which shall be read together with this document.
33 - ptp-sync-master-capabilities contains:
34 • ptp-sync-master-supported:
1 - synce-sync-master-capabilities contains:
2 • synce-sync-master-supported:
12 • domain-number. This parameter indicates Domain Number for PTP announce messages.
13 • multicast-mac-address. This parameter indicates Ethernet MAC address to be used as destination address
14 (forwardable, nonforwardable)
15 • priority2. This parameter reflects value of the priority2 attribute in PTP Announce messages.
19 Note! If configuration change is applied during O-DU run time, i.e. transmission to air is ongoing, configuration change
20 may cause service interruption.
23 - reporting-period, which defines minimum time between ptp-master-status VES notification reports sent by O-DU.
24 - ptp-status containing PTP status and PTP message attributes. Refer to [18], [21] and o-ran-synchronization.yang. In
25 case O-DU is synchronized using PTP, O-DU will forward PTP message attributes received from the sync-source
26 to master port. In case O-DU is synchronized from GNSS, O-DU shall compute locally PTP message attributes to
27 be sent on the PTP master port.
29 9.3 O-DU and O-RU synchronization relation with cell and carrier
30 activation / in-activation
31 9.3.1 Cell and carrier activation
32 O-DU sync-state and O-RU sync-state shall be LOCKED before O-DU is allowed to send gNB-DU Configuration
33 Update to CU, because it contains Served NR Cells To Add/Modify/Delete IE indicating cells which O-CU can activate.
34 When O-DU receives GNB-CU CONFIGURATION UPDATE including Cells to be Activated List Item IE from CU,
35 O-DU shall check that O-DU sync-state and O-RU sync-state are LOCKED before O-DU configures to O-RU the value
36 of the parameter “active” at tx-array-carrier element / rx-array-carrier element to “ACTIVE” for the carriers serving the
37 cell(s) requested to be activated.
1 If O-DU sync-state is not LOCKED, then O-DU shall not activate any cells from Cells to be Activated List Item IE. O-
2 DU shall report back to CU Cells failed to be activated list IE.
3 If O-RU(s) sync-state is not LOCKED, then O-DU shall not activate carriers related to Cells to be Activated List Item
4 IE, to those O-RU(s) which sync-state is not LOCKED. O-DU shall report back to CU Cells failed to be activated list
5 IE for cells that O-DU did not activate carrier(s) to O-RU(s).
9 When O-DU receives notification from O-RU that O-RU sync-state transit to FREERUN, O-DU shall disable all
10 carriers in that O-RU and report to CU in gNB-DU Configuration update Cells Status IE all affected cells as inactive.
11 Refer to the [28] chapter and [4] chapter 12.3.3 for more details.
18 A) Hierarchical model
19 ➢ SMO configures O-DU with all instances which are necessary for O-DU and each O-RU under O-DU.
20 These instances are based on 3GPP SA5 data model specified in 3GPP TS28.541[27] and O-RAN WG4
21 Management Plane Specification [4] YANG data model.
23 B) Hybrid model
24 ➢ SMO configures O-DU with all instances which are necessary for O-DU and some O-RAN WG4
25 Management Plane Specification [4] data model instances which are necessary for each O-RU under O-
26 DU to be configured by O-DU(not by SMO). In such case, SMO configures O-RUs directly using
27 remaining [4] data model instances which don’t need to be configured via O-DU.
28 Note: The categorize of [4] data model instances (either via O-DU or not) is for further study, and this
29 spec will reflect the agreement in future relase.
37 Regarding the data model configured from SMO, there are 4 types;
2 Following modules are necessary since these are related to O-DU. See TS28.541[27]
3 - _3gpp-common-managed-element.yang
4 - _3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbdufunction.yang
5 - _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu.yang
6 - _3gpp-nr-nrm-ep.yang
7 - _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier.yang
8 - _3gpp-nr-nrm-bwp.yang
9 - _3gpp-nr-nrm-beam.yang
10 - _3gpp-nr-nrm-commonbeamformingfunction.yang
13 Note: Additional instances should be expected to be proposed to 3GPP for having alignment between 3GPP
14 and O-RAN WG5. Study on the model will be included in the next version of this specification.
