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2-2 Sas' R&DS: % Na4 Sixs

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,031,294

Geis et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 29, 2000
54) TURBOGENERATOR/MOTOR 5,057,763 10/1991 Torii ............................................ 322/8
CONTROLLER WITH ANCILLARY ENERGY 5,214,371 5/1993 Naidu ..................... ... 322/29
24- Y-2 10/1993 T.amamachi
hi et al. .. 318/811
5,260,637 11/1993 Pizzi ............................................ 320/6
(75) Inventors: Everett R. Geis, Trabuco Canyon; 5,309,081 5/1994 Shah et al. -- --- ---------- --- ------------- - 322/10

Brian W. Peticolas. Redondo Beach: 5,363,032 11/1994 Hanson et al. ............................ 322/10
s s 5,510,696 4/1996 Naidu et al. .............................. 322/29
Joel B. Wacknow, Monrovia, all of 5,546,742 8/1996 Shekhawat et al. . . 60/39.142
Calif. 5,572,108 11/1996 Windes ....................................... 320/1
5,581,168 12/1996 Rozman et al. 318/723
73 Assignee: Capstone Turbine Corporation, 5,594,322 1/1997 Rozman et al. ... ... 322/10
Woodland Hills, Calif.
Primary Examiner Elvin Enad
21 Appl. No.: 09/003,078
y - - - 9
Attorney, Agent, or Firm Albert J. Miller
22 Filed: Jan. 5, 1998 57 ABSTRACT
51 Int. Cl." .............................. F01D 15/10; FO2C 6/00; A turbogenerator/motor controller with a microprocessor
HO2K 7/18: HO2P 9/04 based inverter having multiple modes of operation with an
52 U.S. CI 290/52; 290,40; 290/46; energy Storage and discharge System including an ancillary
OX O -- O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 290S5. 322/10. 322/26 electric Storage device, Such as a battery, connected to the
58 Field Of S h s 290/4o, 46, 52: generator controller through control electronics. Electrical
58 Field of Search .................................. /40, 46, 52; energy can flow from the ancillary electric Storage device to
322/10, 29 the turbogenerator controller during Start up and increasing
56) References Cited load and Vice versa during Self-Sustained operation of the
turbogenerator. When utility power is unavailable, the ancil
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS lary electric Storage device can provide the power required
to start the turbogenerator. When a load transient occurs, the
E. E. i al - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.7 gas turbine engine and the ancillary electric Storage device
4.730.307 3f1988 Rail et al. 322/7 provide the power required to Successfully meet the tran
4,841,216 6/1989 Okada et al. .... ... 322/10 Sent.
4,862,009 8/1989 King .......................................... 290/22
5,038,566 8/1991 Hara .......................................... 60/608 23 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets

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U.S. Patent Feb. 29, 2000 Sheet 2 of 3 6,031,294
U.S. Patent Feb. 29, 2000 Sheet 3 of 3 6,031,294

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1 2
TURBOGENERATOR/MOTOR hertz three phase Voltage to a Stand alone load or phase lockS
CONTROLLER WITH ANCILLARY ENERGY to the utility, or to other like controllers, to operate as a
STORAGE/DISCHARGE Supplement to the utility. In this mode of operation, the
power for the inverter is derived from the permanent magnet
TECHNICAL FIELD generator/motor via high frequency rectifier bridges. A
microprocessor can monitor turbine conditions and control
This invention relates to the general field of fuel flow to the gas turbine combustor.
turbogenerator/motor controls and more particularly to an An example of Such a turbogenerator/motor control Sys
improved controller having an energy Storage and discharge
System. tem is described in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 924,966,
filed Sep. 8, 1997 by Everett R. Geis and Brian W. Peticolas
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION entitled “Turbogenerator/Motor Controller”, now U.S. Pat.
No. 5,903,116 issued May 11, 1999, assigned to the same
A permanent magnet generator/motor generally includes a assignee as this application and incorporated herein by
rotor assembly having a plurality of equally spaced magnet reference.
poles of alternating polarity around the outer periphery of 15
A gas turbine, however, inherently is an extremely limited
the rotor or, in more recent times, a Solid structure of thermal machine from a Standpoint of its ability to change
Samarium cobalt or neodymium-iron-boron. The rotor is rapidly from one load State to a different load State. In terms
rotatable within a Stator which generally includes a plurality of accepting an increased loading, the gas turbine has a
of windings and magnetic poles of alternating polarity. In a limited capability of adding probably two (2) kilowatts per
generator mode, rotation of the rotor causes the permanent Second; in other words, being able to accept full load in a
magnets to pass by the Stator poles and coils and thereby fifteen (15) second period. The reality for stand-alone sys
induces an electric current to flow in each of the coils. tems is that the application of load occurs in approximately
Alternately, if an electric current is passed through the Stator one one-thousand of a Second.
coils, the energized coils will cause the rotor to rotate and In terms of off-loading, the gas turbine has similar limi
thus the generator will perform as a motor. 25
tations if there is a rapid off-loading of power. When
AS high-energy product permanent magnets having Sig operating in a Self-Sustained manner, the gas turbine has a
nificant energy increases have become available at reduced very large amount of Stored energy, primarily Stored in the
prices, the utilization of the permanent magnet generator/ form of heat in the associated recuperator. If the load were
motorS has increased. The use of Such high-energy product removed from the gas turbine, this Stored energy would tend
permanent magnets permits increasingly Smaller machines to overspeed the turbine.
capable of Supplying increasingly higher power outputs.
