Adv 02 2021
Adv 02 2021
Adv 02 2021
Total 2311
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a) Date of Commencement for submission of online applications= 12 - 04- 2021.
b) Last Date for submission of online applications = 12 - 05 -2021.
c) Annexure “A” = Name of the Post, Cadre, Pay Level, Category wise break up
of posts, Qualification and Criteria for selection.
d) Annexure ‘”B”=Certificate regarding physical limitation.
e) Annexure “C”=Letter of undertaking for using own Scribe.
The J&K Services Selection Board invites online application from eligible
candidates for participation in the selection process for District/Divisional/UT Cadre
posts shown in Annexure “A” to this Notification.
(2) Domicile: -The candidate should be a Domicile of the Union Territory of Jammu
& Kashmir as defined in terms of the Notifications issued by the Ministry of Home
Affairs, Government of India vide S.O 1229 (E) dated 31-03-2020 and S.O
1245(E) dated 03-04-2020 read with the General Administration Department,
Government of Jammu and Kashmir’s S.O 166 dated 18-05-2020.
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(3) Vacancies: -The UT, Divisional & District Cadre Wise details of notified posts are
given in Annexure “A” to this notification.
(4) Age limit: - (as on 01-01-2021)
The requirement of age for Open Merit & various Reserved Categories candidates
is as follows: -
S.No Category Age Not born Not born
limit before After
(I) As per Indent(s) received from the respective Indenting Department(s), the
qualification for the posts notified are shown in Annexure “A” to this
Advertisement Notification.
(II) The candidates who are declared qualified by the Board for Document
Verification will be required to produce relevant Certificates such as Mark
sheets, Provisional Certificates, etc. for completion of Graduation /Post-
Graduation Degree/PhD Degree in original as proof of having acquired the
prescribed educational qualification on or before the cut off date fixed
for filling online application form, failing which the candidature of
Page 3 of 157
such candidates shall be cancelled by the Board. The candidates who
are able to prove, by documentary evidence, that the result of the qualifying
examination was declared on or before the cut-off date i.e 12 -05-2021
and he/ she has been declared passed, will also be considered to meet the
educational qualification.
(III) Candidates may note that their candidature will remain provisional till
the genuineness of their documents relating to educational qualification is
verified by the Appointing Authority.
(6) Reservation:
(I) Reservation for Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes(ST),
Economically Weaker Section(EWS), Persons with Disabilities (PwD), Pahari
Speaking People(PSP), etc for the above posts, wherever applicable and
admissible, would be as determined & communicated by the Indenting
Department, in accordance with the provisions of S.O 127 dated 20-04-2020.
(II) A candidate seeking his /her consideration under Reserved Categories
must ensure that he/she possess a valid/ Category Certificate as on the Cut
Off Date.
(III) Candidates may note that their candidature will remain provisional till
the genuineness of the Reserved Category Certificate is verified by the
Appointing Authority.
(IV) Candidates are cautioned to note that in case a claim for reservation is
made on the basis of false/fake/fraudulent certificate, he/she shall be
debarred from the examination(s) conducted by the Board, in addition to any
other action as may be deemed appropriate.
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(7) Horizontal Reservation (wherever applicable under rules)-
8) Application Fee:-
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(8) Centre of Examination:
The J&K Services Selection Board shall notify the Venue /Centre of
examination separately. No representation/ request for change in this
regard shall be entertained, whatsoever be the reason.
(I) The Examination will consist of Objective Type, Multiple choice questions
only except for items mentioned otherwise in the relevant column of
Annexure ‘A’ to this notification. The questions will be set in English only.
(II) There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
(III) Tentative Answer Keys, in due course after the Examination, will be placed
on the website of the Board ( Any representation
regarding Answer Keys received within the time limit fixed by the Board
at the time of uploading of the Answer Keys, will be scrutinized and the
decision of the Board in this regard will be final. No representation
regarding Answer keys shall be entertained, afterwards.
(IV) Marks scored by candidates in written test will be normalized if required,
to determine final merit and cut-off marks.
(I) The Board will not undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for the
eligibility and other aspects at the time of written examination and,
therefore, candidature will be accepted only provisionally. The
candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational
qualification, age, reserved category and satisfy themselves that they
are eligible for the post. Copies of supporting documents will be sought
at the time of Document Verification. When scrutiny is undertaken, if
any claim made in the application is not found substantiated or correct,
the candidature will be cancelled, Criminal Proceedings under law shall
be initiated, or any other action as may be deemed appropriate by the
Board, shall be taken.
(II) All candidates who register themselves in response to this
Advertisement Notification, by the closing date and time and whose
applications are found to be in order, and are provisionally accepted by
the Board as per the terms and conditions of this Advertisement Notice,
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will be assigned Roll numbers and issued Admit Card/Roll No slip for
appearing in the Written Examination.
(III) The Examination details will be uploaded on the official website of the
Board i.e Examination detail/Roll Number slips will
not be issued by post for any stage of examination. Therefore,
candidates are advised to visit the official website of Board regularly
for updates and information about the examination.
(IV) Information about the Examination indicating the Time Table and City/
Centre of Examination for the candidates will be uploaded on the
websites of the Board about two weeks before the date of examination.
If any candidate does not find his/ her Roll Number on the website of
the Board, one week before the date of examination, he/ she must
immediately contact the concerned Divisional Office of the J&K Services
Selection Board, with proof of having submitted his/ her application.
Failure to do so will deprive him/ her of any claim for consideration.
(V) Candidate must submit his/ her online Application form, Email-ID and
Mobile Number along with his/ her Name, Date of Birth and Name of the
Examination, while addressing any communication to the Board.
Communication from the candidate not furnishing these particulars shall
not be entertained.
(VI) Facility for download of Admit Cards will be available about one week
before the Date of Examination on the official website of the Board i.e Candidate must bring printout of the Admit Card/Roll
Number Card/Slip to the Examination Hall.
(VII) In addition to the Roll Number Card/Slip, it is mandatory to carry at
least two passport size recent colour photographs, Original valid
Photo-ID proof such as:
v. Passport,
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(13) Provision of Compensatory Time and Assistance of Scribe:
(III)In case a candidate opts for his/ her own scribe, the qualification of the
scribe should be one step below the minimum qualification as prescribed
against each unique Advertisement Item No. (e.g- less than Graduation if
the prescribed minimum qualification is Graduation for the candidate taking
the examination). The candidates with benchmark disabilities opting for own
scribe shall be required to submit details of the own scribe. In addition, the
scribe has to produce a valid ID proof in original at the time of examination.
A photocopy of the ID proof of the scribe signed by the candidate as well as
the scribe will be submitted along. In case, subsequently it is found that the
qualification of the scribe is not as declared by the candidate, then the
candidate shall forfeit his/ her right to the post and claims relating thereto.
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Essential Qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular
qualification as equivalent qualification.
d. Caste/ Category Certificate, if belongs to reserved categories.
e. Domicile Certificate.
ii) Candidates have to bring two passport size recent colour photographs and
one original Photo ID Proof while appearing for the Document Verification.
Photo ID Proof can be:
2) Voter’s ID Card,
3) Driving License,
4) PAN Card,
5) Passport,
6) School/College/University I Card,
iii) The candidates who are supposed to furnish various certificate issued by
or before the prescribed cutoff date, shall be required to produce them at the
time of Documents Verification or as may be sought by the Board; in case of
failure, the Board shall take necessary decision which shall be final.
iv) Wherever a specific format has been prescribed for any certificate, in
accordance with the relevant rules/orders, a candidate shall be supposed to
furnish the said requisite documents in the prescribed format at the time of
Documents Verification, otherwise his/her candidature shall be liable for
cancellation /rejection.
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(vii)For Ex-Servicemen (ESM):
a. Discharge Certificate, if discharged from the Armed Forces,
b. No Objection Certificate, in case already employed in Government/
Government undertakings.
The Board, for the purposes of ensuring integrity, fairness and transparency
in the Examination process shall be well within its rights & duties, to take
steps as necessary or issue instructions as deemed appropriate, at any stage
of selection process, and all such steps/instructions shall be deemed to have
been taken/given in furtherance of its mandate, as enshrined in the relevant
(17) Board’s Decision Final: The decision of the Board in all matters relating
to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, penalty for false
information, mode of selection, conduct of examination(s), allotment of
examination centres and preparation of merit list & Cadre/Department allocation,
debarment for indulging in malpractices would be final and binding on the
candidates and no enquiry/ correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
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d. The Board will not undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for the
eligibility and other aspects at the time of written examination and,
therefore, candidature will be accepted only provisionally. The
candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational
qualification, age, etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible
for the post(s). Copies of supporting documents will be sought at the
time of Document Verification. When scrutiny is undertaken, if any
claim made in the application is not found substantiated, the
candidature will be cancelled and the Board’s decision shall be final
and binding.
e. Candidates seeking reservation benefits available for RBA/SC/ ST/
OSC/ EWS/PSP/ALC/IB must ensure that they are entitled to such
reservation as per eligibility condition prescribed in this notice. They
should also be in possession of the certificates in the prescribed
format in support of their claim.
f. Candidates with benchmark physical disability only would be
considered as Persons with Disabilities (PwD) and entitled to
reservation for Persons with Disabilities.
g. When application is successfully submitted, it will be accepted
'Provisionally'. Candidate should take printout of the application form
and submit the same at the time of Documents Verification. The
candidates are further advised NOT to submit the hard copies of the
Online application form in the office of the Services Selection Board
either in person or by post/email.
h. Only one online application for the post of same item No. is allowed
to be submitted by the candidate. Therefore, the candidates are
advised to exercise due diligence at the time of filling their online
Application Forms. In case, more than one application of a candidate
is detected for the same item No., the Board will consider latest
application. If a candidate submits multiple application forms for the
same post and appears in the examination (at any stage) more than
once for the post of the same item No., his/ her candidature will be
cancelled and he/ she will be debarred from the examinations of the
Board as per rules.
i. Request for modification or change in the preferences once filled
relating to Cadre and Departments, if applicable, shall not be
entertained under any circumstances.
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j. The candidates must write their father’s name and mother’s name
strictly as given in the Matriculation Certificate otherwise their
candidature may be cancelled at the time of Document Verification
or as and when it comes into the notice of the Board.
k. Applications with blurred/ illegible Photograph/ Signature will be
rejected summarily.
l. Request for change/ correction in any particulars in the Application
Form, once submitted, will not be entertained under any
m. The candidates must carry two passport size recent colour
photographs and a latest photo bearing identification proof such as
Aadhaar Card/ printout of E-Aadhaar, Driving License, Voter Card,
PAN Card, Identity Card issued by School/College/University/
Employer (Government or any other office, where the candidate may
be working, etc) in original to the Examination Venue, failing which
they will not be allowed to appear for the same. PwD candidates using
the facility of scribe shall also be required to carry required Medical
Certificate/ Undertaking/ Photocopy of the Scribe’s Photo ID Proof,
as specified therein.
n. In case of fake/ fabricated application/ registration by misusing any
dignitaries name/ photo, such candidate(s)/ shall be held responsible
for the same and liable for suitable legal action under cyber/ IT Act.
o. Fee payable: Rs 350/- (Rs. Three Hundred Fifty only).
