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SPLN DS Kons CB 9C - 1978

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c 0MMI s s | 0n Et rcrrurnq,f, N| 0 u-r | il TERt{ATI( l N A L E

d l'0rganisation
deNormalisation -- lS0)
R E C ( l M M A N D A TDIE( lLi |A CE I

E C T R ( ) T E C H NCI C
( )AMLM I S S I ( l N
to the International
0rganization - lS0)
for Standardization

Troisidm -
6 dei t i o n T h i r de d i t i o n
1 9 71

e couranl
e haute
Troisi0me Conception
el conslruclion

Part3: Design

Droits - Copyright
r6serv6s - all rightsreserved

dela Commission
1, ruedeVaremb6
c 0 M M t s s | 0Ent e c T R 0 T E G H Nt| N0 T
d l'0rganisation
Internationale - lS0)
R E C ( l M M A N D A Tl )IE( lLNA CE I

( }AMLM I S S I ( l N
to the International - lS0)
for Standardization

Troisidm -
6 dei t i o n T h i r de d i t i o n

e Gourant
Disjoncteurs allernatif tension
e haute
Troisi0me et Gonslruclion

High-uoltag kers
e alternating-cu
Part3: Design

pustTpErYrullrrr *tsturf lEuSririlr
Noo. Agenda ;

t'ang6d :

r6serv6s - all rightsreserved
- Copyright

Aucunepartie de cette publicationne peut 6tre reproduite

ni utilis€esous No part of this publicationmay be reproducedor utilizedin any
quelqueforme que ce soit et par aucun proc6d6,6lectronique ou m6ca- form or by any means,electronicor mechanical,includingphotocopying
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Central Electrotechnique
de la Commission Internationale
1, rue de Varembd



- 3 -


FonBwono 5

Pnprecn 5


l. Requirements for liquids and gases in circuit-breakers 7

2. Requirements for simultaneity of poles . 7

3. Auxiliary equipment . 7
4. General requirements for operation 9
5. Dependent power closing . 9
6. Stored energy closing t1
7. Operation of releases 13
8. Operation of air blast circuit-breakers 15

9. Low and high pressureinterlocking devices . 15

10. Vent outlets 15

11. Rating plates 17

- 5 -



Part 3 : Design and construction


l) The forrnal decisions or agreements of the I E C on technical matters, prepared by Technical Committees on which all the
National Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an international
consensus of opinion on the subjects dealt with.

2) They have the form of recommendations for international use and they iire accepted by the National Committees in that

3) In order to promote this international unification, the I E C expressesthe wish that all National Committees having as
yet no national rules, when preparing such rules, should use the I E C recommendations as the fundamental basis for these
rules in so far as national conditions will permit.

4) The desirability is recognized of extending international agreement on these matters through an endeavour to harmonize
national standardization rules with these recommendations in so far as national conditions will permit. The National
Committees pledge their influence towards that end.


This Recommendation has been prepared by Sub-Committee l7A, High-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear, of IEC
Technical Committee No. 17, Switchgear and Controlgear.
A first draft was discussed at the meeting held in Baden-Baden in 1967. As a result of this meeting a final draft was
submitted to the Natioi.ral Committees for approval under the Six Months' Rule in April 1968.
This publication is part of the revision of IEC Publication 56 ar-rdforms Fart 3: Design and Construction.

The follorving countries voted explicitly in favour of publication:

Australia Norway
Belgium Sor"ith Africa
Czechoslovakia SweCen
Denmark Switzerland
Finland Turkey
France Union of Soviet
Germany SocialistRepublics
Israel United Kingdom
Italy United States of America
Netherlands Yusoslavia

This Publication has been divicied into the following six parts which are publisl-redas separate booklets:
Publication 56-l: Part l, General and Definitions.
Publication 56-2: Part 2, Rating.
Publication 56-3: Part 3, Design and Construction.
Publication 56-4: Part 4, Type Tests aird Routine Tests.
Publication 56-5: Part 5, Rules for the Selection of Circuit-breakers for Service.
Publication 56-6: Part 6, lnformation to be Given with Enquiries, Tenders and Orders and Rules for Transport, Erection
and Maintenance.
- 7 -


Part 3 : Design and construction

1. Requirementsfor liquids and gasesin circuit-breakers

1.1 oit

I.l.l Oil level

It shall be possible to filI and drain oil-filled circuit-breakerseasily.

