5834 GETCO 17 47 19 Tender-No.05 - Online
5834 GETCO 17 47 19 Tender-No.05 - Online
5834 GETCO 17 47 19 Tender-No.05 - Online
Superintending Engineer (IT)
Corporate Office,
Email Id :tender@gebmail.com
With reference to above subject please find the copy of above ref tender notice to publish on
www.gseb.com web site.
Sr. Total
Name of Division
No. Tender
You are requested to process further for WEB publication from your end.
SE (TR), JAMNAGAR invites “On line Tenders” (e-tendering) for the purpose of following items. Tender
Papers & Specifications may be down loaded from Web site https://getco.nprocure.com (For view, down
load and on line submission) and GUVNL/GETCO web site www.gseb.com & www. Getcogujarat.com (For
View & down load only). Tender fee plus GST may be paid along with submission of tender in EMD cover,
for respective tender. “All the relevant documents of tender to be submitted physically will be received
only by registered Post A.D. or Speed Post addressed to Superintending (TR) Gujarat Energy
Transmission Corporation Limited, Circle Office, Jamnagar “NO COURIER SERVICE OR HAND
DELIVERY” will be allowed.
Last date of
Sr. Tender Estimated cost Tender online
Description EMD Remarks
No No. Rs. Fee submission
up to 16:00
Hiring of Diesel driven A.C.
Closed body Jeep (Marrazo,
TUV300Plus, Scorpio, XUV500,
TATA HEXA) (Minimum 6+1
TCJ/21 New
1 Seater capacity ) for 12Hrs for 1158368.40 1180 20000 29.04.2021
-22/005 Tender
3000Km per Month for DE
400KV Bhogat-Kalawad Line
under Construction Division
Jamnagar for Two Year
1. All the relevant documents as per requirement of the Tender also to be submitted
physically along with the Tender Fee, EMD cover in sealed cover on OR before due
date and time. All such documents should be strictly submitted by RPAD / speed post
only. Otherwise the offer will not be considered and no any further communication in the
matter will be entertained. The tender in physical form is to be submitted in single
copy instead of duplicate mentioned in the tender (the price bid is not to be
submitted with the physical documents). (All the online Annexures & Price bid i.e.
Annexure - 1 to 14, GTP and price bid are not to be submitted with the physical
2. Any deviation found in Data / Details / Documents between on line offer (E-tendering)
and physically submitted documents (Tender document fee, EMD, Vender Registration,
Technical and commercial documents etc.) of bidder, offer of the same bidder will not
considered and no any further communication in the matter will be entertained. Physical
copy is for reference only and tender will be evaluated on Data / Details / Documents of
the on line offer. For any discrepancy between online & physical bid. Online bid is
considered as final. Whatever item quoted in Annexure-IV/(4) are consider for technical
evaluation. The quantity, ED & ST/VAT offered in online price bid shall be
considered as final in case of any discrepancy.
3. It is mandatory for all the bidders to submit their tender documents by both forms viz. on
line (E-tendering) and physically in schedule time. If tender documents submitted in only
any one form, say either by online or physically, in that case same tender will not be
4. The bidders are required to fill up all the online annexure / forms. This is intended for
transparency and speedy evalution of the bids. Instead of simply confirming / attached
in bid / refer physical offer, the bidder shall fill in the particulars agaist appropriate place
in variably have to submit supporting authentic documents in the physical bid.
(In absence of required details in the online annexure, the purchaser has
every right to evaluate the bids accordingly and bidder cannot raise any
objection against any point during evalution.)
5. Bidders are requested to remain in touch with the website for any amendment /
corrigendum or extension of due date etc.
6. No tender shall be accepted / opened in case of receipt after due date and time of
tender, irrespective of delay due to postal services or any other reasons and the
Corporation shall not assume any responsibility for late receipt of tender.
7. The Earnest Money Deposit and tender fee will be accepted by Demand Draft in the
State Bank of India, JAMNAGAR only. Tender without EMD and tender fee shall be
rejected. Two separate demand draft for Tender fee and EMD should be submitted with
technical bid.
Any technical questions, information and clarifications that may be required pertaining to this
enquiry should be referred to Getco, Circle office, Indira Gandhi Marg, Sat Rasta,
The price bid of those tenderers shall only be opened which are found
technically acceptable and satisfying the requisite qualification & parameters.
The GETCO reserves the rights to reject any or all tenders or accept any tender without assigning
any reason thereof.
Yours faithfully
Download Tender Documents in (PDF Format) which consists of:
Part – I: Commercial Terms & Conditions
Part – II: Technical Specifications & GTP’S, Schedule “A” indicating the quantities & items, drawing
if any.
