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SM-202M Ins Manual V1.5A

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DynOptic Systems Ltd


SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor

Installation Manual V1.5

DynOptic Systems Ltd – Furlong House, Crowfield, Brackley, Northamptonshire, NN13 5TW United Kingdom

© DynOptic Systems Ltd 2014

All technical details and specifications are subject to change without notice
SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual


Contents .......................................................................................................... 2

Warnings .......................................................................................................... 3
General Warnings ........................................................................................ 4

Product Overview............................................................................................. 6

Physical Installation of the Heads .................................................................... 7

Choosing a location and general considerations .......................................... 7
- Legislation .............................................................................................. 7
- Accessibility ............................................................................................ 8
- Vibration and angular movement ............................................................ 8
- Gas flow characteristics within the stack ................................................ 8
- Mist, spray, droplets, and condensing liquids ......................................... 9
- Temperature ......................................................................................... 10
- Cable route and length ......................................................................... 11
- Earth connections ................................................................................. 12
Fixing the mounting flanges and heads ...................................................... 12
Earth connection ........................................................................................ 17

Air-Purge System .......................................................................................... 18

Overview and requirements........................................................................ 18

Physical Installation of the OI ......................................................................... 19

Fixing the OI ............................................................................................... 20
Earth connection ........................................................................................ 21

Physical Installation of the Cable ................................................................... 22

Electrical Wiring Details ................................................................................ 26

Installation wiring diagram .......................................................................... 27

Revision Control............................................................................................. 28

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual


Throughout the manual the following symbols are used to highlight the
potential dangers when installing, operating and servicing the instruments.

Caution; Care must be taken, refer to specific


Warning; Risk of electric shock.

Protective Conductor Terminal.

Recycle Responsibly.

Attention; observe precautions for handling electrostatic

sensitive devices.

Note: Highlights a specific instruction or operating procedure.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

General Warnings
Each section of the manual outlines the specific warnings for that part of the
process or procedure. Below are some general guidelines that should be
followed at all times:-

• The instrument is particularly vulnerable during transportation

and manual handling. Always transport the instrument in its
original packaging and handle with utmost care.

• Prior to use, the equipment should be stored in its original

packaging in a dry and sheltered area.

• Applications vary and all installations will involve a degree of

application engineering which is the responsibility of the
customer, not DynOptic Systems.

• All installations and connections must be made by suitably

qualified and experienced electrical / mechanical engineers with
proper regard to good practice and compliance with applicable

• The instrument contains sensitive optics and electronics and

must be protected from physical shock, vibration and exposure to
moisture at all times. Always handle with care, replace lids and
covers when not in use and protect from water ingress.

• The instrument contains sensitive electronics which are

vulnerable to ESD and therefore care should be taken to avoid
making contact with electronic circuit boards & components. Use
ESD handling precautions.

• All electrical work must be carried out with the power to the
instrument OFF i.e. it must be isolated from any source of
voltage. Failure to do so could result in equipment failure, injury
or death.

• Do not make or break electrical connections whilst power is

connected to any instrument. “Hot plugging” as this is known,
may damage the electronics and require a circuit board to be
replaced. This is NOT covered under warranty.

• Always calculate the potential voltage drop when specifying the

type / length of any DC power cable, taking care to allow for the

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

output tolerance of the power supply. The stated voltage supply

is that at the point of connection at the instrument.

• The cables to and from the instrument carry sensitive electronic

signals which can be affected by RFI and EMI, so care should be
taken to run the cables away from high voltage power cables,
high frequency signal cables, or switch gear cabling. Ideally any
cables connecting to the instrument, or between instrument
components, will follow an independent route and will not be
installed in bundles or cable trays with other cabling.

• The ferrite tubes supplied should be fitted on all cables where

they enter or exit instrument enclosures.

• Proper connection to a local Earth potential should be given

consideration when choosing a location for the instrument
components. Protective Earthing is essential, not just as a safety
precaution, but also to maintain the instruments compliance with
European safety directives and CE marking.