A devicefor checking the oil level, even during service,with indication of rninimum and maximum
limits admissible for correct operation, shall be provided.

1.1.2 Oil quality

Oil for use in oil circuit-breakersshall comply with IEC Publication 296, SpecificationforNew
Insulating Oils for Transformers and Switchgear.

1.2 Other liquids and gases

Under consideration.

2. Requirementsfor simultaneity of poles

When no specialrequirement with respectto simultaneousoperation of poles is stated, the maxi-

mum differencebetweenthe instants of contactstouching during closing,and the maximum difference
betweenthe instants of contacts separatingduring opening, shall not exceedone half cycle of rated

Notes 1. - In some circumstances the permissible deviation differs considerably (see e.g. Sub-clause 17.2 of IEC
Publication 56-4') and in others (e.g. single-pole operation) this requirement is not applicable.

2. - For a circuit-breaker having separate poles the requirement applies rvhen these operate in the same con-
dition; after a single-pole reclosing operation the conditions of operatlon for three mechanisms may not
be the same.

3. Auxiliary equipment

Auxiliary switchesand auxiliary circuits shall be capable of carrying a current of at least l0 A

continously. Permissible temperature rises shall be in accordance with Table IV of IEC Publi-
cation 56-2.

Auxiliary switches shall be capable of breaking the current of the circuits to be controlled,
particulars of which should be specifiedto the manufacturer.
- 9 -

In the absenceof such a specification,they shall be capable of breaking at least 2 A at 220 Y d.c.
with a circuit time-constant not less than 20 ms.

The auxiliary switchesshall be positively driven (e.g. not by springs) in both directions.

Auxiliary switcheswhich are installed on the frame of circuit-breakersshall be suitably protected

against accidental arcing from the main circuit.

The insulating materials of auxiliary switchesand terminals of auxiliary circuits which are to be
used under outdoor conditions shall be ceramics or other non-tracking and non-hygroscopic
m at er ials .

4. General requirementsfor operation

A circuit-breaker including its operating devices shall be capable of completing its rated oper-
ating sequence(Clause ll of IEC Publication 56-2) satisfactorilyin accordancewith the relevant
provisions of Clauses 5 to 9.

This requirement does not apply to auxiliary manual operating devices; where provided, these
shall be used only for maintenanceand for emergencyoperation on a dead circuit.

5. Dependentpower closing

A circuit-breaker arranged for dependent power closing with external energy supply shall be
capable of making its rated short-circuit making current-and opening immediately following
this closing operation-when the voltage or the pressureof the power supply of the closing device
is at the lower of the limits specifiedunder a) or b). (The term " closing device" here embraces
intermediate control relays and contactors where provided.) At the upper limit it shall be capable
of closing on no-load without suffering undue mechanical deterioration. If a maximum make time
is stated by the manufacturer this shall not be exceeded.

a) Electrical supply

The specifiedlimits of the supply voltage are 85 /, and ll0% of the rated supply voltage of the
closing device (Clause 17 of IEC Publication 56-2), except that the upper limit for a closing
solenoidis 105%.the frequency.in the caseof a.c.,being the rated supplyfrequencyof the closing
dev ic e( C l a u s e1 9 o f IE C Pu b l i c a ti on56 -2).