To view the PDF file please use “Acrobat Reader” soft ware which can be downloaded from
“Adobe” website.
In case bidder needs any difficulty in accessing / submission of on line bid / clarification or
if training required for participating in online tender, they can contact the following office:
(n) Procure Cell, (n) code solutions-A division of GNFC Ltd.,
403, GNFC Infotower, S.G. Road,
Bodakdev Ahmedabad – 380054 ( Gujarat )
Toll Free: 1-800-233-1010 ( Ext. 501, 512,516 , 517 , 525 ) ,
Phone No. 079-26857315 / 316 / 317,
Fax: 079-26857321 / 40007533, Email: nprocure@gnvfc.net
NAME OF WORK:- Hiring of Diesel driven A.C. Closed body Jeep (Marrazo,
TUV300Plus,Scorpio,XUV500,TATA HEXA) ( Minimum 6+1 Seater capacity ) for 12Hrs for
3000Km per Month for DE 400Kv Bhogat-Kalawad Line under Construction Division Jamnagar for
Two Year
E.M.D. & Tender fee should be paid by D.D. in favor of GETCO, JAMNAGAR
I have read the terms and conditions of contract and abide by the same in all respect.
Date : _________________
1. The Earnest Money Deposit and tender fee will be accepted by Demand
Draft on any Schedule Bank only situated at “Jamnagar”, drawn in
Tender without EMD and tender fee shall be rejected. Two separate DD
for Tender fee and EMD should be submitted with technical bid in EMD
2. The Tenderers shall specifically note that the Tenders are invited on
percentage rate on first item of schedule B only.
3. The tenderers will ensure submission of the Tenders duly filled in before the due
date and time.
4. The price bid of those tenderers shall only be opened which are found
technically acceptable and satisfying the requisite qualification & parameters.
14. Vehicle Model not have been register before 2 years as on the date of tender
15. Copy of Pan card
5 The tenderers should quote present market prices of Diesel which he considered for
quoting his rate.
Superintending Engineer (TR),
GETCO, Jamnagar
1. The vehicle is to be hired for a maximum 3000 Kms per month and 12 Hrs per day.
2. All road tolls/bridge tolls shall be reimbursed on production of proof of
payment along with monthly RA bills.
3. The vehicle to be offered for hiring shall be in up-to-date condition including its
tubes, tires, engine as well as conditions of its outside body. The vehicle to be offered shall
not have been register before 2 years as on the date of tender opening
4. The period of the contract shall be for Two year. The period further one
year can be extended on mutual agreed terms as per same rates, terms and
conditions. However, in case of poor services provided by the contractor, circle
head shall be empowered to terminate the contract after one year
5. Vehicle will have to be sent along with well-experienced (), white -dressed driver
having good manners with necessary tools and tackles to meet the normal
breakdown while on road. The driver sent with the vehicle shall have valid license
for driving and Taxi badge. The driver shall be well versed with R.T.O. rules. The
driver shall be preferably below the age of 40 yrs. & never above 55 yrs. The
lodging and boarding of driver shall born by contractor. If driver fails to report timely
or wear uniform, a penalty of Rs. 300/- per day Plus GST will be deducted
continuous observation for 15 days will make the contract liable for termination at
contractor’s risk and cost.
6. Formula for considering price variation – No price variation will be payable on cost
of Oil/tires, Tubes etc. Only charges in price of Diesel will be adjustable.You must
quote prices on the basis of prevailing 15 days before the due date of tender. This
basic rate shall be indicated in the offer.
7. For Every Ten paisa Increase in price of fuel, price of one paisa per KM shall be
payable and for every Ten paise decrease in prices of fuel,price of one paise per
KM shall be deductible.This will be applicable to the actual Km traveled duering
the month.
8. The general use of vehicle is for line maintenance work to transport man &
material, used on Kaccha/Pakka road/Bullock cart way where vehicle
approach is possible.
9. During the period of maintenance, breakdown of the vehicle, when the
vehicle may not be sent, the contractor will have to send another identical or
upper class vehicle and model year. In case of failure to meet this condition,
another vehicle shall be hired by the GETCO from the market at the
prevailing market rates and difference of amount paid, if any, shall be
recovered from the contractor’s bill.
10. Conditional tender will not be accepted and straight away be rejected.
11. In case any vehicle remains absent or fails to report for duty or a vehicle if provided,
as a substitute is not in an acceptable condition, the GETCO shall the deduction
from his RA Bill Should be made on prorate plus GST considering the monthly rate
payable within 26 days per month
12. During the contract period, bidder cannot be allowed to change the vehicle and for
changing of vehicle prior permission to be taken from competent authority.
