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How 5 Enterprises Left Their Legacy IT Service Management Ebook

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Switch stories:

How 5 enterprises
consolidated ITSM to
reduce costs

Table of contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................3

SAP.................................................................................................................................................... 4


Aljazeera Media Network......................................................................................... 12

Kaiser Permanente/Group Health........................................................................ 15

The Royal Bank of Scottland.................................................................................. 19

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 22

This eBook takes you through the digital transformation of five leading
brands: SAP SuccessFactors, Experian, Group Health (Kaiser Permanente
Washington), Al Jazeera Media Network, and Royal Bank of Scotland.

Each company has a section in the eBook. The sections detail the vision the
companies had, the challenges they faced with their legacy ITSM, why they
switched to ServiceNow solutions, and the numerous benefits they realized
following the switch.

Digital transformation is in full swing and impacting businesses—large and
small—across all industries. In fact, two out of three Global 2000 CEOs say
digital transformation is at the center of their corporate strategy1.

A modern, cloud-based solution such as ServiceNow® IT Service Management

lays the foundation for digital transformation. It allows IT to:

• Be agile, • Engage with employees

• Respond quickly to rapid • Boost productivity by shifting budgets

changes in the business from maintenance to innovation.

1 Source: IDC http://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=US40526216&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_


Transforming internal
IT operations to better
support clients
SuccessFactors is an SAP company that offers the world’s leading cloud-
based HCM (human capital management) Suite. The company provides
HCM services to 6,000+ customers and 45+ million cloud application
subscribers across 60+ industries in 175+ countries.

The vision
Due to fragmented internal processes, issues, and service, incidents
were taking longer and becoming more difficult to identify and resolve.
SuccessFactors recognized that the status quo was not acceptable.

“You could see the problem by looking at metrics like increasing MTTR
(mean time to repair),” said Alex Hernandez, senior director of SDO service
management. “Our MTTR had risen to roughly of four hours for Level 2
security incidents. Our executives didn’t have access to real-time metrics,
and it was exhausting and time-consuming to try to explain to customers
why a service was impacted.”

SAP legacy switch

The challenges
• Proliferating and misaligned ITSM processes, resources, and tools
were leading to an increased number of service delivery issues

• External customers were frustrated with service levels

• Internal staff dealing with more incidents and issues

The solutions and transition

ServiceNow unifies and streamlines processes

ServiceNow ITSM allowed SuccessFactors to modernize incident, change,

problem, and configuration management, as well as customer impact
and notification capabilities. More specifically, the Now Platform® allowed
them to integrate and gain visibility into multiple processes, data sources,
operational KPIs, and IT financial metrics.

SuccessFactors was focused on four promises to their customers:

1) increasing availability, 2) speed, 3) transparency, and 4) maturity.

ServiceNow ITSM gave SuccessFactors a way to ensure they were able to

accomplish all of these goals while also making it easy for them to integrate
existing tools and data. The value in a single platform is that it unifies and
streamlines processes.

Go-live and preliminary results occurred in just 100 days.

SAP legacy switch

The Now Platform

• Integration of processes, data, infrastructure,

and workstreams across multiple sources

• Advanced dashboards to facilitate data-based


• Transparency and reporting on business

process performance

ServiceNow Inspire®

 ligns business and IT objectives

• Expedites executive buy-in and advocacy

 emonstrates the “art of the possible”

The ServiceNow platform is transforming

ITSM, and it’s capable of far more than that.
­—­ Mike McGibbney,
Senior Vice President,
Service Delivery and Operations (SDO)

SAP legacy switch

The results
A significant drop in MTTR

Results show a significant drop in MTTR for Level 2 severity incidents. For
example, there was a 32% reduction from 4.06 hours in May 2017 to just
1.28 hours by August, 2017 with steady downward progress projected for
the months ahead.

In addition, ServiceNow calculated the following results based on the

company’s SDO (service & delivery operation) data:

• 2,435 FTE hours per year saved in change creation

• 563 FTE hours per year saved in incident creation

• $400,000 savings in the first six months of transformation

Average resolution time

4.06 4.12
of resolved inscidents
in hours > Priority = 2
4 - High/By month AVG+

2.28 Forcast


May 17 June 17 July 17 Aug 17 Sep 17 Oct 17 Nov 17

Figure 1: SDO has seen a steady reduction (32%) in MTTR since the Now Platform was deployed.

