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Propellers and

Kul-24.3200 Introduction of Marine Hydrodynamics

Aalto University 02/11/2015 Introduction of Marine Hydrodynamics 1

Content of the course
• Resistance
• Propulsion
• Introduction, Momentum theory on propeller action
• Screw propeller
• Propeller-hull interaction
• Early design of a propeller
• Propeller – main engine interaction
• Stopping, accelerating and backing properties
• Propeller cavitation
• Special types of propulsors
• Afterbody form of a ship
• Ship dynamics

Introduction of Marine Hydrodynamics 2

30 Oct: Introduction of Cavitation

Introduction of Marine Hydrodynamics 3

30 Oct: Introduction of Cavitation

Introduction of Marine Hydrodynamics 4

30 Oct: Introduction of Cavitation

Introduction of Marine Hydrodynamics 5

Propeller cavitation: Summary of the
previous lecture

• What does cavitation mean?

• When does it develops?
• What is cavitation number?

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Propeller caviation

Additional reading
• Matusiak J (2010) Laivan propulsio. M-176. Chapter 8
• Matusiak J (2008) Short introduction to Ship Resistance and
Propulsion. Section 5.10
• Lewis E.V., editor (1988) Principles of Naval Architecture, Second
revision. Volume II. SNAME. Chapter 7. Available in Knovel.

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Propeller cavitation
Related exercises

Exercise 5: Task 3 (deadline: 09 Nov.)

• Estimate maximum thrust of the propeller using Burrill’s curves

• Exercise 8
• Select a propeller for the ship that you design

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Outline: Propeller cavitation
• Types of propeller cavitation

• Effect of propeller geometry on the cavitation

• Blade area ratio
• Pitch
• Shape of the hydrofoil

• Effect of the cavitation on the performance of the propeller

• Secondary effects of a cavitating propeller

• Evaluation

Introduction of Marine Hydrodynamics 9

Outline: Propeller cavitation
• Types of propeller cavitation

• Effect of propeller geometry on the cavitation

• Blade area ratio
• Pitch
• Shape of the hydrofoil

• Effect of the cavitation on the performance of the propeller

• Secondary effects of a cavitating propeller

• Evaluation

Introduction of Marine Hydrodynamics 10

Types of propeller cavitation
PNA Lecture notes
Categories of hydrodynamic
cavitation: *
• Travelling *
• Fixed
• Vortex
• Vibratory
Classification according to the physical
nature of the propeller cavitation
• Sheet* *
• Bubble *
• Cloud *
• Tip vortex *
• Hub-vortex *

Introduction of Marine Hydrodynamics Aalto University 11

Types of propeller cavitation
Sheet cavitation
• Glassy thin layer of vapour attached to blade.
• If it not changing rapidly with blade angle Ѳ,
it does not cause much harm.
• Unsteady volume variations cause varying
pressures and vibration problems.
• Starts normally at the leading edge,
where the pressure as the minimum value.

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Types of propeller cavitation
Sheet cavitation

Sheet cavitation on the suction side Super-cavitation

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Types of propeller cavitation
Bubble or cloud cavitation

• Is created as a result of unsteadiness

of sheet cavitation or of a strong
• Cavitation bubbles pass into a high
ambient pressure region where they
• This results in high valued and rapid
pressure peaks that cause noise and
erosion of the blade material

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Types of propeller cavitation
Bubble or cloud cavitation

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Types of propeller cavitation
Tip-vortex cavitation

• At the tip and at the root of propeller blade, tip vortices are formed
• If they are sufficiently strong, they start to cavitate, especially for a
blade close to top position
• Root cavitation occurs seldom because of deep submergence (high
hydrostatic pressure)
• If it occurs it causes much harm in a form of erosion

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Types of propeller cavitation
Tip-vortex and hub cavitation

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Types of propeller cavitation
Pressure side cavitation

Note: Cavitation occurs normally at

suction side

• When revolutions are kept high
and pitch is low.
• Angles of attack may get negative values, especially in a tip region
• As a result flow accelerates strongly
• Strong and narrow low pressure peak at the pressure side
• Unsteady cavitation and bubble cavitation occur.

