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A Summer Training Report of NTPC Final

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A summer training report on study

Thermal Power Plant
NTPC Tanda, Ambedkar Nagar


Asst. Manager (O.M.D.)

Submitted By:

As NTPC the biggest power generating company

in our country, so I opted to go there and do my

Big machines and sophisticated labs are the key

features of this power plant. I was sent to Off Site
Maintenance Department (OMD). The Unit
Control Room was a treat to watch with highly
trained engineers. The working culture and the
atmosphere were great and everything said and
done was shown practically.
NTPC main core values, Mutual respect & trust,
Initiative & speed, Total quality, Customer focus.
Organizational pride neat & clean surrounding,
employee’s cooperation and a big canteen were the
beautifying factor of the plant.

I believe this experience would certainly give my

personality an all-round boost for it’s a totally
different experience working with a highly trained

We hereby take this opportunity to thanks NTPC Tanda

for giving us this opportunity to conduct our training in
NTPC Tanda. We are grateful thanks to Mr. R.K.
Agarwal (Additional General Manager O.M.D.) for
allowing us to conduct our training in the Off Site
Maintenance Department. We are heartily indebted
our project guide Mr. Kameshwer Ram (Asst.
Manager O.M.D.) & Mr. Paramveer Singh (Supdt.
Engineer O.M.D.) For providing us with detailed in
depth knowledge and very useful information about the
process and system used in the plant. His support was
instrumental in our training being fruitful. We are also
thankful to the entire officer and staff of NTPC
TANDA for extending a helping hand whenever we
need it.

1. A Brief History of NTPC TANDA

2. Departments in NTPC TANDA
3. Boiler Maintenance Department
i) Boiler Classification
ii) Turbines
iii) Generator
iv) Working cycle
4. Electric Maintenance Department
i) 220KV Switch Yard
ii) Transformers
iii) Control Room
5. Off-Site Maintenance Department
i) Demineralization (DM) Water Treatment plant
ii) Cooling Tower
iii) Coal Handling Plant (CHP)
iv) Electrostatic precipitator (ESP)
A Brief History of NTPC TANDA

 NTPC TANDA is a coal based power station having installed

capacity of 440 MW.
 It is located on Faizabad – Tanda road via Maya junction at
Tanda in Ambedakar Nagar District, Uttar Pradesh.
 The nearest railway station is Akbarpur at 22 KM.
 The total land area is 1838 acres out of which the main plant
comprises 1013 acres.
 The primary water source is river Saryu. NTPC took over the
plant from UPSEB on Jan 14, 2000.
 It has four units of 110MW each.
 The plant supplies power to nearby areas Basti, Gorakhpur,
Sultanpur 1 & 2 through 4 transmission lines of 220 KV each.
 The plant consists of fuel system, waste heat recovery boiler,
cooling system, water pre-treatment plant, demineralization
plant and a large switchyard.
 In line with the NTPC’s vision, core values, importance has
been attached to quality, environment, and occupational
health and safety issues toward these: NTPC Tanda is ISO-
9001, ISO-14001, and OHSAS-18001 Certified Company.
Plant Layout
Departments in NTPC TANDA
1.Boiler Maintenance Department (B.M.D.).
2.Electrical Maintenance Department (E.M.D.).
3.Off Site Maintenance Department (O.M.D.)

Coal Switch
Handling Gear &
Turbines & Switch
Plant, Boil Generator Yard
CHP ers s

Boiler Maintenance Department (B.M.D.)
This department is handle the problem & solve it related to boiler,
turbine & generator.
 Steam generating device for a specific purpose.
Capable of generating steam in a range of operating pressure
and temperature.