One of the applications of a permanent magnet generator/ SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
motor is referred to as a turbogenerator which includes a The turbogenerator/motor controller of the present inven
power head mounted on the Same Shaft as the permanent 35 tion is a microprocessor-based inverter having multiple
magnet generator/motor, and also includes a combustor and modes of operation and including an energy Storage and
recuperator. The turbogenerator power head would normally discharge System. To Start the turbine, the inverter connects
include a compressor, a gas turbine and a bearing rotor to and Supplies fixed current, variable Voltage, variable
through which the permanent magnet generator/motor tie frequency, AC power to the permanent magnet
rod passes. The compressor is driven by the gas turbine 40
turbogenerator/motor, driving the permanent magnet
which receives heated exhaust gases from the combustor turbogenerator/motor as a motor to accelerate the gas tur
Supplied with preheated air from recuperator. bine. During this acceleration, Spark and fuel are introduced
A permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor can be utilized in the correct Sequence, and Self-Sustaining gas turbine
to provide electrical power for a wide range of utility, operating conditions are reached.
commercial and industrial applications. While an individual 45 At this point, the inverter is disconnected from the per
permanent magnet turbogenerator may only generate 24 to manent magnet generator/motor, reconfigured to a con
50 kilowatts, powerplants of up to 500 kilowatts or greater trolled 60 hertz mode, and then either supplies regulated 60
are possible by linking numerous permanent magnet hertz three phase Voltage to a Stand alone load or phase lockS
turbogenerator/motors together. Standby power, peak load to the utility, or to other like controllers, to operate as a
Shaving power and remote location power are just Several of 50 Supplement to the utility. In this mode of operation, the
the potential utility applications which these lightweight, power for the inverter is derived from the permanent magnet
low noise, low cost, environmentally friendly, and thermally generator/motor via high frequency rectifier bridges. The
efficient units can be useful for. To meet the stringent utility microprocessor monitors turbine conditions and controls
requirements, particularly when the permanent magnet fuel flow to the gas turbine combustor.
turbogenerator/motor is to operate as a Supplement to utility 55 The energy Storage and discharge System includes an
power, precise control of the permanent magnet ancillary electric Storage device, Such as a battery, connected
turbogenerator/motor is required. to the generator controller through control electronics. Elec
In order to Start the turbogenerator, electric current is trical energy can flow from the ancillary electric Storage
Supplied to the Stator coils of the permanent magnet device to the turbogenerator controller during Start up and
generator/motor to operate the permanent magnet generator/ 60 increasing load and Vice versa during Self-Sustained opera
motor as a motor and thus to accelerate the gas turbine of the tion of the turbogenerator.
turbogenerator. During this acceleration, Spark and fuel are When utility power is unavailable, the ancillary electric
introduced in the correct Sequence to the combustor and Storage device can provide the power required to Start the
Self-Sustaining gas turbine conditions are reached. turbogenerator. When a load transient occurs, the gas turbine
At this point, the inverter is disconnected from the per 65 engine and the ancillary electric Storage device provide the
manent magnet generator/motor, reconfigured to a con power required to Successfully meet the transient. The
trolled 60 hertz mode, and then either supplies regulated 60 output power control regulates a constant AC Voltage and
3 4
any load placed on the output will immediately require more Intake air is drawn through the permanent magnet gen
power to maintain the Same level of AC voltage output. AS erator 12 by the compressor 30 which increases the pressure
this occurs, the internal DC bus will immediately start to of the air and forces it into the recuperator 15. In the
droop and the response to this droop is performed by the recuperator 15, exhaust heat from the turbine 31 is used to
ancillary electric Storage device controls which draws cur preheat the air before it enters the combustor 14 where the
rent out of the device to regulate the DC bus voltage. As preheated air is mixed with fuel and burned. The combustion
turbogenerator System power output increases, the gas tur gases are then expanded in the turbine 31 which drives the
bine engine controls respond by commanding the gas turbine compressor 30 and the permanent magnet rotor 16 of the
engine to a higher speed. In this configuration, power permanent magnet generator 12 which is mounted on the
demand equals power output and once the gas turbine engine same shaft as the turbine 31. The expanded turbine exhaust
output exceeds the System output, the ancillary electric gases are then passed through the recuperator 15 before
Storage device no longer Supplies energy but rather Starts to being discharged from the turbogenerator/motor 10.