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Types of propeller cavitation
Types of cavitation and flow parameters
• Cavitation depends strongly on hydrofoil loading and on hydrostatic pressure
• Hydrofoil loading is well represent by angle of attack αe
• Propeller loading: advance number J
• Static pressure related to stagnation pressure: cavitation number σ.
Pressure side cavitation
Suction side cavitation

Cavitation free region

Cavitation free region
Tip-vortex cavitation

Suction side cavitation

Pressure side cavitation Collapse of thrust

Introduction of Marine Hydrodynamics Aalto University 19
Outline: Propeller cavitation
• Types of propeller cavitation

• Effect of propeller geometry on the cavitation

• Blade area ratio
• Pitch
• Shape of the hydrofoil

• Effect of the cavitation on the performance of the propeller

• Secondary effects of a cavitating propeller

• Evaluation

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Effect of propeller geometry
Parameters, that affect the dynamic pressure
• Dynamic pressure is related directly to Vr2.
• Rule of thumb for maximum tip vortex
velocity: 35 m/s

• Biggest effect
• Propeller blade area
• Pitch
• Shape of the hydrofoil

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Effect of propeller geometry

Blade area ratio

• Initial values can be obtained from

• Criteria of Burrill
• Keller’s equation

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Effect of propeller geometry

Blade area ratio: Burrill

• Non-dimensional thrust
compared to the
stagnation pressure

• If the projected surface area is

not known

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Effect of propeller geometry

Blade area ratio

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Effect of propeller geometry
Propeller pitch selected on the basis of model test series characteristics
• These were conducted in atmospheric condition with an aim of maximum efficiency
• As a result pitch spanwise distribution is constant
• These kind of propellers are used very seldom
In practice
• In ship propellers pitch is reduced by 15% at root (Phub/P0.7 = 0.85), that is the region
of decelerated flow
• To secure good vibration and noise properties, pitch is reduced at the tip as well
• Big reduction of pitch at tip reduces propeller efficiency
• Final propeller design is ensured by lifting-line and/or –surface computations
• Easily noise and erosion due to cavitation if the pitch is significantly reduced and
revolutions high

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Effect of propeller geometry
Shape of the hydrofoil

In old times
• Hydrofoil was of the same shape as airofoil
• Typically used shape was NACA-four digit –
airfoil which had poor cavitation properties
• Strong low pressure peak at the leading edge

Better option
• So-called NACA a = 0.8 mean line (modified) –
• Pressure is distributed more evenly

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Outline: Propeller cavitation
• Types of propeller cavitation

• Effect of propeller geometry on the cavitation

• Blade area ratio
• Pitch
• Shape of the hydrofoil

• Effect of the cavitation on the performance of the propeller

• Secondary effects of a cavitating propeller

• Evaluation

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Effect on the performance of propeller
• Beginning of the cavitation
• Not much effect on the open water characteristics of the propeller
• When substantial part of the blades are covered by sheet cavitation
• First: effect on the thrust
• Later: effect also on the torque

• As thrust decreases faster,

the efficiency decreases
• Cavitation does not affect
significantly the maximum efficiency
of the propeller
• The effect depends upon propeller
loading (J) and cavitation number σ
• Strong cavitation an increase of
revolutions results in a decrease
of thrust and torque

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Outline: Propeller cavitation
• Types of propeller cavitation

• Effect of propeller geometry on the cavitation

• Blade area ratio
• Pitch
• Shape of the hydrofoil

• Effect of the cavitation on the performance of the propeller

• Secondary effects of a cavitating propeller

• Evaluation

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Secondary effects of cavitation

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Secondary effects of cavitation

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Secondary effects of cavitation
Power spectrum of the pressure caused by the propeller
• Up to tens of kHz
• Blade frequency fb = Z∙n

