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Sand Casting

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The process of sand casting is very old going back to the Bronze Age; the technique
has changed very little since. It involves making a suitable void in compacted sand
which is then filled with molten metal.

This process is best suited to large casting where surface finish is not important or
which will be machined later. Thin sections are not really suitable as the molten
material starts to cool before the mould is completely filled, forming “cold shuts”.

The first stage in sand casting is to make a pattern in wood or metal of the shape to be
cast. This pattern is made slightly larger to allow for shrinkage of the hot metal as it
cools down after casting. Any part that requires machining after casting would have a
machining allowance incorporated in the pattern.

The pattern maker is a very skilled craftsman because as well as making the pattern he
must have a complete understanding of the actual process of casting. In making the
pattern he decides the way the item will be cast. Depending on the shape of the item
the pattern could be in one or several pieces. If the pattern is split the separate parts
are located together with metal pins or dowels.

In deciding which way to cast a particular item the pattern maker would consider
several factors such as, which way up to cast it. Molten metal is very heavy and most of
the impurities in the metal float. When the metal is cast the impurities get carried
around the mould with the metal as they have a tendency to float they are likely to be
deposited in one place, either trapped by a narrowing in the shape or floating to the
top of the casting.

The items could be cast one at a time or several at once depending on the shape,
number required and size.

To show the stages in sand casting imagine we needed to cast a tube as shown below.

Due to the proportions of the item it would not be possible to use a one part pattern to
mould the shape. If it was much shorter a tapered one piece mould could be used by
standing it up on one end.

First we make a pattern of a slightly larger size allowing for shrinkage. Pattern makers
have special rulers one for each common metal that has a shrinkage allowance built in.
The pattern must have a slight taper to allow the pattern to be removed from the sand
after moulding without disturbing the sand and therefore distorting the mould. Our
pattern is in two parts split along the centre and is fitted with dowel pins to locate the
two halves correctly. To produce the hole down the centre we need to use a “core”.
The core is a sort of male mould of the inside of the shape. To position and support the
core in the mould the core is extended into the sand at either end of the mould. The
pattern is made with extensions called ‘core prints’ to mould the recess for the ends of
the core.

A core box is required to mould the core for the inside shape. The box is made in two
halves with dowel pins to locate them together. The core is moulded from green sand
mixed with linseed oil
which is baked in an oven after moulding to harden it.

Half the pattern is placed on a flat moulding table and a suitable sized moulding box
placed around it. The moulding box has no top or bottom and has two lugs for locating
pins to fix two similar boxes together. A ridge or groove is formed on the inside face
to key the sand to the box and stop the sand sliding through when the box is lifted.

The half pattern and moulding plate is dusted with parting sand, a fine dry sand which
stops the green sand adhering to the surface and allows the pattern to be removed

Green sand is tipped over the pattern and rammed down taking care to evenly compress
the sand. The sand is not green in colour but is called green because it is new sand that
has not been used for casting before.

Once the pattern is covered with a thick layer of green sand, the remaining space is
filled with backing or used sand and the excess removed by scraping a bar across the
box top. The pressure used to ram the sand is gradually reduced as the box is filled;
this allows some of the gas produced by casting to dissipate into the sand. The mould
can be further vented using a thin diameter rod repeatedly pushed into the sand
before removing the pattern.

The filled box is turned over and another moulding box placed over. The two boxes are
located together using pins through the lugs. Next the positions for the pouring and
rising gates must be decided. The rule is to pour the metal into the mould as low down
as possible to allow all the air, gasses and impurities to rise upwards towards the riser
which should be in the highest position.

Our shape would be filled at one end and vented at the other, but larger or more
complex shapes could require several vents to ensure the mould is completely filled
with molten metal.

The gates are formed in the sand using tapered pieces of wood. The pouring one is
pushed into the sand at the end of the pattern. The rising one would have a metal pin
which would be stuck into the pattern at the other end.