draw power from the DC bus to recharge itself. A functional block diagram of the interface between the
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS generator controller 40 and the permanent magnet
15 turbogenerator/motor 10 for Stand-alone operation is illus
Having thus described the present invention in general trated in FIG. 2. The generator controller 40 receives power
terms, reference will now be made to the accompanying 41 from a Source Such as a utility to operate the permanent
drawings in which: magnet generator 12 as a motor to Start the turbine 31 of the
FIG. 1 is a perspective View, partially cut away, of a power head 13. During the Start Sequence, the utility power
permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor utilizing the con 41 is rectified and a controlled frequency ramp is Supplied to
troller with an energy Storage and discharge System of the the permanent magnet generator 12 which accelerates the
present invention; permanent magnet rotor 16 and the compressor wheel 32,
FIG. 2 is a functional block diagram of the interface bearing rotor 36 and turbine wheel 33. This acceleration
between the permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor of provides an air cushion for the air bearings and airflow for
25 the combustion process. At about 12,000 rpm, Spark and fuel
FIG. 1 and the controller with an energy Storage and
discharge System of the present invention; and are provided and the generator controller 40 assists accel
FIG. 3 is a functional block diagram of the permanent eration of the turbogenerator 10 up to about 40,000 rpm to
magnet turbogenerator/motor controller with an energy Stor complete the Start Sequence. The fuel control valve 44 is also
age and discharge System of the present invention. regulated by the generator controller 40.
Once Self Sustained operation is achieved, the generator
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE controller 40 is reconfigured to produce 60 hertz, three phase
PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS AC (208 volts) 42 from the rectified high frequency AC
A permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor 10 is illus output (280-380 volts) of the high speed permanent magnet
trated in FIG. 1 as an example of a turbogenerator/motor 35
turbogenerator 10. The permanent magnet turbogenerator 10
utilizing the controller of the present invention. The perma is commanded to a power Set point with Speed varying as a
nent magnet turbogenerator/motor 10 generally comprises a function of the desired output power. For grid connect
permanent magnet generator 12, a power head 13, a com applications, output 42 is connected to input 41, and these
bustor 14 and a recuperator (or heat exchanger) 15. terminals are then the Single grid connection.
The permanent magnet generator 12 includes a permanent 40 The generator controller 40 also includes an energy Stor
magnet rotor or sleeve 16, having a permanent magnet age and discharge System 69 having an ancillary electric
disposed therein, rotatably supported within a stator 18 by a storage device 70 which is connected through control elec
pair of Spaced journal bearings. Radial Stator cooling fins 25 tronics 71. This connection is bi-directional in that electrical
are enclosed in an outer cylindrical sleeve 27 to form an energy can flow from the ancillary electric Storage device 70
annular air flow passage which cools the Stator 18 and 45 to the generator controller 40, for example during
thereby preheats the air passing through on its way to the turbogenerator/motor Start-up, and electrical energy can also
power head 13. be supplied from the turbogenerator/motor controller 40 to
The power head 13 of the permanent magnet the ancillary electric Storage device 70 during Sustained
turbogenerator/motor 10 includes compressor 30, turbine operation.
31, and bearing rotor 36 through which the tie rod 29 passes. 50 While the ancillary electric energy device 70 is schemati
The compressor 30, having compressor impeller or wheel32 cally illustrated as an electric Storage battery, other electric
which receives preheated air from the annular air flow energy Storage devices can be utilized. By way of example,
passage in cylindrical sleeve 27 around the permanent these would include flywheels, high energy capacitors and
magnet stator 18, is driven by the turbine 31 having turbine the like.
wheel 33 which receives heated exhaust gases from the 55 The functional blocks internal to the generator controller
combustor 14 Supplied with air from recuperator 15. The 40 are illustrated in FIG. 3. The generator controller 40
compressor wheel 32 and turbine wheel 33 are rotatably includes in series the start power contactor 46, rectifier 47,
Supported by bearing Shaft or rotor 36 having radially DC bus capacitors 48, pulse width modulated (PWM)
extending bearing rotor thrust disk 37. The bearing rotor 36 inverter 49, AC output filter 51, output contactor 52, gen
is rotatably Supported by a single journal bearing within the 60 erator contactor 53, and permanent magnet generator 12.
center bearing housing while the bearing rotor thrust disk37 The generator rectifier 54 is connected from between the
at the compressor end of the bearing rotor 36 is rotatably rectifier 47 and bus capacitors 48 to between the generator
Supported by a bilateral thrust bearing. The bearing rotor contactor 53 and permanent magnet generator 12. The AC
thrust disk 37 is adjacent to the thrust face at the compressor power output 42 is taken from the output contactor 52 while
end of the center bearing housing while a bearing thrust plate 65 the neutral is taken from the AC filter 51.
is disposed on the opposite side of the bearing rotor thrust The control logic Section consists of control power Supply
disk 37 relative to the center housing thrust face. 56, control logic 57, and solid state Switched gate drives
S 6
illustrated as integrated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) gate erator is ramped up in Speed to complete the Start Sequence.
