Chemistry Lesson Plan 2
Chemistry Lesson Plan 2
Chemistry Lesson Plan 2
Names Erik Cobian Mejia Subject Chemistry
Unit Name and Unit Name: Ocean Acidifica on (Leave this
Week (Leave this blank for
Driving Unit Driving Ques on: How can we mitigate coral blank for EDSC to
of EDSC 442C)
Ques on bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef? 442C)
Anchoring Phenomenon: Ever since you were a child, you and your family would travel to Australia
every year to visit relatives. Your favorite part of every trip would be sailing to Papua New Guinea to
scuba dive around the Great Barrier Reef. However, you have noticed that over the past few years, ish
populations have begun to decline as coral reefs are becoming increasingly more bleached. Your love
and admiration of the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem have caused you to take action! Soon you will
Phenomenon or
meet with a higher executive of the Coast Guard for protection of the Great Barrier Reef to give
Design Problem him/her a presentation on your ideas to protect it.
(with Anchoring
Ac vity for the
Anchoring Ac vity: Upon completing the unit, you will be presenting scienti ic arguments on how we
can protect the coral from bleaching.
Please provide a link to the media being used to show this event or describe how students will experience this
phenomenon first hand)
HS-PS1-6. Refine the design of a chemical system by specifying a change in condi ons that would produce increased
amounts of products at equilibrium. (Focus of this lesson)
NGSS Performance Clarifica on Statement: Emphasis is on the applica on of Le Chatelier’s Principle and on refining designs of chemical
Expecta on reac on systems, including descrip ons of the connec on between changes made at the macroscopic level and what
happens at the molecular level. Examples of designs could include different ways to increase product forma on including
adding reactants or removing products.
Provide the Standard and Element(s) that Students Will
Where in the lesson can this be found?
be Engaging In
Chemical Reac ons: Students will be redefining their
PS1.B. Chemical Reac ons. In many situa ons, a
understanding of chemical reac ons by understanding how
dynamic and condi on dependent balance between a
the rate in which a chemical reac on occurs is dependent on
reac on and the reverse reac on determines the
temperature and concentra on of the reactant.
Disciplinary Core numbers of all types of molecules present.
Op mizing the Design Solu on. Students will be first
Ideas (DCIs) ETS1.C. Op mizing the Design Solu on. Criteria may
observing a baking soda and vinegar experiment, and then
need to be broken down into simpler ones that can be
redesigning the experiment on their own terms to visualize
approached systema cally, and decisions about the
and analyze how changing one variable affects the en re
priority of certain criteria over others may be needed.
Science and Construc ng Explana ons and Designing Solu ons.
Construc ng Explana ons and Designing Solu ons: Students
Engineering Construc ng explana ons and designing solu ons in
will be designing an experiment to iden fy and construct
Prac ces (SEPs) 9-12 builds on K-8 experiences and progresses to
explana ons and designs that are supported by mul ple explana ons on what factors affect that rate in which a
and independent student-generated sources of evidence chemical reac on occurs.
consistent with scien fic ideas, principles, and theories.
Refine a solu on to a complex real-world
problem, based on scien fic knowledge,
student-generated sources of evidence,
priori zed criteria, and tradeoff considera ons.
Prac ce(s) (Bundled Experimenta on
The purpose of the ideas behind le ng students redesign the
experimental procedure is based on the hopes that they will
Stability and Change. Much of science deals with
Cross Cu ng observe and analyze the differences between the base
construc ng explana ons of how things change and how
Concepts (CCCs) experiment and their own to be er understand how
they remain stable.
temperature, concentra on, and other factors affect a
chemical reac on and the rate at which the reac on occurs.
Students will plan an investigation on how changes in concentration, temperature, and pressure of reactants can
3D Learning
alter the low of energy in chemical reactions by mixing baking soda and vinegar at varying temperatures and
Objec ve
concentrations in a closed system; followed by writing evidence in the form of quantitative observations of
increased CO2 concentrations measured by the circumference in which a balloon insulating the closed system is
Expecta on) in lated.
Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiment. A “prelab” will be conducted to allow students to observe the events taking place
between a baking soda and vinegar reac on. During this prelab, the students will be asked to make observa ons on what
they hear, see, and think about the events taking place before them. Upon comple on, students will be asked to share
Lesson-Level their thoughts in order to produce driving ques ons for the lesson-level phenomena. With scaffolding, students should
be asking ques ons like- “What would happen if the amount of baking soda or vinegar were changed? What would
happen if the temperature was changed? What would happen if the vessel was changed?”, etc. From their driving
ques ons, students will redesign the experiment to interpret the new data collected to analyze the change in rate of the
reac on through crea on of a graph represen ng the rate (the slope of the line).
WHST.11-12.7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a ques on (including a
Connec ons to self-generated ques on) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize mul ple
other standards
sources on the subject, demonstra ng understanding of the subject under inves ga on.
Mathema cs
HSN-Q.A.3. Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limita ons on measurement when repor ng quan es.
absorbed, acid, base, balance, boiling point, carbon dioxide, chemical, chemical change, chemical system, concentra on,
Target Vocab to be
dissolve, energy, equilibrium, gas, law of conserva on of mass, liquid, mel ng point, pH, physical change, product,
reactant, reac on rate, solid, sublima on, substance, temperature, yield
Lesson Intro -Teacher will gather ini al thoughts on “What affects the ENGAGE
(Engage) speed (or rate of change) in a chemical reac on” by -Students will share their ini al thoughts on “What affects
facilita ng discussion verbally and/or through the zoom the speed (or rate of change) in a chemical reac on” verbally
TIME: 5 minutes text chat. (5 minutes) and/or through the zoom text chat. (5 minute)
-Teacher will demonstrate what happens when you mix -Students will make observa ons of what they hear, see, and
baking soda and vinegar within a closed system at wonder as they observe the teacher perform the pre-lab
varying temperatures (5 minutes) experiment (5 minutes)
-Teacher will facilitate small group discussions by -Students will explain observa ons they made from the
Lesson Body checking-in on students as they explain observa ons experiment, lab safety they should consider when repea ng
(Explore, Explain,
they made from observing the experiment, lab safety the experiment, and design a research proposal that
they should consider when repea ng the experiment, addresses how they plan on manipula ng the experiment to
TIME: 20 minutes and design a research proposal that addresses how they iden fy factors that may affect the rate of change in a
plan on manipula ng the experiment to iden fy factors chemical reac on through small group discussion. (10
that may affect the rate of change in a chemical reac on. minutes)
(10 minutes)
ELABORATE -Students will par cipate in classroom discussion by sharing
-Teacher will facilitate classroom discussion by having their observa ons, lab safety precau ons, and research
each group share the observa ons, lab safety proposals in which they designed. (5 minutes)
precau ons, and research proposals in which they
designed. (5 minutes)
-Teacher will provide kahoot ques ons for the students -Students will answer kahoot ques ons that evaluate their
Lesson Closure to answer to evaluate their understanding of how understanding of how temperature, pressure, and
(Evaluate) temperature, pressure, and concentra on of the concentra on of the reactants can affect the rate in which a
reactants can affect the rate in which a chemical reac on chemical reac on occurs. The kahoot ques ons will also
TIME: 5 minutes occurs. The Kahoot ques ons will also evaluate their evaluate their understanding of the lab safety precau ons
understanding of the lab safety precau ons necessary to necessary to perform the experiment. (5 minutes)
perform the experiment. (5 minutes)
English Learners Striving Readers Students with Special Needs Advanced Students
This lesson was designed to introduce students to Le Chatelier's Principle and teach the effects temperature,
concentra on, and volume have on the overall rate of the chemical reac on and how these condi ons affect the
Reflec on, equilibrium of the reac on. Most students ini ally think that chemical reac ons occur instantaneously and do not occur
Summary, in reverse. Challenges in this lesson will be to scaffold students to properly design an experiment that will test the baking
Ra onale, soda and vinegar chemical reac on and manipulate temperature, concentra on, and pressure independently without
Implementa on providing them the correct answers. The way we plan to address this challenge is by providing a demonstra on of the
baking soda and vinegar chemical reac on in which we manipulate temperature first before facilita ng discussion with
the students on factors that may affect the rate of change in which the chemical reac on occurs.