Pelvic Pain With Sitting: Diagnostic Algorithm: A. Lee Dellon, MD, PHD, Johns Hopkins University
Pelvic Pain With Sitting: Diagnostic Algorithm: A. Lee Dellon, MD, PHD, Johns Hopkins University
Pelvic Pain With Sitting: Diagnostic Algorithm: A. Lee Dellon, MD, PHD, Johns Hopkins University
A. Lee Dellon, MD, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Department of Plastic Surgery
PFCN through its inferior cluneal (IC)
Painful sitting is a common nerve and distal branches innervates the
complaint of both male and lower buttocks and posterior thigh skin,
female patients with pelvic pain. the regions in which the pain of sitting is
The most common peripheral perceived. PN, sciatic nerve (SN),
nerve implicated in this problem is obturator nerve (ON), ilioinguinal (II),
the pudendal nerve (PN). The iliohypogastric (IH) and genitofemoral
“classic history”: pain is not (GF) nerves cannot transmit information
present when sitting on a toilet about sitting that is interpreted as pain.
seat. The posterior femoral (A) PFCN nerve innervates the region
cutaneous nerve (PFCN) that about the ischial tuberosity.(B ) Injury to
innervates the ischial tuberosity the anterior pelvic region can injure the II,
and lower buttock (inferior cluneal IH, GF, and ON, and cause the patient to
nerve), and, with its perineal sit leaning backwards, causing secondary
branch, overlaps the pudendal pain with sitting (C), interpreted as
nerve, giving rise to the “sciatica”, and can also cause compression
probability of diagnostic confusion of the PCFN, which, through its perineal
(A). B branch, can result then in secondary pain
in the perineum and labia/vestibule,
METHODS: Tuber. simulating PN compression symptoms.
Treatment must be directed primarily to
Anatomic pathways related to resection/decompression of the anterior
the nerves surrounding the pelvis A nerves.
were reviewed. Clinical experience (D )PN compression causes symptoms in
with more than 50 pelvic pain distribution of its branches; anus,
SITTING POSITION perineum, labia/scrotum, vestibule,
patients who complain of painful E WITH GROIN PAIN
sitting are reviewed. A model of vagina, clitoris/penis, but not true pain in
chronic nerve compression for the D C the ischial tuberosity region, because the
pelvis, based upon carpal tunnel PN does not innervate this region.
syndrome, is constructed, in which
it is realized that the median nerve
crosses the wrist, but yet PFC nerve is the most common
compression of median nerve cause of pain with sitting. PFC is usually
results in numbness in fingers, but injured in sports (hamstring tear) or as a
does not result in wrist joint (bone) SITTING LOW complication of previous PN or SN surgery.
WITH PRESSURE BACK PAIN Nerve blocks are best way to distinguish
pain because the median nerve
ON PUDENDAL etiology of pain with sitting.
does not innervate the wrist joint. NERVE
Dellon, AL, Pain with sitting related to injury of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve, Microsurgery, 35:463‐468, 2015.