16 O-RAN WG4 data model instances which cannot be mapped from SA5 data model and cannot be created by
17 O-DU’s internal logic, needs to be set from SMO to O-DU by aggregation model based on O-RAN WG4
18 data model. Which parameters needs to be configured from SMO is described in Annex D
20 O-RAN WG5 introduces original data model in order to configure instances which are related to fronthaul
21 operation at O-DU side (such as O-DU transmission/reception window). 3GPP does not assume non
22 integrated O-DU, so O-RAN WG5 introduces original model for supporting franthaul operations.
23 Note: These modules are not expected to be proposed to 3GPP since these are for fronthaul management
24 operation and 3GPP does not assume fronthaul management. This version includes o-ran-wg5-delay-
25 management.yang. Whether other modules are necessary or not will be studied in the next version of this
26 specification.
1 In order to configure WG4 data model to O-RU via O-DU from SMO, aggregation model which has a mount point is
2 used. The following is an example of o-ran-uplane-conf.yang;
40 <schema-mounts>
41 <namespace>
42 <prefix> o-ran-uplane-conf</prefix>
43 <uri> urn:o-ran:uplane-conf:1.0</uri>
44 </namespace>
45 <mount-point>
46 <module> o-ran-agg-uplane-conf</module>
47 <label>uplane-conf-root</label>
48 <config>true</config>
49 <inline></inline>
50 </mount-point>
51 </schema-mounts>
53 SMO configures O-DU for each O-RU by using o-ran-aggregation-base.yang as below. ru-instance indicates O-RU to
54 be configured, with provided aggregated yang module.
55 <rpc xmlns=”urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0”…>
56 <edit-config>
57 <config>
58 <aggregated-o-ru xmlns="urn:o-ran:agg-uplane-conf:1.0">
59 <aggregation>
60 <ru-instance>(mfg-name)_(model-name)_(serial-num)</ru-instance>
61 <uplane-conf-model xmlns=”urn:o-ran:agg-uplane-conf:1.0”>
62 <uplane-conf-root>
63 <user-plane-configuration xmlns=”urn:o-ran:uplane-conf:1.0”>
64 <low-level-tx-links>
65 <name>low-level-tx-links1</name>
66 …
1 </rpc>
4 id in NRCellDU should be equal to ru-instance-id of O-RU which the NRCellDU belongs to in order to link between
5 NRCelDU and O-RU.
6 After configuring from SMO, O-DU configures to each O-RU based on configured instances from SMO. O-DU
7 distinguish which O-RU to be configured by ru-instance at above xml from SMO.
1 Figure 14.
4 Figure 14: Cell activation procedure
12 ➢ Subscription for the O-RU notification specified in WG4 M-Plane specification [4] shall be done
13 by the O-DU and corresponding parameters values shall be stored in the aggregated model of the
14 O-RU. The SMO shall subscribe for parameters of interest changes from the O-RU aggregated
15 model.
2 ➢ Some of the O-RU notification specified in WG4 M-Plane specification [4] should be forwarded to
3 the SMO via the O-DU. In such case the SMO will receive notifications from the O-DU, after
4 subscribing to the parameters of interest from the O-RU aggregated model.
5 Note: Some of the notifications are not necessary to be forwarded to the SMO via the O-DU since
6 it is enough to be noticed by the O-DU. In such case it is not needed for the SMO to make
7 subscription to those parameters in the O-RU aggregated model.
9 Note: In Hybrid model, no additional description is necessary in this spec since O-RU can send notification to SMO
10 directly (no need to send notification via O-DU).
20 Figure 15: Notification to the SMO preceded by the O-RU notification
2 Figure 16: Notification to the SMO preceded by the O-DU <get> operation
13 WG4 spec [4] does not define how O-DU transmission/reception window is determined, but this spec assumes the
14 below 2 ways.
16 ➢ O-DU determines O-DU transmission/reception window. How O-DU determines the window is up to O-
17 DU, it may be hardcoded value at O-DU, or calculated from O-RU transmission/reception window and
18 FH delay based on O-RAN WG4 CUS specification [4]
19 Note: WG4 IOT profile describes O-DU transmission/reception window values. O-DU
20 transmission/reception window can be hardcoded based on these values.