13. The driver should provide the with enough money to cover the cost of Diesel,
repairs and incidental expenditure while in journey. Driver should provide mobile
phone facility for communication. Driver should always keep all documents relating
to vehicle such as R C Book, Insurance, Valid license and PUC certificate or any
other important documents in original copy with vehicle
14. Contractor should appoint a driver with valid license according to vehicle. Driver
must not be addicted of any habits. Changing of driver shall be intimated by
contractor to concern user of vehicle in prior.
15. The contractor shall make his own arrangement for the Boarding and lodging
of his Drivers, Agents and Servants.
16. Any Excess travel of vehicle beyond 3000Km by the officer in-charge of the vehicle
shall be under the written/verbal approval of circle head and the same shall be
regularized by an office not given clear reasons for travelling beyond stipulated Km’s
17. All road tolls/bridge tolls shall be reimbursed on production of proof of payment along
with monthly bills.
18. The Contractor shall immunize company’s personal against any claim arising out of
accident or misbehavior of the drivers.The vehicale shall be kept properly insured all
the time to cover the comprehensive risk and simultaneously immunized company on
account of likely claims from public, police dept etc.
19. If contractor fails to provide the vehicle on any day, as per contract, penalty of Rs
2000/- per day plus GST per Vehicle will be recovered from the current R.A. Bill and
also vehicle will be hired from other agency and if required by paying higher rate, in that
case, difference of rates will be recovered from the contractor
20. Formula for considering price variation-No Price variation will be payable on cost of
oil,tyres,tubes etc only changes in price of Diesel will be adjustable.Contractor must
quote prices on the basis of prevailing 15 days before the due date of tender. This
basic rate shall be indicated in the offer.
21. For participation in tender, the ownership of vehicle is not necessary. Contractor can
provide third party's vehicle. In such case, bidder shall have to execute the agreement
binding that the whole responsibility about any risks shall pertain to him & not to third party.
The format of same is attached herewith. The provided third party vehicle shall be same
throughout the contract period. In special case, only one time change of vehicle shall be
allowed, meeting all the terms of contract & on taking prior approval of competent authority
22. If the contractor fail to execute the order successfully the order will be got completed
through agency and if required to pay higher rates.In that case difference will be recovered
from the contractor.
23. The bills for travelling of the vehicle shall be paid on monthly basis.
The successful tenderers will have to execute Agreement & compensation bond
each on stamp paper of value Rs. 300/- at our Transmission Circle Office, Jamnagar
before Commencement of works as per GETCO’s prescribed Performa.
Bank Guarantee (towards Security Deposit and Earnest Money Deposit) issued by
following banks will be valid/considered.
A) Guarantee issued by following banks will be accepted as SD/EMD on permanent
1. All nationalized Banks including the Public Sector Bank – IDBI Ltd.
2. Private Sector Banks – AXIS Bank, ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank.
B) Guarantees issued by following banks will be accepted as SD/EMD for the period
upto March 31, 2018. The validity cut-off date is with respect to date of issue of
Bank Guarantee irrespective of date of termination of Bank Guarantee.
1. Kotak Mahindra Bank
2. RBL Bank (The Ratnakar Bank Ltd.)
3. Indusind Bank
4. Karur Vysya Bank
5. DCB Bank
7. The Kalupur Commercial Co-Operative Bank Ltd.
8. Rajkot Nagrik Sahakari Bank Ltd.
9. The Ahmedabad Mercantile Co-Operative Bank Ltd.
10. The Mehsana Urban Co-Operative Bank Ltd.
11. Nutan Nagrik Sahakari Bank LTd.
12. Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank
13. Saurashtra Gramin Bank
14. Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank
15. YES Bank
Payment will be made every month on actual work executed for which contractor has
to submit the bill in triplicate along with the logbook to E.E.(Const.)Jamnagar. The
payment will be made by RTGS.
6. Rates for excess KMs traveled by hired vehicle beyond 3000 KMs. per month
shall be paid extra as per actual extra running Km. at the rate mentioned in
7. The contractor shall immunize company’s personnel against any claim arising out of
accidents or misbehavior of the drivers. The vehicle shall be kept properly insured all
time to cover the 3rd party risk and Simultaneously immunized company on account
of likely claims from Public, police deptt. etc.