Boiler Classification:-
Fire Tube Boiler:-
Fire tube boilers rely on hot gases circulating through the boiler inside
tubes that are submerged in water. These gases usually make several
passes through the tubes, thereby transferring their heat through the
tube walls and causing the water to boil on the other side. Fire-tube
boilers are generally available in the range of 100 Kg/hr. to 10 Ton/hr.
generating capacity and pressures generally up to 10.50Kg/Cm 2 but
boiler of higher pressure and capacity are also being manufacture
these days.
Water Tube Boiler:-
Water-tube boilers are available in sizes ranging from a smaller
residential type to very large utility class boilers. Boiler pressures
range from 7 kg/cm2 through pressures exceeding 150 kg/cm2. Most
high-pressure and large boilers are of this type. It is important to note
that the small tubes in the water-tube boiler can withstand high
pressure better than the large vessels of a fire-tube boiler. In the water-
tube boiler, gases flow over water-filled tubes. These water-filled
tubes are in turn connected to large containers called drums.
 Commonly fire tube boiler is used by NTPC for generating
the boiler consists of metallic tubes where the water temp, Rises
and the water gets converted into steam.
 Because fire tube boiler has greater efficiency than water tube
 Boilers are commonly consists with some mountings and
The accessories are: -
1. Boiler drum.
2. Primary air fan.
3. Induced Draft (ID) fans.
4. Air Pre-heater.
5. Water Wall.
6. Economizer.
7. Re-heater.
8. Super heaters.
9. Forced draft (FD) Fan.
The mountings are:-
1. Pressure gauge.
2. Safety valve.
3. Thermometer.
4. Water level indicator.
5. Steam stop valve.
6. Feed check valve.
7. Blow off cock.

 The accessories are commonly used for increasing efficiency of

the boiler.
 And the mounting are used for safety purpose of the boiler.
 Boiler drum is a reservoir of water/steam at the top end of
the water tubes. The drum stores the steam generated in the
water tubes and acts as a phase-separator for the steam/water
 Primary air fan is used to transport the pulverized coal
from mills to the furnace area. So its main function is the
carry the fuel to the furnace for the combustion.
 Induced Draft (ID) fans are used to create a vacuum or
negative air pressure in a system or stack. Our centrifugal
blowers are used to maintain elevated ventilation, resulting
in increased system efficiency.
 An air preheater (APH) is any device designed to
heat air before another process (for example, combustion in
a boiler) with the primary objective of increasing the thermal
efficiency of the process.
 Water wall is a furnace or other wall within a boiler
enclosure that is composed of numerous closely set water-
tubes. These tubes may be either bare, or covered by a
mineral cement.
 Economizers are mechanical devices intended to reduce
energy consumption, or to perform useful function such as
preheating a fluid. Basically it is a heat exchanger.
 Power plant furnaces may have a re-heater section
containing tubes heated by hot flue gases outside the tubes.
Exhaust steam from the high-pressure turbine is passed
through these heated tubes to collect more energy before
driving the intermediate and then low-pressure turbines.
 A super-heater is a device used to convert saturated
steam or wet steam into superheated steam or dry steam.
 The difference between atmospheric pressure and the
pressure existing in the furnace is done with the help of a
forced draft fan.
  Instruments used to measure and display pressure in an
integral unit are called pressure gauges or vacuum gauges.
 A safety valve is a valve that acts as a fail-safe in a thermal-
hydraulics plant. An example of safety valve is a
pressure relief valve (PRV), which automatically releases a
substance from a boiler, pressure vessel, or other system,
when the pressure or temperature exceeds pre-set limits.
  A thermometer is a device that measures temperature or
a temperature gradient.
 The water level indicator is a simple mechanism to detect
and indicate the level of water in the overhead tank and also
in the other containers.
 A steam stop valve is a device that regulates, directs or
controls the flow of a fluid (gases, liquids, fluidized solids,
or slurries) by opening, closing, or partially obstructing
various passageways.
 Feed check valve function is used to control the supply of
water to the boiler & to prevent the escaping of water from
the boiler when the pump pressure is less or pump is
 The function of blow-off cock is to discharge mud and other
sediments deposited in the bottom most part of the water
space in the boiler, while boiler is in operation.

A turbine is a rotary mechanical device that
extracts energy from a fluid flow and converts it into
useful work.
Types of turbine:-
Impulse Turbines & Reaction Turbines
An impulse turbine uses the impact force of the steam jet on the
blades to turn the shaft. Steam expands as it passes through the
nozzles, where its pressure drops and its velocity increases. As the
steam flows through the moving blades, its pressure remains the
same, but its velocity decreases. The steam does not expand as it
flows through the moving blades. e.g. - Pelton wheels and de Laval
In the reaction turbine, the rotor blades themselves are arranged to
from convergent nozzles. This type of turbine makes use of the
reaction force produced as the steam accelerates through the nozzles
formed by the rotor. e.g. -Francis turbines.

High Pressure Turbine:-The high press part consists of two

horizontally divided into concentric casings .The inner casings is
placed in the outer casing in such a way that it can be extended radial
and axially .Maintaining the alignment of the two casings for all
operating conditions. The fixed pit for the inner casings in the radial
direction is located between the nozzle chambers Gland sealing
between the incoming steam line and the nozzle chamber also
permits free expansion of the casings.