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like mobile number, email id and password from time to time, but cannot
change their First Name, Last Name and Gender.
v. Once successful Login, the candidate can check under “Latest Openings” for
all available advertisements and click on “Apply Now” against “Application
Form for Appointment to the Post applied.”
vi. Candidate should carefully fill in all the information in various sections and
click on “SAVE & CONTINUE”.
vii. The candidate is required to upload the images of recent photograph and
• Size of the photograph (passport size) (Max size–1 MB) (Ht. X Wd. = 4.5
X 3.5 Cms.).
• Size of the signature (Max size–1 MB) (Ht. X Wd. = 4.5 X 3.5 Cms.).
viii. The candidate need to ensure that all the required fields are filled up with
correct information. The system shall check that all required fields are filled
up, before final submission of the application.
ix. Candidate shall be personally responsible for filling the details in the online
application form and the information/details furnished by the candidate shall
be treated as final for the purpose of determining the eligibility/claims of the
candidates. No claim on account of non-filling of information shall be
entertained subsequently.
x. Candidates cannot edit their Application form after submission. However,
candidate can cancel his/her application if wrongly filled, but the fee of such
cancelled application will not be remitted. Candidate can then apply afresh
and he/she will have to pay the fee again.
xi. Candidate’s Application will not be considered if fee is not paid for that
xii. Fees decided by JKSSB can be paid only by Net banking/Debit Card/Credit
Card Options.
• After successful completion of the form, the candidate shall be shown
“Pay Now” link for making the online application fee payment. Once
fees is successfully submitted, Application ID shall be generated.
• The options will be available after clicking on Pay Now link. Candidate
can pay using Net banking, Debit Card, Credit Card, as Online
Payment options.
xiii. Payment will not be accepted and will not be considered valid after cut-off
date mentioned in Advertisement Notification, i.e 12 .05.2021 (last date).
xiv. Candidates should not submit a printout of the application / fee payment
receipt to JKSSB till it is actually sought for some verification/clarification
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xv. Please n ote that above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No
other mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such
applications would be rejected.
xvi. The application printout along with the fee payment receipt and required
copies of documents should be kept ready for submission if shortlisted for
subsequent stage of Selection as per the notified Criteria. Candidate can take
printout of application submitted and fee payment receipt from “My
Applications” link available in the Portal. Application printout can be taken by
selecting Application ID/No and clicking on Download Application. Similarly,
receipt printout can be taken by selecting Application ID/No and clicking on
Download Receipt button available.
xvii. Any person who finds difficulty in submission of application form due to
technical issue or for any other reasons, shall be required to send a self-
explanatory mail at for seeking guidance,
clarification, etc. No other mode of grievance submission in this context would
be valid. Moreover, only the grievance pertaining to the active application will
be replied through the mail.
(20) In-service candidates shall submit print out of filled online application form
along with duly filled, signed and stamped certificate given at last paragraph of the
application form through proper channel viz., the concerned Head of Department
(as defined in the JK Book of Financial Powers). In the event of failure of the
candidate to route the application through proper channel, his / her eligibility shall
be assessed as if he / she is not an in-service candidate. The Head of Department
concerned shall forward the application form of the In-service candidates to the
office of the Secretary, Services Selection Board by or before the date of scrutiny of
documents/documents verification after short listing.
(22) No TA/DA will be paid for participation in the written test/ document
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be as determined & communicated by the respective Indenting Department, as per
extant Rules/Orders.
(24) The vacancies have been advertised by the J&K Service Selection Board as
per the Indent(s) received from the concerned Departments. The Board will not be
responsible for withdrawal/alteration of vacancies by the Indenting Department(s),
at any point of time.
(Sachin Jamwal) KAS,
J&K Ser vices Selection Board
Copy to the:-
1. Financial Commissioner to Government, Health and Medical Education
Department, Civil Secretariat, Jammu.
2. Principal Secretary to Government, Revenue Department, Civil Secretariat,
3. Principal Secretary to Government, Skill Development Department, Civil
Secretariat, Jammu.
4. Principal Secretary to Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor, Civil Secretariat, Jammu.
5. Commissioner/Secretary to Government, General Administration Department,
Civil Secretariat, Jammu.
6. Commissioner/Secretary to Government, Hospitality & Protocol Department
Floriculture Department, Civil Secretariat, Jammu.
7. Commissioner/Secretary to Government, Floriculture, Gardens and Parks
Department, Civil Secretariat, Jammu.
8. Secretary to the Government, Cooperative Department, Civil Secretariat,
9. Secretary to the Government, Department of Law Justice and Parliamentary
Affairs, Civil Secretariat, Jammu.
10. Divisional Commissioner, Jammu/Kashmir.
11. Director Information, J&K for publication of Advertisement Notice in all leading
dailies of J&K State for three consecutive days.
12. Director, Radio Kashmir Jammu/ Srinagar/ Bhaderwah / Kupwara for putting
the notice on air for three consecutive days in addition to the Rozgar Bulletin.
13. Vice President, J&K Bank Head Office, Jammu for information.
14. Director, Employment J&K.
15. All Members of J&K Services Selection Board.
16. Director, Door Darshan Kendra, Jammu / Srinagar for telecasting the
substance of the notice for three consecutive days in addition to the Rozgar
17. Additional Resident Commissioner, J&K Government, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New
Delhi for information.
18. Special Secretary Law, Services Selection Board, J&K.
19. Administrative Officer, Services Selection Board, Jammu/Srinagar.
20. Private Secretary to Chief Secretary, UT of J&K. for the information of Chief
21. Private Secretary to Chairman, J&K Services Selection Board, Jammu.
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22. Incharge Grievance Cell, Services Selection Board, Jammu.
23. Incharge Website, Services Selection Board, Jammu.
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Name of the Posts, Category wise break up of posts, Qualification & Criteria for selection of the District/Divisional/UT Cadre posts
Item Sub Pay ALC
Name of the Cadre of Qualification Criteria for
. Deptt/Appointin Scale of OM SC ST OSC / RBA PSP EWS Total
Department post the post prescribed selection.
No. g Authority. the Post IB
The selection
10+2 or above
for the post
qualification with
shall be made
Health & Level-6D minimum 02 years
Div. on the basis of
162 Medical (GMC Jammu) (35800- Artist 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Diploma/Degree in
Jammu merit obtained
Education 113200) Fine Arts from any
in written
10+2 with Science or The selection
above qualification for the post
with minimum 02 shall be made
Health & Level-6D Junior
Div. years Diploma or on the basis of
163 Medical (GMC Jammu) (35800- Occupational 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
Jammu having Degree in merit obtained
Education 113200) Therapist
Occupational Therapy in written
Course from any examination
recognized Institution. only.
10+2 with Science or
above qualification
with minimum two
The selection
years Diploma in
for the post
Laboratory Assistant
shall be made
Health & Level-6 Course or having
Laboratory Div. on the basis of
164 Medical (GMC Jammu) (35400- 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 10 Degree in Medical
Technician Jammu merit obtained
Education 112400) Laboratory Technology
in written
course from
recognized Institution/
State Medical
Paramedical Council.
Page 17 of 157
The selection
10+ 2 or above for the post
qualification with shall be made
Health & Level-6
E.C.G Div. Diploma in ECG from on the basis of
165 Medical (GMC Jammu) (35400- 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 10
Technician Jammu any recognized merit obtained
Education 112400)
Institute/State Medical in written
Faculty. examination
The selection
for the post
10+2 with
shall be made
Health & Level-6 Junior Diploma/Degree in
Div. on the basis of
166 Medical (GMC Jammu) (35400- Physiotherapi 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 Physiotherapy from
Jammu merit obtained
Education 112400) st any recognized
in written
10+2 with Science or
X- Ray
above qualification
with minimum two The selection
years Diploma in X-ray for the post
Assistant Course or shall be made
Health & Level-6 Junior
Div. having Degree in X-ray on the basis of
167 Medical (GMC Jammu) (35400- Radiology 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 7
Jammu Technology/Radiograp merit obtained
Education 112400) Technician/R
hy Course from any in written
recognized examination
Institution/State only.
T Scan
Medical Faculty/J&K
Paramedical Council.
Page 18 of 157
10+2 with Science or
above qualification The selection
with minimum two for the post
years Diploma/ Degree shall be made
Health & Level-6 Junior
Div. in Radiation Therapy on the basis of
168 Medical (GMC Jammu) (35400- Radiotherapy 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Jammu Technology Course merit obtained
Education 112400) Technician
from any recognized in written
Institution/State examination
Medical Faculty/J&K only.
Paramedical Council.
Skill Test = 40
Graduation from Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with 65 words of T =60 points
speed in shorthand (The marks
Health & Level 6B
Junior Div. and 35 words in typing obtained in the
169 Medical (GMC Jammu) (35600- 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
Stenographer Jammu speed per minute with Skill Test shall
Education 112800)
six months certificate be
course in Computer proportionately
Application from a allotted against
recognized Institute. 40 points
earmarked for
the Skill Test)
Skill Test = 40
Graduation from
recognized University
with 65 words of
speed in shorthand
Health & Level-5 T =60 points
Div. and 35 words in typing
170 Medical (GMC Jammu) (29200- Steno Typist 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (The marks
Jammu speed per minute with
Education 92300) obtained in the
six months certificate
Skill Test shall
course in Computer
Application from a
recognized Institute.
allotted against
Page 19 of 157
40 points
earmarked for
the Skill Test)
Page 20 of 157
Medical Faculty/J&K examination
Paramedical Council. only.
The selection
Minimum Matric and for the post
Maximum 10+2 from shall be made
Health & Level-4
Div. any recognized Board on the basis of
174 Medical (GMC Jammu) (25500- Carpenter 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
Jammu with Certificate Course merit obtained
Education 81100)
in Carpentary Trade in written
from ITI. examination
10+2 with Science or
above qualification The selection
with minimum two for the post
years Diploma in X- shall be made
Health & Level-4
X-Ray Div. Ray Assistant Course on the basis of
175 Medical (GMC Jammu) (25500- 10 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 21
Assistant Jammu or having Degree in X- merit obtained
Education 81100)
Ray in written
Technology/Radiograp examination
hy Course from any only.
recognized Institution.
The selection
10 +2 or above
for the post
qualification with 02
shall be made
Health & Level-4 years Diploma/Degree
Telephone Div. on the basis of
176 Medical (GMC Jammu) (25500- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 in Electronics and
Operator Jammu merit obtained
Education 81100) Communication from
in written
any recognized
Page 21 of 157
10 + 2 with two years
diploma in Medical The selection
Assistant Course or for the post
having degree in shall be made
Health & Level-4 Senior
Div. Laborotary Technology on the basis of
177 Medical (GMC Jammu) (25500- Laboratory 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 10
Jammu Course from any merit obtained
Education 81100) Assistant
recognized in written
Institution/State examination
Medical Faculty/J&K only.
Paramedical Council.