8. The 100% bills for traveling of the vehicle shall be paid on monthly basis.
9. If the contractor fails to provide a vehicle, the deduction from his R. A. bill should be
made on prorate considering the monthly rate payable with 26 working days per
10. If contractor fail to execute the order successfully, the order will be got
completed through other agency and if required to pay higher rates, in that
case, total expenditure that will be recovered from agency who fail to
execute the order fully or partly.
11. If successful bidder fails to execute the order then EMD & SD p l u s G S T paid
by such party to Getco will be forfeited.
12. For every 10 paise increase in price of fuel ,price of one paise per km shall be
payable and for every ten paise decrease in price of fuel ,price of one paise per km
shall be deductible. This will be applicable to actual KM traveled during the month.
Every month, you will have to submit last bill of fuel with your bill.
13. The contractor will have to fulfill the condition of contract labour regulation
abolition Act-1970 and furnish the records failing which payment will not be
14. Contractor must have P. F. number and letter of registration with PF authority, if
If such excess is areater than the sums due to the Contractor, the Contractor shall pay the balance to
the Owner and if such excess is less than the sums due to the Contractor. Owner shall pay the
balance to the Contractor. For facilitatinq such payment, Owner shall encash the Bank Guarantees
of Contractor available with Owner/s and retain such other payments due to the Contractor under
the Contract in question or any other Contract that the Owner/s may have with the Contractor. Such
payment of excess amount shall be independent of the liquidated damages for delay which the
Contractor shall have to pay if the completion of works is delayed
In event offailure of the Contractor to pay the amount of Penalty as demanded, the Owner shall be
entitled to deduct the amount of Penalty for delay from the amounts payable to the Contractors under
any bills raised under this contract or anv other amount payable under anv other contract with the
GUVNL and its Subsidiary Companies i.e. GETCO GUVNL GSECL MGVCL, DGVCL, PGVCL
UGVCL. It is permissible for the Owner to adjust the amount of Penalty of delay against any Bank
Guarantee furnished by the Contractor under this contract or any other contract with GUVNL and/or its
subsidiary companies
Whenever any claim or claims for payment of a sum of money arises out of or under the contract
against the Contractor, the Owner shall be entitled to withhold and also have a lien to retain such
sum or sums in whole or in partfrom the security, if any, deposited by the Contractor andfor the
purpose aforesaid, the Owner shall be entitled to encash and withhold the amount of Performance
Bank Guarantee or other security, if any, furnished as the case may be. The Owner shall also have
a lien over the same pending finalization or adjudication of any such claim. In the event of the
security is insufficient to cover the claimed amount or amounts, the Owner shall be entitled to
withhold and have lien to retain to the extent of the such claimed amount or amounts referred to
above, from any sum or sums found payable or which at any time-thereafter may become payable
to the Contractor under the same contract or any other contract with the Owner or GUVNL or its
subsidiary companies pending finalization or adjudication of any such claim.
1. Type of vehicle :
You will have to provide standard make vehicle as mentioned above not
older than two years as on date of the tender opening.
2. Area of traveling :
Anywhere in Gujarat.
3. During a day vehicle can be called at any time and for any number of times as per
2) Registration as Taxi.
7) GST Registration
8) Vehicle Model not have been register before 2 years as on the date of tender
5. Before starting journey, taxi driver must be in the position to have the log book of
journey of the registered taxi and it must be filled up by the vehicle user officer by
mentioning opening and closing Kms. of the journey.
6. Log Book of the vehicle is also to be filled up day to day by the user/officers
mentioning the place visited by him along with the duration of journey, traveled
and duly signed.
a. The contractor shall employ qualified and well behaved driver having
valid permanent license for driving vehicle as per RTO and insurance rules.
This shall be subjected to scrutiny and checks by the OFFICER-IN-CHARGE
handling the execution of the contract from time to time. If any legal liability
occurs on account of any lapse in this regards, the same will be at
contractor’s account. The driver should behave courteously and respectfully
with traveling officers. He should be free from habits of smoking/drinking
intoxicant liquors. No any allowance shall be paid by the GETCO to the
driver. Any misbehavior of the driver will be reported to vehicle owner and if
vehicle owner fail to provide new driver within 24 hrs. GETCO reserves the
right to terminate the contract or hire vehicle from open market at the risk and
cost of the contractor. Driver should wear a uniform supplied by contractor.
10. In case, if you fail to provide the vehicle requisitioned by GETCO, GETCO
authorities reserves the right to hire Car/Taxi as may be required/available for the
time being from open market at the risk and cost of contractor and the amount
will be deducted from the monthly bill payable to the contractor. If the driver fails
to report on time given by controlling officer, penalty of Rs. 50=00 per hour will
be imposed.
