(WR) Bi Y2 - Week 1
(WR) Bi Y2 - Week 1
(WR) Bi Y2 - Week 1
1. Pupils listen and say.( https://youtu.be/DT30Z6ZDv2A ) 9 / 32 pupils were able to achieve the
Lesson development:- learning objectives and given enrichment
exercise (s).
1. Pupils say the jazz chant. (LB2 p80)
15 / 32 pupils were able to achieve the
2. Pupils do the action for the ‘ear’ sound in pairs.
learning objectives with guidance and given
3. Pupils say the cheer with actions. (LB2 p83) (HOTS) reinforcement exercise (s).
4. Pupils sing the song ‘My Best Friend, Claire.(LB2 p84) (21st CA)
5. Pupils do the action for the ‘air’ sound in pairs. 8 / 32 pupils were not able to achieve the
learning objectives and given remedial
Post-lesson:- exercise (s).
1. Circle / Match the words with the relevant sounds. (CBA) TODAY’S LESSON:
2. Online quiz. https://forms.gle/BDX18ktNCDSCZWb98 Excellent √
Need improvement
1. Pupils listen and say.( https://youtu.be/DT30Z6ZDv2A ) 9 / 32 pupils were able to achieve the
learning objectives and given enrichment
Lesson development:- exercise (s).
1. Pupils do the action for the ‘ear’ sound in pairs. (LB2 p88)
15 / 32 pupils were able to achieve the
2. Pupils read the story. (LB2 p89) learning objectives with guidance and given
3. Pupils do the action for the ‘er’ sound in pairs. (LB2 p88) (HOTS) reinforcement exercise (s).
1. Circle / Match the words with the relevant sounds. (CBA) TODAY’S LESSON:
2. Online quiz. https://forms.gle/BDX18ktNCDSCZWb98 Excellent √
Need improvement
1. Pupils match the words with the correct pictures. (LB p103) (CBA) TODAY’S LESSON:
Excellent √
2. Online quiz. https://forms.gle/HPdLq8ymLNTKhu4YA
Need improvemnt
1. Pupils listen and say. https://youtu.be/_mX1GRBCc3E 11 / 30 pupils were able to achieve the
learning objectives and given enrichment
Lesson development:- exercise (s).
3. Pupils find the words in the puzzle given. (LB2 p111) (CBA) TODAY’S LESSON:
4. Online Quiz. https://forms.gle/cPSabosZobsLgzTT8 Excellent √
Need improvemnt
2. Pupils listen and say. https://youtu.be/_mX1GRBCc3E 11 / 31 pupils were able to achieve the
learning objectives and given enrichment
Lesson development:- exercise (s).
5. Pupils find the words in the puzzle given. (LB2 p111) (CBA) TODAY’S LESSON:
6. Online Quiz. https://forms.gle/cPSabosZobsLgzTT8 Excellent √
Need improvemnt