• A Warranty Certificate is provided with each order. Failure to

follow the procedures outlined in this manual, unless specifically
instructed to do otherwise, could invalidate the warranty.

• Read the manual in full before proceeding. If in doubt contact

your local distributor or DynOptic Systems direct.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

Product Overview

The SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor measures open path light transmission
using a transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) system. They are typically installed
on a duct, stack, or flue for the purpose of monitoring increases in Opacity (0-
100%) or Particle Density (mg/m3) caused by suspended particles (e.g. dust
and smoke) passing through the light path.

The TX and RX are mounted opposite each other across the stack so that the
light beam generated in the TX passes across the centre of the duct (through
the gas stream) and falls directly onto the RX on the other side. The
instrument measures changes in the intensity of the received light caused by
suspended particulates in the gas stream. This measurement may be used
directly, or in conjunction with calibrated scale factors, to generate a reading
in a choice of units.

A number of checks and measures are employed to maintain continued

accuracy of the instrument, including direct monitoring and compensation for
the light source intensity.

The SM-202M is supplied with a small panel mounting Operator Interface

(OI). This is an AC powered device (90 to 260Vac) which provides the DC
power for the heads (+/-15V) and acts as a remote control unit, with 4-digit
LED display, 4-button keypad, and range of interface abilities.

Calibration involves performing an instrument zero under clear path

conditions. Readings in Opacity do not require an upscale calibration as 100%
opacity is an absolute condition. Readings in Particle Density (mg/m3) do
require an upscale calibration adjustment based on comparison between
instrument readings and independent gravimetric sample measurements.

Both the TX and RX heads are supplied with cast aluminium air-purges, these
not only provide the physical mounting point for the instrument, but also allow
users to connect an appropriate air supply to help keep the optics clean and
prolong service intervals.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

Physical Installation of the Heads

All installations and connections must be made by

suitably qualified and experienced electrical /
mechanical engineers with proper regard to good
practice and compliance with applicable

The instrument contains sensitive optics and

electronics and must be protected from physical
shock, vibration and exposure to moisture at all
times. Always handle with care, replace lids and
covers when not in use and protect from water

The instrument contains sensitive electronics

which are vulnerable to ESD and therefore care
should be taken to avoid making contact with
electronic circuit boards & components. Use ESD
handling precautions.

It’s very important that the installation of your SM-202M is planned out
carefully in advance. Please study this section carefully and ensure that you
have taken proper advice on local and national regulatory requirements
before starting your installation. Proper planning will avoid the need for
modification to your installation at a later date.

Choosing a location and general considerations

When choosing a location for the TX and RX heads you must consider the

- Legislation (local or national) covering the installation may specify or make

specific requirements on, the positioning of the sensor heads. If legislation
does affect the head position, priority must be given to this legislation, but do
not disregard other considerations discussed here.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

- Accessibility is very important for maintenance. Access to the back of both

heads should be easily available, so positioning at the level of a gantry or
platform is preferable.

- Vibration and angular movement will cause the light beam to move and
may result in an unstable opacity measurement. Therefore the heads must be
mounted securely on a sturdy section of the duct or stack that will not be
prone to high levels of vibration. If the duct wall is thin and flexible, it should
be reinforced at the mounting position, or a frame should be constructed to
hold both heads stable in relation to one another. You must ensure that the
angular relationship between the TX and RX heads remains constant in all
conditions. Pay particular consideration to the possibility of vibration, and also
expansion and contraction of local structures with temperature.

- Gas flow characteristics within the stack at the measurement point

should be considered carefully when locating the heads. Ideally the heads
should be positioned on a straight section of duct with no increases/decreases
in diameter, no bends, no inlets/outlets and no intrusions/protrusions, within at
least 5 duct diameters of the heads downstream and 2 duct diameters
upstream. The measurement point should be located at least 5 duct diameters
from the exhaust point, see image below.