Note. - For electric n-lotors the lirnits do not imply the use of non-standard motors, but only the selection of a
motor which, at these values, provides the necessaryeffort; and the rated voltage of the motor need not
coinciCe with the rated supply voltage of the closing device.

b) Pneumatic or hydraulic supply

The specifiedlimits of the supply pressure are 85 /" and 105% of the rated pressure of com-
pressedgas supply for operation (Clause 20 of IEC Publication 56-2).
- ll -

6. Stored energy closing

6 . 1 General
A circuit-breaker arranged for stored energy closing shall be capable of making its rated short-
circuit making current-and opening immediately following this closing operation-when the energy
store is suitably charged in accordancewith Sub-clauses6.2 or 6.3. The circuit-breaker shall also,
in the same condition, be capable of closing on no-load without sufferingundue mechanicaldeterio-
ration. If a maximum make time is stated by the manufacturer this shall not be exceeded.

6 . 2 Energy storage in air receiversor hydraulic accumulators

When the energy store is an air receiver or hydraulic accumulator, the requirements of Sub-
clause6.1 apply at operating pressuresbetweenthe limits specifiedunder a) and b) .

a) External pneumatic or hydraulic suppll,

The specifiedlimits of the operatingpressureare 85\ and 105% of the rated pressureof com-
pressedgas supply for operation (clause 20 of IEC Publication 56-2).
These percentagesdo not apply where air receiversalso store compressedgas for interruption

b) Compressor or pump integral with circuit-breaker

The limits of operating pressureshall be stated by the manufacturer.

6 . 3 Energy storage in springs (or w,eights)

When the energystore is a spring (or weight), the requirementsof Sub-clause6.I apply when the
spring is charged (or the weight lifted). It shall not be possiblefor the moving contactsto move from
the open position unlessthe charge is sufficientfor satisfactorycompletion of the operation.

6 . 4 Manual charging
If a spring (or weight) is charged by hand, the direction of motion of the handle shall be marked
unlessit is evident. A deviceindicating when the spring (or weight) is charged shall be mounted on
the circuit-breakerexcept in the case of an independentmanual operation (Sub-clause5.7 of IEC
P ublic at ion5 6 -l ).

6 . 5 Motor clrurging
Motors, and their electrically operated ancillary equipment, for charging a spring (or weight) or
for driving a compressor or pump, shall operate satisfactorily at all supply voltages between 85
a n d 1 1 0 / . o f t h e r a t e d s u p p l y v o l t a g e o ft h e c l o s i n g d e v i c e ( C l a u s1e7 o f l E C p u b l i c a t i o n 5 6 - 2 ) , t h e
frequency, in the case of a.c., being the rated supply frequency of the closing device (Clause 19 of
I E C P ublica ti o n5 6 -D .

Note. - For electric motors the limits do not in-rply the use of non-standard motors, but only the selection of a motor
which at these values provides the necessary effort, and the rated voltage of the motor need not coincide
with the rated supply voltage of the closing device.
- 1 3-

7. Operation of releases

7 . 1 Shunt closing release

A shunt closing releaseshall operatecorrectly at all supply voltagesbetween85\ and ll0% of the
rated supplyvoltageof the closingdevice(Clause17 of IECPublication 56-2),the frequency,in the
caseof a.c.,being the rated supply frequencyof the closingdevice(Clause19 of I E C Publication 56-2).

7.2 Shunt opening release

A shunt opening release shall operate correctly under all operating conditions of the circuit-
breakerup to its rated short-circuitbreakingcurrent, and at all supply voltagesbetweenT0linthe
caseof d.c.-or 85\ in the caseof a.c.-and I l0 % of the rated supply voltage of the opening device
(Clause 17 of IEC Publication 56-2), the frequency,in the case of a.c., being the rated supply
frequencyof the opening device(Clause19 of IEC Publication 56-2).

n a
t . J Capacitor operation of shunt releases

When, for stored energy operation of a shunt release,a rectifier-capacitorcombination is provided

as an integral part of the circuit-breaker,the charge of the capacitorsto be derived from the voltage
of the main circuit, the capacitors shall retain a charge sufficient for satisfactory operation of the
release5 s after the voltage supply has been disconnectedfrom the terminals of the combination
and replaced by a short-circuiting link. The voltage of the main circuit before disconnectionshall
be taken as the lowest system voltage associatedwith the rated voltage of the circuit-breaker (see
IEC Publication 38: IEC Standard Voltages, for the relation between " highest voltage for
equipment " and system voltages).