Creating a single system of
engagement for a global
Experian is the world’s leading global information services company with
16,000+ people operating across 37 countries. The company provides
data and analytical tools that help businesses to make smarter decisions,
lenders to lend more responsibly, organizations to prevent identity fraud,
and individuals to take financial control.

The vision
Faced with disparate processes, disconnected systems, and high costs,
Experian needed to transform their IT service delivery. “Experian had an
unnecessarily complex and inflexible IT services set up, with a multitude
of disparate technologies and processes. We were in essence putting
veneer on veneer to keep up, rather than making inherent and lasting
changes to evolve our approach,” said Jonathan Hayes, VP global IT
service excellence, Experian IT services.

The CA Service Desk was a core area of concern, with a configuration

that didn’t align with how Experian wanted to serve its customers. “Our
service desk tool was no longer fit for purpose. Even some of the basic
functions were long, slow, and inappropriate, so it took too long to log a
ticket. We were putting an unfair expectation on our agents to effectively
manage a situation and deliver a great level of service,” said Hayes.

Experian had a vision to modernize ITSM and consumerize the employee

experience. This vision extends beyond IT to transforming every business line.

Experian legacy switch

The challenges
• Inefficient service delivery because of a complex and inflexible IT service
due to organic and acquisition growth, which has created multiple
disparate technologies and processes

• High running costs and a reliance on manual processes due to multiple,

end-of-life legacy systems and homegrown tools

• Suboptimal visibility of the customer journey due to a limited technology

integration between service and sales of the organization

Experian had an unnecessarily complex and

inflexible IT services set up, with a multitude of
disparate technologies and processes. We
were, in essence, putting veneer on veneer
to keep up, rather than making inherent and
lasting changes to evolve our approach.
— Jonathan Hayes,
VP Global IT Service Excellence,
Experian IT Services

Experian legacy switch

The solutions and transition

Driving service transformation across the business

“Choosing ServiceNow was a conscious decision to move away from

standard tools to adopt a single platform that would power the seamless
delivery of services for every business function,” said Hayes.

For most employees, the only direct interaction they had with IT was when
they needed to ask for something via a request portal. It used to be a
clunky, painful process. Now, with ServiceNow, interacting with IT is fast,
easy, and highly-satisfying.

“We pride ourselves on unlocking the possibilities that data holds

to empower organizations and individuals, and this is exactly what
ServiceNow has supported further for Experian,” said Hayes. “With
ServiceNow, we have created a single system of engagement for
Experian that expands far beyond IT. We’ve initiated a significant
change in how large, global organizations deliver services.”

The Now Platform

• Incident management • Service mapping

• Problem management • Vulnerability response,

• Change management • HR service delivery

• Knowledge management • Self-service request management

• Asset discovery • Performance analytics

Experian legacy switch

The results
Moving from minutes to seconds with faster, smarter service delivery
I frequently hear very positive
Results show a significant drop in MTTR for Level 2 severity incidents. For
feedback about how much example: there was a 32% reduction from 4.06 hours in May 2017 to just
faster and smarter work is with 1.28 hours by August 2017 with steady downward progress projected for
the months ahead.
ServiceNow. Previously, it would
take two to three minutes • Smarter, faster service delivery through a single platform has helped
remove technology islands and seamlessly integrated organization-
for managers to approve a wide processes
simple request, but now it’s a • More than 50% reduction on time spent on incidents and changes in
matter of seconds. Likewise, many situations through process and the Now Platform capabilities
agents would battle through • Improved alignment of sales and service due to the seamless
an incident form to log a ticket, integration of ServiceNow and Salesforce

yet with ServiceNow this has • After just 12 weeks, 3,000 Experian employees globally were using
ServiceNow to handle cases, service requests, and incidents for a
been reduced by over 50% client or employee
in many situations.
­— Jonathan Hayes,
VP Global IT Service Excellence,
Experian IT Services

Leading the media industry
in service management
Al Jazeera Media Network (AJMN) now broadcasts to 300+ million
households in 140+ countries. With 82 news bureaus globally and 70+
nationalities represented on its staff, AJMN’s newsrooms are among
the most diverse in the world.

The vision
“Our previous ITSM efforts were not widely adopted by the business because
the tools we tried to use were IT-focused and difficult to customize,” says
Grant Totten, head of performance management for AJMN.

To make its operations more efficient, AJMN needed to consolidate

disparate systems into one easy-to-use service request portal and
establish a single system of record.