Where suitable sample planes exist in both vertical and horizontal sections of
the duct, the vertical section is preferable.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

Note: The heads should never be positioned top and bottom of a horizontal
duct or angled duct, as particle matter will fall under gravity into the bottom
head and cause the optics to become dirty more quickly.

- Mist, spray, droplets, and condensing liquids will affect the light in a
similar way to the dust or smoke particles. In most installations it is
undesirable to measure the contribution from liquid droplets and therefore a
mounting location should be chosen that is free from such contaminates.

As a general rule, the heads should be located at least 5 stack diameters

upstream of the exhaust point, at a point where the exhaust gas is
consistently in excess of 100°C, and upstream of any wet scrubber or other
process, which may introduce liquid mist or spray (unless fitted with an re-
heater or demister).

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

If the heads are mounted on a vertical stack section near to the exhaust point,
there is the possibility that heavier droplets (from rain or condensing steam)
may fall down into the stack, against the direction of the gas flow. These
droplets will also generate an opacity reading, which may be undesirable, and
an alternative location should be considered.

Knowledge of the process gas conditions, engineering logic, and common

sense should be employed to choose a location for the heads that will not be
affected by mist, spray, droplets, or condensing liquids.

- Temperature is probably the single most important consideration when

choosing a location for the heads, and the main considerations are:

• Stack gas temperature

• Mounting flange temperature
• Ambient air temperature around the heads
• Radiated heat
• Direct sunlight

The mounting flange face temperature must not exceed 200°C and the
standard installation recommendations provided in this manual are for a
maximum stack gas temperature of 600°C. Please consult DynOptic Systems
if the application has stack gas temperatures higher than 600ºC.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

The ambient air temperature around the heads should be in the region -20°C
to +50°C.

If the ambient air temperature around the head is being affected by radiated
heat from the duct, the use of rock wool lagging on the duct, or a heat shield
in front of the heads, may be necessary.

Where the heads are mounted externally they should be shielded from direct
sunlight at all times. The heads may be mounted under a canopy or shelter, or
alternatively an optional weather cover is available from DynOptic Systems.

It is essential that the instrument is protected from extreme temperature


- Cable route and length needs to be considered when choosing a location

for the heads. Cable lengths should be kept as short as possible to reduce
voltage loss and to reduce the possibility of interference pickup.

In a standard installation the cable connecting the RX to the TX should be no

longer than 50m.

The length of the cable between the OI and the RX is limited by the voltage
drop likely to occur on the ±15Vdc supply carried in this cable (maximum
recommended length 100m). Always calculate the potential voltage drop
when specifying the type/length of this cable. The ±15Vdc supply to the RX
must not fall below ±12Vdc.

The cable route should ideally be independent of other plant cabling, and
SM-202M cables must not be laid alongside anything which may emit

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

electromagnetic or RF signals, such as heavy power cables or switch gear


Tight bends, pinching, clamping, and the possibility of wear or abrasion must
also be avoided when choosing the route.

- Earth connections are required on both heads protect the electronic circuit
boards inside the TX and RX heads from the effects of Electro Static
Discharge (ESD) and high voltage transients.

If the heads are not directly earthed, any local ESD or high voltage surge is
likely find a path to earth through the sensitive circuit boards inside the heads,
inevitably causing damage. However, if the heads are properly earthed, that
same ESD, or surge, would find its way back to earth through the proper
electrical earth connection, instead of through the electronic.

A location for the heads must be chosen where a proper electrical earth is
available. It is not acceptable to rely on the stack or the mounting flanges as
an earth point.

- Summary: A location for the heads must be chosen with consideration to all
the points above. If it is impossible to satisfy all the recommended criteria
please make a sensible compromise rather than disregard one point

Having chosen a suitable location, suitable mounting flanges should be

prepared and installed at the chosen location.

Fixing the mounting flanges and heads

Care must be taken when working on the stack.

In particular hot surfaces and hot stack gases.
Take all necessary precautions.

The TX and RX heads must be mounted directly opposite each other across
the stack or duct, so that light from the TX passes through the centre of the
duct and falls directly onto the RX.