drives 58, but may be any high speed solid state Switching The PWM inverter 49 is then reconfigured to provide 60
device. The control logic 57 receives a temperature signal 64 hertz power, either as a current Source for grid connect, or as
and a current signal 65 while the IGBT gate drives 58 a Voltage Source.
receive a voltage signal 66. The control logic 57 sends The generator contactor 53 connects the permanent mag
control signals to the fuel cutoff Solenoid 62, the fuel control net generator 12 to the inverter 49 during the Start Sequence.
valve(s) 44 (which may be a number of electrically con Initial Starting current approximates nominal operating cur
trolled valves), the ignitor 60 and release valve 61. AC rent for about 2 seconds then reduces to a lower value for the
power 41 is provided to both the start power contactor 46 balance of the acceleration period. After the Start Sequence
and in Some instances directly to the control power Supply is completed, the generator 12 produces enough output
56 in the control logic section of the generator controller 40 Voltage at the output terminals of the generator rectifier 54
as shown in dashed lines. to provide three phase regulated output from the inverter 49,
So both the Start contactor 46 and generator contractor are
Utility start power 41, (for example, 208 AC voltage, 3 opened and the System is then Self Sustaining.
phase, 60 hertz), is connected to the start power contactor 46 During Startup of the permanent magnet turbogenerator/
through fuses (not shown). The start power contactor 46 may 15
motor 10, both the start power contactor 46 and the genera
consist of a first normally open relay and a Second normally tor contactor 53 are closed and the output contactor 52 is
closed relay, both of which are de-energized at Start up. open. Once Self Sustained operation is achieved, the Start
Alternately, both relays may be normally open and the power contactor 46 and the generator contactor 53 are
control power supply 56 receives input directly from utility opened and the PWM inverter 49 is reconfigured to a
power input 41. Flameproof power resistors can parallel the controlled 60 hertz mode. After the reconfiguration of the
relays to provide a reduced current (approximately 10 amps PWM inverter 49, the output contactor 52 is closed to
maximum) to slowly charge the internal bus capacitors 48 connect the AC output 42. The start power contactor 46 and
through the rectifier 47 to avoid drawing excessive inrush generator contactor 53 will remain open.
current from the utility. The PWM inverter 49 is truly a dual function inverter
Once the bus capacitors 48 are Substantially charged, (to which is used both to Start the permanent magnet
approximately 180 VDC, or 80% of nominal), the control turbogenerator/motor 10 and is also used to convert the
power Supply 56 starts to provide low Voltage logic levels to permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor output to utility
the control logic 57. Once the control logic microprocessor power, either Sixty hertz, three phase for Stand alone
has completed Self tests, coil power is provided to first applications, or as a current Source device. With Start power
normally open relay of the start power contactor 46 to fully contactor 46 closed, single or three phase utility power is
charge the bus capacitors 48 to fill peak line Voltage. The bus brought through the start power contactor 46 to be able to
capacitors 48 can be Supplemented for high frequency operate into a bridge rectifier 47 and provide precharged
filtering by additional film type (dry) capacitors. power and then Start Voltage to the bus capacitors 48
The energy Storage and discharge System 69 is connected 35 associated with the PWM inverter 49. This allows the PWM
to the controller 40 across the voltage bus V between the inverter 49 to function as a conventional adjustable speed
rectifier 47 and DC bus capacitor 48 together with the drive motor Starter to ramp the permanent magnet
generator rectifier 43. The energy Storage and discharge turbogenerator/motor 10 up to a Speed Sufficient to Start the
system 69 includes an off-load device 73 and ancillary gas turbine 31.
energy Storage and discharge Switching devices 77 both 40 An additional rectifier 54, which operates from the output
connected acroSS Voltage bus V. of the permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor 10, accepts
The off-load device 73 includes an off-load resistor 74 and the three phase, up to 380 volt AC from the permanent
an off-load Switching device 75 in Series across the Voltage magnet generator/motor 12 which at full speed is 1600 hertz
bus V. The ancillary energy storage and discharge Switch and is classified as a fast recovery diode rectifier bridge. Six
ing device 77 comprises a charge Switching device 78 and a 45 diode elements arranged in a classic bridge configuration
discharge Switching device 79, also in Series acroSS the comprise this high frequency rectifier 54 which provides
Voltage bus V. Each of the charge and discharge Switch output power at DC. The rectified voltage is as high as 550
ing devices 78, 79 include a solid state switched gate drive Volts under no load.
