Jean Watson
Jean Watson
Jean Watson
3 Major Elements:
} I. Ten Clinical Caritas Processes
} II. Transpersonal Caring Processes
} III. Caring Occasion/ Caring Moments
} Means to cherish, to appreciate, and to give special attention
} It conveys the concept of love.
} 1979: Carative Factors
} 2001: Caritas processes
Caritas Processes
} Is the “core” of nursing
} Grounded in the philosophy, science, and art of caring
} “the model does not consider caring as a soft nice thing for nurses to do or a nice way to
be, in some romantic pre-modern sense.”
} BUT, it posits caring knowledge and actions as a SERIOUS ontological, ethical, and
pragmatic concern for the discipline (1996b)
1. The formation of a humanistic- Practicing loving kindness and equanimity
altruistic system of values for oneself and other
Caring Moment
} The moment when the nurse and another person come together in such a way that an
occasion for human caring is created.
Spirit Harmony