1 ➢ There is no impact to WG5 M-Plane spec since O-DU transmission/reception window is determined at
2 O-DU.
3 B) Configured by M-Plane
4 ➢ SMO configures parameters that control the O-DU transmission/reception windowby M-Plane. The SMO
5 configured parameters should be taken by the O-DU as the maximum or minimum allowed values for the
6 respective transmission/reception window parameters. Having the SMO configure maximum or
7 minimum allowed values instead of the exact value, provides necessary flexibility for the O-DU
8 implementation. SMO may take into account O-RU reported window and FH delay to determine O-DU
9 transmission/reception window. FH delay is pre-defined (Defined Transport Method) or measured
10 (Measured Transport Method).
11 ➢ There is impact to WG5 M-Plane spec where the details are described below.
13 Note: This version focuses on hierarchical model. Next version will include hybrid model since this scheme can be
14 extended to hybrid model.
16 Pre-condition
18 Post -condition
23 2. O-DU replies the rpc with O-DU’s capability. There are 3 capabiities;
25 Configured: O-DU transmission/reception window can be determined by configured value from SMO
27 3. SMO decides the method how O-DU transmission/reception window is determined from capability supported
28 by O-DU
30 5. In parallel with step1,2,3, O-DU gets O-RU transmission/reception window based on O-RAN WG4
31 specification [4]
40 2. SMO determines O-DU transmission/reception window taking into account the following WG4
41 instances
1 - t12-min, t12-max,
2 - t34-min, t-34max
4 - t2a-min-up, t2a-max-up
5 - t2a-min-cp-dl, t2a-max-cp-dl
6 - tcp-adv-dl
7 - ta3-min, ta3-max
8 - t2a-min-cp-ul, t2a-max-cp-ul
10 • maximum-t1a-max-up:
12 • minimum-t1a-min-up:
14 • maximum-t1a-max-cp-dl:
16 • minimum-t1a-min-cp-dl:
18 • maximum-t1a-max-cp-ul:
20 • minimum-t1a-min-cp-ul :
22 • maximum-ta4-max:
24 • minimum-ta4-min:
26 Note: The above maximum or minimum allowed values for the respective O-DU transmission/reception
27 window parameters that the SMO determines should satisfy the relations specifed in 2.3.2 U-Plane/ C-
28 Plane Timing in O-RAN WG4 CUS-Plane Specification [4].
32 8. If O-RU has the capability to set O-RU transmission/reception window adaptively as specified at 4.8 O-RU
33 Adaptive Delay Capability in O-RAN WG4 M-Plane spec, O-DU sends O-DU transmission/reception window
34 and FH delay to O-RU. O-RU may set O-RU transmission/reception window adaptively based on O-DU
35 transmission/reception window and FH delay.
4 Figure 17: Delay Management Configuration Procedure
6 A.1.4 Minimum UL PDCP PDU volume transmitted via F1-U UL GTP-U tunnel
19: #19
Measurement Object Class gNBDUFunction
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
2 A.1.7 Maximum DL PDCP PDU volume received via F1-U DL GTP-U tunnel
5 A.1.8 Minimum DL PDCP PDU volume received via F1-U DL GTP-U tunnel
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
Description This counter provides the number of the DL F1-U packets discarded due
to NR U-Plane protocol error.
It is recommended to support for O-DU.
Collection Method CC (Cumulative Counter)
Condition The measurement counter is incremented by 1 whenever the DL F1-U
plane packet is discarded due to NR U-plane protocol error.
Measurement Result Integer number (U32)
Measurement Type OR.F1.DlF1UDiscardNRUProtocolError
Measurement Object Class gNBDUFunction
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
Description This counter provides the number of the requests for UL RLC PDUs
It is optional counter for O-DU.
Collection Method CC (Cumulative Counter)
Condition Measurement subcounter is incremented by 1 whenever the UL RLC
PDU is received when the QCI of the UL RLC PDU is group of
Measurement Result Integer number (U32)
Measurement Type OR.RLC.ReqUlRlcPduRetrans.Pmgroup where Pmgroup is
PmCountGroup number:
0: #0
1: #1
19: #19
Measurement Object Class gNBDUFuncton
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
Description This counter provides the number of the UL RLC PDUs discarded due to
other causes.
It is optional counter for O-DU.
