Highly Efficient Design of Microwave Circuits: Brad Brim Applications Engineer, Ansoft Corp
Highly Efficient Design of Microwave Circuits: Brad Brim Applications Engineer, Ansoft Corp
Highly Efficient Design of Microwave Circuits: Brad Brim Applications Engineer, Ansoft Corp
Microwave Circuits
Brad Brim
Applications Engineer, Ansoft Corp.
Highly Efficient Design of
Microwave Circuits :
Design Flows
Z EM-only Design
Z Benefit: accuracy, generality
Z like using only one hand
Z Circuit-only Design
Z Benefit: speed, higher level analyses
Z like using the other hand
Z EM/Circuit Codesign
Z Benefit: efficiency, accuracy, re-use
Z like using both hands together
EM/Circuit Codesign Flow
EM Circuit user-directed loop
automated loop
automated loop
Boundaries Analyze and Plot Results
Ports Optimize Examine Fields
Analysis Setup
Enabling Concepts
1. Definition of S-parameters
Z There is a definitional difference in S-parameters between
circuit and EM analyses.
2. Parametric Component Models
Z Automated schematic-level circuit design requires access to
parametric component models or libraries
3. Arbitrary Transmission Lines
Z Circuit design requires TL components
Z Circuit tools support only: coax, MS, SL, RWG
4. Matched Ports
Z Microwave design applies matched ports,
which are not 50 ohms and are typically frequency dependent
Definition of S-parameters
Z Circuit Analysis
Z Y-parameter based modified nodal analysis
Z S-parameter data is converted to Y using Zo
Z Y-parameter results are converted to S using port reference
Z Electromagnetic Analysis
Z variations exist amongst tools but S-parameters are mostly
wave based as amplitudes of incident and reflected modes
Z To summarize
Z Circuit Analysis defines S11 = 0 for a conjugate match
Z EM Analysis applies S11 = 0 for a matched load
Z A difference not easily overcome
S-parameter Definition
an example
a trick you can apply to extract Zo from a built-in TL component:
Zo = sqrt(Zin_open*Zin_short)
very lossy line,
with complex Zo
S-parameter Definition
an example
unexpected results for EM designers!
(expected loss, unexpected reflection)
“matched ports”:
no reflection, transmission loss
S-parameter Definition
the implications
If you always use real Zref you are not affected by
this issue if (and only if)
Z your renormalize all EM data in the EM tool to a
real Zref for lossy lines and cutoff modes
Z internal and external ports must be renormalized
implying a complication of optimization goals
1 2 3
Arbitrary Transmission Lines
Z Arbitrary Transmission Lines are required to enable
circuit analysis of many microwave devices
Z Couplers to be examined
Z 2-hole (narrowband), 16-hole (broadband)
Z Discussion
Z EM-based design
Z Circuit based design
Z EM/Circuit Codesign
An Isolated Coupling Hole
the ‘one’ HFSS component
Coupling Hole HFSS simulation time ≈ 60 sec
(includes refinement and frequency sweep time for each unique hole radius)
2-hole RWG Coupler
Design Objectives
Z -30dB forward coupling at 15GHz (S41)
Z no reflection & reverse coupling (S11, S31)
Initial Design Parameters (quick approximations)
Z R1 half power from each hole (3mm)
Z S1 quarter wavelength separation (7mm)
2-hole RWG Coupler
Circuit optimization in only seconds in Ansoft Designer
by applying Dynamic Link HFSS components and TLs.
Optimization Goals
2-hole RWG Coupler
Circuit-level design parameters
R1 = 2.89254 mm
S1 = 6.57886 mm
HFSS verification performed
simulation time ≈ 2.5 min
R1 = 3.0059 mm
S1 = 6.6275 mm
3D view
end view
side view
16-hole Coupler Design
HFSS analysis results
AWESOME!!! Verification
Design is Completed!
Cutoff Mode S-parameters
an EM/Circuit Codesign Example
an evanescent mode attenuator
and its step-in-height/width “component”
top top
step side
Cutoff Mode Attenuator
∑ Sij ≠ 1
i =1
i =n
∑S ≠1
Z For cutoff mode loss free devices: ij
if ‘n’ includes only loss free i =1
propagating modes/devices,
then the sum is 1.0
Resonator Filter Design
5 modes, 4 modes
3 modes
3-resonator Filter Design
Z Benefits
Z huge savings for total design time
Z tuning, optimization and synthesis techniques available
Stated Objectives Were
automated loop
Boundaries Analyze and Plot Results
Ports Optimize Examine Fields
Analysis Setup