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Rotation of the blades

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Changing thickness of the hydrofoil

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Changes in the volume of
the sheet cavitation

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Collapse of the cavitation

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Secondary effects of cavitation

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Secondary effects of cavitation

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Secondary effects of cavitation
Effect of propeller skew on vibration excitation
• The propeller blade with no skew (on the left) meets wake peak
simultaneously at each radius
• Skew (right figure) smoothens the blade entrance in the decelerated
flow region
• This decreases the time derivate of cavitation volume and decreases
induced pressures

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Secondary effects of cavitation
Effect of propeller skew on vibration excitation

• Cavitation model tests: how the introduction of blade skew reduce the
propeller excitation

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Secondary effects of cavitation

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Secondary effects of cavitation

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Outline: Propeller cavitation
• Types of propeller cavitation

• Effect of propeller geometry on the cavitation

• Blade area ratio
• Pitch
• Shape of the hydrofoil

• Effect of the cavitation on the performance of the propeller

• Secondary effects of a cavitating propeller

• Evaluation

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Relevant for the evaluation of the propeller-induced pressure
• Apart pressures, structural properties of a ship matter when judging vibration
• Pressure is at maximum in the very vicinity of a propeller
• Different pressure expected and required for different ship types
• The presented values should
be treated cautiously
• based on literature and
Matusiak’s experience
(his own words: old and
somewhat obsolete)

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Three categories of methods
• Model tests
• Theoretical methods
• Approximate methods

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Model tests
• The most reliable
• Conducted in a cavitation tunnel or in a underpressurized towing tank.
• Inaccuracy of the blade freq. component approx. 30-50%
• Noise predicted with a 5 dB accuracy
• Expensive and slow to conduct
• Pressures measured in abt 20 points.
• Not always sufficient for vibration analysis

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Theoretical models of propeller induced pressures
• Difficult to predict by the theoretical means
• Difficult model of an unsteady cavitation
• Despite of it inaccuracy is usually satisfactory
• The best of the methods predict pressures with 30% - 100 % inaccuracy.
• Noise evaluation within 10 dB
• Theoretical computations are cheap and fast to conduct
• Pressures can be evaluated on a large area

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Approximate methods to evaluate induced pressures
• Based on regression analysis
• Same type as Holtrop’s method for resistance/propulsion evaluation
• Quite inaccurate
• Inaccuracy of 500% is not an exception
• Easy to use
• Combined with a reference technique may be a powerful tool
• Ducted propellers difficult to judge

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Approximate methods to evaluate induced pressures

Holden’s method
• The most popular one.
• Based on the measured data of 72 ships.
• Enables approximating
• the magnitude and the distribution of the pressure caused by the propeller.
• Frequencies: Blade frequency and 2 * blade frequency
• Vibratory level of the ship.
• Given: Parameters that the method needs and the limits on the allowed values
of these parameters. Do not use it the case does not fulfil the limits!
• Does not take into account the skew. If skew is significant, apply another
method for its effect (see earlier).
• Final pressure: the result of Holden multiplied by FS.

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When is the wake smooth enough? (BSRA criteria)

Criterion 1
• Maximum value of the wave when and

Criterion 2
• Maximum value of the whole wake

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When is the wake smooth
enough? (BSRA criteria)

Criterion 3
• The width of the top of the wake:

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When is the wake smooth enough? (BSRA criteria)

Criterion 4 Criterion 5

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• List and describe types of cavitation

• How do you take into account the cavitation in the design of the

• How does the cavitation affect the performance of the propeller?

• What are the secondary effects of the cavitation?

• How can you evaluate the cavitation?

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• Matusiak J (2010) Laivan kulkuvastus. M-289. Available in

• Matusiak J (2013) Slides Propulsion ENG 3. Available in
• Principles of Naval Architecture, Volume II, Chapter 7.
Available in Knovel

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