81, shown as an integrated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) The permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor 10 is basi
gate drive and an anti-parallel diode 82. Capacitor 84 and 50 cally started at Zero frequency and rapidly ramps up to
ancillary Storage and discharge device 70, illustrated as a approximately 12,000 rpm. This is a two pole permanent
battery, are connected across the discharge Switching device magnet generator/motor 12 and as a result 96,000 rpm
79 with main power relay 85 between the capacitor 84 and equals 1,600 hertz. Therefore 12,000 rpm is /sth of that or
the ancillary energy Storage and discharge device 70. Induc 200 hertz. It is operated on a constant volt per hertz ramp,
tor 83 is disposed between the charge switching device 78 55 in other words, the Voltage that appears at the output
and the capacitor 84. A precharge device 87, consisting of a terminals is /sth of the Voltage that appears at the output
precharge relay 88 and precharge resistor 89, is connected terminals under full Speed.
across the main power relay 85. Approximate full speed voltage is 380 volts line to line so
The PWM inverter 49 operates in two basic modes: a it would be approximately /8th of that. When the PWM
variable voltage (0-190 V line to line), variable frequency 60 inverter 49 has brought the permanent magnet
(0–700 hertz) constant volts per hertz, three phase mode to turbogenerator/motor 10 up to speed, the fuel Solenoid 62,
drive the permanent magnet generator/motor 12 for Start up fuel control valve 44 and ignitor 60 cooperate to allow the
or cool down when the generator contactor 52 is closed; or combustion process to begin. Using again the adjustable
a constant voltage (120 V line to neutral per phase), constant speed drive portion capability of the PWM inverter 49, the
frequency three phase 60 hertz mode. The control logic 57 65 permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor 10 is then acceler
and IGBT gate drives 58 receive feedback via current signal ated to approximately 35,000 or 40,000 rpm at which speed
65 and Voltage Signal 66, respectively, as the turbine gen the gas turbine 31 is capable of Self Sustaining operation.
7 8
The AC filter 51 is a conventional single pass LC filter amount of power and can also be used to initially ramp up
which Simply removes the high frequency, in this case the controller 40 for battery start operations. After the
approximately twenty kilohertz, Switching component. System is in a Stabilized, Self-Sustaining condition, the
Because the Voltage in Start mode is relatively low, its battery charge Switching device 78 is used exactly in the
rectified 208 volt line which is approximately 270 volts, a opposite. At this time, the battery charge Switching device 78
Single bus capacitor 48 is capable of Standing that Voltage. periodically closes in a high frequency modulated fashion to
However, when in generate mode, the DC output of the force current through inductor 83 and into capacitor 84 and
generator rectifier 54 can Supply Voltages as high as 550 then directly into the ancillary electric storage device 70.
Volts DC, requiring two capacitors to be Series connected to The capacitor 84, connected to the ancillary electric
Sustain that Voltage. storage device 70 via the precharge relay 88 and resistor 89
and the main power relay 85, is provided to isolate the
The reconfiguration or conversion of the PWM inverter ancillary electric storage device 70 when it is in an off-state.
49 to be able to operate as a current source synchronous with The normal, operating Sequence is that the precharge relay
the utility grid is accomplished by first stopping the PWM 88 is momentarily closed to allow charging of all of the
inverter 49. The AC output or the grid connect point is capacitive devices in the entire System and them the main
monitored with a separate Set of logic monitoring to bring 15
power relay 85 is closed to directly connect the ancillary
the PWM inverter 49 up in a synchronized fashion. The electric storage device 70 with the control electronics 71.
generator contactor 53 functions to close and connect only While the main power relay 85 is illustrated as a Switch, it
when the PWM inverter 49 needs to power the permanent may also be a Solid State Switching device.
magnet turbogenerator/motor 10 which is during the Start The ancillary electric storage device 70 is utilized to
operation and during the cool down operation. The output Supplement the gap between the gas turbine 31 coming up to
contactor 52 is only enabled to connect the PWM inverter 49 a steady State condition and the requirements of the inverter
to the grid once the PWM inverter 49 has synchronized with 49 to Supply load. The energy required to Support the load
grid Voltage. is that energy interval between the thermal response time of
The implementation of the control power Supply 56 first the gas turbine 31 and the load requirement, which in terms
drops the control power Supply 56 down to a 24 volt 25 of actual Stored energy is relatively Small. During an off
regulated Section to allow an interface with a battery or other load, the energy is dissipated resistively, and Simultaneously
with that command the fuel flow is cut to a minimum
control power device. The control power supply 56 provides allowable level to sustain combustion in the gas turbine 31
the conventional logic voltages to both the IGBT gate drives but allow a maximum off-load of power.
58 and control logic 57. The IGBT gate drives 58 have two Another advantage of this System is that it can be operated
isolated low voltage Sources to provide power to each of the in a grid parallel fashion Supporting a protective load. It will
two individual IGBT drives and the interface to the IGBT allow the combination of the ancillary electric Storage
transistorS is via a commercially packaged chip. device 70 and the inverter 49 to support a load in the sudden
The off-load device 73, including off-load resistor 74 and removal of utility power and allow a specific load to be
off-load switching device 75 can absorb thermal energy 35 protected in much the same manner that an “uninterruptable
from the turbogenerator 10 when the load terminals are power System' protects a critical load.
disconnected, either inadvertantly or as the result of a rapid While specific embodiments of the invention have been
change in load. The off-load switching device 75 will turn on illustrated and described, it is to be understood that these are
proportionally to the amount of off-load required and essen provided by way of example only and that the invention is
tially will provide a load for the gas turbine 31 while the fuel 40 not to be construed as being limited thereto but only by the
is being cutback to Stabilize operation at a reduce level. The proper Scope of the following claims.