Each head should be bolted to a suitable mounting flange (1.5” ANSI 150
pattern) extended away from the side of the stack on a short extension tube.
See below for the required construction details of a suitable mounting flange

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

extension. Pre-fabricated mounting flange extensions can be purchased from

DynOptic Systems as an accessory.

The mounting flange extensions should be fitted on opposite sides of the

stack such that the bore of both extension tubes are concentric and co-linear,
with a maximum angular alignment tolerance of +/-2° and a maximum linear
alignment tolerance of +/-5mm (see below).

An excellent way to ensure that the mounting flange extensions meet the
required angular and linear alignment tolerances, is to insert a straight pole or
tube through the stack (so that it protrudes either side of the stack), and then
slide the mounting flange extensions over the protruding pole/tube on each
side, before welding the flange extensions in place on the stack. This
technique will ensure that the mounting flanges are well aligned as they are
welded in place. See below for an example of the technique.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

When fitting the mounting flange, the extension tube should pass through the
wall of the stack and protrude slightly (~50mm) into the duct. The purpose of
the intrusion is to prevent any dirt or slime build-up on the inner wall of the
duct falling down the wall and passing through the light path.

Keep the flange extension tube as short as possible whilst maintaining the
minimum clearance between the mounting flange and the stack wall and/or
the insulation, as shown below.

The flange extensions should be installed with the bolt holes at 45° to the
vertical, as shown below.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

The mounting flange extensions must be installed on a sturdy section of duct

where there is no danger of movement or vibration. The mounting flanges
must maintain angular alignment at all times during operation. Relative
movement between the TX and RX will cause errors in the reading. Thin wall
stacks should be reinforced at the head location, or alternatively
reinforcement fillets or a support frame should be made up to support the
heads. Support structures and frames may vary in design, but it’s essential
that there is at least 100mm clear extension tube between the support
structure and the mounting flange, in order to reduce the heat conducted
between the stack and the mounting flange.

Each SM-202M air-purge body has four (4) threaded M14 holes on a PCD to
match the mounting flange. The bodies can be installed on the mounting
flange either by inserting a bolt from the stack side of the flange, or by fitting
short lengths of threaded stud into the air-purge head and securing them from
the stack side of the flange with matching nuts. The nuts or bolts will be

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

tightened at a later stage to achieve optimum alignment of the heads (see

operators manual). For installation they should be tightened to the minimum
torque setting of 10Nm.

Select bolts and studs of a suitable length, and remember to allow for the
additional thickness of the rubber alignment gaskets, heat insulating gaskets,
washers, and any weather shield that may be fitted as part of the installation.
A fixing kit containing suitable M14 studs, washers and nuts is available from
DynOptic Systems.

The instrument is supplied with four (4) heat insulating gaskets manufactured
from a 6mm thick woven ceramic fibre cloth (white in colour). Two (2) of these
gaskets must be installed on each side of the stack. They must be installed as
shown below, so that they are installed against the hot mounting flange
surface, and will therefore protect the red silicone rubber alignments gaskets,
and the TX/RX heads from conducted heat from the flange face.

The instrument is supplied with eight (8) heat insulating washers

manufactured from 5mm thick Teflon (white in colour). These washers must
be installed as shown below, so that they are fitted between each
nut/bolt/washer arrangement and the hot mounting flange surface. Their
purpose is to prevent heat from the mounting flange conducting through the
fixing bolts.

The instrument is supplied with two (2) red silicone rubber alignment gaskets
which must be fitted as shown below, so that they are protected from the heat
of the mounting flange by the heat insulating gaskets. These rubber alignment
gaskets will allow for a degree of adjustment to be made in the angular
alignment of each head during commissioning. The alignment gasket must not
come into contact with any surface that has a temperature in excess of 150°C.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

Earth connection
It is important that both head enclosures are bonded to a local electrical earth.
This protective earth connection must be made off to the M5 stud on the
outside of each of the head enclosures, as indicated below.