The challenges
• Protect uptime and viewership by increasing and improving service
management processes

• Enable 80+ global locations to better manage assets, contracts,

and service requests

• Drive user adoption of self-service with more agility and faster

speed to market

• Improve visibility and decision-making with standardized

processes and metrics

Aljazeera Media Network
legacy switch

The solutions and transition

After evaluating several solutions, AJMN replaced its legacy tool
with ServiceNow. Working with a ServiceNow partner, AJMN swiftly
implemented incident, change, problem, and asset management.

Then, AJMN built a shipping module in just a few weeks, using

ServiceNow’s out-of-the-box functionality.

“That would have been impossible with our previous tool because it
really wasn’t intended to be a platform that we could develop on
top of. With ServiceNow, just 2.5 full-time employees manage over
30 development streams,” said Totten.

Saving time and money

“Because of the visibility ServiceNow gives us, we were able to take
level-three technical requests and push them down to the service
desk,” says Totten. “We’re saving money and reclaiming time for our
highly skilled engineers.”

“We’ve reached a tipping point where the value of ServiceNow is well

known throughout our organization,” says Totten. “It’s so fast and easy
to use that people are now coming to us and asking how we can
streamline more workflows and solve more business problems.”

Aljazeera Media Network
legacy switch

The results
• Brought structure to service management by consolidating processes
No matter which part of the and breaking down silos
business we interface with, • Increased service management processes 700% and drove 100%
ServiceNow lets us be more user adoption for ITSM

effective. I haven’t yet found • Improved access to broadcast equipment and IT services,
reducing business risk
a single business problem we
haven’t been able to solve. • Cut costs and improved decision-making through greater visibility

­—­ Aamer Maqsood, • Improved access to broadcast equipment and IT services, reducing
Head of Service Management, business risk
Al Jazeera Media Network
• Reduced MTTR for tickets by an average of 84% (13 hours vs. 83 hours)

• Resolved 28,000 incidents by tracking problems to resolutions

• Nearly eliminated emergency changes

How Group Health
reduced clicks and improved
customer satisfaction
Group Health was a non-profit organization that was established in
1945. It provides both medical insurance coverage and care for 650,000+
for people in Washington (state) and Idaho. It has 6,000+ employees. In
February 2017, it was acquired by Kaiser Permanente, a national leader in
integrated health care and coverage. Group Health is now referred to as
Kaiser Permanente Washington and has 9300+ employees and contractors,
of which 480+ are IT employees and IT contractors. Using ServiceNow
Discovery, they found they had 2715 servers and 17,000+ devices.

The vision
“We had Vantiv. We had Remedy. We had RightNow. We had Perspective.
We had an IT request center as well as many other processes that were
being managed in email, spreadsheets, and SharePoint,” said Troy Holmes,
senior systems engineer, KP Washington. “And with all of those, we had
very limited integration. This led to a very disjointed and ‘untrackable’
process. We were in a really bad spot at that point.”

Low user adoption, complex and costly technology stacks, and high
maintenance costs were some of the key challenges Group Health’s IT
service delivery team was facing every day. But their existing legacy
ITSM technologies were taking far too much effort, leaving no time for
building new services, meeting business goals, or driving innovation.

Kaiser Permanente Group Health
legacy switch

The challenges
• Multiple aging and unsupported ITSM systems

• Four service desk tools (EPIC, ITOPS, HR, Facilities)

• Limited integration between systems

• No affordable CMDB solution

• Facing major upgrade of BMC Remedy

• Low customer satisfaction and adoption of tools

• More than 18 FTEs were needed for system administration

(7 FTEs Remedy, 10 RightNow, 1 Vantive)

• Anything but Remedy” was common feedback

We had Vantiv. We had Remedy. We had

RightNow. We had Perspective. We had
an IT request center as well as many other
processes that were being managed in
email, spreadsheets, and SharePoint.
­—­ Troy Holmes,
Senior Systems Engineer, KP Washington

Kaiser Permanente Group Health
legacy switch

The solutions and transition

A one-stop shop for processes

Group Health had an existing set of ITSM solutions and decided to

select a new solution because they had multiple aging systems that
were unsupported.

ServiceNow was selected after Group Health looked at Gartner and

compared all the leading ITSM vendors (BMC, HP, CA, ServiceNow). “We
saw ServiceNow as a platform. It was exactly what we were looking for. We
saw it as a one-stop shop for our current processes as well as our future
processes,” said Holmes. “None the other solutions looked like a platform.”