System serves as a dynamic brake with the resistor con What is claimed is:
nected across the DC bus through an IGBT and serves as a 1. A method of controlling a permanent magnet
load on the gas turbine during any overspeed condition. turbogenerator/motor comprising the Steps of:
In addition, the ancillary electric Storage device 70 can 45 providing utility electrical power to the permanent magnet
continue motoring the turbogenerator 10 for a short time turbogenerator/motor through a pulse width modulated
after a shutdown in order to cool down the turbogenerator 10 inverter to Start the permanent magnet turbogenerator/
and prevent the soak back of heat from the recuperator 15. motor to achieve Self-Sustaining operation of the per
By continuing the rotation of the turbogenerator 10 for manent magnet turbogenerator/motor;
several minutes after shutdown, the power head 13 will keep 50 disconnecting the utility electrical power from the pulse
moving air and Sweep heat away from the permanent magnet width modulated inverter once Self Sustaining operation
generator 12. This keeps heat in the turbine end of the power of the permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor is
head 13 where it will not be a problem. achieved;
The battery Switching devices 77 are a dual path since the reconfiguring the pulse width modulated inverter to Sup
ancillary electric Storage device 70 is bi-directional operat 55 ply Voltage from the permanent magnet turbogenerator/
ing from the generator controller 40. The ancillary electric motor; and
Storage device 70 can provide energy to the power inverter providing an energy Storage and discharge System for the
49 when a Sudden demand or load is required and the gas pulse width modulated inverter to provide electrical
turbine 31 is not up to speed. At this point, the battery energy to the inverter when utility electrical power is
discharge Switching device 79 turns on for a brief instant and 60 unavailable to Start the permanent magnet
draws current through the inductor 83. The battery discharge turbogenerator/motor and during Self-Sustained opera
Switching device 79 is then opened and the current path tion when the inverter cannot meet an instantaneous
continues by flowing through the diode 82 of the battery load requirement and to otherwise Store electrical
charge Switching device 78 and then in turn provides current energy during Self-Sustained operation.
into the inverter capacitor 48. 65 2. A method of controlling a permanent magnet
The battery discharge Switching device 79 is operated at turbogenerator/motor including a gas turbine engine, com
a varying duty cycle, high frequency, rate to control the prising the Steps of
9 10
providing utility electrical power to the permanent magnet multiple Solid State Switching device channel pulse
turbogenerator/motor through a pulse width modulated width modulated inverter to drive the permanent mag
inverter to drive the permanent magnet turbogenerator/ net turbogenerator/motor as a motor through a Second
motor as a motor to accelerate the gas turbine engine of contactor to accelerate the gas turbine engine of the
the permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor; permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor;
providing Spark and fuel to the gas turbine engine of the providing Spark and fuel to the gas turbine engine of the
permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor during this permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor during this
acceleration to achieve Self-sustaining operation of the acceleration to achieve Self-Sustaining operation of the
gas turbine engine, gas turbine engine,
disconnecting the utility electrical power from the pulse opening the first and Second contactors to disconnect the
width modulated inverter once Self-Sustaining opera utility electrical power from the multiple solid state
tion of the gas turbine engine is achieved; Switching device channel pulse width modulated
reconnecting the pulse width modulated inverter to the inverter once Self Sustaining operation of the gas tur
permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor through a rec 15
bine engine is achieved;
tifier bridge to reconfigure the pulse width modulated reconnecting the multiple Solid State Switching device
inverter to Supply utility frequency Voltage; and channel pulse width modulated inverter to the perma
providing an energy Storage and discharge System for the nent magnet turbogenerator/motor through a high fre
pulse width modulated inverter to provide electrical quency rectifier bridge to reconfigure the multiple Solid
energy to the inverter when utility electrical power is State Switching device channel pulse width modulated
unavailable to Start the permanent magnet inverter;
turbogenerator/motor and during Self-sustained opera connecting the reconfigured multiple Solid State Switching
tion when the inverter cannot meet an instantaneous device channel pulse width modulated inverter to utility
load requirement and to otherwise Store electrical power by closing a third contactor; and
energy during Self-Sustained operation. 25 providing an energy Storage and discharge System for the
3. A method of controlling a permanent magnet pulse width modulated inverter to provide electrical
turbogenerator/motor including a gas turbine engine, com energy to the inverter, when utility electrical power is
prising the Steps of unavailable to Start the permanent magnet
providing utility electrical power to the permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor, during Self-Sustained operation
turbogenerator/motor through a first contactor and a when the gas turbine engine cannot meet an instanta
pulse width modulated inverter to drive the permanent neous load requirement, after shutdown to continue
magnet turbogenerator/motor as a motor through a motoring the gas turbine engine of the permanent
Second contactor to accelerate the gas turbine engine of magnet generator/motor to cool down the permanent
the permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor; magnet generator/motor, and to otherwise Store elec
providing Spark and fuel to the gas turbine engine of the 35 trical energy during Self-Sustained operation.
permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor during this 6. The method of controlling a permanent magnet
acceleration to achieve Self Sustaining operation of the turbogenerator/motor of claim 5 wherein the number of
gas turbine engine, multiple Solid State Switching device channels in Said pulse
width modulated inverter is four, and three of the four Solid
opening the first and Second contactors to disconnect the 40 State Switching device channels are reconfigured to Supply
utility electrical power from the pulse width modulated utility frequency Voltage and the fourth Solid State Switching
inverter once Self-sustaining operation of the gas tur device channels is Switched at a fifty percent duty cycle to
bine engine is achieved; create an artificial neutral.
reconnecting the pulse width modulated inverter to the 7. The method of controlling a permanent magnet
permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor through a rec 45 turbogenerator/motor of claim 6 wherein the four solid state
tifier bridge to reconfigure the pulse width modulated Switching device channels are IGBT channels.
inverter to Supply utility frequency Voltage; and 8. The method of controlling a permanent magnet
providing an energy Storage and discharge System for the turbogenerator/motor of claim 7 wherein the high frequency
pulse width modulated inverter to provide electrical rectifier bridge is a three phase rectifier having three diode
energy to the inverter, when utility electrical power is 50 channels.
unavailable to Start the permanent magnet 9. The method of controlling a permanent magnet
turbogenerator/motor, during Self-Sustained operation turbogenerator/motor of claim 8 wherein each of said three
when the inverter cannot meet an instantaneous load diode channels include a pair of diodes.
requirement, after shutdown to continue motoring the 10. A controller for a permanent magnet turbogenerator/
gas turbine engine of the permanent magnet generator/ 55 motor including a gas turbine engine, comprising:
motor to cool down the permanent magnet generator/ a pulse width modulated inverter operably associated with
motor, and to otherwise Store electrical energy during Said permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor;
Self-Sustained operation. means to provide utility electrical power to Said perma
4. The method of controlling a permanent magnet nent magnet turbogenerator/motor through Said pulse
turbogenerator/motor of claim 3 and in addition the Step of 60 width modulated inverter to start Said permanent mag
connecting the reconfigured pulse width modulated inverter net turbogenerator/motor to achieve Self Sustaining
to a load by closing a third contactor. operation of the permanent magnet turbogenerator/
5. A method of controlling a permanent magnet motor,
turbogenerator/motor including a gas turbine engine, com means to disconnect the utility electrical power from Said
prising the Steps of 65 pulse width modulated inverter once Self Sustaining
providing utility electrical power to the permanent magnet operation of Said permanent magnet turbogenerator/
turbogenerator/motor through a first contactor and a motor is achieved; and
11 12
means to reconfigure Said pulse width modulated inverter a pulse width modulated inverter operably associated with
to Supply voltage from Said permanent magnet Said permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor, Said
turbogenerator/motor; and pulse width modulated inverter having a plurality of
an energy Storage and discharge System for the pulse Solid State Switching device channels,
width modulated inverter to provide electrical energy to a first contactor operably associated with Said pulse width
the inverter, when utility electrical power is unavailable modulated inverter;
to Start the permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor, a Second contactor operable associated with Said the
during Self-Sustained operation when the inverter can permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor;
not meet an instantaneous load requirement, after shut means to provide utility electrical power to Said pulse
down to continue motoring the gas turbine engine of 1O
width modulated inverter through said first contactor
the permanent magnet generator/motor to cool down when closed to drive Said permanent magnet
the permanent magnet generator/motor, and to other turbogenerator/motor as a motor through Said Second
wise Store electrical energy during Self-Sustained opera contactor when closed to accelerate Said gas turbine
tion. engine of Said permanent magnet turbogenerator/
11. The controller for a permanent magnet turbogenerator/ 15
motor of claim 10 wherein said pulse width modulated means to provide Spark and fuel to Said gas turbine engine
inverter includes a plurality of Solid State Switching device of Said permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor during
channels. this acceleration to achieve Self Sustaining operation of
12. The controller for a permanent magnet Said gas turbine engine;
turbogenerator/motor of claim 11 wherein said plurality of means to open said first and Second contactors to discon
Solid State Switching device channels in Said pulse width nect the utility electrical power from Said pulse width
modulate inverter is four, and three of the four Solid state modulated inverter once Self Sustaining operation of
Switching device channels are reconfigured to Supply utility Said gas turbine engine is achieved;
frequency Voltage and the fourth Solid State Switching device a rectifier bridge operable associated with Said pulse
channels is Switched at a fifty percent duty cycle to create an 25
width modulated inverter and Said permanent magnet
artificial neutral. turbogenerator/motor;
13. The controller for a permanent magnet a third contactor operably associated with Said pulse
turbogenerator/motor of claim 12 wherein said four Solid width modulated inverter;
State Switching device channels are IGBT channels.