Medium Pressure Turbine:-The medium press casing

consists of inner & outer casing divided into top &bottom valves by a
horizontal parting plane. In case it doesn’t extend through the full
length of the casing .It covers only the first four stages the outer guide
wheels are assembled into the carriers suspended from the outer
casing. Steam exhausts s from the MP Casing to the LP Casing at the

Low Pressure Turbine: - The low press casing is divided

horizontally & comprised of three parts connected by vertical flanges.
The front part of the LP Casing houses the rear MP &the front LP
bearings. The steam from the MP is admitted into LP casing at its
middle & the steam expands left & right. In the middle part of the LP
casings two tube nests of first & second LP Heaters are mounted to
heat the condensate. To remove top casing dismount these nests first,
& then remove the nuts of the flanges.
Note: - In NTPC Tanda impulse turbine is use for power generation.
The generator, 30 feet (9 m) long and 12 feet (3.7 m) in diameter,
contains a stationary stator and a spinning rotor, each containing
miles of heavy copper conductor—no permanent magnets here. In
operation it generates up to 21,000 amperes at 24,000 volts AC as
it spins at either 3,000 or 3,600 rpm, synchronized to the power
grid. The rotor spins in a sealed chamber cooled
with hydrogen gas, selected because it has the highest known heat
transfer coefficient of any gas and for its low viscosity, which
reduces wind age losses. This system requires special handling
during start up, with air in the chamber first displaced by carbon
dioxide before filling with hydrogen. This ensures that a
highly explosive hydrogen–oxygen environment is not created.
Working Cycle: - Commonly Rankine cycle principal is use for
power generation in NTPC.
Rankine cycle: -The Rankine cycle is a cycle that converts heat
into work. The heat is supplied externally to a closed loop, which
usually uses water. This cycle generates about 80% of all electric
power used throughout the world, including virtually all solar thermal,
biomass, coal and nuclear power plants. It is named after William
John Macquorn Rankine, a Scottish polymath. The Rankine cycle is
the fundamental thermodynamic underpinning of the steam engine.
The Rankine cycle closely describes the process by which steam-
operated heat engines commonly found in thermal power generation
plants generate power.

Electrical Maintenance Department

This department is handle the problem & solve it related to control
room & switch yard.
220kV Switch Yard:-Generator Transformer step-up the 11 kV
voltage generated by the Generator to 220 kV. This voltage is used to
charge the three buses in the Switch yard which follows Double Bus
Bar with Transfer Bus Scheme. Switch yard provides protection
between generator transformer and transmission lines.
Major components of 220 kV Switch yard is:-
1. Step-up transformer (Power Transformer)
2. Step-down transformer (Reverse Transformer)
3. Buses (Bus #1, Bus #2 & Transfer Bus).
4. Isolators.
5. Circuit Breaker-
(i). Air blast circuit breaker
(ii). Oil circuit breaker
Transformer: - In NTPC step-up transformer is use for
transmission & step-down transformer is use for run various
components (pumps, E.S.P., control room etc.).
Step-up transformer:-The generation voltage of 11kV is stepped
up to 220kV by step-up transformer whose low voltages side is
directly connected with the generator through an isolated phase bus
duct. The rating of step-up transformer is 125MW, 11/220kV, 3
phase, 50 Hz having an ON/OFF cooling. The high voltage side of the
transformer is connected to the 220kV system in 220kV switchyard.
Step-down transformer:- Each of the four units draw its start-up
power from the 220kV system through two/three windings step-down
(common start-up cum reserve) transformer rated for 30/10/20 MW,
220/33/6.6 kV, 3 phase, 50Hz. The transformer supplies the 33kV
load requirements. This transformer also meets the requirement of
station loads like coal & ash handling, compressed air and water
treatment plant, station lightening and other common services as well
as act as a standby source of power to unit auxiliaries.
Buses: -In electric power distribution, a busbar (also bus bar) is a
metallic strip or bar, typically housed inside switchgear, panel boards,
and busway enclosures for local high current power distribution. They
are also used to connect high voltage equipment at electrical
switchyards, and low voltage equipment in battery banks. They are
generally uninsulated, and have sufficient stiffness to be supported in
air by insulated pillars. These features allow sufficient cooling of the
conductors, and the ability to tap in at various points without creating
a new joint.
Isolator: - Isolator switch is used to ensure that an electrical circuit
is completely de-energized for service or maintenance.
Circuit breaker:-A circuit breaker is an automatically operated
electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage
caused by excess current, typically resulting from an overload or short
Air blast circuit breaker: - Air blast circuit breaker used
compressed air or gas as the arc interrupting medium. In the air blast,
circuit breaker compressed air is stored in a tank and released through
a nozzle to produce a high-velocity jet; this is used to extinguish the
arc. Air blast circuit breakers are used for indoor services in the
medium high voltage field and medium rupturing capacity. Generally
up to voltages of 15 KV and rupturing capacities of 2500 MVA. The
air blast circuit breaker is now employed in high voltage circuits in
the outdoors switch yard for 220 KV lines.
Oil circuit breaker: - Oil circuit breaker is such type of circuit
breaker which used oil as a dielectric or insulating medium for arc
extinction. In oil circuit breaker the contacts of the breaker are made
to separate within an insulating oil. When the fault occurs in the
system the contacts of the circuit breaker are open under the
insulating oil, and an arc is developed between them and the heat of
the arc is evaporated in the surrounding oil.