Collection Method CC (Cumulative Counter)
Condition Measurement subcounter is incremented by 1 whenever the UL RLC
PDU is discarded for reason other than bearer release and RLC re-
establishment when the QCI of the UL RLC PDU is group of
Measurement Result Integer number (U32)
Measurement Type OR.RLC.RlcPduDiscardOther.Pmgroup where Pmgroup is
PmCountGroup number:
0: #0
1: #1
19: #19
Measurement Object Class gNBDUFuncton
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
19: #19
Measurement Object Class gNBDUFuncton
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
5: MCS index table 2 for PUSCH with transform precoding and
6: MCS index table 2 for PUSCH with transform precoding and
64QAM (q=2)
Measurement Object Class NRCellDU
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
2: MCS index table 3 for PDSCH/PUSCH without transform
3: MCS index table for PUSCH with transform precoding and 64QAM
4: MCS index table for PUSCH with transform precoding and 64QAM
5: MCS index table 2 for PUSCH with transform precoding and
6: MCS index table 2 for PUSCH with transform precoding and
64QAM (q=2)
Measurement Object Class NRCellDU
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
6: MCS index table 2 for PUSCH with transform precoding and
64QAM (q=2)
Measurement Object Class NRCellDU
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
statistic is
0: average
1: maximum
2: minimum
Measurement Object Class NRCellDU
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
statistic is
0: average
1: maximum
2: minimum
Measurement Object Class NRCellDU
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
0: #0
1: #1
63: #63
statistic is
0: average
1: maximum
2: minimum
Measurement Object Class NRCellDU
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
6: MCS index table 2 for PUSCH with transform precoding and
64QAM (q=2)
Measurement Object Class NRCellDU
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
Description This counter provides distribution of the UEs with beam index. This
counter obtains the number of the UEs every 100 ms.
This is recommended to support for O-DU.
Collection Method CC (Cumulative Counter)
Condition Measurement subcounter is incremented by the number of the UEs per
SSB beam index of the UE: #0, #1, …, #63 as subcounter.SSBBeam.
The number is acquired as an instantaneous value at every 100ms.
Measurement Result Integer number (U16)
Measurement Type OR.BF.DistUeBeamIndex.SSBBeam where
SSBBeam is the SSB beam index:
0: #0
1: #1
63: #63
Measurement Object Class NRCellDU
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
Description This counter provides the number of the slots when PDCCH shortage
This is recommended to support for O-DU.
Collection Method CC (Cumulative Counter)
Condition Measurement subcounter is incremented by 1 at every slot in whcih CCE
resource shortage restricts the multiplexing number of PDCCH at least
Measurement Result Integer number (U32)
Measurement Type OR.CellUA.SlotPdcchResourceShortageOccurred
Measurement Object Class NRCellDU
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
2 A.11.13 UEs in the cell using this cell as PSCell or having activated SCell in DL
5 A.11.14 UEs in the cell using this cell as PSCell or having activated SCell in UL
and then dividing by the scheduled time per SSB beam index. The
measurement is performed at the MAC level.
This is optional counter for O-DU.
Collection Method SI (Status Inspection)
Condition Measurement subcounter is calculated by x/y.
x is incremented by the volume of DL MAC PDU whenever DL MAC
PDU is confirmed the successfully delivery when the SSB beam used
for PDSCH is the group of subcounter.SSBBeam.
y is incremented by the transmission period whenever the DL MAC
PDU is transmitted (i.e. including HARQ retransmission) when the SSB
beam used for PDSCH is the group of subcounter.SSBBeam..
Measurement Result kbps (U32)
Measurement Type OR.CellUA.AveDlBeamThroughput.SSBBeam where SSBBeam is the
SSB beam index:
0: #0
1: #1
63: #63
Measurement Object Class NRCellDU
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
Description This counter measures the following x in the report period and provides
round(x, 2)・102. x is the usage rate of CCE.
This is recommended to support for O-DU.
Collection Method SI (Status Inspection)
Condition Measurement subcounter is round(x/y, 2)*10^2.
x is incremented by the number of CCEs which are used to transmit
DCI whenever PDCCH is transmitted.
y is incremented by the number of CCEs which can be used whenever
PDCCH is transmitted.
Measurement Result Percentage/102 (U16)
Measurement Type OR.CellUB.CceUtiliationRate
Measurement Object Class NRCellDU
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
0: #0
1: #1
19: #19
Measurement Object Class NRCellDU
Switching Technology Packet Switched
Generation 5GS
Purpose Network Operator’s Traffic Engineering Community
6 FAN - “urn:o-ran:fan:x.y”
12 This Annex provides a set of “tree-views” of the modules to provide a simplified graphical representation of the data
13 models. These trees have been automatically generated using the pyang YANG validator tool. If there are any
14 inconsistencies between the tree representation in this Annex and the yang models, the yang models shall take precedence.