1. The contractor shall at all time indemnities GETCO and its officers,
servants and agent against all third party claims, what so ever ( Including
but not limited to ) property losses/damages, personal accident, injury or
death of persons of any sub contractor, and/or agents of the contractor
and/or of GETCO, damage to the property of GETCO, arising out by the
Hired vehicle, the contractor shall bare at his own cost and initiative at all
times till the successful completion of the contract period. Contractor shall
have to maintain comprehensive insurance policy in respect of all
insurable liabilities, under Motor vehicle Act, workman’s compensation
act. Personal injuries act, Emergency risk insurance act, Approved by
2. If due to any reason what so ever, the GETCO has to make any payment, for
vehicle or driver etc, the amount so paid by GETCO payable by the
contractor to GETCO and all such payment shall be recovered by GETCO
from the dues payable to the contractor and/or from the security deposit of
the contractor. Balance amount if any is still payable by contractor; it has to
be paid immediately to GETCO.
The starting and closing kilometers will be admissible from the point of first pick
up for starting and point of last drop for closing of journey.
The contractor will be required to maintain Log Book as per the standard
format which will record the journeys performed by the GETCO officer.
The Log book when closed or at the end of the contract, should be handed
over to the GETCO for its record.
14. Drivers which are provided by contractor must be fully conversant with the
routes of Gujarat state and he must be having valid driving license and
vehicle’s another necessary documents with him.
15. When day to day, vehicle reports for its duty on specific time given by GETCO, at
that time driver must be fully equipped i.e. including required Money to keep the Car
running in fully tip top condition. He should not demand money from the officer
traveling for repairing the vehicle on road etc.
16. As and when the driver report with the vehicle, it should be duly topped up with fuel,
oil lubricants etc. and no extra time will be allowed for such work after he report on
17. The vehicle shall have to be properly insured so as to cover the risk of the
lives of the officers and staff of the GETCO traveling by the same, with
their property.
18. The vehicle should be available for 12 Hours X 6 days in a week. Generally weekly
off is Sundary or any other day as per GETCO convenience. Off/Public Holiday is
not allowed. However, if require, in case of emergency, contractor will be informed
to make arrangement of vehicle even on Sunday or in odd hours. On Sunday, if
vehicle is provided than nothing will be paid extra/ overtime on account of
salary and wages of drive/ vehicle.
SIGNATURE & SEAL Superintending Engineer (TR),
(11) The GETCO will be entitled to deduct directly from the bills, to be paid to the
contractor any sum or payable by you and which sum/sums the GETCO is
required to pay as principal employer on account of your default in respect of
all liabilities referred to in above clauses
(1) You have to update your MSME detail on GETCO’s website by following link
https://getco.co.in/msme/ ( and intimate to concern bill submitting office with copy to this
(2) the payment will be made within 45 days from the *date of acceptance or the **date of
deemed acceptance of goods or services i.e. After submission of all required documents
as per at Terms & time to time circular issued by GETCO’s corporate Office as well as
statutory requirement to process the Bill.
S.No. Description
1 Earnest Money Deposit
Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.______/-, submitted in the form of Demand Draft/ Banker’s
Cheque, drawn on______________________________________Bank,
______________________ Branch, bearing DD/BC No. _________________ dated
________________ is attached herewith.
1 Firm Name
2 Firm Address
5 Qualification
6 Professional Experience
7 PAN No
8 Sales Tax No
9 Service Tax No
10 Contract Details
Mobile No
Land Line No
E-Mail ID
Note: All the correspondence, queries etc., will be asked on above E-Mail only.
Bidder is responsible to check and operation of e-mail ID.
The bidders have to enclose following documents with EMD Draft PAY order in name of GETCO in
separate sealed envelope duly super scribed “QUALIFICATION BID “No offers will be considered
without EMD.
SN Documents Attached Flap No/
(Yes/No) Attachment No
1 Attested Registration Certificate of the vehicle to be
kept for the contract.
Vehicle No
Vehicle Make & type
2 Copy of the insurance policy of the vehicle intended
for the contract.
3 Fitness certificate of the vehicle
4 Passenger permits.
5 P.F. Code registration
6 Service Tax Certificate
7 Govt. Approved diesel price list of I.O.C.
8 PAN Certificate
9 Copies of the orders executed with certificate of the
In connection with the above subject and reference I/ We confirm the following:
1. I / We, the under signed have read and examined the Tender Specifications in tender
mentionedunder reference along with the General/ Commercial terms and conditions.
2. I / We, declare that our TechnicalBid is strictly in line with the Tender specifications (except
the deviations shown in Annexureof Technical Deviations..