Step-up transformer (NTPC Tanda)

Step-down transformer (NTPC Tanda)

Busbar Isolators

Circuit breaker
Control room(NTPC)
Control Room:- A control room is a room serving as a central
space where a large physical facility or physically dispersed service
can be monitored and controlled. A control room will often be part of
a larger command centre.

Off-Site Maintenance Department

This department is handle the problem & solve it related to

Demineralization (DM) Water Treatment plant, cooling towers, Coal
handling plant, Electrostatic precipitator, Workshop, Pump canal &
Dump yard.

Demineralization (DM) Water Treatment plant: - Since

there is continuous withdrawal of steam and continuous return of
condensate to the boiler, losses due to blow down and leakages have
to be made up to maintain a desired water level in the boiler steam
drum. For this, continuous make-up water is added to the boiler water
system. Impurities in the raw water input to the plant generally consist
of calcium and magnesium salts which impart hardness to the water.
Hardness in the make-up water to the boiler will form deposits on the
tube water surfaces which will lead to overheating and failure of the
tubes. Thus, the salts have to be removed from the water, and that is
done by a water demineralising treatment plant (DM). A DM plant
generally consists of cation, anion, and mixed bed exchangers. Any
ions in the final water from this process consist essentially of
hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions, which recombine to form pure
water. Very pure DM water becomes highly corrosive once it absorbs
oxygen from the atmosphere because of its very high affinity for

DM Plant
Cooling Towers: - A cooling tower is a heat rejection device that
rejects waste heat to the atmosphere through the cooling of a water
stream to a lower temperature. Cooling towers may either use
the evaporation of water to remove process heat and cool the working
fluid to near the wet-bulb air temperature or, in the case of closed
circuit dry cooling towers, rely solely on air to cool the working fluid
to near the dry-bulb air temperature.

Cooling Towers
Coal Handling Plant (CHP):-The coal, brought to the station by
train or other means, we use wagon Tripler for putting the coal on the
conveying belt which consists of mechanical equipment and motor to
drive it. Coal travels from the coal handling plant by conveyer belt to
the coal bunkers. There are magnetic separator and magnet detecting
device placed at conveyer to remove the magnetic element coming
with coal and to indicate magnetic element by the two devices
respectively. Now the coal is collected certain place which is called
stacking, from where it is fed to the pulverizing mills which grinds it
as fine as face powder. The finely powdered coal mixed with pre-
heated air is then blown into the boiler by fan called Primary Air Fan
where it burns, more like a gas than as a solid in convectional
domestic or industrial grate, with additional amount of air called
secondary air supplied by Forced Draft Fan. As the coal has been
grounded so finely the resultant ash is also a fine powder. Some of
this ash binds together to form lumps which fall into the ash pits at the
bottom of the furnace. The water quenched ash from the bottom of the
furnace is conveyed to pits for subsequent disposal or sale. Most of
ash, still in fine particles form is carried out of the boiler to the
precipitators as dust, where it is trapped by electrodes charged with
high voltage electricity. The dust is then conveyed by water to
disposal areas or to bunkers for sale while the cleaned flue gases pass
on through ID Fan to be discharged up the chimney.

Conveyer C.H.P.
Electrostatic precipitator (ESP): -An electrostatic
precipitator (ESP) is a filtration device that removes fine particles,
like dust and smoke, from a flowing gas using the force of an induced
electrostatic charge minimally impeding the flow of gases through the


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