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & Level-4
Library Div. Bachelors Degree in on the basis of
178 Medical (GMC Jammu) (25500- 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
Assistant Jammu Library Science. merit obtained
Education 81100)
in written
The selection
10+2 or above for the post
qualification with shall be made
Health & Level-4 Medical
Div. Diploma in Medical on the basis of
179 Medical (GMC Jammu) (25500- Record 6 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 12
Jammu Record Technician merit obtained
Education 81100) Technician
course from any in written
recognized Institute. examination
The selection
10+2 or above for the post
Junior qualification with shall be made
Health & Level-4
Pharmacist/ Div. Medical on the basis of
180 Medical (GMC Jammu) (25500- 17 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 32
Medical Jammu Assistant/Pharmicist merit obtained
Education 81100)
Assistant training from in written
recognized institute. examination
Page 22 of 157
Skill Test = 20
Graduation from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & Level-4
Junior Div. less than 35 words obtained in the
181 Medical (GMC Jammu) (25500- 14 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 28
Assistant Jammu speed per minute with Type Test shall
Education 81100)
six months certificate be
course in Computer proportionately
Application from any allotted against
recognized Institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
Minimum Matric and
in the written
Maximum 10+2 from
Health & Level-4 examination
Div. any recognized Board
182 Medical (GMC Jammu) (25500- Driver–II 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 only. The
Jammu with having valid
Education 81100) candidate shall
HGV/PSV driving
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
The selection
10 + 2 with
for the post
Health & Level-2 Degree/Diploma in
Div. shall be made
183 Medical (GMC Jammu) (19900- Receptionist 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 Hotel Management
Jammu on the basis of
Education 63200) from any recognized
merit obtained
in written
Page 23 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
Minimum Matric and in the written
Health & Level-2 Maximum 10+2 from examination
184 Medical (GMC Jammu) (19900- Driver-I 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 7 any recognized Board only. The
Education 63200) having valid HGV/PSV candidate shall
driving license. have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
The selection
Graduation from any
for the post
recognized University
shall be made
Health & Level-2 with six months
Junior Store Div. on the basis of
185 Medical (GMC Jammu) (19900- 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 10 certificate course
Keeper Jammu merit obtained
Education 63200) Computer Application
in written
from recognized
Page 24 of 157
10 + 2 with Science or
above qualification
with minimum two
The selection
years Diploma in
for the post
Laboratory Assistant
shall be made
Health & Level-2 Course or having
Div. on the basis of
186 Medical (GMC Jammu) (19900- Injector 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 degree in Medical
Jammu merit obtained
Education 63200) Laboratory Technology
in written
Course from any
Medical Faculty/J&K
Paramedical Council.
The selection
for the post
Minimum Matric and
shall be made
Health & Level-2 Maximum 10+2 with
Div. on the basis of
187 Medical (GMC Jammu) (19900- Tailor 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 certificate course in
Jammu merit obtained
Education 63200) Cutting and Sewing
in written
trade from ITI.
The selection
Minimum Matric and for the post
Maximum 10+2 with shall be made
Health & Level-2
Liftman/Lift Div. certificate Liftman on the basis of
188 Medical (GMC Jammu) (19900- 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
operator Jammu operator Course from merit obtained
Education 63200)
ITI/any recgonized in written
Inistitution. examination
Diploma in The selection
FMPHW/MMPHW/AN for the post
Health & Level-2
FMPHW/AN Div. M from any recognized shall be made
189 Medical (GMC Jammu) (19900- 5 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 8
M Jammu Institution/State on the basis of
Education 63200)
Medical Faculty/J&K merit obtained
Paramedical Council. in written
Page 25 of 157
Page 26 of 157
The selection
Minimum Matric and
for the post
Maximum 10+2 with
shall be made
Health & Level-2 certificate in Air
Gas Pipe Line Div. on the basis of
193 Medical (GMC Jammu) (19900- 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 Conditioner and
operator Jammu merit obtained
Education 63200) Refrigeration Course
in written
from ITI/any
recognized Institution.
The selection
10+2 or above
for the post
qualification with
shall be made
Health & Level-6D minimum 02 years
Div. on the basis of
194 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35800- Artist 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 Diploma/Degree in
Kashmir merit obtained
Education 113200) Fine Arts from any
in written
The selection
for the post
B.Sc with Zoology as
shall be made
Health & Level-6D one of the subjects or
Museum Div. on the basis of
195 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35800- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 M.Sc. Zoology from
Curator Kashmir merit obtained
Education 113200) any recognized
in written
10+2 with Science or The selection
above qualification for the post
with minimum 02 shall be made
Health & Level-6D Junior
Div. years Diploma or on the basis of
196 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35800- Occupational 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
Kashmir having Degree in merit obtained
Education 113200) Therapist
Occupational Therapy in written
Course from any examination
recognized Institution. only.
Page 27 of 157
10+2 with Science or
above qualification
with minimum two
The selection
years Diploma in
for the post
Laboratory Assistant
shall be made
Health & Level-6 Course or having
Laboratory Div. on the basis of
197 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35400- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Degree in Medical
Technician Kashmir merit obtained
Education 112400) Laboratory Technology
in written
course from
recognized Institution/
State Medical
Paramedical Council.
10+2 with Science or
above qualification The selection
with minimum two for the post
years Diploma/ Degree shall be made
Health & Level-6 Junior
Div. in Radiation Therapy on the basis of
198 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35400- Radiotherapy 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Kashmir Technology Course merit obtained
Education 112400) Technicians
from any recognized in written
Institution/State examination
Medical Faculty/J&K only.
Paramedical Council.
10+2 with Science or
above qualification The selection
with minimum two for the post
years Diploma/ Degree shall be made
Health & Level-6 Senior
Div. in Radiation Therapy on the basis of
199 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35400- Radiotherpary 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
Kashmir Technology Course merit obtained
Education 112400) Tech
from any recognized in written
Institution/State examination
Medical Faculty/J&K only.
Paramedical Council.
Page 28 of 157
10+2 with Science or
above qualification The selection
with minimum two for the post
years Diploma in shall be made
Health & Level-6
Laboratory Div. Laboratory Assistant on the basis of
200 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35400- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Technologist Kashmir Course or having merit obtained
Education 112400)
Degree in Medical in written
Laboratory Technology examination
course from only.
recognized Institution.
10+2 with Science or
The selection
above qualification
for the post
with minimum two
shall be made
Health & Level-6 years Diploma/Degree
Speech Div. on the basis of
201 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35400- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 in Speech Therapy
Therapist Kashmir merit obtained
Education 112400) from recognized
in written
Institution/ State
Medical Faculty/J&K
Paramedical Council.
The selection
for the post
Tutor/Clinical shall be made
Health & Level-6
Instructor / Div. B. Sc from recognized on the basis of
202 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35400- 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 6
Public Health Kashmir institute. merit obtained
Education 112400)
Tutor in written
Graduation with The selection
Psychology or Sociology for the post
as one of the subjects or shall be made
Health & Level-6
Psychiatric Div. M.A. on the basis of
203 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35400- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Social Worker Kashmir Psychology/M.A.Sociolog merit obtained
Education 112400)
y or with Masters Degree in written
in Social Work from any examination
recognized University. only.
Page 29 of 157
The selection
Graduation with for the post
Sociology as one of the shall be made
Health & Level-6 Social
Div. subjects or M.A.Sociology on the basis of
204 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35400- Worker/Medica 5 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 8
Kashmir or with Masters Degree in merit obtained
Education 112400) l Social Worker
Social Work from any in written
recognized University. examination
Skill Test = 40
Graduation from Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with 65 words of T =60 points
speed in shorthand (The marks
Health & Level 6B
Junior Div. and 35 words in typing obtained in the
205 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35600- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Stenographer Kashmir speed per minute with Skill Test shall
Education 112800)
six months certificate be
course in Computer proportionately
Application from a allotted against
recognized Institute. 40 points
earmarked for
the Skill Test)
M.Sc. Physics from a The selection
recognized University for the post
with Postgraduate shall be made
Health & Level-6 Medical
Div. Diploma/Degree in on the basis of
206 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35400- Physics 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Kashmir Radiological/Medical merit obtained
Education 112400) Technician
Physics from a in written
recognized examination
University/Institute. only.
Masters Degree in The selection
Health & Level-6 Psychology with M. Phil for the post
Clinical Div.
207 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35400- 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 in clinical Psychology shall be made
Psychologist Kashmir
Education 112400) from any institution or on the basis of
University recognized by merit obtained
Page 30 of 157
Rehabilitation Council of in written
India. examination
Page 31 of 157
recognized by University
Grans Commision.
The selection
for the post
B. Ed in Special shall be made
Health & Level-6
Special Div. Education from on the basis of
211 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35400- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Educator Kashmir recognized institution / merit obtained
Education 112400)
University. in written
Masters degree in
Psychology / Social The selection
work/sociology with three for the post
years working experience shall be made
Health & Level-6 Drug De- in any Drug De-addiction
Div. on the basis of
212 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (35400- Addiction 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 centre.associated with
Kashmir merit obtained
Education 112400) Councilor Departments of
Phychairty of the Medical in written
Colleges duly recognized examination
by medical Council of only.
Page 32 of 157
Skill Test = 40
Graduation from Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with 65 words of T =60 points
speed in shorthand (The marks
Health & Level-5
Div. and 35 words in typing obtained in the
213 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (29200- Steno Typist 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Kashmir speed per minute with Skill Test shall
Education 92300)
six months certificate be
course in Computer proportionately
Application from a allotted against
recognized Institute. 40 points
earmarked for
the Skill Test)
The selection
for the post
10+2 or above shall be made
Health & Level-4 qualification with diploma
Junior Div. on the basis of
214 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (25500- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 in Cinematography
Projectionist Kashmir merit obtained
Education 81100) Course from any
recognized institution. in written
10+2 with Science or
above qualification The selection
with minimum two for the post
years Diploma/ Degree shall be made
Health & Level-4
Junior Theatre Div. in Operation Theatre on the basis of
215 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (25500- 20 4 4 2 2 5 2 4 43
Assistant Kashmir Technology Course merit obtained
Education 81100)
from any recognized in written
Institution/State examination
Medical Faculty/J&K only.
Paramedical Council.
Page 33 of 157
Diploma in General The selection
Nursing & for the post
Midwifery/B.Sc. shall be made
Health & Level-4 Junior Staff
Div. Nursing from any on the basis of
216 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (25500- Nurse/Junior 72 12 15 6 6 15 6 14 146
Kashmir recognized merit obtained
Education 81100) Grade Nurse.
Institution/State in written
Medical Faculty/J&K examination
Paramedical Council. only.
The selection
Minimum Matric and for the post
Maximum 10+2 from shall be made
Health & Level-4
Div. any recognized Board on the basis of
217 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (25500- Carpenter 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
Kashmir with Certificate merit obtained
Education 81100)
Coursre in Carpentary in written
Trade from ITI. examination
10+2 with Science or
above qualificaiton The selection
with minimum two for the post
years Diploma in X- shall be made
Health & Level-4
X-Ray Div. Ray Assistant Course on the basis of
218 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (25500- 7 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 14
Assistant Kashmir or having Degree in X- merit obtained
Education 81100)
Ray in written
Technology/Radiograp examination
hy Course from any only.
recognized Institution.