Failure to make a proper earth connection to the

head enclosures and the front panel will leave the
instrument vulnerable to damage from ESD and
high voltage surges.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

Air-Purge System

The purge air system must be in place and

operational prior to the installation of the heads.
The purge air system must remain operational at
all times, even if the instrument itself is not.
Failure to maintain an operational purge air system
may result in the heads being damaged by hot,
corrosive stack gas coming into contact with

Overview and requirements

The SM-202M uses optical techniques to make dust/opacity measurements.
Each measurement head therefore has an optical surface exposed to the dirty
and potentially harmful environment of the stack interior. In order to protect
the optical surfaces from contamination by particle depositions and the
damaging effects of heat and/or corrosive stack gas, it is necessary to employ
an air-purge system to repel the stack gas and prevent it from coming into
contact with the heads

The air-purge system achieves this by producing a flow of clean and dry air
flowing away from the head and into the stack. This air-flow provides a clean
air barrier between the optics and the stack gas.

A complete air purge system will comprise of:

• Air-purge bodies on both sides of the stack (supplied) which serve to

duct the purge air over the optical surfaces and into the stack

• A clean, dry, purge air supply which could be derived from a suitably
filtered air blower or pressure regulated and filtered compressed air
(not supplied).

• Hose and fittings necessary to connect the air supply to the heads
(not supplied)

The air-purge bodies are supplied with the instrument; all the other elements
are available as accessories. For more information on the available options
and technical specifications required, please refer to the ‘Purge Air
Requirements’ document.

Note: We recommend that flexible hose is used. The use of non-flexible hose
can affect the ability to align the heads.

Note: Due to the possibility of damage to the heads if the purge air fails or is
turned off; a failsafe shutter is available from DynOptic Systems.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

Physical Installation of the OI

All installations and connections must be made by

suitably qualified and experienced electrical /
mechanical engineers with proper regard to good
practice and compliance with applicable

The instrument contains sensitive optics and

electronics and must be protected from physical
shock, vibration and exposure to moisture at all
times. Always handle with care, replace lids and
covers when not in use and protect from water

The instrument contains sensitive electronics

which are vulnerable to ESD and therefore care
should be taken to avoid making contact with
electronic circuit boards & components. Use ESD
handling precautions.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

Fixing the OI
The OI is designed to be inserted into a master control panel. The master
control panel needs to be prepared with a suitable cut-out detail to accept the
OI. The cut-out detail consists of a main rectangular aperture, through which
to pass the body of the OI, and four (4) surrounding through holes with which
to secure the OI in place.

The OI should be inserted into the master panel and then secured using M5
screws and nuts. The OI is supplied with a thin rubber gasket which should be
fitted between the OI and the master panel to form a dust tight seal.

The ambient air temperature around the OI should be in the region -20°C to

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

Earth connection
It is important that the front panel is bonded to a local electrical earth. This
protective earth connection must be made off to the M5 stud on the back of
the front panel, as indicated below.

Failure to make a proper earth connection to the

head enclosures and the front panel will leave the
instrument vulnerable to damage from ESD and
high voltage surges.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

Physical Installation of the Cable

Always calculate the potential voltage drop when

specifying the type / length of any DC power cable,
taking care to allow for the output tolerance of the
power supply. The stated voltage supply is that at
the point of connection at the instrument.

The cables to and from the instrument carry

sensitive electronic signals which can be affected
by RFI and EMI, so care should be taken to run the
cables away from high voltage power cables, high
frequency signal cables, or switch gear cabling.
Ideally any cables connecting to the instrument, or
between instrument components, will follow an
independent route and will not be installed bundles
or cable trays with other cabling.

The ferrite tubes supplied should be fitted on all

cables where they enter or exit instrument

Because of the potentially long and variable lengths of cable required to

connect up the different components of the SM-202M, this instrument is not
supplied with any interconnecting cable and suitable cable must be sourced
locally or purchased separately from DynOptic Systems.

The cable connecting the TX to the RX must have a minimum of 6 cores,

should be no longer than 50m, and meet the specification shown below.