• Delivered project in two six-month phases

Phase 1 – Enterprise Core ITSM services (Incident, Problem, Change,

CMDB, Asset Management, Service Request)

– Minimal data conversion strategy was possible

– Minimal customization strategy

Phase 2 – Converted four legacy systems that added HR case

management, knowledge management, release management, and
physical security incident management platform capabilities

Kaiser Permanente Group Health
legacy switch

The results
Reducing support requirements more than 75%

After adopting ServiceNow (three years prior to being acquired), Group

Health was able to reduce support requirements for system administration
from 18 FTEs (full-time employees) down to four FTEs.

According to Holmes, over time, the organization was able to “turn off” six
different systems and consolidate them into the ServiceNow solution.
Another highlight was employing ServiceNow Discovery to find they
had 2715 servers and 17,000+ devices on their network.

KP Washington extended the use of the Now Platform for:

• Contract management • Password reset

• Supply chain • Discovery

• Pharmacy procurement • Release management

(nurses can return drugs)
• Disaster recovery and business
• HR customer service continuity incident
(forms, service desk)

• Facilities security incidents

and reports

Better banking experience
At Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), providing industry-leading service is
always first priority. Through their offices and branches in Europe, North
America, and Asia, RBS offers a wide range of financial products and
services to 20+ million customers.

The vision
With a focus on transforming customer experience, RBS has set a goal to be
the number-one UK bank for customer service, trust, and advocacy by 2020.

As RBS grew through acquisitions, their IT environment became more

complex and difficult to manage. To achieve their business transformation,
customer service, cost reduction, and compliance objectives, the bank
needed to simplify ITSM.

The Royal Bank of Scottland
legacy switch

The challenges
• B usiness growth and control and compliance requirements had
increased the complexity of service management with many
tools and processes

• Time to market for service delivery and changes lagged, making it

difficult for employees to provide world-class customer service

• Risk and costs associated with change management and compliance

began to mount, putting a strain on resources

• Needed to support the bank’s stated business objective to become

the #1 bank for customer service, trust, and advocacy—while reducing
costs and meeting compliance requirements

The solutions and transition

A new baseline for banking
RBS decided to partner with ServiceNow for their ITSM journey and engaged
ServiceNow® Professional Services to assist with the implementation.

“ServiceNow appealed to us because it is cloud-based and easy to use,”

said RBS Head of Service Delivery Pete Coleman. “ServiceNow gave us
a sandbox environment to experiment with for six months before we
actually signed the deal, so we were confident that the solution would
meet our needs.”

Working together with ServiceNow Professional Services and internal

stakeholders, RBS integrated ServiceNow with 15 data sources and
delivered the solution to all 14,000 users in just 10 months, setting a
new baseline for the bank on how to deliver success quickly.

The Royal Bank of Scottland
legacy switch

The results
ServiceNow technical expertise allowed RBS to focus on their own
The ServiceNow team stakeholder engagement efforts and managing business change.
listened well, gave us Other benefits realized, include:
good direction, and • Significant savings by the decommission of 10 legacy systems
helped drive quality and • 76% improvement in average time to raise a change
efficiency throughout the • 60% improvement in average time to raise an incident
process. The result was a
• More than 50% of the controls associated with IT critical
successful and collaborative processes automated
implementation. • One CMDB that is visible to all processes
­—­ Pete Coleman,
RBS Head of Service Delivery • 46,000 man hours per month saved

• Reduced the risks associated with unauthorized and failed change

through automated integration between Change and Incident

• Rollout of common service management processes and controls

to areas that historically operated independently

• Introduction of standard change, giving the option for pre-approved,

repeatable changes

• Improved forward planning and conflict management

If these five case studies prove anything, it’s that ServiceNow can easily
and quickly transform an enterprise.

ServiceNow has helped 2000+ organizations worldwide switch from their

legacy ITSM to a digital-ready, cloud ITSM solution. In fact, there is a clear
continuous movement in the market where 30+ companies a month
switch from their legacy ITSM to our ServiceNow solution.

As a result, ServiceNow has become the fastest growing cloud company

in the history of cloud and has captured 43% of ITSM market share2. This
is important because it is a barometer of where large companies are
investing and how much confidence they have in ServiceNow.

Ready to join the list of enterprises that switched

to ServiceNow and left their legacy ITSM behind?

Source: Gartner, “Market Share: All Software Markets, Worldwide, 2016,” 14 April 2017

Next steps
Interested in learning more? Read the full case
studies for each enterprise.

• SAP SuccessFactors

• Experian

• Al Jazeera Media Network

• Group Health [Kaiser Permanente Washington]

• Royal Bank of Scotland

© 2019 ServiceNow, Inc. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be
trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.


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