3. Further, I / We also agree that additional conditions / deviations, if any, found in the
tender terms & conditions (except reference indicated under Annexure ivthis tender
document), our offer shall be out rightly rejected without assigning any reason thereof.
(Strike off whichever is not applicable)
This is to declare that none of the Proprietors/ Partners/ Directors are having any relatives
employed or working with Gujarat Energy Development Agency at any of its offices or its parent
Department i.e. Energy & Petrochemicals Dept., Govt. of Gujarat.
Any deviations offered from the terms and conditions of the Offer should be clearly specified
below in this sheet. If there are no deviations offered, it should be clearly mentioned on this page.
Note: Existing contractor fill the details of all existing running contract deails invariably with
GUVNL and its subsidiary companies i.e. GETCO, GSECL, MGVCL, DGVCL, PGVCL, UGVCL.
(Strike off whichever is not applicable)
This is to declare that, the quoted vehicle No ___________ in this tender is not allotted/ utilized by
me/ anybody or put on contract to any office/ company/ agency be me.
This Agreement is made at BARODA the_____________ day of ___________ in the Christian Year
Two thousand ______between M/s. _____________________________________ (address of
office) ________________ (hereinafter referred to as “THE CONTRACTOR” which expression
shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the contract include its successors or permitted assigns) of
the ONE PART and the Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Ltd, having their Head office at
Vidyut Bhavan, Race Course, Baroda 390007 (hereinafter called “The GETCO” which expression
shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context include its successors or assigns) of the other part.
WHEREAS the aforesaid GETCO has accepted the tender of the aforesaid contractors for
_______________________________________________ as per GETCO’s Order No.
____________________________________ hereinafter called “the works” and more particularly
described and enumerated or referred to in the specification, terms and conditions prescribed in the
order letter, covering letter and other letters and schedule of price which for the purpose of
identification have been signed by Shri ________________________ on behalf of the contractors
and by ---------------------------------- on behalf of the GETCO, a list whereof is made out in the
Schedule hereunder written and all of which said documents are deemed to form part of this contract
and included in the expression “The works” wherever herein used, upon the terms and subject to
the conditions hereinafter mentioned.
AND WHEREAS THE GETCO has accepted the tender of contractors for the construction of the
said works for the sum of Rs. __________ Rupees
(_______________________________________________) upon the terms and subject to the
conditions herein mentioned.
1. The contractors shall do and perform all works and things in this contract mentioned and
described or which are implied therein or there from respectively or are reasonably necessary
for the completion of the works as mentioned and at the times, in the manner and subject to
the terms and conditions and stipulations contained in this contract, and in consideration of
the due provision, executions, supply and completion of the works agreed to by the
contractor as aforesaid the GETCO do hereby covenant with the contractor to pay all the
sums of moneys as and when they become due and payable to the contractors under the
provisions of the contract. Such payment to be made at such times and in such manner as is
provided by the contract.
2. The conditions and covenants stipulated here-in-before in this contract are subject to and
without prejudice to the rights of the GETCO to enforce penalty for delays and / or any
other rights whatsoever including the right to reject and cancel on default or breach by the
contractor of the conditions and the covenants as stipulated in the general conditions,
specifications, forms or tender schedule etc. attached with GETCO’s Order No.
The contract value, extent of supply & erection works, delivery dates , specifications and
other relevant matters may be altered by mutual agreement and if so altered
shall not be deemed or construed to mean or apply to affect or alter other terms and
conditions of the contract and the general conditions and the contract so altered or revised
shall be and shall always be deemed to have been subject to and without prejudice to said
//3 //
1. GETCO’s Tender Specification No. ____________ and contractor’s offer opened on dated
2. GETCO order No. Dtd. ___ / ___/ ____
3. Contractor’s acceptance of order vide letter No. _______________.
4. Contractor’s Partnership Deed dtd. ________________.
5. Contractor’s Power of Attorney / GETCO Resolution authorising person to sign on behalf
of Firm.
In witness whereof the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this day and month, year first
above written.
(Non-judicial Stamp paper of value not less than Rs. 300.00)
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, _____________ by this SAFETY
CUM INDEMNITY BOND Executed on this _____________ Day of _________
2013. I/We Having Registered Office
___________________________________________(herein after called “THE
CONTRACTOR” which expression shall mean and includes my /our heirs,
executors, administrators and legal representatives, successors and permitted
assigns) do hereby binds myself/ourselves and also our company/firms after having
the power to bind by this promise and undertaking in favour of the Gujarat Energy
Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO), Vadodara a State Transmission Utility
under The Electricity Act, 2003 having its registered office at Sardar Patel Vidyut
Bhavan, Race course, Vadodara.( hereinafter called as GETCO, which expression
shall mean and include its legal representative, administrators assigns) has agreed
under the terms and conditions of the contract no.______ dated_______made
between __________ and ___________for the contract of the ____________value
of Rs. __________ interalia on production of Safety Cum Indemnity Bond.