The selection
Minimum Matric and for the post
Maximum 10+2 with shall be made
Health & Level-4
Xerox Div. certificate in Xerox on the basis of
219 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (25500- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Assistant Kashmir training Course from merit obtained
Education 81100)
ITI/ any recognized in written
Institute. examination
Page 34 of 157
The selection
10+2 with Science for the post
with Diploma in X-Ray shall be made
Health & Level-4
Dark Room Div. Assistant Course/Dark on the basis of
220 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (25500- 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
Assistant Kashmir Room Assistant merit obtained
Education 81100)
Course from any in written
recognized Institution. examination
10+2 with Science or
above qualification
with minimum two The selection
years Diploma in for the post
Anaesthesia Anaesthesia Assistant shall be made
Health & Level-4
Assistant / Div. Course or having on the basis of
221 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (25500- 18 3 4 1 1 4 2 3 36
Anaesthesia Kashmir Degree in Anaesthesia merit obtained
Education 81100)
Technician Technology Course in written
from any recognized examination
Institution/State only.
Medical Faculty/J&K
Paramedical Council.
10+2 with Science or
above qualification
with minimum two
The selection
years Diploma in
for the post
Laboratory Assistant
shall be made
Health & Level-5 Course or having
Laboratory Div. on the basis of
222 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (29200- 7 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 14 Degree in Medical
Assistant Kashmir merit obtained
Education 92300) Laboratory Technology
in written
course from
recognized Institution/
State Medical
Paramedical Council.
Page 35 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & Level-4
Library Div. Bachelors Degree in on the basis of
223 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (25500- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Assistant Kashmir Library Science. merit obtained
Education 81100)
in written
The selection
for the post
10+2 or above with shall be made
Health & Level-4 diploma in Medical
C.S.S.D. Div. on the basis of
224 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (25500- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Assistant and one year
Assistant Kashmir merit obtained
Education 81100) training course in CSSD
from recognized institute. in written
The selection
for the post
10+2 or above shall be made
Health & Level-4 Medical qualification with diploma
Div. on the basis of
225 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (25500- Record 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 in Medical Record
Kashmir merit obtained
Education 81100) Technician Technician Course from
any recognized institute. in written
The selection
10+2 or above for the post
Junior qualification with shall be made
Health & Level-4
Pharmacist Div. Medical on the basis of
226 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (25500- 15 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 30
/Medical Kashmir Assistant/Pharmicist merit obtained
Education 81100)
Assistant training from in written
recognized institute. examination
Page 36 of 157
Skill Test = 20
Graduation from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & Level-4
Junior Div. less than 35 words obtained in the
227 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (25500- 5 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 9
Assistant Kashmir speed per minute with Type Test shall
Education 81100)
six months certificate be
course in Computer proportionately
Application from any allotted against
recognized Institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
10+2 with Science or
above qualification
with minimum two
The selection
years Diploma in
for the post
Laboratory Assistant
shall be made
Health & Level-4 Junior Course or having
Div. on the basis of
228 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (25500- Laboratory 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Degree in Medical
Kashmir merit obtained
Education 81100) Technician Laboratory Technology
in written
course from any
recognized Institution/
State Medical
Paramedical Council.
The selection
for the post
10+2 with shall be made
Health & Level-2
Div. Degree/Diploma in Hotel on the basis of
229 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- Receiptionist 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Kashmir Management from any merit obtained
Education 63200)
recognized institution. in written
Page 37 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
Minimum Matric and
in the written
Maximum 10+2 from
Health & Level-2 examination
Div. any recognized Board
230 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- Driver–II 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 only. The
Kashmir with having valid
Education 63200) candidate shall
HGV/PSV driving
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
The selection
for the post
10+2 or above shall be made
Health & Level-2 qualification with diploma
Medical Div. on the basis of
231 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 in Medical Record
Record Keeper Kashmir merit obtained
Education 63200) Technician from any
recognized institute. in written
The selection
for the post
Minimum Matric and
shall be made
Health & Level-2 Maximum 10+2 with
Div. on the basis of
232 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- Tailor 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 certificate course in
Kashmir merit obtained
Education 63200) Cutting and Sewing
in written
trade from ITI.
Minimum Matric and The selection
Health & Level-2
Div. Maximum 10+2 with for the post
233 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- Lift man 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Kashmir certificate Liftman shall be made
Education 63200)
operator Course from on the basis of
Page 38 of 157
ITI/any recgonized merit obtained
Inistitution. in written
The selection
Diploma in for the post
FMPHW/MMPHW/AN shall be made
Health & Level-2
Div. M from any recognized on the basis of
234 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- ANM / Dai 8 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 19
Kashmir Institution/State merit obtained
Education 63200)
Medical Faculty/J&K in written
Paramedical Council. examination
The selection
for the post
Minimum Matric and
shall be made
Health & Level-2 Maximum 10+2 with
Div. on the basis of
235 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- Dhobi 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 professional Dobhi
Kashmir merit obtained
Education 63200) issued from concerned
in written
The selection
Minimum Matric and for the post
Maximum 10+2 from shall be made
Health & Level-2
Div. any recognized Board on the basis of
236 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- Junior Plumber 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
Kashmir with certificate Course merit obtained
Education 63200)
in Plumber trade from in written
ITI. examination
Minimum Matric and The selection
Maximum 10+2 from for the post
Health & Level-2
Junior Div. any recognized Board shall be made
237 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Electrician Kashmir with certificate Course on the basis of
Education 63200)
in Electrician trade merit obtained
from ITI. in written
Page 39 of 157
The selection
Minimum Matric and
for the post
Maximum 10+2 with
shall be made
Health & Level-2 certificate in Air
Gas Pipe Line Div. on the basis of
238 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 Conditioner and
Operator Kashmir merit obtained
Education 63200) Refrigeration Course
in written
from ITI/any
recognized Institution.
The selection
Minimum Matric and
for the post
Maximum 10+2 from
shall be made
Health & Level-2 any recognized Board
Div. on the basis of
239 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- Welder/Fitter 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 with certificate
Kashmir merit obtained
Education 63200) course in
in written
Welder/Fitter trade
from ITI.
Minimum Matric and The selection
Maximum 10+2 from for the post
any recognized Board shall be made
Health & Level-2
Div. with certificate on the basis of
240 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- Tin Simith 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Kashmir course in Sheet Metal merit obtained
Education 63200)
Worker Course from in written
ITI/any recognized examination
Institution. only.
Minimum Matric and The selection
Maximum 10+2 from for the post
Health & Level-2
Div. any recognized Board shall be made
241 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- Mistry 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Kashmir with certificate on the basis of
Education 63200)
course in Mistry Trade merit obtained
from ITI. in written
Page 40 of 157
The selection
Minimum Matric and for the post
Maximum 10+2 from shall be made
Health & Level-2 Junior
Div. any recognized Board on the basis of
242 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- Mechanic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Kashmir with certificate merit obtained
Education 63200) Technician
course in Mechanic in written
Trade from ITI. examination
The selection
Minimum Matric and
for the post
Maximum 10+2 with
Helper to shall be made
Health & Level-2 certificate course in
Central Div. on the basis of
243 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 Mechanic
Heating Kashmir merit obtained
Education 63200) Refrigeration and Air
Operator in written
Conditioner Trade
from ITI.
The selection
Diploma in for the post
FMPHW/MMPHW/AN shall be made
Health & Level-2
Basic Health Div. M from any recognized on the basis of
244 Medical (GMC Srinagar) (19900- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Worker Kashmir Institution/State merit obtained
Education 63200)
Medical Faculty/J&K in written
Paramedical Council. examination
Page 41 of 157
Skill Test = 20
i) Graduate form any Written
recognized university with Examination/CB
knowledge of type writing T =80 points
Director having not less than 35 (The marks
Floriculture,G Level-4
Floriculture,Gar Junior words per minute speed obtained in the
245 ardens and (25500- Div.Jammu 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
dens and Parks Assistant for direct recruitment. Type Test shall
Parks 81100)
Jammu Ii) Six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application fom a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Skill Test = 20
1) Graduation from points
any recognized Written
University with the Examination/CB
Commissioner knowledge of type T =80 points
/Secretary to writing having not less (The marks
General Level-4
the Government Junior than 35 words speed obtained in the
246 Administratio (25500- UT 18 3 3 1 1 4 2 3 35
, General Assistant per minute. Type Test shall
n Deptt. 81100)
Administration 2) Six months be
Department . Certificate Course in proportionately
Computer Applications allotted against
from a recognized 20 points
Institute. earmarked for
the Type Test)
Page 42 of 157
Skill Test = 40
1) Graduation from a points
recognized University Written
having minimum Examination/CB
Commissioner speed of 65 and 35 T =60 points
/Secretary to words per minute in (The marks
General Level-6B
the Government Junior shorthand and type obtained in the
247 Administratio (35600- UT 7 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 17
, General Stenographer wrting respectively. Skill Test shall
n Deptt. 112800)
Administration 2)Six months be
Department . certificate course in proportionately
Computer Applications allotted against
from a recognized 40 points
Institute. earmarked for
the Skill Test)
Skill Test = 40
i) Graduate from any points
recognized university Written
having minimum Examination/CB
speed of 65 & 35 T =60 points
words per minute in (The marks
Health & PL-
Junior shorthand & typing obtained in the
248 Medical (ISM) 6B(35600 UT 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Stenographer respectively. Skill Test shall
Education -112800)
ii) Plus six months be
certificate course in proportionately
computer applications allotted against
from a recognized 40 points
institute earmarked for
the Skill Test)
Page 43 of 157
Skill Test = 20
i) Graduate from any
recognized University
with knowledge of
T =80 points
type writing having not
(The marks
Health & Level-4 less than 35 words
Junior obtained in the
249 Medical (ISM) (25500- Jammu 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 speed per minute.
Assistant Type Test shall
Education 81100) ii) Plus six months
certificate course in
computer applications
allotted against
from recognized
20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Skill Test = 20
i) Graduate from any
recognized University
with knowledge of
T =80 points
type writing having not
(The marks
Health & Level-4 less than 35 words
Junior obtained in the
250 Medical (ISM) (25500- Kathua 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 speed per minute.
Assistant Type Test shall
Education 81100) ii) Plus six months
certificate course in
computer applications
allotted against
from recognized
20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
The selection
for the post
Health & Level-6
(FW,MCH and Extension Div. Gradutaion from any shall be made
251 Medical (35400- 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 5
Immunization) Educator Jammu recognized university. on the basis of
Education 112400)
merit obtained
in written
Page 44 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & Level-6
(FW,MCH and Extension Div. Gradutaion from any on the basis of
252 Medical (35400- 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
Immunization) Educator Kashmir recognized university. merit obtained
Education 112400)
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & Level-4
(FW,MCH and Junior Div. Matric with ITI trained on the basis of
253 Medical (25500- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Immunization) Mechanic Jammu in concerned line. merit obtained
Education 81100)
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & Level -
(FW,MCH and Div. Matric with ITI trained on the basis of
254 Medical 4(25500- Fitter 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Immunization) Jammu in concerned line. merit obtained
Education 81100)
in written
Matric with diploma in The selection
Medical Assistant for the post
Health & Level -
(FW,MCH and Theatre Training Course from shall be made
255 Medical 4(25500- Udhampur 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Immunization) Assistant state Medical Faculity on the basis of
Education 81100)
or any other merit obtained
recognized institution. in written
Page 45 of 157
The selection
Matric with diploma in for the post
Medical Assistant shall be made
Health & Level -
(FW,MCH and Theatre Training Course from on the basis of
256 Medical 4(25500- Ganderbal 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Immunization) Assistant state Medical Faculity merit obtained
Education 81100)
or any other in written
recognized institution. examination
The selection
Matric with diploma in for the post
Medical Assistant shall be made
Health & Level -
(FW,MCH and Theatre Training Course from on the basis of
257 Medical 4(25500- Baramulla 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Immunization) Assistant state Medical Faculity merit obtained
Education 81100)
or any other in written
recognized institution. examination
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma in
shall be made
Health & Level - nursing from State
(FW,MCH and Junior Grade on the basis of
258 Medical 4(25500- Kathua 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Medical Faculity or any
Immunization) Nurse merit obtained
Education 81100) other recognized
in written
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma in
shall be made
Health & Level - nursing from State
(FW,MCH and Junior Grade on the basis of
259 Medical 4(25500- Ganderbal 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Medical Faculity or any
Immunization) Nurse merit obtained
Education 81100) other recognized
in written
Page 46 of 157
Degree or Diploma in
Engineering from any The selection
recognised institute for the post
/University or Matric shall be made
Health & Level -
(FW,MCH and Refreigerator or above qualification on the basis of
260 Medical 4(25500- Poonch 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Immunization) Mechanic with two year merit obtained
Education 81100)
certificate course in in written
refrigeration and air examination
conditioning from ITI only.
or any other
recognised institute.