7 . 4 Over-current release

7.4.1 Operating curuent

An over-current releaseshall be marked with its rated current and a scale of current settinss.

For each setting, the over-current releaseshall operate at currents exceedingIl0% of the current
correspondingto the setting, and shall not operate at currents lessthan 90 % of this current.

7.4.2 Operating time

For an inverse time delay over-current release,the operating time shall be measirred from the
instant at which the over-current is establisheduntil the instant at which the releaseactuates the
tri pping mechanism of the circuit-breaker.
The manufacturer shall provide tables or curves, each with the applicable tolerances,showing the
operating time as a function of current, between twice and six times the operating current. These
tables or curves shall be provided for the extremecurrent settingstogether with the extreme settings
of time delay.

7.4.3 Resettingcurrent

If the current in the main circuit falls below a certain value, before the time delay of the over-
current releasehas expired, the releaseshall not complete its operation and shall reset to its initial
The relevant information shall be given by the manufacturer.
- 1 5 -

7.5 Under-voltage release

An under-voltage releaseshall operate to open the circuit-breaker when the voltage at the terminals
of the releasefalls below 35 % of its rated voltage, even if the fall is slow and gradual. On the other
hand, it shall not operate to open the circuit-breaker when the voltage at its terminals exceeds70%
of its rated voltage.

When the circuit-breaker is in the open position, its closing shall be possible at voltages at the ter-
minals of the releaseequal to or higher than 85 % of its rated voltage. Its closing shall be impossible
when the voltage at the terminals of the releaseis lower than 35 % of its rated voltage.

8. Operation of air blast circuit-breakers

The manufacturer shall state the rated pressure of compressed air supply for interruption, the
maximum air pressure,and the minimum air pressuresat which the circuit-breaker is capable of the

a) breaking its rated short-circuit breaking current, i.e. an " O" operation;

b) making its rated short-circuit making current immediately followed by breaking its rated short-
circuit breaking current, i.e. a 'o CO " operating cycle;

c) for circuit-breakers intended for rapid auto-reclosing: breaking its rated short-circuit breaking
current followed, after time interval t of the rated operating sequence(Clause 11 of IEC Publi-
cation 56-2), by making its rated short-circuit making current immediately followed by again
breaking its rated short-circuit breaking current. i.e. an " O-I-CO " operating sequence.

The circuit-breaker shall be provided with air receivers of sufficient capacity for satisfactory
performance of the appropriate operations at the corresponding minimum air pressuresstated.

Furthermore, for circuit-breakers having individual compressors, the output of the compressor
and the capacity of the receivers shall be suffi.cientto provide for the performance of the rated
operating sequence(Clause 1l of IEC Publication 56-2) at aII currents up to the rated short-circuit
making and breaking currents of the circuit-breaker. The pressure at the commencement of the
operating sequenceshall be the appropriate minimum air pressure stated by the manufacturer in
accordance with the above requirements.

9. Low and high pressure interlocking deyices

Where low pressureor high pressureinterlocking devicesare provided, they shall be such that they
can be set to operate at, or within, the appropriate limits of pressure stated by the manufacturer in
accordancewith Sub-clause6.2 and Clause 8.