The top box is now filled in a similar manner, dusted with parting sand, green sand and
then used sand, finally the excess sand is scraped off.

The wooden dowels for the two gates are removed first and then the top box is taken
off. A piece of sand is removed to form a shallow circular bowl shape where the pouring
gate is located, taking care to remove all sharp edges to the sand to avoid it being
carried into the mould. This depression reduces the damage done to the mould by the
hot metal as it is poured into the mould.

The pattern is then removed and the core positioned in the bottom box. The top box is
then placed over the bottom box and the taper dowel pins fitted to lock the boxes
together. The mould is slowly filled with molten metal until the rising and pouring gates
are full. The gates act as reservoirs for the casting as the metal cools and shrinks
within the mould.

After cooling the sand is broken away and the casting is "fettled", to remove the rising
and pouring gates.

The most important requirement is the sand used to form the mould. The best quality
sand comes from the Mansfield area (yes famous for many things but none of them as
useful as the sand, Mansfield standard sand co. have actually sold sand to Arabs). This
has just the right humus content to hold the sand together. The moisture content is
also very important, just enough to hold the sand together but not enough to produce
excess steam. If you squeeze a handful of green moulding sand you should not be able
to get water out, but when you open your hand you should be able to see your palm
print in the sand.

Due to the size and shape of keys, sand casting is not an ideal production method.
However it has been used extensively over the years and is still used for several of the
cheaper instruments.

Sand casting relies on the metal being fluid enough to fill the cavity under gravitational
force; nickel silver is not very fluid when molten. The thin sections of the keys mean
the metal cools quickly producing "cold shuts" where the metal has solidified before
the cavity is completely filled.

The sharp corners and intricate shapes of keys produce lots of places where the sand
can be eroded by the molten metal, resulting in misshapen keys with sand inclusions. An
inclusion being, as its name suggests, a void in the metal full of casting sand or other
impurities. An inclusion is always a point of weakness.

The key work of all our Regent oboes are sand cast, they are only poor quality casting
not helped by the way they threw them together during construction. The C/Bb key is
a perfect example of a casting prone to sand inclusions. The narrow neck catches any
sand or other inclusions weakening the key. Over the years I have soldered several of
these keys which have broken at the narrow neck. Usually you have to file the broken
ends of the key back because there is so much non-metallic material it is impossible to

The use of sand casting to produce keys results in the need for extensive finishing
processes to remove surface defects.

One of the main problems with sand casting keys is designing a pattern so that you can
split the mould in two and remove the pattern from the mould.

Several ingenious methods have been used to increase the range of shapes possible.
For small castings several may be grouped in one moulding box and linked with runners
fed from one common pouring gate.

Where repeat casting of the same group or multiple castings of the same one are
required the process can be refined further by using several patterns permanently

fastened to a moulding board. The patterns are linked on the board with runners and
only the risers and pouring gates have to be added.

In this way large numbers can be produced at one cast but the patterns are more
involved and the costs are increased.

Using this method of a special moulding board with patterns fastened to it provides
another clever technique to further extend the range of shapes possible. The face of
the board is made shaped instead of flat. Another shaped board the mirror image of
the first must be used to shape the other half of the mould. Using this technique the
joint line between the top and bottom mouldings does not have to be in straight line.
This greatly extends the range of possible shapes but the manufacturing costs are
again increased.

The process is relatively simple but requires a high level of skill and expertise to
produce consistently good quality castings.


1) Materials and equipment used are cheap

2) High melting point metals can be cast

3) Can produce more than one key at a time


1) Poor surface finish requires extensive further treatment to produce acceptable


2) Some shapes of keys could very difficult or impossible to cast. Necessitating

the splitting of keys down into separate pieces to make casting possible then
assemble them and solder them together.

3) Due to long narrow shape of most keys, very high risk of inclusions and cold

4) Nickel silver material used for most keys is not very fluid when molten and this
process only uses gravity to fill the mould making thin sections difficult.

5) Final quality of castings depends on the skill of the caster. (Nothing to do with

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