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & Level - Matric with ITI trained
(FW,MCH and on the basis of
261 Medical 4(25500- Projectionist Jammu 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 in concerned
Immunization) merit obtained
Education 81100) discipline.
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & Level - Matric with ITI trained
(FW,MCH and on the basis of
262 Medical 4(25500- Projectionist Poonch 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 in concerned
Immunization) merit obtained
Education 81100) discipline.
in written
Page 47 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
in the written
Minimum Matric and
Health & Level - examination
(FW,MCH and Maximum 10+2 having
263 Medical 2(19900- Driver Kathua 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 only. The
Immunization) valid HGV/PSV driving
Education 63200) candidate shall
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
in the written
Minimum Matric and
Health & Level - examination
(FW,MCH and Maximum 10+2 having
264 Medical 2(19900- Driver Udhampur 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 only. The
Immunization) valid HGV/PSV driving
Education 63200) candidate shall
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
Page 48 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
in the written
Minimum Matric and
Health & Level - examination
(FW,MCH and Maximum 10+2 having
265 Medical 2(19900- Driver Rajouri 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 only. The
Immunization) valid HGV/PSV driving
Education 63200) candidate shall
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
in the written
Minimum Matric and
Health & Level - examination
(FW,MCH and Maximum 10+2 having
266 Medical 2(19900- Driver Pulwama 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 only. The
Immunization) valid HGV/PSV driving
Education 63200) candidate shall
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
Page 49 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
in the written
Minimum Matric and
Health & Level - examination
(FW,MCH and Maximum 10+2 having
267 Medical 2(19900- Driver Budgam 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 only. The
Immunization) valid HGV/PSV driving
Education 63200) candidate shall
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
in the written
Minimum Matric and
Health & Level - examination
(FW,MCH and Maximum 10+2 having
268 Medical 2(19900- Driver Kulgam 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 only. The
Immunization) valid HGV/PSV driving
Education 63200) candidate shall
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
Page 50 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
in the written
Minimum Matric and
Health & Level - examination
(FW,MCH and Maximum 10+2 having
269 Medical 2(19900- Driver Kupwara 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 only. The
Immunization) valid HGV/PSV driving
Education 63200) candidate shall
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
in the written
Minimum Matric and
Health & Level - examination
(FW,MCH and Maximum 10+2 having
270 Medical 2(19900- Driver Shopian 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 only. The
Immunization) valid HGV/PSV driving
Education 63200) candidate shall
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
Page 51 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
in the written
Minimum Matric and
Health & Level - examination
(FW,MCH and Maximum 10+2 having
271 Medical 2(19900- Driver Baramulla 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 only. The
Immunization) valid HGV/PSV driving
Education 63200) candidate shall
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma in
shall be made
Health & Level - Female FMPHW( ANM)
(FW,MCH and Female on the basis of
272 Medical 2(19900- Jammu 5 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 8 from State Medical
Immunization) MPHW merit obtained
Education 63200) Faculity or any other
in written
recognized institution.
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma in
shall be made
Health & Level - Female FMPHW( ANM)
(FW,MCH and Female on the basis of
273 Medical 2(19900- Samba 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 from State Medical
Immunization) MPHW merit obtained
Education 63200) Faculity or any other
in written
recognized institution.
The selection
Health & Level - Matric with diploma in
(FW,MCH and Female for the post
274 Medical 2(19900- Kathua 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 Female FMPHW( ANM)
Immunization) MPHW shall be made
Education 63200) from State Medical
on the basis of
Page 52 of 157
Faculity or any other merit obtained
recognized institution. in written
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma in
shall be made
Health & Level - Female FMPHW( ANM)
(FW,MCH and Female on the basis of
275 Medical 2(19900- Udhampur 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 from State Medical
Immunization) MPHW merit obtained
Education 63200) Faculity or any other
in written
recognized institution.
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma in
shall be made
Health & Level - Female FMPHW( ANM)
(FW,MCH and Female on the basis of
276 Medical 2(19900- Ramban 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 from State Medical
Immunization) MPHW merit obtained
Education 63200) Faculity or any other
in written
recognized institution.
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma in
shall be made
Health & Level - Female FMPHW( ANM)
(FW,MCH and Female on the basis of
277 Medical 2(19900- Poonch 5 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 8 from State Medical
Immunization) MPHW merit obtained
Education 63200) Faculity or any other
in written
recognized institution.
The selection
Matric with diploma in
for the post
Health & Level - Female FMPHW( ANM)
(FW,MCH and Female shall be made
278 Medical 2(19900- Srinagar 7 2 1 0 1 2 1 1 15 from State Medical
Immunization) MPHW on the basis of
Education 63200) Faculity or any other
merit obtained
recognized institution.
in written
Page 53 of 157
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma in
shall be made
Health & Level - Female FMPHW( ANM)
(FW,MCH and Female on the basis of
279 Medical 2(19900- Ganderbal 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 from State Medical
Immunization) MPHW merit obtained
Education 63200) Faculity or any other
in written
recognized institution.
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma in
shall be made
Health & Level - Female FMPHW( ANM)
(FW,MCH and Female on the basis of
280 Medical 2(19900- Pulwama 5 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 9 from State Medical
Immunization) MPHW merit obtained
Education 63200) Faculity or any other
in written
recognized institution.
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma in
shall be made
Health & Level - Female FMPHW( ANM)
(FW,MCH and Female on the basis of
281 Medical 2(19900- Anantnag 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 from State Medical
Immunization) MPHW merit obtained
Education 63200) Faculity or any other
in written
recognized institution.
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma in
shall be made
Health & Level - Female FMPHW( ANM)
(FW,MCH and Female on the basis of
282 Medical 2(19900- Kulgam 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 10 from State Medical
Immunization) MPHW merit obtained
Education 63200) Faculity or any other
in written
recognized institution.
Page 54 of 157
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma in
shall be made
Health & Level - Female FMPHW( ANM)
(FW,MCH and Female on the basis of
283 Medical 2(19900- Kupwara 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 from State Medical
Immunization) MPHW merit obtained
Education 63200) Faculity or any other
in written
recognized institution.
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma in
shall be made
Health & Level - Female FMPHW( ANM)
(FW,MCH and Female on the basis of
284 Medical 2(19900- Shopian 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 from State Medical
Immunization) MPHW merit obtained
Education 63200) Faculity or any other
in written
recognized institution.
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma in
shall be made
Health & Level - Female FMPHW( ANM)
(FW,MCH and Female on the basis of
285 Medical 2(19900- Budgam 5 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 9 from State Medical
Immunization) MPHW merit obtained
Education 63200) Faculity or any other
in written
recognized institution.
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma in
shall be made
Health & Level - Female FMPHW( ANM)
(FW,MCH and Female on the basis of
286 Medical 2(19900- Baramulla 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 from State Medical
Immunization) MPHW merit obtained
Education 63200) Faculity or any other
in written
recognized institution.
Page 55 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & Level-4 Junior Health
(FW,MCH and on the basis of
287 Medical (25500- Inspector.(Co Jammu 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 Matric.
Immunization) merit obtained
Education 81100) mputer)
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & Level-4 Junior Health
(FW,MCH and on the basis of
288 Medical (25500- Inspector.(Co Reasi 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Matric.
Immunization) merit obtained
Education 81100) mputer)
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & Level-4 Junior Health
(FW,MCH and on the basis of
289 Medical (25500- Inspector.(Co Rajouri 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Matric.
Immunization) merit obtained
Education 81100) mputer)
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & Level-4 Junior Health
(FW,MCH and on the basis of
290 Medical (25500- Inspector.(Co Anantnag 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 Matric.
Immunization) merit obtained
Education 81100) mputer)
in written
Page 56 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & Level-4 Junior Health
(FW,MCH and on the basis of
291 Medical (25500- Inspector.(Co Kulgam 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Matric.
Immunization) merit obtained
Education 81100) mputer)
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & Level-4 Junior Health
(FW,MCH and on the basis of
292 Medical (25500- Inspector.(Co Kupwara 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Matric.
Immunization) merit obtained
Education 81100) mputer)