Now the indenture witnesses that I/We the CONTRACTOR do hereby undertake to
follow the guidelines as per Annexure-A prepared by the GETCO.
Further we the CONTRACTOR agree that the GETCO shall be sole judge of and as
to whether there has been any breach of the guidelines as per Annexure-A of this
bond and as to the extent of the loss, damages, costs, charges and expenses
caused to or suffered by the GETCO.
We the CONTRACTOR further agree that our liability under this bond shall not be
discharged because of the change in the constitution of the GETCO or for the
extension of the time limit or for any other reason.
b. That the CONTRACTOR shall keep harmless the GETCO from all claims,
compensation, damages any proceedings in respect of any of its employee /
workmen under the Workmen Compensation Act or any other laws for the time
being in force.
c. That, if during the course of execution of work as stated in the contract order
mentioned hereinabove issued by the OBLIGEE, it is found that the CONTRACTOR
has not complied with guidelines as per Annexure-A or terms and conditions /
formalities within the meaning of Employees’ State Insurance Act,1948 (ESI) or
Workmen Compensation Act 1923 or any other laws relating to the Labour Welfare
for the time being in force, and also has not observed the safety norms in
accordance with the law prevailing at the place of work/job to the satisfaction of the
GETCO, the GETCO shall have the right to stop the execution of work/job and the
period of such stoppage shall not be taken into account for the calculation of the
total period of completion of work for which the CONTRACTOR is responsible to
the work/job and it will be deemed that discontinuance was due to default of the
d. That, if any time, due to exigency, GETCO as the Principle Employer, becomes
liable to pay any such compensation mentioned hereinabove, whether on failure of
the CONTRACTOR or for any other reason, the GETCO shall have the right to
recover the said amount from any amount receivable by GETCO or any bank
guarantee deposited or anything payable whether in connection with this contract or
other contract by the CONTRACTOR to the OBLIGEE.
e. That the CONTRACTOR is/are aware and accept that for the persistent or
repeated violation of any guidelines as per Annexure-A and terms and conditions
mentioned in this Safety cum Indemnity Bond, GETCO shall have right to terminate
the contract of work issued to the CONTRACTOR .
f. In case if any safety related fatal Electrical / Mechanical accident occurred to any
employee of agency or outsider due to negligence or non-compliance of
GETCO safety norms then in addition to the compensation and liability as per
statutory requirement, contractor / agency is hereby agreed to pay the penalty
amount as given below:
g. I/We the CONTRACTOR hereby confirm that in case of any dispute/difference for
settlement of claims under this Safety Cum Indemnity bond the courts in Gujarat
State wherever job/work is performed or as per GETCO norms shall have the
jurisdiction to decide the rights & liabilities of the parties while adjudicating the
Sr. No Amount of Contract in Rs. Penalty amount matter
1 Up to 1 Lac Rs.5000/- Plus GST of
2 Above1 Lac to 10 Lacs Rs.40000/- Plus GST claims
3 10 to -100 Lacs Rs.100,000/- Plus GST under
4 > 100 Lacs 1.0 % of contract value Plus this
GST Safety
Indemnity Bond.
h. This Safety cum Indemnity Bond shall continue and hold good until it is released
the GETCO in Writing on the CONTRACTOR’s application after the Contractor has
discharged all his obligations under the order mentioned hereinabove and submitted
a “NO DEMAND CERTIFICATE” from the GETCO under the said order.
The Safety cum Indemnity Bond shall be valid for a CONTRACT PERIOD and
renewable thereof (Claim Period).
i. This Safety cum Indemnity Bond and the guidelines as per Annexure-A herein
contained are in addition to And not by way of limitation or substitution for any
other guarantee, indemnities Hereto before given to the GETCO by the
CONTRACTOR and this indemnity does not Revoke or limit such indemnities or
guarantees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have executed this
indenture the day the year First hereinabove written.
(Signature with seal of The CONTRACTOR)
In the presence of:
Know all men by these present that we, M/S (name of
company) having principal place of business at address (hereinafter called "the
contractor" which expression shall where the context so admits, include their heirs, executors,
administrators and legal representatives, successors etc.) through our authorized representative Shri/
Mrs. hereby entered into a contract with Gujarat Energy Transmission
Corporation Ltd.,(hereinafter called "GETCO" , which expression shall where the context so
admits, include their executors, administrators , legal representatives successors etc.) vide A/T No.
dated with respect to hiring of vehicle
for GETCO, at on annual
rate contract basis, whose details are specified in the said A/T.