10. Vent outlets

a) Vent outlets of circuit-breakers shall be so situated that a discharge of oil or gas or both will not
causeelectrical breakdown and is directed away from any place where any personnel may be in the
course of their ordinarv duties.

b) The construction shall be such that gas cannot collect at any point where ignition can be caused,
during or after operation, by sparks arising from normal working of the circuit-breaker or its
ancillary equipment.

I 1. Rating plates

A circuit-breaker and its operating devicesshall be provided with a rating plate or platesmarked
with the followins data:

11.1 Data to be givenfor all circuit-breakers

a) Manufacturer's name or trademark by which he may be readily identified.

b) Serial number or type designationmaking it possibleto get all the relevant information from the
c) Rated voltage.
d) Rated insulation level.
e) Rated frequency.
f) Rated normal current.
g) Rated short-circuit breaking current.
h) Mass, for oil circuit-breakersincluding oil.

ll.2 Dqta to be givenfor certain circuit-breakers

a) First-pole-to-clear factor, for rated voltages exceeding100 kV, if different from 1.3 (see Table
V B of IEC Publication 56-2).
b) Rated duration of short-circuit, if different from one second.
c) Rated supply voltage of closing and opening devices,where applicable.
d) Rated supply frequency of closing and opening devices,where applicable.
e) Rated pressure of compressed gas supply for operation and interruption, where applicable.

-f) Rated out-of-phase breaking current, where assigned.

g) Rated supply voltage of auxiliary circuits, where applicable.
b) Rated supply frequency of auxiliary circuits, where applicable.

Coils of operating devicesshall have a referencemark permitting the complete data to be obtained
from the manufacturer.

Releasesshall bear the appropriate data.

In addition, it is desirable that the year of manufacture of the circuit-breaker is recognisable.

The rating plate shall be visible in the position of normal serviceand installation. For outdoor
circuit-breakersthe rating plate shall be weather-proof and corrosion-proof.
C t l M M I S S I Et lTNT c T R t l T E rc0HuNrI N T E R N A T t 0 N A L E
d l'0rganisation
lnternationale - lS0)
N ( I R MD
E Et A c E l

I N T E R N A T I ( l NEALLE G T R ( l T E C H N ICC( A
l MT M I S S I t l N
to theInternational
0rganization - 180)
I EC S T A N l l A R I l

Modification Amendment
S e p t e m b r e1 9 7 5 S e p t e m b e r1 9 7 5
dla to


i courant
i haute
Troisiime etconslruction

Part3: Design

Les modificationscontenuesdans le prdsentdocument ont The amendments contained in this document have been
6t6 approuvdessuivant la Rdgle des Six Mois. approved under the Six Months' Rule.

Les projets de modifications furent discut6spar le Sous- The draft amendments were discussed by Sub-Committee
Comit6 17A du Comit6 d'Etudes no 17 et furent diffus6sen 17A of Technical Committee No. 17 and were circulated for
marc 1974,pour approbationsuivantla Regledes Six Mois. approval under the Six Months' Rule in March 1974.

pu8tr pEtYELlolrr tttAt*tl lftlsTnftl[

l\o. Agendr

Tln36d APRlgT?

dereproduction - Copyright
r6serv6s - allrights

Central Electrotechnique
dela Commission lnternationale

Flix, 4.-
- 2 -


I l. Plaquessignal6tiques

ll.l Indications d donnerpour lous les disjoncteurs

RemplacerIe point d) par le suivant:
d) La tensionde tenuenominaleaux chocsde foudre.

11.2 Indicqtions d donnerpour certainsdisjonctews

Ajouter le pointj) suivant:
j) La tensionde tenue nominale aux chocsde manceuvrepour les tensionsnominales€galesou sup6rieuresd


I l. Rating plates

11.1 Data to be givenfor all circuit-breakers

Replace item d) by the following:

d) Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage.

ll.2 Data to be given for certain circuit-breakdrs

Add thefollowing item.i) :

j) Rated switching impulse withstand voltage, for rated voltages 300 kV and above.

by Atar S.A., Gendve

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