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & Level-4 Junior Health
(FW,MCH and on the basis of
293 Medical (25500- Inspector.(Co Baramulla 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Matric.
Immunization) merit obtained
Education 81100) mputer)
in written
Graduate from any Skill Test = 20
recognized University points
with knowledge of Written
type writing having not Examination/CB
Health & Level-4 less than 35 words T =80 points
(FW,MCH and Junior
294 Medical (25500- Jammu 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 speed per minute, (The marks
Immunization) Assistant
Education 81100) with six months obtained in the
certificate course in Type Test shall
computer application be
from a recognized proportionately
institute. allotted against
Page 57 of 157
20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & Level-4
(FW,MCH and Junior less than 35 words obtained in the
295 Medical (25500- Kishtwar 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Immunization) Assistant speed per minute,with Type Test shall
Education 81100)
six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application from a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & Level-4
(FW,MCH and Junior less than 35 words obtained in the
296 Medical (25500- Bandipora 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Immunization) Assistant speed per minute,with Type Test shall
Education 81100)
six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application from a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Page 58 of 157
Skill Test = 40
Graduate on the basis T =60 points
of test in steno graphy (The marks
Health & Level-5
(FW,MCH and and type writting with obtained in the
297 Medical (29200- Steno Typist Rajouri 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Immunization) minimum speed of 65 Skill Test shall
Education 92300)
& 25 per minute be
respectively. proportionately
allotted against
40 points
earmarked for
the Skill Test)
Skill Test = 40
Graduate on the basis T =60 points
of test in steno graphy (The marks
Health & Level-5
(FW,MCH and and type writting with obtained in the
298 Medical (29200- Steno Typist Poonch 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Immunization) minimum speed of 65 Skill Test shall
Education 92300)
& 25 per minute be
respectively. proportionately
allotted against
40 points
earmarked for
the Skill Test)
Page 59 of 157
Skill Test = 40
Graduate on the basis T =60 points
of test in steno graphy (The marks
Health & Level-5
(FW,MCH and and type writting with obtained in the
299 Medical (29200- Steno Typist Srinagar 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Immunization) minimum speed of 65 Skill Test shall
Education 92300)
& 25 per minute be
respectively. proportionately
allotted against
40 points
earmarked for
the Skill Test)
Skill Test = 40
Graduate on the basis T =60 points
of test in steno graphy (The marks
Health & Level-5
(FW,MCH and and type writting with obtained in the
300 Medical (29200- Steno Typist Budgam 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Immunization) minimum speed of 65 Skill Test shall
Education 92300)
& 25 per minute be
respectively. proportionately
allotted against
40 points
earmarked for
the Skill Test)
Page 60 of 157
Skill Test = 40
Graduate on the basis T =60 points
of test in steno graphy (The marks
Health & Level-5
(FW,MCH and and type writting with obtained in the
301 Medical (29200- Steno Typist Ganderbal 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Immunization) minimum speed of 65 Skill Test shall
Education 92300)
& 25 per minute be
respectively. proportionately
allotted against
40 points
earmarked for
the Skill Test)
Skill Test = 40
Graduate on the basis T =60 points
of test in steno graphy (The marks
Health & Level-5
(FW,MCH and and type writting with obtained in the
302 Medical (29200- Steno Typist Pulwama 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Immunization) minimum speed of 65 Skill Test shall
Education 92300)
& 25 per minute be
respectively. proportionately
allotted against
40 points
earmarked for
the Skill Test)
Page 61 of 157
Skill Test = 40
Graduate on the basis T =60 points
of test in steno graphy (The marks
Health & Level-5
(FW,MCH and and type writting with obtained in the
303 Medical (29200- Steno Typist Anantnag 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Immunization) minimum speed of 65 Skill Test shall
Education 92300)
& 25 per minute be
respectively. proportionately
allotted against
40 points
earmarked for
the Skill Test)
Skill Test = 40
Graduate on the basis T =60 points
of test in steno graphy (The marks
Health & Level-5
(FW,MCH and and type writting with obtained in the
304 Medical (29200- Steno Typist Kupwara 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Immunization) minimum speed of 65 Skill Test shall
Education 92300)
& 25 per minute be
respectively. proportionately
allotted against
40 points
earmarked for
the Skill Test)
Page 62 of 157
Skill Test = 40
Graduate on the basis T =60 points
of test in steno graphy (The marks
Health & Level-5
(FW,MCH and and type writting with obtained in the
305 Medical (29200- Steno Typist Baramulla 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Immunization) minimum speed of 65 Skill Test shall
Education 92300)
& 25 per minute be
respectively. proportionately
allotted against
40 points
earmarked for
the Skill Test)
Skill Test = 40
Graduate with 65 words T =60 points
speed in shorthand and (The marks
Health & (Director Level 6B 35 words in typing per
Junior Div. obtained in the
306 Medical Health services (35600- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 minute with six months
Stenographer Jammu Skill Test shall
Education Jammu) 112800) certificate course in
computer application from be
a recognized Institute. proportionately
allotted against
40 points
earmarked for
the Skill Test)
The selection
Matric with Diploma in for the post
Health & (Director Level-6D
Sanitary Div. Sanitary inspector from shall be made
307 Medical Health services (35800- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Inspector Jammu SMF or any other on the basis of
Education Jammu) 113200)
recognized institute merit obtained
in written
Page 63 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Telephone Div. on the basis of
308 Medical Health services (25500- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Matric with ITI Trained.
operator Jammu merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-2
Screen Div. on the basis of
309 Medical Health services (19900- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Matric ( as per SRO-20)
Technician Jammu merit obtained
Education Jammu) 63200)
in written
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Jr.Theatre Theatre Tech from
on the basis of
310 Medical Health services (25500- Technician/OT Jammu 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) Tech. SMF or any institute
recognized by Govt. in written
The selection
10+2 with diploma in for the post
Medical shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Assistant/Pharmacist on the basis of
311 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Pharmacist Jammu 6 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 11
from recognized institute merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
or SMF or any institute in written
recognized by Govt. examination
Page 64 of 157
The selection
for the post
Matrict with diploma in shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Nursing from SMF or any on the basis of
312 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Nurse Jammu 12 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 24
other recognized merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
institute. in written
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Dental Tech from
on the basis of
313 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Dental Tech. Jammu 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
recognized by Govt. in written
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & (Director Level-4
less than 35 words obtained in the
314 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Assistant Jammu 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
speed per minute,with Type Test shall
Education Jammu) 81100)
six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application from a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
10+2 with diploma in The selection
Health & (Director Level-4 Opthalmic Tech from for the post
315 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Opth.Tech. Jammu 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 recognized institute or shall be made
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute on the basis of
recognized by Govt. merit obtained
Page 65 of 157
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Middle Pass with ITI on the basis of
316 Medical Health services (25500- Plumber Jammu 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
trained. merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
in written
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in Lab shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Tech from recognized
on the basis of
317 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Lab Tech. Jammu 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 institute or SMF or any
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) institute recognized by
Govt. in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Matrict with ITI diploma in on the basis of
318 Medical Health services (25500- Electrician Jammu 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Electrician trade merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
in written
Minimum Matric and
Maximum 10+2 and The selection
pocessing professional for the post
Health & (Director Level-2
certificate issued by shall be made
319 Medical Health services (19900- Dhobi Jammu 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
concerned Tehsildar or on the basis of
Education Jammu) 63200)
Certificate of belonging to merit obtained
Dhobi community issued in written
by Tehsildar concerned.
Page 66 of 157
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in X- shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Ray Tech from
on the basis of
320 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.X-Ray Tech. Jammu 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
recognized by Govt. in written
Matriculation or above The selection
qualification with for the post
minimum one year or shall be made
Health & (Director Level-2
above diploma in on the basis of
321 Medical Health services (19900- MMPHW Jammu 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
MMPHW from any merit obtained
Education Jammu) 63200)
recognized institution in written
/SMF /State Paramedical examination
council. only.
The selection
for the post
Matrict with diploma in shall be made
Health & (Director Level-2 FMPHW training
on the basis of
322 Medical Health services (19900- FMPHW Jammu 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 Course(ANM) from SMF
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 63200) or any other institute
recognized by Govt. in written
Graduate from The selection
recognized University for the post
with six months shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
computer diploma on the basis of
323 Medical Health services (25500- Clerk Jammu 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
from recognized merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
institute and 35 words in written
speed per minute in examination
english typing. only.
Page 67 of 157
The selection
10+2 with diploma in for the post
Medical shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Assistant/Pharmacist
on the basis of
324 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Pharmacist Kathua 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 from recognized institute
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) or SMF or any institute
recognized by in written
Government. examination
The selection
for the post
Matrict with diploma in shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Nursing from SMF or any on the basis of
325 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Nurse Kathua 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
other recognized merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
institute. in written
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Opthalmic Tech from
on the basis of
326 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Opth.Tech. Kathua 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
recognized by Govt. in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Matrict with ITI diploma in on the basis of
327 Medical Health services (25500- Electrician Kathua 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
Electrician trade merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
in written
Page 68 of 157
Minimum Matric and The selection
Maximum 10+2 and for the post
pocessing professional shall be made
Health & (Director Level-2
certificate issued by on the basis of
328 Medical Health services (19900- Dhobi Kathua 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
concerned Tehsildar or merit obtained
Education Jammu) 63200)
Certificate of belonging to in written
Dhobi community issued examination
by Tehsildar concerned. only.
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Jr.Theatre Theatre Tech from
on the basis of
329 Medical Health services (25500- Technician/OT Udhampur 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) Tech. SMF or any institute
in written
recognized by Govt.
The selection
10+2 with diploma in
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Assistant/Pharmacist
on the basis of
330 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Pharmacist Udhampur 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 from recognized
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) institute or SMF or any
in written
institute recognized by
The selection
for the post
Matrict with diploma shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
in Nursing from SMF on the basis of
331 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Nurse Udhampur 5 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 9
or any other merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
recognized institute. in written
Page 69 of 157
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Dental Tech from
on the basis of
332 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Dental Tech. Udhampur 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
in written
recognized by Govt.
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Middle Pass with ITI on the basis of
333 Medical Health services (25500- Plumber Udhampur 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
trained. merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
in written
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Lab Tech from
on the basis of
334 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Lab Tech. Udhampur 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
in written
recognized by Govt.
Minimum Matric and The selection
Maximum 10+2 and for the post
pocessing professional shall be made
Health & (Director Level-2
certificate issued by on the basis of
335 Medical Health services (19900- Dhobi Udhampur 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
concerned Tehsildar or merit obtained
Education Jammu) 63200)
Certificate of belonging to in written
Dhobi community issued examination
by Tehsildar concerned. only.
Page 70 of 157
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 X-Ray Tech from
on the basis of
336 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.X-Ray Tech. Udhampur 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
in written
recognized by Govt.
Graduate from The selection
recognized University for the post
with six months shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
computer diploma on the basis of
337 Medical Health services (25500- Clerk Udhampur 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
from recognized merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
institute and 35 words in written
speed per minute in examination
english typing. only.
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Jr.Theatre Theatre Tech from
on the basis of
338 Medical Health services (25500- Technician/OT Reasi 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) Tech. SMF or any institute
in written
recognized by Govt.
The selection
10+2 with diploma in
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Assistant/Pharmacist
on the basis of
339 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Pharmacist Reasi 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 from recognized
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) institute or SMF or any
in written
institute recognized by
Page 71 of 157
The selection
for the post
Matrict with diploma shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
in Nursing from SMF on the basis of
340 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Nurse Reasi 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 7
or any other merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
recognized institute. in written
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Dental Tech from
on the basis of
341 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Dental Tech. Reasi 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
in written
recognized by Govt.
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & (Director Level-4
less than 35 words obtained in the
342 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Assistant Reasi 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
speed per minute,with Type Test shall
Education Jammu) 81100)
six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application from a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
The selection
Health & (Director Level-4 for the post
Matrict with ITI diploma in
343 Medical Health services (25500- Electrician Reasi 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 shall be made
Electrician trade
Education Jammu) 81100) on the basis of
merit obtained
Page 72 of 157
in written
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in X- shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Ray Tech from
on the basis of
344 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.X-Ray Tech. Reasi 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
recognized by Govt. in written
The selection
for the post
Matrict with diploma in shall be made
Health & (Director Level-2 FMPHW training
on the basis of
345 Medical Health services (19900- FMPHW Reasi 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 Course(ANM) from SMF
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 63200) or any other recognized
institute. in written
Matriculation or above The selection
qualification with for the post
minimum one year or shall be made
Health & (Director Level-2
above diploma in on the basis of
346 Medical Health services (19900- MMPHW Reasi 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
MMPHW from any merit obtained
Education Jammu) 63200)
recognized institution in written
/SMF /State Paramedical examination
council. only.
Graduate from The selection
recognized University for the post
Health & (Director Level-4
with six months shall be made
347 Medical Health services (25500- Clerk Reasi 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
computer diploma on the basis of
Education Jammu) 81100)
from recognized merit obtained
institute and 35 words in written
Page 73 of 157
speed per minute in examination
english typing. only.