14. A controller for a permanent magnet turbogenerator/ means to reconnect Said pulse width modulated inverter to
motor having a gas turbine engine, comprising: Said permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor through
a pulse width modulated inverter operably associated with Said rectifier bridge to reconfigure Said pulse width
Said permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor; modulated inverter;
means to provide utility electrical power to Said perma means to connect Said reconfigured pulse width modul
nent magnet turbogenerator/motor through Said pulse 35 lated inverter to Supply utility frequency Voltage to a
width modulated inverter to drive Said permanent mag load through Said third contactor when closed; and
net turbogenerator/motor as a motor to accelerate Said an energy Storage and discharge System for the pulse
gas turbine engine of Said permanent magnet width modulated inverter to provide electrical energy to
turbogenerator/motor; the inverter when utility electrical power is unavailable
40 to Start the permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor
means to provide Spark and fuel to Said gas turbine engine and during Self-Sustained operation when the inverter
of Said permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor during cannot meet an instantaneous load requirement and to
this acceleration to achieve Self Sustaining operation of otherwise Store electrical energy during Self-Sustained
Said gas turbine engine, operation.
means to disconnect the utility electrical power from Said 45 16. The controller for a permanent magnet
pulse width modulated inverter and Said permanent turbogenerator/motor of claim 15 wherein the number of
magnet turbogenerator/motor once Self-sustaining Solid State Switching device channels in Said pulse width
operation of Said gas turbine engine is achieved; modulate inverter is four, and three of the four Solid state
a rectifier bridge operably associated with Said pulse Switching device channels are reconfigured to Supply utility
width modulated inverter and Said permanent magnet 50 frequency Voltage and the fourth Solid State Switching device
turbogenerator/motor; channel is Switched at a fifty percent duty cycle to create an
means to reconnect Said pulse width modulated inverter to artificial neutral.
Said permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor through 17. The controller for a permanent magnet
Said rectifier bridge to reconfigure Said pulse width turbogenerator/motor of claim 16 wherein the four solid
modulated inverter to Supply utility frequency Voltage; 55 State Switching device channels are IGBT channels.
and 18. The controller for a permanent magnet
an energy Storage and discharge System for the pulse turbogenerator/motor of claim 17 wherein said rectifier
width modulated inverter to provide electrical energy to bridge is a three phase rectifier having three diode channels.
the inverter when utility electrical power is unavailable 19. The controller for a permanent magnet
to Start the permanent magnet turbogenerator/motor 60 turbogenerator/motor of claim 18 wherein each of said three
and during Self-Sustained operation when the gas tur diode channels includes a pair of diodes.
bine engine cannot meet an instantaneous load require 20. The controller for a permanent magnet
ment and to otherwise Store electrical energy during turbogenerator/motor of claim 15 wherein Said energy Stor
Self-Sustained operation. age and discharge System includes an off-load device having
15. A controller for a permanent magnet turbogenerator/ 65 an off-load resistor and an off-load Switching device in
motor having a gas turbine engine and a permanent magnet Series, and a Switching device having a charge Switching
generator/motor, comprising: device and a discharge Switching device in Series.
13 14
21. The controller for a permanent magnet 23. The controller for a permanent magnet
turbogenerator/motor of claim 20 wherein Said energy Stor turbogenerator/motor of claim 15 wherein Said energy Stor
age and discharge System includes an energy Storage and age and discharge System includes an off-load device having
an off-load resistor and an off-load Switching device in
discharge device connected acroSS Said discharge Switching Series,
device, and Said energy Storage and discharge device and a dischargea Switching device having a charge Switching device
includes a main power Switch, and a precharge Switch and nected acroSS SaidSwitching device in Series, a battery con
discharge Switching device, a main power
precharge resistor in parallel with Said main power Switch. Switch in Series with Said battery, a precharge Switch and a
22. The controller for a permanent magnet precharge resistor in parallel with Said main power Switch,
turbogenerator/motor of claim 21 wherein Said energy Stor and a Series inductor and a parallel capacitor between said
age and discharge System includes a Series inductor and a 10 discharge Switching device and Said battery to filter the pulse
parallel capacitor between Said discharge Switching device width modulated waveform from Said charge Switching
and Said energy Storage and discharge device to filter the device and Said discharge Switching device.
pulse width modulated waveform from Said charge Switch
ing device and Said discharge Switching device. k k k k k
PATENT NO. : 6,031,294
DATED : February 29, 2000
INVENTOR(S) : Everett R. Geis et all
it is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby
Corrected as shown below:
Column 5, line 31, change "fill" to --full--.

Signed and Sealed this

Sixteenth Day of January, 2001

Attesting Officer - Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks

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