54 Note: Yellow parts in above spreadsheet means that those parameters are not categorized yet.
6 This O-RAN Adopter License Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made by and between the O-RAN Alliance and the
7 entity that downloads, uses or otherwise accesses any O-RAN Specification, including its Affiliates (the “Adopter”).
8 This is a license agreement for entities who wish to adopt any O-RAN Specification.
9 Section 1: DEFINITIONS
10 1.1 “Affiliate” means an entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with
11 another entity, so long as such control exists. For the purpose of this Section, “Control” means beneficial ownership of
12 fifty (50%) percent or more of the voting stock or equity in an entity.
13 1.2 “Compliant Implementation” means any system, device, method or operation (whether implemented in hardware,
14 software or combinations thereof) that fully conforms to a Final Specification.
15 1.3 “Adopter(s)” means all entities, who are not Members, Contributors or Academic Contributors, including their
16 Affiliates, who wish to download, use or otherwise access O-RAN Specifications.
17 1.4 “Minor Update” means an update or revision to an O-RAN Specification published by O-RAN Alliance that does
18 not add any significant new features or functionality and remains interoperable with the prior version of an O-RAN
19 Specification. The term “O-RAN Specifications” includes Minor Updates.
20 1.5 “Necessary Claims” means those claims of all present and future patents and patent applications, other than design
21 patents and design registrations, throughout the world, which (i) are owned or otherwise licensable by a Member,
22 Contributor or Academic Contributor during the term of its Member, Contributor or Academic Contributorship; (ii)
23 such Member, Contributor or Academic Contributor has the right to grant a license without the payment of
24 consideration to a third party; and (iii) are necessarily infringed by a Compliant Implementation (without considering
25 any Contributions not included in the Final Specification). A claim is necessarily infringed only when it is not possible
26 on technical (but not commercial) grounds, taking into account normal technical practice and the state of the art
27 generally available at the date any Final Specification was published by the O-RAN Alliance or the date the patent
28 claim first came into existence, whichever last occurred, to make, sell, lease, otherwise dispose of, repair, use or operate
29 a Compliant Implementation without infringing that claim. For the avoidance of doubt in exceptional cases where a
30 Final Specification can only be implemented by technical solutions, all of which infringe patent claims, all such patent
31 claims shall be considered Necessary Claims.
32 1.6 “Defensive Suspension” means for the purposes of any license grant pursuant to Section 3, Member, Contributor,
33 Academic Contributor, Adopter, or any of their Affiliates, may have the discretion to include in their license a term
34 allowing the licensor to suspend the license against a licensee who brings a patent infringement suit against the
35 licensing Member, Contributor, Academic Contributor, Adopter, or any of their Affiliates.
6 2.2 Adopter shall not use O-RAN Specifications except as expressly set forth in this Agreement or in a separate written
7 agreement with O-RAN Alliance.
19 3.2 Notwithstanding the above, if any Member, Contributor or Academic Contributor, Adopter or their Affiliates has
20 reserved the right to charge a FRAND royalty or other fee for its license of Necessary Claims to Adopter, then Adopter
21 is entitled to charge a FRAND royalty or other fee to such Member, Contributor or Academic Contributor, Adopter and
22 its Affiliates for its license of Necessary Claims to its licensees.
23 3.3 Adopter, on behalf of itself and its Affiliates, shall be prepared to grant based on a separate Patent License
24 Agreement to each Members, Contributors, Academic Contributors, Adopters and their Affiliates under Fair
25 Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) terms and conditions with or without compensation (royalties) a
26 nonexclusive, non-transferable, irrevocable (but subject to Defensive Suspension), non-sublicensable, worldwide patent
27 license under their Necessary Claims to make, have made, use, import, offer to sell, lease, sell and otherwise distribute
28 Compliant Implementations; provided, however, that such license will not extend: (a) to any part or function of a
29 product in which a Compliant Implementation is incorporated that is not itself part of the Compliant Implementation; or
30 (b) to any Members, Contributors, Academic Contributors, Adopters and their Affiliates that is not making a reciprocal
31 grant to Adopter, as set forth in Section 3.1. For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing licensing commitment includes
32 the distribution by the Members’, Contributors’, Academic Contributors’, Adopters’ and their Affiliates’ distributors
33 and the use by the Members’, Contributors’, Academic Contributors’, Adopters’ and their Affiliates’ customers of such
34 licensed Compliant Implementations.