The selection
10+2 with diploma in
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Assistant/Pharmacist
on the basis of
348 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Pharmacist Doda 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 from recognized
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) institute or SMF or any
in written
institute recognized by
The selection
for the post
Matrict with diploma shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
in Nursing from SMF on the basis of
349 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Nurse Doda 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
or any other merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
recognized institute. in written
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Dental Tech from
on the basis of
350 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Dental Tech. Doda 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
in written
recognized by Govt.
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Opthalmic Tech from
on the basis of
351 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Opth.Tech. Doda 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
recognized by Govt. in written
Page 74 of 157
Minimum Matric and The selection
Maximum 10+2 and for the post
pocessing professional shall be made
Health & (Director Level-2
certificate issued by on the basis of
352 Medical Health services (19900- Dhobi Doda 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
concerned Tehsildar or merit obtained
Education Jammu) 63200)
Certificate of belonging to in written
Dhobi community issued examination
by Tehsildar concerned. only.
The selection
for the post
Matrict with diploma shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
in Nursing from SMF on the basis of
353 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Nurse Kishtwar 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
or any other merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
recognized institute. in written
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & (Director Level-4
less than 35 words obtained in the
354 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Assistant Kishtwar 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
speed per minute,with Type Test shall
Education Jammu) 81100)
six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application from a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
10+2 with diploma in The selection
Health & (Director Level-4 Opthalmic Tech from for the post
355 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Opth.Tech. Kishtwar 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 recognized institute or shall be made
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute on the basis of
recognized by Govt. merit obtained
Page 75 of 157
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Middle Pass with ITI on the basis of
356 Medical Health services (25500- Plumber Kishtwar 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
trained. merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
in written
Minimum Matric and The selection
Maximum 10+2 and for the post
pocessing professional shall be made
Health & (Director Level-2
certificate issued by on the basis of
357 Medical Health services (19900- Dhobi Kishtwar 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
concerned Tehsildar or merit obtained
Education Jammu) 63200)
Certificate of belonging to in written
Dhobi community issued examination
by Tehsildar concerned. only.
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Jr.Theatre Theatre Tech from
on the basis of
358 Medical Health services (25500- Technician/OT Ramban 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) Tech. SMF or any institute
in written
recognized by Govt.
The selection
for the post
Matrict with diploma shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
in Nursing from SMF on the basis of
359 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Nurse Ramban 6 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 11
or any other merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
recognized institute. in written
Page 76 of 157
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Dental Tech from
on the basis of
360 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Dental Tech. Ramban 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
in written
recognized by Govt.
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & (Director Level-4
less than 35 words obtained in the
361 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Assistant Ramban 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
speed per minute,with Type Test shall
Education Jammu) 81100)
six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application from a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Lab Tech from
on the basis of
362 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Lab Tech. Ramban 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
in written
recognized by Govt.
Page 77 of 157
Minimum Matric and The selection
Maximum 10+2 and for the post
pocessing professional shall be made
Health & (Director Level-2
certificate issued by on the basis of
363 Medical Health services (19900- Dhobi Ramban 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
concerned Tehsildar or merit obtained
Education Jammu) 63200)
Certificate of belonging to in written
Dhobi community issued examination
by Tehsildar concerned. only.
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 X-Ray Tech from
on the basis of
364 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.X-Ray Tech. Ramban 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
in written
recognized by Govt.
Graduate from The selection
recognized University for the post
with six months shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
computer diploma on the basis of
365 Medical Health services (25500- Clerk Ramban 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
from recognized merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
institute and 35 words in written
speed per minute in examination
english typing. only.
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Jr.Theatre Theatre Tech from
on the basis of
366 Medical Health services (25500- Technician/OT Samba 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) Tech. SMF or any institute
in written
recognized by Govt.
Page 78 of 157
The selection
for the post
Matrict with diploma shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
in Nursing from SMF on the basis of
367 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Nurse Samba 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 5
or any other merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
recognized institute. in written
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Dental Tech from
on the basis of
368 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Dental Tech. Samba 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
in written
recognized by Govt.
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & (Director Level-4
less than 35 words obtained in the
369 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Assistant Samba 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
speed per minute,with Type Test shall
Education Jammu) 81100)
six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application from a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
10+2 with diploma in The selection
Health & (Director Level-4 Opthalmic Tech from for the post
370 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Opth.Tech. Samba 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 recognized institute or shall be made
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute on the basis of
recognized by Govt. merit obtained
Page 79 of 157
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Matrict with ITI diploma in on the basis of
371 Medical Health services (25500- Electrician Samba 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Electrician trade merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
in written
Minimum Matric and The selection
Maximum 10+2 and for the post
pocessing professional shall be made
Health & (Director Level-2
certificate issued by on the basis of
372 Medical Health services (19900- Dhobi Samba 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
concerned Tehsildar or merit obtained
Education Jammu) 63200)
Certificate of belonging to in written
Dhobi community issued examination
by Tehsildar concerned. only.
The selection
for the post
Matrict with diploma in shall be made
Health & (Director Level-2 FMPHW training
on the basis of
373 Medical Health services (19900- FMPHW Samba 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Course(ANM) from SMF
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 63200) or any other recognized
institute. in written
10+2 with diploma in The selection
Medical for the post
Health & (Director Level-4 Assistant/Pharmacist
shall be made
374 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Pharmacist Rajouri 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 from recognized institute
on the basis of
Education Jammu) 81100) or SMF or any institute
recognized by merit obtained
Government. in written
Page 80 of 157
The selection
for the post
Matrict with diploma in shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Nursing from SMF or any on the basis of
375 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Nurse Rajouri 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
other recognized merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
institute. in written
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Dental Tech from
on the basis of
376 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Dental Tech. Rajouri 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
in written
recognized by Govt.
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & (Director Level-4
less than 35 words obtained in the
377 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Assistant Rajouri 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 7
speed per minute,with Type Test shall
Education Jammu) 81100)
six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application from a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Page 81 of 157
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Opthalmic Tech from
on the basis of
378 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Opth.Tech. Rajouri 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
recognized by Govt. in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Middle Pass with ITI on the basis of
379 Medical Health services (25500- Plumber Rajouri 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
trained. merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
in written
Minimum Matric and The selection
Maximum 10+2 and for the post
pocessing professional shall be made
Health & (Director Level-2
certificate issued by on the basis of
380 Medical Health services (19900- Dhobi Rajouri 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
concerned Tehsildar or merit obtained
Education Jammu) 63200)
Certificate of belonging to in written
Dhobi community issued examination
by Tehsildar concerned. only.
The selection
10+2 with diploma in for the post
Medical shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Assistant/Pharmacist
on the basis of
381 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Pharmacist Poonch 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 from recognized institute
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) or SMF or any institute
recognized by in written
Government. examination
Page 82 of 157
The selection
for the post
Matrict with diploma in shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Nursing from SMF or any on the basis of
382 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Nurse Poonch 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
other recognized merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
institute. in written
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 Dental Tech from
on the basis of
383 Medical Health services (25500- Jr.Dental Tech. Poonch 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 recognized institute or
merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100) SMF or any institute
in written
recognized by Govt.
Minimum Matric and The selection
Maximum 10+2 and for the post
pocessing professional shall be made
Health & (Director Level-2
certificate issued by on the basis of
384 Medical Health services (19900- Dhobi Poonch 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
concerned Tehsildar or merit obtained
Education Jammu) 63200)
Certificate of belonging to in written
Dhobi community issued examination
by Tehsildar concerned. only.
Graduate from The selection
recognized University for the post
with six months shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
computer diploma on the basis of
385 Medical Health services (25500- Clerk Kishtwar 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
from recognized merit obtained
Education Jammu) 81100)
institute and 35 words in written
speed per minute in examination
english typing. only.
Page 83 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-6
Health Div. on the basis of
386 Medical Health Services (35400- 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 10 Graduate
Educator Kashmir merit obtained
Education Kashmir) 112400)
in written
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & (Director Level-4
Junior Div. less than 35 words obtained in the
387 Medical Health Services (25500- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Assistant Kashmir speed per minute,with Type Test shall
Education Kashmir) 81100)
six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application from a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any points
recognized University Written
with knowledge of Examination/CB
type writing having not T =80 points
Health & (Director Level-4
Junior less than 35 words (The marks
388 Medical Health Services (25500- Budgam 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
Assistant speed per minute,with obtained in the
Education Kashmir) 81100)
six months certificate Type Test shall
course in computer be
application from a proportionately
recognized institute. allotted against
20 points
Page 84 of 157
earmarked for
the Type Test)
The selection
10+2 with diploma in for the post
relevant field from shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Jr. Lab recogniged institute on the basis of
389 Medical Health Services (25500- Budgam 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 6
Assistant or SFM or any merit obtained
Education Kashmir) 81100)
institute recognized in written
by Government. examination
The selection
10+2 with diploma in for the post
relevant field from shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Jr. X-Ray Ganderba recogniged institute on the basis of
390 Medical Health Services (25500- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Technician l or SFM or any merit obtained
Education Kashmir) 81100)
institute recognized in written
by Government. examination
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & (Director Level-4
Junior Ganderba less than 35 words obtained in the
391 Medical Health Services (25500- 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
Assistant l speed per minute,with Type Test shall
Education Kashmir) 81100)
six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application from a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Page 85 of 157
The selection
for the post
Matric with diploma
shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4 in Nursing SMF or
Ganderba on the basis of
392 Medical Health Services (25500- Jr. Nurse 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 7 any other recognized
l merit obtained
Education Kashmir) 81100) institute recognized
in written
by Government.