The cable connecting the OI to the RX must have a minimum of 6 cores, and
be no longer than 100m and meet the specification shown below.

All cables must have an individual core size of between 0.518mm² (20AWG)
and 2.08mm² (14AWG).

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

All cables must be screened, ideally individually screened twisted pairs, with a
common drain wire, such as Belden 9873 (6 core, screened pair, 20AWG).

The overall diameter of the cable must be between 6 and 12mm.

The SM-202M cables carry sensitive electronic signals which can be affected
by RFI and EMI, so care should be taken to run the cables away from high
voltage power cables, high frequency signal cables, or switch gear cabling.

Ideally any cables connecting to the instrument, or between instrument

components, will follow an independent route and will not be installed in
bundles or cable trays with other cabling.

The supplied ferrite tubes must be fitted on the cables where the cables enter
the TX, RX, or OI enclosures. The ferrites should be secured in place so that
they remain fixed adjacent to the cable gland entry, as shown in the examples

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

All cables entering the TX, RX, or OI must do so through the cable glands
provided. All cable glands must be fully tightened onto the cable to maintain
the enclosures environmental rating.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

Any unused cable gland entries should be sealed using the rubber bungs
supplied. Tighten the gland onto the rubber bung to ensure protection.

Note: Please ensure that no wires pass through the optical beam inside the
head enclosure. This can be achieved by checking that no stray wires, or wire
slack enters the area bounded by the 4 pillars that support the circuit board.

Wiring details are covered in the separate electrical wiring details section.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

Electrical Wiring Details

All installations and connections must be made by

suitably qualified and experienced electrical /
mechanical engineers with proper regard to good
practice and compliance with applicable legislation.

The instrument contains sensitive optics and

electronics and must be protected from physical
shock, vibration and exposure to moisture at all
times. Always handle with care, replace lids and
covers when not in use and protect from water

All electrical work must be carried out with the

power to the instrument OFF i.e. it must be
isolated from any source of voltage. Failure to do
so could result in equipment failure, injury or

Do not make or break electrical connections whilst

power is connected to any instrument. “Hot
plugging” as this is known, may damage the
electronics and require a circuit board to be
replaced. This is NOT covered under warranty.

Proper connection to a local Earth potential

should be given consideration when choosing a
location for the instrument components.
Protective Earthing is essential, not just as a
safety precaution, but also to maintain the
instruments compliance with European safety
directives and CE marking.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

Cable specification and physical cable installation are discussed in an earlier


Installation wiring diagram

The SM-202M is powered by an AC power supply (5A fused 90-260Vac at
50/60Hz) to the OI. All DC voltages are then generated by the internal PSU
and used to power the OI and both the heads. This involves supplying
+/-15Vdc to the heads through the primary cable and therefore limits the
maximum primary cable length to 100m.

The AC supply connection should be made directly to the power supply as

shown below using a suitable 0.156” 5 way Molex connector (supplied) or

It is important that all enclosures are bonded to a local electrical earth

connection. Cables should be screened and bonded to the inside of
enclosures indicated in the wiring diagram on the following page. Please note
that the cable screen should not be connected in the OI enclosure.

The following page shows a complete installation wiring diagram for the

This diagram includes details of all connections necessary for basic

functionality, and also shows the terminal assignments for all output and
interface connections.

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

SM-202M Smoke Opacity Monitor – Installation Manual

Revision Control

Version Date Revision Details Author
V1.0 08/10/2013 Original. Dominic Sheedy
V1.1 08/11/2013 Drawing updates. Dominic Sheedy
V1.2 15/01/2014 Update wiring diagram and protective earth requirements Jason Lupe
V1.3 29/01/2014 Change text “Earth Connections” text on page 12 Paul Jones
V1.4 12/02/2014 Spelling error corrected on page 27. Dominic Sheedy
V1.5 08/10/2014 Add ambient temperature statement for OI Paul Jones

All technical details and specifications are subject to change without notice

© All content copyright of DynOptic Systems Ltd 2014


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