The Contractor through this Undertaking cum Indemnity Bond indemnifies GETCO against any
responsibility toward loss/accidents, damages, to the contractor's staff/equipment or any other
person/vehicle, due to non-observance of safety measure or non£ompliance of any other statutory or
non-statutory liabilities. The contractor undertakes that in case he/she sub-lets the contract to any
third party or provide the vehicle to GETCO wherein he is not the owner of that vehicle/s, then also,
the contractor shall be responsible to comply all statutory/non-statutory liabilities, safety measures
& other liabilities of such third party owners of vehicle. The contractor on behalf of himself and
also on behalf of third party ownership of vehicle, indemnifies GETCO that incase of any financial
or non-financial implications onto GETCO, then Contractor shall make good for it and will bear all
the implications, burdens (financial/non-financial liabilities) to its effect, throughout the contract
OUR ENDEVOUR - Safety a habit
To create environment where Business Confidence is built through Best Business Practices and is
fostered in an atmosphere of trust and respect between providers of goods and services and their
users for the ultimate benefit of society a the nation, safety guidelines are agreed upon by the agency as
Safety is our prime concern and zero accident is our goal. In order to prevent the accident, while
execution of works in indoor and outdoor systems of GETCO, the following guideline and preventive
measures are identified.
Following safety guidelines are mandatory for all Contractor’s supervisor and GETCO
contractors operating in GETCO premises for Electrical, Supervisor must ensure all isolations
non-electrical & civil works. physically with adequate earthing
1. The contractors must provide advance technically prior to give clearance to gang
planning of work to concerned in-charge
leader for taking up job.
of substation in writing.
2. Before starting any work whether switch While execution of stringing work, the
yard, “permit to allow to work” must be taken from
identified line crossing must be isolated /
control room in-charge.
de-energized and written clearance should
3. Utilizing Electrical / non-electrical
equipments, safety rules must be be obtained from concerned DISCOM
implemented. supervisor.
4. If the work is to be carried out on Sunday or
public holiday, the necessary permission The isolation of Tap line must be physically
seen and verified by Contractor and GETCO
must be taken in advance, requesting in writing. supervisor.
All workers / labour of contractor & All workers / labour of contractor &
supervisors must use personal protective supervisors must use personal protective
equipment (PPE) during the work like equipment (PPE) during the work like
gloves, safety belt, Safety shoes, Helmet, gloves, safety belt, Safety shoes, Helmet,
earthing rods, etc, duly approved by earthing rods, Live line detector etc, duly
GETCO. approved by GETCO.
The local earthing must be done at the The local earthing must be done at the
place of work before execution of any work. place
of work before execution of any work.
11 kV breaker in panel must be switched Circuit breaker opening is not an isolation
off and racked out only after ensuring no and isolator on either side must be opened.
voltage in breaker and without door No work during rains and cloudy weather
opening. condition.
Transmission line activities.
1) Used of Voltage detector to ensure
2) Earthing at three point, local, left &
right side of bus bar / string bus.
3) Match line colour code with colour of
wrist band.
Local earthing of electrical equipments like
filter M/c, welding machine, testing kits etc.
is must.
Crane shall only be used for material
handling and erection. Working platform
shall only be used for work in switchyard.
Application for refund of EMD
Superintending Engineer [TR)
Transmission Circle GETCO,
I request your good self to refund my EMD for the tender mentioned below as soon as the
price bids are opened and if I/We am/are not the L1 for the same' The details are as
Tender No
Tender ID
Name of Work/Subject
EMD Amount
Name of Bidder
Contact No.
E-mail address
Thanking you,
Faithfully yours,
All bidders will have to furnish the following undertaking duly filled in, signed and stamped for
each quoted item of the tender along with the Technical Bid
horized signatory of M/S____________________________________________here by
certify that____________________________________________________and their
proprietor/any partner/any director of the firm is not stop deal and/or banned for business
dealing and/or black listed by GUVNL and/or any subsidiary company
Description Quantity Unit Amount Estimated
1 Hiring charges per Month for the
first 3000 Kms. (for 12 hours) Per
24.00 42917.00 1030008.00
(Monthly minimum charges) Month
6) Tenderer will have to provide zerox copy of R.T.O. book and Taxi/Maxi passing and running
insurance policy certificate with Tender.