The selection
10 + 2 with diploma for the post
in relevant field from shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Jr. Theatre Ganderba recognized institute on the basis of
393 Medical Health Services (25500- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Assistants l or SFM or any merit obtained
Education Kashmir) 81100)
institute recognized in written
by government. examination
The selection
10 + 2 with diploma for the post
in relevant field from shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Jr. Lab Ganderba recognized institute on the basis of
394 Medical Health Services (25500- 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
Assistant l or SFM or any merit obtained
Education Kashmir) 81100)
institute recognized in written
by government. examination
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any
recognized University
with knowledge of
type writing having not
Health & (Director Level-4 T =80 points
Junior less than 35 words
395 Medical Health Services (25500- Pulwama 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 (The marks
Assistant speed per minute,with
Education Kashmir) 81100) obtained in the
six months certificate
Type Test shall
course in computer
application from a
recognized institute.
allotted against
Page 86 of 157
20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
The selection
10 + 2 with diploma for the post
in relevant field from shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Jr. Lab recognized institute on the basis of
396 Medical Health Services (25500- Pulwama 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Assistant or SFM or any merit obtained
Education Kashmir) 81100)
institute recognized in written
by government. examination
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & (Director Level-4
Junior less than 35 words obtained in the
397 Medical Health Services (25500- Kulgam 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Assistant speed per minute,with Type Test shall
Education Kashmir) 81100)
six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application from a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
The selection
10 + 2 with diploma for the post
in relevant field from shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Jr. Lab recognized institute on the basis of
398 Medical Health Services (25500- Kulgam 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
Assistant or SFM or any merit obtained
Education Kashmir) 81100)
institute recognized in written
by government. examination
Page 87 of 157
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & (Director Level-4
Junior less than 35 words obtained in the
399 Medical Health Services (25500- Shopian 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Assistant speed per minute,with Type Test shall
Education Kashmir) 81100)
six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application from a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
The selection
10 + 2 with diploma for the post
in relevant field from shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Jr. Lab recognized institute on the basis of
400 Medical Health Services (25500- Shopian 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Assistant or SFM or any merit obtained
Education Kashmir) 81100)
institute recognized in written
by government. examination
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any points
recognized University Written
with knowledge of Examination/CB
type writing having not T =80 points
Health & (Director Level-4
Junior less than 35 words (The marks
401 Medical Health Services (25500- Baramulla 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
Assistant speed per minute,with obtained in the
Education Kashmir) 81100)
six months certificate Type Test shall
course in computer be
application from a proportionately
recognized institute. allotted against
20 points
Page 88 of 157
earmarked for
the Type Test)
The selection
10 + 2 with diploma for the post
in relevant field from shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Jr. Lab recognized institute on the basis of
402 Medical Health Services (25500- Baramulla 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 7
Assistant or SFM or any merit obtained
Education Kashmir) 81100)
institute recognized in written
by government. examination
The selection
10 + 2 with diploma for the post
in relevant field from shall be made
Health & (Director Level-4
Jr. Lab recognized institute on the basis of
403 Medical Health Services (25500- Bandipora 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Assistant or SFM or any merit obtained
Education Kashmir) 81100)
institute recognized in written
by government. examination
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & (Director Level-4
Junior less than 35 words obtained in the
404 Medical Health Services (25500- Srinagar 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
Assistant speed per minute,with Type Test shall
Education Kashmir) 81100)
six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application from a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Page 89 of 157
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & (Director Level-4
Junior less than 35 words obtained in the
405 Medical Health Services (25500- Anantnag 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
Assistant speed per minute,with Type Test shall
Education Kashmir) 81100)
six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application from a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Skill Test = 20
Graduate from any Written
recognized University Examination/CB
with knowledge of T =80 points
type writing having not (The marks
Health & (Director Level-4
Junior less than 35 words obtained in the
406 Medical Health Services (25500- Kupwara 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
Assistant speed per minute,with Type Test shall
Education Kashmir) 81100)
six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application from a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Page 90 of 157
Skill Test = 20
i) Graduate form any Written
recognized university with Examination/CB
knowledge of type writing T =80 points
having not less than 35 (The marks
Health & ( Indira Gandhi Level-4
Junior Div. words per minute speed obtained in the
407 Medical Govt Dental (25500- 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
Assistant Jammu for direct recruitment. Type Test shall
Education college Jammu) 81100)
Ii) Six months certificate be
course in computer proportionately
application fom a allotted against
recognized institute. 20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & ( Indira Gandhi Level-4
Div. Graduation/B. Lib for on the basis of
408 Medical Govt Dental (25500- Library Asstt 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Jammu direct recruitment. merit obtained
Education college Jammu) 81100)
in written
The selection
10+2 with diploma in for the post
Medical Assistant/ shall be made
Health & ( Indira Gandhi Level-4
Anaesthesia Div. Pharmacy from on the basis of
409 Medical Govt Dental (25500- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Asstt. Jammu recognized institution/ merit obtained
Education college Jammu) 81100)
SMF for direct in written
recruitment examination
The selection
10+2 with diploma in
Health & ( Indira Gandhi Level-4 for the post
Junior Staff Div. nursing from SMF or any
410 Medical Govt Dental (25500- 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 shall be made
Nurse Jammu other recognized
Education college Jammu) 81100) on the basis of
merit obtained
Page 91 of 157
in written
The selection
for the post
10+2 with diploma in X- shall be made
Health & ( Indira Gandhi Level-4
X-Ray Div. Ray tech. from SMF or on the basis of
411 Medical Govt Dental (25500- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Assistant Jammu any other recognized merit obtained
Education college Jammu) 81100)
institution. in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & ( Indira Gandhi Level-2
Div. Middle pass for direct on the basis of
412 Medical Govt Dental (19900- Animal Keeper 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Jammu recruitment. merit obtained
Education college Jammu) 63200)
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
in the written
Minimum Matric and
Health & (Drug and Food PL- examination
Maximum 10 +2
413 Medical Control 2(19900- Driver UT 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 only. The
having valid HGV/PSV
Education organization) 63200) candidate shall
driving License.
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
Page 92 of 157
i. Degree in Food
Technology or Dairy
Technology or Bio-
Technology or Oil
Technology or Agriculture
Science or veterinary
Sciences or Bio-
Chemistry or
Microbiology or Masters The selection
Degree in Chemistry or for the post
degree in medicine from shall be made
Health & (Drug and Food Level-6F
Food Safety Div. a recognized University on the basis of
414 Medical Control (40800- 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 6
Officer Jammu or, merit obtained
Education organization) 129200)
ii) Any other in written
equivalent/recognized examination
qualification notified by only.
the Central Government,
iii) has sucessfully
completed training as
specified by Food
authority in a recognized
institute or institutions
approved for the purpose.
Degree in science with
chemistry or bio - The selection
chemistry or Food for the post
Technology, Food and shall be made
Health & (Drug and Food Level -6E Drugs from a University
Assistant Food Div. on the basis of
415 Medical Control (35900- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 established in India by
Analyst Jammu merit obtained
Education organization) 113500) Law or an equivalent
qualification recognized in written
and notified by the examination
Central Government for only.
such purpose.
Page 93 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Drug and Food Level-6 Bachelors Degree in
Laboratory Div. on the basis of
416 Medical Control (35400- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Pharmacy/B.Sc with
Technician Jammu merit obtained
Education organization) 112400) Chemistry
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Drug and Food Level-5 Bachelors Degree in
Laboratory Div. on the basis of
417 Medical Control (29200- 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 Pharmacy/B.Sc with
Assistant Jammu merit obtained
Education organization) 92300) Chemistry
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
in the written
Minimum Matric and
Health & (Drug and Food Level-2 examination
Div. Maximum 10 +2
418 Medical Control (19900- Driver 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 only. The
Jammu having valid HGV/PSV
Education organization) 63200) candidate shall
driving License.
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
Page 94 of 157
Degree in Science with
Chemistry or bio The selection
Chemistry or Food for the post
Technology, Food and shall be made
Health & (Drug and Food Level- Drugs from a University
Assistant Food Div. on the basis of
419 Medical Control 6E(35900- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 established in india by
Analyst Kashmir merit obtained
Education organization) 113500) Law or an Equivalent
Qualification recognized in written
and notified by the examination
Central Goverment for only.
such purpose.
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Drug and Food Level-6 Bachelors Degree in
Laboratory Div. on the basis of
420 Medical Control (35400- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Pharmacy/B.Sc with
Technician Kashmir merit obtained
Education organization) 112400) Chemistry
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Health & (Drug and Food Level-5 Bachelors Degree in
Laboratory Div. on the basis of
421 Medical Control (29200- 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 Pharmacy/B.Sc with
Assistant Kashmir merit obtained
Education organization) 92300) Chemistry
in written
The selection
for the post
shall be made
Minimum Matric and
Health & (Drug and Food Level - on the basis of
Div. Maximum 10 +2
422 Medical Control 2(19900- Driver 1 0` 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 merit obtained
Kashmir having valid HGV/PSV
Education organization) 63200) in the written
driving License.
only. The
candidate shall
Page 95 of 157
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
Skill Test = 20
Graduate with 35
T =80 points
wpm speed on
(The marks
Level-4 computer and six
obtained in the
423 Revenue J&K FCR (25500- Jr.Assistant UT 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 month,s certificate
Type Test shall
81100) course in computer
applications from any
recognized institute.
allotted against
20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Skill Test = 20
Graduate with 35
T =80 points
wpm speed on
(The marks
Level-4 computer and six
obtained in the
424 Revenue J&K FCR (25500- Jr.Assistant Jammu 5 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 9 month,s certificate
Type Test shall
81100) course in computer
applications from any
recognized institute.
allotted against
20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Page 96 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
in the written
Minimum Matric and
Level-2 examination
Maximum 10 +2
425 Revenue J&K FCR (19900- Driver Jammu 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 7 only. The
having valid HGV/PSV
63200) candidate shall
driving License.
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
Skill Test = 20
Graduate with 35
T =80 points
wpm speed on
(The marks
Level-4 computer and six
obtained in the
426 Revenue J&K FCR (25500- Jr.Assistant Samba 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 month,s certificate
Type Test shall
81100) course in computer
applications from any
recognized institute.
allotted against
20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Page 97 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
in the written
Minimum Matric and
Level-2 examination
Maximum 10 +2
427 Revenue J&K FCR (19900- Driver Samba 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 only. The
having valid HGV/PSV
63200) candidate shall
driving License.
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
Skill Test = 20
Graduate with 35
T =80 points
wpm speed on
(The marks
Level-4 computer and six
obtained in the
428 Revenue J&K FCR (25500- Jr.Assistant Kathua 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 10 month's certificate
Type Test shall
81100) course in computer
applications from any
recognized institute.
allotted against
20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Page 98 of 157
Skill Test = 40
Graduate with 65/35 Examination/CB
wpm speed in T =60 points
shorthand and typing (The marks
Jr.Scale on computer and six obtained in the
429 Revenue J&K FCR (35600- Udhampur 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Stenographer month's certificate Skill Test shall
course in computer be
applications from any proportionately
recognized institute. allotted against
40 points
earmarked for
the Skill Test)
Skill Test = 20
Graduate with 35
T =80 points
wpm speed on
(The marks
Level-4 computer and six
obtained in the
430 Revenue J&K FCR (25500- Jr.Assistant Udhampur 12 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 24 month's certificate
Type Test shall
81100) course in computer
applications from any
recognized institute.
allotted against
20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
Page 99 of 157
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
in the written
Minimum Matric and
Level-2 examination
Maximum 10 +2
431 Revenue J&K FCR (19900- Driver Udhampur 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 only. The
having valid HGV/PSV
63200) candidate shall
driving License.
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
Skill Test = 20
Graduate with 35
T =80 points
wpm speed on
(The marks
Level-4 computer and six
obtained in the
432 Revenue J&K FCR (25500- Jr.Assistant Reasi 6 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 11 month's certificate
Type Test shall
81100) course in computer
applications from any
recognized institute.
allotted against
20 points
earmarked for
the Type Test)
The selection
for the post
shall be made
on the basis of
merit obtained
in the written
Minimum Matric and
Level-2 examination
Maximum 10 +2
474 Revenue J&K FCR (19900- Driver Bandipora 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 only. The
having valid HGV/PSV
63200) candidate shall
driving License.
have to qualify
Driving Test to
be eligible to
appear for
The candidate
shall have to
qualify Skill
Graduation with Test(Urdu) to
475 Revenue J&K FCR (25500- Patwari Baramulla 23 4 5 2 2 5 2 4 47
knowledge of Urdu be eligible to
appear for
(Sachin Jamwal) KAS,
J&K Services Selection Board.
/District/UT and to state that he/she has physical limitation which hampers his /her
Note: Certificate should be given by a specialist of the relevant stream/ disability (e.g
Visual impairment-Ophthalmologist, Locomotor disability –Orthopaedic