37 4.2 O-RAN Alliance on behalf of its Members, Contributors and Academic Contributors may terminate this Agreement
38 if Adopter materially breaches this Agreement and does not cure or is not capable of curing such breach within thirty
39 (30) days after being given notice specifying the breach.
40 4.3 Sections 1, 3, 5 - 11 of this Agreement shall survive any termination of this Agreement. Under surviving Section 3,
41 after termination of this Agreement, Adopter will continue to grant licenses (a) to entities who become Adopters after
42 the date of termination; and (b) for future versions of ORAN Specifications that are backwards compatible with the
43 version that was current as of the date of termination.
45 Adopter will use the same care and discretion to avoid disclosure, publication, and dissemination of O-RAN
46 Specifications to third parties, as Adopter employs with its own confidential information, but no less than reasonable
47 care. Any disclosure by Adopter to its Affiliates, contractors and consultants should be subject to an obligation of
1 confidentiality at least as restrictive as those contained in this Section. The foregoing obligation shall not apply to any
2 information which is: (1) rightfully known by Adopter without any limitation on use or disclosure prior to disclosure;
3 (2) publicly available through no fault of Adopter; (3) rightfully received without a duty of confidentiality; (4) disclosed
4 by O-RAN Alliance or a Member, Contributor or Academic Contributor to a third party without a duty of
5 confidentiality on such third party; (5) independently developed by Adopter; (6) disclosed pursuant to the order of a
6 court or other authorized governmental body, or as required by law, provided that Adopter provides reasonable prior
7 written notice to O-RAN Alliance, and cooperates with O-RAN Alliance and/or the applicable Member, Contributor or
8 Academic Contributor to have the opportunity to oppose any such order; or (7) disclosed by Adopter with O-RAN
9 Alliance’s prior written approval.
11 Adopter shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the O-RAN Alliance, its Members, Contributors or Academic
12 Contributors, and their employees, and agents and their respective successors, heirs and assigns (the “Indemnitees”),
13 against any liability, damage, loss, or expense (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) incurred by or
14 imposed upon any of the Indemnitees in connection with any claims, suits, investigations, actions, demands or
15 judgments arising out of Adopter’s use of the licensed O-RAN Specifications or Adopter’s commercialization of
16 products that comply with O-RAN Specifications.
30 Section 8: ASSIGNMENT
31 Adopter may not assign the Agreement or any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement or make any grants or
32 other sublicenses to this Agreement, except as expressly authorized hereunder, without having first received the prior,
33 written consent of the O-RAN Alliance, which consent may be withheld in O-RAN Alliance’s sole discretion. O-RAN
34 Alliance may freely assign this Agreement.
3 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties as to its express subject matter and expressly
4 supersedes and replaces any prior or contemporaneous agreements between the parties, whether written or oral, relating
5 to the subject matter of this Agreement.
6 Adopter, on behalf of itself and its Affiliates, agrees to comply at all times with all applicable laws, rules and
7 regulations with respect to its and its Affiliates’ performance under this Agreement, including without limitation, export
8 control and antitrust laws. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Adopter acknowledges that this Agreement
9 prohibits any communication that would violate the antitrust laws.
10 By execution hereof, no form of any partnership, joint venture or other special relationship is created between Adopter,
11 or O-RAN Alliance or its Members, Contributors or Academic Contributors. Except as expressly set forth in this
12 Agreement, no party is authorized to make any commitment on behalf of Adopter, or O-RAN Alliance or its Members,
13 Contributors or Academic Contributors.
14 In the event that any provision of this Agreement conflicts with governing law or if any provision is held to be null,
15 void or otherwise ineffective or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, (i) such provisions will be deemed stricken
16 from the contract, and (ii) the remaining terms, provisions, covenants and restrictions of this Agreement will remain in
17 full force and effect.
18 Any failure by a party or third party beneficiary to insist upon or enforce performance by another party of any of the
19 provisions of this Agreement or to exercise any rights or remedies under this Agreement or otherwise by law shall not
20 be construed as a waiver or relinquishment to any extent of the other parties’ or third party beneficiary’s right to assert
21 or rely upon any such provision, right or remedy in that or any other instance; rather the same shall be and remain in full
22 force and effect.